A Nice Day To Fry

Story by KayrinSF on SoFurry

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A young collie finds out what it takes to be a part of the Silver Spears as he undertakes the first day of training camp.

You may recognize Whitby if you've already read my Scuba Spears story; this is a prequel, obviously as that original story created a lot of interest in regards to The Silver Spears. I've had half a dozen people volunteer their characters to become part of the unit, so I figured "Hell, why not!" and wrote this.

This is an ongoing series using player characters in a mixture of simulated & live battles, often with high casualty rates and little mercy shown. I'm working on a new one as we speak, so if you enjoy this one, keep an eye out for more. :)

Anyway, Enjoy guys!

Whitby & Commander (c) Kayrin

Vanyel, Ket Lesh, Nox Virga, Marle, Con & Sanita Squirrel all (c) their respective owners

"Private Whitby!" The shout echoed in the early morning air.

"Here, sir!" The reply came back quieter, almost sheepish.

"Front and centre, soldier." The commander's voice grew agitated immediately, the lack of patience the large German shepherd had that day immediately betrayed by his tone. It was no surprise to the hundred or so recruits gathered in the bases' main field that private Whitby, a rather unremarkable looking collie, was quick to obey the larger male's order. He broke from the ranks, standing before the commander and snapping an unpracticed salute. Like the other recruits, Whitby wore only a simple pair of black lycra briefs; he had yet to earn the silver uniform of the Spears. The tight garment complimented the stripes of black fur which ran up the boy's sides, white fur a stark contrast that only seemed to accentuate the bulge at the front of those trunks.

"Red team" all the commander said as he shoved a thin piece of red paper into the canine's paws before gesturing towards a small congregation of furs nearby. "Hook up with your team and await further orders." Whitby complied with a nod, dropping his salute once he was certain it was expected of him and turning to trot towards the half-dozen furs who had already been assigned to the red team.

"Private Vanyel" shouted the commander behind him as the collie walked up to the assembled furs. He glanced back only to see a green-scaled dragon being handed a blue piece of paper before the canine looked to his team-mates.

"Mornin' guys" Whitby said cheerfully, the friendly pup eager to ingratiate himself with as many of his fellow recruits as he could. Before him stood a rather motley crew, the disdainful eyeroll he got from a particularly intimidating panther doing little to dissuade the cheerful collie's friendliness. "I'm--" he was cut off by a white furred female squirrel.

"Whitby. We heard." Her calculating gaze travelled the length of the boy's body, taking in his rather soft looking build and black-splotched ears. "Sanita" she added after seeming satisfied by what she saw, "welcome to the team, cutie." The panther, an older greymuzzle who looked to be in his sixties, had an impressive build for his age and a perpetual look of displeasure about him. He turned that look on Whitby as the boy seemed ready to say something to him, only to have Sanita interrupt once again. "That's Nox, he--"

"I can talk, squirrel." The panther scowled at Sanita before he turned his attention to the collie. "You look like you're, what, twelve?"

"Eighteen" Whitby corrected him.

"Whatever. Twelve, eighteen, you're talking semantics, kid. Point is, shut up, listen to what I say and we'll win this game. I don't need any dead weight slowing us down." The answer was blunt and Whitby had no doubt that the panther meant it. The collie simply nodded, remaining otherwise silent lest he upset the assertive feline. Sanita looked on in mild amusement which turned to pleased surprise as another recruit walked up to them; the tanktop the woman had been issued to match her own black briefs jostled with the weight of her chest as she snapped to attention.

"Well, well, what's this?" she coo'ed as she looked over the gryphon who had just joined them. The impressively sized male simply grinned at the squirrel, his wings giving a self-conscious flutter before tucking in tightly against his back. They had been distracted by the introductions with each other and had missed the male's name when it had been called by the commander.

"Con" the six foot tall avian answered, a sly grin slipped towards the group before he crossed his arms in front of his chest. The male's orange fur was short and well groomed, matched by the feathers that filled his wings. He was more muscled than the panther but that didn't stop the old feline from sizing the new boy up. Both Whitby and Sanita saw the look Nox shot the newcomer but both remained silent, Whitby allowing a slight smirk to cross his lips.

