Zero’s Awakening

Story by Andre Valias on SoFurry

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So like, rawr~

I haven't tried writing anything else, but this is something I came up with over the night. I'm excited because I now have a new charry, rawr~

By the way, Xalogan is not my character. I borrowed a friend's character (With Permission) and wrote this up.

PS: My friend dislikes Zero as much as Xalo does~

Xalogan ran through the underground complex with hasty desperation as TALOS pursued him through the desolate hallways, the pounding of his heart and lungs matched by the rumbling strides of the massive Automaton. Xalogan glanced over his shoulder and wing and saw TALOS retching slightly to hurl up more fiery magma.

Xalogan drew the handgun he had picked up and shot the lights out one by one in swift consecution, before leaping forward through black mist and appearing a short distance out of range of TALOS as it puked up molten fire all over the hallway floor. Xalogan grunted slightly as he landed on his foot and quickly kicked off it as soon as he had landed.

Xalogan reached a catwalk that extended over a massive hallway of slightly ruined workspaces, desks and benchtops cluttered with wrecked equipment. Xalogan saw that the door ahead of him was shut closed and tight and he slid to a stop. He turned his head to see TALOS turn the corner, and Xalogan looked down to the hall. Right at the moment TALOS readied his gatling guns and opened fire, Xalogan grabbed the railing and sprang over the edge, using his wings to glide down to the ground as the bullets sprayed behind him and ricocheted off the door.

When he landed safely, Xalogan saw another door that had a glass window in it, allowing him to see through it. He looked around for some shadow, and saw the one cast by the catwalk. His heart racing, Xalogan leapt over a desk and another, before coming to a standstill at a point of shadow where he could see the darkness behind the door.

As TALOS broke the catwalk, Xalogan faded into black mist once more. Xalogan reappeared behind the door where shadow was cast by the illumination of the hall streaming through the glass panel. He ran forward, only to come into contact with another door. He grunted and looked behind him, seeing TALOS raise its gatling guns. Before Xalogan could react, he could hear the muffled sound of rapid gunfire, and his heart stopped for a moment.

But only the sound of bullets cascading upon surface rather than the shattering of glass could be heard, and Xalogan felt safer for a moment. But as soon and subtle the moment had come, it was gone immediately as TALOS readied its rocket launcher. Xalogan turned around and quickly blink teleported through the windows ahead, to be anywhere other than there as the rocket blew apart the first door.

Xalogan stepped forward quickly in the darkness and tried to adapt his eyes to his surroundings. Suddenly, lights blasted him with illumination as Xalogan shielded his eyes for a moment. He stood in a large chamber with no other entry points, where a large cylindrical tank stood in the centre of the chamber. Within the tank was a figure, suspended by silver wires in the liquid solution he drifted within. Xalogan slowly stepped towards the tank, but stopped and drew his handgun suddenly when he heard a female voice speak out.

"Warning: Door 01 Breached. Intrusion imminent." The automated voice announced. Xalogan lowered his handgun as he glanced out of the chamber through the windows of the doors. Smoke veiled the end, but Xalogan's heart started to beat faster again when TALOS appeared suddenly and started bashing on the second door. Xalogan moved quickly, searching in desperado for any sort of weapon that could help take down a colossal robot, his heart beating in unison with the sound of TALOS bashing down the second of five doors. Damnit... A weapons lab with no weapons! Xalogan thought in anger as he ended up where he started after circulating the chamber. Fist clenched, Xalogan kicked over a table as he tried to think. Xalogan then paused and glanced to the tank, or rather to the console that stood before it. If they needed five doors for your pad, then you must be dangerous... Xalogan considered in his head. Suddenly, the metallic sound of doors being forced open could be heard and Xalogan glanced back at TALOS.

"Warning: Door 02 Breached. Intrusion imminent." The automated voice warned. Xalogan grunted and walked up to the console, putting down his handgun on the other table that still stood up, and began screwing around with the command prompts quickly. Xalogan's breath became shallow as his eyes unblinkingly focused on the console display, darting to glance at the tank for a moment.

"Access Denied." The female voice interjected, as if to rub it in when Xalogan stared at the red console display with contempt. He glanced over his shoulder in the instant he heard another door cave in. "Warning: Door 03 Breached. Intrusion imminent." The automated voice added. Xalogan trembled for a moment, not out of fear but frustration.

