Universal Wait

Story by BlackDwaggie on SoFurry

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Universal Wait


Adult Dragon Sexual Activity Between 2 Male Dragons (Feral)

  • Father - Son Incest (Bond Building)

  • Foreplay; Oral Sex

  • Mating

Introduction and Author's Notes

I was going to steer clear of the Incest concept since I have written about it so many times before, but it seduces me every single time, I can think of different scenarios and bond themes but I find that Father and Son holds such depth and deep meaning, as well as the fact that its so tantalizing because of it's taboo, also for reasons Dragons close to me will know, I find it extremely hard to drift from the whole thing... I can never drift from it! A memory is a memory. It elates my soul too.

I'm hoping that submitting this to the community will get a fairly open minded response. But if you want to enjoy it but don't like the concept, then I'm afraid you're going to have to give this a miss. There is no way you can avoid what is actually going on, I just hope it's taken as a story rather than just a bit of dirty writing (Which, admittedly is also is *winks* ) but I also hope you can see the deep meaning... It's a tale so so close to my heart.

Anyway please enjoy!

I also would just like to thank my wonderful mate Shanny for being my proof-reader as well as a great support through my constant blabbing about this story. Also more thanks to him because when I first announced the story to him, and he read it. He spoke a few words which made me totally go for a deeper meaning than I initially intended. Sine for reading through and spotting some well needed corrections! Syntax for rebirthing my desire to carry on with this project through very inspiring words. Thank you guys so much.

Oh! I also dedicate this to Shadrakahn, My dragon father. Who, truth be told was pure inspiration, and is a wonderful dragon. I had him in mind through this entire project. (Thanks to him too for looking through it and his kind words)

Slipping into the memory. Gazing into misery past. Looking into the eyes and mind of what has made today...

In the slightly crowded nest with his family. He saw his mother and father snuggling together just as night began to draw closer and closer, he himself was on the outskirts bundled with his brothers and sisters. Seven Other siblings in fact. The night air was luckily cool enough for them to receive warmth from each other. The sky was still and only a tiny hint of a breeze was coming and going through there protected nest. But that night he was having slight trouble sleeping. Just as he felt himself drift into the no-go back zone of entropy he was awoken by something rustling and the sound of movement. He slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head as all he could see at that moment was the darkness around him and silhouettes of the trees circling the nest, but as his eyes began to adjust to the night he could see the figures of small dragons standing and moving around. He kept silent as he watched this, he had no idea what was going on. But as he watched more closely he could see that in fact it was his siblings congregating near a large dragon standing near the open passage of there nesting area, he stood up suddenly alerted of the dragon.

He stood rigid and couldn't move as terror overcame him, he was calling to his mind, trying to mew to awake his parents but couldn't do a thing, his body was not allowing him to run or fight.

Eventually he began to slowly back up to where his parents were sleeping, feeling a little hope as he crept closer. But as he slowly turned to alert one of his parents he could see only one was lying there, in a very deep sleep. He became even more confused at this and gazed at the large dragon still lying there, hearing it murring and breathing loudly. He turned around and locked unto were his siblings were standing around and waiting to be able to see what was going on, it was like the heavens read his mind as slowly a brilliant orange light began to fill the darkness, thus almost instantly showing the gate-guarding dragon. It was his Mother.

He felt his worry and alert suddenly dissolve as he almost bounded towards the meeting of his brothers, sisters and mother. He got a bit of distance near them then gazed at his siblings, they were playing around and a few were watching him back, he slowly looked up to his mother and let out a slight mew. His mother tilted her head and mewed back almost worryingly, or maybe worryingly that he had caught her, he stayed locked in her vision. One of his sisters slowly padded up to him and nuzzled the side of his muzzle gently, he smiled and mewed in such confused emotion. He wanted to know why his siblings were all near the exit of there nest and why his mother was doing the same. His sister gently nibbled on his maw and then to his ear, then again just as gently she bit into his ear and tugged him. His craned head could do nothing but follow his sisters lead, he walked into the crowd of his siblings and nuzzled around whilst purring affectionately. Then nuzzled his mother and gazed up at her, she purred to him in response and slowly turned as she began to walk through the small gap from there nest.

He stood in the same place, his head tilted and front legs slightly parted. He mewed too the line of dragons walking through the passage, his mother stopped and craned her head around, making an almost irritated noise towards him, his siblings made various sounds to him too. He cocked his head to the other side, then he turned his head and looked at the large sleeping dragon, being his father. He mewed in his direction and purred then locked back into the crowd of dragons. The same sister walked from the crowd and bit on his ear once again, she began to tug him again, he mewed and stood firm with the congress of dragons over-looking him. His sister let go and tilted her head at him, looking upset. He didn't have a clue why, he had no idea what was going on. He nuzzled his sister gently and smiled, she kept her upset-begging expression as he smiled, turning his own smile into a sad thought.

