A Devilish Deal

Story by Maxwell Kay on SoFurry

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Notes: This story was written for our own dear coyotek, as a Thank You for all the wonderful pictures he's done for us. Geno is ©Coyotek, while the story and other characters are my own.

Sometimes, you get lucky. Sometimes, you'll just be minding your own business, and life will hand you a big, steaming bowl of Luck Soup. You won't have worked for it, you won't have earned it, you won't even know it's coming, but bang, there it is. Easy Street. All for you.

That's what Geno was thinking. Sprawled out on a beach towel, the warm sun pressing pleasantly down on her half-naked body, the roar of the surf and the lapping of the waves a sweet lullaby to her ears, the catgirl was only half awake, her mind drifting through a warm, smoky haze. It was more than luck, she thought. Destiny had guided her here.

Well, Destiny and Harry. She'd never really liked the weaselly little furre (and in this case, the adjective fit quite literally). He was always up to something that was no doubt going to cause the rest of the world considerable trouble. He was a sneak, a liar, a cheat, and an all around ne'er-do-well who never did anything for anyone unless he stood to gain something from it. Except this time, apparently.

Damn, what luck. The sneaky little bastard needed some arm candy for a business meeting, though only god knows what kind of business he was involved with, and he had invited her along, free of charge. A trip to Brazil, a stay at a posh hotel, and dinner at a luxury restaurant, and all he wanted was for her to come along and pretend to be his wife. His business associates, you see, were foreigners, and they viewed unmarried men as irresponsible, unfit for high stakes business deals. How much sweeter could it get?

He hadn't even insisted on getting to fuck her. Oh sure, he'd been hitting on her the entire trip, but it wasn't a required part of the deal. The edge of her mouth drew up in a smug grin. The poor bastard. This trip must've cost him big bucks; it was well out of her price range. She would've fucked him for it, if he insisted. But he didn't insist. Oh well. You snooze, you lose.

So far, all she'd done was lie on the beach and soak up the rays, getting her fur all toasty and warm. Tonight, they'd be meeting Harry's "associates," and that promised to be an absolute bore, but until then, all she had to do was enjoy the sand and snooze. Who said life was hard, huh?

Glancing over the top of her sunglasses, Geno looked at her watch. It read four thirteen. Dinner was at seven-thirty. Plenty of time to take a nap, get back to the hotel, and get changed. Chuckling to herself, the feline turned over onto her stomach, feeling the warmth of the sun spreading across her back. As she drifted off to sleep, she couldn't help but laugh at what a sucker the weasel was. She'd gotten the best of him, that was obvious.

At about a quarter of seven, Geno returned to her hotel room for a quick shower and a change before dinner. She was in a splendid mood, humming and singing to herself as she got ready. An afternoon of doing absolutely nothing, on a beautiful tropical beach certainly agreed with her, and the feline sashayed through the room merrily as she picked out her outfit. Harry had even gone to the expense of buying her a very expensive new dress, saying that she needed to look absolutely perfect to impress his business partners.

Again, Geno had to laugh at the weasel's plight. The dress was a gorgeous red number, with an open back and low-cut bustline, that hugged her hips and showed off her trim body. Annoyed, she wondered for a moment how he had known her measurements, but the thought soon passed. A red silk choker and matching purse completed the ensemble, and once she had brushed her thick, luxurious hair, she looked like quite a lady indeed. She was admiring herself in the mirror, primping and prodding, when the door swung open and the weasel slunk in.

Geno had to conceal a sneer as Harry let himself in the door to her hotel, though it didn't occur to her to wonder how he'd gotten a key. The male was dressed up tonight, in a deep blue jacket and trousers, but all nice clothes in the world could never make him look respectable. Harry walked somewhat hunched, his head leaning forward, as if trying to make himself look smaller than he was, not out of nervousness by out of a desire to ingratiate himself. Actually, he didn't walk so much as slink, making no noise at all as he moved. He also seemed to be always sneaking up on you; you'd look left, and he'd appear at your right shoulder, giving you that hard-eyed look that spoke volumes about his personality.

"Beautiful, wonderful, perfect," he said upon seeing the feline, his gravelly voice crackling with disingenuousness. "They're going to love you, my dear."

"Don't dear me, rodent," Geno snapped, momentarily overcome by irritation that she had to put up with his fawning insincerities for the next few hours.

"Now, now, let's be nice. It won't do at all for my associates to see you mistreat me." The weasel's voice was edged with ice, a cold seriousness below all the compliments. "You're here for a reason, you know."

