Vampire Days

Story by DeltaWolfLord16 on SoFurry

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hey my friend Ray Thompson wrote this for me and the work is his the idea is mine the cover is Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines copyright to owners mature content kiddies beware

hey peoples this story was written by this guy">[link]">Ray Thompson he wrote it and i gave him the idea i will copy and paste the copyright stuff: " I don't know the legality behind commissions as far as copyright goes, but I assume it gets a little fuzzy. My request is that if I write your story, you don't go taking all the credit. Spread it around all you want and use it however you please, just be sure to tell people how it came to be. In return, I can also give you whatever degree of credit that you want. Whether you want to be entirely anonymous, reveal your username, or give everybody your real full name, I have no problem with giving you credit for your idea." word for word guys.

here it is Vampire Days written by">Ray Thompson Story Idea by DROPtheMage

Issac and John were driving down a road in the middle of some forest, trying to get home. It was late, and the teens were supposed to be home hours ago, but in the dark woods with pouring rain it was easy to get turned around. "Pull over" Issac said, "this is ridiculous, there's no way you can see. Let me drive"

"Would you relax; what are you worried about? You can't die" John said, "and besides, I can see just fine. How would you even know?"

"I know because I remember what it's like to be normal, and I'm worried because of you, now pull over"

In addition to being a weasel, Issac was also a vampire. Overall he had mixed feelings about it; having powers like supernatural speed and vision was nice, but looking sixteen forever seemed like it would eventually become a bit of a drag. Another one of his powers was perception, the ability to see into the future. Issac wasn't great at it yet, he could only get blurry images of the next few minutes at most, but he had an incredible feeling that something terrible was about to happen to his best friend if he didn't do anything to stop it.

"Fine, I'll do it" the cougar said. He began turning to pull over, but lost control on the wet road. To John the whole thing was a blur, but Issac saw every terrifying detail as they crashed into the tree. Issac was fine of course, but John was hurt. Badly. He sat in the driver's seat, covered in blood and coughing incessantly. Issac began panicking at the sight of John, who seemed to be dying fast. '"Issac" John said weakly, "help me"

"I can't, I... I don't know how" Issac said, stammering over his words.

"There has to be something" John said, reaching a trembling arm out to grab Issac's shoulder. A thought came to Issac, but he was unsure of it. Turning John into a ghoul would be a simple process, but Issac wasn't supposed to do it until he was twenty one, and he was only sixteen. Looking into the cougar's eyes however, Issac knew there was no other option.

Issac woke up from his recurring dream, glad it had ended there that time. He knew what the next scene should've been; him irreversibly fucking up the life of his best friend by slitting his wrist and exposing his tainted blood. Him letting John drink blood which would forever change his life. Him turning John into a monster. In his dreams he was lucky enough to only get that one part, the part where it had started. In real life he wasn't nearly so lucky, having to see John every day and know how the last year of the cougar's life had been an endurance match.

Glancing at the clock, he realized that he didn't have much time before he had to leave for school. Getting ready in a rush, he managed to walk outside just in time to intercept John and Denis. The three of them walked to school together most days, and the cougar and the grizzly bear were glad to see the weasel approaching.

"Hey Issac" Denis said. Around most people Dennis was tough and dominant, but around Isaac and John, the grizzly bear was a big ol' softy. He was one of the few people that knew about the conditions of the vampire and the ghoul.

"Hey Denis" Isaac replied, "how are you today?"

"I'm good, I'm good"

"What about you John?" Issac asked.

"I'm doing alright. Great actually; I think for the first time in a while, things are getting better"

Issac knew it was supposed to be good news, but it still hurt him a little. John was better, sure, but it meant that John getting worse was the way things normally went. Feeling bad, Issac said "I'm still sorry about that you know"

"Dude, for the last time, I understand. It was all you could do"

"I guess, but-"

"Nope, you're done apologizing, it's getting old"

"We'll see" Issac said, not believing he would ever truly let it go.

"Explain to me again what's so bad about being immortal" Denis requested, not knowing what either of them had to complain about.

"It's not that part, there are negative effects too" Issac said.

"Yes, like how you're bursting into flames from the sun right now"

"What's up with you today? You're acting different. I've told you before that while sun can hurt, my fur just blocks most of it"

"I guess I'm just sick of being the only normal one here; you guys get to talk about all this cool stuff, and I don't have anything that comes close"

"Hey, that's not so bad" John said, "frankly I envy you"

From there until their arrival at Nova High, the conversation took a turn for the normal. They went to their separate classes and continued with their days as though nothing was unusual. As Issac sat in the back of class, he felt his phone vibrate. He received glances from classmates, but the teacher hadn't noticed. The weasel pulled out his phone and saw that he had gotten a text from Travis, his secretive golden retriever boyfriend. It simply read "Hey, what's up?" but Issac still found it heart warming. He also enjoyed the way Travis never abbreviated his texts, which was something Issac could never do.

Issac replied with "nothing why wts up wit u?"

"Another boring day, nothing exciting. I just wanted to talk"

"wel arnt u sweet?"

"Don't you forget it. So, nothing at all?"

"im wryd bt john b thts prty nrml now"

"Try that again; this time use words"

"fine. Im worried about john but thats pretty normal now. better?"

"Much. What's wrong this time?"

"thats jst it. he sez things r good"

"Aren't good things supposed to be, I don't know, good?"

"shd b but no. hard 2 expln"

"Issac" the teacher said, making the weasel jump, "put that thing away or I'll have to take it"

Issac did as he was told and put the phone away, continuing the day with nothing else very interesting happening until lunch. He got to sit with most of his friends which sounded nice, but there was also a very intricate web of mutual deception. As far as Issac could tell, he and Travis were the only ones that actually knew everything that was going on. On the next level down were John and Denis, who knew about the supernatural but not about Issac and Travis. And lastly there was Kate, John's girlfriend who knew none of those things. It was difficult trying to figure out how much any of them could say to each other, but it was for the best. Lying to a couple of people was much easier than dealing with pretty much every person in the world persecuting him for one reason or another.

After school Issac had soccer practice, along with John, Denis, and Keith. Keith was a horse, and not the nicest person in the world. He had figured out that Issac was a vampire after overhearing a serious sounding conversation about it. In the locker room after practice, Issac, John, and Denis were complimenting each other on their performance.

"Seriously guys, even if it weren't for your... Conditions" Denis said vaguely, "you guys still would've been pretty good"

"Yeah, it was unreal" Keith said, receiving confused looks but smiling to himself.

"You're not too bad yourself" John responded to Denis, "I'm sure if all of us were on the same level, me and Issac wouldn't stand a chance"

As the three friends walked home, they spoke about the usual subject of Issac being a vampire and John being a ghoul; it was a hard topic to avoid. Overall though, it had just been another day, and as Issac waved goodbye to his friends, he felt pretty good about where things were at in his life.

once again this was not written by me it was written by">Ray Thompson Story Idea by DROPtheMage read the stuff at the start