The mother mewed at the sister, then grunted slightly. His sister turned to look at the mother and mewed in shaky response, she looked back at the dragon stood in the same position. He had his head slightly cocked still, to show his beginning to get frustrating confusion. She nuzzled him on the cheek and kissed his cheek gently, before nuzzling up his neck. He watched her as she slowly walked to the group of young-dragons. His mother looked at him and mewed, opening her wings slightly before she turned and began to walk in the opposite direction. All his siblings copied the same thing his mother did, he stood and mewed as he was beginning to get upset. The last dragon to walk from there nest was his sister, who was still obviously reluctant to move. But she did, and as she reached the entrance she turned and mewed to him, she smiled and raised her paw to a limp, she mewed once again and turned around. He watched his siblings now in the far distance (apart from his sister). He slowly walked to the exit and mewed loudly to his sister. She turned and smiled to him, he smiled back as they both mewed. She slowly turned around and began to walk into the tight cluster of trees from outside the nest, he watched as she began to run back into the drifting group of his siblings. He could feel millions of emotions take hold of him, Misery, Anger, Confusion, Loneliness. Too many for him to be able to know what he was feeling.

He watched as his dragon family began to disappear into the distance, he could hear them making various sounds as they slowly slipped from his view. He could feel sadness rushing over him, dominating the other emotions. He turned and looked at his father laying in the exact same spot, he craned his head as he looked up at the proud trees hugging around the nest, he turned his attention back to his father and murred quietly, he walked over to him, hearing the leaves crush. He looked around the nesting area as deep imprints of his family was all around, he could see his siblings many shapes from there sleeping. He felt so upset again, his eyes began to water, Why did this happen? But he just wanted to snuggle into his father and rest, his mind was swirling, he reached him and nuzzled into his side which his wing was slightly curled over almost instantly, his father lifted his head and turned it to the poking at his side. He saw the little dragon look up at him so innocently and naively, he looked scared. He moaned slightly in his delirious-sleepy state, he smiled to him and murred, he lifted his wing and watched as his baby snuggled into him. He smiled and lowered his head as he felt his son snug tightly against him. He murred quietly as he slowly drifted back off to sleep. He felt his fathers warm body take over his worried and confused state of mind, he just rested his head into his fathers side and drifted off to sleep, the watery underlining of his eyes running down his cheek and he closed his eyes to fall to sleep, A sleep he hoped would erase all that happened that night.

It never did.

...For the better

A hollow rumble echoes through a cluster of proud pines encircled by the conniving night they stand in a complete comatose state, creating a wall around a nest which gently receives the echo. Therein two dragons lie In a bed of the leaves the oaks around them have lost, complete with a tidy ring of grass around the perimeter of the nest. The silhouettes of the dragons don't stir at all as the invading echo quietly visits and then leaves the nesting area, just as the sound moves on, the night sky dotted with spatters of stars alights with a white blaze, illuminating the trees and the nesting ground they protect. From the white explosion the dragons shadowy figures are briefly exposed alerting one of the dragons lying there. The dragon slowly and cautiously looks directly forward, seeing only outlines of large trees standing before the nest, his eyes begin there fight to light the darkness, slowly moving his head to the right of him he sees exactly the same picture, the exact same grand oaks hugging together, he gently arches his head to the left until his action is disturbed by a familiar echo rising from the distance, he faces forward and awaits for the wave of sound to reach him in its intensity, surely it does but not being as intense as the dragon imagined, he waits for the echo to leave the safe surroundings then he quietly lets out a relieved, but scared mew. Now facing to the left of him, he focuses on his ears until he hears the rumble drift into the distance, he mews at the large figure beside him trying to wake it but acting in his own mind that he is just making sleeping sounds.

He murrs loudly trying again to gain attention of the dragon beside him, luckily for him though it works, the large dragon shuffles and sighs deeply, creating an adversary to the rumbling from the distance, the waking noise begins to stir more, creating a grinning moment from the creator, he awaits to be spotted.

He doesn't have to wait long however as the larger dragon looks up at the alerting dragon, he slowly begins to swish his tail as his mission is complete. The larger dragon tilts his head and gently rubs at the side of his head (As if to show he was already awake) then murrs deeply to the dragon next to him. The dragons lock in a staring competition in the facade of night, then they both simultaneously began to giggle, during the spontaneous giggling another flash illuminates the sky revealing the dragons in a split second, the larger dragons bright colours contradicted that of the colourless flash in the sky, the smaller dragons youthful colour slightly darker, not as easy to be able to see just from a split second beam of light.

