If You Give A Hungry Tiger A Potion...

Story by Fox_Fusion on SoFurry

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#5 of Commissioned Works

Another old story that I wrote, this one was for Kindle on furaffinity - http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kindle

One of my first forays into vore writing, something I really enjoy and never write enough of. Oh well.

Hamburgers sizzled on an open grill, their smell mixing with that of French fries being boiled in oil. A child laughed as she licked her vanilla ice cream cone, her father sipping a can of root beer as he eyed the frozen treat his daughter lapped. Somebody with a thick Middle Eastern accent was shouting about how much better his product was than the guy who sold shawarma down town. General chaos ruled the food court area, and in the middle of it all, sitting in a chair at a table by himself, a tiger with his head in his hands stared into space. He wasn't much to look at, in the sense that he filled the standard descriptions associated with a tiger - yellow with black stripes, pointed ears constantly twitching, a rounded tail which wouldn't stay still. Build wise, though, he was more impressive, clearly fit, with the look of subtle strength known amongst the feline predators. A goat, walking buy with her fresh salad, made sure to give the tiger a wide berth as she went to find a seat.

Kindle sighed, his head slumping forward until it hit the table, residual grease from the wooden surface getting on his muzzle. He could pick out the individual smells of all the different foods wafting around the court, even the faintness of cilantro the sandwich shop was using on their fish patties. The aroma of it all was heavenly, making the hungry cat's stomach growl with the desire to have something inside of it. It wasn't likely to be too picky about what was eaten. Kindle, however, was.

Everything smelled good, but nothing looked appetizing. He'd seen the burgers, and they were always over cooked, charred, and placed between soggy buns and wilting lettuce. The fish patties looked like they'd been processed so many times that he couldn't even really be sure that it was fish inside the stale hoagies. And salad was right out of the question. He wanted meat, something warm and fleshy he could sink his teeth into, and enjoy the warmth as it went all the way down into his belly. The tiger drooled a bit, quick to clean it up with his tongue before it dripped on to the table and somebody noticed him.

He pushed himself up, towering above the other patrons at his full seven feet. With the notion that getting away from food would keep him from feeling hungry, Kindle decided to roam the mall and see what kind of stores he could find other than the usual clothing outlets and electronics shops that populated the shopping districts. While he looked for something interesting, he kept noticing how all the benches were filled with people, chatting amiably with friends or family. Nobody was wearing long sleeves: it was just too hot outside for that. Some school girls were sitting around a fake potted plant, fanning themselves with loose leaf paper.

Several turns later, Kindle found himself walking towards a dead end, the corridor nearly empty of shoppers, and those that were walking around all had their heads low to the ground, careful not to make eye contact with anybody else. At first, he wondered at the strange behavior, until he noticed the names of some of the stores: Jerry's Sex Shop, S and M Emporium, Bondage Bargain. The kinkiness of the shops got more and more extreme the further he walked along. Something about it all enraptured his senses, an innate curiosity driven by his feline instincts that his brain could not overcome.

The brick wall at the end of the corridor which he almost crashed into kept him from going any farther. He'd been a bit distracted by all the different shops, but the one at the end really had his attention. From within the small storefront, gases and mists arose, fogging up Kindle's vision, a smoky barrier that prevented him from seeing any deeper inside. That the smoke was neon green only heightened his yearning to find out what the cause was. The sign above labeled the store as "Potion Solution". He walked forward, through the haze, and into the unknown.

What he had almost hoped would be a secret laboratory of sorts turned out to be nothing more than an ordinary, bare bones shops, glass shelves supporting corked bottles full of dubiously coloured liquids. The carpet had a few black stains on it, always in front of an empty shelf or stand, with a sign beside the mark on the floor that read: Please watch your step. Owner not responsible for effects of spilled potions." Kindle chuckled to himself, tempted a little to step on one of the stains, just to see if anything would really happen.