"Do we know what the game is?" The collie asked the question after deciding it'd be best to provide a topic of conversation before the panther tried his spiel with the gryphon; the boy had no doubt it wouldn't go as smoothly as it had with him. It seemed to work as the three furs in front of him all turned towards him.

"Basic battle simulation, I bet. I wouldn't let the commander hear you call it a game either, hon. They'll want to see what we can do in a combat situation. I heard they have a pretty high-tech training simulator in this camp; when my commanding officer asked if I wanted to try out for the Spears, I couldn't resist the chance to try it out!" It was Sanita who answered first and her answer drew a curt nod of agreement from Nox. "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us though" she added as she gestured towards the blue team who was gathering nearby. The commander was still placing recruits into one of the two teams, and as the crowds grew larger, so did the collie's nervousness. He had never been in a combat situation before, still as green as grass when it came to his training with the West Wind mercs. The idea of competing against the other recruits, even as part of a team, was enough to get the boy fidgeting on his feet.

"Sounds like fun" Con interceded, sparing Whitby the embarrassment of having to explain why he looked like he was ready to bolt. Sanita looked ready to add something when one of the few remaining unassigned recruits was sent to them.

"I know you" Nox stated bluntly, watching the otter who was walking up to them. The mustelid looked to be about Whitby's age, his frame sleeker and the swagger he carried himself with as provocative as it was artificial; even Whitby could see there was more to the harmless looking otter than the boy let on.

The otter simply grinned up at Nox, canting his head slightly. "Ket."

The panther continued, "You're the one that tried to grab my ass after lights out."

'Yeah" the otter answered, "You should have taken my offer, you wouldn't be as grumpy today if you had!" The boy giggled and for a moment Whitby was certain Ket was about to get an advanced course on dying in battle, but Nox simply remained where he stood and growled.

"You try any of that seduction bullshit with me again and you'll see just how... grumpy, I can get."

"Yessir!" The otter snapped a salute that dripped with blunt indifference towards the panther's anger.

Sanita stepped forward, finding a spot between the two with her hands raised. "Come on now, boys. Lets save it for the Blues, shall we?" Whitby couldn't help but steal a peek at the woman's ass, the tight lycra was curved seductively across it. Whitby's own briefs did little to hide the hard sheath that was already beginning to spill his cock out into them; he wasn't alone. A number of the males in the crowd were beginning to sport their own outlined cocktents, a few looking towards Sanita but the majority satisfied by the near-nude males all around.

"Listen up, recruits!" The commander's bellowing voice drew a surprised jerk from Whitby, the boy's attention snapping from the soft posterior of his teammate and moving to the tall German Shepherd that was waiting for his charges to comply. The sounds of chatter began to die as more recruits paused to listen to their new orders. "The day's simulation will begin in one hour. You are to report to the training facility and submit your orders-- the papers I gave you-- to one of the supervisors you find there. They'll do the rest; Follow their orders and get ready for a hell of an experience. The winning team will be provided with an alternative menu at mess tonight, do your best, do yourself proud, do the Spears proud!" The commander concluded with a shout that was returned by the recruits, even Whitby joining in, though he had to hold back the urge to laugh as he did so. "Move out!"

The training facility was a large white brick structure near the edge of the base. Its domed roof made the already impressive building seem more regal than the squat buildings which surrounded it. As Whitby approached, flanked by Sanita and Nox with Con and Ket bringing up the rear, he couldn't help but slow his pace so he could admire it. The doors hung open, the warm summer breeze swirling into the spacious lobby that greeted the recruits as they entered the building. The lobby was a sea of activity, recruits carrying either red or blue papers being separated by a series of silver-clad administrators.

"Guess we're going left" Ket said, passing the others as he broke into a quick trot. "Come on, lets get in there!" The otter glanced back as he called out to the others, gesturing with a paw as he joined a line of other red team members. Whitby wasn't about to let himself lag behind and along with the others he followed Ket. Processing was quick. Whitby handed a large tiger his orders and was promptly directed to a towering pair of oaken doors in the rear of the lobby. As amazed as Whitby had been with the exterior of the facility, he was simply awestruck by the sight that greeted him beyond those doors. The lobby gave way to a room that was better suited for a warehouse. Rows of fluorescent lights flickered from their alcoves in the bare stone ceiling, tiled flooring reflecting the light and creating an effect that made the otherwise bare room seem bright and inviting. The only furniture in the room were padded bucket seats, each outfitted with a ten inch monitor affixed to the rear of the headrest, and a visor-like headset that dangled from a thick fibre optic cable which vanished into one of the armrests. With almost a hundred of the seats spread out in neat rows throughout the room, Whitby could guess what they were.