Almost immediately the small dragon darts into the larger beast, gently bumping into his side since the large dragon had already lifted one of his huge wings in anticipation to cover the smaller dragon. A gentle rumble arose from the direction of the midnight explosion (Indicating that lucky for the smaller dragon the storms origin is very far away) the large daddy-dragon turns to his side gently as the small dragon hides under his wing, now he is facing his belly towards the petite dragon as he gently pulls the humble dragon to nestle against his belly and chest.

Just as the small dragon began to lean into his stomach he tucks his wings against him so he could press against the larger protector as much as possible, he hides his tail slowly against the large dragon above him as he shook lightly from a mixture of the fear he felt and the fact that the large dragon was very warm which sent his muscles into a more relaxed state. The grand dragon coils his arms around the smaller frightened dragon under him, feeling that the little sweetie was shacking a little, he mewed and murred under his wing to the little one covering him as much as possible creating some kind of little protective barrier for the dragon in there, the terrified dragon mewed quietly back and was closing his eyes fairly tightly as he again imagined an explosion of sound to accompany the flash, but to his surprise he just heard a little echo once again, but this one was even more sustained because of the huge wing around him creating a sound barrier as well as beginning to create its own heat for him. He sighed softly and pressed into the foundation of the barrier (Being the large dragons stomach) he instantly began to feel safe and content, he stretched out a little just so much that his hind legs snuck out of the bottom on the wings, but as he was moving them he felt them suddenly bump against something soft.

He heard a gasp from above him and felt the dragon protecting him shunt slightly he knew exactly what he had done but instead of feeling guilty he just began to giggle loudly inside the dome, he heard the large dragon shuffle slightly then he saw him stick his head into the protective dome and begin to giggle too; that washed over a calm feeling of relief to the small dragon since in his own mind, thought the large dragon wouldn't be too pleased about him accidentally kicking him in that area, after giggling the large dragon kisses the small dragon on the head, the protective dragon caught a glimpse of another flash in the distance he held the kiss as a distraction for the agitated dragon under him. The small dragon returns the kiss gently to the protective dragons lips, they both murred quietly to each other. The small dragon had an idea to counter the attack on the large dragons lower region, he gently moved his hind paw which initiated the attack and felt around the large dragons below area till he felt his paw press into the soft texture again, he slowly began to rub at the balloon type cushions gently feeling them slip and roll on his hind paw as he massaged them blindly. The large dragon (with his head still poking into the dome) softly murred and closed his eyes slowly. The small dragon nuzzled up at his protective dragon, carrying on his teasing.

He giggled and heard the large dragon giggle lightly, although the son has done things like this to his father before he felt the same hot rush of arousal begin to claim him, he began to become a little more vigorous in his rubbing, beginning to turn it from a simple apologetic gesture to something that would appease both of them, he knew exactly what he wanted as soon as the warmth of his father began enveloping him.

His father shudders lightly, then almost out of embarrassment he giggled a little, as he felt his son begin to become a little more adventurous he began to think to himself that perhaps his son wasn't actually scared of the storm, but maybe just used it as a cover so he could do this to him, he lightly snorted as he was deep in thought and then decided it doesn't matter what his son had done to snuggle into him, it would have happened anyway, it was just that on this night the atmosphere was very humid, so they were a little uncomfortable hugging as close as the trees around them. As he lapsed through vivid thought, he began to feel the powerful and somewhat intoxicating feeling of arousement rise through his being. The unforgiving adrenaline rush forcing a shudder and shiver per second, making him snap out of thought and slowly into a submissive rapture.

Back then, he remembers the morning...

He awoke slowly, entropy clutching to his body and willingness as he began to stir. The warmth to his side was no longer there, that alone was enough to get him to break free. Suddenly, he remembered. The night before; that dreaded memory of his family leaving in the confidential whisper of night. He once again didn't want to awake, not until all had turned into as it had been before. He knew though, he was awake now, but he refused to open his eyes, he was afraid to see what he dreamt last night might be real. He knew it was real.

As he whimpered quietly, he stopped for a moment to listen carefully as he heard the familiar bedding fall under the weight of a dragons foot. The sound of the lush golden spine in the leaves crack and twist. The sound came louder and louder, already being able to tell that this was a large dragon heading for him. Daddy.