"Shut UP!" He roared as he drew his blade and smashed the console apart in a fit of anger, before leaping up to the tank and swinging his blade with a growl. Glass shards flew away as Xalogan's shadowsteel blade was lodged in the face of the tank. As the glass of the tank began to crack slowly but surely, Xalogan then withdrew his blade and leapt away with the spraying liquid solution that spurted from the breach that had been made. In a sudden moment, the glass exploded, the liquid solution washing outwards in a subtle few seconds. Xalogan held against the wave of icy fluid, and jumped up to the tank again. Xalogan cut the figure loose and hauled him over his shoulder before carrying him back down to the wet, cold floor, and laying him down before him. There was another crushing sound.

"Warning: Door 04 Breached. Intrusion imminent." The automated voice seemed to repeat.

"DON'T SCREW WITH ME!" Xalogan yelled as he looked up to the ceiling. He then looked back at the figure, a Terran Black Salamander boy who looked no older than 16, his hair was as red as blood and an underside of soft gray. Upon his face was a blood red crescent mark just below his left eye, and Xalogan noticed the blood runes and symbols that were seemingly tattooed on the boy's right shoulder. The boy wore black loose-fit jeans with a belt and black leather buckled boots, fingerless gloves and a black leather vest. Xalogan put down his blade as he stared at the boy, his eyes closed as his body dripped.

Xalogan bent over to prop his head on the boy's chest, but he could hear neither breath nor pulse.

"Shit...!" Xalogan cursed. He glanced out the last door and saw TALOS' frightening maw once more, the robot's jagged steel jaws dripping with magma. Xalogan then cast his vision all over the chamber, looking for something that could help.

"Fuck it..." He then scowled.

Xalogan parted the boy's lips and lowered his head over the boy's own, before locking mouth to mouth as he breathed air into the boy. The boy's eyes opened immediately after Xalogan's first breath of life, and with a sudden push, Xalogan was abruptly thrown through the air over the standing table. Xalogan grunted in pain as he struck the wall, but realized there was worse coming as he saw the boy pick up his handgun and pointed it at him. After the boy squeezed the trigger, the bullets pierced a veil of black mist as Xalogan reappeared only two metres away, hiding and flinching behind a machine as bullets clattered on the wall close by.

"Warning: Door 05 Breached. Security Protocol for Project Zero initiated." The automated voice announced. The boy noticed that what was left of the tank was sealed up by metal coils and then pulled down by machinery into the floor. TALOS stood in what was left of the doorway, confused as to whether the boy was a target or not.

The boy turned to face the large robot, raising his gun in a flash and pulling the trigger twice, his face passive as ever as the shoots took out TALOS visual sensors. As TALOS prepared to retaliate blindly, the boy tossed the handgun into the air and raised his right hand, his extensive shoulder tattoo glowing bright red as he brought his hand to cut through the air in front of him.

Xalogan watched in fascinated curiosity as fiery crimson symbols appeared in front of the boy, the handgun spinning in the air above him before beginning to descend. The boy then brought his hand around the symbols in a perfect circle, and thrust his hand at the seal he had drawn. In a flash, the seal surged forward and stopped dead in front of TALOS as the boy caught his handgun with ease, and fired a single shot at the seal.

Suddenly, as the bullet seemingly made contact with the seal, a fiery blazing spear burst from the seal and shot right through TALOS in an instant. The crackling of sparks and severed electrical systems was all that could be heard afterwards as the seal faded to reveal what remained of TALOS, a massive hole of immolated plate metal and wiring torn right through TALOS' chest. Finally, the massive automaton toppled over to the ground and the boy smirked.

Xalogan sat there with awe, but then ducked behind the machine again when the boy turned to glance at him. Xalogan heard the click of the handgun, and gritted his teeth. It was quiet now, and time seemed to trickle by as the two waited for one another to make a move.

The boy finally chuckled.

"Heheh, there's no need to be a shy guy." The boy remarked. "I would like to see the face of the person who saved me." The boy added. Xalogan's eyes narrowed as he reached for his blade, but then realized he had left it on the floor. Shit... He cursed. Xalogan then sighed.

"I'd like to see the person I saved put down their gun." Xalogan shot back. The boy tilted his head.

"Touché." The boy slyly replied. He then put the safety lock on the gun and tossed it to the floor. Xalogan's ears twitched as the gun clanged and clattered on the floor. The boy then raised his hands, his face still wearing a dirty smirk, but he said nothing else. Xalogan stood up slowly and stepped out into the light, away from the cover of the machine he hid behind. He could see the boy's smile, and felt aggravated by it. The moment was quiet again, as the two stared at each other.