"Those the simulators?" He asked.

"What do you think?" It was Nox that snapped at him but Whitby's attention had already drifted back to the seats. Boys in black trunks began spreading out depending on which entrance they had taken, the blues on one side and Whitby with his fellow reds on the other.

Con moved past Whitby with a gentle push on the smaller male's shoulder. "Come on, lets find a spot." The avian flashed the collie a grin that prompted Whitby to follow without complaint; if Nox was determined to be an asshole, the large gryphon would make an excellent buffer between the canine and the feline, even Nox seemed reluctant to take on the large gryphon head-on.

The next few minutes were a flurry, excited boys hurrying about to try and find a spot before instructor showed up and wondered why they weren't seated yet. Whitby found himself seated between Con and Sanita, the squirrel dropping a little wink as she slipped the headset over her head. The headset was topless, little more than an orange-tinted visor with a band that fit snugly around the collie's head as he placed it over his eyes. He could still see, though it gave everything an orange glow that made it difficult to pick out details. What would the simulation be like? What had he signed up for? These questions and more rushed through the boy's mind as he waited anxiously for the instructor to arrive, the hushed murmurs of eager recruits filling the empty air of the large room.

A rush of sudden cold raced up Whitby's spine, the boy caught off guard and letting out a short cry. It didn't hurt, but it was certainly unpleasant! The sensation flashed through the boy's mind and then, just as quickly as it had started, it was gone.

"Prepare for simulation commencement!" A voice boomed over hidden speakers placed throughout the area, no further instruction forthcoming as that chill left the collie's body. The same sensation filled the other recruits, a few squirming and one or two crying out as Whitby had. There was no time to ask either Con or Sanita what had just happened, the collie feeling his body beginning to weaken. His muscles seemed to relax but the boy's mind was still racing, fear gripping him for the briefest of seconds before even that faded to black...

When Whitby awoke he was no longer in the simulation room. Blue skies reigned over a dilapidated industrial yard. Warehouses lined a main road that led through the area, a few scattered trees offering the only colour besides the rust that had begun to reclaim the structures. At the centre of the area stood a large tower, rusted metal creating an eyesore that just begged to be further explored. Steel girders created a skeletal mesh that kept the structure, which looked to be a foundry of some sort, standing. The boy's clothing had changed as well. Rather than the simple black trunks he had been wearing before, he now wore a pair of slightly looser red briefs. His chest was still bare, though his knees bore a pair of matching red kneepads and below them a pair of simple sneakers. A black holster strapped to his thigh contained a small pistol that the collie promptly pulled free. The ammo magazine was welded to the gun and there was no way to reload it that the boy could see. Curiosity piqued, he lifted the weapon and fired at a barrel that lay on its side beside the path the boy stood upon. A red beam blasted from the muzzle of the pistol. A muted sound, which reminded the collie of a mosquito hitting his bug zapper back home, echoed in the empty area.

"Hold your fire, you idiot" snarled a voice from a nearby niche in the broken down walls which surrounded the industrial park. Nox's head poked out from the darkness, a paw lifting to beckon the collie over. "You're going to let everyone know exactly where you are, so stow that shit and follow me before a squad of Blues come to find who fired that shot." The collie was surprised to see the feline, but his reaction was nevertheless quick and within seconds he was squeezed in beside the panther.

"Where're the others?" Whitby asked.

"Scattered. We have to meet up, I guess they want to see how we react." The panther's words were hushed, his ears perked and his attention seemingly pointed in every direction at once. The older male wore the same outfit as the collie, the panther's weapon up and his cock half-tented in those red briefs. "I saw some Blues heading for the structure in the middle and I'm willing to bet everyone else is heading for it as well." He stopped to look at the collie, Whitby distracted and only half-listening. "Move it, kid" Nox concluded, shoving Whitby out of the safety of the alcove before following himself.

