times of need (chapter 18, only chapter to be shown here)

Story by thebrandyman on SoFurry

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well... you may need a little background, so here's a few bullets...

josh & leah are bf & gf

henry's a drummer in a political thrash punk band (ray is the frontman)

lilly is a raver, who constantly lies about her age and takes drugs alot (tututut)

species and ages


leah-golden retirever-17



the rest aren't really important...

and just for confusions sake. at teh end... jul is a nyrah... a kinda constant companion. email me if you care enough to want to know more... lol.

here's the warning bit...

if you're sensitive to adult material (homosexual masturbation to be exact) then you should've been intelligent enough to read the tags that i put on this story and not even be reading this lol.

i also want to say that i worte this as a kind of 'harsh reality' to naive, teenager masturbation, so if you'd prefer it to be squeaky clean, then i'd suggest passing this story by too.

that's that bit then... enjoy


Josh walked back to the gates where he found Leah.

"Where were you?" she asked, slightly flustered. "I've been waiting for you." Josh suddenly felt slightly guilty.

"Oh right. Sorry. You ok anyway?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Where did you go?" They started walking back home.

"Last two periods I just met a few guys. You know in the common-room, there's a the corner just past where our room is?" Leah nodded. "Well, there are some guys there who I just made friends with. We did a human pyramid." Leah laughed.


"Yeah, I wondered what the hell too, but it worked. We all knelt ontop of each other until there were five levels. That was..." he rubbed his back. "...painful." Leah giggled.

"I can remember them doing that just before Christmas. I took the photo. That was a really fun lunchtime." Josh smiled.

"It was fun doing it just now too. Hey..." Leah kicked a stone that was on the floor and it landed in a puddle.


"What do you think about Lilly." Leah bit her lips.

"McEwan? Don't like her. She's a slag." Josh paused, not quite sure what to say.


"She tried to take my boyfriend back when we were in year ten. That pissed me off and she wanted to fight me for him. I couldn't be arsed with that so I just said to Toby, my boyfriend at the time that if he really wanted someone to fight for him then I wouldn't really want to win." Josh frowned, unhappy about hearing this dark story about his new friend.

"She seemed pretty mature when I was talking to her just. She's really friendly." Leah shook her head.

"We still don't get on."

"Maybe she's changed. Try talking to her again."


"Why not?"

"I don't think that she deserves it. She stole my boyfriend off me."

"She says that she's never had a boyfriend." Leah rolled her eyes. "No, she says that she doesn't much care for boyfriends." Leah laughed.

"Yeah right."

"Well, I can talk to her more tonight. I have her phone number and msn address." Leah looked at him. "Are you Ok with me talking to her?" Leah looked back down at the pavement.

"I'm not sure." Josh looked at the pavement too. "I don't want to stop you from seeing your friends though, but I'm not trying to make friends with her myself."

"I think that you should."


"Because, you're missing out. She's a really nice, friendly girl. She might come in handy as a friend some day." Leah shook her head.

"I'm still not going to talk to her. We can speak to each other, but it isn't friendly." Josh took Leah's paw in his and stroked it with his thumb.

"Can't you forgive her for that? It was about two years ago." Leah smiled.

"I'm still not sure. I may try one day."

Lilly sat, bored, on the bus, flipping her phone in her paws. Her mp3 played had run out of batteries and so she had nothing to listen to, and it would be a good hour before she would get home. Her house was only about quarter of an hours drive away, but they went around all of the middle schools, and then loads of villages around the main city, so it took ages, and she was always surrounded by much younger kids.

She liked Josh. He wasn't really her type of friend, very quiet and shy, but he made her smile. He was like a ray of sunshine in her, quite often grim feeling life. Josh seemed to make friends with everyone in her circle pretty quickly, but she could see that there was much more to him than met the eye.

She knew lots of these kinds of people, and she found them difficult to get to know. Oliver, the reclusive canine who she talked with a lot, was similar, and it was hard to get many words out of him. This is the direct opposite of most of the people from 'the corner'.