"I wouldn't try that," a deep voice called from the fog, which made Kindle pause before his foot went stomping on a mark on the floor. "That was a particularly strong one, a shame to lose it, too. It was supposed to make the drinker grow larger feet, upwards to the size of their own body." A lion, bare-chested to reveal his bodybuilder torso, stepped out of the haze into the tiger's view. "The last person to tread on it bought the reversal potion, and I'm afraid I'm out of that one, so you'd be stuck with a foot five feet long until I get to order the ingredients I need." Carefully, Kindle put his foot down, well away from the stain.

"You work here?" Kindle asked, a little bit enthralled by the lion's musculature.

"Work and own the place, yes. The name's Simeon, what can I help you with today?" He extended a hand to Kindle, who took and shook.

"Do these really work?"

Simeon chuckled. "I could prove it to you, but then I'd be wasting precious supplies. But you have a money back guarantee that these potions are bona fide, and will do exactly what they claim to. That one over there, for example," he said, pointing to beaker with a pink fluid inside it, "that one will grow your hair down to the floor after you drink it. And that one, the teal one, will change the drinker into a dragon of the same hew as the liquid. Sadly, teal is the only colour it comes in at the moment, so I haven't found anybody interested in it yet. Not sure why, really. Teal is a great colour."

"And that one?" Kindle asked, pointing to the pair of vials sitting on a dais in the middle of the room. He only meant the purple one, which was sitting beside a yellow one of equal size and proportion.

"Oh, those two are on sale." Simeon carefully picked up to the two glass containers, flipping them over to ensure they were sealed properly. "You need two people for this effect to work, and most of the people who buy these potions only want them for themselves, so I doubt I'll ever sell this pair. Whoever drinks the purple potion will get bigger, stealing the size of the person who drinks the yellow one." The lion swirled the contents, Kindle raptly following the movement. "The other person doesn't even have to consent; they just need to have consumed the yellow potion for the purple one to take effect. I'd worry about the repercussions of that, but I'm sure nobody would use it to harm another, and even if they did, it might just be good for my business." He laughed, setting the potions back down.

Kindle stared at the concoctions for a bit, an idea formulating in his head as he picked up the twin vials. The thought of stealing size appealed to his sense of fun, and he knew just the person to take that size from. With the potions in hand, he asked Simeon how much they would cost.

"Tell you what, you can keep them. You seem like you'll use them well, and I was going to just get rid of them anyway. Take them and enjoy." Simeon just smiled as he watched the tiger bounce out of the store, past the haze, and into the mall. It was time to close up shop.

The walk home wasn't too far, only half an hour at his brisk pace. Outside, the sun was beating down on the city, heating up the pavement to the point where children recoiled from the hot cement, afraid to touch it lest they get burnt. Kindle made sure to walk on the grass whenever possible, but even the greenery felt unbearably hot. He had to keep wiping sweat from his brow, the only time he would remove his hand from his pocket, where the purple and yellow potions resided. Ten minutes away from his house, the tiger ran into a pleasant surprise: a Doberman, a full foot shorter than the tiger, was lying under a tree, drinking a glass in between pants.

"Hey Tobias!" Kindle said, startling the Doberman, who ended up spilling the water on himself, getting his uncovered upper body wet. As the feline laughed, Tobias got to his feet and shook himself dry, the damp fur on his chest lying flat on his sleek torso.

"Thanks, Kindle," the Doberman muttered as he walked up to his friend. "What brings you here?"

"Just walking back from the mall. Say.... Tobias, you want to stop by my place later tonight?"

"Why should I?"

Kindle grinned. "Oh, just a movie. I'm going to see if Eric wants to come by, too. It'll be fun, so come on over. I'll see you at eight, alright." And without waiting for a response, Kindle took off towards his house, doing his best not to laugh until he was well out of earshot.

Outside the tiger's house, there really wasn't anything special to see, just another suburban dweller in the grand scheme of things. The grass was freshly mowed, green with a hint of moisture where the sprinklers from next door had reached. Outside, everything looked rather plain and ordinary. Inside, it was basically the same. All the accoutrements expected could be found: a couch in front of a large TV with a console hooked up to it, a fridge and stove that hadn't seen any sort of proper care, a pile of discarded jackets and clothing in front of the stairs that was never going to be picked up. Just the sort of things expected in a home, and nothing more.