He carefully opened his eyes, locking on directly to the sounds in front of him. There, stood before him was the mightiest of all dragons to him, his father. Directly into his eyes, he could see his fathers dismay. He didn't look confused though, just like he was dreading this day. Almost instantly his father stretched his neck to nose him. As so, he sat up in front of his daddy dragon, locking his eyes on him and only him, he couldn't bare to see the deserted nest only him and his father have now. He crashed into his father in a tight hug, the large dragon returning the ambition to his son. He leaned his head gently on the shoulder of the dragon, as he felt the same happen to his shoulder. He felt a warm tickle like liquid arrive on his shoulder, he closed his eyes and stroked over his fathers head, gently rubbing behind his ears. Never he thought he would be the one to one day cradle his own father in his arms, over the years and years he and his father have been together, this has never happened. Tilting his head slightly he began to kiss over his daddies neck, licking and gently suckling on his scaly coating, he could hear definitive sounds of approval, he kept his rubbing over his fathers head in a steady motion. Surprisingly the larger dragon had no problem leaning into his sons arms, his son was indeed a smaller dragon compared to him anyway, but at the end of the day, he wasn't that much more petite. He felt like he always has done, that if he ever needed his special little boy he would be there for him, and he was. Like he promised, the day he decided to stay with his daddy, was the day he kept that promise for eternity, the day they could break the universal wait.

I'm here for you.

A loud groan sounded from the large dragon suddenly, he could feel his son's large and loving licks over his balls. The feeling of them rolling and being played with as they were covered in dragonic saliva enticed him, he could feel that without shame, his sheath was bulging and opening up, teasingly sliding his large member to the protected dragon's maw. He quietly heard his son moan in the shell, when he popped his head back in there to check how he was doing (More like wanting to watch the action) he saw the dragon laying down near his sheath area, his large member throbbing in his paws. He grunted quietly as he watched his son grin widely.

Slowly his son rose, making his wings open up revealing the dark sky the humid air slightly colder against him than his little dragon, now exposed to the outside he could see that his son had defiantly forgotten about the storm, even though it was still going on. He shivered lightly as he felt his boys warm paws running over his throbbing meat, making the adrenaline inside him flux, causing his member to jump and drool his clear dragon pre, his son moved to him and let go of his member, he then gently pressed against him, as if to command him to sit up. Oh course the father obeyed his will, sitting so his dark member was pointing directly up, his large cock-tip bulging like his sheath, his over-aroused tip letting lose a tiny bead of pre, which slowly ran down his shaft causing a sticky trail, his balls hanging and drooping low resting against his tail. He looked up as he panted slowly, he saw his son grinning widely and obviously admiring his body, though it was still dark, there eyes had adjusted to the blanket. He blushed lightly and swung his body as a tease to his son. The dragons eyes were almost awe-shocked as he watched that huge member rock from side to side till it steadied almost instantly, he looked into his fathers eyes and giggled, his own arousement almost unbearable. He crept to his sitting daddy, murring, moaning and grinning widely, he stretched his neck and planted a gentle kiss to his lips, but as he was about to pull away his father caught his tongue with his own, forcing him back into a deeper kiss.

Two large flashes a signal for the anthem of the storm returned in full force, but it didn't phase the two dragons in a deep passionate kiss, high on arousal. The kiss was broken by the father, his eyes in a slow flicker as the bliss increased. He could see that that kiss alone had set his son's arousal into full swing, feeling his member rubbing up against his own. Just as they both had little time to pant, warn from there own arousal the smaller dragon lowered his head, meeting his daddies thick-tip at his maw. His father leaned back, closing his eyes with his head held high, he knew this was going to be wonderful, since his boys breathing on his member was already giving him pleasure. He gasped loudly as he felt his tip become hot and clammy, feeling that the escort to the feeling was a large tongue wrapping around his bulging tip, he could do nothing but break into shivers and moan lovingly.

The son arches his back as he felt something odd spitting against him, water, rain. It began slowly, but as the super cell circled them the storm became a little more apparent, the rain started to pour down in trenches almost, so quickly. This of course didn't disturb the dragons below. He grabbed a hold of the meat before him and took more and more of it into his maw and throat as he could, his tongue licking up the direct front of the shaft feeding of the pre-trail like candy. As his tongue explored around the oh-so familiar member he could feel when he was nearing the sheath, his daddies member seemed slightly thicker down there. He sucked on the dragonic cock like it was all he desired, taking it out from his maw to give a long lick from base to the running tip. He began giving special attention to the large buldging cocktip, his tongue powerfully pressing against its leather like feel, he took the members-tip only into his maw, coiling his tongue tightly around the pointy-round gland, the rain danced and ran down the shaft with his saliva too, mixing the pre with seeming more pre. He felt as he began to suckle again that the rain was warm against the member, he knew that every so often he had to run his tongue directly over his fathers leaking slit if he wanted to taste as much as possible.