The trip towards the central building was slow, Nox insisting they take every precaution lest they get eliminated before reaching the battle itself. They were close when they found their first enemy contacts, a pair of huskies, twins by the look of them. They were standing on a catwalk that overlooked the floor of a warehouse the panther and collie had decided to sneak through. Beneath the catwalk lay something the collie couldn't explain at first glance. A pair of red briefs lay crumpled on the floor, the scent of cum hard to miss in the stale air of the structure. Around it, however, a fine layer of coarse powder seemed to have been scattered, the powder distinctly different than the much finer and lighter dust that coated the boxes and crates which filled the warehouse.

Nox didn't speak, just gesturing for Whitby to stay down. He pointed to the collie then the husky on the left, indicating the target the boy should aim at. Neither of the canines had seen the two Reds below and Whitby had plenty of time to line up his shot. The safety of the crate he was crouched behind afforded the boy a sense of calm as he aimed. He didn't fire, however, until Nox had lined up his shot as well. It was that bug-zapper noise which prompted the collie to fire. Nox's shot struck true and a second later the collie's did as well.

The husky Nox had targeted let out a short cry of surprise, a paw moving to clutch his belly as the red beam vanished into it. The look in his eyes said it all, and what they missed, the sudden rock hard shaft in the husky's blue briefs filled in. The other husky could only glance over at his suddenly writhing brother before he too felt a piercing warmth strike him, his cock getting struck dead-on by the collie's shot. The two brothers were helpless as they cried out their final seconds of life in the game. It was the one Whitby had blasted who came first, the front of his tented briefs darkening with the sudden gush of cum which filled them, the boy's body stiffening as he fell to his knees. Much to Whitby's amazement however, the boy didn't simply collapse; the husky's body seemed to crumble in on itself, the boy's cries taking on a digitized quality as the canine crumpled into a fine layer of ash splashed across the walkway. Only his briefs were left, the cum in them still warm as they fell to the ground with a splat. The other boy only lasted half a second longer, just long enough to see his brother's elimination before he too was spraying the inside of his briefs with his musky seed. His hips arched forward as his arms splayed backwards and, just like the other husky, he crumpled into a scattered pile of ash with a digital cry of pleasure.

The sight of those huskies collapsing was emblazoned in the collie's mind as he followed Nox out of the warehouse. The distant sound of laser fire filled the boy's ears, dislodging the thoughts which raced through his mind, but not the stiff cock trapped in his red briefs.

"Did you see that?" The boy spoke quickly and quietly.

"Of course I saw it, kid. Now shut up, we're getting close."

The air was filled with the frantic orders of blues and reds as they fought amidst the towering steel girders which formed the frame of the foundry. Occasionally Whitby could see the flash of a laser in the distance, and it was hard to miss the cum-stained briefs that lay like waymarkers amidst the stunted grass and gravel which spread out around the two males' feet. There were as many reds as there were blue and Whitby couldn't help but wonder if they were winning.

"Hey! Get y'er ass down, you idiot!" It was Nox's voice that shook the collie from his silent musings, a paw grabbing his shoulder even as the canine barked out in surprise. A laser sizzled through the air where Whitby had just been standing and as he sat on his ass, staring up at the rust-scented air where he had stood.

"Shit" A familiar voice cried out from nearby. "Sorry!" It was an odd thing for an opponent to apologize for trying to fry you, and even Nox had to risk peeking out from behind the slab of fractured concrete they had taken cover behind.

"Gryphon, that had better not be you!" Nox cried, a low growl rumbling in the back of this throat.

"My name's Con, not gryphon, panther!" The reply did nothing for the panther's mood but necessity demanded he keep his temper in check; Whitby wasn't convinced by the stony faced feline, he could see that the only thing keeping Con from an early exit was Nox's insistence on winning. The boy hardly had time to think of a response to his own near death before both Con and Sanita were scrambling into the safety afforded by Nox and Whitby's cover; he was glad to see both of them were still in one piece.

"This is nuts" Sanita muttered as she settled into a crouch, her gun half-raised. "Everyone is here. Every- Single- Recruit, nowhere's safe. What kind of training is this?" Despite the woman's apparent issue , Whitby couldn't help but notice the soft grin hiding at the corner of the squirrel's lips. Sanita's own uniform, breasts barely covered by a thin strip of red fabric and briefs slightly lower cut than the males, was splashed with dirt and a few streaks of the coarse powder that vanquished recruits were reduced to.

