The First Nightmare

Story by TheSadEmoFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Nightmares In Wonderland

A Warning, This Story Series Contains Sexual Content, High School Drama, High School Hierarchies, Gay Love, Blood, Violence, Horror, and So On And So Forth..

Viewer Discretion Is Advised...


The night sky seemed to twinkle in the late evening hours as a young fox padded his way home on the now empty streets of Miami, Florida. He always arrived late from work, that was how he liked it, coming home to a quiet house, his whole bitchy family deep in slumber, there was nothing quite like it. Travis Love was the fox's name, and when it was spoken, everyone seemed to sneer. Travis had led a very lonely life, he had never had any friends at school, his father loathed him, his siblings ignored him, and his grandparents..well...they were purely convinced he was a "new age" Satanist. Travis, however badly tempted to throw his hands up and say "Fuck You" to the entire world, tried to ignore these grim realities.

The only one in Travis's life who had ever truly loved him was his mother, his now deceased mother to be precise. Marian Michelle Love had died of a malignant brain tumor at the age of twenty-eight, just four years after Travis's birth. Sometimes, late at night, he could hear her voice, speaking softly among the shadows, trying to lull an unseen kit to sleep. These sounds brought back pain to Travis, but he was no fool, the sounds were his memories, and his longing, to have some type of love, some type of affection...

The fox sighed at the thought of his mother, trying to distract himself by looking up at the now unveiling stars. The bright orbs of gas seemed to stare back at him, laughing. They were mocking him, no doubt, for his unfortunate life. Or maybe it was..his lifestyle. Travis had never made any approach to make friends, not even when he was in elementary school. He had always felt distant from the others, they were always happy, always playing. It was like he was inside an impenetrable glass cube, sealed away from the rest of the world, inside of his own emotions. Maybe it was his lack of drive to make friends, or maybe they were just sickened by his looks. Not to get confused, Travis was very attractive for a fox of only sixteen, or at least, that's what he told himself. He stood only 5'10 off of the ground, and weighed only one hundred and five pounds, a little too lean for most furs at his school, but hey, he was a better subject than the 5'3 two hundred and seventy-five pound fatassed bastards that roamed the rest of the halls. No, it was the fact that he was different than everyone else. Travis always wore the same outfit, skin-tight jeans with a rainbow colored belt, complete with a tight pink shirt and his signature purple striped hoodie; sometimes even with a few Skelanimals pins thrown in for fun. Every morning he straightened his hair, and sometimes even put on eyeliner. He loved dressing this way, always making the boys at his school stop and stare.

Travis's agenda for the day was usually the same, wake up, get dressed, go to school, go to work, slink home late in the evening, repeat. Today was no different, probably even more dull than usual. Travis worked at a music store in the Miami Mall called Reinstar Records, and on this particular day, he had the privilege of watching an old otter buy a Marilyn Manson album, at the time, he was smiling, glad to be away from his home. Travis wasn't smiling now.

The fox had been so deep in thought, he hadn't noticed that he was now standing in front of his house. Travis sighed and glanced around the front yard. The grass was short and green, giving off the faint stench of approaching Fall, while a single Palm tree stood in the center of the yard, giving the impression that it was still Summer. A toy yo-yo lay on top of the roof, along with a frizbee, probably from one of the neighboring kids.

A cold wind blew through the air, chilling Travis's fur. He shivered and put his hood up, no longer saddened by the fact that he was now home. He walked briskly toward the front door, his tail fluffing up from the wind. When Travis arrived at the door itself, he paused. Maybe they were actually asleep this time....

Nervously, Travis looked into the front window of the house. Even though the blinds were closed, he could tell the hall light wasn't on, or the television. The fox blew out a sigh of relief and fumbled inside of his pocket for the key. His fingers grasped the cold, metal object and pulled it out into the open. The key shone dully in the starlight as he quietly slipped it into the lock, turning it counter-clockwise until he heard a loud clicking noise. Ever so slowly Travis pushed the door open, trying not to make a sound. The door creaked loudly as he opened it, seeming to make an avalanche fall to Travis, it's hinges screaming out into the darkened house.