Martin, for example, went to every single party that he could. He could mix with absolutely every crowd in the school and was extremely easy to make friends with. He would often come looking for new friends and so pretty much everyone knows and likes him.

Jon was excitable. He could get carried away with stuff fairly easily. He had been very diminutive in the lower school where Lilly first met him, but since he moved to the sixth form, he became upbeat, and up for anything. Leo was similar, but the difference is that Lilly had always found Leo very attractive. She had asked him out once, but she had no idea that he had a girlfriend, and had done for three years.

That was embarrassing. However, she remembered what she had done to someone some time ago, and stayed her distance. She was truly sorry about what she had done, and wished that she could speak to Leah about it, but she could remember that Leah was fairly unforgiving. She hung her head low thinking about it, shaking it in shame.

"Hey, Lilly, brighten up!" came a shout from in front of her. She looked up and saw Drew, one of her raver friends, making his way down the bus towards her. He was a brown rabbit who always wore bright coloured t-shirts. Lilly hung around with him a lot. She smiled at him as he sat in the seat in front of her.

"Hi Drew. What you doing here?" Drew shrugged his shoulders.

"I need to get back home don't I? Thought I'd catch the bus and I saw you here. What're you doing here?" Lilly had to think quickly about this. Drew thought that she worked in a pub full time. Lilly had lied to him so that she could get into a club once. They were still friends, but he'd best not find out.

"Err... had a day off work. Went back to school to go and see a few friends." Drew nodded.

"They good?"


"Cool. Well, you coming out tonight?" Lilly shook her head. "What? Why?"

"I'm going to see one of my friend's play a set tonight. Not my normal kind of tunes but it's still good. Could be a good party afterwards." Drew shrugged and frowned at Lilly.

"Gonna be a good night tonight. I don't remember who it was that's playing but I've been to see him before and he was good." Lilly smiled and shook her head.

"Nah. Sorry. I've bought these tickets so I'd better go."

"That's fair enough. You'll be missed." Drew looked around and then dug into his pocket, taking out a plastic bag with three white pills inside.

"What're they?"

"Three Es." He told her, smiling. "I was saving one for you for tonight but seeing as you're not going, you can take it off my hands now if you want?" Lilly shook her head again.

"Nah, I'd best not. This band who I'm going to see are really anti drugs. If I turn up high then it'll look really bad."

"Come on, just keep it for another time." Lilly shook her head again. "Why not?"

Lilly knew full well why not. School were heavily cracking down on drugs at the moment and her parents were pretty tough on it too. She couldn't hide it at home or in her school bag, and to be honest, she didn't really want it anyway. She knew that she should stop taking stuff like that.

"I'm not really into that shit at the moment. The mornings are total shite." Drew rolled his eyes.

"Come on girl. It's totally worth the rush." Lilly was fairly proud of herself. She had taken one earlier this week for a night out, and had been late for school the next day, and still had a killer headache.

"No. I'm good for now. Maybe at the weekend." Drew folded the bag back up and crammed it into his pocket.

"Ok. You're probably right. I suppose you have early hours at the pub tomorrow yeah?" Lilly shook her head.

"If I had early hours I wouldn't go and see these guys tonight. I'm on at ten." Drew looked at her straight.

"Not early?"

"No it isn't. You really need a job Drew. Where did you get them from anyway?" She nodded to his pocket. Drew moved his paw down to where he already knew that they were, just to check.

"Friend gave me them."



"How did you afford them? It's not as if you earned the money. Where'd you get it from?" Drew seemed reluctant to answer. "Drew."


"Where'd you get the money?"

"I borrowed it from Tommy." Lilly rolled her eyes. Tommy was a real crook. Never just gave people money without wanting something in return.

"Christ Drew what for?"

"Information." Lilly knew better than to ask.

"He won't leave it at that you know."

"He will. He's not like that." Lilly widened her eyes and looked right at him.

"You know that he is." Drew looked at Lilly.