Suddenly, the boy's hands shone with red light and Xalogan sensed danger. Too slow to react, Xalogan then realized he was being pushed towards the boy with frightening speed. In a bare moment, Xalogan was floating in mid-air as the boy held up his hand, black and crimson mist circulating Xalogan as he struggled to get free. The boy looked Xalogan over closer with an intuitive glance, and then smirked again.

"At least you're cute." The boy finally summed up. Xalogan paused to try and clarify if he heard the punk kid right.

"What... Did you say?" Xalogan growled. The boy shrugged.

"You're cute. I don't want just anyone kissing me, ya know." The boy explained, wagging his finger disapprovingly. Xalogan's brow then furrowed in anger at the boy.

"THAT WASN'T A KISS YOU STUPID BRAT! I WAS GIVING YOU AIR!" Xalogan shouted at the punk kid. The boy giggled.

"Whatever you want to call it, I see no difference really." The kid shot back as he turned around and shrugged again. Xalogan growled again and struggled to get free of the dark blood mist that encased him. The boy glanced at Xalogan and sighed. "Relax. Here..." The mist faded and Xalogan fell to the ground with a thud and groan. The boy picked up his shadowsteel blade and held it out by for Xalogan. "By the way, you got a nickname? I don't much care for real names." The boy asked. Xalogan looked up at the boy for a moment before grabbing hold of his sword.

"Xaloblade." He answered, before sheathing his blade and turning away to walk towards the door. The boy tilted his head as he picked up the handgun and followed him.

"Cool name! Mine's Zero." The boy said. Xalogan scoffed.

"Is that because you're a loser?" Xalogan retorted as they walked past the crumpled TALOS robot. Zero's lips shifted slightly as he shook his head.

"Nope." He simply replied. Xalogan glanced at the boy for a moment, noticing how he killed the joke. He then shrugged.

"Whatever. Now you're free and I'm safe from that big-ass robot. We're all happy now. Laters." Xalogan summed up, walking off in one direction. Zero frowned and leaned on a wall.

"Wait a sec'. You sure you don't need this...?" Zero asked, dangling the hand gun from his hand. Xalogan took a glance at it, and shrugged as he kept walking.

"Keep it. It's a little goodbye present." Zero's eyes narrowed. He sighed and ran to catch up with Xalogan.

"Hey man, wait up! I need a favour!" Zero called out. Xalogan stopped for a moment and looked at Zero as he came up beside him.

"What do you want now?" Xalogan asked. Zero chuckled.

"Not so much a want if I'm helping you get out of here." Zero murmured. Xalogan's teeth gritted as he anticipated what Zero was suggesting. "I know this place like the back of my hand. Let me come with you, yeah? Watch each other's backs?" Zero went on. Xalogan eye twitched slightly. "Come on, man! It'll be fun!" Zero pushed on. Xalogan sighed.

"Fine. Just don't get in my way." Xalogan replied in resignation. Zero fist pumped.

"Sweet!" He exclaimed. Xalogan shook his head and began to walk off. "Oh, wait, one more thing!" Xalogan was on the verge of punching the daylights out of the punk kid.

"What now--OW!" Xalogan yelped in pain. Zero had grappled his left arm and sank his teeth into Xalogan's flesh, fangs driving deep as Xalogan felt the disgusting feeling of blood being drained. Zero stopped biting and then licked the wounds clean as he stood up straight. Xalogan pulled his arm away from Zero angrily, clutching the wound with his other hand. "What the fuck was that for?" Xalogan growled. Zero smirked.

"I hope that wasn't your good arm." Zero simply remarked. Xalogan grabbed Zero by the vest and slammed him against the wall.

"You little shit!" Xalogan roared.

"Hey hey hey! Hold on now!" Zero hastily spoke. Xalogan waited quietly, teeth bared with contempt. Zero bit his lip slightly and smiled nervously. "I can't exactly use my power without a little bit of energy. See, when I was made, they made it so I didn't really need to sleep, eat or drink, just as long as I drank blood. A little pick-me-up, I guess." Zero explained. Xalogan slightly relaxed his grip.

"... So you're a vampire?" Xalogan asked. Zero smirked.

"Well, I don't exactly burn in the sun..." Zero replied smugly. Xalogan let go of Zero and let him drop to the floor. Zero landed on his feet with a grunt before standing up straight, brushing his clothes off. Xalogan just walked onwards without another word, and Zero giggled to himself.

This is going to be loads of fun... Zero thought to himself, a devilish grin on his face.