04 Dream a Little Dream

Story by dark_moomba on SoFurry

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#4 of Day After Day

Welcome one and all* to the fourth installment of Day After Day. Sorry it took so long to upload this last chapter, but I only have a vague idea of where i want the story to go so i write a chapter and post a chapter. Remember: you need to email, comment, or at least vote if you like the story. Feedback is absolutely amazing, thanks.

*this story is not appropriate for immature readers and contains somewhat graphic sex and references to violence. If you like, enjoy, if not, go away!

Another note: it probably doesn't make sense if you havn't read the rest of the series...

Damon felt fine the next day when he went to school. He took the pills Alice had given him and wasn't having any trouble with either maintaining his shape or blacking out. The only thing that bugged him was the fact that his memory wasn't working very well. He remembered answering the door to Alice and her giving him the pills, but he couldn't remember anything in between. He felt like there was something extremely important that his mind just wouldn't let him know.

The nagging sensation kept him off-balance at school for the entire week. Alice was acting strange too. She was being "clingy." Damon had never minded having a cute girl to hold on to, but it was starting to get a little strange. Other than that it was a fairly ordinary week.

The only thing interesting that had happened was that a guy named Jared had called, asking him if he'd like to meet and discuss a job opportunity.

"Jared, hmm...Oh, I remember now. Jared is the wolf that was one of the bouncers at the party we went to Saturday. If he wants to talk about a job opportunity, then he probably saw your fight with Roger."

"So do you think I should go talk to him?"

"I think that you should if you're interested in making a little bit of money for not a whole lot of work." Despite her words, she seemed worried by something.

Damon called him back and set up a meeting at Starbucks for Friday evening. Damon was going to wear his necklace again so Jared could recognize him. The necklace had come from Cozumel Mexico and Damon didn't know of anyone in Ohio that had the same necklace.

Thursday afternoon, Damon and Alice found themselves alone yet again. They often were alone after school, usually at Damon's house. Normally they just talked about life and played boyfriend and girlfriend. Today, however, Damon didn't feel like playing.

"I need to know some more about being a wolf."

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"How about you explain how I became a wolf. I mean how is it physically possible that I could transform into a half-human half-wolf creature?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"It's simple. I'm not the one that understands these things. There are lots of furry experts who claim all sorts of different things. I just know that I'm a wolf and I enjoy being a wolf."

"How did you become a wolf?"

"My dad changed me when I was only seven. He thought that it would be better for me to grow up being one. Both he and my mom are, so it was unavoidable that I would escape noticing it."

"Wait, when did they become wolves?"

"It was before I was born. I'm not sure exactly when. Oh, and they're not wolves."

"I'm so horribly confused right now." He shook his head. She leaned over and kissed him.

"Its okay. I'll try and explain. Since we're still more-than-half human, we have human children. If we want them to be changed like us, we have to change them. One benefit actually is that children don't suffer the side-effects of the medicine that more mature people do."

"What side effects?" Damon had a suspicious gleam in his blue eyes.

Alice blushed. "Oh you know, a little bit of memory loss, maybe some residual headaches, that sort of stuff." Damon opened his mouth to interrupt, but Alice silenced him with a kiss. "Let's not talk about that right now. Please?"

"...Fine..." She gave him another kiss, this one a bit longer. "Is there some reason you don't want me to take the job Jared was talking about?"

"I'm just worried that you're gonna get hurt."

"I can take care of myself." Damon's face showed that he was a bit hurt and insulted that she didn't have confidence in him. "I took care of Roger, didn't I?"

"Yeah, but you're gonna be dealing with people a lot more dangerous than Roger if you take the job. Roger was totally smashed when you two fought. I just know you're gonna end up fighting someone who can actually fight and you're going to get hurt." She looked almost on the verge of tears.

"Shh...Don't worry." He dropped his head a little to look straight into her eyes. "If I take the job, there'll be a group of us working so the other guys will have my back. I'll be fine." He kissed her softly on her forehead. "You won't have to worry at all."

She sniffed back tears and pulled in close for a hug. "I love you..."

"I love you too. If it bothers you that much, I won't take the job."

"No. You're well-enough equipped for the job; I just don't want anything to happen to you."

"Nothing will." He held her until it was time for her to go home.

School on Friday went extremely slowly for Damon. The day seemed to be trying to torture Damon for as long as possible. By the time the last bell rang at two o'clock, Damon felt like he had sat through three consecutive days in school. He headed over to Alice's locker. "Hey sexy."

She quirked an eyebrow at him. "Whaddaya want?"

"Nothing. I'm just happy that today is finally over. Do you want to come with me when I meet Jared?"

"No I've got some stuff I need to do this evening."

"Do you need to get home early?"

"No. I need to be home by five. What time are you supposed to meet Jared anyway?"

"I said anywhere from six to six fifteen. I'll probably just go and grab a coffee and a book from Borders and sit down and read till he gets there."

"Oh, wow that sounds dull."

"Hey, I like reading."

"I'm sure it's fabulous." She clearly looked skeptical.

"Whatever. I've got a few questions related to the wolves I'd like to ask you."

"Okay, shoot."

"I'm interested in knowing some more of the people in the loop. Basically I know you, Roger, and I'll be meeting Jared later this evening. That's hardly enough to invite to a party."

"Well, unfortunately, you're gonna have to go to some more parties and meet people. Actually, now that I think about it, do you remember Amy? She was a senior last year, blonde hair, fairly ditzy."

"Amy Reynolds? Yeah she's actually a good friend of mine."

"She's a raccoon."

"A raccoon?"

