When you have something to protect!

Story by Foxgear on SoFurry

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Hello all this is my first story for Yiff Star and I hope you like it because I love to write and this really speaks some of my really good imagination and I hope this will become a series thanks for the support!!

The night was dark the moon was hidden behind the dense clouds and no noise could be heard except a few clicks and knocks. But one place that was darker than the rest was the abandoned building in the basement. The floor was drenched in water from all the moisture but one thing was for sure there was something going on as a scream sounded in the darkness and in the distance there was a faint light. In the room as girl was being beaten and raped as she screamed into the hand of one of her captives. The girl was a husky and she cried as they beat and abused her and on the floor to the side of the room was a young husky about the age of sixteen as he tried to release himself from the ropes that binded him as the two wolves pushed themselves inside the poor girl as they released themselves inside her several times making the boy watch in horror as one of the wolves smiled and cussed at him.

"Watch boy watch with the knowledge you can't save your date as we have our own little date with her body!" the first wolf said as he laughed as he again released himself inside the girls brutalized pussy. Several whines and yelps later they dropped the girl to the ground and let their seeds flow from her mixed with her blood. The second wolf, which was silent most of the time, nodded to the first as he pulled out a knife from his bag he placed on the side. He smiled as he bent over to the boy and cut his face from the right cheek to the area by the nose as he yelped with pain but the wolf wasn't done yet.

"you get that boy for your weakness but your date" he said as he plunged the knife into her heart as she screamed filling the building with her shrieks. The boy screamed as the wolves laughed at the girl as her body shook for the last time before become still.

He continued to scream as he jumped up in bed as he broke out in a cold sweat "The dream...again" he placed his hand over his eyes as he rubbed them.He got up and walked to the bathroom as he flipped on the light and looked at himself in the mirror he was very different from his dream his body was sculpted and well built and he was strong. He turned on the water and splashed himself with water as he took a deep breath and let it out.

"Come on Gear get it together that was four years ago you're different now"Gear was his nickname his real name was Ruffert but he was always working out at the gym from the age of sixteen and all the men there said that he was like a machine always doing what needed to be done and got it done perfectly and so the name Gear just stuck and in reality he liked that name better made him sound tougher he was in his second year of collage and he kept his distance from the girl because he was still paranoid about what happened four years ago even if the girls at school were all falling for him wanting to become his girlfriend he just wasn't ready.

He returned to his bed after getting a hold of himself and turning out the lights as he laid back down in his bed and on top of being well built he was working a well paying job as a auto mechanic and not to mention the underground fighting he did in his spare time to test his abilities. He then looked to his ceiling as he slowly fell asleep again wishing for the night to be over and allow him to work out the only real way he got to get rid of any worry he had.

Ruffert woke the next morning as he sat up in bed and looked to the clock seeing it was only six he decided to still get up unable to sleep anymore he walked to the closet as he took out his sweat shirt and slipped it on when he walked to the door and grabbed his keys and his wallet as he opened the door and walked out for his morning jog.

He began to run down the street as an old couple waved to him "Hey there young man...I say your out every morning like us but I swear I have never seen a young person get up this early just to run"

The old dog said as Ruffert passed with a smile and a wave."They are always out here as well" he thought as he continued to run down the street. A couple of hours later he returned to his home drenched in sweat he then turned to close his door when he looked out to meet the eyes of his neighbor and friend Kim. Kim was a beautiful husky she was very slim but not too slim to be considered malnourished.

"Hey there Gear how are you doing this morning...just coming back from your run I see" she said with a smile as she walked closer to him.

"I'm fine and yea like always I'm back from my run but what about you Kim?" he said as he leaned against the door.

"Well I can't complain any but I decided to get up a little early this morning to grab some breakfast uhh would you like to come?" she said as she crossed her legs in a attractive kind of way.

Ruffert smiled but then dropped it "Uhh well I'm kind of busy today you know and well I have work to do before school but I'll see you in class alright" he said as he was a bit disappointed in himself for saying as he knew he liked Kim and he knew that she liked him but he wouldn't allow himself to love just yet.

Kim sighed slightly "Of course I understand...rain check ok" she said with a smile as she turned around and walked back to her home and closed the door behind her not looking back as Ruffert closed the door as leaned on it from the other side.

"God I really suck" he then walked into the living room and took off his sweat shirt and threw it into the dirty hamper as he removed his pants and underwear and then stretched some as he walked to the bathroom and started the shower thinking about several different things as he jumped in.