"Is that supposed to be a joke?" Whitby found the words tumbling from his mouth before he could stop himself.

"What?" Sanita's attention was focused on whatever lay beyond their cover, her head peeking up slightly before she looked back to the young collie.

"Nuts? You're a..." Whitby found himself trailing off as his brain finally caught up with his mouth, realizing how stupid he sounded given their situation. "Squirrel?" He ended tentatively, as if testing the waters with his answer before committing to it. Nox was, thankfully, busy firing at an otter who was running to his own cover and didn't hear anything the collie had said; Sanita simply smirked.

"You're adorable, hun. Now focus." She gestured towards Nox and Con, both of them focusing on the otter who, seconds after finding the cover of an overturned wheelcart, poked his head out only to meet one of Nox's shots. The boy let out a shriek of surprise, his paws clutching at the temple which had been struck as he flopped to the ground. Whitby could see him writhing in the dirt, his lowerbody obscured by the cart but his chest, head and arms bare to the collie's eyes. He could see the precise moment that the otter came, the look of pleasure which flooded the doomed boy's features and the canine could imagine the thick scent of the dying otter's cum as it filled his briefs; the otter was gone before Whitby could blink however, muzzle still open as he dispersed into a fine layer of powder amidst the dirt.

The otter hadn't been alone. As Whitby pushed himself in between Con and Sanita, finally beginning to fire some shots of his own, a group of blues who had been following the otter began to return fire. They were in a better position than Whitby and his friends, spreading out along a raised catwalk that provided a wide angle down onto the pock-marked grounds of the foundry. The concrete slab would protect the Reds for a time, but even Whitby knew they would have to move soon or risk getting picked off one by one.

"Come on, we need to move" shouted Con as a laser zipped by one of his orange tufted ears, the gryphon ducking instinctively before firing several shots of his own. Nox simply nodded and turned to Sanita, talking over Whitby's head.

"The gryphon will go first, you follow, I'll bring up the rear with the boy. Try to find some cover that'll let us get a better angle on those bastards." He paused for a second to fire a shot which sent a scrambling foxboy in blue briefs shrieking into the dust. The fox had been trying to flank the four Reds but after a few seconds of writhing and upthrust hips he was simply another pair of cum-stained blue briefs in the dirt. "And don't get hit" Nox finished, amazingly unphased by the impressive shot he'd made.

The shots still rained from above when Con made his move, waiting for the shooters above to shift their focus from his own huddled frame before he bolted from cover. The gryphon's shots were unaimed and wild as he tried to suppress the Blues on the catwalk above, and for a few seconds it seemed to work. Sanita was preparing to move herself when a shot erupted from the roof of a tin-paneled shack nearby. The shack was nearly a hundred yards away and the shot was spot-on; Con didn't stand a chance!

"Sniper!" The cry erupted from Sanita even as a far different kind of cry escaped Con.

The large male stumbled in mid-step as the beam blasted into his bare belly, the gryphon's body rocking backwards as his gun flew from his hand. "Urwwaaaaa!" The gryphon's death-cry echoed in the dust-tinted air of the battlefield even as he fell to his back. Sanita could only watch helplessly as the male's large cock strained against his red briefs, Con's cock rock hard and jutting straight up into his uniform. The girl could see the outline of the male's throbbing shaft, the soft roundness of his balls and, when he came, the dark splatter of his cum as it filled those little briefs. Sanita was almost surprised by the feel of her own hand stroking through the thin lycra of her own briefs, the pleasure of that touch drawing a blush to her white-furred cheeks; normally the woman wasn't one to blush, but the sight of the dying gryphon nearby was too much for her. She could practically smell the cum on the air as Con's cream pulsed into the now taut fabric of his briefs.

Con tried to control himself, even managing to crawl several feet while his cock sprayed out one of the most delicious orgasms he'd had in years; the suddenness of his elimination only added to the pleasure of the powerful climax. Like the others, however, even the mighty gryphon was helpless when his orgasm ebbed and all that was left was the soft crumbling of his body. The male's briefs lay amidst his powdered remains and Sanita's heart was pounding as she realized she'd have to make the same run, sniper or no sniper. The thought of her own body writhing as the heat of that sniper's laser pierced her body had the girl leaking into her uniform almost immediately.

