Serevokin Legacy

Story by Faora on SoFurry

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#4 of The Missing Link

Welcome back, one and all, to the end of MPreg March 2013!

For those who don't know, this a month where I strive to enrich myself through application of writing prowess to male impregnation-focused stories! In the past, I created a world built around beings called Serevokin who, as an all-male race, breed exclusively through 'lesser' races who are dominated by pheremone-laden musk and intense, mid-coital suggestion that shapes behaviour. This year, I've continued the Serevokin story!

You thought it was going up last friday, didn't you? Ha! Had to keep you all on your toes and build a little suspense for the final chapter of The Missing Link. I hope you enjoy the conclusion to this series, and to MPreg March 2013!

  • Faora, of the Flowing Tide

Serevokin Legacy

"Oh come now, Sera; surely it's not that bad."

A growl was all that Kolseratil could manage to muster in response to the words. His breaths came in shallow pants as he struggled to breathe, his whole body wracked with exhaustion as he slumped back into the arms of the machine that held him aloft. His whole body trembled as it regenerated itself from the ordeal it had just gone through.

He tried to look down. He tried to look past where he'd once seen a swollen belly. He tried to spot the life that he'd just delivered, but it was too late. Whatever actions Rolkotarni had taken from elsewhere in the ancient starship had instructed its machines to deliver the newborn Serevokin - or whatever it was this time - right to him.

The projection of Rolkotarni shimmered in the air before Sera, rather than flat against the wall as it had been when the two had first come to the Bastion of Revo. "It hurts, I know! Have you ever asked the females of other races what they feel when they give birth? Apparently it is even worse for them!"

"I wonder how many times they are forced into their breeding," Sera snarled back from behind clenched teeth. "How many months - years! - they are strapped down and abused by an insane draconic and his creations. How many unseemly creatures they are subjected to the base needs of."

Rolkotarni's image grinned. "It is so nice to see you as your old self again. I am surprised you still have fight left in you." He glanced off to something out of Sera's view. "And it has been... one year and seven months since we arrived. Give or take."

"I know. I count the births." Sera's eyes narrowed. "Have you found what you are looking for?"

Once again, Rolkotarni glanced away from Sera. He frowned and moved his arms over some console the trapped Serevokin couldn't see. "Interesting... but no. How frustrated Tosmikaalir must have been! Ah well. Another one for the incinerator." He grinned back at Sera again. "You look so very sick and tired of that room. Would you like to stretch your legs, rather than your rump? Go for a walk?"

The anger that bubbled up inside Sera from Rolkotarni's words was overcome by the potential for more information. The time he'd spent between breedings had been slight. He only had a handful of hours across nineteen months of lucidity. The rest of the time had been spent as a moaning whore, squirming under Rolkotarni's latest creation. "I would like that. Will you be accompanying me?"

"I will be right outside your door, waiting. One moment." The image of Rolkotarni wavered and vanished, and a moment later the bindings around Sera's limbs released and retracted. He slid down and out of the harness-like device that had held him, and the older Serevokin caught himself as he hit the ground. Despite the time he had spent on the floor - or for some of the larger creatures, suspended in the air for them - with no control of his body, his muscles were as strong as ever. Rolkotarni's efforts had made Sera feel more capable than he'd been in his life, even if he had no way to apply that strength.

He'd learned where the door was, even if he'd never learned how to open the damnable thing. A seam in the wall, almost indistinguishable from the rest of the room, gave a mechanical hiss as it slid that part of the wall down into the floor. Sera hurried over to it as he spread his fingers and felt his claws twitch in anticipation. Now, finally, he had a chance!

When he stepped out of the room, there was Rolkotarni. The black-scaled draconic stood there with that same smug little grin on his face, just daring Sera to strike. Strike he did, with a bellow of rage and a leap that was designed to bury all of his claws down deep in Rolkotarni's chest.

Instead, Rolkotarni just shimmered as Sera passed right through him. He hit the ground with a thud and a grunt, and Rolkotarni laughed behind him as Sera slowly rolled onto his back. "Fool. Projectors line the walls, Sera. I can be anywhere inside this ship from where I am right now." He grinned wider as he shook his head, all the more amused at Sera's frustration. "They did not originally, but I have recently learned how to reconfigure the ship and its layout to suit me. Surprisingly easy!"

"Is this just a game to you, Rolkotarni?" asked Sera. He pushed himself to his feet as the spines on his back trembled with his anger. "These are lives you play with. Countless lives! The power to play with the whole world!"

The smile remained stuck firmly to Rolkotarni's face. "Incredible, is it not? And yet, I do not lose sight of my purpose. Serevokin are meant to be more than we are, Sera. We are meant to rule the stars, not sit back here on a tiny little world with a lifespan too short to accomplish anything. We deserve our empire!"