He flipped out his cell phone, found Eric's name on the contact list, and gave the Rottweiler a quick call. "Hey, Eric!" said Kindle, his tail flicking about behind him. "Ya, things are good. How about you come on by right now. Why? Why not, you've got nothing better to do you lout. Come on, it'll be fun, I've got some cool new drinks here. You'll like them. We can watch a movie, too. You'll be here in ten minutes? Great, I'll see you then." He snapped the phone shut, dropped it on the discarded clothing at the base of the stairs, and took off to the kitchen.

The two potions rested on the countertop. They would have looked like innocent drinks if they weren't contained in a pair of glass vials that nobody except a mad scientist would keep in his kitchen. Kindle eyed them suspiciously, wondering just how to go about this. He could mix them into something else, try and see if the taste could be masked. Then he realized he didn't even know if they had a taste, or if they had flavours that matched their colours. Either way, if he was going to get Eric to drink it, the tiger knew he was going to need to keep the potion cold, so he stuck the yellow one in the fridge, keeping it on the rack where he normally stored eggs.

Gingerly, unsure of what exactly to expect, Kindle popped the cork on the purple potion, which fizzed and bubbled as air rushed into the container. He sniffed it, but no scent met his nostrils, though a bit of haze made its way into his eyes, causing him to blink reflexively. With a shrug, he lifted the mysterious fluid up and dumped the contents into his mouth. The second it touched his tongue, he winced. It was bitter, terribly so, with a faint aftertaste of grape. Fortunately, there wasn't too much to be consumed, and a glass of water after completely removed the flavor from his mouth.

There was a knocking at the door, which made Kindle jump. Though he'd just been preparing for a guest, he still had this sense that it was an unexpected visit, like Eric had invited himself over. Practically skipping to greet his friend, Kindle paused in front of the thermostat. "Just a second!" he shouted as he played with the settings, turning off the air conditioner. It would make the house unbearably hot, but it would be worth it. When he opened door, the imposing 9 foot figure of the bodybuilder shaped Rottweiler filled the doorframe. With a grunt of acknowledgement to his host, Eric entered, cramming the two into the tight space of the entranceway.

They settled down immediately in front of the TV, playing a vicious shooter game. Probably because he owned the console, Kindle was the better player when the two were in combat against one another. Eric could manage to squeeze out a win every once in a while, but they were rare enough to make Kindle the undisputed champion. When they played co-op, it was a whole different story. For a small period of time, they would progress through the story, and without warning, one would turn on the other, killing their partner in the middle of the digital fray, which would lead to a real life tussle, one which Eric always won.

They continued on like this for almost an hour, the cool air that had lingered dissipating in the heat, making the house stuffy. Eric, who had been wearing a gray tank top and black shorts, was really starting to sweat, beads of salty liquid dripping down his cheeks as he panted. "Kindle, turn on the air conditioner," he said as he wiped his forehead.

"It's own already," Kindle replied, himself a soggy mess of sweat. "How about a drink, instead? I could use one too."

"Sure, whatever you've got." The tiger was already over the couch and into the kitchen. Inside the fridge, the vial of yellow potion had misted over from the cool, and the glass sent chills through his hand when Kindle picked it up. It was going to be a challenge to get Eric to drink it, especially since the only other thing to drink in the house was water, judging by the empty fridge. Still, if the Rottweiler was thirsty enough, it could work. For safe measure, Kindle grabbed a glass of water, and brought the two drinks to his friend.

"This one's for you, that new drink I told you about." He handed the tiny glass to Eric, whose massive hands engulfed the small thing.

"That's it?" Eric said, raising an eyebrow. "This will barely wet my tongue. And what's with the container? Looks like some kind of lab experiment."

"Just a marketing gimmick," Kindle lied, trying to keep his tail in check as he watched Eric pop the top to the potion and tip the contents into his eager mouth. The Rottweiler smacked his lips.

"Tastes like banana, real sweet too." Kindle turned and hid his grin behind the glass of water he was drinking, waiting to see what would happen.