Travis flattened his ears against his hair, just waiting for his homophobic father to awaken, but oddly, nothing came. Travis smiled in triumph and raised a fist in the air, his tail wagging slightly. He had won! He had won against.....wait. Travis perked his ears up, no sound. Nothing at all could be heard around the house, no snoring, no movement, nothing. The fox turned around and padded back to the front door, opening it and looking out into the night. His father's car was here, as was his own, and his two little brother's bikes were here as well. Where were they?

The fox stepped back inside and closed the door, the crisp, cold air of the outside world being replaced with the scent of his home, however awful it may be. He turned and slowly walked down the hallway, eyeing his surroundings. There wasn't any sign of a struggle, so he doubted anyone had breaken in. As he walked deeper down the hallway, he hugged his arms to his sides, something felt wrong, and it was getting colder...

Travis reached the end of the hall, still clutching at his sides. To the right was Cameron, his father's, room and to the left was his own room. Travis sighed and reached out his right arm.


No answer. Deciding between going into his room and into Cameron's, well, that was an easy choice, but he had to at least make sure that his father was alright. Travis gently rapped on the door with his knuckles, making the door slowly creak open. He stepped lightly inside, looking around in the darkness. It was pitch black inside of the room, but Travis could just barely make out a figure on the bed near the center of the room. The fox sighed in relief and turned to leave, when suddenly, the open door slammed shut.Travis yelped as the hard wood of the door connected with his muzzle, throwing him to the floor.

"God Damn It!" Travis screamed as he clenched his bleeding nose, writhing on the carpet. He suddenly stopped moving, realizing to late what he had done.

He looked panickly at the bed, but the figure was still lying there. Something was definitely wrong here....

Still clutching his muzzle, Travis slowly stood up from the floor, his paw tracing the length of the wall for a lightswitch. The figure on the bed was now making a gurgling noise, as if it was choking on something. Now, frightened and urgent, Travis was searching the wall with both paws, making bloody smears from the blood on his nose. After what seemed like a decade, he made contact, and flipped the switch.

Travis was temporarily blinded when the light came on, and after the white haze faded, he felt bile rise to his throat. On the bed, was what seemed to be a heap of rotting meat. The sheets were stained with blood, and the wall behind the headboard of the bed seemed to be smeared with...shit. An awful stench came from the thing on the bed as if it were death itself.

The fox vomited on the floor, clenching his stomach. The thing continued it's hideous croaking noise, like it was in great pain. Travis gained enough courage to look up at the bed, he was still bleary eyed from emptying his stomach onto the floor. He could make out chunks of fur and bone sticking out of the thing, along with what seemed to be a mouth. Two eyes floated in the center of the deformity, staring tearfully at the fox.

Those eyes, he had seen them before! One eye blue and one eye brown, also called heterochromia. As the realization dawned on him, the thing let out another moan. Those eyes reflected Travis's own eyes, the fear, the secrecy...


The thing vomited up what seemed to be a mixture of blood and mucus, and as if in response, it blinked. Travis backed up against the wall, his whole body trembling. Tears stung at his eyes as he leaned on the wall, quickly sinking to the floor. He hugged his knees to his chest, his dead, deformed mother still vomiting onto the already soiled bed. This isn't real, Travis told himself, tears now falling from his eyes, the same eyes of his mother.

This Isn't Real.....


Travis awoke screaming, his fur completely drenched in sweat. The dream had been so vivid, so real. It was still fresh in his mind, the blood, the fear, the eyes...

Travis eyed his surroundings, instantly leaning up on his elbows. He was in his own room, on his own bed..with no demonic deformities of his mother in sight. Travis sighed with relief, wiping his forehead with a free paw. His muzzle still felt numb from the dream, making his head throb in the aftermath of it. Daylight flooded in from his bedroom window, illuminating the room in a sea of light. Travis could make out everything he was familiar with, the various band posters covering the walls, his desk and computer, his closet, the single bathroom, it was all quite cozy.

The fox yawned widely as he stumbled out of bed, wearing nothing but pink boxer briefs. He sauntered clumsily toward the bathroom, stopping at its entrance, and looked back at the clock. 6:13..plenty of time to get ready.... Travis opened the bathroom door and stepped inside, the scent of shampoo and burnt hair instantly hitting his nostrils. He scratched at the back of his head as he made his way to the sink, plugging up the flat iron that lay at its side. This was an old habit of his, let the flat iron warm up as he took a shower, then straighten his hair. Travis giggled at this, his mother had given him that particular habit. He wiped his forehead one last time, turning the sink on and looking into its mirror.

