Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 31 - Two Friends Part II /Revans Bad Day

Story by The Grand Master on SoFurry

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#31 of Kyurex

Hi guys, here's part 31.

And for those of you who don't know it's Kuro's B-DAY!! So go congratulate him if you haven't done so yet :)


Master G

Kyurex and his crew had been walking all night, and the distant glow of the morning sun started to appear behind the horizon. They were obviously starting to feel tired and needed some well deserved rest. It was somewhat unusually cold because of the intense fog around them, but it wasn't unbearable.

The Umbreon was happy to be free - it felt good to hang around with his friends again. Roughly a week had passed since they left Olthagen. Thanks to his sisters help he managed to keep his involvement regarding the whole incident secret, so he didn't have to fear any rumours or his name being advertised in a wrong way. Kyurex was impressed how Xeyura managed to calm down the uproar and sort things out, he had to admit that after their short reunion, he saw her a bit differently. Her capabilities, that is - her personality was definitely the same.

He also told his friends how he got out of the whole mess, explaining to them the unbelievable coincidence which was the fact that his sister was the duchess of Olthagen. Blaze didn't believe him, instead he was sure that Kyurex had probably seduced the duchess and made her to his bidding. May, of course believed Kyurex -not Blaze.

After his sister thoroughly informing him about the Bronze Tournament and its location - Kyurex understood that he had two more major cities to bypass before their journey would come to an end. The first one being Hillmay city. And thats where they were headed to.

"Boss! I found a place!"

Something landed lightly on Kyurexs back - he had already gotten used to the procedure.

Yes, they were now 4.

Kyurex, before leaving the palace - asked his sister of one more favour. After some verifying and asking she agreed to free the one noisy Murkrow, Jeffrey, since his crimes were only limited to small, rather low value theft. She even noted that the guards were more than happy to release him for some reason, and it wasn't a mystery to Kyurex as to why. After telling him that he was free however, Jeffrey inclined on staying with Kyurex no matter what. So....after explaining the whole situation to his crew, Jeffrey officially joined them on their journey.

May wasn't particularly bothered but it seemed like Blaze already managed to get on the Murkrows bad side, and vice-versa.

"Really?" Kyurex asked the bird. "Then show us the way."

"No problem boss."

Boss. Thats what the Murkrow kept calling him after his release. As far as Kyurex understood the situation, Jeffrey felt so thankful towards him for setting him free that the bird now wanted only to follow orders given by the Umbreon. Kyurex didn't think of it as neccassary but Jeffrey more than insisted upon it, so the Umbreon just left him to do whatever he pleased.

After following Jeffrey for some time who flew not all too high up, they came to a seemingly deserted small patch of field between some trees. Just the type of place Kyurex had thought about initially.

"Looks good. So...I guess it's a good night..or day?"

"Finally..." May quickly found herself a place and instantly shut her eyes. Before Kyurex could do the same, a rather displeased Houndoom gave him the puppy stare.

"Blaze...don't tell me-"

"I'm hungry man!!"

"God damn..." Kyurex stared at the ground for a while before sitting not far away from May. "Blaze, can't you just wait till evening?"

"No way, I'll starve till then!!"

From not too far away a knocking sound could be heard. Kyurex and Blaze both turned their heads into the direction the noise was coming from. Jeffrey seemed to be enjoying himself to some worms, sitting on a somewhat big branch on a nearby tree. After noticing the other two staring he looked down with a pitiful gaze.

"Useless dog -Boss, where did you find this damn Snorlax in disguise? Sheesh...what a nasty hybrid..."

"What?? You want to say that to my face!!?" Blaze was instantly pissed off. May growled at the sudden high volume the Houndoom unleashed. Kyurex was more worried that they were going to disturb someone else nearby who was probably trying to get some sleep.

"Guys, stop arguing. Blaze lets go. " Kyurex started to walk into no particular direction, he just wanted to avoid a quarrel first thing in the morning, so he spontaneously decided to go with Blaze and be done with it. "Jeffrey, could you stay with May for a short time while we're gone?"

"Sure boss. No problem."

May seemed to have already fallen into deep slumber and Jeffrey continued pecking the old nearby tree. Kyurex, rather unwillingly set off on his mission with Blaze to find food.