Kindle felt something like ice penetrate to his bone, sending all his fur on edge even in the unbearable warmth. His teeth started to chatter, and try as he might he couldn't make them stop. A quick glance at Eric showed that the Rottweiler was suffering similar symptoms. Then the tiger's head snapped straight forward, his arms dropped to his sides, and he could see nothing but the wall in front of him which he had had the misfortune of looking at so that Eric wouldn't think something was up. In the background, the music from the video game played in an endless loop, bloody screams puncturing the otherwise pleasant ambience.

It started in Kindle's feet, the way his shoes tightened to painful. Though he couldn't look down to see the changes, he didn't need to: he could feel them. How the leather burst to make room for bigger toes; how his shorts tightened around his thighs, forced out by his package; how the air brushed against his revealed abs; how his shirt constricted his pecs; how the sleeves, fighting against his biceps, started to tear, unable to withstand the swelling mass. The spot on the wall he had been staring at was moving away, going down as his height went up. Through the immobility, Kindle found he could still smile, large and toothy.

Unable to see what was happening to Eric, Kindle missed out on the surprising change his friend was undergoing. Whereas the tiger was growing bigger, the Rottweiler was getting smaller. The formerly tight clothing on the muscular frame started to hang loose. Eric's shorts, no longer supported by the thick quads of their owner, fell to the ground along with a pair of white boxer briefs, revealing the Rottweiler's equipment, which like the rest of his body was unable to avoid the sudden shrinkage. Once a mighty piece of meat, it was being reduced with the rest of Eric.

When the changes stopped, the pair turned to see the other, each with their mouth open. But where Kindle's eyes were filled with glee, he could see the understandable shock and confusion in Eric's. Normally the biggest man around, Eric found himself not just thinner than Kindle, but significantly shorter, standing eye level with just under Kindle's bulging pectorals. The tiger sauntered as he moved, legs rolling around each other to avoid having the muscle constantly rubbing together, approaching Eric with a hungry grin. The ceiling was twelve feet high, and Kindle's ears nearly brushed against it. He figured himself at ten feet tall, which meant he'd stolen three feet from Eric, putting the Rottweiler at six feet.

Kindle stretched out his arm towards Eric, who remained rooted to his place, babbling incoherently. Nothing in his mind could produce an explanation to the bizarre situation at hand, and Kindle had no intention of explaining things. The tiger simply grabbed Eric by the collar of the massive tank top and yanked the Rottweiler towards his towering form, the canine's muzzle bumping into the rock hard abs of the feline. Kindle laughed, the deep sound reverberating in the room. With a vigouous tug, he tore the baggy shirt off of Eric, leaving the dog naked and helpless.

Pushing down on Eric's shoulder, Kindle forced the Rottweiler to his knees, making Eric see only the obscene bulge straining against Kindle's shorts. "Lick it," Kindle demanded, forcing Eric's head forward into the package. It hardened against the dog's muzzle, tenting the shorts to almost bursting apart. The tiger purred, rubbing his prodigious equipment into the face of the once dominant dog.

Eric, though, would not obey. Despite the disorientation, the weakness he experienced being smaller than his friend, he still maintained a sense of pride. He turned his head away, scooting backwards on his knees to escape the position he found himself in. But the stronger feline gripped Eric by the neck and forced the Rottweiler back into the tearing fabric before the pole slapped across Eric's cheek.

"You will lick it," Kindle growled, smacking his cock against Eric a second time when the canine still refused. Annoyed, and more aroused than he could remember, Kindle pulled Eric back on to his feet before spinning him around, letting the tiger get a good look at the dog's ass. Kindle pinched at the cheeks several times, making Eric jump and yelp, only stopping the torment when the Rottweiler settled down. "Good boy," Kindle cooed, keeping one hand on Eric's head as the tiger tore his shorts off, his penis nearly a foot in length and throbbing now that it was free.

Their mismatched heights meant that Kindle's manhood wasn't anywhere near Eric's butt, but the tiger didn't really care. He hoisted up the Rottweiler effortlessly - sleeves ripping farther to expose more of the thick bicep underneath - until plug and hole were on equal ground. The footlong dripped pre, its owner all too excited about entering the once hot stud reduced in size and stature. With a powerful thrust forward, Kindle rammed his way inside, making Eric howl from the too large intrusion.