"Why can't I just go over and say Kim I like you would you like to go out....that memory is whats holding me back I know it is." he then picked up the soap as he then pour some into his hand and began to scrub himself down as he massaged his arms and muscles as he washed himself as he let the suds run off his sculpted body.

He let the water run all over him washing away the soap as he rubbed his head some then her used his hand to slick the water out of his eyes as he thought of Kim as he sighed and then lowered his hand to his slightly erected penis as he again sighed as he took a hold of his member and began to stroke it as it became more and more stiff.

He then sat down in the tub as he looked over to the clock on the wall "I have plenty of time"

He thought as he let out a slight moan as he began to rub himself harder and a bit faster. He moaned more and more as he began to buck up to meet his hand several times as he thought of several things as he began to move his hand faster as his climax began to rise to its limits.

He then groaned as he thrusted up once more as he shot one huge shot of cum onto his stomach. A few more shots find their way to his stomach and his hand as he began to breath deeply and fast. He stood and again began to wash himself cleaning his seed from his body as he finished up and grabbed his towel after turning off the shower. He dried himself and looked at the time as he still had an hour and a half before having to head his class with Kim as he decided against going to have breakfast with her and instead sat down and had a bowl of cereal.

Ruffert walked down the street towards the school, as he was a little less energetic today until he looked up to see a small group of girls coming right at him.

"Hey your Ruffert right" the first girl said she was a fox.

"You are him aren't you the one that works at the auto shop..I have to say you look so sexy when you have the oil stains on your shirt" the second said she was a Tiger.

"I have heard your single am I right" said the third girl and she was a wolf which made him remember the incident for a second.

"Well yea I am Ruffert and I do work at the auto shop and thanks and uhh I am single but right now ladies I have to go get to cla.." he was cut off as a arm wrapped around his neck.

"Gear my man whats going on dude" this guy was a husky as well "Nothing Mike I was just walking to get to class" he was saying as Mike slapped his back

"oh you liar you were hitting on these poor defenseless ladies weren't you" He said with a laugh "so ladies me and my friend here go to this club drop by tonight an meet us and we may buy you a drink alright?" he said with a wink and gave them the club card as he then tugged Ruffert to the other side then waved to the girls as they left.

"Hey man I told you not to do that with out me!" Mike said

"Your so full of yourself Mike you know that you get girls to come because you know they like me and you always hit on them hoping they will go out with you" Ruffert said as he walked along.

"Man...You cut me deep just now...but you know its true HAHA" he laugh very loud as it began to embarrassed Ruffert as people began to stare.

"But really Gear I got a fight lined up for you this guy is tough but I thin.... KNOW you can take him once you get into it...the only problem is that the fights in....forty minutes" Mike said as he pulled out his phone and began to make a call.

"A fight now Mike seriously!" Ruffert became somewhat angry as Mike patted him "Come on what is one day of class?" he said as Ruffert smacked his hand away "One day its been like seventy times!!"

Mike then stepped away "Fine I guess you don't want.... fifty grand" Ruffert stopped and then shook it off "Fifty grand are you serious?" he said as mike put the phone back into his pocket "Of course I only get you the best so how about it?" he said as a car pulled up as Ruffert closed his eyes then opened them with a nod.

Twenty-five minutes later they arrive in an ally which there was one door being guarded by a really big guy as Mike and Ruffert exited the car and walked towards the door. Mike flashed something to the big guy and he stepped aside letting them in as they entered only to walk down a flight of stairs. Mike opened the door and let Ruffert in first as a loud roar of cheers came in a mad fury.

Ruffert looked over to the opposite side of the room where a hug lion stood as he flipped Ruffert off.

"That's my opponent isn't it?" he said as he looked him over "looks like he's hopped up on steroids"

He said as he took off his shirt "listen man this guy has one hell of a left hook so watch out ok because if he hits you...you might be going down and remember anything goes here and just...be careful"

Mike said as he took his shirt and as he did that the lion came up and grabbed Ruffert and began to squeeze with all his might.

"This will be over quick I'll squeeze you in two!" The lion said as he began to squeeze harder as the match had started. Ruffert gasped for air as he began to elbow the lion in the face as he slowly busted his nose. The lion released Ruffert as he grabbed his nose cursing out of his ass as Ruffert began to cough and choke from the crushing squeeze.