Sera drew himself up tall and straight. Plan A might have failed, but he would be the first to admit that one's first plan should never be their only plan. "You know what I am, Rolkotarni. I am of the Serevokin Alliance. I am quite prepared to do anything to ensure the survival of the Serevokin." He all but glared at his fellow draconic. "I could help you if I understood why this is all necessary."

"Too much knowledge is dangerous, Sera," Rolkotarni said with a smile. He waved at Sera to follow him as his projection started down the corridor. "Still, perhaps you would not try to murder me so if you knew what I know. I cannot and will not give you all the knowledge contained within this vessel, but I can give you enough to perhaps understand why it is that I do what I do."

Sera fought to hide his smile. "Where are we going, then?" he asked. This was just what he needed.

"Records interfacing room," Rolkotarni replied, as they rounded a corner. "You would call it a library, though it looks nothing like one. From there, you will be able to direct, to a limited extent, the flow of the knowledge this ship contains. You will be able to experience it for yourself." The image of Rolkotarni flickered for a moment, and he smiled more broadly. "But do not think that you will be able to make use of this direct interface to take control of the ship, Sera. I have locked the ship's full control to neural relay pathways only I control, and-"

"I do not yet understand what it is that these words mean, Rolkotarni," Sera interrupted with a smirk of his own. It hid the much broader, happier grin that threatened to come out as his plan developed further in his mind. If he was to be able to see the past, he would learn exactly what he would need to take control of his situation.

The projection just sighed as it stopped in front of a silvery door. "You will be sat down in a chair, and this chair will provide you with the memories of the ship. You will connect the ship to your mind, but you will not be able to do anything more than direct the flow of memories to you." He smiled again. "The ship is already keyed to my thoughts. While the majority of systems are activated mentally, you will not be able to affect most ship functions while in this chair."

The door slid open a moment later, and revealed the smallest room Sera had seen yet in the entire ship. It was little more than a chair, suspended in the center of the room by a series of cables that drew up into the ceiling. A rounded, helm-like addition hung off the back of the chair, and Sera frowned as he stepped inside. "And... how this is a library?"

"You expected books?" Rolkotarni smirked as he waved at the chair. "Go. Sit. I can activate the systems from here." When Sera hesitated, the projection heaved another sigh. "Sera, this is the same system I went to after I slew Tosmikaalir. The ship itself told me that this was the key to figuring out everything I needed to know. I am fine, and so you will also be. Go and sit."

Sera slowly stepped forward and turned around to sit down slowly in the chair. It didn't swing like he had expected it to, and was surprisingly more comfortable than it looked. He leaned back as a mechanical whir reached him, and Sera glanced up with raised eyeridges as the helm slid up and back to rest atop his head. It molded itself to his features and squeezed at his horns as he shuffled in against the chair itself. "Alright," he muttered, more to himself than anyone else. "What happens now?"

"Now you will see why this work that I do - that Tosmikaalir did before me - is so important," Rolkotarni replied, and his image wavered and vanished a second later as the light within the small room dimmed almost to nothing. A moment's concern spread through Sera, before he felt a little jolt run up through his back and right to his head.

In a moment, the rest of the room vanished before a wave of complete darkness. Sera blinked and felt his eyes move, but there was nothing. In spite of what he might ordinarily have felt, the Serevokin smiled thinly to himself. This had to be the connection to the ship that Rolkotarni had told him about. Experimentally, he tried to think about the ship itself.

Stars exploded into the darkness. They sparkled in the dark as Sera felt himself floating in the void. He tried to turn his head, but it was as if it weren't even attached to his neck. Instead, it was like all of space rotated around Sera. It brought into view a brilliant, massive green and white orb. It shone in the light of some unseen sun, and for a moment Sera found himself completely unable to form words or thoughts. There was nothing but the sight before him, and it wasn't until he could wonder at what it was that the chair whispered the answer to him with soft, mechanical tones: "Kaalishar II. Core world, Serevokin Imperium. Purpose: scientific exploration and study. Focus: genetic mutation."

Even as Sera tried to look around for the voice, his panning view of the planet below shifted again to bring into focus his first query. There, hanging high above the jewel in space of Kaalishar II, floated a great grid of metal and crystal and a million other things Sera couldn't identify. Eventually, he floated in past the metal and swooped in on something at its heart. Great metal wings spread out from a silvery body too smooth and too strangely shaped to be natural. Glass and crystal shone in the sunlight as Sera moved all around it. "Bastion Of Revo. Revorantihanra-class science vessel. Construction completed in the Imperial Standard Year 2287."