"Fine. But I have loads more info that he can have any time that he wants, all he needs to do is come up with some dosh."

"Just don't go around doing shit for him. He can do that himself." Drew looked disgusted.

"You know that I'm not gonna go and do his shit."

"Why can't you just work for money like me or anyone else." That wasn't a lie. Lilly's parents never gave her any money, and she paid for all of her nights out herself.

"Cause I don't want to. I can't work. I haven't got the mentality." Lilly rolled her eyes.

"You can say that again."

Henry entered the hall for the third time this week and found Ray playing keep-ups with a football.

"Hey!" he yelled and Ray looked at him, still keeping the ball in the air.

"Hi Henry, how's it going?"

"You brought the van?"

"Of course man." He caught the ball, rolled it to Henry who picked it up and then he ran back stage. Henry followed him and found him sitting on one of the famously uncomfortable chairs with all of the stuff already unloaded.

"You got off work early again?"

"Yeah. I couldn't be arsed to set everything up on stage though. You can do that." Henry smiled sarcastically and sat down next to him. "Your brother coming down with all of your stuff?"

"Yeah, he should be down in a bit. He's got my sticks and everything man. He'd best arrive." Ray laughed.

"He'd best. Hey, I did this..." He took out a piece of paper and gave it to him. It had ten songs written on it. "...Set list. Took me ages to get the order right last night. I got bored so I copied it our four times to give to each of you." Henry laughed and looked at the list.

"We're playing I Shine first? No way, I can't do that first. It's the fastest tune we play."

"All the more reason to play it."

"I need to have a warm up at least." Ray laughed.

"Come on, it's not that bad."

"You don't even play the drums." Ray looked at his own copy of the piece of paper.

"Good point, but it doesn't sound that bad."

"Well it is. Oh forget it, I'll just do it. I'm not in the mood to argue." Ray looked puzzled.

"How come?"

"I just had a rubbish last lesson at school. Really sucked."

"What was it?"

"English. I wish I hadn't taken it man. I hate it." Ray shrugged.

"Don't ask me man. I didn't even go to collage." Henry nodded. "I'm on my way to getting a good apprentiship though." Henry looked at him.

"Really? In what?"

"Electrics. I've got an interview in a couple of weeks, which reminds me. Do you still have that jacket that you wore to your sixth-form interview?" Henry looked at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I do. You wanna borrow it?"

"Yeah please."

"Cool. You're comin' to get it though. I ain't lugging that to a rehearsal." Ray rolled his eyes and stood up.

"Fine. When can I drop by?" Henry looked at the ceiling again.

"Err... Probably best not at the weekend. I'm planning on staying in bed for most of it. Try Monday night?"

"No good. I'm working that night." Ray worked behind a bar in a club. "I can drop by on Wednesday?"

"Yeah sure. Hey yeah you can meet Josh then if you want. He's at mine on Wednesdays and Thursdays." Ray bit his lip.

"He's the step-brother you were talking about yeah?" Henry nodded. "Sure. I'll be there man." Henry nodded as Ray thrust another piece of paper from the same notepad into Henry's face.

"What's this?" It was blank.

"The final words. Anything you want said?" Henry thought, and then remembered last night.

"Yeah, there is actually." He fumbled in his bag for a pen and started writing. Ray took it once he had finished and read it.

"Nice. You'll get a cheer for that." Henry smiled. "Anything else?"

"Nope. Not at the moment." Ray stuffed the note into the pocket of his tight fitting jeans. "You putting anything on it?"

"I can remember what I godda say." Henry nodded in agreement and flung his back under the table.

"When's Jimmy gonna get here? He's usually the one that's early." Ray upturned his paws and jumped up onto the table.

"Don't ask me man." He shuffled around, eventually moving his tail from being bent underneath him to being slung over the edge. It was at that point when Henry was watching him do that that he realised what he had been dared to do by his siblings. He had to do it really. It would be unfair not to. He smiled to himself in his head, and stood up, taking his own seat next to Ray.