Geno sighed. He was right. She'd agreed to behave herself for a few hours, and that was what she was going to have to do. With a shrug of her shoulders, she communicated that she was willing to do along with his plan, even if she didn't like it.

Harry smiled, teeth looking like rows of daggers in his wide mouth. "Perfect. We're going to meet them in their room for drinks before dinner. It's almost time now, so we'd better get going." He held out his arm and Geno took it reluctantly, rolling her eyes as they started towards the door. This was going to be a long night.

It was only a short cab ride to the other hotel, this one even nicer and more luxurious than the one where Geno was staying. Whoever these people were, they had serious money. A quick check in at the front desk to determine the room number, a short ride in the elevator, and they were at their destination.

"Remember to be on your best behavior, my dear. It's very important." Something under the male's oily voice, something about the way he emphasized the words, sent a shiver down Geno's spine. She was going to be glad when this was over.

Harry rapped firmly on the door three times, and before he had even lowered his paw, the door flew open. The feline couldn't help but gasp quietly at the being standing before them; Harry had said they were foreigners, but she hadn't expected this.

Standing in front of the furres was a lizard, a tall, thick-skinned creature with beady eyes that were positively shining with excitement. A crown of spikes framed its head, and its lipless mouth opened to reveal numerous spade-shaped teeth, quite unlike those found on mammals. Before the furres could react, the creature had reached out its clawed hands and gripped them both by the wrists, yanking them inside with an almost irresistible force.

Thoughts of danger were quickly put out of her head, as the reptile seemed far more friendly than aggressive. As the door swung shut, it turned around and jabbered in some unrecognizable language at the other two reptiles in the room, each one identical to the first, green scales too dull to reflect the light, their eager faces looking out of place in their conservative business suits.

In moments, Geno was surrounded by the creatures, who poked and prodded at her, long, forked tongues flickering in her face. Miffed, she stepped deftly away from them, trying to avoid their attentions, but their faces followed her raptly.

"Gentlemen, please, let's not handle her too roughly. She's breakable." Harry seemed to be taking all this in stride. Rather than gape slack-jawed at the foreigners' behavior, he had already found the wet bar and was busy preparing drinks.

"We're so sorry, Harry. She's just so beautiful." The lizard that had opened the door was speaking, the words almost unintelligible through his thick accent, his voice like a scratchy record. Despite her discomfort at being treated like a piece of meat, Geno felt a warm blush cross her cheeks.

"Don't let it bother you a bit, Shen," the weasel reassured him. "She's a real one of a kind, I'll tell ya. You won't find another like her, no matter where you look."

The lizards seemed impressed by this, and chattered with each other excitedly, not taking their eyes from her for a moment.

Time slowed down to a crawl, Geno standing a few feet from the reptiles, turning hot with embarrassment and discomfort, the lizards not seeming to notice for a moment. Harry chatted amiably with the leader, who seemed to be the only one who could speak English, as he fixed their drinks. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, the weasel stepped up next to her and began passing out the drinks, pressing a cup of thick, vaguely purple liquor into her paws.

Harry took her by the elbow and led her to a small couch, where he sat down beside her, while the three lizards sat close together on a longer couch directly across from them. Now that she had a moment to look around, the femme saw that this was not just a hotel room, but a large suite, with a combination living area-kitchen here, and presumably the bedrooms were farther back from the hall. The place was outlandishly furnished with swordfish, paper fans, and paintings of coastlines. Tasteful or not, it was a really ritzy place, all right.

"A toast. To, ah, business endeavors!" Harry had raised his glass, a movement the lizards quickly emulated, and once Geno raised hers, he lowered his glass and took a deep drink. Geno followed suit. The liquor was a thick, heady drink, tasting something like plum, with a not-unpleasant bite in the back of it she couldn't quite identify. Curious, she took another drink, swishing it over her taste buds carefully before swallowed. Nope, she wasn't sure what it was.

Geno suddenly realized none of the lizards had taken a drink, so busy were they watching her. Her eyes swept up to meet theirs, then quickly away, something in their gazes looking almost predatory. Embarrassed, she covered her discomfort with another drink, and finally the lizards seemed to remember they were supposed to be toasting their deal.

The next half hour or so was just as boring as she had feared. Harry and the lizards talked animatedly in their language, leaving the catgirl to sit silently and look pretty. While the lizards hardly touched their drinks, Harry tossed back glass after glass of expensive hooch, as if determined to make the most of the opportunity. Geno, uncomfortable enough to lose interest in alcohol for once, nevertheless managed to finish her drink out of sheer boredom. As soon as she had, Harry took it from it and replaced it with a fresh one, smiling ingratiatingly down at her as he did so. The lizards never took their eyes from her.

