
Story by kai wolfheart on SoFurry

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Were use to seeing a stereotypical behavior of Doberman's such as cocky attitude, but this time I want to shine a different light the doberman as to how they get to be where they are in behavior. See how Caleb comes to grip with what is expected of him as a Doberman as he finally takes things all the way with his Boyfriend Ian.

TADA!!! Finally after over 2 years of not written a story I finally got something going, apologies for the wait. This was inspired by Linkin's Dobie march madness that I was able to finish at the very last minute. After reading some of the other entries I wanted to be a bit different since I'm use to seeing a stereotypical behaviour of Dobies, I thought "What about one's first time?" Highly doubt they were that cocky then. So enjoy and please comment/fave cause even though I've gotten better in writing stories in RL, I don't know how good I am here after so long.

"Wake me up Before you go-go, Don't leave me hanging like a yo-yo "

My sense of sleep is disturbed by the sound of my annoying alarm clock as I struggle to turn the damn thing off to show its done its job with a loud slam. Of course the room being all nice and quiet again, it wouldn't hurt to rest for another 5 minutes right?

Unfortunately, the sun decides to shine over my eyelids through the window. I couldn't stand it anymore, and just simply pulled the covers off me and quickly made my way to the shower before the freezing morning air gets to me.

The simple drill of jumping in the warm water and letting it flow over my naked form seemed to help me get out of the grumpy mood I feel in the morning and into a more relaxed state. Of course there's one muscle that decided to be awake, but I have to make sure not to fool around now, otherwise-

"Finish jerking your meat Caleb and hurry up before your breakfast gets cold."

My dad sure can be blunt, better get out now before he turns on the kitchen sink to make my warm shower arctic cold. Stepping out of the shower I wipe the foggy mirror to get a better look at myself.

In the mirror I see an 17 year-old 6'1 doberman with black fur, blending with brown fur at my hands and stomach. Underneath my fur lies a nice amount of muscles that show I'm fit from playing tennis. That alone seems to throw people off, cause apparently to everyone else's eyes, they automatically assume a stereotypical doberman out of me.

Why can't I just be seen without someone automatically assuming they know something about me? Its better to not think about that stuff now and just hurry up and get ready.

After getting myself dressed in a simple black shirt and jeans, I make my way to the dining room table with my dad reading the newspaper with an empty plate right beside him in what was probably his share of bacon and eggs.

"Morning dad, thanks for breakfast." I sit down and start eating my plate of bacon and eggs.

"No problem, gotta make sure I take care of a growing teenager like you." He folds his newspaper and I get a better look at him. With how people see me as some kind of stereotypical doberman, you can be assured my dad is the same....but much worse. There's no other way for me to put it other then the fact not only do people assume the stereotypes, but my dad lives up to them to the fullest.

Once again I see that he is shirtless while wearing his dog tag necklace as he shows off his well defined muscular body through his fur. Everyone would say how much alike we look....if you consider I somehow grew another 2 inches and transformed my body into that of a weight lifter. Wouldn't be surprised if he was in just his underwear cause he is what I like to call an 'attention whore'.

"Dad can't you be like any normal dad, for example...wearing a shirt?"

My dad gives me a toothy smirk, "But I hate leaving my muscles hidden from the world to see." He makes several poses to show off some of his muscles....attention whore for sure.

"Besides, its these very same muscles that help pay the bills around the house you know. Its not easy taking care of this fine piece of meat for modeling." He poses some more to show me his point.

"Dad your a model for Doggie Smut Rut, its not exactly a magazine you can say it isn't pornographic."

"Well I gotta go where the money goes. I don't want you to be in the same situation I was when I was at your age."

Same excuse as always, family was close to living out on the streets and sold his body to save them. It didn't get better when I was conceived and my mom dumped me on my dad as she made her getaway, and my dad did more porn work to support me. Quite the conversation topic for those with innocent ears....hehehe.

"Its not that I don't appreciate all that you've done for me, but it wouldn't hurt to ask you to do something as simple as...wearing a shirt."