"Why the hell did you have to take that bird with you?! He's stressing my brains out!"

Kyurex felt exhausted, but that wouldn't of been half as bad if it wasn't for Blazes tedious whining. The Umbreon desperately looked observed the entire scenery in hopes of finding something to eat. They were now amidst some kind of field - surrounded by tall grass. It was hard telling where they were heading to but Kyurex was sure that with so much vegetation around them that they would definitely find something edible.

Blaze started to sniff around, looking at the suspicious plants that started to appear everywhere. They looked like weird shaped bushes with even weirder looking leaves attached to them. It was heard to identify them since they blended in well with the tall grass.

The Umbreon hoped that they would find their way back since the fog was seeming to become even more intense.

"Doesn't something smell strange Kyu?"

"Beats me..."

"I swear...something about these plants here..." Blaze carefully sniffed with his nose literally pushing against one of the weird bushes. Kyurex shook his head.

"Who cares if they smell strange Blaze, plants are plants...don't tell me you want to eat this, whatever it is..." Kyurex patiently waited for his friend to finish his inspection. Blaze gave up.

"No but..." He returned and both lazily continued their search. "Whatever..."

Half an hour went by and they couldn't find anything to eat at all. Blaze was just as determined as before but Kyurex on the other hand just wanted to sleep.

"Blaze...lets go back." The Umbreon pleaded with his red pupils fading away behind his eyelids. Blaze seemed to be checking out a bush.

"Dude...check this out!" Blaze looked towards his tired friend, gesturing for him to come over and look. Kyurex obeyed, clumsily walking over to see what Blaze was so happy about.

"Hm? Is that a pile of melons?" Kyurex could see a VERY large collection of melons neatly put on top of each other. Before he even considered Blazes intentions he got a bad feeling about the whole thing.

", every time something THIS convenient happens it comes with a price. It definitely belongs to someone else already! And if that someone is big, strong and hideous then we'll end up as food instead. Let's go back..." Kyurex said, shaking his head in denial. He then noticed that there was nobody in front of him. Which could only mean-

"For the love of god...why are you like this?" Kyurexs ears dropped down at the sight. Blaze was already vigourisly eating his way through the piled food. The ever so happy Houndoom gave him a quick glance-

"Dude! It's awesome! You should try some!" -and continued with his noisy meal. One could seriously think he hadn't eaten for years. Kyurex was already paranoid before anything happened - now he checked all his surroundings over and over again.

"Dude forget it man, somebody left it here for whatever reason - who cares?" Blaze said whilst licking his muzzle. He then targeted the next melon.

Kyurex was still suspicious. But nobody seemed to be coming, everything seemed quiet and peaceful for the moment. The Umbreon seemed somewhat confused.

Could it be? That...that this food belongs to no one? Could it really be true?

He checked his surroundings once more. On his Left - bushes were still. On his Right - nothing was moving, everything seemed OK. In Front of him - Blaze and the pile of food.

Are you serious?

Blaze happily approached his worried friend with a broad smile - stating the fact that he was full.

"Dude, you seriously need to stop overreacting sometimes. Just go eat some food already..." Blaze patted Kyurex on the shoulder. The Umbreon sighed.

"You know, maybe I am just a tad bit crazy-"

Blaze suddenly froze.

"Em, Kyu?" he stuttered. Kyurex started walking to the pile of fruits.

"Anyway- are there only melons? I honestly don't like them that much." The Umbreon lowered his neck taking a bite of an already broken one.

"Kyu - could you listen for a second?"

"Ny-whot?" Kyurex hummed with his mouth full, not bothering to look back. What was Blaze trying to point out? Wasn't everything OK?

Besides, the Umbreon was sure he checked everything, so what could possible be the problem?

Wait a moment. Left, Right, Front-

Behind me? Nahhhh...............

Kyurex stopped eating. He slowly, unwillingly, turned his head 180 degrees.

And there they were - five angry Tauros ready to rip everything and anything to pieces.

Blaze was grinning at him with the "We're dead!!! Hahahaaha!!" expression, and there was no doubt about the sweat trickling down his face.

Kyurex spat out a melon seed.