There was no time to rest as the lion had caught himself and then threw his deadly left hook hoping to end Ruffert quickly but Ruffert was to fast as he fell to the ground and then began to roll out of the way as he got back up. Ruffert faced the lion as he ran towards him throwing a punch but in the lions fury he became sloppy as Ruffert grabbed his arm and wrapped his free arm around the lion's neck as Ruffert yelled out lifting the heavy lion into the air just to fall backwards to slam the lion into one of the tables.

Ruffert tried to get up but the lion rolled over and got on top of him as he began to choke Ruffert "Die just Die!!" the lion yelled as Ruffert couldn't shake him off and his vision began to blur

"Come on Gear don't hold back you have to attack to win come one!" yelled Mike as Ruffert opened his eyes again and instead of trying to get his hands off his throat and thrusted a punch into the adam's apple of the lion as he coughed up blood after getting hit. In the time the lion lost his strength for a short period of time as Ruffert removed his hands from his throat as he got up leaving the lion choking.

Ruffert looked away but then turned back to find that the lion's left hand came up and connected with Ruffert's face making him fall to the ground. The lion stood and yelled in what he though was victory and turned away but then Ruffert moved some and then stood himself as he spit blood.

Ruffert looked at the blood and remembered the cut that he received from the wolf on that night on the same side where the lion hit him as Ruffert screamed and rushed the lion and gave a strong punch to his kidneys then turned him around and punched his broken nose as he smashed it into the lions face as his blood flew into the air.

With that final punch the lion fell to the ground motionless as one of the men went over to check him as Mike checked Ruffert.

"That's it he's dead his nose was smashed into his brain" The man said as he reached into his pocket and threw money onto the ground as the crowd roared again in cheers and began to throw money at him and Mike. Mike smiled and shook Ruffert as he began to pick up the money then giving back Ruffert's shirt continued to collect the money.

Ruffert didn't really care anymore as he put his shirt back on and left the underground as he walked up the stairs. The guard let him pass without question as he seemed kind of scared him. Ruffert touched his face as he cringed as he pulled back his arm and then walked the road, as he was unaware at the time.

Kim was really worried back at the apartment building because Ruffert didn't come to class and that he wasn't home. She was about to call the police as she heard a jingle. She opened the door to see Ruffert.

"Ruffert where have you been I was really worried and you promised to meet me in class!" she said as she walked over and turned him around to his face was swollen as she gasped.

"Ruffert what happened to you!" she said as she scanned his face "Nothing I'm fine I just need to sleep is all" he said to her as he turned away but found himself being pulled into her apartment.

"I don't want to hear it I'm taking care of you and you can't say anything about it understand!" she yelled as she closed the door behind them and the thing was what could he say she was even a little more scarier than the lion he though as she sat him down on the couch.

Kim came back with a bag of ice as Ruffert reached out to grab it only to find she was placing it herself as he blushed abit

"you don't have to really I can manage" he said as Kim shook her head "no like I said you don't have a say in this I'm taking care of you and that's final!" she said as she pressed the ice bag on his face as he looked at her body some as she was only wearing some silk shorts and a T-shirt that he could plainly see down.

Kim watched him as she took off the bag and checked the swollen place on his face "tell me what happened.....you know what never mind I don't need to know that but I need to know why do you always avoid me" she said as she removed the bag and looked at him.

"I always try to show my affection for you but you never seem to notice" she said as her eyes became watery as Ruffert sighed "look Kim its not you its me" he said as he leaned back

"when I was sixteen I had a date but then two wolves attacked us and took us down into a basement of an abandoned building and....they raped her right in front of me...and then they cut the left side of my cheek and then killed her...they stabbed her right through the heart killing her and leaving me to watch her bleed" he said as he placed his hand on his face hiding his eyes.

"So that's why I have never gotten into another relationship because even though I'm strong now I still have doubts about if I can protect someone" he said as Kim touched his chin and pulled it to face her as she kissed him on the lips.

Ruffert froze as she kissed him and when she pulled away he was still amazed "you don't have to fear anymore Ruffert I love you and your more than enough to fight off any enemies but you need to let the past live in the past and move on"

She said as she kissed him again as she pulled away again and smiled slightly as Ruffert raised his hand to touch her face before leaning forward to kiss her again as she hugged him.