"I could but you wouldn't get to ogle this sexy body that I'm sure you love."

Right now your probably thinking my dad and I are in that kind of relationship right?

....Wrong, I may be gay and my dad supposedly 'Bi', but when you grow up and live with a complete asshole, filled with hot air....the sex appeal is dead. I guess the fact that I'm gay makes him believe that he can try to have a more intimate relationship with me.

"Didn't know those muscles filled your brain with hot air. You make my taste in muscular men sour. "

"Or salty, in this case." His toothy grins always seem to support my reason for disliking him so much. Is it too much to ask for a normal dad that isn't perverted towards his son?

"No way in hell will I cheat on my Boyfriend, with my dad." I returned to eating my breakfast to quickly silence this conversation, but knowing my dad he won't let it end there.

"How is Ian anyway? Everything going okay with you two?" Damn it, the last thing I want him to do is snoop into my life. Better make it quick.

"Yeah...everything is...ok." Crap I hesitated.

"Hmm, what's the matter?" He gets up from his seat and find that he is only wearing a jockstrap that barely contains the bulge of his big sheath and balls. He comes up behind me in my seat and holds me in a caring way, like a father should...if only he could do this kind of stuff more.


"Son, your right ear flicks every time you lie, either get it out of the way now or I interrogate you through my wrestling and tickling technique." Shit. He grips my arms with his fingers laying over my armpits....a shiver runs up my body remembering the horrendous torture. No use hiding from this guy.

"Alright fine. You know that Ian isn't a virgin right."

"Choosing someone experienced, good choice. Shows I taught you well." Not sure the things you 'taught' me were something considered a normal father-son moment.

"Well...I was thinking about....going all the way with him." As if I had enough trouble saying that, my body fur darkens from my blush.

"So what's the problem? Seems just about the right time to do that." I'm pretty sure your supposed to say something like, use protection or no way is that happening until your married.

I took a deep breath knowing its useless to argue with my father on how to talk, "The problem is that.....I'm afraid of not knowing what to do."

His grips loosens and brings them up to my shoulders as he looks at me directly.

"Son, It doesn't really take an Einstein to know that you get down and dirty, then you stick your dick in a hole and fuck."

"Dad, I never done this before. I know it sounds simple, but....I just don't know what I"m going to do is right. I feel like everyone expects me to know what to do because I'm a Doberman. I don't even know if I'm a top, or a bottom-".

"Caleb caleb, relax. I get it. Your afraid you'll disappoint Ian, and that he'll leave you." Hearing him say that kinda describes exactly what it feels like to me.

"To be honest it's a possible outcome some people have experienced." Way to boost my confidence level dad.

"However, for someone like Ian to stay with you after 3 months of keeping things as far as BJ's." I highly doubt he would ever want to leave you over something as simple as this." Yeah I guess thats-....wait a minute.

"You knew we were fooling around!?"

"Yeah, you two are not that good at hiding these things when I'm around. I knew after the first 2 weeks you were dating you started doing things from the sounds you two make late at night. You make quite the cute bark you know that?"

Again he grins at me. Damn it, not only does he know we fooled around but he's been letting us do it!? This is definitely not how a normal family operates. All this anger fueling me is causing me to growl till he puts his hand on my muzzle.

"Back to the topic at hand, you shouldn't worry about him leaving you." Damn it now my worries and panic returned to me.

"But what if I can't do it? I'm...scared he would be disappointed in dating an amateur like me."

"Son, it just takes practice okay. You may fumble the first 2 or 3 times but you'll get the hang of it in no time. Feeling better yet?"

I felt a bit puzzled over my dad's words, will I really get the hang of it?

"I don't know?"

"Okay, how about this" He took off his dog tag necklace and gave it to me, "This necklace acts as my charm, giving me courage to be the sexy dobie your dad is proud to be when modeling. If it works for me, it should work when you two actually do it."

I felt the cold metal wrap around my neck as I see it placed onto me now. "I highly doubt a trinket you got from your shoots will help give me courage."