Sera continued to circle the ship as he felt his real body frown. The ship seemed to sense his confusion, as the image before him began to slowly rotate. "Further detail: Bastion Of Revo, so named for the Serevokin who designed its internal systems, was constructed as a potential solution to the Aschakka sterility plague. Capable of micro/macro energy/matter conversion on a mass scale and with databanks containing a full genetic record of every Serevokin since the Imperium's inception, the Bastion of Revo was originally intended to be an isolated, safe place for genetic experimentation."

A flicker of disbelief tingled through Sera. Originally intended to be a safe place?

The computer continued on. "Bastion Of Revo was lost soon after its construction. Imperial law was passed that declared tampering with Serevokin genetic code to be a crime against the people. It was said that no amount of consent from any sentient being could justify genetic manipulation at the scale that Bastion Of Revo was capable of. The project was to be shut down, and alternate methods of combating the Aschakka plague investigated."

But how did this ship make it to our world? Sera wondered to himself. It had barely entered his head before he had his response from the computer. "Radical geneticist Tosmikaalir and a small number of Serevokin loyal to his goals and committed to carrying out unlawful experimentation on Serevokin willing and unwilling managed to board the Bastion Of Revo and capture it. Bastion Of Revo entered superluminal transit shortly thereafter, and its subspace transponder signal was shut down by order of Tosmikaalir.

"Bastion Of Revo scanned space beyond the Serevokin Imperium under orders of Tosmikaalir. A world rich in life was necessary to supplement this vessel's energy/matter converter systems with fresh biomass." The image of the ship vanished from Sera's sight and was replaced with another world, equally green and white but with smatterings of blue and brown and red across its surface. "Planet designated BR-Q15-EX01. Name given as Aldari by Tosmikaalir in Imperial Standard Year 2321. Tosmikaalir established a network of bio-tech satellites in orbit and established a global genetic integration with the network."

Had he been able to control them, Sera's eyes would have bulged out of his head. If that Tosmikaalir had been able to connect every single person in the world to his ship, what else was he capable of doing? What else had he done?

As ever, the ship was able to read his thoughts and answer. "Tosmikaalir utilized Bastion Of Revo as a means to create a sub-breed of the Serevokin from a cross-section of Imperium Serevokin genetic traits. These Serevokin were granted heightened libido and fertility but shortness of life. Aschakka plague targeted female Serevokin; sub-breed of Serevokin engineered as monogendered race, designed on male genetics. Sub-breed Serevokin acted as carriers for plague, but suffered no ill effects in initial reproduction. Bio-tech satellite systems regulated mono-gendered pregnancies and helped to accelerate genetic mutations in sub-Serevokin."

Before Sera, the image of Aldari vanished and was replaced instead by what looked like a Serevokin built entirely out of strings of light. Within, he could see the familiar shapes of Serevokin organs and musculature. "Experiment was designed as long-term observation. If sub-Serevokin species could survive in their environment, Tosmikaalir planned to induce full-scale conversion of the Serevokin through the use of a weaponized retroviral infection."

Alright, Sera thought to himself as he focused on the image of the sub-Serevokin. That is one of my ancestors... little more than an experiment for a dying race. Ship! Tell me about the change that was made... why the Serevokin ceased to be able to breed with one another.

It took a couple moments for the Bastion to parse the thought, but eventually all Sera saw faded back into darkness again. Before him, similar light-frames that emulated the shapes of the Nakeletori wolves, the Linorika tigers, the Lissak foxes and the Virillo coyotes flickered into existence. "Unforeseen complications arose: Serevokin genetic code began to break down due to accelerated lifetimes and constant interbreeding. Mutation was necessary. Use of bio-tech satellites allowed for updates in genetic codes of native lifeforms. These lifeforms were altered to be affected in a similar fashion to Serevokin when mated, but only when mated by Serevokin. Serevokin were altered to no long be able to breed amongst themselves.

"Numbers stabilized. Serevokin population crashed almost to non-viable points. Discovery of new breeding method was made. This resulted in a delayed reaction that induced an attitude of interdependence between native life and Serevokin. Symbiotic relationship developed after a period of strife." The voice paused for a moment. "Complication: native life developed bio-tech counter to altered Serevokin genetic modification. Reversed induced adaptation and activated old genetic sequences to allow for interbreeding. Delivery made through crude gaseous system. Development caused fragmentation of Serevokin."

The rise of the Cult of Rolkotarni, Sera mused. So then we accomplished what Tosmikaalir set out to do, even without Rolkotarni's influence. We thrived, and we did it through interdependence with the lesser... the other races. The Cult wants power, and they will lead to... what? The death of the Serevokin when our bodies break down from inbreeding? If Rolkotarni wishes his Cult to rule, it will bring about destruction.