Kyurex was way beyond pissed off. First of all, he was exhausted and wanted to sleep - the sun was already up and morning was in its full bloom, making matters only worse. Then there was the fact that he was hungry now too, since he only had the privilege of ONE proper bite of the food before having to stop. Then there was the awkward circumstance of being tightly squeezed into some kind of big weird, exotic bush with Blaze.

They were hiding.

He didn't know how, but they managed to outrun the Tauros for a short period of time. Which didn't guarantee Kyurexs and Blazes safety though, since the Bull Pokemon were steadily patrolling the entire area, searching for the two dark types that demolished their entire meal. Kyurex didn't know why he agreed to hide in such an uncomfortable place but then again, they would've probably been caught if they hadn't done so. He puffed some air at the annoying insects trying to land on his fur. Blaze had the expression of a high class detective - acting like he was thinking of some way to get out while observing from inside the bush - even though Kyurex knew damn well that Blaze probably had no idea whatsoever on what to do next and was just fooling around to pass time.

Kyurex sniffed around. These were the same plants Blaze had mentioned earlier, and they really did smell funny.

"Ssshhhh....someone's coming." Blaze tucked himself in making sure he was camouflaged. Kyurex also tried to halt his breathing.

And sure enough, one of the Tauros slowly walked by.

"Guys!! Did you find anything?" he called. His buddies were probably not far away. Kyurex could hear some replies echoing back. As soon as the Bull seemed to be distant Kyurex allowed himself to some fresh air.

"Pheww...they're sure persistent." The Umbreon remarked, keeping watch for the other Tauros.

Blaze seemed to have an itch. He was hectically sniffing around. Kyurex noticed that the Houndoom probably had to sneeze and instantly put his paw on Blazes nose. The Houndoom seemed surprised at first but then gave him a thankful expression, letting the Umbreon know that he was fine.


It happened to fast for Kyurex to react. Blaze let out a huge flame through the bushes next to them and before they could even think of what to do next the bushes slowly started to burn. Thank god the incident happened on the Houndooms side who was resistant to fire. Blaze instantly tried to move but Kyurex held him by his tail.

Blaze showed him an unpleasant glare but then after following Kyurexs silent gesture, he understood that one of the pursuers was back and not too far away from their hiding place. Any slight mistake would expose them both - they were in a REALLY bad situation now. First there was the fire, then there were the Tauros. Kyurex didn't exactly want to be burnt alive but he also didn't want to get caught by a hostile pack of bulls. He figured that if the flame would become too much to handle, they would have no choice but to give themselves up.

The Tauros walked around and seemed to be oblivious to the fact that a bush was burning nearby.

Kyurex couldn't help but cough a little. The smoke engulfed the entire bush and if it wasn't for the rather thick fog around them, they would've probably been found out by now. The Umbreon started to notice that the smoke was really weird - it had this confusing scent to it that the he had never experienced before.

Blaze seemed to be also thinking the same thing. The dog sniffed around, inhaling the mysterious smoke. The Houndoom, fearing that the fire would expose them eventually, started to chew on the burning branches in hopes of stopping it.

"Buga. Why are you always here?"

Kyurex felt an inner alarm go off. Apparently, a comrade of their pursuer now also entered the scene. He couldn't exactly see much due to the vegetation and fog - but he knew that they were in danger. The fire, surprisingly, started to die down since Blaze had successfully suppressed the biggest flames. The smoke however still penetrated the entire bush, and it was starting to be a real pain to breath for both of them.

"I swear I saw them running this way..."

They overheard one of the Tauros say.

"Are you sure? They're probably gone-"

"Wait...did you just hear that?"

Kyurex thought his heartbeat had stopped. Blaze had just coughed probably due to the smoke. The Umbreon couldn't blame him - but...

"It came from here..."

The Tauros were getting closer by the second. Blaze retreated a tiny bit backwards. Kyurex knew that either he would think of a quick solution or they were doomed. Their pursuers were now in front of the bush.

Suddenly, they heard somebody shout.

"Did they find him?"

"Lets go!"

And the bull Pokemon ran off.

Kyurex felt his knees give in and Blaze let out a long sigh filled with relief. Once again, fate wasn't too harsh on them.

"Damn...I thought we were dead for sure man..." Blaze still spoke quietly. Kyurex agreed.

"That was just too damn lucky."

"So...lets get the hell out of here?" The Houndoom was impatient to get away from all the smoke, but Kyurex shook his head in denial.

