Senior Year - Chap. 1: A New Beginning

Story by Waterflame on SoFurry

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God Dammit...

Those were his first thoughts every morning. He didn't open his eyes, nor move a muscle, only lay there with his eyes closed listening to the buzzer of his alarm continuing to disturb the peaceful air around him. Normally, he wouldn't have minded it too terribly, had he not realized that this was the first day of his senior year of high school and that it was still dark outside. The fact remained that school meant waking up before the sun rose, and this never struck him as pleasant. Nighttime is meant for sleeping, because it is easier to sleep in the dark. So why in the world would anything require someone to wake up while it was still nighttime. An optimist, he wasn't.

He slowly reached over and clicked off his alarm with an extended moan. He sat up and began rubbing the sleep out his eyes. Blinking several times, he slowly rose and walked over to the window. Over the horizon, the first bits of light began creeping over the distant hills. He had always liked the sight of daybreak, just really didn't like the early waking up that was necessary to see it. The street was completely void of activity and an air of tranquility covered the scene. This was another reason he had always liked daybreak: the peacefulness.

He left his window and walked over to his closet and shed his boxers, the only clothing he wore during the night. Turning over to look in his floor mirror, he looked up and down his form, studying himself. He was a fox with the typical amber fur a vulpine had with the patch of creamy-white running along the torso and down in between the legs. The only thing that set him apart from most other foxes was his eyes. His icy blue eyes shone even in the little light there was and this was something he had always admired about himself. Most other foxes had green or brown eyes, but not him. It was the only real physical feature that set him apart from other foxes.

Walking out of his bedroom, he went into the hallway and into the bathroom. The rush of water broke the silence after he turned the knobs of the shower. As the temperature in the water slowly rose, the fox was over gazing into the mirror at himself. Thinking to himself he said, "It's finally senior year...heh".


The tires of his old, but still nice sports car came to a stop as he pulled into a parking spot out front of his school, Fairhill High School. Stepping out of his car, he waved at a few people he recognized from the year before. They weren't exactly friends of his, more of acquaintances. But it never hurt to be friendly. He walked into the school via the main lobby and watched old friends see each other for the first time in months along with awkward underclassmen looking lost. Continuing to walk, he entered the cafeteria and approached his circle of friends' morning breakfast table. Most everyone was already there and they all turned to greet him.

"Hey Jake! Finally good to see you man. How've you been?" Jake smiled at his friend Max, a wolf with dark grey fur. He had always found his comfort in wearing dark colors that matched his fur, but that was completely misrepresentative of his personality. Max had always been a positive, fun-loving, and carefree person and tended to be optimistic. Jake knew he could always talk to him if he needed cheering up because he always found the positive spin on things.

He stood up to greet Jake with the typical hand slap. "Not bad at all. How's Kristina doing?" He saw Max's smiling face turn to a slight frown and his ears began to droop slightly.

"Umm...yeah she's a slut. We don't talk anymore."

Jake smiled a bit. "Well who didn't see that one coming? We all warned you, man. That girl is good for nothing except spreading diseases."

Max began making his way back to his seat. "Yeah, well, I guess I thought I could change her. I don't know." A vixen sitting across from Max's seat with similar colorings as Jake began to burst into laughter.

"You know that's bullshit. You just thought she was hot and wanted to bang her." She continued to laugh as Max's grimace returned.

"Oh, come on Tori! If you had a cock, you'd want to bone her too!" Tori continued to laugh as Max sat down and stewed around his now soggy cereal. Tori had always been the one to poke fun at others misfortunes, but she knew where to cut off. She had tended to be a little more wild than the rest of the group and was usually always laughing at something or another. Some described her as 'just a little bit punk rock,' but it only fed into her outgoing nature. She typically wore a worn-out t-shirt with worn-out jeans to match. Max and she had always tended to get along well by poking fun at one another, which was no different than today. Jake chuckled softly at his friends' typical antics.

He moved around to the other side of the table and sat down next to Tori and across from Adam, a rabbit with milky white fur. Adam was the most laid back person in the circle. He had a level head on his shoulders and never shunned responsibility, but it didn't mean he didn't like to have fun. The rabbit was the only one who was even able to hold a job before either being fired or becoming so fed up to the point of quitting. No one had ever seen him angry before and it was rare to see him even frustrated. He was just chill, and that was all there was to it. His choice of clothing was purely casual. He always wore things he felt were comfortable. Visually, his style was a bit preppy; usually wearing faded jeans and t-shirts, but not too over the top.

