
Story by KevinFoxboy on SoFurry

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#3 of BSI

Jake Halloran goes furry at Biological Synthetics Labs

Jake the Fox

My name's Jake. It used to be Jake Halloran, but now I'm not sure. The humans don't want me using my old name, they say Halloran died when I came about. I know that doesn't make a lot of sense, but stick with me.

I know a lot about how humans think. I used to be one.

Last year, Jake Halloran was just a nerdy seventeen-year old. Okay, a *rich* nerdy kid, just entering Halloran High School. Yeah, I know ... Dad gave 'em some big endowment so they named the frakkin' school after him. Can you imagine how popular I was with that name?

I needed to get away from the school, away from Dad, away from life. I wanted to keep the money, just not the hassles. I took a break from looking up porn on the Internet (you thought guys just use it for email and Facebook?) since nobody Friended me or followed my Twitter (not enough Twits, I guess). So I was Googling around and found this weird site somehow -- http://www.BioSyn.cq

Now, Dad owns some fiber-optic ISP or some BS so I know about the Internet's Domain Naming System. See, there's 13 root servers your browser (IE, Mozilla, Firefox, or whatever Apple uses) knows about, it asks the nearest one who to ask to find the Top-Level Domain cq. That one tells where cq is, the browser asks cq where BioSyn is, then their DNS server says where www is inside BioSyn, inside cq.

All that takes place while you just see an hourglass cursor before the web page loads. Don't tell me there is no such cq, I found it and Biological Synthetics Incorporated, 'The world's premier company in the field of Recombinant DNA products'.

That means they play God and make animals that never existed.

BioSyn makes medical fluids -- blood plasma and insulin; bone, blood platelets, red and white cells; stomachs, lungs and intestines; hearts, nerves, and brains. They're mass-produced, cheaper than transplants, and no rejection or waiting lists. That kills black- market traffic in organs and blood.

Biosyn also makes whole bodies, but they can't look like people -- too creepy. So they mix animal DNA in and make laborers and guards; then make 'em smarter and make clerks, orderlies and janitors. Now they make servants and pleasure slaves. That's right, some rich a-hole gets around the law and owns someone who looks like an animal but talks and walks upright. There's not enough poor people in the world to abuse, they have to make someone who has no civil rights!

OK, off the soapbox. I saw BioSyn makes organs, so I thought, I'm so nearsighted I can't see the 'E' on the chart, I can't hear past the ringing, I burned myself making hobby rockets. Dad's got money he can't even count, I dunno where he gets it, but I can use it. So I filled in the online form and made an appointment. Then I flew to Butte Montana, their only US factory and medical center.

They checked me up and down, then checked my bank accounts up and down. Then some really hot babe squeezed into a nurse uniform and gave me some forms which read like IRS regulations and said I knew it was untested surgery and I couldn't sue BioSyn if I didn't like the result.

Yeah, I know -- if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

But I signed up for new ears, to start. The surgery was the next day and went fine. I woke up with no ringing, no Superman hearing, just clear and I could hear the doc talking in the hall if I tried. It was great! They told me to get a hotel nearby, they couldn't put me up there. They gave me a beeper and said call if I had problems.

Help, I hear too much and I can't get up.

A few days later, no problems. Showers went OK, I could hear fine, no pain; but airplanes going overhead were a bit of a problem. Nothing I couldn't handle. Why were my new ears so hairy and shaped funny, docs saw the new Star Trek movie and liked Vulcans?

I liked the ears, so I went back to BioSyn and got new eyes. More 'I know it's risky' forms. More tests, more untested surgery. I woke up and saw the busty babe nurse. No contacts! My own new eyes! The docs said they would work up close, far away or in between but were a little slower at changing. Also I needed sunglasses to protect them since they worked better in low light than human eyes.

Still no problems two weeks later. Hearing and sight, better than human but not oversensitive. Then I went online again, Googled around, passed up the porn but found a website 'dedicated to furry women in bondage'. I'm a guy with, uh, needs, so I figured, okay, women in bondage. But 'furry'?

Animals who look like people, walk upright and talk. Or is it people who have fur and look like animals? I was eighteen now and didn't have to lie to get in sites. Wow! There're actually artists who draw awesomely busty women with animal bodies, tied up and helpless! I especially liked the fox women being spanked.

Okay, so I'm a pervert. But someone else drew the pics!

People also write stories where, uh, animal-people have seemingly normal enough lives, except they include, um, playing with bondage and discipline. Some are light, just friends trying stuff out. They were just people, and no one bothered them or laughed at them for being different.

Some stories are darker, like a story about World War Two Nazis invading Poland but using foxes and rabbits. Not your momma's fairy- tales, that one was tough to slog through. But I did, 'cause I liked the idea of people who were different just going along with life.

It doesn't work out that smoothly in real life.

My new eyes and ears worked out with no problems. I still had money from Dad so I said f- it, go all the way, get the burned skin replaced. BioSyn makes body organs, and skin is just one big organ, so no biggie. No Problemo, right?

Remember the saying. Be Careful What You Wish For, You Just Might Get It. It started out OK but the fit hit the shan, if you know what I mean.

Third time at Biological Synthetics in Butte Montana USA. I filled in more IRS-ese forms and got the skin grafts. This was done in stages because skin is so big. It covers you all over, after all. First the right-hand side that got burned by hobby rocket fuel, the arm and leg. For some reason the new skin was itchy so they gave me some lotion.

That was the beginning of the trouble, but I didn't catch on until it was too late. The new skin had different hair, thicker and ... brown. It looked a bit like ... fur! I thought I'd just read too much at that furry-bondage site, I was dreaming, just seeing things.

Pay attention to first impressions, they're usually right.

Okay, the first stage of skin grafts looked odd, but I went ahead anyway. Make it all look the same. I woke up the fourth time and they'd removed skin that wasn't damaged and put in the brown with a little red. They called it russet. The fifth time I had russet all over both arms, shoulders, back and chest, hips, legs, feet.

Feet?! What was I gonna do with furry feet?! I'm not a frakkin' Hobbit! I looked in a mirror, my new eyes adjusting to the distance, and got po'ed. The Thorazine calmed me down. OK, back of hands furry, but fingers and palms human. Top and sides of feet furry, but toes and soles human. Socks still fit, shoes OK too but I had to lace them loose. I was in the BioSyn recovery room with just sheets hung up for privacy, but I had to look and see what else was still human.

Ladies, turn away now.

I saw the russet fur by moving the gown. Now I picked the hem up past my hips to look ... my butt was furry! My crotch was still human, but the uh, guy parts looked ... bigger somehow. Well, I'd never had complaints from the young ladies, but this was OK too. At least I didn't have a russet tail!

Not yet, anyway. I dropped the gown. Ladies, you can turn back.

I was still royally ticked off. This was just a 'side effect'?! What the hell was in that skin lotion?! What was it ... FUR lotion? I'd thought the air-conditioning was too cool, with me just in a gown open in back, but the ... fur ... MY fur ... kept me warmer now. Did they have it cool to get me to accept the new skin and fur?

And why russet? Why not new skin with my own skin and body hair color? Then I saw the IRS-ese forms I'd filled out earlier, maybe I'd been a bit dizzy from the ear and eye surgery. Because now I saw the second page I didn't remember. It said where BioSyn had gotten the DNA for my new ears, eyes and skin grafts. Recombinant DNA Level 4 Genera- tion 2 whole bodies. Not R2G2 whole organs, where I thought they'd get skin. R4G2 was a mix of human and animal DNA, that's why the ears and eyes worked better than human ones. And there were pictures ...

They had gotten ears, eyes and skin from an R4G2 ... fox!