We Are Alone in Our Closet

Story by Renaux on SoFurry

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This story has adult content. If it is illegal for you to be viewing this, then please don't. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. The story and characters belong to me, Renaux. If you want to use them, just ask permission, and I'm sure we can work something out!

"There is no such thing as an absolute reality, or an absolute fantasy," Professor Greene stated to the class. "What one person sees as reality is subjective because someone else may see something different as reality. This is drawn from the idea that many believe that fact is solely open to the interpretation of every one of us. Facts cannot speak for themselves. Many right brain people follow this model, and are very creative and impressionist. They try to find feeling in what they do."

Professor Greene is a younger professor of Philosophy, fresh out of graduate school. He is a lean built rusty colored wolf with markings of gray under his eyes and down his neck. He usually wears a button up pinstripe shirt and black slacks to class. He has small circular glasses that sit narrow above his muzzle. He is slender, but very tall. He could almost be considered intimidating because he stands about a head above the rest of the class. As he teaches, he paces across the front of the room, his eyes scanning and gauging the attentiveness of the students, with his rust colored tail following him with anticipation.

"The opposite of this idea is how people believe the facts speak for themselves clearly. A lot of scientists and engineers follow this model of thinking and are, shall we say, 'left brained'. These people try to find the theories and laws that define life to boil it down to a series of logical, rational set of facts. This is not for simplification necessarily, but it is more for comprehension.

"There are people who can use both sides of the brain effectively, and are known as 'whole-brained'. These people, while they may favor one above the other mode of thinking, are adept at switching when they deem it necessary. To boil things simpler, a right brained person assigns meaning to things, usually personally. A left brained person usually accepts meaning based on experimentation and observation. The education system in society today lacks the tools necessary to teach to a right brained person."

Sitting in the first row near the door is a student whose name is Aiden. Aiden is a Himalayan feline with a luxurious, almost beautiful coat of brown and black fur. He is a T-shirt and jeans type of person. He is a junior pursuing a B.S in Political Science and a minor in Philosophy. Aiden is petite and just feminine enough that it introduces questions as to what his gender is if you did not know him, and being a Himalayan with his fur coat didn't help matters. He listens attentively to Prof. Greene, trying to hang on to his every word.

"How far do right brained people take it?" Aiden asks. "Do they simply question everything they see and hear? Doesn't this introduce an infinite cycle of question-answer- and question again?"

"That is the basis of a healthy mind," was the reply. "The healthy mind is one that always strives for answers. This mind doesn't take everything at face value and instead tries to figure out the truth behind the facts. Socrates would want no less from us. It's actually against his teachings for me to be professing knowledge in a speech or lecture because it may lead you away from questioning towards your own truths." He chuckles. "But they pay me to do this, so what can you do?"

"So why does society punish those with new ideas throughout history? Didn't Socrates have to commit suicide because the authorities didn't like his radical ideas?" another student asked.

"Socrates had a choice of exile or death. He could not bear to leave Athens, so he chose death. He was persecuted because society is threatened by radical ideas," Mr. Greene thinks silently for a moment. "Any being or collective seeks to root out all that they fear and either eliminate or control it. This is a fact of life, and it actually helps restore order. How can order exist if everyone has dissenting thoughts?"

He let that rhetorical question hang, and continued with the lecture. Because this is a philosophy class, it is more of a discussion than a lecture, but Professor Greene always leads the class to the topic. Following the class, Aiden waits patiently outside of the lecture hall door. Students push past him quickly, and some rudely. He hisses a bit under his breath each time someone bumps into him without even an apology. After what seems like ages, but could not have been more then a couple minutes, Professor Greene walks out of the class and acknowledges Aiden. They start walking together down the halls and out onto the quad.

"Do you have a dance competition tomorrow morning?" the professor asks.

"Yes," Aiden replies. "I have practice in an hour, and I plan to stay there all night if I have to. I want to be prepared." Aiden pauses a bit before continuing. "I have a few questions about today's lecture. You got a few moments?"

The professor stops at the opposite edge of the quad, turns towards Aiden, and nods. "I always have time, you know that."

"How can society feel good about itself if it continues to quiet its most intelligent members? I have great ideas, but no one listens."

Aiden has always been ignored throughout most of his life. He makes the right grades to be considered a gifted person, but he feels a sense of loss of control over his life. Being bullied from a young age for being a scrawny cat, he feels he lacks the power to control what happens to him. He hasn't been beaten physically a lot, but he has learned that many people who bully and call people names, cannot be reasoned with. To simplify this, whenever he would try to stand up for himself, the laugher of the bullies would only intensify. To philosophize and reason to a bully is asking for more name-calling. This is why he feels that he is ignored by his peers.

"Society's goal is to form a cohesive unit that can function as a body," Professor Greene replies. "The most cohesive societies are formed by people who have similar goals, and will help each other reach those similar goals."

"So you would think societal indoctrination is inherently a bad idea?"

"Evolution cannot exist without gradual change."

"What about the Christian notion of sin?" Aiden excitedly shifts his hind paws around.

"Baloney, if you ask me. Some great ideas come of that, but to follow without knowing why? We haven't seen much good come of that, now have we. The crusades are a perfect example."

"So sin does not exist?"

"Be careful the conclusions you run off to. In a way, one can say sin does not exist. Remember what we talked about in class today about reality, though. Defining something as absolute is very dangerous."

"But we are let to come to our own conclusions, right?"

"Socrates would say yes, as long as they are in the logical pursuit of truth."

"Finally, is it our job, as intellectuals, to try to make society, or at least it's most ignorant members, see what we see? To teach them?"

"That's an idealistic idea, Aiden. While I would love it if we could find a way to teach society of what we think is wrong, I just don't know if it is possible. Especially at your age, society has done a lot of the teaching for me for many of your classmates. Society makes its laws and punishments, and people define action based on reward or punishment. The action has lost its intrinsic meaning, or worse. Prejudices of the parent manifest themselves in the child, and the action has a meaning of hatred without reason. I think people can only learn through drastic, life-changing events when faced with something that goes against societal indoctrination, or inner prejudice."

"I see. Nothing in life is easy, huh?" Aiden chuckles wryly at the joke.

"We both know if life was easy, we'd both be too bored out of our skulls." Both break into a light laugh at that.

"Thank you, Professor. I'll see you on Monday?"

"See you then." Professor Greene states as he walks away. Aiden turns and saunters over to the gymnasium for his dance practice. Aiden has been dancing for years, starting when he was just four years old. He has learned all sorts of dance from tap, to ballroom, to break dancing. When he was ten he started to sing, and took voice lessons when he was twelve. The competition he was preparing for was ballet, so he would dance to pre recorded music, and perfect his choreographed steps.

For hours, Aiden practices his twists and splits for hours, perfecting his dance for the big day on Saturday, the next day. He knows his fur and graceful use of his tail are assets, so he concentrates on keeping his tail's movements graceful, possibly suggestive. An hour after sunset, he finally turns off the music. At this time of night, no one else was in the gym, but this was not abnormal. Aiden is in the gymnasium after hours often, and he know that no one is in the gym after dinnertime. This is why he gets slightly scared when he hears someone start to break into boisterous laughter and loud applause. He looks up from his stretch to see Reggie, a member of the crew team and an avid fraternity member, walking towards him with a snide grin on his face, showing a bit of fang.

Reggie is a well-muscled, athletic grizzly bear. From the long hours of rowing on crew his arms are very thick. He always wears wife-beater shirts anytime the temperature allows it, and wears normal T-shirts if the weather is cold. He lets his brown fur grow out long and thick, aside from the top his head, which he shaves, almost bald. He has a well-muscled torso, but it is showing signs of getting soft, because he is working out a little less and drinking with his buddies more.

Aiden and Reggie have known each other for six years. Reggie was one of the more active bullies in Aiden's high school. His favorite target was Aiden, whom he considered a 'sissy'. Reggie brought it on himself to try to make Aiden's life miserable through high school. This usually consisted of tripping in the hallways and incessant name-calling. Sometimes, he would even fake being a homosexual, and hit on Aiden.

Aiden tried not to get angry when these jests would occur. He would try to plead with Reggie to leave him alone. Sometimes he would suggest someone else to pick on, or suggest something more constructive to be doing with his time. Aiden would try anything not to be the target of Reggie, but the pleas would only solicit a 'sissy' from Reggie. Aiden thinks that Reggie is just an example of the scum of society, and that he only got into the same college as Aiden because of an Athletic scholarship.

Reggie takes an almost personal interest in Aiden. He defines each of their encounters based on how riled up he can get Aiden. To him, torturing Aiden was fun. He has a temper issue, so when he feels any sort of resistance from his prey, he resorts to the only thing he knows, physical force. Today had been an especially bad day, because his crew coach screamed at him for failing another class. He was looking to blow off some steam by joshing Aiden around a little.

"I don't know if I should cry, or puke." Reggie says. "Oh my, it was so touching." He reaches up to his eye to brush away a fake tear.

"Shut up, idiot." Aiden shouts back. "I'd like to see you try it."

"Dancing is for faggots like you, not jocks like me," by this point Reggie was right in front of Aiden, who just stood from his stretch.