"So how was your summer? You spent so much time in that damn grocery store that we barely saw you," Jake said to the rabbit.

"Yeah I know. I worked like all the time before I finally quit." A smile came to his face as he said those last words.

"Hey it's about time you got out of that shit hole grocery store. I can't believe you put up with all their crap for so long."

Adam shrugged. "Yeah, well, I needed the money. But now that my car's paid off and I worked enough to stockpile some cash to go out for the rest of this year, I just didn't see the need to stay anymore."

Jake's eyes slowly widened. "For the rest of the year? Jesus, how much did you work?"

Adam took a sip of his orange juice. "No more than usual summer hours, I guess. But I was making a lot more because our stocking manager had to get surgery. So I was the department manager all summer which rakes in a lot more cash."

Jake smiled. "Well you lucked out big time didn't you?" Adam nodded as he sipped more orange juice.

Jake turned around to Max and Tori who were talking about this, that, and the other thing. "Have any of you seen Becca yet?"

Max and Tori looked at each other before shaking their heads. "No we haven't," said Max.

Adam pulled out his cell phone and began flipping through the contacts. "Hang on. I'll call her."

He put the phone up to his ear and after a while his eyes got a bit wider and he began to smirk. "Are you serious? Today's the first day of school."

On the other end of the line everyone at the table could hear, "Are you joking?! Shit! Shit! Shit!" before she hung up. Everyone burst out in laughter, all knowing that this was par for the course with Becca. Just then, the bell rang to signal that homeroom started in 5 minutes. The laughter finally beginning to die, they rose from the table and make their way out of the cafeteria to their respective homerooms.


Jake was sitting in his homeroom and looking over his schedule that he had just received when in rushed a panting collie. She had white fur towards her upper body with mixed brown and black fur along her head and lower body, which was matted in various places. She looked like she had just rolled out of bed before she came here. It was definitely Becca. She had never really been a fan of punctuality as only further demonstrated here. She would show up late to school almost daily had it not been for her friends' prompting. Her friends knew she would always be late to wherever they were at Friday night. Not only because of her consistent tardiness, but because she had detention almost every Friday due to the same tardiness. They developed a habit of telling her that they were meeting at 6:00 when they were really meeting at 6:30 because she would end up showing up at 6:30 anyway.

Her style was a bit like a nature girl. She always took pleasure in the simple things in life and was the one in the group who would stop to smell the roses. She typically wore a tank top with faded jeans. She always took pride in her hygiene and appearance. The only problem is that sometimes her excessive lateness inhibits that, such as it did this morning.

After explaining to their new homeroom teacher why she was late, something the older wolfess was bound to become accustomed to, she took her seat next to Jake. "Only 15 minutes today. Not bad," said Jake. Becca rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut up."

She looked over her schedule that was just handed to her by the teacher. "What's your schedule look like this year? Did you get the classes you wanted?" asked the fox.

"Yeah pretty much. Honors Physics and Calculus, AP English and Psychology and the rest are normal. What about you?"

"Pretty much the same. The upped me into AP Calc though."

Becca looked up from her paper with a sideways glance. "And that surprised you? After your grade in Pre-Calc last year?"

Jake blushed a little and smiled. "Yeah I guess you're right. I don't know though. You know that class is full of uber-nerds. I might just lose it having to spend time with them every day."

Becca laughed, "Yeah well that's the price of being a math geek."

The two of them had always been in higher classes along with Adam. They shared several classes over the years and became better friends because of it. Max and Tori were in more average classes. They weren't exceptionally smart but they were by no means stupid either. The five of them all met when they found themselves in the same gym class freshman year. The rest was history.

"So how's the crew?" asked Becca. That was what they called themselves. "I've barely seen Adam since last school year."

"Yeah but he just quit. So now he's gonna be able to go out with us some more." Becca smiled, "Hey well that's good. How's Max doing with whatserface?"

"Oh, you mean skankity slut-slut? Yeah they're done."

Becca laughed, "Who didn't see that one coming?"

"Yeah, that's what I said," Jake said through laughing. Just then the bell rang and they walked off to their first class of the year.


The bell to signal the end of the day rang and the rush started. Everyone who had a car that day was sprinting towards the parking lot. The after-school traffic at Fairhill High was legendary. Most stored some form of water in their car for fear of dying of thirst. It was even rumored that one year a kid had a psychotic breakdown in his car because he couldn't take waiting so long. It was all thanks to a one-lane driveway with a ruthless traffic light at the end. It was truly one of the most dreaded things about the high school.