Leaning back and gasping with pleasure all the father could think about was the intense concentration on the most sacred place on his body. As he ran over the pleasure, his member seemingly jumped and flexed into the warm maw it was hiding in, he could even feel his member spitting his slimy pre which is usually pleasure less. His large claws nailed into the ground every second, tearing through crushed leaves and drenched soil. His hind-claws twitched and curled with his toes, he began panting and arching his head so he could watch his son, he leans on one of his arms as he reaches to stroke over his sons head, he hears the deep murring from the dragon, he grins to himself and quickly moves his paw to his own tailbase, poking out a claw and gently pushing it into his tightness, his forceful panting making his son more and more generous, though he quickly stops fingering himself since it's making his climax begin to show its colours, it's too early. Using his now-free paw he grabs at his thick shaft, stroking down it gently feeling the warm saliva running over his paw, sliding over it and piling against his palm, he keeps a hold of his member at its thickest; the base. He closes his eyes tightly as rain begins to make itself more known now, he feels it sliding and completely wetting every single space. Feeling his son give a few laps over his throbbing shaft he lets out a moan, just as his son stops. He lowers his head to kiss his son.

His son gently receives the kiss, he purrs lovingly to the dragon he knows he been pleasing. He looks cutely up at his daddy; then almost instantly turning himself around, raising his tail and leaning against the padded floor. His low dangling balls swinging gently between his delicate legs, his member (which almost rivals his fathers) laying on the soft ground, a small string of pre-dragonic-seed connecting from his tip. His body writhing as he slowly groans and deeply breathes, the arousal being almost unbearable, he needs his father to chase it away, or in this case, fuck it away.

Still staying in his position, the father just ogles the current picture before him. He grins and as he moves to stand up, he growls deeply. His son wriggles his behind teasingly, not just teasingly more like forcefully. The bigger dragon grabs at his member as he watches, almost forgetting that he is meant to be mating, rather than pawing off. Before he gets into a good mating position, he begins to take a slow walk around his son, scrutinizing every single part of him, as he does this he feels his fatherly pride run through him. What a beautiful dragon he has created, not only his son, but also his lover and passionate mate for life. During the inspection, the rain begins to halt, almost as if the gods want to watch the mating play out. To witness the ultimate bond between two dragons, a scared bond of father and son.

Today. It's just me, and you. No... not just today. From this day forward.

He nosed the ground carefully, setting all the grass and leaves into a large pile, looking like a large pillow almost. He mewed and purred to himself in self satisfaction, feeling that this will make a perfect resting spot for his mate. He looked directly behind him, seeing the restless entrance of his outer lair. He still wasn't back. He smiled to himself and thought he wouldn't need to worry; though just encase he might need to take a peak outside. As he began walking in direction of the exit, he could see a large dragon walking around the rim, his dark colours flickering through the gaps of the trees. He grinned and backed up to his proud creation, waiting to show it off.

He huffed slightly, the walk to the watering hole seemed a little more strenuous than usual, probably because of the morning sex. Feeling a cloth of dead leaves and grass mixed with branches was a great sense of nostalgia as he neared the nest. His head hung low as he watches were he was walking carefully, he cares a lot for his paws. He was grinning even before he looked into the eyes of his love, he knew he was watching him anyway. But as he watched the dragon before him, he had a powerful siren calling to him, "Pounce, Pounce!" he could only listen of course. He crept close and closer, his paws following each other in sneaky succession, he began to grin wider and wider as he watched the dragon before him back up and get into a sitting position. He giggled quietly as he witnessed his loves expression of anticipation, when he came close enough he put his weight on his front paws, then launched at his target. A loud meep was heard breaking from the silence in the day, the environmental noises having no hold over its might.

They both lay still, the pouncing dragon laying silently over the victim, they were grinning and gazing into each others eyes. Then after a few moments, they both erupted into giggles and a volley of affectionate sounds. They kissed gently then decided to hold it for a few moments, breaking it softly as one of the dragons realizes something.

He glances to the side of him, sighing with relief as he sees the mound still exactly as he made it. The dragon over him shares his glance, he smiles happily and looks back into his eyes. They engage in a kiss once again, then the dragon underneath tilts his head in the direction of the pillow mound, knowing exactly what he was getting at, he stands up and lays down, resting his head on the collection, grinning in a satisfied way and opening his arms for his mate. His mate quickly cuddles up into his arms, resting his head on his chest, he presses against the rising chest and listens for the heartbeat, he hears it faintly, he smiles and closes his eyes.

How long has it been since then? He wonders. Five, six years? The day when he realized what he truly wanted, not realized, became awoken too. He has been with his father since birth, and he knows that since that destined day he will be with him always. That's what he wanted from the beginning. That's what his dragon daddy wanted from the beginning too. How dreams can come true.