The light-frames before Sera vanished for a second as the ship contemplated his thoughts. The Serevokin was confused by the silence for a moment, before he finally heard those mechanical tones again. "Lifeform Rolkotarni. Custodian of Bastion Of Revo. Assessment of brain patterns and memory suggests similarity to Serevokin Imperium thought patterns. Extrapolation suggests that Rolkotarni will induce negative long-term experiment results. This vessel is bound to the neural instructions of Rolkotarni. This is in contravention of this vessel's purpose."

If he were able, Sera might have grinned. What do you think of me, ship?

"Assessing new lifeform Kolseratil." The voice went silent again. It remained silent for long enough that Sera was concerned that Rolkotarni might have shut it down, before it finally returned again. "Kolseratil possesses augmented lifespan and physical ability. Kolseratil possesses genetic diversity. Kolseratil's memories suggest affinity for life, symbiotic relationship with native lifeforms and opposition to goals of Rolkotarni. This vessel determines Kolseratil as a superior custodian. This vessel remains bound to the neural instructions of Rolkotarni."

That was all Sera needed to know. If the ship was able to understand his thoughts and would prefer him in charge, all he had to do was find a way to usurp Rolkotarni's control. Ship, explain how Rolkotarni became your custodian.

"Lifeform Rolkotarni possessed physiology necessary for database upload when Tosmikaalir terminated. Upon termination, Rolkotarni was selected from a candidate pool of one." The ship whirred around Sera for a moment. "Analysis suggests that Rolkotarni would be prepared for attempts to take control via termination."

That is quite alright; I had no designs on killing him, Sera thought. What about other systems? If Rolkotarni is in charge and unassailable, what parts of you can I control from this location?

There was a longer pause as the ship considered the question. "Life support systems are universal and can be accessed from any neural relay. Airlock controls are universal and can be accessed from any neural relay. Atmospheric controls are universal and can be accessed from any neural relay. Internal communications and sensor systems are universal and can be accessed from any neural relay. Reconfiguration systems are universal and can be accessed from any neural relay. Further systems are under override from the master neural relay chair on the bridge."

For a moment, Sera felt a little disgust. If that was all he had access to, then Rolkotarni was likely to be in charge of a considerable volume of the ship's systems. From such a location, it would be impossible for Sera to compromise that control. But at least Rolkotarni had been wrong; he did have some control over the ship. Then he played the ship's words back in his mind and frowned. Ship, what are the reconfiguration systems? he queried.

"Reconfiguration systems: Bastion Of Revo is a new design of Serevokin starship equipped with experimental polymorphic internal bulkheads and multiple-redundant systems. Simplification: access to reconfiguration systems allows a user to redesign the internal layout of Bastion Of Revo to better suit the purposes of the crew."

Sera mulled the information over for a moment, before a wicked little idea began to form in the back of his mind. Ship, what level of control do I have over the internal design of this place? Can I reconfigure a room that currently contains an occupant?

The answer came immediately: "Yes. However, safety measures are in place that prevents the reconfiguration of a room in such a manner as to threaten the safety of a crewmember. This system advises against reconfiguration of occupied rooms."

That is fine. I have no wish to harm Rolkotarni right now. Quite the opposite. Ship, can you bring your sensors online? Can you show me the nature of airflow through your structure?

Once more, Sera found himself looking at a light-frame image. This time it was of the ship itself, and new corridors and vents began to fill it for every moment he watched. It rotated as he thought about it, and the Serevokin found himself able to observe the full scope of the ship's ventilation system. Air came through as a blue fog, but he felt his eyeridges furrow in a frown as a violet fog shifted through several of the vents. Ship, what is that?

"Analyzing user thought processes for specific query; stand by." Sera just watched on in the meantime as the vents cycled the violet air away from the blue, filling just a couple of rooms. "Analysis complete. Compound is a synthetic chemical mixture. Similarities exist between compound and naturally occurred sub-Serevokin pheromones."

Can you identify the location of all lifeforms inside this vessel? Sera asked. Excitement began to take a hold as he looked over the light-frame ship. He might only have a few moments before Rolkotarni pulled him away, but if his theory was correct he would need only moments anyway.

As he watched on, a series of pulsing orbs appeared inside the ship. The red dot, Sera was able to note from the path he'd taken from his holding cell, was himself. Somewhere else in the ship and closer to its nose flickered a blue dot that he presumed was Rolkotarni. And down in the belly of the ship itself inside those purple-fogged rooms was a small number of black dots; the feral Serevokin Rolkotarni had bred from machines... and from Sera.