"Oh, you're right." Aiden said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I have the intellectual capacity to appreciate such art, whereas the only thing you appreciate is yourself and your muscles," Aiden chuckles after saying this.

"You think you're real cute." He grabs Aiden by the collar and pulls him close. "Don't you?"

"So I've been told." Aiden smirks. "Now put me down, you low-life."

"I don't listen to fags. In fact, I want you to beg me to let you go. Beg like the sissy pansy you really are. 'Please don't hurt me Mr. big strong man.'" His voice got mocking, and high pitched for the last part. Aiden's eyebrows furrowed and something snapped in his head. Reggie is dirt, and what does one do with dirt? Aiden spits in Reggie's face directly instead of complying with his demands. This is one of the first times Aiden tried something physical with Reggie. It did not get the desired affect. Reggie's face contorted from the smug grin he had a moment ago to one of rage. He uses his free paw to wipe the spit off his nose and fling his wrist off to the side to flick it away.

"You Fucking Fag!" Reggie shouts, and he pulls Aiden's collar down and knees him in the gut. He drops the collar as Aiden curls up in the fetal position on the floor. "You belong on the floor." He kicks Aiden in the stomach and then brings his shoe up to Aiden's face. "Lick it."

"Go to hell!" Aiden gasps out. The knee hit just below his diaphragm, so he had trouble breathing at this point.

"I didn't ask for your wise cracks." Reggie yells down at Aiden. Reggie raises his hind paw and then stomps, full force, on the side of Aiden's head. Aiden's paws go up to protect his muzzle from more trauma as Reggie kneels down and starts landing punches on Aiden's face. Aiden tries to protect himself but Reggie just attacks the area Aiden does not block. Aiden's ears start ringing and his vision goes foggy. After a dozen punches, and a few rakes with his claws, Reggie stands up and rolls Aiden over. Aiden is now almost unconscious and completely limp. He stomps on Aiden's crotch for good measure.

"Fucking fag," he spits on Aiden. "Think you're so smart. Don't pick fights with those who can kill you. Let that be a lesson to you." He laughs to himself and walks off. Aiden groans once more before he falls completely into unconsciousness. It's a good thing too, because his body, especially his head, is in excruciating pain.

When Aiden comes to all he can see is white light. After blinking a few times to clear the fog, he sees the light is a fluorescent one. He faintly hears someone speaking, but he can't quite make out the words. He groans out loudly and tries to move, but a flash of pain hits his head first, and then his stomach. The pain is so intense it creates a feeling of nausea. As he tries to get up, a paw gently pushes him back down on the bed. He turns weakly to the side to see Paxton, his roommate and best friend.

Paxton is a major in biochemistry at the same university that Aiden attends. He is the same age as Aiden and is a rather portly husky. Sadly, he is prone to mange, so his grey coat is balding in localized areas. Aiden thinks his coat would be grade A quality, but God didn't give him such a perfect coat without some caveats. There may be only a month out of the year where Paxton has all of his fur. Paxton usually dresses in button up shirts and khakis. He wears rather large glasses to match his large face, and his blue eyes are striking, even behind the glasses.

"Where am I?" Aiden asks groggily.

"You're in a hospital," Paxton replies. His deeper voice resonates through the room as well as through Aiden's ribcage. It is a soothing vibration. "Someone beat you up pretty good. Damned if I know who. They left you for dead in the gymnasium."

"How," Aiden pauses to gasp and catch his breath again. "Long?"

"You've been out for 3 days. Campus police found you after they realized someone forgot to lock the gym up at night. Enough of what happened, though. How do you feel? I was worried sick ever since I got the call that you were taken here."

"I feel like shit," he rasps out slowly. His throat hurts so he looks around for water. "Water?"

"Sure buddy," Paxton walks to the sink in the room and gets a paper cup for some water. He leaves an inch at the top so it won't spill and hands it to Aiden's shaking paws. Aiden takes a small sip and nods his appreciation to Paxton.

"I feel like someone dropped a ton of bricks on my head," Aiden continues when he can. "My stomach hurts so badly. I also feel like I'll never have children." He looks at the IV attached to his arm and then down to his groin and he growls in frustration. "They catheterized me. Fucking pricks."

"Come off it, Aiden." Paxton replies. "You couldn't piss on your own so they had to." Aiden and Paxton hear a noise at the door and both turn towards it. One of the doctors is there with a female police offer standing next to him. The doctor coughs to clear his throat.

"This is Officer Duran," the doctor begins. "Do you think you're ready to answer a few questions about what happened?"

"Not right now." Aiden grunts. "I'm in so much pain. I can't think straight. I just woke up and I'm cranky. Finally, I'm going to be your worst nightmare if you don't get me some painkillers. This is a hospital for Christ's sake. I should not be in pain in a hospital."

The doctor shakes his head, shoos the officer away, and starts to rummage through the desk for some painkillers. Paxton reaches and grasps Aiden's paw and squeezes it reassuringly. Aiden squeezes a bit back but then goes limp as he feels another wave of pain. Paxton frowns at the pain he sees his friend in. The doctor puts the needle into the IV and injects the painkillers. Within a few minutes, Aiden is relaxed.

"Sir," the doctor states to Paxton. "You only have thirty more minutes. Then visitors' hours are over. You can come back tomorrow, though."

"Thanks, doctor," Paxton replies. He then turns to Aiden and continues, "I'm going to head back to the dorm room. If there is anything that you need, have the doctors call my cell phone. I'll get it for you. Get well soon, ok?"

"Thanks buddy," Aiden replies and turns over and closes his eyes. He drifts off to sleep a little later.

The next morning Aiden is able to keep food down in his pulverized stomach. They remove the catheter and he is able to use the bathroom on his own again. He still has a little trouble walking, and his head still hurts when he is not on the painkillers. By the nighttime, though, they take him off the painkillers. Before he falls asleep, he has a small conversation with the nurse, who gives him the good news. He should be able to leave the hospital by 6PM the next day. Not a moment too soon, Aiden thought.

Around lunchtime the next day, the doctors are off preparing for Aiden's release, he starts to reminisce about Reggie and their relationship. I tried reasoning with him, Aiden thought. I tried begging him, and complying with his demands. I tried playing the part of the tattletale. Now, I've tried something unexpected to catch him off guard. I tried to be the opposite of what he thinks I am. What can the prey do to the predator?

Reggie does not understand what I'm capable of, Aiden continued. As an intellectual, it is my job to mold him into a productive member of society. Reggie is just like an old dog that is too stubborn to learn any new tricks. You withhold food from that dog, they will complain, they will moan, and may even become vicious but eventually they will listen. I know how to get people to listen. I simply must find out what makes Reggie pleased, and what he wants out of life, and deny him it. That shouldn't be too hard. He's a simpleton.

Is this really the best solution though, Aiden asks himself.

The doctor led Paxton into the room, breaking Aiden out of his thoughts. Aiden had lost track of time as he was planning for his 'education' of Reggie. Paxton helps Aiden out of the bed and into his street clothes, and brings him out to the car after Aiden filled out his discharge forms. Paxton starts the car in silence and pulls out of the hospital parking lot to start the drive back to the dormitories. After a few minutes, Paxton breaks the silence.

"I was wondering if you'll tell me who did this to you." Paxton begins.

"Reggie," Aiden replies. "He stalked me during dance practice and decided to beat me up 'cause he didn't like the fact that I was a guy, and I was dancing. He kept calling me a faggot. It was so spiteful. I could just feel the hatred in his words."

"That's horrible. I wish I were there, to step in and prevent this. No one should have to go through that, and no one deserves it."

"Well you weren't there. I wish I could have put him in the hospital bed beside me."

"No you don't. But, look on the bright side. No homework in the hospital." Paxton chuckles at this, attempting to lighten the mood. Aiden isn't impressed.

"The pain of homework is less than what I just went though. I want Reggie to pay dearly for doing this to me. He thinks he's hot shit, but he crossed the wrong person."

"Just calm down for now," Paxton says in a soothing manner. "Let the authorities deal with Reggie. That's what they're there for."

"I don't need the authorities. They're just dogs of society to impose more 'order'." He pauses and thinks for a moment. "Maybe I could use the authorities to get back at Reggie, though."

"Oh no, you don't." Paxton says. "The only one who will get in trouble if you do a thing like that is you. Think harder about what you're saying."

"I know what I'm doing. Aren't brains stronger than brawn anyway?"

"Reggie just proved you wrong. Your brains got you in a hospital bed. I don't want to see you like that. It hurts me. What hurts me more though is that you're obsessed with trying to get back at Reggie. What you're looking for, is revenge. What the authorities want to deal is justice. Seeking justice will be your way of punishing Reggie. Seeking revenge will just punish you. I care for you too much to watch you do that to yourself."

"Save it. You're you and I am me. It's thoughtful that you care, but this is something I must do. Reggie must learn a lesson, and I'm smart enough to outwit him. Do you remember how a falconer trains a falcon? Through starvation. If I starve Reggie of peace, rest, and turn his life into turmoil, he'll learn. I'll fashion him into a man who actually cares for others, and appreciates the finer things in life. You'll see that Doctor Aiden's regimen will cure him of his stupidity."