He smiles up to the dragon he will spend eternity with, the dragon smiled to him too. The large dragon wraps his wings around his mate, holding him as close as possible to his body, resting his head on his sons he murrs quietly. He glances to the sky, its bright and happy blue covering the wonderful solar sea.

A single tear runs from each of their eyes.

This is how it should be, and this is how it will be. My love, my everything. We have each other now and forever. We will live for each moment, like it's out last together. We know though, there will never be a last moment, not with you. Never with you. That is eternity my love, that's it true meaning. My everything... I love you.

After his almost over bearing pad around his mate, he moves back into his initial position behind his son. He hears his dragon breathing very slowly and almost to a soft sigh. He knows this means his son is at peak arousal, the climax of the pre-mating. He smiles and lowers his head right to his sons tight orifice, he shivers as the sight of the dragons tailhole and his large balls between his legs, he pictures them bouncing as he mates him, his warm seed running from that tight entrance and ruling over his balls. He shudders and moans quietly as he begins getting lost in the over-arousing sight, then he decides that enough teasing is enough teasing.

Almost like an instinct he spreads his legs and lifts his tail higher for his father, possibly using this an opportunity to show himself off. He calms his breathing down as his arousal is so possessive, he has to constantly stop himself from shoving his rump at his daddies muzzle. He looks back at the dragon behind him, beginning to wonder what he is doing back there, as he curiously looks around he sees the dragons head rise from his rump, he giggles quietly to himself, then watches closely as he views the proper positioning.

Grabbing his member gently, the dragon daddy leans into his sons behind; his cock rubbing under shaft-wise over the tailhole, his cock connecting the soft but tight entrance. He closes his eyes and takes in the implication of the pleasure to come, huffing quietly. His great dragonic tip rubbing unwillingly in a teasing fashion, the sensitive gland stalling as it is pressed into the desirable ring. As anticipated by both of them, in chorus they moan in a loud, lustful release. As the large tip find its rightful place, the larger dragon can only grab a hold of his sons meaty thighs as a sensitive guide, he fights to keep his eyes open as he peaks down to watch his shaft make its slow but unforgettable journey into his sons depths. He sighs in soft bliss, now watching his sons reaction to his entrance.

Instantly he grabs at the calamity of leaves below him, the loud crush having a welcome overcast to his uncontrollable moaning, the penetration in his ring has no equal in emotion and pleasure. He feels the bulbous head spreading him, giving headway into the rest of the shaft he wouldn't trade for the world. He goes to crash down as the members beginning has welcomely made its full way into him, but before he hit the ground, his father's grip on his hips supported him enough. He swings his head around to his daddy, grinning with inconceivable lust, almost feeling a little predictable because of his dad's safe catch. He watches his dragon daddy smile to him, his muzzles expression of pure joy and pride. He mimics the dragons expression, feeling all the same inside of his heart... and now his behind.

Keeping a firm look on his sweethearts eyes, he gets a great plan to take revenge for the teasing his father gave to him earlier. Grinning wide-eyed he begins to press back against the large dragon cock, feeling it almost with no effort moving into him. He can't help but moan loudly, one of his hind legs randomly shivering, his already rock hard member stiffening and gripping to his stomach. Just as he lets about 5 inch's of the throbbing shaft more into his tailhole, he stops and groans, squeezes his tailhole as tight as possible around that monster, and begins to seemingly pump against it. Moving a couple of inch's deeper, then forcing it out.

With his head held high, the dragon daddy just stands and feels his lame maw drooling down the side of his muzzle, a quiet but absolutely approving moan and growl leaving his maw every second. He arches his head down with his teeth bared fully, his expression scrunched and at a complete loss to the pleasure. One of his paws leaves the clutch of his son to rub over his back and under his delicate wings, he gurgles with appetite to his son. Not wanting to lose his seed in his love so early on; he starts taking a dominant agenda once again with the help of his son, he drives his pounding member deep into him, feeling the warmth creeping up and over his meat, hugging it lovingly to his sons inner walls. He takes his time, being very careful and gentle, he knows his son can take his cock quite easily since it has been in him thousands of times; but he knows it's far more nostalgic and sensual to make the entrance as draw out as possible, being wary not to unload himself before the actual mating starts. (Not that his son would mind)

Now his chest and head lay against the dead leaves, his tongue laying on the leaves themselves, he would pull it in since the taste of leaves aren't what he might consider delicious, but he was far to busy concentrating on the delicious dragon trying to hilt him. He was at the stage in his arousal now when he wanted to have his daddies shaft fully inside of him. Then he wants him to mate him as fast and hard as possible, but before that thought he is touched at the consideration his father is presenting during the wonderfully paced entrance. His hind claws spreading to maximum with his front claws too, he feels the impending even thicker bit of his dad's cock, the lead to his hilting and till he feels his daddies sheath bump his rump. He stops and allows his dragon to hilt him.