"You never know, I say you look sexier already." Damn my dad and his pervertedness, I quickly grabbed the necklace to take off but, the fear of disappointing Ian reaffirmed my reason to keep it on.

My dad simply smiled at me as he saw me accept the necklace, "Now hopefully you won't mess up on your first time."

He quickly got up and hugged me in a caring way that definitely made me enjoy how good of a parent my dad can be sometimes.

"Of course, you could always experiment with a veteran such as your DADDY and be ready."


He emphasized the last words by grinding his package against me showing that he's starting to get turned on.

"I'm sure this doesn't qualify as a normal father-son bonding moment." I quickly get up and put away my breakfast and started getting my stuff.

"Awww, why not give in to temptation?" Is it really that hard to comprehend? I turned around to answer him.

"Cause all I see is an ass."

"Hey, that's mister fine-ass to you son." He gives a firm smack to his ass to emphasize his reason. The site only makes me want to hurl as I quickly hurry back into my room to get my stuff for school.

"I'll give you a ride to school."


"Ok fine, sheesh....things would be so much easier if you were a typical doberman like your old man."


After dropping me off at school I quickly made my way to the art building already knowing what to do as I made my way through the crowd of furs. Soon enough I see a familiar face in site as a 5'9 yellow labrador has me in his site and makes his way to me with his tail wagging like crazy.

When we are close enough he quickly jumps up expecting me to catch him, and catch him I did.

"HI CALEB!!!, How is my dobie man doing this fine gloomy school day?" God I love how infectious his smile can be as I feel a smile forming on my muzzle as he nuzzles me.

"Not sure, I feel a growing heavy mass in my hands. Is my lab building some chunk?" I didn't mean that, its just something we often do to playfully hurt each others feelings, and am sure he knows it too.

"More cushion for the pushing I always say." Yup he knows it.

"How are you doing dear?" I gently place him down on his feet again so that we can look at each other again cause I can't get enough of looking into those blue eyes of his.

"Good, What's with the necklace? Cause honey your looking sexy wearing that stuff."

"Just wanted to try something new is all." I didn't want to tell him my real reason for wearing it, cause already it seems pathetic to say to your bf that you believe a necklace will help rock your world, I mean really now.

"Ok? Oh yeah, are we still on for the date this friday?"

"You know it, and also there's something I want to ask you?" Better say this now.


"Would you be interested in....doing something more after?" Cue the blushing, thankfully its not to noticeable with my dark fur.

"You mean you want to....try and go all the way?" I could only nod my reply over my embarrassment "You sure your ready?"

I didn't want to say no, this was something I felt that I needed to do, "Yeah. I think I am."

His look of surprise couldn't be anything short of 'I just won the lottery' look.

"GREAT! This date just got so much better. Come here you." I quickly felt his muzzle connected to mine as he probed my mouth with his tongue. Of course I complied but I wanted to keep it toned down since we were in school.

"Get a room you two!" My body froze hearing a stranger's voice that was most likely directed at us.

"Typical dobies, bet he gets the lab screaming like a bitch in bed." All I can hear was laughter after that as the strangers walked away from the scene that they saw before them.

Hearing what they said though made me close my eyes in worry as I tried to enjoy the kiss and ignore the expectation.

Ian could tell about my worries and quickly recedes from the kiss.

"Honey, don't worry about what other's say okay? I love you for who you are."

Hearing that didn't really seem to make me feel better, "Even though I'm not exactly like most dobermans people see?"

"That itself is what makes me like you even more, your different and unique." He embraces me with a hug, and I could only hug him back enjoying that comfort.

"If anything we will just take things one step at a time friday night okay?"



It was friday evening and I just finished tennis practice. Ian was sure to be done with his basketball practice soon, and we both agreed to meet each other at the movie theaters later. I made sure to shower off all the musky sweaty smell I built up from practice as well as relax my aching muscles for another workout later that will involve my bed soon.

Of course I made sure for this to happen I checked on my dad's plan and had been told that he was going to be out all night so now seemed like a perfect time then ever to do this.