"First off, Reggie will never learn. Secondly, he is a sentient being, not an animal. I can't even believe you compared him as such. Finally, I can only see this 'teaching' of yours leading to disaster," he sighs. "Just promise me you'll be alright. I just want to know that when the day is done, and the year is done, you'll still be my best friend, and I can still go home to you."

"I won't compromise my own well being to do a favor for Reggie. You have nothing to fear. I intend to do this only in good fun."

"How can the creation of misery be good fun for Reggie?"

"I never said this was going to be fun for him."

Paxton turns his head back to the road silently. A few seconds later, he mutters softly, but loud enough for Aiden to hear, "I know I'll talk some sense into you."

The only evil is ignorance, Aiden mulls to himself. Being kind and understanding of Reggie's weaknesses has only fostered what he is today. If I can show him that my way is the only way, then maybe there is some hope for him. The authorities will slap him on the wrist. He will get some community service and a small mark on his record. This changes nothing. To learn, one must feel true pain. This is not revenge. This is learning.

Reggie has a girlfriend who is a member of the volleyball team. Everyone knows Sasha, a white rabbit, because of her figure. She has wide hips, a small stomach, and large breasts. She usually wears half shirts that show off her belly and distract the males around her. Her short shorts leave little to the imagination. She is also well known as a typical airhead.

Aiden is the teachers assistant (TA) for her general education required economics course. Two days after Aiden returns from the hospital, and a week after the incident with Reggie, he corrects one of her exams and the grade is barely passing. Playing the part of a concerned TA, he writes a little note on her exam.

"If you are having any issues with the subject matter, please don't hesitate to contact me. I am here to make sure you guys succeed in this course. I have office hours on Tuesday at 6PM. I would appreciate it if you came and we look over the subject matter. You are still passing, but barely, and your test scores have deteriorated throughout the semester. I hope to see you there.


Sasha is where the extent of Aiden's knowledge about Reggie dried up. It was the first and only place he had to go for knowledge about Reggie. Aiden had no clue how close the two were, and if it was a status relationship or a real feeling relationship. It was still better than nothing to go off of.

"You're obsessed, you know that?" Paxton states, as if he were pointing out the obvious. It was Saturday night and he is lying on his bed across the dorm room from Aiden with a Nintendo Power magazine on his chest. "What are you going to do to Sasha?"

Aiden is chewing on a bic pen that was on the verge of exploding in his mouth. His sharp teeth usually did cause black ink explosions in his muzzle often. "Nothing," he replies, muffled. "I'm just a concerned TA. That's all. It's just coincidence that she is his girlfriend." Earlier that day Sasha had e-mailed Aiden about the meeting and accepted tutoring with Aiden to boost her grade. Following that, Aiden placed the meeting into his calendar, which he shared over the Internet with Paxton.

Paxton and Aiden were almost inseparable since their first year of college. They share many of the same interests, and spend a majority of their time together. Recently, Aiden shared his calendar with Paxton to facilitate better planning for times they could hang out together.

"Bull shit!" Paxton says firmly. "How many other students are you volunteering to personally tutor?"


"And how many are doing worse than her?"


Paxton rolls his eyes and puts his magazine down. He stands and walks over to Aiden and sits on the bed next to him. "Remember what you promised me?"

"I promised you that I would take care of myself and I will be all right, I remember that promise."

Paxton sighs and stands up, walking over to the window. He peers out down at the city below and seems lost in thought for a few moments. He snaps out of it and turns to Aiden. He suggests that they go out to the movies and a meal to which Aiden agrees, and the tense moment between them is over. Paxton knows not to push Aiden too far. He's done it plenty of times in the past, and it only serves to piss Aiden off. Once this happens, Aiden clams up and won't tell Paxton anything about what is going on in his life for the days following. Sometimes, simply not knowing is the worst of all.

"I believe you," Paxton replies. "I guess that counts for something."

"Hello, I'm Sasha," Sasha greets Aiden in the campus library. "I'm in Professor Harden's Economics class. Are you the TA?"

Aiden smiles and nods. "I am the TA. I'm Aiden. It's nice to meet you Sasha." He extends his paw and they share a handshake. Aiden is firm with his handshake, but Sasha offers a weaker handshake. The type of handshake a dainty female would normally give. Aiden motions his arm towards the seat across the table from him and takes the seat across from Sasha. When she has seated, she leans over and starts to pull out her notebooks and textbooks from her book bag.

As Aiden sees the articles pile out on the table he can't help but wince. Sasha brings out a neon pink notebook, a pink pencil with a little pink fuzz ball hanging off the eraser, and her economics textbook pile out on the table. Sasha then straightens out and flashes Aiden an empty smile, the type of smile showing little in the way of emotion or thought. Aiden growls under his breath and seriously wonders how such a person could get into college, much less make it two full years without failing. In a flash, though, Aiden places a fake smile on his face and tries to project an air of confidence.

Before the lesson can begin, the shrill sound of a cell phone ringing pierces the otherwise silent library. The song loaded into the phone is My Heart Will Go On. Aiden does not particularly like this song. Sasha answers her phone in a cheery tone.

"Hello." She speaks into the phone, and motions for Aiden to wait one minute. Aiden gives her an 'understanding' yet wry smile and nods slightly.

"Oh, hi Reggie." she pauses and her smile fades. "I'm getting tutored in economics." There is another pause as her smile fades completely. "No I'm not out with Mike. I'm just getting tutored so I can pass my economics class." Her brow furrows during the next pause. "I'm not lying, Reggie. I'm just getting tutored." Her eyes start to tear up a little. "Why are you saying this? I... I got to go. I have to pass economics, bye." She hits a button on the phone, it beeps, and she lays the phone flat on the table. She pulls out a cloth handkerchief and wipes herself a little and smiles again for Aiden.

"Sorry about that," she says. "You know how boyfriends can be. He just loves me so much."

"That's okay," Aiden replies. "Although, I don't really know what you mean having not had a relationship yet myself. I'm sure he does though."

Aiden starts to shake a little in rage at this point though. How can someone treat his significant other like this, he thought. I'd be lucky just to have a significant other, and he doesn't respect the gift he has. He has a beautiful, albeit slightly slow, girlfriend who means well, but he treats her like a four-legged animal. He is a monster. I want to take her from him. She belongs with someone who will cherish her. This will be the first of the education. There must be consequences for your actions.

"Now," Aiden starts, "before we start can you tell me the most fundamental aspect of economics?"

Sasha looks thoughtful for a few moments, and then smiles. "Isn't that the relationship between supply and demand?" was her answer.

"Yes, but can you now elaborate for me?"

"Well, supply is the amount of something that is for sale, and demand is how much people, like, want to buy it. Supply affects the price of a good, but I never really understood how it could do that? Like, how can an item change price based on how many there are. I see tons of T-shirts all around me but they don't get any cheaper."

Aiden winces almost visibly at that statement and knows he is in for a long night. For a few hours, Aiden tries his best to be the epitome of helpfulness for Sasha. It is annoying, but his goal keeps him directly focused. He even has a bit of fun trying to see how much knowledge he can impart on Sasha that will actually stick. He almost has a sense of pride well up in him when she starts giving him correct answers to questions where she must make use of the knowledge he told her indirectly. There definitely is something here, thought Aiden.

"Aside from classes, is there anything else in your life that could possibly be distracting you?" Aiden asks.

"Like," she starts, "no, why would you ask?"

"You seem tense. Normally someone of your," he pauses and tastes the foul air of the words he is about to say, and then he continues. "Knowledge should be swimming circles around the rest of the economics class. I'm here to help you out, so it would be best if you told me of any issues you are having. Is there anything wrong with letting your tutor help you out in more fronts then economics?"

"That seems a little personal." She pauses to think for a few moments. "I appreciate the gesture, but really, I am fine."

"Ok," Aiden replies. "I'm just trying to help you out."

Aide is interrupted by another shrill My Heart Will Go On. Sasha takes the phone, excuses herself, and walks around the corner. Aiden stealthily follows to hear what is going on.

"Reggie?" Sasha asks. "No, I'm finishing up tutoring. I actually understand the rules of supply and..." she pauses, as if she were interrupted. "But, I'm learning something. It's actually sticking, it's cool..." Aiden can hear the voice on the other end shouting into the phone. "I'm sorry I'm late," Sasha replies. "Isn't there some hot dogs in the freezer you can boil?" The shouting occurs again. The voice is too quiet to understand, but loud enough for Aiden to hear. "I'll be home in about a half hour to make dinner." The rabbit sounds almost dejected now.

"Bye," she replies into the phone. She sighs heavily and collects herself. Aiden stealthily goes back to the table they studied at and opens a book to read to look busy. Sasha walks back to Aiden and looks flustered, but has her trademark smile plastered on her face.

"Thanks a lot for all your help," she says. "I'll see you next week, same time, same place?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Aiden replies.

"You're good at this." Sasha beams at Aiden. "Ever think of becoming a teacher? You'd be good at it."

"I've thought of it. I'd rather be an honest politician."

"A new breed." Sasha replies, and giggles at that. Sasha thanks him again for all of the help and scampers off. Aiden closes the book, stands, gathers his things, and walks from the library.