"Hey..." He said nervously. Ray was slightly homophobic. Not in a spiteful way, he was just fairly centred on being straight. "You know, some time next week I could meet you somewhere and we could go for a drink or something?" Ray looked at him.


"You know, just us two?" Ray paused, but eventually laughed.

"You been set up to do this?"

"What? No way." Henry lied frantically. Truth be told, if Ray stopped chewing gum, he would be Henry's type.

Ray pushed his lips tight together.

"If you're wanting sex afterwards then I'm up for it."

This, as imagined, came as a huge surprise to an unsuspecting Henry.


"I haven't had sex in so long that I'm up for anything. It's been about three years now." Henry faked a laugh. "You up for it? I am." Henry thought about this. He did have to remember Darren saying to him that he should feel free to be with anyone else at the same time, cause Darren was still slightly unsure about himself. It was morally possible.

"Err..." Henry pondered the offer. "You're serious?"

"Hell yeah. I'm up for anything."

"But you're straight."

"Fuck am I. I'm bi. I've been bi for about a year now." This really came as a shock to Henry. If he'd have known. He would have asked him out long ago.

"How come you didn't tell anyone?"

"Come on. Can you imagine what Jimmy would say? I'm already sharing a house with him half of the time. I'd never get rid of him."

"I thought that about a couple of people, but when I told them they were cool with it." Ray held his head in his paws. "I do like lions by the way." Henry told him.


"I love lions. They do something to me. You're tall, broad, everything that I like."

"Do you think that we could try something?" Henry shrugged his shoulders, putting his paw on Ray's shoulder.

"Maybe. We won't know unless we try. But hang on..." Henry thought that he'd best clear this up.


"I am with someone else. Kinda part time. I asked one of my mates out and he said yes but he was still kinda wary about it. He said that I can see anyone else I want." Ray shrugged.

"Then what's the problem?"

"I just thought that you might be a bit dodgy about it." Ray shook his head, brushing his mane back.

"Well why don't we give it a shot then?"

"Still want sex tonight? I'm up for it." Ray laughed.

"Hell yeah." They both laughed and drew closer to each other. "Hey, look what I've got." He pulled away and reached down to where he had placed his bag. Henry looked down as he pulled out a plastic bottle containing something blue. Henry took it and looked at it.

"What's this?"

"Blue fur dye." Henry laughed, and shook his head at Ray.

"You're not going to..."

"Hell yeah. How can I not now that I've bought the stuff. Only three quid for this." Henry turned the bottle round and looked at it.

"Is that enough?"

"Yeah, I just have to have a shower and use that as fur wash instead of the normal stuff. Smells nice. Smell it." Henry took the top off and put it to his nose. It smelt weird. Like Henry would expect blue to smell.

"If you say so."

"Anyway. Just before the gig I'm gonna go and have a shower and wash myself in this. It's only temporary. Don't look at me like that." He said as he saw the face that Henry was giving him. Henry stopped however when he heard that it was temporary.

"Oh right. That's good. That's actually kinda cool then. Never seen a blue lion before." Ray laughed. "You going to dye your mane too?" Ray shook his head, placing the bottle down on the table.

"Nah. I bought myself a hair net too. Should hold it all in." Henry laughed. "I'll probably have some left afterwards. D'you wanna borrow some for your hair or something?" Henry shook his head.

"No thanks. I'm good."

"You sure? It's good for the hair." Henry laughed again, hearing a door shut in the hall.

"Nah, anyway. That sound's like Marco."

They walked out from backstage and met Henry's brother, hair a-blaze and carrying Henry's battered and soaked bag.

"Hey Marco, it raining?"

"Yeah." Henry took the bag from him.

"Aww man, my stuff isn't wet is it?" Marco shrugged his shoulders, walking to the stage where he sat down. "No." Henry removed his paw from his bag. "All good and dry. Ok, I'm going to get changed, see you two later." Henry went backstage again, and Ray waved to Marco as he exited the hall.