"Move!" The shout came from Nox, ignoring Con's death as he continued to fire at the two Blues standing above them. Sanita was jerked back to reality and she realized she was running already! The sniper fired once again, the girl feeling the heat of it burst past her tail by barely an inch; she was safe! The squirrel dove into the cover that the otter from earlier had hidden behind, his remains swirling against her body as she rolled on the ground to avoid any more sniperfire. Her heart was racing, her loins were bursting with need and for a few seconds she almost regretted that she had made it! The girl had a job to do, however, and she did it.

Sitting up, the squirrel grinned as she opened fire on the two Blues who had pinned them down, careful to keep herself out of view of that tin-shack sniper. Sanita was rewarded with a pleasured scream from a lean cheetah; his eyes were wide with surprise as he felt a sudden warmth creep through his body, a laser vanishing into the bulge of his balls in those blue briefs. Soon, another boy was writhing on his feet, sweet cum spraying as both of the cheetah's paws gripped his spurting shaft. Fingers curled under his waistband, the cheetah's cock popped free to paint his belly with a final streak of cum before his eyes rolled back and he collapsed forward to drape his body over the rail of the walkway. His partner ignored the cheetah's final pleasure-filled moans as they, along with the boy's body, faded into nothing.

It was Whitby who tagged the other boy. The green-skinned dragon moved as his partner disintegrated, but it wasn't enough. The collie winged the dragon, literally, scoring a hit on the other boy's wings. The dragon let out a muted cry as he fell to his knees, hands trying to grab at the spot where he'd been hit but unable to reach. The collie could see the franticness in his target's movements and he couldn't help but wince when those movements caused the dragon to tumble from the walkway. He hit the ground, which lay nearly fifteen feet below, with a billowing of dust that left the collie surprised when it cleared and the dragon was still there. The boy was groaning, trying to crawl with his fabric-covered cock dragging its tip against the ground.

"Aim for the body, boy. Seems you only wounded him" Nox murmured, eyeing the dragon as best he could without making himself a target for the now silent sniper. Whitby could feel the need of his own shaft as he watched the dragon try to reach cover. It went on like this for nearly five seconds, silence heavy in the air, before Sanita popped around the side of the cart she was hiding behind to plant a final shot directly between the crawling dragon's eyes. "See? Good as dust" purr'ed Nox, "I like that squirrel." Whitby stroked along his own aching penis as the dragon's head snapped back, tongue lolling before he fell facedown into the dirt like a sack of potatoes being dropped to the ground. His death was as quick as it was silent and it was only a matter of seconds before another pair of briefs decorated the battlefield.

"We need to get that sniper" called out Sanita from her position, Nox simply nodded. How they would get across the open ground to that shack was something none of them seemed to have an answer to, however.

Marle lay bellydown on the sun-warmed roof of the small shack he'd found. From this position it would be tough to spot the teenage seal and he wouldn't complain about the feeling of the ridged metal against his throbbing shaft through his blue briefs. He couldn't believe his luck when he'd found the rifle which now rested against his shoulder and he couldn't believe it was continuing as he spotted the four Reds take cover within his line of sight! It had been easy to tag the large gryphon who had broken from cover, and he had nearly added a squirrel woman to his scoresheet if it hadn't been for the sound of movement behind him.

It was a young otter, looking to be about his age, but more importantly it was a team-mate. The otter's blue briefs were heavy with the boy's shaft, and the seal couldn't help but smirk at the cum-stains on the front of them.

"Couldn't help yourself?" Marle asked as the otter scrambled onto the roof with the help of a rust-coated barrel which leaned against the structure.

"What?" The otter looked confused.

"Your uniform, looks like you had some fun already." When the seal lifted a finger to gesture towards the stain, the otter blushed.

"Oh, well, yeah. I couldn't help myself." The boy answered, "What're you aiming at anyway?"

"Reds. Idiots got themselves cornered, they can't move without me tagging them. You keep an eye on the rear and we'll dominate this area." Marle could only smirk as he looked through his rifle's scope once more, waiting for the sight of a fuzzy face he could blast a laser into.

"You bet!" The otter's answer was immediate, his gaze levelled on the sprawled out seal's rear, clearly intending to keep a very close eye on the rear indeed! Finally the boy tore his eyes away from the seal's butt and stretched out himself.