I made sure to dress up nicely to impress my man as I wore an open black dress shirt with a stretch white t-shirt that showed off my muscles and the dog tag that was still hanging around my neck. Of course I made sure to wear some nice fitting jeans that definitely showed off my leg muscles and ass too.

I want this night to be perfect for Ian and show him how great of a boyfriend I can be, despite the stereotypes people try to label me.

Making my way out into the living room I see my dad was also ready to go out as well once he dropped me off at the theaters. He was wearing a business suit with a fake pair of glasses, which made me wonder....

"What the hell are you doing? Going to a business meeting or something?"

"For you information son, this get up is for the shoot that I need to attend. Not bad huh?"

I could only roll my eyes over the realization that would be the only reason he would dress up, would be for something perverted.

"Right, and the glasses help me believe your smart."

"Nope, only sexier when I take them off and strip for the camera." He took off his glasses and started to slowly strip as if the living room was a photography studio and I was the camera apparently.

He continues to unbutton his pants as he begins to show off his lower regions, I could only think of one word for this moment.


My insult doesn't register to him, rather it encouraged him to do more as he cupped his package through the obviously too small jockstrap to show off more while giving me that annoying toothy grin of his.

"I know your jealous, you simply want to sit on the boss's chair. You look mighty fine for a promotion if I do say so myself." He gropes himself, hoping to get me interested, but remained unaffected by his very forward action.

"Thanks for the nasty compliment dad. Could you just please just drop me off without harassing me." His grin turned to a pout right away, as he put his clothes back on.

"Don't know what Ian see's in you anyway, your no fun."

"Simple I love him, and your my dad. Simple difference."

"Where is my share of the love?" He tries to give me a puppy dog face and I turn away before it affects me.

"You would turn that love into something wrong."

"Okay fine, lets get going." We soon make our way to the movie theaters.


"That was a great movie, don't you think?"

"How would you know, you were cuddling and nuzzling me the entire film." Even now he was still latched onto my arm nuzzling me as if he were a cat. Surprised he hasn't started purring yet.

"Can't help it, your just so sexy I can't keep myself off you." Seeing him being so affectionate is just too darn cute.

"Well soon enough you won't have to." That sounded good right? After having my dad constantly flirting with me I'm sure to have picked up a guidebook on the art of flirtation already.

"Well then, since your so insistent, how about we get in my car and we drive back to your place?" That look in his eyes went from cute to lustful, I could only think for my reply is by simply kissing him.

The moment I kissed him however, he pulled me into a full on french kiss. I was simply being romantic, but the way Ian was grinding his body against mine, tongues dancing in each others mouth, my body soon began to say it wanted more then romantic.

After a while we quickly pulled away from some much needed oxygen as we breathed heavily while looking into each other's eyes. Ian's eyes though, they looked more worried then what they were a minute ago.

"Are you sure your ready? I can wait if you like." That got me thinking negatively now.

"Well....I......isn't this what you wanted?"

"Not if your ready. I want your first time with me to be meaningful." God...thank you for giving me this angel.

"I'm, sorry. I just want this night to be perfect. I want to please you in every way possible."

"You don't have to hold yourself up to expectations you know? I want you to do it however you want to do it as Caleb my boyfriend. Not the doberman stud I'm dating."

It cheers me up to hear that Ian doesn't hold me up to the expectation of a doberman. He just wants me to be me, the guy he loves.

"Ok, I think I am ready. Just hope I can make it as enjoyable for you as much as I can."

"I'll enjoy it no matter what. Cause its with the one that I love."

After that little discussion we quickly made way for my home. He was familiar with my home, so we only needed to worry about making it into my room with out making a mess as we mushed our bodies together, as we made out like no other.

As we were exploring each other's muzzles, I didn't realize we were on my bed till I felt myself pushed back into the mattress by Ian. He quickly got on top of me as we resumed kissing until finally we kept it to simple pecks, unable to get enough of each other's kisses as I let Ian take control in what to do next.

"How about we get ourselves more comfortable, I want to feel your fur against mine." His body was grinding against mine to emphasize how annoying it is to have clothes get in the way between us.

