OtF Ch2 - Second Journal

Story by skynero19 on SoFurry

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#2 of On the Flipside

Another early journal entry from Alden, character establishment from his eyes this time. A little more insight into the Rekkinarri army community - and a little laugh at Alden's troubles with their ale. X-D

When writing this, it took way longer than I thought it would, and I'm still kinda surprised at how short it is... But it is just a journal entry, so it shouldn't be terribly long, I guess. I actually was planning on making chapter three the third and fourth journal entries already...

Day seven. They want me to write again.

Everyone still seems a little tense, but not as much as when we first set up camp here. Even though I still don't understand a word of what's being said, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this life. At the very least, I now have a fair amount of names comitted to memory, and I'm getting a good understanding of the social/power structure.

Somewhere near the top - maybe even co-commander - is Kcherra Samiero the eagle. (I'm not entirely sure, but I think Kcherra is his title, not his given name.) He certainly has a commanding presence, being one of the tallest people here with very wide shoulders and never a smile. Of course, I would not expect a bird to be able to smile since birds have beaks, but Samiero obviously has a scowl on all the time, and I've seen other birds here obviously smile. Their facial structure is slightly different than that of birds back on Earth, but I guess that's to be expected? Anyway, for the most part, anything he says goes. He's not threatening at all (unless he wants to be) - people just listen to him. I get the sense that I wouldn't want to meet him in battle; he's certainly all business. He doesn't seem to have real conversations very often; he's either giving orders, getting information and advice, or giving half an ear to an argument. There are only a handful of people I've ever seen have a real conversation or debate with him. First, there are these two wolves and a dog - I think their names are Shghren, Pallan, and Kromos - who often talk with Samiero over maps and longer letters. I even think I've heard random soldiers say Kcherra when talking to/about those three as well, so that fact along with the discussions they have make me think they're all top-level officers. The other person he listens to and regularly does things for is this elegant falcon lady. I don't know her name yet because I haven't heard him refer to her in any one way enough, though she regularly calls him "Sammy". She doesn't seem to be a soldier either... I'm interested to find out what her role here in camp is, but I think following/stalking the commander's girlfriend/wife/whatever would be rather ill-advised.

Next down the ladder of command - or at least, someone taking direct orders from Samiero - is Tannis the fox. There are certainly others, but Tannis is the one I know best, as he's been the one to interact with me the most since my showing up here. He was the one who first interacted with me, trying to communicate with me and making sure I was somewhat comfortable, notably by giving me his tunic until I was given clothes of my own. He's rather fit, I kinda wonder what he would look like as a human. That aside, he's also a friendly guy, and regularly checks up on me, though that may be partially from duty - I get the sense that I am his charge, with Samiero and the other officers talking to Tannis about me rather than interacting directly with me themselves. Anyway, unlike Samiero, Tannis actually smiles, and unlike many of the other officers, he'll interact with anyone here, even the small handful of kids who seem to be more worker-grunts than soldiers-in-training. Also unlike Samiero, I don't know if he has a girl.

That's one thing I've noticed in general about the culture here in camp: relationships are apparently acceptable parts of public life. Samiero's falcon regular comes up and hugs him from behind (or gives him a shoulder rub if he's sitting) whether other officers are around or not and, aside from acknowledging her appearance, they don't change their conduct at all. While walking around camp, I've noticed various couples (I think I've reliably identified ten or so including Samiero and his girl) kissing or sitting on each other's laps or sharing food - things you wouldn't expect to see in public (or not nearly as often) back home. I haven't seen people indecent or enjoying each other before, but I have heard suspicious noises comings from the tents once or twice - during the day while I'm walking around, that is - and none of the people in hearing distance nearby change what they're doing because of it.

They also seem to be a bit more on the liberal side in the sense that, as far as I can tell, there is no frowned-up type of relationship. Of course, I've only been present a week, so I guess I can't say much, but of the couples I think I've identified, four are same-sex and only two are same-race.

Cella and Kardon are one of the same-race couples, both foxes like Tannis, and function somewhere between being my adoptive siblings and being my adoptive parents now. (Or at least as much as anyone here, considering everyone has their own duties and can't speak with me.) They've brought food and supped with me several times, once when Tannis joined us, and they helped me set up my tent when Samiero's division made it to camp here. Cella always makes tea - at least I'm calling it tea even though it's a bit thicker, she makes it by boiling some mix of leaves, grasses, and herbs - in the morning, and Kardon shared some of his ration of whatever-fermented-alcoholic-beverage-that-was the other night after my previous journal... It was actually rather tasty, much more so than any of the (admittedly few) drinks I'd had back at home, and it didn't incapacitate me or anything that evening, but I was absolutely muddled and hazy most of yesterday; Cella supplied me with lots of tea as I tried getting my head on straight. Weird stuff, I'm going to have to work my way up if I plan on drinking the same amount again in the future.

Cella and Kardon were both part of the group that "found" me when I first came to in the woods. Samiero and Tannis were there, too, though I guess as supervisors since they've seemed to go about their own businesses since while the rest of that group mostly does things together. Anyway, I know Tannis told me everyone's names in that first meeting, but I was so taken aback at my situation at that point it all went in one ear and out the other. I think I have most of them back, though. The group, including Cella and Kardon, is ten strong; three otters, four dogs, a raccoon, and the two foxes. The raccoon is named Tal, one of the dogs is Rael, and the otters are Berram, Threnadon, and Kallik. I keep getting Berram and Threnadon mixed up, which I guess is understandable, as they are rather similar in looks and personality; I feel worse about not knowing the female dog's name, partially because there are less women around (three in this squad including Cella) so I feel they should be easier to remember, and partially because she was the one who brought me a new pair of slacks...

Kallik is the other female, and she's the captain of the squad. It's almost impossible to tell watching her interact with the rest of them, but I've seen her talking with a group of officers once. The one easy way to tell who's an officer and who's not is the sash all the officers wear. I think there may be another level of officer between Kallik and Tannis, but they all were these crimson sashes from one shoulder to the opposite hip. Kallik doesn't always wear hers; maybe she doesn't have to (as much as others) because she's only the first level up, I'm not entirely sure.

Anyway, although I haven't really learned anyone else's name yet, I am at least recognizing many others by face. There are a bear and a German Shepherd (at least it looks somewhat like a German, moreso than a large amount of mutts here, but honestly I don't think the dogs here have breeds) at the same level as Tannis; there's Samiero's falcon girl; there are an ocelot and a lizard-ish at Kallik's level; and then there's a fair amount of regular soldiers whose tents I pass by on the little walking route I take around camp before lunch each day. It's nice to wave "hi" to people even if you can't greet them properly. I still wish I was better with languages; I thought that the fastest way to learn was through immersion, but that hasn't helped me in the slightest thus far. Then again, no real attempts at conversation have been made by me to anyone else or the other way around, so effective immersion it is not. I wonder how quickly they will be able to decode the English I'm writing down in these journals.

The sun's starting to set, so it's time to set my quill down. I will remember to avoid (or at least minimally partake of) Kardon's ale if he offers it once again; I would like to be able to go on stroll tomorrow morning as usual.