"No, lets wait for a couple of minutes. Otherwise we might run into one of them." he said.

"Man but this smoke...phewww..."

"Bear with it."

Kyurex couldn't really tell for sure but, he found it hard to somehow concentrate on one thing. He also felt kind of dizzy.

And then, after waiting for a while until everything around them toned down, they quietly stepped out from the bush - enjoying the fresh air.

Blaze shook his head slowly.

"Bwooo... em yo....I think I'm tired man..." The Houndoom couldn't walk straight, sitting down for a moment. Kyurex had to admit that he felt the same way. His vision was kind of getting blurry, or his thoughts, he couldn't really tell.

"Woah...what, did we... did we want to do something?" He asked Blaze, not being able to answer the question himself. He was definitely dizzy to the point where he didn't comprehend much even though he tried his best. This feeling was totally unusual, and everything became worse with every second that passed. Blaze started laughing, and Kyurex found that to be amusing - which also, wasn't usually the case.

"Hahaha...wait...everything's rather funny man...bwahahaha...." Blaze smiled whilst rolling around on his back sideways. Kyurex also lay down, trying to concentrate.

"Hehehehe..." he couldn't stop himself from giggling like an idiot. He tried to stop, he wanted to just sum up his thoughts but couldn't. It seemed to only backfire harder.

"Hahahahahaha!!" Blaze kept on laughing. He then abruptly stood up, looking at Kyurex who was mumbling something that no one could hear. "Dude....damn, the Tauros - what if they find us? Damn duuuuuuude.....lets get - lets go away - lets go man -" Blaze gestured him with a smile to follow him. He didn't know where he wanted to go but he knew that the Tauros meant bad news, that was the only thing that the Houndoom understood.

Kyurex kind of got the point. He felt some slight paranoia tug on his mind as soon as he thought about the Tauros.

"Oh...yeah...." He quickly followed Blaze and both of them gave their surroundings great caution while treading through the tall grass. Fog was still everywhere. Then the Houndoom stopped. Kyurex bumped into him.

"Eh...whaz goin..." Kyurex couldn't finish the sentence. He felt like his mind was intentionally disobeying him. Blaze turned around grinning like a maniac.

"Duuuude........." The Houndoom had trouble keeping his eyes open.


"Hahahahahaahha!!!" Kyurex couldn't help but laugh as loud as he could. He didn't know why he thought everything was so funny. The Houndoom also joined him - probably affected by Kyurex.

"Hahahahahahahaha....HAHAHAHA!!" Blaze fell onto the ground.

Everything was blurry and smudged now through the Umbreons perspective. He was tired, but he couldn't help but find everything so amusing. They both lay on the ground for a while wondering why they felt so weird.

"Holy...I don't get it daaaamn....." Kyurex blurted out.

"Hehehe...." Blaze laughed with his eyes fixated on the grass in front of him. Kyurex wondered what was so funny about it. "Duude...remember that one time?"

Kyurex just barely got the message.

"Yeah I remember." He answered sluggishly even though he didn't know what Blaze meant he figured "yes" was the correct answer. The Houndoom continued.

"When -we set Mr.Greens garden on fire? Hahahaaaa..aaaaaaa man im hungry..." He rolled to the other side. Kyurex, even though it was rather hard to think about one thing, remembered what Blaze had just said clearly.

"Dayum. You set it on fire." He said.

"I did? You did too you know." Blaze seemed a bit confused. Kyurex shook his head in denial, smiling.

"I can't use fire're the fire type."

"Really?........Well. Shut up." Blaze laughed at the end, rolling over to the other side again.

"I still love you though-" Kyurex added.

"What about May? Hahahaha you can't love both man you can't love both.....hahaha"

"Dayum...I didn't mean it like that."


"Hahaahahaha...ugh.....aaaaaa...." The Umbreon tried to stop - but couldn't. He abruptly sat down and tried calm down, but it didn't seem to work.

"Duuude...Im so messed up right now..." Blaze seemed to be experiencing the same thing.


Revan peacefully enjoyed the eternal darkness around him. Everything was silent, calm and he knew that it would always be like this until something of great magnitude happened, something that could free him from this prison. He always enjoyed to sleep on the branch of a tree he had created using VI - which was glowing with a bright blue. The light it shed off didn't reveal anything though, because there was nothing to reveal.