Time dragged on, and as it did, Geno felt herself winding down, getting sleepier and sleepier. At one point she yawned, stretching her arms delicately above her, squinching her face tight, but when she opened her eyes, the lizards were all sitting forward, tongues flittering anxiously, eyes staring at her chest. After that, she tried to stifle her yawns.

Finally she couldn't stand it any longer. She was hot, she was tired, and she was bored. Listening to a conversation she couldn't understand, involving someone she hated and some others who totally creeped her out, was driving her crazy. She had to get up, just to stretch her legs and move! Getting to her feet, Geno suddenly felt a warm, clammy towel press down on her, pushing her back onto the couch. She tried to stand up again, but her head was swimming and she felt too dizzy to stand.

"Looks like she can't handle her liquor." The weasel's voice was muffled, like the words were coming from another room. She turned her head and tried to tell him she wasn't drunk, but her mouth was full of cotton.

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. She couldn't lift her arms; they were too heavy. She tried to tell them she was sick, but she couldn't force her tongue to form words. The world lost its edge, her vision blurred. Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong.

Harry stood up and moved in front of her, his thin, cruel face mocking her from a hundred miles away. "I guess it's time to start the party."

Geno saw him start to remove his tie, and then she collapsed into darkness.

The world was dark, but it was getting less oppressively hot. The muggy fog that encased her head was melting away, letting awareness drift back to the feline gradually. Geno's head felt like it was covered in a dap towel that was being slowly lifted, letting cool air run across her face once more.

Oddly enough, it was still dark, and it wasn't getting any lighter. At first, she feared she was blind, but the feeling of soft silk pressing against her face calmed her. She wasn't blind, she was just blind_folded_.

Irked, Geno reached up to pull the blindfold away, but she found that impossible. She was on her back, spread-eagled, and something was holding her arms and legs in place. "How very strange," she thought to herself. She was no stranger to being tied up, but she usually remembered getting that way.

Then she remembered what had happened. That sonuvabitch must have drugged her! There was no way she'd pass out after two drinks, not unless there was something else in there, some chemical that had caused her to fall asleep. So that's why he hadn't insisted on getting to fuck her. He was going to take her by force!

In fact, he seemed to be doing that right now. She wasn't certain at first, but as consciousness returned, she became aware of a pair of paws roughly handling her breasts. They were squeezing at her, pinching her nipples roughly, slapping at the furry globes. It hurt, and it was annoying. "Knock it off, asshole!"

Well, that was what she meant to say. She actually said something closer to, "Nok itoff, azzole," but one could hardly blame her for poor pronunciation, as she was still recovering from the drug. Either way, it had the same effect. The person groping her stopped, but only to jabber on in a lizard's voice, calling into the next room. That's when the truth hit her.

Geno heard several bodies rush into the bedroom (for that was where she was, she could tell. The soft platform she was tied to must be a bed), all excitedly nattering on in lizard-language. Within seconds, there were three sets of paws (claws?) grabbing at her, groping her breasts, her ass, and her thighs. She struggled vainly against her bonds, but whatever they'd used to tie her was set fast. There was no way she'd escape.

"Gentlemen, she's all yours. I'll be in the other room if you need me." Harry's voice appeared from her side. He must have been standing there the whole time! Geno snarled in the direction of the weasel, but he just laughed. "I'm sure you'll find she's well worth the price."

"I'm sure she will be," came Shen's raspy voice. "Thank you so much for arranging this."

"Oh, no need to thank me. Your money is all the thanks I need. Ta!" Geno heard the bedroom door shut, and the lizards' voices rose in pitch. "They must be awfully excited now," she thought. "Now they get to enjoy their merchandise."

One set of hands was lifted from her body, for which the femme was thankful, but only for a moment. Suddenly the claws were in her hair, pulling her head roughly to one side, tugging her towards the edge of the bed. She cried out in protest, not enjoying the manhandling, but that brought a wave of laughter from the horny reptiles. The creature holding her hair said something to her she couldn't understand, and then something warm and scaly touched her lips.

Geno recoiled. It was a monstrous, reptilian cock! The thing wanted a blowjob! "Nothing doing, pal!" she snarled, though it sounded more like, "Nuffink dooin', pull." The creature put the tip of its cock against her mouth again, and again she twisted her head away, refusing to obey.