Henry was setting up when the first members of the audience turned up at seven o clock.

"Hey! Hen!" He looked up and saw Martin and his friends coming from the door. Henry waved and carried on putting Ray's brothers cymbals together.

"Hi guys."

"You say that you were starting at half seven?" Henry nodded, and Jimmy emerged from backstage.

"Hey Hen! Ray says go meet him back there. He wants to ask you something." Henry looked up.


"Go and see Henry dumb ass. Who's this?" he asked, and he looked at the four furs who had just walked into the room, Martin waved at him, smiling like he did. Henry laughed.

"A few guys from school. They're decent guys. Seen us before." Jimmy smiled back at them.

"What did you think?" He asked as Henry went backstage. With Martin was Leo, Oliver and Joseph, a black wolf from Henry's psychology class.

"It was awesome. I didn't know that Henry was a drummer." Jimmy nodded.

"Henry is kinda the star of the band. He's pretty amazing. I think I've seen you around before actually. We're you talking to Henry after the last gig?" He pointed at Leo, who nodded.


"Good. I am right then." Henry re-appeared from backstage. "Henry!"

"What?" He shouted back.

"Get the drums done! You've not got long!"

"Stop playing shit jokes on me then like saying that Ray wants me when he doesn't!" Jimmy smiled to himself.

"No problem." Henry laughed at him and carried on getting the cymbals on their stands.

"How long have you guys been a band?" asked Joseph, which made Jimmy think.

"Err. Not sure. Hey Hen! How long's it been?"

"About a year and a half or something like that. I don't know. Not been counting." Jimmy looked back at Henry's friends.

"There you go." They laughed. "It should be pretty good tonight though. A couple of new tunes that we're doing. May sound shit but you never know." Jimmy laughed.

"It's not gonna sound shit!" Henry shouted. "It can't with how much we've worked on half of them." It was then that Lilly walked in.

"Hey! Martin!" she yelled, and he turned around. "You wore my ipod out you dick!" He laughed, as did the rest of the band.

"Hey Lil. How's it going?"

"Good. I've been bored crapless on the way here though. Nothing to listen to." Martin shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh well. No harm done." They both smiled as she drew closer. It was at this point that several other people entered and Jimmy migrated to join them (they were his friends after all). This gave Henry more time to set all of his stuff up and ready.

Henry and Lilly were talking at the side of the hall while jimmy and Toby tuned their guitars.

"Hey, what're your gigs actually like? Do people dance around a lot?" Henry smiled.


"Well. Jump around then. Is it really physical." Henry laughed while nodding.

"Yeah it is. But if anything gets really bad and actually really aggressive, then Ray stops and sorts everything out while we're still playing. He's funny like that." Lilly laughed. "It's a good idea actually. It gets the crowd on his side, or it did the only time that it's happened." Lilly nodded.

"Oh yeah, that's another thing."


"You know Josh don't you?" Henry looked at her.

"Down? He's only my step-brother yeah." Lilly laughed. "Did you know that?"

"Yeah, he told me. I really like him. I just met him today and after talking to him loads, I wondered why he hangs out with you guys all of the time."

"What do you mean by you guys?"

"Well, not you specifically cause you come out into our bit every now and again." Henry laughed. "But people like Phil."

"Why does his name always come up?"

"Cause he's a dick and no one likes him." Henry nodded.

"It is true, he really gets on my tits all of the time. You know we had an argument today about whether socialism is the right word to use for what it is? How stupid does that sound?" Lilly laughed.

"Does he just look out for arguments?"

"I think so."

Suddenly, Henry's insides jerked, and he felt his stomach rumbling. It must have been quite loud too because Lilly giggled.

"Not eaten in a while?" She asked, but Henry knew that wasn't what was wrong. He put his right paw on his stomach, and hunched over slightly.

"Err... No. Can I catch you later?" Lilly smiled at him.

"Sure." Henry walked backstage where he entered the closest toilet.