35 minutes after the chaos started, Jake finally made the turn out of the driveway. He waved goodbye to Tori who happened to be behind him on the way out of the driveway. He watched as her highly modified tuner car turned the opposite direction. And then he heard the tires screech as the back fishtailed out from her excessive speed. He shook his head. That girl is completely crazy, he thought.

He drove down the highway towards his house. The trees and stores whizzed by as Jake drove through the main area of Fairhill. The town was bustling with activity and he had always loved to people watch. So his drive home was always enjoyable. He turned off of the main road on to a side street that led closer to his neighborhood. He wove along the turns in between the trees that made up the more rural parts of Fairhill. It was by no means a farming town. Just the neighborhoods were more spaced apart than was normal.

Jake was making his way closer to his house, no different than any other day. Just then, his car started slowing down. He pushed on the gas pedal, but nothing happened. The car just kept slowing down no matter how hard he mashed the pedal. He gave a confused look to the dash as the speedometer kept getting closer to 0. Giving up hope that the problem would rectify itself, he pushed on the brake and pulled over off of the road.

He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket to call one of his parents. However, he looked at the screen to realize it was blank. The battery was dead. He bent his head back with his eyes closed and let out a sigh. He weighed his options. The first was to get out and walk. He was about 3 miles away from his house and it was a nice day. But he was out on the side streets and not many people drive out as far as he did. He would probably end up walking the whole way. The second was to sit and wait for someone to stop and give him a ride. Even though not many cars go by on this road, his mom and dad both did. They were off of work in about an hour and a half and would surely recognize his car. Plus everything still worked in his car except for the engine, so he could at least listen to the radio. He decided to just sit and wait.


The clock showed that he had been sitting there for almost an hour. He was getting increasingly bored as the minutes went by, even with the radio on. Only 3 cars had gone by in that hour and none of them had stopped to help. He went back to the radio tuner to try and find something that would pass the time faster.

He looked up just in time to see a fourth car coming around the corner in his rear view mirror. His heart sank after he realized it wasn't either of his parents. As the car grew closer, he recognized the silver metallic shimmer of the Fairhill High parking pass hanging from the rear-view mirror. His hopes rose, but then sank again after seeing the face of the driver and failing to recognize it. The car went past and when he expected it to keep going, the brake lights came on and the car pulled off of the road. He opened the door and stepped outside to greet the driver.

He started walking towards the car that stopped for him when he saw the door open.

The world suddenly went into slow motion as he watched single leg step outside the door. Followed by it was one of the most beautiful people he had ever seen. A cat with soft white fur with a pinkish tinge stepped out of the car. She had white fur around her muzzle and a black nose with whiskers to match. But the thing that stood out to him about her face was the radiant emerald-colored eyes that stared directly at him. They were so bright that they almost seemed to be windows directly into her soul. He looked slowly down her hourglass figure. Her button down oxford showed off a small portion of her cleavage. He watched as her jean-covered hips swayed back and forth as she walked and he became slowly entranced by them.

"Helloooooo." Jake snapped out of his trance and blinked several times.

"Oh! umm...uhh...sorry."

The cat put down the hand that she was waving at him to try and get him to snap out of it. She gave him an 'are you kidding?' look and chuckled softly to herself.

"So what exactly are you doing out here?" she said as she folded her arms across her chest.

"Uh...well my car just...kind of...stopped."

"Yeah I can see that." An awkward silence fell. Jake shuffled and put his hands in his pockets. The cat noticed his nervousness and smiled.

"So you live around here?"

Jake looked up at her from his feet. "Umm...yeah I do. Amberwood."

She smiled. "Oh cool, I live in Shelby Farms. You know where that is right?" she asked smartly.

"Yeah yeah I know where it is. It's like half a mile down the road from me."

"Mmhmm." She nodded. Another awkward silence fell before the feline outstretched her hand.

"I'm Monica." Jake looked at her hand for a short while before taking a hand out of his pocket to meet hers.

"I-I'm Jake." He softly smiled and she smugly smiled in return.

"Get in." She turned around and walked back to her car. Jake stared at her backside and began to fall into a trance again. When he realized what he was doing, he shook his head to snap himself out of it and then followed her to the car.

After they had pulled away from the side of the road, Monica said, "So I saw your parking pass. You go to Fairhill too?"

"Yeah," Jake said in return, his nerves finally calming. He had a bad tendency to get extremely nervous whenever he started talking to a girl he found attractive. Silence befell on both of them once again.

Monica slowly looked to her side at him and took a decent look. She chuckled softly.