It was all the information Sera needed. Now he just needed to know if he could do what he wanted. If Rolkotarni caught him now, he would never have another chance. He'd be bound forever, slaved to the whims of those massive feral creatures and bred over and over again. Ship, you said I could access atmospheric controls and the reconfiguration systems. What would happen if Rolkotarni was no longer able to command you? Physically, I mean. If he stopped being able to monitor and control your systems, what would happen to you?

"This vessel would require at least one viable custodian or commanding officer in order to continue function," it replied. "If the custodian of the vessel is compromised, another must be chosen. At present, there is a candidate pool of one. Lifeform Kolseratil is the only viable option."

Well, not that I want to be in control of a ship like this for all of time, but it would certainly be better than being a breeder slave for just as long. Sera dimly felt the echo of his body's deep breath and hoped to whatever powers might be watching that Rolkotarni wasn't watching. On my command, activate your reconfiguration systems. Follow my mental path and execute the changes the moment I think them. Can you do that, ship?

"This vessel is primed to execute your request, Kolseratil," replied the ship. "Would you require the lifeform safety protocols to be overridden in order to achieve maximum reconfiguration potential?"

Oh, yes. Please, override those protocols. Sera looked all over the ship and felt himself grin. It was time Rolkotarni got to see just what Sera had been put through. If you would be so kind, ship, I would have you activate the systems now.

All around Sera, there was a quiet little whir. No sooner had the ship begun powering up the systems than Sera started to mentally direct the changes to the Bastion's internals. Corridors shifted, vents realigned, power conduits severed and were reset through secondary pathways-

"Sera? What are you doing?" The voice was Rolkotarni's, and it echoed from all around Sera's detached consciousness. "Why are you shifting the walls? Wait; how are you shifting the walls?"

Sera didn't offer him a response. Instead, he simply hurried up his plans. Within a few moments, he had isolated the air vents in Rolkotarni's room and locked the doors down. Violet fog began to pump up and into the bridge of the ship, and Rolkotarni's voice quickly took on a tone of panic. "No! Sera, stop this at once!"

But there was no way Sera was going to stop. He saw in the frame of the ship the various control systems in the bridge. No sooner had he thought it than they began to melt into the floor. The ship's secondary bridge became the primary, while the primary became an empty room around Rolkotarni. Neural relays severed. Walls flattened. Communications cut off.

Rolkotarni was isolated from the rest of the ship.

The ship itself knew it, too. "Lifeform Rolkotarni is locked within the designated space," it said. The room containing him flashed briefly, as the blue fog within turned slowly more and more purple. "Warning. This vessel is isolated from instruction from it custodian. Calculating necessary action."

Just wait, ship. Continue with the reconfiguration, Sera told it. More corridors and systems spread out through the Bastion's interior, and continued to do so for the better part of a minute. When it stopped, Sera stopped to admire his handiwork.

The bridge was a bridge no longer. It was simply an empty room, flooded with the artificial musk Rolkotarni had created. Sera brought up a projector on the wall and looked inside, and he smiled broadly at the sight of an overwhelmed Rolkotarni. The black-scaled Serevokin was trapped equally to his lusts as to the walls, with one hand vigorously pumping at his fully-engorged malehood while the other eagerly stuffed fingers down into his backside. Wanton moans and grunts echoed throughout the enclosed space.

But that wasn't quite enough for Sera. He turned his gaze instead back to the ship's frame. Ship, might I please have control of the experiment delivery mechanism?

"Delivery elevator has been unlocked, Kolseratil. You have control."

Thank you, ship. You are most helpful. He reconfigured the ship once more, and the former bridge was swiftly connected to the elevator system. Without a moment's hesitation or remorse, Sera activated the elevator.

He might have expected his projection to show one of the creatures rise into the room with Rolkotarni. A little surprise came when not one but three of the beasts arrived moments later. They clamoured up and over the elevator shaft in an attempt to access the room, and they growled at one another once they arrived.

Whatever dominance posturing they would have done vanished though, as three pairs of eyes fell on the over-aroused Rolkotarni. When the Serevokin's eyes met their gaze, there was no shock. There was no surprise. There was no fear. There was only want, desire and relief.

Sera watched on through his neural relay. There was no true sexual satisfaction or gratification from watching Rolkotarni, but this was something that he needed to see for himself. Dispassionate eyes stared at the black-scaled Serevokin as he pulled his fingers out of his rump and all but crawled over to the three experimental beasts.

While he'd only ever been exposed to one of the feral creatures at a time, Sera admitted a morbid curiosity to himself as he watched the beasts determine who would do what. A pair of them batted at each other with clawed paws with domineering growls. The third, momentarily forgotten, used their feud to his advantage. He slunk over to the crawling Serevokin with his malehood already free of his slit.