"Yeah, personalities play a big part in which animal you get. Amy tends to get distracted by shiny things, a lot."

"I guess she does at that. So how am I supposed to tell her that I'm a wolf?"

"I guess just call her up and ask her about the party last Saturday. She was probably there. If you know about that, it proves that you're a wolf and breaks the ice a little."

"Okay. Thanks, I may have to give her a call sometime over the weekend."

"You better not be thinking of cheating on me." She punctuated her remark by a swift elbow to the male's stomach.

"I wouldn't dream of it." They walked on, arm in arm, with Damon discreetly rubbing his gut.

They continued chatting for a while until it was time for Alice to be home. Damon returned to his own house to get quick shower. He had tried staying human while he showered, but whenever he turned into a wolf afterwards, he always felt dirty. He finally had gotten used to cleaning himself while he was wearing his wolf's fur.

In the shower there was a small mirror that Damon used to check what his hair looked like while it was wet. Once he had run it under the stream of water he found that it was nearly down to the tip of his nose. While he was wondering he also noticed that all along his jaw-line there was a faint trace of red fur sticking out from the black. A quick switch to and from his human form showed him that he needed to shave.

"Well, I'll be damned. A new and exciting discovery in the life of a wolf." He shook his head in the mirror again. "Maybe I should get it cut." Another shake of his head and he was back to thoroughly cleaning his fur, paying special attention to his tail. Damon loved his tail. He had dreamed, as most children did if they watched cartoons, what it would be like to have a tail. He just couldn't get over it. He wagged it and sprayed water all over the already-soaked shower stall.

He went back to shampooing his hair with an absent smile. He always kept his body fur short, otherwise he looked like a bum, but the hair on his head, with its vibrant red curls, demanded a lot of extra attention. Damon didn't care what other people thought he looked like, but he did care what he thought he looked like, so he generally went against fashion but usually looked good.

Before stepping out of the shower, he transformed into a human and then back to a wolf causing most of the water to fall down the drain. He then dried the residue out of his fur. He had tried just drying off in human form, but that left his fur feeling damp.

He pulled on dark jeans and a new blue t-shirt. The shirt was tight and showed of his pecs and abs very nicely. He added a little bit of hair gel to avoid his hair turning into an afro and headed out, almost forgetting to become human again. The instant he did, he went back into the bathroom and shaved.

He got to Starbucks a little late and barely had time to get a cup of coffee when fairly large guy walked over and sat down at the table with him. "You're Damon, right?"

"That's me. You must be Jared." The man named pulled out some papers and spread them out on the table. "What are those for?"

"So people think we're discussing business, which in fact, we are."

"Well you called the meeting so you should start talking."

"Basically, your story with the big guy got back to the head of security for the...people who run those parties. They were wondering if you'd like a trial position on security."

"Go on."

They continued discussing the details of the job such as pay, hours and the like and finally got everything settled and a meeting scheduled with the head honcho.

"Just so you know, I can only keep this job till the end of the summer. Then I'm going off to college."

"Where are you planning on going?"

"I've got a couple of places I need to decide between but the closest is almost 200 miles south."

"Ah. You know, you might want to talk to your friend from the party about another college you might be interested in. It's called the Leo National College."

"What's so special about it?"

"Just ask your friend. I need to get going. I'll call you about the meeting."


The Leo National College had peaked Damon's curiosity and he searched online for it when he got home, but couldn't find anything. He decided to check with Alice tomorrow. He locked the door, got out of his clothes and changed shape. Alice had said that he would be able to transform instantaneously eventually so he wouldn't need to lock the door, but he couldn't do it yet.

Almost as soon as his head touched the pillow he was out.

He got up and saw Alice sitting on the foot of his bed.

'What are you doing here?'

'I wanted to surprise you...Did it work?

She was almost wearing a translucent blue nightgown that revealed all of her curves and hinted at most of the details. She was sitting in a proper position, only made a mockery by the gown. Suddenly, but without surprise she was next to him. Half on top of him, she kissed him, long and luxurious. Simultaneously, the kiss lasted for hours and was over in the blink of an eye.

'I love you...'

'I love you too.'

'Do you want me?'

'...More than anything.' He pulled her close for another kiss. Unnoticed, the gown had disappeared. His paws were suddenly caressing her lovely breasts while he grinded into her with his sheath. Her paws dropped to coax his member out of its protective blanket, while his mouth drifted down to kiss and bite the soft fur on her neck.

She moaned and redoubled her efforts to awaken his sleeping member, now grinding into him harder and harder. When he was finally ready to begin she straddled him completely and lowered herself inch by inch. Time seemed to stretch.

The world shimmered like a heatwave. 'Haven't I done this before?' The world flickered and Alice was lying on her back looking up at him with eyes alight with mischievous pleasure. '...Come on, it's not nice to make a lady wait...' Damon couldn't help but dive in.

He forced his entire length inside her all at once. She screamed but only in pleasure and immediately began pumping herself on his rod, creating a counterstroke to his own thrusts. Damon moved back to caressing her breasts and kissing her neck. She moaned loudly, 'God Damon!' She clamped down hard on his shaft causing him to plummet over the edge. He pushed every inch of him inside of her and shot what seemed like gallons of his seed into her. She in turn clasped him tightly and bit down hard on his neck.

They were lying next to each other, her cradled in his arms. She turned to him, 'I hope that was as good as the first time.'

'What are you talking about? That was the first time. I've never had sex before...'

'That's what you think.' She winked at him and kissed him.

Damon sat bolt upright on his bed panting. It was only three in the morning.