I could only smile mischievously at his naughty behavior, "Definitely."

We quickly took off our shirts and resumed making out again as our hands explored the other person's body. I could feel Ian's hands rubbing the dense muscles that laid beneath my short fur, as he was able to inspect my body as much as he wanted with the privacy that we have. I worked on my exploration of his muscles he worked up from playing basketball, he sure has a good amount of muscles built on his arms as they were bulging from practicing his shots, and tonight I was sure to make him practice a different kind of shooting...hehehe. I quickly found my hands reaching further down his back till I touched his tail and froze, that's when he stopped his caressing and looked at me.

"I'll help you through this, one step at a time. You just sit back and relax and let me handle things from here."

I smiled up at him as I saw his fur glowing a faint blue from the moonlight peeking through the window, it really complimented his eyes and simply made me want him even more. I laid back as he worked on exploring my body with his hands as he began to nibble down from neck to my chest. I saw him giving a quick peck to my dog tag necklace as he continued going downward.

The moment I felt him reach my nipples is when I gasped in surprise. He took that reaction to his advantage as he began licking and nipping my right nipple, causing my sheath to twitch with arousal. As his mouth explored one nipple, the other was squeezed by his hand. He could feel the throbbing of my sheath as his free hand laid over my jean covered groin.

I was at the mercy of this lab as he played with my body as if it was a toy. By now he knew every weak spots from all the time we fooled around, but this time felt different...more passionate. He turned his muzzle to my left nipple and give it a good amount of care he did with my right that was now squeezed by his other hand.

I didn't have to say anything in how good it felt, my moans were good enough interpretations in how well he was doing. After getting a good enough fill of my nipples, he began making a small kissing trail down to my abs, and then to my groin. I could feel his warm breath over my clothed crotch, and we knew, how much of a pest they were.

"Time to see my prize." He worked the buttons on my jeans and slowly pulled them down with my underwear. It was embarrassing for me to see that I was fully hard with my 8 inch member and I got pre all over it, that didn't seem to stop him however from licking his chops as we looked into each others eyes.

"MMmmm my dobie man got his package coated in his mess. Gonna have to clean that up now." He brought his muzzle down and licked my junk as if it was a lollipop. His sandpapery tongue over my balls felt so good, I couldn't hold back my loud moans as he went up to my shaft. It seemed impossible for him to get my dick fully cleaned from his licks, as I was constantly shooting pre from his treatment.

That is until he wrapped his muzzle around my dick and felt the nice warm confines of his mouth fully cleaning my dick. I was struggling now, my eyes were shut to keep it together and not shoot my load already as he bobbed his head. His moaning around my dick caused me to shoot pre straight down his throat as he was enjoying the taste that was constantly hitting his taste buds.

I felt that I was close, there's no denying that till suddenly I felt the cold air around my dick again. I opened my eyes again to see Ian sitting up looking down at me with the smile that gets me going.

"How about we get started?"

Wait now?....

"Ummm, how do you...ugh.....want to do this?"

It seemed my lab knew the answer already, as he shook off his jeans and showed that he went commando for our date. Slowly he turned himself around and parked his rear in front of my face.

"How about you sample some of this fine ass before you pound it good." Hearing him say that I'm topping made me worry again,

"In the mean time I'll nurse your dick till your ready." Guess he knew I was freaking out. But from what I saw, definitely seemed to get me going as I saw his 7 inch member fully out of his sheath dripping pre and his pucker glistening in the moonlight.

As I felt Ian going back to sucking on my member, I let my curiosity get the better of me as I brought my muzzle to that delicious ass of his. I pulled his cheeks apart and sniffed his pucker to see why it was glistening, until finally my doggy senses kicked in and I just licked it.

He moaned around my dick in response. My eyes widen at the realization.

It was lube, and not just any lube, I made another lick at the pucker and felt him squirm as I realized he prepared himself good by using flavor lube.

*Lick* strawberry flavor....mmmm.

