10KLY 2: Chapter 6

Story by FarmWolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Ten Thousand Lightyears: Book Two

Chapter 6


copyright (c) 2016 FarmWolf's player

Aboard KNV Ceokera


When I woke up the next morning, I recalled having a fascinating dream. Then the warm furry body curled around me reminded me that it hadn't been a dream at all. After Felix and I had breakfast, I dictated my resignation to the computer while quickly packing what I wanted to take to Earth. Felix changed to Peter and returned to his ship, and I went to the river for my morning bath. When I finished, I headed for the control clearing, arriving fifteen minutes sooner than usual. Andrea, whose main shift began and ended an hour before mine, made a show of grudgingly yielding the captain's seat to me.

"Captain," she said, pretending to be annoyed, "I was really expecting to hold onto this place a little longer."

"You may just get your wish, Andrea," I replied. "Assemble the senior staff."


I sat in the meeting spot with the senior staff of the Ceokera, unable to believe my ears. Kisara was leaving? Just like that? Going to study a primitive planet with an alien whom she had just met? I sensed that she believed what she was saying; she was not lying to us. But why had she decided to do this? Could it have something to do with the master, Captain Icefield? Had he influenced her in some way? I had detected no deception from him, but if his powers were as great as he claimed, he could probably make me believe anything and I would have thought I'd come up with it on my own. Then I had another thought. Transwarp readings. Icefield's ship, though it was more powerful, had a transwarp signature so close to our original Experimental that my fur stood up the first time I'd seen it. Then, in his holodeck, he had demonstrated morphogenic claws that were identical to ours. Kelvin and I had found it difficult to believe that was a coincidence. And he'd told Kisara that there is a purpose in most things that happen. That had sounded like something Felix would have said.


Identical morphing claws, century-old transwarp signatures, familiar sayings...could it be? Captain Icefield seemed to understand so many metaphysical things. Why should it be a stretch to assume he had some knowledge of a previous life?


Peter met me in Lindbergh's transporter room. I handed him one of my two pieces of luggage when he offered to carry it. We made our way to his--our--_quarters, stowed the bags, and headed for the bridge. The good-byes between our ships were relatively short, wishing each other good luck on our missions and the crew of the _Ceokera wishing me good luck studying Earth. We closed our channels and departed Polaris, heading in opposite directions.

Just after going to warp, Peter led me to the observation lounge, informing the scientists that we would ask them to join us shortly. Once inside, he spoke to Petra. "Add new identity to Commanding Officer Identity File, authorization Icefield Niner Four Five Three Two."


Peter transformed into Felix and said, "Recognize Felix Otto Steiger, authorization code Steiger Three Seven Two Eight Lambda Kilo for Commanding Officer of Delta Alliance."

"Recognized: Felix Otto Steiger has been added to Commanding Officer Identity File," Petra replied.

"Petra has filed a new identity for me as Commanding Officer. Go ahead and give her your particulars for First Officer.

I instructed Petra: "Recognize First Officer of Delta Alliance, Kisara Tarkee Steiger, authorization code Steiger Six Two Lima Delta."

Petra confirmed: "Kisara Tarkee Steiger has been recognized as First Officer of Delta Alliance."

Felix checked the ship's status, became Peter, and asked the five human scientists to meet us in the lounge.

"As you already know, Kisara will be coming to Earth with us. What you do not know is why." He transformed into Felix, waited a few moments for this to register, and then continued speaking. "My name is Felix Steiger," he informed the incredulous Terrans. "I am Kisara's mate."

* * *

During Felix's shift, I asked him for a more thorough tour of the Lindbergh. He gladly agreed, and I stuck to him like a burr. I hadn't left his side since I beamed over from the Ceokera. He could tell that I was afraid he would vanish if I let myself believe that our reunion was real, so we walked paw in paw or with arms around each other's waist, and kissed or licked each other every few minutes.

For supper, Felix surprised me with a meal composed from my favorite foods. We sat down to a candlelit dinner and I remembered the night after Felix had first broken the transwarp barrier. This time, it was Felix who complimented me. As the meal progressed, Felix began to get the familiar look in his eyes that meant he was thinking less about what I had done and more about the kind of person I was. And, as I had at that other dinner and in fact every day since I'd met Felix, I thought about how lucky I had been to meet someone so wonderful, and now I thought how lucky we had been to be reunited.

"I was surprised that you--that Peter--didn't have a mate. Not that I'm complaining! The information on Terrans said they're usually married by the end of their twenties."

"More of the workings of the universe, I'm sure," he replied. "I never really got into relationships. Used to joke that my mate lived on another planet, in fact! I couldn't have known then how right I was." As we retired to the sofa, he asked me, "What about you? You never looked for a new mate after I died?"

I inclined my head at him and bared my fangs slightly in mock anger. "You make it sound like shopping for a new aircar. To be honest, I did look, but not very hard. I got on with my life eventually, but I still didn't want to replace you and that's why I found something wrong with everyone I could have married. Still, I had lots of friends, and people who cared about me, so I wasn't nearly as lonely as I could have been. Anyway, I hope any concerns about being alone are in the past now that we have each other again."

Felix leaned close. "Kisara, I want to tell you how much I love you."

"Okay, how much?"

He drew back, pretending to be embarrassed. "Well...I used to know, but I'm afraid I've forgotten."

I wrapped my arms around him, kissed him deeply, and then whispered in his ear, "I think I can help you remember..."