Travis's face looked emaciated, like he had been through a war zone or a radioactive fallout. His unique eyes had dark circles around them, and his cheeks and muzzle looked sunken. The bright red fur covering his body looked scraggly, and felt stringy to the touch, while his brownish-blonde hair looked like an atomic mushroom cloud. Travis gritted his teeth in annoyance, he hated looking like a disaster....


Twenty minutes later the fox stepped out of the bathroom, the lower half of his body wrapped in a bright green towel. His fur was now clean, soft and fluffy looking too. His hair was now straightened as well, his long bangs falling over one of his eyes.

Travis inhaled the scent of his room, it was so familiar, so comforting. He grinned happily and padded silently across the carpet to his closet, where he began rummaging for the day's clothes. The fox pulled a pink shirt from one hanger, the logo "I Recycle Boys" printed in rainbow colored letters. The shirt was kind of an inside joke between him and the manager of Reinstar Records, who had given Travis the shirt. The middle-aged female kangaroo had a great sense of humor, and Travis considered her like an aunt to him. The next thing he pulled from the closet was his usual black jeans, he had many pairs of them, and then a black and purple striped hoodie. This hoodie was special to him, he didn't know why, it just was. Maybe it was the fact that he had owned it since he was ten, or maybe it was the major calling card of his whole 'look', so to speak.

Travis shrugged and threw his clothes on the bed, now looking for a clean pair of briefs inside of his bedside table. He had the choice of wearing pink briefs again, white, or black, and as usual, he chose the pink. Travis stood up from looking in the low drawer, letting the towel wrapping the lower half of his body fall to the floor. A mirror lay propped against the wall across from where the fox was standing, and Travis posed in it. Slender frame, small, yet round ass, long, bushy tail, and a great package to was a wonder he was still single. The fox sighed and slipped on the pink briefs, covering his great backside and his mid-sized scrotum and penis. Why am I so antisocial..? Travis frowned slightly and grabbed his jeans, hastily slipping them on. Maybe it's because I'm ugly.. Travis looked back into the mirror, instantly putting that idea aside. Or maybe it's because I'm so...secretive. The fox laughed to himself as he buckled his rainbow-striped belt and slipped on his shirt. Travis had never shared his feelings with anyone, especially his family, and he was never in a mood to talk with them either..or anyone for that matter. He began to put on his hoodie, leaving it unzipped, and walked to the table, quickly grabbing the keys to his car, his wallet, and his Ipod. Travis then made his way to the door to the hallway, stopping just short of it and looking back at the room. He had everything he needed, but what he was looking at, he couldn't take with him. A picture of his mother lay propped up against the wall, seeming to look back at him in bliss. She looked so young, so happy, and with a gaze challenging the world to break her. Travis stared at the picture a moment, knowing it wasn't just still a picture anymore. He turned the knob of the door, breaking the trance he was in, and padded quietly out into the hall.

Travis felt the air colden as he stepped into the hall, goosebumps rising up from his fur. Memories of the dream flooded back into his mind, but he ignored them, instead focusing on the sounds of life coming from the kitchen. The fox padded briskily down the hall, aiming for the front door. Travis didn't feel like talking to his family today, all they did was make fun of him, or harassed him in some form or another. Travis exited the hall, now out in the open. He didn't look around, he just focused on the door. Only a few more feet...

"Hey! Where's my favorite daughter going in such a rush?"

The deep voice was like ice to Travis's ears as a shadow blocked the door. The larger fox standing in front of Travis was smiling, a deep grin of cruel humor seeming to radiate from it. Travis looked down at the ground and said nothing. Cameron chuckled and put his paws to his hips, looking down at the younger fox.

"C' can answer your Dad..can't you?"

Travis didn't respond, he just stood there, waiting for Cameron to move. The older fox had other plans though, Cameron continued to stand there, his tail starting to wave with impatience. The older fox put a paw on Travis's shoulder, clenching it with grown claws. Travis tensed up, still not making a sound. The pain coming from his shoulder was great, his whole body seeming to be in pain. His father had a powerful grip..

"It would be best to answer me Trav, you know that."