His eyes struggling to stay open the same with his maw forcing him to moan and groan in its loud appreciation, the enviable hilting is equally as delicate as the entrance with his shaft's tip. His paw travels around his sons back, feeling his soft pattern around his pad, he also comes across the shuddering of pleasure from his dragon, he feels so loved just from that, knowing that he is pleasing his baby. As that thought ends, his son howls and almost loses his footing once again, but if he did he father wouldn't have been able to catch him, as his shaft rests in it's full position he is lost in the blissful pleasure. He knows nothing feels better than his throbbing cock and member-tip tightly nested inside of his son. His roaring showing that in none more than a perfect way.

Hearing his father roar he wriggles his behind in haste, he is too lost in the bliss, but as he increases the hilts forthcoming he listens for his daddies roar to begin to crackle and break into short bursts of all the same. Adding to the unbelievable pleasure was the fact and unmistakable feeling of the massive member erupting a large amount of precum. Out of recoil from the hilt, he takes a large breath, smelling and tasting the overcoming smell of his fathers and his own arousal. He lays and shivers lightly, a constant expression of unmatched joy on his maw.

He pants and pants in a sighing noise, getting ready instantly to begin mating into his son-mate but he waits for his sons usual signal, usually a glance of that speaks "Fuck me, daddy!" But as he waits he sends his second clinging paw down to his sons lower belly, then grabbing at the remarkably hard cock there. He moans like he is pawing himself of at the same time, feeling his sons cock flex in his paw, he runs his paw to the tip of the only slightly smaller member, he knows when he is there because he feels the string of connecting precum leaking from the cock to the ground, it was so thick and so hot, and there was a lot of it too.

Feeling his cock jump and spit his light pre as his father plays with his oversensitive and currently delicate cock, he unknowingly begins to hump against the rubbing, of course making his daddies cock pump in and out of him slightly, once again waving pleasure through them both, he feels the grip on his cock tighten as he began pumping, he knew what he was ready for now finally, in his heads current position he turns to his daddy, once again seeing his delighted expression. He sees his father slowly leave grip of his cock, putting his paws back into the tight gripping position on his hips, both of them. He doesn't grin to his dad, just simply smiles lovingly.

Watching the smile on his son makes the love and passion in his heart soar, his pride and admiration trying to take priority over the pleasure. But through all the feelings, love is the ultimate beast that holds him to such bliss. He knows what that signal also represents though, it's time to show his love as physically and powerfully as possible. He starts to remove himself from the hilt; very hastily forcing the pull, he wants his cock to once again be fully inside his son. The pleasure from the exit is so wonderful too, his tip running against the inners walls of the dragon under him, his precum lubricating around his depths, his tailhole in desperation to readjust to a normal state. He pulls his hips just so a few inch's and his tip remains in his son-mate, then moaning loudly he plunges his shaft in such grace straight back into the tailhole. He lasts the hilt a little while, then repeats the expertise of his thrusting, getting faster and faster only after a few plunges.

Rocking and shunting against the ground as his tailhole becomes lovingly ravaged by his father, he can do nothing but show his pleasure, by moaning and groaning as loud as possible, causing a triumph against the earlier storm.

He keeps the tight grip on the perfect thighs as he mates his son as best he knows, one of his paws slightly sliding down his son's hind thanks to the sticky dragonic pre coated over his pad. Hearing his son's sonic moans and groans creates a boost in his thrusting; he can hear the volume and power in his dragonic voice matching his own to a tee. He begins to speed up even more when he can feel the unwelcome build in pleasure in his being, he wonders if it is far too early to give his son his seed.

His insides begins to give of the familiar burning sensation, not a painful one; a very pleasurable worn from the cock inside of him. He carefully contributes to his fathers pleasure by bucking against the thrusting, timing it so perfectly and with his own submissive expertise. He gets a flash of question to how long they have been mating, it doesn't feel like very long, but out the corner of his eye he can see the dazzling blister of sunset grace their nest. He wishes him and his daddy could just mate all day and night, then he giggles in his own mind at the wish come true. Just then, he feels a million emotions again. But not a single one is harmful or saddening. Caught in thought he snaps back to the pleasure, rather the pleasure causes him to snap back since he is getting alarmingly close to climaxing.