It wasn't until Rolkotarni hugged that creature's massive shaft and drew a growl of pleasure from the male above him that the other two realized their mistake. One of them fell upon the one that Rolkotarni clutched at, while the other slipped around to the other side and leaned in to nuzzle at the smaller scaled figure.

Rolkotarni's efforts were not lost. He still rubbed and pawed and nuzzled and licked at the shaft presented before him, even as that male found itself mounted up by its fellow test subject. Tailring was spread by a shaft sized appropriate for it, and the lower creature grunted as he was filled in a single, brutal thrust. All Rolkotarni cared about was how it induced a splatter of slick, all-too-aromatic pre to splash over his face.

Momentarily blinded and put off-balance by the blow, Rolkotarni fell forward and steadied himself with one hand. This was enough to bare his backside for the third of the beasts, and it wasted no time in following the instincts that had been bred into it. One arm slid under Rolkotarni to pull the smaller male back, and Rolkotarni only rolled his hips back harder to grind against the larger's slick tip once he realized what was happening. Four bodies moved purely on instinct. All higher brain function was gone, washed away by the hot, thick musk that flooded the room.

Sera could only watch on as the creature above Rolkotarni squirmed and pushed back against its brother's invading shaft. The beasts seemed to be as immune to their own scent as Serevokin were to their own, but whatever Rolkotarni had done to them to make them into breeding machines seemed to make them just as happy to breed and be bred by one another. The way the mounted beast's long tongue lolled out over Rolkotarni's back was all the proof Sera needed. It might be what they lived for, but they felt pleasure as surely as anyone. Suddenly, freeing them from their captivity to enjoy Rolkotarni didn't seem so morally grey anymore.

Nor did it seem like Rolkotarni was in any position to argue against their advances. His legs spread out wide as he lifted his hips, inviting the creature behind him to just use him all the more. It took that invitation and that backside gladly, with thrusts that Sera remembered all too well. If not for the musk that sent fiery lust through every vein, the broad length of flesh that speared Rolkotarni's tailhole might have been painful.

But all the Serevokin Sera watched could feel was pleasure, and he knew it from experience. He remembered clearly how it felt to be so widely stretched, to be filled that completely. He remembered the expression on Rolkotarni's face being on his own, not more than days before. He remembered the sensations of being little more than a toy, a hole for those magnificent beasts to slide those incredible shafts into. He remembered every bump and ridge, every vein and contour. He watched on, as Rolkotarni became as intimately familiar as he had forced Sera to be.

The one thing Sera had never had was more than one of the creatures to service at a single time. Rolkotarni was not inhibited at all by his state. Even though his body rocked and quaked with pleasure with every thrust that bulged his belly, he tilted his head up and took the tip of the exposed shaft before him right into his muzzle. His hands wrapped around it, fingers gripping tight at that slick flesh that pulsed with every thrust its owner was subject to. As one experimental creature thrust into another, it only fed Rolkotarni more of his brother's pre-seed.

The efficiency and ease of the mating was not lost on Sera. The largest of the beasts was busy slamming himself into Rolkotarni's body so hard that Sera was worried that the smaller Serevokin would break. But he took it all, every thrust and every buck, with moans that only begged for more. When he couldn't moan it was because his muzzle was entirely too full.

Pre drooled down Rolkotarni's muzzle and dripped all over the floor, mingling with his own. The other two beasts were lost entirely to their own mating, and the larger on the smaller grunted with the effort of the breeding. He was subject to the bucks of his brother's hips as they forced his thrusts to press in just that much harder and deeper. When the smaller creature pulled away, it was only to thrust down slowly into Rolkotarni's muzzle and between the Serevokin's hands.

All four bodies moved as a single, coherent unit. They were all bound by the common desire and need that Sera had flooded the room with. Rolkotarni had been the only affected by those pheromones, but he had been the catalyst for everything that followed. Every second of their synchronized mating came about because of the little Serevokin in the middle of it all. As he pleasured his new masters as much as he possibly could, Sera could see that Rolkotarni had finally gotten his wish. He was the center of his own little world.

All inside that little room revolved around him, focused on him and existed because of him. They had fought for his favour. They settled for one another when he was busily being used. The beast at his rump, Sera knew, was close to bursting. The other two creatures seemed to notice as well, and they watched with equal interest as Rolkotari's first mate huffed with his impending climax.

And then it came, and Rolkotarni finally let go of the shaft that had been the focus of his muzzle's affections for so long. He huffed and moaned and writhed back against that spurting length of flesh, and his hips ensured that it was buried as far within his body as it could be. That potent, fertile load was delivered right where Rolkotarni had intended for it to go: the body of a male too drained of will to do anything but want more.