So Reggie doesn't treat Sasha too well, Aiden thinks to himself. It seems like a verbally abusive relationship. I assume Mike may be trying to take Sasha from Reggie, and Reggie is getting paranoid and overprotective. I also wonder how much chores around the apartment Sasha does compared to Reggie. I'm assuming a lot more. If I can steal Sasha, he may learn to realize that nothing should be taken for granted. He may learn that others are affected by his actions. If he learns that, he may not bully others around as much.

I always need to back up by bets, Aiden continues. A wise man does not place all his eggs in one basket. I cannot rely on something as fickle as trying to break Sasha and Reggie up. There is some tension between Mike and Reggie already. But, what should I do with this information?

"When two opposing ideas meet," Professor Greene states, "that creates personal discourse. The people who bring such opposing ideas in the discourse will try to convince the other side that their point of view is the correct one. This is why some friends refuse to argue religion and politics.

"In the world today, most war is caused by ideology. Wars in the past were caused by a lack of resources."

"But," Aiden states, raising his paw. "Aren't there still resource related wars today?"

"That is true," Professor Greene replies, "but look deeper into the issue. Why is there a lack of resources? Because ideology is what forces the countries that have resources not to share them with the countries that do not have resources. Tension exists everywhere, and all we need to do is bring it to light. Reckoning with discourse is the first step to solving it," the professor states, albeit slightly sarcastically. The professor looks at Aiden when he says this though.

Professor Greene knows what Aiden went though with his hospital visit. He also knows how long-lived the tension between Reggie and Aiden is. The professor knows that the discourse between them is very superficial. Reggie picks on Aiden because it was expected from him in high school as the macho athlete. Reggie has not grown out of this state and matured. Aiden is a little more mysterious. He seems to take the punishment, and that is not right. The professor is simply trying to arm the intellectual against the brute.

"Of course in reckoning with discourse, we cause a lot of problems too. It may be part of the solution, or it may bring forth more problems," Professor Greene states.

Reckoning with discourse, Aiden mulls to himself. Discourse exists between Mike and Reggie. I could use this to my advantage. How can I make him learn something from this though? I got it. His friend confronts him over a nasty letter in his locker. I fashion the letter so that the love triangle becomes known in that confrontation. In doing so, I can bring Reggie's paranoia to life, and possibly his treatment of Sasha.


Lay off my girl, man! I never want to see you near her. I know she has a thing for you, but remember that she is my girlfriend and not yours. If I catch you hanging out with her I'm going to beat you into next week. Remember that she is mine and not yours.


Aiden finishes typing that on his word processor. He is feeling proud of himself. Now, he mulls to himself, I make it clear that Reggie doesn't want Mike in the picture. This is the truth. Reggie certainly feels threatened by Mike around Sasha, so he must believe that either she has a thing for him or he has a thing for her. If she belongs to Reggie, though, it may foster some protective urge in Mike. I don't think Mike will like Reggie calling Sasha his in a possessive manner. This should bring about the desired effect.

"What are ya doing?" Aiden suddenly hears above his right shoulder. He jumps up, startled by the noise and turns around to see Paxton hiding a shit-eating grin. "Boo!" Paxton says as he is giggling from Aiden's reaction.

"Geez, what are you trying to do?" Aiden replies. "Give me a brain aneurism?"

"I wouldn't do you the honor of that." Paxton replies jokingly. "You need to get out of the apartment more, though Aiden. I'm worried about ya. You are spending a lot of your time here inside when it is spring outside. The flowers are blooming, and the birds are singing. Makes me excited."

"You always were an animal," Aiden replies, laughing at his friends enthusiasm. "You know what else is associated with spring?"

"Yup." Paxton replies. "Lots of sex."

"You pervert!" Aiden replies, giggling. "I meant allergies, sniffling, and sneezing. Why would I want to go outside in that?"

"You're coming outside with me now whether you like it or not." Paxton states, as he pulls Aiden from his chair and yanks him out of the apartment.

"Fine, fine," Aiden replies. "Don't pull my arm so hard. It hurts." Aiden follows Paxton outside and towards the 5-mile wooded trail near the school. It is a nice, mild spring day with a light breeze. It is a little too cold for shorts, but just right for long pants or jeans. It is the first day where everyone else decides it is a great idea to go outside and just have fun.

"How ya been holding up," Paxton asks, "Since the hospital?"

"I've been fine," Aiden replies. "Still sore around the middle, but that is fading."

"That's good. And how was your tutoring session?"


"For her?"

"For both." Aiden replies with a grin. "She is pretty."

"Is Aiden falling for someone? Oh how cute!" Paxton replies, a bit more reserved.

"I'm not falling for anyone!" Aiden practically shouts to Paxton, in a defensive manner. He then scratches the back of his neck and the next part comes out softer. "I mean, I'm not falling for her. I'm just using her to get to Reggie. That's all."

"Don't you feel bad that you're compromising her feelings for your own 'education' of Reggie?"

"I'm doing her a favor from pulling her away from that monster." Aiden replies. "The only way I know how to do that is to steal her, because love is fickle. It falls for someone for no reason no matter how much they mistreat you. So it must be diverted from them instead of simply trying to abate it."

"I know what you mean by that," Paxton replies, thoughtfully. "No matter how we're mistreated, or how much pain love makes for us, we still feel it."

"Right." Aiden replies. "So I try to steal her, and then try and find a better person for her."

"Okay," Paxton replies. "Just put me on the record for saying, this is not a good idea."

"You worry too much, my dear friend." Aiden places an arm around Paxton as they walk down the forest path.

The next day, while the crew team was practicing for their next competition, Aiden slips into the men's locker room silently. He walks to Mike's locker and places the note in through the little holes that many lockers have and let it flutter down to the bottom. Aiden always thought the holes were so that a nerd would not suffocate when being stuffed into his own locker and locked inside. Now they have a different use for him. He smiles and walks around the corner to await the crew team's return.

It took a good thirty minutes for the crew team to finish their practice and come back to the locker room. Reggie and Mike are walking side by side chatting about what Aiden considered as nonsense. Reggie is bragging about how often he and his girlfriend have sex, and Mike is trying to talk to Reggie about the party he missed last Saturday. Mike says that everyone got so drunk that some of the frat boys had their girlfriends go down on them in front of everyone.

Mike is an African lion, with a fur color closer to brown than the orangey, tawny fur that is trademark for their species. Mike is built a lot thicker than Reggie, and it was no question that Mike was stronger. Aiden did not know much about Mike, though, beyond his observations from Sasha.

They both get to their lockers and Mike opens his and looks at the piece of paper that had fluttered on top of his jeans. He picks it up and spends a minute or so reading it. His brow furrowed and he storms over to Reggie. As Reggie is pulling out a towel for a shower a paw reaches in violently and slams his locker closed.

"What the fuck is the meaning of this?" Mike shouted and flapped the piece of paper in his face.

Reggie stares at the piece of paper very confusedly, before looking up at Mike. "I don't know what you're talking about. Don't slam my locker again, dickhead!"

"I could care less about your skank ass girlfriend," Mike says. "But maybe if you treated her better she would give a rat's ass about you too."

"You son of a bitch," Reggie yells at Mike. He grabs Mike's collar and slams him into the next row of lockers. The towel that he grabbed from his locker is now forgotten on the floor. "Sasha is not a skank. My girlfriend worships the ground I walk on. You take that back, you asshole!"

"Maybe if you didn't wank off with the guys so much, you may get some sometime," Mike says snidely, with a grin on his face.

"Sasha only gets sloppy seconds from a dick like you."

"I'll make you eat those words," Reggie swings his fist and brings it around to hit Mike in the face. Mike violently lifts his knee and hits Reggie in the crotch before he can punch Mike. Reggie doubles over in pain, and Mike follows up his first blow by punching Reggie in the back of the head as he is hunched over favoring his crotch. Reggie crumples over on the floor and sprawls out. The rest of the locker room is watching the two intently now and Mike kneels down and pulls Reggie's face up by his round ears. The room is silent and still for a few moments, the only motion being a twitch from Reggie's stubby tail.

"Reggie," Mike starts. "Man, I thought you were cool. No cool guy goes to punch his best friend though. You got some anger management issues you need to work out. You'll wind up worse than this if you keep attacking people." Mike pushes Reggie's face into the floor and stands up. He kicks the side of Reggie's head lightly before walking back to his locker to get changed and leave, missing his shower.

Aiden watches the crew team file out of the locker room slowly as they finish their showers. He smirks about the transpiring he witnessed. Not only does Mike think less of Reggie because of his forged letter, but also Reggie was beaten to a pulp himself. Karma is a bitch, Reggie, Aiden thought. Aide chuckles softly to himself as he leaves the locker room.

"I'm a genius," Aiden softly tells himself.

After everyone leaves the locker room, the coach walks over to Reggie.

"You okay, kid?" the coach asks.

Reggie pushes himself off the floor and walks to his locker. "Yea," Reggie muffles. "I'm okay." The coach notices that Reggie looks like he was just crying.

"Where does it hurt?" the coach asks. "Do you need a doctor?"

"No doctor. It hurts here," Reggie says as he points to his chest.

Later that night in Reggie's apartment, Reggie is on the couch drinking a beer. He is mulling over his day when Sasha walks in the door. He stands abruptly, setting his beer on the coffee table and walks over to her.