As he fucks into his son at this pace he feels his member's friction heating up, his sheath now beginning to make it's home inside his sons tailhole. He decides to change pace for a while, he knows at any moment his cock will decide to give his son the ultimate gift, but drawing it out isn't a bad thing at all. Setting the pace to a more concentrated push and pull makes his building climax sustain at a light point holding on for longer, although the climax has been pulled off for a few moments, he knows it's not going to be enough to hold it much longer, he begins shuddering very slightly his climax making itself very known, he feels his internal balls contract as his warm seed is exported to his large shaft, ready to be let out.

Almost admirably he feels the larger dragon's shaft expand with preluding climaxation, but to feel it get to that stage and for nothing to happen requires a lot of talent. He feels that he does not have that kind of sexual talent inside of him, nor that he wants to have it, since his orgasm is already on him before he knows it. His toes curl, his head is held high and his shaft unleashes his sperm. His body becomes completely ridged as the overwhelming sensation of familiar orgasm strikes him with all its might. He clamps his eyes shut tightly and lets out a bewitching roar and howl of pure pleasure, his body spasms and convulses without his will, but with his will; it causes his fathers shaft to become tightly squeezed and caught in his depths.

With his teeth bared in a powerful bite, with his son, he begins to experience the wonderful and mind numbing sensation of his huge dragonic member letting go of his seed. Thanks to his mates randomly constricting tailhole, his member can only jump and spasm as he erupts his precious gift. He feels his plentiful dragonic cum coating and filling the insides of his loved one, his large crown expanding and almost tying them together. He hangs his head over his son, and roars with all his might in chorus.

Sunrise. Its awe inspiring cast red light, flooding over the land. Flooding into the nest. It reveals the two dragons. One; his large darkly coloured member tightly kept snug inside the second ones tailhole. A snail like trail of dragon seed slowly making its escape, but the warmth of the seed still being held inside of him. Only light panting and murring can be heard from the pair, sounds of unmatched pleasure and affection, and love. The daddy dragon holds his son tightly to his chest, his member automatically adjusting too the position, the son can only but lean against his love, to worn out to do anything else. Slowly the larger dragon shells his wings around his baby, holding him as close as can be, he feels the smaller dragon limp a bit, a signal that he has dropped off to sleep. He smiles and kisses the dragons neck, he lays his head over his son's and closes his eyes, joining him in his dreams.

* * *

She tilts her head and sniffs the air lightly. This is defiantly it, her instincts prey tell her. The sun high in the blazon sky, feeling wonderfully warm on her back. Her paws treading through the graveyard of wet, fallen leaves. Walking and only listing to her memories and intuition; she can feel inside that she is getting close. Very close, the powerful smell getting even more vivid. Her eyes dart across masses and masses of trees, she knows what she is looking for is this way, but recollecting the view for nostalgia's sake. A few hanging branches rub across her, their wet bark and fresh leaves leaving dew on her scales. She stops and shakes the water off, as she finishes her ears instantly prick up to a loud splashing noise, accompanied by the sound of low-tone growling and giggle like sounds. Instinct speaks again, this time instructing her to move toward the noise.

More and more splashing and europhic noises sound through the air and her ears. Getting louder and louder. She comes to a river, the water sparkling in accordance with the rays of the sun, she pears in and watches tiny rocks and fish dance and wane for a little while, then follows the stream up and toward the sounds. Her maw instantly alights with a gleeful smile, spotting the owners of the noises. Two Dragons. She watches with her heart in awe, as one of the dragons is nosed into the river after just getting out to dry off, she carries on watching with intense curiosity.

Meeping loudly, he shakes his head from the dunk underwater, he grins at the trying-to-be-innocent dragon almost proudly standing on the bank. He lays in the water and crawls along its rocky but safe undercarriage, his body floating toward the dragon. He reaches the bank and mews to the dragon, the large dragon slowly lowing his head to kiss him, but the second he sees the dragons maw come toward him, he springs from the water and pulls the helpless dragon into the blue liquid. His agenda complete, his watches his father's legs and front paws rise from the water, then he sees his father flip over and stand in the water, his maw plastered with a grin. He grins in return and crashes into his daddy with a hug, his father holds him and murrs quietly, slowly letting himself sink back into the water, his son tightly held in his arms. They hug there, returning affectionate sounds to each other.

As she watches this, she feels an amazing sensation of joy for them. She is so happy that the past hasn't taken a strange hold on their love, or their happiness. Not that she thought it would. She watches the dragons move into a very deep kiss, her maw frozen stiff with a smile. Since birth that dragon never left his father side, and since birth his father never left his side. It was written in destiny for those two to become eternal mates. She couldn't have wished for anything more for both of them, now watching them prolong the passionate kiss. Seeing them together makes tears stream from her eyes. She quietly giggles to herself and begins a slow walk toward them.

Well, he always was a daddy's boy.

-- The End.

~ (c) Behementh (Complete:- 29/5/08)