He pulled down his jeans and boxers, sitting down on the toilet rim. He moaned in pain. He was now seriously regretting this morning now that this was happening. He had a feeling that it would, but he didn't think that it would have such a knock-on effect.

That morning, he woke up two hours before everyone else, and had looked out the laptop. Gary United had been online, and had begun talking to him. He had told him that he was looking forward to the gig tonight, and Henry replied that he was looking forward to playing for him.

They kept up that conversation for about ten minutes until Gary had turned the topic to sex, by saying that he had a great porn site for Henry to look at. Apparently it had the hottest snow leopard boy that Gary had ever seen in his life.

Gary, in his previous fashion, then took that moment to log out. Henry was sat with the link facing him on the screen. He thought about it quickly, deciding without much thought and grabbing his headphones. He plugged then in and clicked on the site, downloading the first video that he saw available for free.

The video was twenty-five minutes long, and was entitled 'Moonlight Messiness'. Henry smirked at the name and opened the file. It begun with a snow leopard and a lion sitting on a sofa talking about themselves. Gary had been right. The snow leopard was hot. He had good taste in men, but slightly more attention grabbing to Henry was that the lion in the picture looked a lot like Josh. Same fur colour, eye colour. The only thing different was that the model was considerably more built than Henry's step brother.

He watched and listened to this pair as they spoke. The lion was called Simba (yeah right) and the snow leopard was called Matt, and apparently they were both straight until they were in the same room together and couldn't help the extreme sexual attracting between themselves.

The interviewer asked the two models to start kissing, which they did, and pretty soon they began to undress each other. Henry could feel himself getting harder underneath the covers of his bedclothes. He moved a paw down to his nether regions and unveiled his half erect coon-hood from his boxers. He began to rub himself as he watched the pair on the laptop screen feel each other up.

Then the screen switched slowly and revealed Simba, the lion, naked, outside, on his back with his hind paws in the air. Henry watched as he began to rub his tail-hole with his front paws. Then Matt entered the shot and began to paw himself off. Eventually, amid the panting that Henry could hear, he head Simba tell Matt to "put it in me bitch", and Matt edged himself forward on his knees and guided himself into his life long sex partner.

Henry heard Simba's moans as he saw the close-up of the penetration, and he faintly heard Matt say to his lion "Man, you're so tight Simba, I wish I could fuck you all day". Simba rocked into Matt's cock as Henry reached quickly underneath his bed.

He grabbed the laptop, yanking it from its charger and exited the bedroom, with his own toy in his hand. Ok, it wasn't a real toy. It was a cucumber, but Henry had sought guidance, and if you couldn't buy a proper dildo, then something like a cucumber was the best possible thing to use. He went into the toilet and locked the door, placing the laptop carefully down onto the floor where he could easily see it with space behind him.

He pulled off his boxers, completely revealing his cock, now fully hard and erect. He began to jerk himself off, but reached for a bottle of shower gel with his other paw. Squeezing some out onto his left paw, he quickly began to rub his own tailhole as he saw Matt humping slowly into Simba.

He took the cucumber and slowly manoeuvred himself into position; on both knees, with the cucumber vertical underneath him, fully lubed and ready. He sunk down and felt his tail-hole engulf the cucumber, and with a slightly more aggressive push, he managed to fit the entire thing in.

He let out a loud exhale and moan of pain as the barrier first hit him. He began to ride the vegetable to the same rhythm that the couple were fucking in the video and the pain was quickly replaced with undeniable waves of pleasure. Henry relaxed and the familiar shape of his tail-hole corrected itself. Henry grabbed his cock with his other paw, but something was happening on the video. Another male had entered the video shoot, and was already massaging his own, very large looking member.

He was a golden looking canine, with a slight brown tint. Henry listened through the headphones that he was still wearing and heard Matt say to the male behind him. "Come on Will, fuck me good."

Will, presumably the canine, did as he was told and entered Matt, who moaned even more with the undoubtable pleasures that these two were giving him. Henry could hear Will saying.