My muzzle stayed glued between those glutes as I continued my craving for more. I felt Ian begin to shake and squirm more from my persistence in eating him out. I couldn't get enough of it, i simply wanted more as my tongue began to dart its way into his hole.

"OH GOD CALEB!!" Hearing him moan like that, just turned me on even more as I tried to reach as far as I can in the sweet delicious crevice that is my amazing labrador boyfriend. For some reason I felt one of my hands move on its own as it pulls away from the cheek its holding and brings it back down with force.


Ian squealed and continued his fevered pace in nursing my member well, my muzzle began to smile. My hands started to move on autopilot as I continued to rim my man.

Slap, Slurp, Slap Slurp Slurp...

I this point Ian stopped as he could only moan out in response to my actions. The slaps on his muscular ass felt good, my mind started wondering how good will they hold when I fuck him.

"Please Caleb *pant* your *pant* gonna make me *moan* cum soon." I decided enough was enough as I stopped my tongue bathing and slapping of his ass cheeks. I pulled my muzzle back and saw my handy work. Both Ian's cheeks were red along with the blush on his face, as I saw his pucker really glistened with my doggie slobber.

The gears in my hand started turning as my mind began to think only one thing only.

Fuck this Labrador.

Ian shifts around as he gets himself positioned cowboy style. I looked down to see my chest and was pretty wet with his precum, and saw him still leaking pre as Ian prepared for what was to come next.

"Are you ready for this." I felt myself give a toothy grin over a question like that.

"Definitely sweety." The smirk on my face just wouldn't go away.

Ian began to lower himself on me as he slowly tried to relax enough for me to enter him until finally...

The feeling of my tip inside his ass already made me shoot a lot of pre into him and can tell that he was enjoying the feeling. He soon began to lower himself more with ease as my dick never stopped shooting pre. After some time I finally felt his ass cheeks touch my hips, as my mind went into overdrive with pleasure. The thought of how amazing his mouth is around my dick was long gone over the amazing warmth his ass radiated as he squeezed around my member.

"How am i?" I look up into his eyes as he works himself in adjusting around my member.

"You feel so amazing." I could only smile like an idiot as I never wanted this moment to end. I soon felt him pull his ass off my dick, as it caused me to whimper only to feel the returning warmth again.

Feeling him working himself bouncing on my dick, I felt some primal urge in me grow. This wasn't enough, I wanted more.

"Caleb?" His concern was quickly surprised by my toothy grin as I growled at him.

I surprised him even more by flipping him over and the positions changed to that of a missionary. I couldn't bring myself to speak, rather I could only growl in lust. I began to buck my hips slowly in and out of him as I watched my man enjoy the dick inside him. Soon I felt the urge grow again at wanting more, and soon my body began to pick up speed as the loud staccato of hips slamming against hips grew louder along with Ian's moans.

"Oh God. Yes YEs YES!!"

God I love the moaning and groaning sounds my lab was making. I felt my body give in to instincts as it was telling me to breed my bitch. The twisted pleasure look on his face made me want to do so much more. I bent forward to the point I had my whole weight behind every thrust as I invaded his mouth with my tongue. Ian was quick to comply as he sucked my tongue as if it was my love muscle that was in his ass.

Yet still I wanted to do more, I took Ian by surprise by pulling away quickly and leave him empty. We didn't say anything, we looked at each other as our way of communicating.

"Please." Ian began to whimper as he looked like a begging dog.

"Please what?"

"Please....Breed me, Caleb." Ian further made his point by flipping onto his stomach and leaving his rump high up fully exposed while his muzzle laid glued against the pillow he was holding. Enough said.

I quickly made my way back to his fully exposed rump as I brought my member back into his ass as we both moaned in satisfaction.

I quickly went back to ramming his ass good as the bed creaked loud enough that I'm sure the whole house could hear. The idea of it possibly breaking beneath me didn't stop my assault, it only encouraged me to wreck my mans ass and my bed. I felt myself on top of the world as my man started speaking incoherently. Some of which surprised me as to him wanting to be my bitch and impregnate him.