"Good evening, dear," she states, but he ignores her and goes to the front door. He slips the key into the deadbolt and locks it. "Is there something wrong?" Sasha timidly asks Reggie. Reggie pulls Sasha's keys off the counter, pockets them, and calmly goes to the couch to retrieve his beer. He sits and points to the chair opposite the couch. He flips off the television, which is just showing the evening news, and waits.

Sasha timidly walks over to the chair and sits down. "I swear to God," Sasha starts, "I came right home after classes."

"You saw Mike, didn't you?" Reggie starts.

"No, honey." Sasha says, defensively. "You told me you didn't want me to talk to him. I respect you too much to talk to Mike."

"Oh, like I believe you." Reggie shouts. "Mike confronted me today about you. How else would he have gotten the idea in his head? From you."

"I swear to God," Sasha pleads. "I didn't tell Mike anything."

Reggie stands and walks over to Sasha. "Explain this!" He says as he throws the letter in Sasha's face. She grabs it and is now fighting back tears. Before she reads it, she looks up at Reggie and tries to plead again.

"I didn't do anything, sweetie, I swear." When she is met with a cold expression on Reggie's face, she looks down and reads Aiden's letter. It was done on a word processor, so there are no identifying marks as to who wrote it and no handwriting to analyze. After she reads the short three lines, she looks up at Reggie with a horrified expression on her face, understanding why Reggie became extremely angry, and understanding the ramifications of the letter she is holding. She knows she has no way to try to combat this, but she knows she has to try or risk losing Reggie.

"I didn't write this, sweetie," she starts. "Someone must have forged this from you if you didn't write it, I swear."

"And who would do a thing like that?" Reggie asks snidely.

"I don't know," Sasha says, practically sobbing her words out now. She sniffles. "All I want for you is to be happy!"

"Do I look happy?" Reggie shouts, infuriated. "Whoever wrote this note cost me my best friend. All over some dumb girl I fuck now and again."

"Baby, you don't mean that," Sasha cries.

"Like hell I don't." Reggie spits out at Sasha. He follows up by slapping her hard across the face. She gets pushed by the slap to the arm of the chair and her paws immediately go to her face to rub the red mark that is forming where he slapped her. She is now crying outwardly and she closes her eyes. Reggie walks to the couch again and sips his beer.

"Don't double cross me again, bitch, or I'll tie you up and never let you out of my sight again," he finishes off the beer and walks to the bedroom, and slams the door closed.

"He slapped you?" the voice on the other end of the cell phone shouts out load, almost in questioning shock. Sasha was speaking to Jessica, her lifelong friend from high school. Jessica is the first person Sasha usually goes to when Reggie calls her a name or if loafing around too lazy to do any of the work around the apartment. Most of the interaction they have had over the past few weeks has either been related to her mediocre grades in classes or Reggie.

"I don't even know who wrote the letter," Sasha replies. "All I know is he blames me and doesn't trust me when I tell him that it wasn't me."

"Girl," Jessica starts. "I'm so sorry. Do you want to come over for a bit and maybe just get away from the memories a bit?"

Sasha sighs, puts her paw over the phone, and takes it away from her ear. She looks around her room for a few moments before putting the phone back to her ear. "I don't think I need that. I don't want to cry in front of people again."

"Sasha," Jessica continues. "We all have problems. What anyone sees when you break down is someone who just needs someone to look after them. No one gets angry with you for crying. Heck, cry if you need to. It's good for the soul."

"I don't know if I'd stop once I start," Sasha sniffles into the phone.

"Well you got me here for you Sasha," Jessica states into the phone. "I really hope you can work this out, because it hurts to hear you like this."

"Thanks, Jessica. I'll think on my own for a bit and see what I really want to do. You've been helpful though. You stay out of trouble now, hear me?"

"Sash," Jessica starts, using a nickname she coined a long time ago for Sasha, "I'll stay out of trouble, but you do too you hear? Take care now."

"You, too."

After they said their goodbyes Sasha lied back on the bed and started to ponder the events of her last few days, and how they should affect her future decisions. The biggest question on her mind is whether Reggie still loves her. She'd like to believe he does. God knows she still loves him, even though he makes her feel awful a majority of the time. There was that spark that brought them together, and at times Reggie still showed that he cared. She longed for those moments, but they become fewer and farther between.

"I don't know what to do," Sasha cries aloud, holding her head.

"What do you think people value most in life?" Aiden inquires of his professor.

Professor Greene laughs aloud at that question. After a little bit he wipes the tears from his eyes due to laughing so hard and stares at Aiden directly. Seeing that Aiden is not laughing he widens his eyes. "Wait, you seriously want me to answer that?"

"Of course," Aiden replies. "I'm trying to think of a general answer for that, and keep it less specific to people."

Professor Greene scratches the back of his head a bit and remains silent for a bit. "Why do you want to boil this aspect of life down to generalities?" He asks. "Isn't it enough to know what you, yourself desire from life?"

"I have, other uses for this knowledge," Aiden replies, turning to the side a bit. "The pursuit of knowledge is done in the pursuit of answers, and answers cause action. Action solves problems."

"Knowledge is not active inherently, Aiden. It is you who make it active, and you who are responsible for the consequences of it, no matter what intentions you have."

"I can't accept that." Aiden replies.

Professor Greene looks closely at Aiden, almost as if he is sizing him up. "This is the rule of society; I'm not saying it's universally correct."

"Do you believe it is?" Aiden asks, almost panicked.

Professor Greene thinks for a bit and smirks. "Not exactly. I mean the result is permanent, isn't it? What we do to get the result is only temporary. I think you should keep doing what you're doing if the goal is just." Professor Greene is hiding a knowing smile.

"The ends justify the means," Aiden replies. "I always knew it. I'm right." Aiden snaps his fingers and looks up at the inquisitive glance the professor throws back at him.

"Right about what?" the professor asks. "Do you agree with me?" Professor Greene asked the question almost hypothetically, as if he already knew the answer. Aiden didn't catch the professor's tone, though and simply replied in the affirmative.

Following their conversation, Aiden runs off to his next classes to continue the day. Right then, another student comes up to Professor Greene and pokes him on the shoulder.

"Professor?" Paxton asks Professor Greene. "What are you doing?"

"An experiment," the Professor replies. "Or entertainment, whichever you prefer to call it." He turns to Paxton, to see a very disapproving glare from the student.

"What experiment?" Paxton asks, somewhat confused.

"Not much," the professor replies. "I want to witness the result of a long standing discourse between two troubled individuals. I can't let it end prematurely."

"What are you talking about?"

"For awhile now, I've known what's been going on between Reggie and Aiden. They're both too predictable," the professor explains. "Reggie is a lot more complicated then a simple jock. Aiden cannot see that and that is the folly of his logic. Aiden is slowly backing Reggie into a corner, and Reggie doesn't know that it is Aiden doing so. He will find out, though."

"Why are you encouraging this behavior? I would think you would be the first to condemn this 'teaching' that Aiden is attempting."

"The teacher makes the best student. It's the best learning method," the professor replies. "I'm talking about Aiden, whom thinks he himself is a teacher. With or without me, Aiden would still go for his revenge. He's too proud to let Reggie land him in a hospital and do nothing about it. If I tell him that he is wrong, I have less control over the educational experience for the both of them, because he will not go to me for advice anymore. Aiden is the type of person to kill Reggie if he feels he has no other option. Aiden believes Reggie is not even sentient, and should be treated as livestock. I.E. when Reggie outlives his usefulness and cannot be rehabilitated into society, eliminate him and move on."

"I know Aiden," Paxton replies, very defensively. "He's a warm and caring person. I know he couldn't murder Reggie much less anyone else."

"You think," the Professor corrects Paxton. "You don't know. The only constant in life is that we don't know what is going on in other people's minds. To put it in another way, the only constant is change. Psychology tries to make guesses based on patterns of previous individuals, but free will is a bitch otherwise."

"You're eccentric," Paxton accuses the professor. "The students' lives are not your entertainment!"

"You love him, don't you?" the professor asks, bluntly.

"What?" Paxton's eyes go wide with shock. He takes a step back and tries to fight off the blush that tries to rise to his cheeks, underneath his fur. In the end, he cannot force it completely away, and he flusters a bit in front of the professor.

"I thought so," the professor replies.

"I'm going to end this charade," Paxton replies. "All I know is Aiden is my closest friend, and I'm going to help him."

"You can't reach Aiden," the professor states. "I know you've probably tried a million times already."

Paxton thinks a bit to himself and sighs before he continues. "But maybe I can reach Reggie," Paxton replies. "I'm going to lay the cards out flat, so Aiden will have to stop this game."

"Reggie may seek retribution if he finds out," the professor states calmly.

"But it'll only get worse if Aiden piles more on, because Reggie will catch on eventually."

"So you're going to play damage control?"

"You can say that!" is Paxton's reply. He walks away from the professor. Paxton walks fast, and with determination, like a soldier on a mission. The professor watches him turn the next corner to disappear from sight before he chuckles to himself.

"What he cannot realize," the professor mulls to himself, "is that without my guidance, things would most likely be worse. Aiden is a ticking time bomb with malicious intent, if not towards Reggie, then towards whom?"