"ha..ha...Ruffert take me...right here right...now please" Kim said as Ruffert nodded to her as she began to kiss him again while unbuttoning his pants as he slowly reached up and massaged her right breast as she began to blush and become warm as she looked down to see Ruffert was half erected already as she looked to him with another smile as she ripped off her T-shirt to show her bare breasts as Ruffert blushed more as he took hold of both of them. He then leaned forward and began to lick one of her nipples as he let his tongue lick the surface of her breast as she moaned as she began to rub his erected dick.

Ruffert also began to breath heavily as she touched his manhood as she grabbed one of his hands and lowered it into her shorts and her panties as she gilded his fingers into her hot slit as she moaned out which made him harder. Ruffert watched, as he couldn't believe what was happening he was going to go all the way with Kim his good friend from across the hall. Kim moaned louder as Ruffert began to pull down her shorts and panties as he saw everything she had as she blushed "don't look at me like that" she said as she became wetter as he plunged his fingers into her as she moaned more.

"It looks like your enjoying it Kim...because I know I am" he said as she smiled "This is my first time be gentle" she said as he laid her down on the couch as he dropped his pants "Its my first time as well and don't worry I would never hurt you" Ruffert said as he got on top of her as she held him.

Ruffert took hold of his dick as he pushed the head on the lips of her pussy as she moaned as he slowly started to slip inside her. Kim whined some as his length slipped in her but then she gave a yelp as he push a little to soon. He pulled out some and looked down as she had a drip of blood coming out of her.

"Are you ok I'm sorry we can stop" he said as she shook her head "No keep going today we both take each others virginity's" she smiled as she kissed him and let her tongue explore his mouth as he did the same as he again slipped inside her.

Ruffert pulled from the kiss as he looked down as Kim did as well seeing how he was fully inside her "See there we are I am now your Ruffert" Kim said as she looked to him "Now start moving" she said as she braced herself as Ruffert began to move in and out of her taking in all the feeling of her pussy as it was slippery and soft but very tight as he pumped inside her as she screamed out.

"What happened did I hurt you" Ruffert said in alarm as she looked to him "I came is all I'm sorry" she said as he smiled "don't worry I think that's great knowing that I can pleasure you" he said as they both smiled as he continued to pump into her as once more their lips met.

Ruffert was very close to his own climax but he wanted Kim to feel as good as he could give before he came. Kim was whining with pleasure as her green eyes met his blue eyes when Ruffert pushed deep inside her.

"Ruffert I want you to cum inside me please" she said with a moan "but won't you get pregnant?" he asked as she shook her head "I'm on a safe month...ha...I'm still far from my time to get pregnant" she said as he smiled and began to push faster and faster into her.

"I'm Going To CUM again!!" she said as her body began to tighten up "Me to Kim I'm going to cum!!!" he said as he bucked much faster.

This was it the time was now that both their climaxes reached their limits as they both began to Whine until you both shouted "I"M CUMMING!!!".

Kim began to shake with pleasure as Ruffert exploded inside her shooting his cum then he ever had before by himself as he strained himself as he loved this feeling. After a few minutes of shakes and moans Ruffert fell forward on top of Kim as he fell to her side as his used dick slipped out of her as she shook once more. Ruffert's seed and some of Kim's blood leaked out of her slit as she turned and hugged up to Ruffert who was breathing very hard. He looked to her as she rubbed his chest.

"you have made me very happy Ruffert thank you so much" she said as she slowly fell asleep by his side.

Ruffert looked to the ceiling and smiled "I finally beat my past...I will protect her...Kim...your my everything...and thank you for breaking my soul and mind free" he thought as he kissed her forehead as she slept. Ruffert began to fall asleep as well as he wished to stay with Kim forever.

The next morning Ruffert woke as he had his shorts on once more as he looked around "did I just dream it...I guess I just fell asleep here" he thought as he sighed.

But then in came Kim "Good morning my love" she said as she jumped on his lap and gave him a kiss. Ruffert was surprised but then smiled and laughed as she kissed him.

"What...What...What is it why are you laughing?!?!" Kim said as Ruffert kissed her back "Because I thought last night was a dream and you just proved it was real...and I thank you Kim...I love you" he said as he hugged her. Kim was surprised "your welcome Ruffert...maybe now you won't be so uptight" she laughed as he did.

"only for today because you know me being uptight is what makes me...me" he said as he held her and she held him as they stayed there for a long period of time. Unaware that there future together was just starting!

(Well that's it I hope you all liked the first story and there will be several to follow I hope you all will give me a good rating and hope you will make it a favorite!! THANKS!!! And until next time! I hope all the corrections are ok))