"Please Caleb...I want your children. I want to breed your puppies, I wanna be your bitch in heat."

Seeing how submissive he got just only fed my instincts as I soon brought it home.

Ian could tell I was close as I tried to hammer my fully grown knot into his ass as I growled in frustration.

"Please tie me. Make me truly your bitch you big stud." That encouragement is what pushed me over the edge, as my knot entered the tight confines of his ass as my mind began to black out

"Ian I'm cumming!!!" My instincts told me one last thing 'Mark my bitch', and so I did by biting down on his neck and growling as I shot my load deep into his gullet.

"Ahhhh" I felt his ass clench down on me as I felt him cumming hands free on my bed. It felt like my entire being was shooting into Ian, as my dick was squeezed the life out of it.

Soon enough I felt my body collapse alongside Ian as we laid together sideways on my bed quickly falling asleep from orgasm and too hot to bother putting the blankets over us.


I felt so comfortable, I never realized how great of a feeling it was to spoon my boyfriend while stuck tied to him. I felt so warm and happy, seeing the pleasured look on his face resting from the rutting I put him through last night. I guess I really do have what it takes to please him-


What the hell? I turned to where the flash was, only to see my dad there in his birthday suit with his 10 inch member out as he was taking a picture of what he was seeing before him. Panic quickly started rushing through me as I tried to move to cover both our bodies, but caused Ian to stir from his sleep as I tugged my knot from his ass.

"Dad what the HELL!!!"

"Awww, I just wanted to capture the moment of my son's first time."

"Okay aside from how wrong this is, why the hell are you naked?"

"Pretty obvious don't ya think? I'm turned on simple as that. Though last night with all the noise you two made, definitely helped get me going in jerking off and must say, from the sounds of it...you sure seemed to rock his word Caleb." He gave me a wink in support of his claim. Wait a minute.....

"Was the shoot you told me then all a lie?"

"Yup" My anger started to boil but I quickly calmed down down before asking my next question.

"Why did you lie?"

"C'mon Caleb, you told me you were wanting to go all the way with Ian. Asking about my schedule that somehow works with your date.....pretty easy to see the answer is your wanting to do it while I'm gone."

Damn it dad.

"Like I would miss the entertainment, that's one wall away from me."

"Gotta say, he really did rock my world Mr. Jackson." I look to my side and see Ian sleepy yet happy.


"Its the truth, I feel your knot but my ass feels numb from all the pounding." He tugs on my knot and grit from the sensitivity. "Wow, your knot still big and your cum feels so good in me" he said with a silly grin.

"Excellent analysis my dear good man, Caleb one thing I need to tell you before I save these photos, that necklace is a fake."

I didn't get it. I guess my face said what I was thinking as my dad started speaking again.

"You were afraid over your performance in bed and you still wore it believing it gives you confidence."


"No I didn't."

"Then why are you still wearing it?"


"You were able to do what you did last night all on your own, don't you feel confident now in your skills?"

I guess.

"I'll let you two rest some more while I take care of some of my....obvious business" He pointed to his dick that was leaking precum apparently, "and make you all some pancakes after." As soon as my dad left the room all was quiet again.

"You thought a necklace would give you confidence?" I look over to Ian to see he was fully awake now.

"It was something my dad suggested, in order to get over my fears." Great as much as I rocked my boyfriends world, this all seems very pathetic now.

"That's quite the dad you got, you sure you haven't slept with him?"

Say what?

"No never in a million years. Nor will we ever invite him into bed with us."

"I never said anything about inviting him." The gears clicked in my head over what I said.

Shit did I really say that?

"Who knows, you may not be the typical doberman everyone see. But I see that your a natural when it comes to certain traits thats is expected of a doberman."

"God damn it-" he kisses me on the nose.

"I always love you, you know that." That smile and beautiful blue eyes always seems to make me feel mushy no matter what I feel.

"I love you too, Ian." I give him a gentle kiss as we enjoy cuddling together some more.

Hope you all enjoyed it. In time I will hopefully start posting more things when college isn't trying to kill me :P