The Pokemon Journey -- Yamanaka Onsen

Story by Hermes12 on SoFurry

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#17 of Mike and Kelly's Pokemon Journey

The group enjoyed a relaxing day at Yamanaka Onsen.

Pokémon © 2002-2013 Pokémon. © 1995-2013 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. TM, ® and Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo. This story is a Fan Fiction, and as such should not be considered a challenge to the copyrights of Nintendo, or Creatures Inc. or GAME FREAK inc. Necessarily, because it's a fan fic, this story is copyrighted.

Mike (c) by me.

Kelly (c) by me.

Naryawen (c) by me.

Naryawen relaxed under the sand bath. The sands were warm, and wet, and they covered everything but her tail. She was naked underneath, but that didn't concern her. She felt the sand all over her wings, breasts, and body that was tightly packed. She couldn't actually take a bath, but at least since they checked in here, it has been quite an experience. She was pampered here, because Mike hadn't planned on any vigorous training for her yet. For now, she was going to relax, and let the hot sandy mud take away her cares.

"Chocolates?" asked a human girl who worked at the spa. She wore the establishment's uniform, a short white dress with a blue stripe running down her left front. "They are quite nice and come from the land of the Unova Region."

"Yes, I think I shall," said Naryawen. She plucked a chocolate, and threw it in her mouth. "Yummy, what else do you have?"

"Sandwhiches, Mademoiselle," said the girl. "Which would you like?"

"Hmmmm . . ." said Naryawen. "May I have lamb, beef, or chicken?"

The girl smiled, "I think something can be arranged."

Kelly and Mike were standing by a waterfall. Kelly was beginning to envy Naryawen in the sand bath. She was bathing in hot wet sand, more earth than water. But no, Mike had another plan for him. Stone Ox body hardening.

"You've got to be crazy!" said Kelly.

"Nope, and Naryawen will have to endure this too," said Mike, chuckling. "But you're first. Let Naryawen be pampered for a while."

"Alright Master," said Kelly. "All I have to do is sit under that?"

"Yep, before the frost sets in," said Mike. "We have a slight warm period before it get worse. Besides, we have the hot springs right next door. Oh and give me your clothes."

Kelly stripped naked, removing his very revealing and skimpy outfit -- for a man -- from his body. He then walked out on to the water and sat down on the rock. He started to shiver a little but the water was stinging him all over the place. It was like constant pain. Mike picked up the outfit and handed it to a girl for cleaning. In fact, Kelly was having all of his outfits -- all of them skimpy, cleaned. He seen human martial artists on the television sitting under these waterfalls. It was designed to build strength and endurance. Sitting under a waterfall was got to be crazy for a human to do, even for a ninetales like he. Yet, its what his Master wanted, so he had to sit down and endure it. Still, why did Naryawen get to drink Perrier, and he had to sit under this stupid waterfall? Well, at least he could get water from the waterfall. He closed his eyes and worked hard on enduring the stinging all over. It was worse than getting spanked by his father or his Master. He wondered if his Master was a sadist.

Naryawen was drinking bottled water and enjoying her bath. She felt totally grounded to the earth, as the energy from the earth entered her body and recharged her. She felt awesome after thirty minutes. Her flame even glowed brighter and bigger. The girl came out and told her it was time for her get out.

"Right now, but I'm totally relaxed," said Naryawen.

"Yep, it's time for you to come out," said the girl.

Naryawen rolled out of the sand both and got up, flapping her wings a little. She would have to wash off all of these sand now, but it worked. Using water, she washed off the sand, how the water stung. She dried herself off before getting into the receiving area where her clean clothes were waiting. She soon found Mike waiting for her. She ran up and hugged him.

"Thank you for all the pampering, Master!" she said in his ear. "I'm all yours, you know."

Mike said, "Well, when we get your parent and brother back, you can live life with them."

"Where ever they are," she said. "But I want to help you win the Indigo Conference. How is Kelly doing?"

"Undergoing really intense body hardening," said Mike, smiling.

Naryawen said, "I like it."

Later, both of them smelled wet dog, when they went to go see Kelly. Kelly was looking to see what was going on with Naryawen and Mike, and his eyes burned with Anger. "Okay, Kelly, you can come from under that water fall."

"I hate you, I hate this, I hate everything about this!" said Kelly as he stepped out of the waterfall. His whole body was aching from the shower. "I HATE YOU, MIKE!"