When Sasha did not make economics tutoring, Aiden became slightly worried about what could be going on between Reggie and her. He didn't even feel slightly responsible for anything that could happen, though. It wasn't his problem. His problem was Reggie and Reggie alone. He knows that he cost Reggie his best friend, and that was some consolation to the negative feelings within Aiden. The bastard still had Sasha, Aiden thought. He still has his sweetie. That must change.

Aiden waited patiently in the library until five minutes had passed, before his collar was roughly grabbed from behind and he was lifted to his hind paws. He turned his head around, but before he could see who had grabbed him his face was shoved into the books strewn out on the table.

"So you're who she is seeing, huh?" Reggie said in a bemused tone to Aiden. "You faked the scene well, with the economics books and all," he continued.

"What have you done with Sasha?" Aiden asked. He struggles a bit to try to get out of the hold he was in, but Reggie just used his other paw to restrain Aiden further.

"None of your business. She is my property, not yours. Is this your way for getting back at me for the other day?" Reggie pushes Aiden harder into the table. "Little nerd wants his revenge? Stealing my girlfriend is a no-no."

"You use her." Aiden shouts. "She means nothing to you."

"It's true she is just a pussy to fuck. But she is my pussy to fuck. She's the perfect little pussy too. She cooks, she cleans, and does whatever I ask, whenever I do."

"And a tasty one too, huh?" Aiden replies. Reggie makes a grunt that is almost a growl of anger. He pulls Aiden off the table and pushes him against the nearest bookcase. Books fall on the floor with the impact and the patrons of the library now all stare at the scene in front of them.

"Never ever say that about her again," Reggie balls his fist together. "You asking for another beating?"

"All I do is teach her economics so she passes. It's more then you'll ever do for her," is Aiden's reply. Just then, they both hear a low feminine voice off to their right and they both turn to it. Sasha is standing there with a look of surprise on her face. She looks from Reggie back to Aiden.

"What are you doing Reggie?" She cries. "Don't beat up my tutor. He didn't do anything."

"Stay out of this Sasha," Reggie replies. "No one should help you but me." He turns to Aiden and lets his right paw go, and uses his left to restrain Aiden. He uses the now free paw to punch Aiden on the right side of the face. Aiden's head jerks to the left from the force.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Sasha cries out.

"I'll make sure you never set your eyes on my bitch again." Reggie punches Aiden in the right eye with his free paw. Sasha is crying now as she witnesses the violence.

She thinks quickly and yells out, "I'm not your bitch anymore. Now stop hurting him." Reggie stops suddenly in mid punch and his left paw drops Aiden, who falls to the floor. He turns to Sasha and tilts his head to the side.

"What?" He asks, dumbfounded. She just turns and runs away with tears in her eyes. Reggie pauses for a moment, looking to Aiden and Sasha before taking off after her. When he finally catches up with her, she is outside the library and on the sidewalk. He reaches out, grabs her wrist roughly, and pulls her to him.

"What did you say?" Reggie asks again, more forceful this time.

"No more," Sasha cries and looks down. "No more. I don't want you calling me bitch anymore. I'm not just your maid. I don't want you beating people up in my name. I have feelings, Reggie."

"Oh come on, babe," Reggie says. "I didn't mean it. I was angry."

"Just like when you slapped me?" Sasha replies, sternly, still sobbing.

"Baby, I didn't mean to. We need each other."

"You mean, you need me," she corrects him. "It's all about you, isn't it? It was about you versus Mike, and you versus Aiden. The fight wasn't for me, was it?"

"No, no," Reggie pleads. "It was all for you. There shouldn't be any men in your life but me. I'm the only man for you."

"Let go of me," Sasha replies. "Right now I want to be alone."

"You're turning me away?" Reggie asked, with a hint of anger creeping into his voice. The way he said 'me' it seemed like the fact that anyone would deny him was an idea he could not fathom.

She doesn't reply and just pulls to be let go. Her sobs are harder now. She is pulling to get away almost frantically.

"Answer me bitch!" Reggie says, the anger coming to the surface. Sasha pulls and pulls but Reggie won't let her go. "Are you turning me away?"

"Fine, is that what you want to hear? I don't want you!" Sasha yells out, hysterically. "Let me go!" She pulls hard and he lets her go at that instant. She falls into the gutter beside the sidewalk, getting dead leaves and mud allover her. She doesn't care, and pulls herself up and runs away from Reggie. He watches her go as the reality sets in. Everyone is staring at him, and some of the glances are very disapproving. His macho attitude was always known to the school, but the looks cut Reggie deep. He knew people would never look at him with awe and respect anymore.

"What are you lookin' at?" he growls to the people who are passing by. Most of the people turn away at that point and move to go on with their lives. Reggie turns towards the local watering hole and stumbles off towards it, turning to his only comfort in the rain. Alcohol.

Aiden picks himself up in the library and starts to gather his things. This beating, while it hurt, was less severe than the one that landed him in the hospital. After gathering all of his things, he walks from the library. A few people ask him if he is okay but he simply waves them off telling them that he is fine. He replies that he'll just go home and clean out the cuts, and treat the bruises with case. That seems to satisfy the library patrons, and he walks from the library to his apartment.

"What the hell happened to you?" Paxton cries as Aiden walks into the apartment. He stands from the couch quickly and rushes to Aiden's aide. Aiden's eye was bruising nicely, and he has a few small cuts on the side of his face. Paxton helps Aiden to the bathroom and starts tending to his wounds.

"I can do this you know," Aiden replies.

"Just shush and tell me what happened," is Paxton's reply.

"I got into a little altercation in the library," Aiden explains "Nothing much beyond that." Paxton used a face cloth to rub some soap on Aiden's eye and the cuts before pulling out some disinfectant.

"You are going to kill yourself one of these days," Paxton says in a disapproving tone. "You know that, right?"

"I won't," Aiden replies.

Paxton flashes Aiden a nasty glare before he finished cleaning the wounds. "I'm going to go out and clear a few things up tonight, Aiden. What are you up to?"

"I'm not sure what I am up to tonight. I think I may try to hit the gym. I think I've been babying myself enough lately with the hospital and all, so I just want to do some stretches and some small routines to start ramping up again. I don't want my body to wither away to mush."

"I'll be sure to stop by the gym after I'm done with the errands I need to run," Paxton replies. "Maybe we can go out for dinner afterwards? That sound like a good plan?"

"I have no issues with it. I hope you have something better planned than the Chowder Bowl." Aiden sticks out his tongue at the mention of that establishment. The last time they went there, Paxton insisted that the restaurant had some red meat there, but by the time they got there, they were all out for the night. Aiden suffered with the clam chowder, and Aiden hated seafood.

"I have a better place in mind than the Chowder Bowl. I wouldn't want to offend your sensitive appetite again with exquisite chowder."

"That stuff tastes like seaweed."

"Blah, blah, blah," Paxton replied, and smirks. "You just don't appreciate fine delicacies like I do. Imagine, a feline, who hates fish!"

"Oh yea," Aiden smirks. "Come here you." Aiden chases after Paxton through the apartment and when he catches him, gives him a noogie.

"I think you've had enough," the tender replies to the sad excuse for a man at the end of the bar. "Three of my Long Island Teas, is way too much for most men." The tender says that with a hint of pride in his voice. He levels his gaze with the man on the stool and puts on a serious expression. The tender is a horse that looks to be in his mid thirties, his mane graying in areas. He wears a black apron with the bar's logo on the right pocket.

"What's eating you?" the tender asks.

"My girlfriend's mad at me," Reggie replies. "I think she may have dumped me, but I can't remember anymore. The fog's too thick. I do know my best friend is mad at me, and he may not be my best friend anymore." Reggie is slurring his words heavily. "I don't know why this keeps happening to me. I'm a good guy."

"Well," the tender replies. "Sometimes things just don't work out. I know it isn't exactly what you want to hear, but it's the truth. Can you tell me what happened?"

"I was gonna beat my best friend for putting the moves on my girl. He beat me instead. Said something like, 'it aint cool to take a swing at your friends'. The damn hypocrite."

The tender sighed. "I guess. Unless he was just incapacitating you to prevent harm to himself. Did he hurt you badly?"

"Yea, the damn bastard." Reggie stands out of his seat and shakes his fist at the ceiling. This is a bar with a low ceiling, so as he shakes his fist the ceiling fan hits his fist and he draws it down quickly.

"Calm down," the tender replies. "What did you do to your girlfriend?"

"I beat up another kid in front of her cause he was putting' the moves on her too. She got all mad and uppity, and asked me to stop. She's ungrateful. She should relish the fact that I'd waste my time beating up faggot nerds like Aiden in her name."

"Is she a violent person?"

"Naw, she's a pussycat." His eyes glaze over more then they already were. He moans and then says, "good pussy too."

"I'll bet," the tender jokes idly, before rolling his eyes. "I think killing yourself with Alcohol is the worst thing to do. It may be hard to patch things up, but I think it's worth a shot."