"Hmmm...." His ears twitched. There was this chirping echoing around him - which was unusual to say the least. He knew however that there was no way that something like this could happen in the dark world he lived - since it followed rules - his rules.

Probably my imagination...

"Hey - is that you Kyui??? Why are you sleeping up there?"

Wait a moment.....

Revan opened his eyes, only to instantly shut them again. Intense sunlight blinded him for a moment and after grunting, he slowly opened his eyes again. At first, he was confused - and after that, he was still confused. First of all, it seemed like it was day time. Second of all - there was grass, there were plants and there seemed to be living things around him - everything that shouldn't be there, was there.

"Kyuii!! I can't climb up there!!"

Revan lazily looked down, noticing a rather small Eevee watching him. He could tell it was a she due to the squeaky, girly voice. She seemed to be happy to see him for some reason, since her tail was eagerly swinging back and forth.

Revan didn't answer instead leaping down in front of her, surprising her a bit.

"Wooaaah, so you're an Umbreon now? You look soooo cool!! Kyuii!!!"

Revan ignored the child in front of him who was jumping up and down. He observed his surroundings trying to find a possible explanation for this mysterious occurrence.

"Kyui!! Stop ignoring me...." the Eevee pleaded with her cute little eyes. After a while, Revan gave the child an uninterested glare.

"Who are you?" Revan asked, only because there could be a possibility that this had something to do with her. The Eevee puffed her cheeks and it was obvious that she was angry about something. Revan on the other hand couldn't care less.

"Kyui!! Don't you remember me? Its me!! Angel!"

Angel?....hmmmm....that one? Pathetic.

Revan gave it a quick thought and figured that this had to be Kyurexs childhood friend from back then - since that was the only Angel he could remember in this lifetime. Realizing that she probably wouldn't be able to answer his questions, he walked towards the fields. The little Eevee was surprised at first but instantly started following him.

"Kyuiiiiiii! Whats wrong with you?"

Revan ignored her totally. He actually couldn't hear her at all.

After walking mindlessly around the fields he couldn't find anything worthy of his attention.

What the hell happened this time? Hmmm?

He suddenly witnessed bubbles floating around him. Red ones, blue ones green - all colours.

OK...I'm definitely in the right place...but what happened to it is the other question. Did junior mess up again?

"Fuff....I'm tired Kyui...lets take a rest."

Revan abruptly sat down, making Angel bump into him. Revan didn't seem to notice it. He closed his eyes, trying to use his power to manipulate his surroundings.

"What are you doing?" Angel asked, sitting in front of him. Revan concentrated to his best effort, but nothing happened. He opened his eyes, trying to gather VI in his paw and that on the other hand, seemed to work perfectly.


"Kyui, you look dumb." Angel tilted her head. Revan suddenly put his paw on Angels head. She only blinked with her eyes in response.

"Want to see a magic trick, kid?" he asked with a grin.

"We're nearly the same age dumby, you don't have to call me that just because I haven't evolved yet."

Revan tried to transmit a lethal amount of VI into Angels body, realizing that this didn't work either.

"Em? It tickles...."

Revan withdrew his paw, looking at it for a moment.

Hmm....doesn't work, huh? Too bad.

"Sorry kid, no magic tricks for today." he yawned, laying down on the ground. He was now sure that something weird was going on in Kyurexs mind but was too tired to bother doing anything about it. He closed his eyes to continue his slumber.

He felt something jump on top of him.

"Hehe...I'll take a nap too then." Angel made herself comfortable, curling up on top of Revan. The legendary beast was too lazy to react and couldn't care less. He proceeded to try and fall asleep.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't Kyurex the playboy. From where did she come from?"

Revan would normally ignore stuff like this but the familiar voice was somewhat surprising. He looked with on eye. It was May.

Angel lifted her head.

"May? You evolved too? You've got a lot more furr now."

May sat down in front of them.

"I thought you were gone Angel, I haven't seen you for come?" She asked in an elegant voice. "Suddenly felt like you dumped Kyu too hard?"

Angel didn't quite understand.

"Silly - when did I dump him? He's still my Kyuuuuiii!!" Angel happily hugged Revan around the neck, still on top of him. The beast grunted, displeased with the whole situation.