The younger fox sighed and looked up at his father, their gazes meeting.

"I'm going to school..and then to work.....You know that."

Travis may be a very soft-spoken fox, but his father heard him, loud and clear. Cameron had heard the hate and longing in Travis's voice, and instantly, let go of the younger fox's shoulder. Travis breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his shoulder, not looking back up at Cameron. The older fox stepped out from in front of the door now, but kept an arm in front of it. Travis growled in annoyance when he tried to walk out, only being knocked to the floor by Cameron's arm. The older fox smiled and stepped over his son, pinning Travis to the floor with his body.

"Before you go.." The older fox said, the smile turning into a lustful grin, "I need you to do me a little favor.."

Travis knew what it was before his father even finished the sentence. A large bulge was growing inside of Cameron's boxers, stretching the fabric. Travis squirmed against the older fox's weight, but to no avail. Cameron chuckled darkly and slapped Travis across the muzzle, instantly stopping the younger fox's movement. Cameron pulled down his boxers slowly, his large cock seeming to spill out of the loose fabric. Travis was mesmerized by the cock, resisting the urge to grab it. This was his father! The one who hated him, who despised him...but Travis just couldn't stop staring. Cameron licked his lips, rubbing his cock with his paws.

"You know you want it Trav..."

Cameron smiled and hung his cock in front of Travis's muzzle, his balls dangling out in the air. Just the smell of the cock gave Travis an erection, his jeans becoming even tighter than they were. Cameron knew Travis couldn't resist a big dick, even if it was his father's. The younger fox bit his lip, his paws trembling. At the moment, Travis was having an internal war within himself, debating whether to grab his father's succulent cock or try to resist, which would surely end in tragedy. His plans would be ruined..

Travis looked up at his father, an expecting expression written across his face. Cameron grabbed his cock with a paw again and held it out to Travis, the cock was already dripping precum. The younger fox couldn't resist any longer, Travis felt his paw reach up and grope his father's cock. Cameron shivered as he felt his son grab his foxhood, a short wave of pleasure going up the older fox's spine. The cock twitched in Travis's paw as he held it, his father's precum staining Travis's fur. The younger fox held out his tongue, no longer resisting, and ran it along the length of his father, earning moans of pleasure from the older fox. The taste in Travis's mouth was heavenly, like a mixture of every pleasurable thing in the world. Travis murred quietly and grabbed his father's balls, earning louder moans of extacy from the fox. Cameron clenched his eyes shut, his son was such a slut...just like his mother. Travis, no longer being able to bear it, slipped his father's cock inside of his muzzle, the taste growing. Travis murred louder as Cameron moaned louder, Cameron's cock twitching crazily. Travis bobbed his head lower over his father's cock, his tongue massaging the underside of it, while his paws clenched and grabbed at his father's balls. Cameron bit his lip and grabbed the back of Travis's hair, pushing his son deeper over his cock. Travis felt his nose hit his father's groin fur, the smell of musk overpowering the younger fox as Cameron's cock went deep into Travis's throat. The fox didn't gag, but instead relaxed, moving his paws from his father's balls and placing them on his ass. Cameron growled lustfully as he humped Travis's muzzle, coming very close to orgasm. Travis clenched his father's ass tighter, feeling the older fox tense up even more. In a final thrust, Cameron came into Travis's mouth, moaning in orgasm. Travis felt the thick liquid run down his tongue and into his throat, the taste of his father's cum was better than anything he had ever tasted. Travis murred as he swallowed it all, wanting more. Cameron let go of Travis's head standing up groggily.

"G-Go to school now...b-boy.."

Travis jumped up and ran out the door, slamming the thing shut. The taste of cum was still strong in his mouth as he opened his car door, hastily cranking it. Travis looked back at the house one last time before he sat down in the seat, gently closing the door. The fox backed out of the driveway and drove off, not looking back at his house. Unbeknownst to his father, something was inside that house, something that was bought by Travis a week ago. The thing was inside his room, hidden inside the portrait of his mother. Travis had lied when he said he was going to school, he was really on his way to the airport. His plane was scheduled to leave at 8:00, bound for New York. Another thing was also scheduled to happen at 8:00 as well, the death of everyone in that house. Everyone who had tormented him for the last sixteen years....

The bomb would make sure of that....

To Be Continued