"You'll thank me in the morning," smiled Mike.

Kelly walked on the water surface and got up on the bank. His eyes blazing with anger, and pain. "If I ever do, it will be too soon," said Kelly.

Mike said, "Well, look on the bright side, I could spank you for being insubordinate. But you are just acting like a kid."

Kelly growled at Mike, and just moved into the resort, moving like someone who had a sunburn all over his body, to retrieve his clothes and find their room. Kelly was in no mood for any kind of sex it didn't matter which. He couldn't take it, he felt he was punished. Even if Mike felt to poke him where he would liked to be poked by him, he was ready to bite Mike.

When he found their room, Kelly fell on the bed, because he felt sore. All over. His skin ached, his upper muscles ached, his head ached, everything ached. He just wanted to go to sleep and maybe a good night's sleep would make everything better. He was fast asleep when Naryawen and Mike got into bed with him.

The next morning, Kelly got up. He had dreamed his favorite dream, and he yawned and opened his mouth. His sleep mates were still asleep. Mike had one arm over him, and Naryawen had her back to him. Kelly suddenly wished he could suck on Master's dick, but the last time he did that while he was asleep got him a stern warning. Kelly carefully got out of bed and stood up.

He put on the short lycra shorts, and a new bare midriff shirt. He yawned again, and started brushing his teeth in the bathroom. It only took ten minutes for the others to get up. He looked at Mike's bare bottom as he put on his underwear and stretched out. Kelly blushed, he loved his Master's body. Naryawen woke up naked and stayed nude. All she did was put on a black leather trench coat with a wing brace under it, when they were ready for public.

After everyone was properly dressed, especially with the days getting colder, they proceeded to have breakfast. Mike summoned his three pokemon and gave them pokemon food that he ordered. For the three of them: Mike, Naryawen, and Kelly; he ordered sausage and eggs.

"Hmmm, this is good breakfast," said Kelly. "What about yours, Master?"

"You can't go wrong with fruit, vegetables, and eggs and sausage," said Mike as he ate. Totodile said, "Toto-dile." Ace squawked, and his eevee said, "eevai!"

Naryawen ate every bite as if savoring it. "Hmmm, these are so good! Such a spicy taste!" she said.

"On to Maiden's Peak?" asked Kelly.

Mike answered, "Yes, Maiden's Peak is our last stop."

"Oh good, Master! I rested so well last night!" said Naryawen. "I'm so ready to go."

Kelly then said, "So did I! I had this dream ---" Kelly looked at the people in the onsen's restaurant, and realized that they were in earshot and went vague. "-- where I was completely happy and Mike was happy. My parents were in the dream."

"Awesome!" said Naryawen. The eevee went, "eevee!" in affirmation and approval.

Mike was eating and Kelly asked, "What did you dream of, Master?"

"Flying over the Unova region," said Mike.

"Oh?" Naryawen asked.

Mike said, "Yes, I was flying over Unova."

"I don't understand why, Master, you have that dream," said Naryawen. "I don't understand how humans can fly in their dreams but not fly in actual life."

"You did, once, but now you can fly anytime," said Mike.

Naryawen took that as a compliment. She did understand, "I'm sorry, Master."

"So, how are we going to get to Saffron City?" asked Kelly.

"Don't worry about it," said Mike. "but we are going to get there. And everything will work out perfect, and we are going to get there safe and wonderfully."

"Really?" asked Kelly. "Wow, I forgot that. But that would be so cool!"

After breakfast, the group got up and got ready to go. Mike had his pokemon in their balls and the trio left. Kelly wore the black rain coat over her naked body, and Kelly wore something very skimpy. Mike wondered if Kelly is going to do the same thing.

The group left Magna Verde. Mike took one last look at Magna Verde, and the trio continued on. "it's too bad we missed Porta Vista," said Kelly. "I could have laid out and caught some Zs on the beach."

"Ah, but we aren't out here to catch some Z's sunbathing, we are going to get both your parents' back," said Mike.

"I can't wait until we both can go naked," said Naryawen. "Just like Master wants."

"You enjoyed being nude?" asked Mike.

Both answered at the same time, "YES!"

Mike smiled. He smiled that both his pets enjoyed the naked lifestyle and ideal. Being naked for them was completely cool. Both of them felt good being naked. All three laughed as they walked down the street.