The lizard got mad at this. Letting loose a stream of angry-sounding words, he slapped her across the cheek with his free hand. The thing was strong, that was sure, and even in her drug-numbed stated, the stinging blow brought tears to her eyes. Her head was jerked back towards him, and the grip tightened on her hair hard enough to make her cry out. When she did, the male shoved his cock into her mouth.

The sensation was a strange one. Unlike that of a furry, this creature's cock was not smooth, but rather covered in bumpy scales. Ordinarily, it might not be too bad, hell, it might even be enjoyable, but at the moment Geno wasn't really having a lot of fun. The male's second hand gripped the back of her head, and he began forcing her to fuck his dick with her mouth, shoving her face forward and backwards.

There was no way to resist. The thing was much too strong, a bundle of steel-hard muscles underneath his scaly hide. Even if she was free and completely sober, she'd stand no chance against him, and as it was, she could only try to bear it, gagging on the strange cock as it thrust against the back of her throat. The smell was awful, and combined with the gag reflex inducing attack, she worried she might puke.

The male, however, didn't seem to be worried about anything. He just swung his hips back and forth a little while forcing her to slide along his shaft, spouting what was doubtlessly something obscene in his bizarre language. Every so often she would gag too much and the male would have to let her stop, but only for a moment before he would force her to continue, growling at her indecipherably.

While that was going on, the hands on her body became more forceful, twisting and grabbing at her painfully, yanking at her nipples, slapping her breasts. A clawed finger began rubbing at her pussy, forcing its way past her outer lips to wriggle roughly inside her. She mewled helplessly at this mistreatment, but if anyone heard her, they paid no attention.

Another hand joined the first at her crotch, claws scratching her thighs, fingers probing her moist slit. It was times like these she cursed just how easily she became aroused, because despite the situation, she was already starting to drip. It was a curse and a blessing, she supposed, but she sure wished they'd leave her alone.

A moment later, they did just that, but any relief was quickly dispelled. She could feel movement down by her feet, and a moment later the bed between her legs was depressed by the weight of one of the males. The feline tensed, knowing what was going to happen next.

Sure enough, thick tip of the reptile's thick tool pressed against her outer folds, rubbing up and down it, lathering up the creature's cock. Geno made an angry sound deep in her throat, furious at what was happening, furious at herself for being wet at a time like this. Her anger was quickly interrupted; the male thrust forward, and the bumpy, scaly member was inside her.

Again, the feline noted that, in a different situation, the experience might actually be exotic and fun. The bumpy scales covering the penis made it a unique experience, taking up more room than that of a mammal's, like a ridged dildo. On the other hand, she wasn't overly fond of the roughness with which she was being handled; even a veteran pussy like hers required some degree of gentleness, but the male was completely uninterested in taking it easy.

Gagging on one lizard's cock, with another pounding viciously between her legs, Geno wasn't sure how much worse things could get. She quickly found out.

The bed bucked as the third lizard threw himself down beside her, and without hesitation he buried his face in her cleavage, forked tongue circling her plump breasts, drooling all over her chest. That wasn't so bad, but when he began biting her with his hard, arrowhead teeth, the pain shooting through her like sparks. She writhed in misery, trying to escape, but there was no use: the creatures had her totally under their power, and nothing she did would allow her to get away.

The lizard fucking her face changed tactics, holding her head still so he could fuck her mouth, rather than moving her head. While this was a little less work for the female, it also meant the lizard could thrust faster and with more power, shoving his disgusting tool into the back of her throat. Her nose scrunched up against his body every time he forced her to deep throat, and he did so with such force that she vaguely worried he might break her nose.

His claws dug into her head, pulling at her hair hard enough to tear some of the yellow strands out by the roots. Beneath her blindfold, she shut her eyes tightly, fighting the urge to throw up, certain that would only make things worse. Suddenly, the male shivered and straightened, and without so much as a how-d'ya-do, he came.

The damn thing came like an ox, unleashing a torrent of thick, smelly goo into her mouth. Geno gagged hard and he pulled out, splashing gobs of the stuff across her muzzle. Within seconds her face was coated in the substance, much thicker than mammal cum, almost like a thick pudding, though the analogy disgusted her. The male gulped in air, shaking his rod to flick the last remaining drops onto her face, then he stepped back and she didn't know where he was.

Geno coughed and choked for several minutes, the goo sticking to her throat like putty, the reek making her nauseous. She shook her head violently to try and fling some of the substance off of her, but it had little effect. The nasty shit was everywhere, in her nostrils, on her cheeks, in her hair. She was going to smell like lizard cum for a week.