"You're cute." He turned his head sharply in shock at the blunt statement. She smugly smiled at him before turning her eyes back to the road.

Jake looked back towards the road too but his eyes were almost as wide as dinner plates. Did she really just say that? he thought to himself. The shock still hadn't washed over him. He found this girl extremely attractive. And she actually shared the same feeling towards him? Thoughts kept rushing through his head about the situation. It was so shocking to him that he didn't notice the silence. Nor did he notice the fact that he hadn't responded.

She interpreted his silence beautifully. He was ungodly nervous and she knew it. Where some girls may find timidity a turn-off, Monica thrived on it. She loved being the one in control and playing with her boys in the palm of her hand. While some boys may find that a turn-off, a tad satanic even, she found that the timid guys were usually the ones to find it attractive. The fact that the girl is in control means they don't have to be.

They kept going down the road for some time in a slightly awkward silence while Jake continued to collect himself. He had never seen a girl be this forthcoming, especially towards him. It was a shock to his entire system. He was so in shock that he didn't notice when Monica turned off the secondary road onto an even more secluded side street.

The incline increased as the road winded up a hill which was well known in the surrounding neighborhoods. It wasn't until they were halfway up the hill that Jake had noticed that they weren't on the main road anymore. Once he recognized the environment, he turned to Monica in confusion.

"Why are you going up this way? Neither one of us lives up here."

"I know," she said in return. Then she looked at Jake out of the corner of her eye with another one of her smug glances. That's when it hit Jake as to what she was up to.

They were on the way up to Beech's Lookout, named after the high school kid who discovered the spot some many years earlier. It was the highest point in Fairhill and the view was spectacular. But that wasn't the reason Monica wanted to go there. The spot was also notorious as a place for kids at the high school to release some of their raging hormones. But usually, none of this happened until after dark. After all, they were still in high school and rumors circulated faster than a flea's blood. At night, you could only see the cars, but not the people in them. He was amazed at Monica's boldness to go to the lookout in broad daylight. But he was even more amazed that she was on her way up there with a guy she met no more than fifteen minutes ago. The nerves began to return.

She reached the top of the hill and pulled up to the wooden guardrail that blocked the dirt path from the tumbling hillside below.

"It's beautiful isn't it," said Monica, watching the sun beginning to make its decent on the distant horizon.

"Y-yeah it is," Jake managed to force out. He didn't want another awkward silence. But his nerves were getting the best of him.

Monica slowly turned and looked at him. "Do you know why I brought you up here?"

Jake's mind rushed. As much as he would love to hook up with her, rushing into something like that with someone he just met raised some alarms in his head. Unable to think of a proper response he said, " l-look at the view?'

Monica looked at him with half-lidded eyes, almost amazed that he actually said that. "No, you weirdo." She unbuckled her seatbelt and slowly rose out of her seat. She inched over to Jake, her face getting closer to his. "I took you up here to...get to know you a little better."

Jake looked into her eyes, which carried an expression of heavy seduction. He was frozen solid, his nerves rendering him unable to say or do anything. His eyes grew gradually wider as she inched closer. Eventually, the gap closed, and her lips connected with his. Monica reached up and grabbed the back of his head, pulling him into the kiss.

Jake couldn't believe what was happening. He had just met this absolutely gorgeous girl about 20 minutes ago, and now he was making out with her in her car. He was completely dumbfounded. As she pulled away, she looked at him and smiled.

"You're still nervous aren't ya?" Jake didn't have much of a response, but Monica already knew the answer to that question. She started chuckling.

"Well maybe this will loosen you up a little bit." And with that, she lowered her head towards Jake's crotch. She reached out a hand and slowly dragged it along his jeans in between his legs. She could feel that he was already half way erect. She continued rubbing and felt as his cock continued to grow. She looked up at him, still rubbing.

"You like that?' she asked him in an extremely seductive tone. All Jake was able to muster was a slow nod. She chuckled again. "Well then you'll definitely like this."

She stopped rubbing and moved both of her hands up to the button of his jeans. She slowly undid it and pulled the zipper down. She felt around inside the fly of his boxers and found his firm cock. Pulling it out of his pants, she leaned down even further and let her hot breath escape onto his sensitive skin while she continued to stroke.

The heat from her breath make Jake squirm with pleasure. He grew even more aroused as the sensitive flesh of his cock was being tended to by one of the best looking girls he has ever seen. A voice in the back of his head was screaming that this should not be happening, but his raw emotion drowned it out. Monica reached her other hand into Jake's boxers and pulled out his fuzzy balls, rubbing them in her hand with her thumb. Jake let out a gelid moan as the new sensation only heightened his pleasure. She rolled his balls around in her hand while she continued to pump his shaft.