"Kid, watch what you're doing." He said in a cold tone. May then realized something, coming up real close.

"Kyu? Since when did you have these weird tiny fangs here?"

"Since always. Now get your face out of mine." Revan said - sounding annoyed.

"Jerk - are you acting all tough and mighty again?"

There was suddenly somebody else present.

"Uuuuh....what, are you going to flip out again? Those fangs suit him perfectly."

May turned around. Revan also looked, and so did Angel. A Ninetales elegantly approached the whole group, sitting down next to May. Jessica. May growled in response.

"Wow, Jessica. Searching for a second boyfriend I assume?"

"Pfff....I know I've got the looks girl, stop complimenting me." The Ninetales responded, knowing that she probably hit a weak spot. May was extremely annoyed, to the point that she felt like shouting. Jessica on the other hand already felt victorious, achieving what she had planned since the beginning.

"Is there a party going on here? Kyu, why do you leave me and Revy hanging? You know you can't make girls wait right?" Revan felt like disappearing, but he knew he couldn't. It seemed like all of Kyurexs past "love-affairs" and alike were starting to appear one after another. This time it was Sruliana who steadily approached the group and behind her followed a somewhat reluctant Revy. Sruliana narrowed her eyes after seeing all who were present.

"Who's this?" Jessica asked, not taking her eyes off her paw which she was licking clean. It was already clean, but the gesture suited her natural image.

"Not somebody you'd want to know...." May said silently, making sure the two newcomers couldn't hear her.

"May? What are YOU doing here?" Sruliana asked.

Everything was getting too hectic for Revan who had long given up on trying to fall asleep. He had an Eevee on top of him, and four other females of which three were somewhat boisterous and hostile towards each other.

"Anyway, I wanted some private time with Kyu so...could you all like, leave please?" Jessica said, sounding rather inpatient and confident that things would go her way. May instantly stood up to confront her.

"Like I'd let you..." The Mightyena growled. Sruliana also stood up in response.

"Like I'd let YOU - he's got Revy already. Buzz off!!"

"Thats some big words coming from a plant, or whatever you are. But enough already, just show some manners and leave. We all know with whom Kyurex REALLY wants to hang out with..." Jessica said in an amused tone. This didn't sit well with Sruliana and jsut like that the three females were ready to lash out at each other.

Revan assumed that this was not going to stop anytime soon. He was starting to feel slight anger building up against his patience.

"P-please don't fight, I think Kyu is trying to sleep..." Revy tried to calm them down, unwillingly joining the conversation. It didn't help at all, but it was worth a try. Before the situation could escalate any further, Revan felt another presence enter the stage - from behind.

He also noticed that the horizon was changing starting to change colours, just like the bubbles around him which were still floating everywhere in the atmosphere.

"Hmmm...what do we have here? Kyui....boldly sleeping in front of his very own harem? How...unfortunate."

Revan knew this voice. Xeyura.

Is this for real?


" yeah...I think I should try like...I don't know what I mean Kyu?"

Kyurex snapped out of his short blackout he was having. His reaction was now as slow as it could possibly get, but nevertheless he tried to answer his friend.

"OF COURSE." Kyurex laughed. Blaze even though experiencing the same circumstances could tell that Kyurex wasn't at his 100% any more.

" okay man? You look kinda tired myan....haaha always wanted to say that - myaaaaaaan...hahahaha."

"Ai." Kyurex felt to tired to form even a simple phrase. The Houndoom slowly got up, turning his head from one side to the other and after mumbling something in foreign lingo, started sniffing around with his nose literally pushed against the ground. At first he patrolled the area, but then the Umbreon realized that his partner was long gone.

"Em....Blaze...em....damn." He took a deep breath. "Ahh......maaaaaaaan...."


Revan understood that all the individuals who were present had something to do with Kyurexs memory. These were mere clones that acted the way Kyurex remembered them and they were all a part of his mind. The reason why they all resurfaced in this particular area which Revan had chosen as his home, was unclear, but it was certain that something extraordinary caused this. The beast could imagine this happening in the real world but then again, you'd never find such a weird horizon or weird bubbles floating around in the real world. Something was not functioning correctly.