Sera's muzzle twisted into a smug little smile as the beast drew unceremoniously out of the Serevokin's rump. Used seed began to leak out of that abused little hole, but Rolkotarni wasn't able to do anything about that even if he wanted to. Instead, the instinctual need to be bred was too strong for him. As the beast who had used him began to idly lick at its spent length, Sera watched as Rolkotarni rolled himself over and presented himself to the creature still being mated by its brother.

There was no hesitation from that quarter either. No sooner had Rolkotarni offered himself up again as the shaft that had previously been licked and stroked was plunged into his seed-soaked rump. The first load's spent seed squelched noisily out around that eager shaft as it plunged down deep and hard, and it only made Rolkotarni cry out all the more eagerly. The beast on top continued its eager thrusts, and those thrusts were enough to drive his brother down into the Serevokin's body.

Even so drained as he had to have been, Rolkotarni wasn't satisfied. As his body slid against the pre- and seed-soaked floor, he tilted his head down to nuzzle into the sticky, hot mess. His tongue slipped out, lapping it right up off the ground even as he was bred a second time. There wasn't enough for the Serevokin. He whimpered as he glanced up at the creature that had bred him first, and it was an excited, relieved squeal that issued from his muzzle when it presented his face with its shaft. It had been a break of moments, but already its length was firm as stone and ready to go again.

As Rolkotarni slid it eagerly back into his muzzle again, Sera closed out the projection. There was nothing more of the perverse display than he needed to see. He knew how it would go. Sera knew there was enough nutritional value in the beast's seed that Rolkotarni would never go hungry or thirsty, and nor would the creatures themselves. The Serevokin would be trapped, enslaved for all time to the impulses and needs of the creatures that vented their artificially-amplified lusts upon him. The room - his prison - would become his world, and there would be little more for him than the need to pleasure those males that remained inside it. Rolkotarni had engineered the perfect creatures to keep him a captive forever, and now he was trapped with them.

"Attention," came the mechanical tones of the ship, "Custodian Rolkotarni has been scanned and found unfit to remain in command of Bastion Of Revo. A new custodian is required for maximum efficiency. Scans have revealed one candidate: Lifeform Kolseratil. Is Kolseratil willing to take on the duties and responsibilities of custodian of Bastion Of Revo?"

There was a moment of hesitation. The last thing Sera wanted was to be put in a position to continue the experiments that Tosmikaalir had begun and Rolkotarni had continued. Nothing that they had done had amounted to anything that the Serevokin Alliance had not figured out themselves. All they had done was meddle in the natural order of things. The power to reshape a world and alter every lifeform that lived on its surface was a power that no being was ever meant to have.

But could that power be left around to be abused by the next poor Serevokin to stumble upon the ship's resting place? There was no doubt in Sera's mind that he was the only one who could protect the Bastion from others, but he also knew the allure of power as well as any Serevokin. Eventually, over the decades - or, he realized, the centuries - he had, Sera knew he might become as twisted as his predecessors. So could any who follow. What would happen to me, ship? What happens if I agree to become your custodian? And what happens if I do not?

"Lifeform Kolseratil would become subject to a biological download of the full Bastion Of Revo database. All of this vessel's functionality would be placed in your command. You will be able to do with this vessel as you see fit. Should you refuse to become custodian of Bastion Of Revo, this ship will revert to full automated experiment mode. It will attempt to complete Tosmikaalir's final task to the best of its ability through simulation and genetic manipulation. Are you willing to become this vessel's custodian?"

The more he thought about it, the more Sera knew that he had no choice in the matter. The Bastion couldn't be allowed to simply sit still anymore. It was too dangerous a thing to leave in the world, but it needed someone to command it. Without, it would simply continue on its own. Directed, the vessel could be a terrible weapon. Undirected, who knew what damage it could do to the world and all that lived on it? There was no choice to make, and Sera knew it. Yes, ship. I will be your custodian.

The darkness in Sera's vision was gone in an instant. Blinding white light overtook him as all of the ship's knowledge and experience poured into his mind. He felt everything that it, Tosmikaalir and Rolkotarni had gone through. He remembered every moment of its operation and everything that it had done. He understood all that went into the creation of and maintenance of the ship. Sera vanished in the light as he drank in knowledge from before the world even knew what knowledge was.

Everything opened before him. He saw the ship and all it could do. He saw how Rolkotarni had tapped into the biotech satellites in orbit and used them to draw Sera into his trap. He saw how Sera had learned to manipulate them to change his appearance. He saw how to make use of every single function of the ship. He saw all of the ship, and the ship saw all of him.

And in a single moment of clarity, Sera knew exactly what he had to do.


Karyn frowned as he looked up from the tome he studied. Archaic alchemical formulae on the pages continued to elude him, but the midnight-blue scales of the short, middle-aged Serevokin in the doorway drew his attention to something much more important. The tiger gave a soft little smile. "Seralavitil? Should you not be with your First? It's most unbecoming to visit your father on the night of the shal'kol."