Monica suddenly stopped stroking his cock and his balls. When he looked at her wondering why, she gripped his cock in one hand, opened her mouth and ran her warm feline tongue along the entire length of his shaft. The slow and prolonged lick made Jake moan even louder than before. His erection grew even firmer with the new sensation, and Monica could tell that he loved it.

After several licks up and down his shaft, Monica opened her mouth and positioned the head of his cock towards her open mouth. Jake gasped as her lips slowly encircled his shaft and he watched as his cock slowly disappeared into her mouth, inch by inch.

Jake's entire body began to surge with pleasure at this new sensation. He had never experienced anything like this before, and he almost wondered how he lived without it. The alarm bells kept going off in his head that he should not be doing this with someone he just met, but the heat in his loins adequately overruled those notions.

Monica's head bobbed up and down the length of his cock. She was fairly experienced at this and new what guys liked. She ran her tongue up and down his shaft and snaked it around the head of his cock when she reached the tip. Every time she gave attention to his cock head, Jake breathed a little heavier and gave a small spurt of pre-cum onto her awaiting tongue. She had grown to appreciate the taste of male fluids.

Jake was drawing nearer to his climax. Monica reached out a hand and began to massage his balls again, adding to his pleasure. He was loving every second of it. Jake's fingers clawed into the sides of his seat and his toes clenched tighter and tighter inside of his shoes. His cock was completely engulfed by the velvet trap of Monica's maw and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

Monica began to purr around his shaft and the vibrations drove Jake's mind even madder. The gentle ministrations of the feline's tongue combined with the new vibrations but Jake in a world of sexual bliss. He began to gently hump into Monica's mouth while she continued her suction. His hips gyrated within the car seat as she bobbed her head even further up and down to match.

The feline reached up the hand that was not on is balls and began to massage the bottom portion of his shaft not in her mouth. The sensations were enveloping Jake's entire groin and the heat around growing more and more. Panting heavily, Jake could feel his orgasm drawing close and his body ached for release.

The overwhelming pleasure continued to grow and grow until it became too much to handle. His balls drew close to his body and his seed began shooting out into Monica's awaiting and eager mouth. She stroked and massaged his balls as his release continued. The thick vulpine semen flowed down Monica's throat as she continued to milk Jake's cock for everything it was worth.

Jake had never climaxed so hard in his life. He felt like it would never stop as his seed just kept flowing out of his cock. The hand giving attention to his balls brought his orgasm to a new height. The flow finally began to taper off as his orgasm faded. The afterglow set in and Jake's mind was in a complete daze. Once Monica recognized that his climax had come to an end, she slipped Jake's limp cock out of her mouth and back into his boxers. She sat up in her seat and looked at him.

His head was tilted back and his eyes were closed. He was still panting, but there was a smile on his face as he did it. She smiled to herself and realized trying to talk to him would be a moot point. She could tell he was a newcomer to this sort of thing, and his mind would be so dulled that conversation would be almost impossible. She buckled her seatbelt and put the car into drive. Taking one last look back at the setting sun, she realized that her parents would be home soon and backed away from the guardrail.


Monica's car came to a stop in front of Jake's house. Finally having come out of his daze, he managed to put his pants back together and collect his thoughts. He looked over the feline driver with a subtle smile.

"Well, thanks for the ride. And the uhh..."

Monica chuckled, "Don't mention it. Well, I hope to see you again some time. You're pretty cool."

Jake smiled a little wider. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you. And maybe we can even be...well...more than friends."

Monica smiled in return. "I think I'd like that."

Jake's smile grew again. He caught himself staring awkwardly again and said, "Well I need to get going. If my parents see me sitting here with you they may get a little weirded out."

"Alright. I'll see you later," Monica smiled.

"Later." Jake smiled at her one last time before exiting the car. He walked up the driveway towards his house as he heard the car reversing out of the driveway. Turning around for a last time, he watched the car that originally rescued him accelerating down the road. The previous hour just ran through his mind again and he tried to interpret it, failing to do so the first time he tried. He began to think that this could be the beginning of something to really remember.

If this was the way it started, it was going to be one hell of a school year.


So this is my first story here. ANY criticism or comments are criticism is appreciated and requested. I'm all about making my writing better and any input helps. I want to continue this into a longer series. But if the feedback is too negative, I may just start from scratch. I have plenty of ideas for this to go so I hope you guys like it. Let me know what you think ^.^