"I don't think I saw you when we were given our assignments; I'm Marle." The seal's gaze didn't leave his scope, but the Reds weren't moving and Marle decided now was a good time to ingratiate himself a little bit with his rear-guard.

"I was in the back." The otter's answer was blunt, no room left in its simplicity for the seal to question it. "Name's Ket."

"Nice to meet--" Marle cut himself off as he fired a single shot towards those cowardly Reds. The woman had made another move and this time his shot was dead-on. He couldn't hear her cry, the sound lost beneath the din of the battle which still raged but had begun to move away from them. He could see her though, every curve of her body as his beam vanished right between her breasts. "Fried ya" the boy moaned out, fingers moving between his spread legs to pump at his dribbling cock. Even as the squirrel's body arched in lustful desperation, the other two Reds fired towards his position; the seal didn't flinch, he was well protected up here from fire on the ground and he was free to watch Sanita's demise. Her chest jostled as she fell to her knees, both paws between her legs now as the seal imagined the warmth of her juices filled her briefs. His only regret was that he wasn't closer, but the result was still the same. Sanita's body collapsed in on itself, a slightly ashy hue visible against her white fur as she broke down into the familiar spattering of ashy remains; her briefs lay amidst them, dust mingling with her cum. "This is too easy" the seal added once the girl was gone, looking back to the otter. "What did you say your name was again?"

"Ket" the otter repeated more tersely than he had the first time. The tinge of hostility in the boy's tone was enough for the seal to hesitate.

"Wait, Ket? I saw you on the Red team, what're you--" the seal was cut off once more as Ket sprung atop him.

"Oh. I was on the red team... or rather, I was. I've been finding these blue uniforms all over the place though, figured I'd try one on! Yours look like they'd fit better though." The otter giggled as he fell atop the prone, and helpless, seal, his cock grinding over the other boy's rounded rear. Marle didn't have time to do much before he felt the muzzle of a pistol planted squarely between his shoulders. "Mind if I take 'em?"

"You son of a--" Marle was cut off one final time, not by himself, nor by the otter, but by the sizzling laser that pulsed from the otter's gun; he was finished! The seal's entire body bucked beneath Ket, the tricky otter grinning as he scored another kill; these Blues were far too easy to fool, seems none of them realized how easy it was to switch teams!

Marle cursed himself silently in his mind as he felt the pleasure of his own defeat course through his body, cock throbbing and jerking lewdly in his briefs before, like his victims before him, he came. Thick, pungent seed oozed from his tip and smeared against the tin-roof beneath him. "Graaaaaah!" The cry brought a smile to Ket's lips as the boy he was straddling came one last time before puffing out into a dusty haze, the otter getting a thin layer of it on his thighs and crotch.

"Game over" he teased, rolling onto his back lest someone take him out while he was sitting up. Ket poked at the blue briefs the seal had left behind, the cum which filled them still warm as the otter beamed over his successful ruse. He could hear the sounds of footsteps approaching and looked over the edge of the shack, smiling at the sight of Whitby and Nox as they darted towards the shack; With Sanita reduced to dust they had clearly seen a frontal assault as the only option.

"Ket?" Whitby called out as the otter sat up just high enough to wave.

"Miss me?" The otter called back as the other two boys' pace slowed, their guns still raised but the desperation seeping from their movements as they realized the otter must have dealt with whoever was up there already.

"No" answered Nox, the panther's disdain only prompting the otter to smile wider.

"Well, don't worry, we've got plenty of time to get to know each other better, sweet stuff." The otter's answer drew a sneer from the panther, the feline's relief at seeing a friendly face poorly hidden by his outward unfriendliness.

In the distance the battle raged and all three of the boys turned their attention back to the task at hand.

"Get off that roof, Otter. We still have a battle to win." Nox was right and even Ket knew it, there were far too many recruits to eliminate to waste time lounging up on this roof! Sliding down the way he'd climbed, the otter ducked around the edge of the shack and met up with the other two, grinning as he did.

"Shall we?" He asked.

"We shall!" chimed in Whitby with a smile of his own, glancing back once at where Sanita and Con had fallen. He knew he'd see them after the game and that gave him the heart to follow the other two as they headed towards the sounds of battle once more.