A young, soft-furred lupine face peeked out around the doorway Seralavitil stood before, and it smiled as the Serevokin waved toward him. "This is Ralaan, of the Wind's Prize. He is the Nakeletori wolf who came to me tonight."

The smile on Karyn's muzzle broadened as he stood from his chair and waved the pair forward. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Ralaan. I am Lavi's father, Karyn." His eyes flicked over to his son as he smirked. "Do not be fooled by Lavi's age, Ralaan. Though he is already six years of age, he is very learned and wise. His devotion to his studies delayed his first mating... much like his sire."

The wolf's smile only broadened as he hugged himself tightly and leaned in against Lavi's side. "Thank you, Karyn; it is an honour. Lavi has spoken highly of you indeed." He glanced around the room for a moment. "Is his sire here? I would very much like to meet him as well, if he is not busy."

Immediately, Lavi's eyes fell to the floor. Karyn's smile faltered for a moment, and Ralaan noticed both within a heartbeat. "I am sorry... is there something wrong? Did I... did I misspeak?"

"No, of course not," Karyn replied. His smile grew warm once more as he glanced at Lavi. "Shall I tell him a story?"

The Serevokin gave a slow nod as he stepped forward and sat down before his father's chair. "Please, father. I would appreciate it, and I would like to hear it again myself."

As Ralaan also sat down before Karyn, the feline sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. "Lavi's sire - a truly remarkable Serevokin by the name of Kolseratil - left me soon after he had mated me," he explained. "He was driven on a quest to save us all from the Cult of Rolkotarni by located the birthplace of all Serevokin: the Bastion of Revo. He never returned to us from this quest.

"None of the Alliance know what happened to him. None can understand what power called him away, or where he went, or what happened when he found the Bastion. Master Kolseratil was never seen again but, in spite of the doubts of many others, I know that he succeeded. I know that he found the Bastion."

"How do you know?" Ralaan asked. He'd begun to sit forward, eagerly listening into his mate's father's tale.

Karyn just chuckled quietly and shook his head. "Because of the signs, Ralaan. Because almost two years after he departed from this very town came the Star-rise. On that day, a brilliant, blue star rose up in the east and shot into the heavens. Everyone saw it, from the Cult's home territories to the Master Historian in Astikoraanna himself. You know the difference it made. All of the Alliance united as one, as our leaders directed our forces in a single front against the Cult. They were unprepared and disorganized for us, and they were routed in the Battle of Kotar's Hold. We freed those they had imprisoned. We won peace for ourselves, and for all the world, on that day. All after the Star-rise."

Lavi just smiled as Ralaan grinned up at Karyn. "And this was my mate's sire? He brought on the Star-rise and guided us to defeat the Cult of Rolkotarni?"

Again, Karyn chuckled and leaned back in his chair. "Who can say what the Star-rise truly is, or was? All I can say is what I feel. What I know, deep in my heart. I know it was Sera. I know he saved us. And I know that now, if you look into the sky, you can still see his risen star in the heavens. He walks with the gods now."

With a wide grin on his face, Ralaan turned to Lavi and wriggled in closer. "I had no idea that my mate had such a storied sire. I am truly privileged."

"If you believe yourself privileged now, wait until the night is over," Lavi countered with a grin, and he licked lightly at the wolf's nosetip. "As my father said, I studied my whole life. Now that my studies are over and I may take a mate... well, I intend to take you as often as I can."

The wolf yipped as he found himself snatched up off the ground and cradled in Lavi's arms, and the pair grinned wide as the Serevokin turned to Karyn. "We will try not to keep you up too late, father," he said, as he carried his new mate off and out of the room.

Karyn smirked and rolled his eyes as he stood again himself. He watched the pair head off and out of sight, as he strode out of the room and soon out of his home. It was Sera's home in truth, but in his absence (and presumed death) it had passed to Seralavitil and Karyn. Karyn's inability to explain why he knew that Sera was alive and well hadn't won him any popularity, but Sera had always told him not to care what others think. He had always told him to do what was right, serve the cause he dedicated himself to, and... well, and to stop ogling the draconic's slit.

The tiger sighed as he leaned against the wall of his home and stared up into the stars. They twinkled down at him as the light of the full moon illuminated his face. He scanned the inky sea of sparkling dots, watching and waiting.

A streak of light danced across the heavens far above, a brilliant blue blaze that left a trail for a few moments even after it had itself gone. It was just another shooting star to everyone else, but Karyn knew better as he smiled. "Thank you, Master Kolseratil," the tiger whispered up at the startrail.

"Thank you. For everything."