"Aww man Simba, you godda give this guy's ass a try. It's so tight!" And Henry took hold of the cucumber in his left paw, hammering it into his ass and he began to frantically jerk himself off.

He imagined he was Simba in the film. He knew that he was a racoon and Simba was a lion but he didn't care. Right now, he was in the height of sexual pleasure, and he was moaning uncontrollably. He could feel his orgasm approaching, and he quickly pointed his cock up high so that he could get some of it in his muzzle. He watched as Simba came, and it nested in his beautiful golden fur. Henry came at that moment too, and sent gushings of hot semen onto the tiled floor as he moved the vegetable at half the speed, making more definite, deeper plunges into his ass.

Gently, he rode out the rest of his orgasm, and moaned from the still overwhelming pleasures that the vegetable was giving him. He put his head back and let out and long and loud sigh, his voice groaning behind it. He ran his right paw across his leg and he watched as his cock twitched as it shrank in size.

He pulled his fake penis out slowly, shoving the laptop out of the way from all of the staining liquids that were now infesting the room. He brought the cucumber from his tailhole and looked at it. It was covered in shit. He knew it was going to happen.

This wasn't porn where he had a couple of hours to clean himself out before hand. This was real life, where you only had about quarter of an hour of actually masturbating, the rest to be taken up with cleaning up the floor, yourself, plus anything which had been splattered in the process.

He stood up, now embarrassed about the way that the fur on his legs was standing. He was going to straighten his hair up, but quickly thought better and immediately turned to the sink where he ran his excrement covered paws under the warm tap until it was so hot that he couldn't keep it there any longer. Then with his, relatively clean, right paw he squirted about five or six powerful shots of soap onto his left.

He watched as the disgusting part of gay life was washed away down the plughole, and then felt the guilt coming on.

Why did he do it? He had a gig tonight, where he would be sitting down all night. It would be alright if he was standing up, but he was a drummer. He'd be shuffling uncomfortably all day now because of this... It wasn't even a small cucumber.

Henry turned off the tap, and turned to look at the scene that he'd left. It wasn't pretty. There was cum all over the floor where he'd shot it, and a small amount of anal produce where he had been knelt. He took some loo roll from the table to his left, and started to wipe up the mess that he'd made. He could feel his now completely shrunken penis gently slapping his legs as he did it, and felt that little bit worse every time it happened.

He shook his head.

"I need to stop doing this." He said to himself as he threw the resulting piece of ugly, brown toilet paper into the toilet. He quickly got a large amount of paper and began to soak it up. Once everything was done, he stood up again.

He smelt his paw, shaking his head. It stank. Today was not going to be a good day. Having a sore tailhole, a super smelly hand, a full Friday at school and having to justify why the laptop was in the toilet anyway to Angel when he goes back into the bedroom and find her awake.

He pulled on his boxers again and opened the door, laptop in his right paw (the one that doesn't smell). He walked out of the room, confidently, and into the bedroom. Phew, everyone was asleep still... he wasn't going to get to sleep now, so he placed the laptop back on the floor and went back into the bathroom.

He stepped into the shower, turned it on, and immediately slopped down on his tail and exhaled. It was ok. He was going to get away with it. That thought always crossed his mind whenever he masturbated. His parents didn't know that he was gay. At least, he didn't think that they did. Although he did kind of know that they'd be no parents if they didn't have at least some kind of inkling.

So, here Henry was, sitting on the toilet in his town hall, getting rid of the aftermath. It was very painful at that too. Jul hopped onto the floor.

"In a way, I could say that this serves you right." He said to the racoon, who grimaced with pain. Jul looked slightly sympathetic. "I guess I won't." Henry groaned with pain.

"Sorry about this Jul."

"No problem to me Henry." Jul thought that maybe he should do something to help Henry through this obviously agonising time. "It'll be all ok in about ten minutes huh?" Henry managed to laugh a little.

"Yeah, then I have to explain to everyone why I've been in the toilet for ten minutes." Jul thought. He did have a point.