As her disgust regarding the facial she'd just received waned, Geno then realized that the creature fucking her was starting to make sounds similar to the ones the first had made just before he finished. "It's about time," she thought. "At least this will be over."

Moments later, she was surprised as the creature pulled out, stepping away from the bed. For just a second, the catgirl thought she might be spared any further indignities from this particular being, but she was quite wrong.

As she heard the male moving up to the side of the bed where the first had been standing, Geno groaned. She knew what was coming next. The creature grunted and gasped, and after a few moments he exhaled loudly and a blast of cum struck her in the face, oozing down her cheeks and forming a gross pool underneath her head. A few more spurts followed, then a moment of dripping as the male finished his orgasm, and it was over.

Actually, it wasn't. She'd forgotten about the thing that had been manhandling her breasts. While he had let the other two have fun, he was apparently ready for his turn. Crawling off the feline and moving between her legs, he didn't even take the time to wet his tool before he shoved it into her sore cunt, laughing gutturally as he did so. If anything, he was bigger and more forceful than the other one, and the feline bit her lower lip hard to keep from crying out.

Without multiple males to assault her at once, Geno could focus on the attack by the single creature, and this somehow made it worse. Her whole body was sore, though at the moment it was her groin that hurt the most. That was hardly surprising, considering the fact that a massive-tooled lizard was banging at her like it was the first pussy it had gotten in years. It took harsh breaths with each thrust, slamming its powerful body into her helpless form, ravaging her without mercy or kindness. Its claws still dug into the flesh of her tits, and she was sure there were bloody gashes across her fuzzy orbs. Unable to stop herself, she started making sad crying sounds in the back of her throat. She hurt all over. She was scared. She was humiliated. This was one of the worst experiences of her life.

Time seemed to drag on forever as the reptile raped her, his bulging cock stretching out her tender and tired pussy. She thought she recognized his voice as Shen, the one who spoke English, but she couldn't be sure. They all sounded as much alike as they looked, and she couldn't tell them aparting by sight, either. His tongue rasped at her aching tits, his harsh laughter reverberating in her ears.

The male pulled out and crawled onto the bed, straddling her, his massive weight pressing down on her chest. A firm hand grabbed her by the back of the head and forced her sticky face forward, and he jammed his cock in between her quivering lips. Sitting on top of her, he fucked her face cruelly, thrusting over and over again, his stench overpowering her, his thick cock choking her. Finally, he whipped his cock away and began loudly and rapidly jerking off, until he howled with pleasure and shot an enormous load of foul, sticky fluid across her chest and face, drenching the poor femme in lizard cum. She gagged and coughed and hacked, overwhelmed by the smell and the heat, feeling utterly miserable.

After a few moments, the creature crawled off of her and the three left, closing the door behind them. Exhausted, terrified, and aching, Geno passed out.

The female awoke some time later, aware of the presence of another being in the room with her. The thought of another gang rape filled her with dread, and she moaned softly in worry.

"You did damn good, babe." Harry's oily voice was somehow even worse than the snarling, hissing sounds of the lizards. "They loved ya."

"Fuck off, Harry. Eat shit and die, you pencil-dick asshole." She tried to think of some more insults to throw his way, but she was too tired.

"Now, now, is that any way to talk to me? After all I've done for you? You got a nice vacation, a new dress, some very fancy alcohol, all for the price of a little fuck. What could be better?"

"You could've at least asked me, you cocksucker." Geno became aware of a painful ache centered in her crotch and breasts, doubtlessly the result of the nasty assault she had suffered.

In response, Harry laughed. "No, that wasn't possible. Of sure, you probably would've gone along with it, but my clients were specific. They wanted a cat, and they wanted to take her by force. Not my style, of course, but I'm not here to judge."

Geno didn't bother to reply, just growled in the direction his voice was coming from. Even now, he hadn't bothered to remove her blindfold. Sometimes he was a real prick.

A silent moment passed, and there was a knock at the door. Geno heard the door creak open, and Shen's voice echoed through the small room. "Is she awake? Can we go again, Harry?"

The weasel seemed to think for a moment, then Geno felt his eyes fall on her. "Whaddya think, babe? You good for another go?" Damn, he was an asshole.

Geno was silent for a moment, then spoke up. "All right, fine. But I want a grand for each of 'em."

Harry's laughter mingled with the excited warbling of the lizards as they rushed into the room, and Geno imagined with a grin them taking out their wallets and shoving money into the weasel's paws. "You're one of a kind, babe. One of a kind."