"Bah, the idiots," Reggie slurs. "I don't need 'em." The tender nods and walks away to tend to his other customers. A few minutes pass by and Reggie looks idly at his empty glass. He stares intently at it for that time, hoping that simply wishing for more booze would put more into it, because the tender obviously was not going to give him anymore. He sighs, as a rather portly husky with gasses sits next to him at the bar table and motions for the tender, asking simply for a beer.

"How's it hanging?" the dog asks Reggie.

"Fine," Reggie states.

"Your name is Reggie, right?" the dog asks.

"Yup, who're you?"

"I'm Paxton."

"Paxton? I've heard that name before," Reggie concentrates very hard before he fails to come across his answer. "Nope, I got nothing."

"That's okay; I don't know you very well either."

"What do you want?"

"Just talking to a fellow University student," Paxton replies. "Anything wrong with that?"

"No, I guess not." Reggie states.

"Listen, Reggie, I should come clear with you," Paxton states. "I'm Aiden's roommate. I'm concerned with how much you physically and verbally attack him. I was wondering if you could try not to bother him. It's really hurting him more than physically."

"Bah, it's all in good fun!" Reggie states, defensively. "The little faggot needs a beating now and again. Maybe it'll turn him on to girls!"

"He takes it personally," Paxton replies. "As well he should! Nevertheless, I think he's been covertly trying to teach you a lesson or something."

Paxton feels more relieved that he got it off his chest, and he stopped Aiden's game and Professor Greene's fun before it got bad. That relief is short lived, though because he notices the confusion turn to clarity from Reggie.

"Paxton?" Reggie asks. "Aiden has been trying to teach me a lesson?"

"I think so. He's probably only doing just little things. Just let it fly off your back. Once I tell him that you know, and that I told you, he'll be mad at me, but it may stop his cruel game with you now that his cover is blown. If you ignore him from then on, things will get back to normal. I can have him mad at me, because he likes me too much to stay mad long."

Reggie nods and stands. "Normal life is what I want. Thanks for letting me know that he's got a little bit of vendetta."

"No problem, Reggie. Just ignore him. He'll do the same. I'll make sure of it."

Reggie nods and dumbly walks from the bar. Paxton breathes a sigh of relief. Maybe this is now over, he thinks.

Aiden pulls his backpack over his shoulder and moves to the steps of the gym. He has just finished his gymnastics routine early, because of some slight stomach cramping. It is still about ten minutes until Paxton said he would meet him there. Aiden rubs his stomach.

"Stupid cramping," Aiden groans to himself.

"Aiden," a man's voice calls out to him. Aiden turns to the side of the steps to see Reggie walking towards him from the street. Aiden tenses up a bit and reaches for his cell phone. Aiden can see the flustered look on Reggie's face, as if he were drunk, sick, or both.

"What do you want?" Aiden managed to ask, waiting for the answer to see if he needed the phone that his paw was clasping.

"To talk in here," Reggie slurs. He walks to the door of the gym and opens it stepping inside. Aiden shakes his head to reply and turns to walk away, when his collar is roughly grabbed and he is pushed inside the gym. Aiden stumbles back, straightens himself out to prevent from tripping, and glares at Reggie.

"What the hell do you think you're doing to me?" Reggie screams. Aiden lifts his chin to look down his nose at Reggie in response.

"So you found out, huh?" Aiden asks. "I wanted to get you back for what you did to me by changing you into someone who respects consequence. I am the consequence of your actions. Nothing more."

"Stop blaming me for your own mistakes," Reggie shouts. "You took everything from me!"

"Now you know the worth of it all. You're pathetic. You had it all, and your own anger threw it away. I just provided the situations to let your anger flare. Until you have nothing you cannot respect people."

Reggie places his paw to his head as if to quell a wave of nausea. Afterwards, he looks back up at Aiden and swings to punch Aiden in the face. Aiden easily dodges the drunken man's fist and pushes Reggie down on the gym floor. Reggie stares in a stupor back up at Aiden.

"Drunk so much you can't even fight me," Aiden states calmly. "A weakling nerd. Alcohol aint being so good to you now, is it?" Reggie slowly rises to his knees and then collects himself and punches for Aiden's groin. This time, Aiden is too busy gloating to dodge and he hunches over in pain. Reggie follows up by hitting Aiden square in the temple. The impact causes Aiden's vision to blur before his vision goes dark, and he slumps over in unconsciousness.

Reggie wastes no time. He pulls out some rope from his backpack drags Aiden over to the bleachers. He pulls Aiden up and ties his arms to the bleachers, facing Aiden's back to the gym and his front to the bleachers. After fumbling through a double knot for each wrist, he uses some rope to tie Aiden's ankles a foot apart. He ties them to the bleachers so they won't move. Reggie then pulls out some bottled water and splashes it on Aiden's face.

"Wake up, faggot," Reggie mutters. Aiden coughs a bit and then sputters some of the water and shakes his head. Aiden looks about dazed for a moment before he pulls on the ropes and realizes the predicament he is in.

"That's right," Reggie mutters. "I'm going to teach you a lesson. That lesson is, don't fuck with me or I fuck back!" Reggie reaches around and yanks Aiden's belt away. It takes him a lot longer than necessary because of his inebriated state. He undoes the buttons and lets Aiden's jeans fall to the gym floor. Aiden flashes Reggie a hateful glare over his shoulder.

"I always knew you were the real faggot," Aiden spits out at Reggie. "Always liked Mike more than Sasha huh?"

Reggie shakes his head, fighting another wave of nausea. This time he cannot shake it and he doubles over and pukes on the gym floor. The stench hits Aiden's nose almost making him puke as well. Reggie, following his puking episode, stumbles up and stares at Aiden. He wipes his lips.

"You're the faggot," Reggie sputters. "That's why you'll love me for this, because I'm a real man!" Reggie opens his fly and pants button quickly letting his member free from its confines. Aiden's eyes widen as he realizes that Reggie is not simply joking. Aiden, for the first time in a long while, shows fear. This does not go lost on Reggie. He holds himself for Aiden, almost showing off, waving it menacingly for him.

"Scared of little ol' me?" Reggie snidely remarks.

"Never," Aiden turns to the bleachers, closes his eyes, and pulls harder on the rope. His hope is lifted when he realizes that the ties are haphazard. Reggie is too sick to tie them right. If he could just pull a little harder, he could undo the knots. Reggie, though, is elated by Aiden denying the fear that is so evident by his body language. Aiden refuses to look at him, and pulls at the ropes in a panicked manner. That is how he shows he's scared.

"You know," Reggie said softly. "If I were gay, I would love this ass," Reggie strokes Aiden's butt with his paw. "Now, I'm going to take something from you that you can never get back." He yanks Aiden's boxers down to his knees. Aiden feels a breeze on his behind now that it is exposed. This is short lived, before he feels Reggie, himself. Reggie stops dawdling, and forces himself upon Aiden. Aiden screams out in pain, and yanks once more in intense desperation on the ropes hoping as the searing pain shoots up his spine.

Paxton walks up to the gymnasium, and looks at his watch. He sighs and mutters to himself, "I'm ten minutes late. Stupid traffic." He walks up the steps, and opens the door to the gymnasium. The sight that greets him is one that will stay etched in his mind forever. Reggie's deed was complete. Aiden is on the floor, with rope burns on his wrists, weeping, with his pants bunched around his ankles. Reggie is passed out, pale, naked from the waist to his knees, and in a pool of vomit.

Paxton widens his eyes and sprints across the gym floor as fast as he could, and kneels down in front of Aiden, first. Paxton pleads with Aiden to speak, but Aiden ignores him. After trying in vain for a few minutes, Paxton turns to Reggie and tries to rouse him. When he notices blood mixed in with Reggie's vomit, he whips out his cell phone, and calls emergency for the two men.

"If only I wasn't late," Paxton curses to himself.

Aiden was under the probing paws of the doctors and probing minds of the police officers for quite some time following the incident. More than once, he would clam up under the questioning, and demand to be left alone. During the brief times of solitude, he would stare out the window, in constant thought. Paxton thought it was a bit strange to have this ordeal begin and end in the same hospital. After a few days though, it was time to pick Aiden up from the hospital, and try to return him to a normal life. Paxton took it upon himself to do this.

"I'm going to murder the next person who asks me if I'm really okay," Aiden growls to Paxton as they walk out to the car to leave the hospital. "They should be more worried about Reggie when I get through with him." Aiden rubs his paws together and chuckles a bit to himself at that.

"Reggie is still in the hospital, Aiden," Paxton replies. "He may be for another week."

"What? Why?" Aiden asks, a bit confused. The doctors and detectives thought it was best to hide Reggie's true condition from Aiden, and focus on the situation instead. That is why Aiden did not know what really happened that night before and after his rape.

"Before he found you, he went home and overdosed on his lithium. Life was so hard for him that he wanted to die, Aiden," Paxton states to Aiden, almost pleading with him the unspoken question of why Aiden pushed him this far.

"He violated me," Aiden pleads with Paxton. "In the worst possible way, mind you. Some chick on the cheerleading squad may deserve that after teasing him at a frat party, but not me. I'm above that physical lure. He should have just died and saved everyone else the trouble! Waste of air."

"Well, he didn't," Paxton states, annoyance creeping into his voice. "And you gotta live with hat!"