"I don't know who you think you are - but then again I don't really care. It's not hard to tell that you're just a selfish, arrogant and over confident women who's not even worth my time." Sruliana let her anger out at the Ninetales in front of her.

"The thing that is probably easier to tell is the fact that you're just a hopeless virgin, and it probably makes you mad that it'll stay that way." She countered. Sruliana was close to exploding. The whole group continued arguing trying to declare that each one of them was better than the other.

While this was going on, Xeyura checked on Revan.

"Is he really asleep? Kyui? Hmmm...." Without hesitating she gave Revan a lick on the nose. Little did she know that Revan was actually awake and only pretending to sleep. The ones who noticed were shocked, but Revan himself still didn't give the slightest intention of reacting.

"Xeyura! You're his sister for Christ sake!" May was instantly prompted to say something. She couldn't believe Xeyuras behaviour towards her own "brother". Xeyura only giggled in response.

But this is seriously starting to get on my nerves...Junior better have a good explanation for all this...

"Kyui...we know you're not sleeping..." Angel moaned, tugging slightly on his ears whilst still on top of him.

The situation escalated even more after they started to argue about who Kyurex should end up with and why. Jessica tried to state her status as a women, Sruliana tried to explain why Revy and Kyurex were the perfect couple - May tried to prove that she was his girlfriend already and Xeyura enjoyed the whole scene and the discussion. Revy tried to calm everyone down. On top of that Revan had to put up with the constant tugging, hugging and moaning coming from a child on top of him.

Revan suddenly stood up, surprising the group of rowdy females.

"Kyui?" Xeyura gave him a questioning look. The others fell silent, waiting for Revans response.

Then the bubbles stopped floating. The horizon started to blink with dark colours. All who were present except Revan started asking themselves what was going on, only to see the legendary beast with closed eyes whilst he put pressure into his paws.

Just a little more.....

He gritted his teeth, focusing his power to the maximum. He could feel himself gradually become one with the entire place. It took a great effort to try and control this realm in Kyurexs mind, but Revan knew he had enough power to do so.

"May? You're...turning white?" Jessica remarked, noticing that she herself shared the same circumstance. The horizon was now starting to adapt a impending darkness - and the bubbles were long gone.

"Kyui..why-?" Angel couldn't finish her sentence, her body started to disappear and was turning transparent. The others shared the same fate. The only last look they gave Revan was one of disappointment - about which he could care less if at all.

This...should seal it....

Revan gave a last push of his energy, and everything turned blank. He opened his eyes.

Nothing. Everything was back to the original state. A never-ending darkness.

Now this is more like it...

Revan shook his body and envisioned his tree in front of him. A blue sphere appeared in front of him, out of which a tree started to take form. He smiled.

Junior, junior....what a nuisance.

After jumping onto his beloved branch, he resumed his slumber.


May opened her eyes to realize that the sun was steadily starting to vanish in the distance, leaving behind a red blood red sky. She gave out a mighty yawn whilst stretching her flexible body and looked around to see who was present. The only one she fond was Jeffrey who was snoring on a tree not far away. Kyurex and Blaze were nowhere to be seen.

What are those two up to again?

Regardless she felt herself in top form probably meaning she had slept well. It didn't take long and she could hear Jeffrey also wake up, yawning repeatedly. She looked up at the bird. She hadn't had the chance to get to know him all that much but he struck her as an acceptable addition to the crew.

"Ey! Jeffrey! Did Kyu and Blaze even come back since they left?"

The bird lazily turned his head, obviously still tired.

"Nah I don't think so." He then chuckled for no apparent reason. "Though on second thought...."

May didn't understand at first but after turning around, she witnessed to black bodies collapse in front of her. Kyurex and Blaze had returned.

"Kyu?" May was a bit surprised since the Umbreon seemed to be all worn out and his fur was standing up in some places. Blaze on the other hand, was sound asleep the instant he dropped onto the ground. There were no words needed to understand what had happened. This was how it typically turned out anyway.

"Eh....May?" Kyurex asked in a hoarse voice sounding like he was close to death. He was obviously plagued by exhaustion - his breathing was rash and had no pace. The Mightyena sniffed around him.

"What on earth did you two do this time?"

The Umbreon smiled, letting his head drop.

"Donn't....eeeveeeen know hahaahha......ha...."