"Don't start with me, Paxton," Aiden sighs, exasperated. He stops walking and turns to face Paxton. "I'm more important than that lowlife could ever dream of becoming. He probably is going to use insanity as a plea because of his depression and get off lightly. That's the product of your fucked up system! He violated his superior to get his jollies off. Sick fuck!"

"Got any better ideas?" Paxton replies. "I'd love to hear them?"

"Sure, I'd love to chop off his nuts, and force him to eat them! Perhaps I could have a rabid dog bite off the rest of his equipment while they're at it."

"You're ranting," Paxton states.

"Well, what can you expect from me?" he continues to walk towards the car and gets in the passenger side. Paxton walks around to the driver's side and gets in. Paxton starts the car, puts it into gear and backs out of the space. Aiden leaves his prior question hang for a few minutes before Paxton answers.

"I expect you to attempt to get even," Paxton states. "But Reggie is already a broken man, broken by your paws. How does that make you feel? You cannot possibly do more harm."

"Right now, I'm darn right ecstatic. As long as a man exists, he can be forced deeper and deeper into despair until he knows his place is as your dog! No offense," Aiden shivers a bit after saying 'dog'. He pulls his knees up to his chest and huddles down a bit, rocking back and forth.

"Turn about is fair play, what if I were broken?" Paxton pulls out on to the freeway and speeds up to a brisk cruising speed. He caught Aiden's physical reaction, but decided to push the issue just a bit further. If I can reach him, Paxton thinks to himself. I may be able to get him to ignore Reggie. I want to help him live again.

"I would not rest until I found what did that to you, and..." Aiden sighs and closes his eyes, the pain evident on his face. He leaves the question hang and shivers again, feeling cold. "I can't get it off my mind, Paxton." He curls his fluffy tail around him protesting his lap.

Paxton chuckles a bit and tries to hide his blush at first, but as Aiden starts to dwell his blush fades and he frowns. "Thanks for the sentiment. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not anymore," Aiden states in a sullen tone.

Paxton sighs at Aiden's response and tries harder to think of a way to make Aiden see what is going on. A few moments later Paxton sighs again and continues to drive back to the college. He knows for a little while, Aiden will be impossible to deal with. I can't push him too fast, Paxton states to himself.

Two weeks after Aiden's release from the hospital, he saw Reggie back on campus. Reggie caught the death glare from Aiden, and averted his eyes. Reggie was given a tracking bracelet to await his trial, but the truth of the entire situation was out now. Aiden's provocation was known to the world. In addition, Reggie had a sound insanity plea worked up. If it worked out, Reggie may get off with probation and sex offender registration.

That day, in seeing Reggie for the first time on his way to the gym, Aiden balled his paw into a fist and was about to approach Reggie, when another paw grabbed his wrist. He turned like a rabid animal ready to strike whoever had stopped him, but stopped short when he realized it was Professor Greene.

"I sure hope you're not going to punch me," the Professor stated.

"No, no," Aiden stutters. "Of course not. What's up professor?" Aiden shakes his head, seemingly awakening from a daze. The animalistic gaze he just had is now completely lost. He successfully puts on the face of an intellectual for the Professor. Professor Greene is not fooled.

"What will you accomplish by attacking him?" Professor Greene asks. "He's obviously stronger than you."

"I just can't bear it, anymore. He's not insane, and yet he gets to plea insanity. I'm the victim, yet people show more sympathy for him! Why do they hate me?"

"You don't know if he is insane or not," the professor states in an even tone. "You are intelligent, yet you are a demon."

"Hey," Aiden interrupts but the Professor hushes him.

"Let me finish," Professor Greene continues. "People hate what you did to him. The intelligent person in you wants to enlighten those around you. The demon wants to break them to your will. The demon places you on his level."

"Don't ever place me on the same playing field as him," Aiden warns. "I'm nothing like him. Friends and family are expendable, but innocence is not!"

"That's not entirely true Aiden. You want to get him back, don't you?"

"Yes, every moment of every day."

"'Revenge is a confession of pain', as the Latin Proverb states. A logical extension of being hurt is feeling the pain. Pain, though, exists on the same coin as pleasure. Without one, the other cannot exist."

"Does that mean I should take pleasure in his pain?" Aiden asks.

"You could," Professor Greene states. "Take pleasure in the pain you already caused him if you want, just cause him no more. Going further is pressing revenge, and shouting your own pain for him to hear. Don't give him the pleasure. But in reality, we cannot appreciate pleasure to the fullest if we do not bear a few scars," Professor Greene smiles.

"I guess I can relish the fact that I was able to make a man attempt to take his own life."

"Come to my office. I think I could help you around this. I want to show you something about your current predicament." Professor Greene leads the way for Aiden past the gym and over to the Art building on campus. His office is a mess, strewn with papers and scribbles around the white boards. Aiden takes in the quotes, and scribbles on the boards and slumps down in the chair.

"Aiden," Professor Greene states. "I know you have the name and numbers of counselors from the doctors, but you'll shut them out if they try to help right?"

"Of course," Aiden grunts.

"Innocence is not lost of the will of others, Aiden," the professor states. "You willed your innocence away when you started trying to take everything from Reggie."

"But he r..." Aiden's eyes tear up and he can't say it. "Well you know!"

"Come here and cry."

Aiden wipes his eyes and glares at the professor. "I don't cry!" He shouts.

"I say, do it if you need to. I know what he did. I know what you did. He almost tried to kill himself because of you. I value life above all else, Aiden."

"You're on his side!" Aiden jumps up from the seat but the professor is faster. He jumps up and grabs Aiden as he rushes out of the room.

"Don't put words in my mouth! All I am saying is he is on campus trying to straighten out his makeup exams. You're mulling in the past."

"It's only been two weeks."

"I know. I want you to come here weekly for the rest of the semester. I know you listen to me and I want to help you."

For the next few weeks, Professor Greene had Aiden in his office to talk about the whole dynamic of Aiden versus Reggie. Reggie did not come back on campus after that day, being too ashamed of what happened. Soon everyone heard that he switched to another college, and the rumors started to fly from those who didn't know. Some said he dropped out or flunked. Others thought Aiden killed him and hid the body. These were just rumors though.

"He's gone," Aiden states blandly to himself in front of Professor Greene.

"Yes. It appears so. Feeling empty without someone to plot against?" was Professor Greene's reply.

"Kinda. I was hoping I could at least give him a piece of my mind before he left."

"In the past couple of weeks you've been here it seems you've cornered your problem. Do you think you can move on?"

"In what way?"

"He's gone, and he won't bug you. No one is out to get you, and we're all here to support you."

"I know that now."

"Paxton been helping you?"

"Yea. He's been supportive. We've been going out most weekends to do things to forget."

"He's really fond of you. Don't let him down again."

"Boo," Paxton states from behind a studying Aiden. The semester is finally close to its end. Aiden is studying for his exams while Paxton's is goofing off, as usual. Paxton chuckles as he pulls up a chair to watch Aiden. "How are you holding up?" Paxton asks him.

"Busy studying," was Aiden's reply. "What you should be doing."

"So is your schoolwork and homework pushing Reggie out of your mind?"

"Not exactly," Aiden states. "I'm just realizing that it's too much effort on my part for so little gain. The jerk went and skipped the school. My original goal has succeeded."

"Was this the 'get Reggie out of my life' goal?"

"You got it. I realized that the cycle of him harming me, me harming him, and back and forth was silly. Since he is gone, I can forget it. It's been months now; I'm okay. Professor Greene helped. My final quip at Reggie is how the rape will probably harm his chances of getting anywhere successful in life. Sexual offender status is a real bitch, as I am reading in my law books."

"I guess. Have you gotten over 'it'?"

"Mostly, I think. Physically I'm great. It's been awhile. No more bruises. I think I can move on."

"Don't worry, buddy," Paxton states. "I'll be around whenever things go awry. That's what friends do, right?" Aiden stares at Paxton for a moment and nods in agreement. He stands and walks to the window, and sighs.

"Really, I'm better than him. I can get over this," he states, as it to try to convince himself. He turns to Paxton. "I'm sorry I haven't been the best of friends lately. I've just had my mind too preoccupied with other things."

"More important things, huh?" Paxton asks.

"Yeah," Aiden states. Then he backpedals, "wait, no. Ah shit."

"It's okay," Paxton chuckles. "I know." He sighs and sits on his bed facing Aiden. "I guess I'd just like us to be closer, but wonder if that could happen."

Aiden plops down on the bed beside Paxton and puts his arm around his shoulders. "We are," Aiden states defensively. "We're more than friends. We're best friends." Paxton remains silent. "Aren't we?"

"Oh," Paxton replies, "I would say we are."

Aiden raises an eyebrow. "So what would be more than best fri...?" Aiden pauses in mid sentence, answering his own question in thought. His arm quickly snaps away from Paxton upon this realization and he stands very quickly. His mind flashes to the incident between him and Reggie in the gym, but instead of Reggie he sees Paxton there. He shakes his head to try to scatter that image, and mostly succeeds but he steps back on instinct.

"Whoa, buddy. I don't think I'm ready for that," Aiden says defensively. "Way too soon."

Paxton chuckles wryly and looks away. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that for a little while, anyway," Paxton mumbles.