Try as he might, though, the size discrepancy was making itself known in the most frustrating way possible: Kindle couldn't get himself any further into Eric. He was ten inches in, but those last two, the two needed to make it balls deep, were, much to the tiger's frustration, not finding any room. He tried to push Eric back on to the fleshy rod, which made the canine scream, but it didn't help. Resigned to what he could manage, Kindle settled for just enjoying the length that he could get swallowed by the dog's firm rump, tight around the thickness of the tiger.

Despite the intense pain and humiliation, Eric's member was showing the signs of his enjoyment, his cock hard, and barely half the length of the one inside of him. Hoping that it might take his mind off of the pipe jammed into his tailhole, he reached to grab his own endowment, to stroke himself into painless ecstasy. The mighty hand of Kindle smacked away the smaller one of Eric. "Not a chance," Kindle hissed. "You had your chance to obey, and now you're going to pleasure me and only me." The tiger pinned Eric's arms to the dog's side. Held thusly, Kindle found he could pump Eric up and down, masturbating himself through the canine's rump.

It didn't take very long for Kindle to reach climax. The amount of overwhelming sensation, physical and mental, sent him over the edge far sooner than he would have liked. His balls drew up as he yowled, the flow of semen pumping into the poor dog too much to stay within. Viscous cum leaked out of the abused ass, running along Eric's cheeks, down over his balls where the seed dripped on to the floor. Kindle didn't see anything, neither the way his sac jerked with effort, nor how Eric's face skewered up in that odd mixture of pleasure and pain. All Kindle knew was intense euphoria until the orgasm ended.

Showing some mercy, Kindle pulled Eric off of the huge dick, letting the excess juices flow out of the Rottweiler's rear. Though exhausted, Kindle's cock still jerked with the need for more release, with the desire for another round of sexual gratification. He just didn't feel like he had the energy for it, however. The tiger let Eric down, the canine immediately going to satisfy his own needs, pumping away furiously. Kindle flopped on to the couch, which creaked under the weight, and watched Eric enjoy himself: the Rottweiler had certainly earned it. The feline's stomach growled loudly, reminding him that he had not in fact eaten anything other than the purple potion which led to this wonderful event.

It happened just as Eric moaned with release. Both watched to see the cum that would fly out of the canine's cock, but nothing came. Eric froze up, hand still wrapped around his shaft, head down to see why there was no seed leaving him. The tiger rose from the couch, watching with a fascinated grin as the Rottweiler shrunk further, dropping from six feet to five, then to four, then to three. And with each foot lost, Kindle gained one, until he had to bend over in the room, his full thirteen feet of height making everything seem small and cramped, the former remains of his shirt turning into tatters that fluttered to the floor. His muscle didn't swell bigger, though they did keep the thick bodybuilder proportions that he was growing to adore on his figure.

When movement returned, Eric tucked himself into a little ball. Gone was his machoism, his size and muscles, the things which allowed him dominance in sex and life. Without knowing how, it had all been granted to the tiger towering above. Kindle chuckled as he picked up the little Rottweiler ball, which filled the feline's palm without any overflow. His stomach gurgled again, giving Kindle a nasty idea. He poked at the small ball of fluff in his palm: "You look good enough to eat, Eric," he chuckled before bringing the dog to an open muzzle.

Eric didn't quite fit into Kindle's maw. It wasn't that the Rottweiler was too big - to the contrary, rolled up into that ball, the dog would have fit easily into the feline's jaws. But Eric had decided he didn't want to be eaten, and so had unfurled himself inside Kindle's mouth, standing on the large tongue and pushing up on the slick roof closing in on him. Eric was no match for Kindle's hunger, however, and the dog slipped, his last efforts availing to nothing as the tiger swallowed, forcing the little three feet canine down the throat.

Somebody watching probably be disturbed to see the bulge that made its way down the far too big tiger's neck, to see the way the thick cock attached to said tiger bobbed and drooled precum as its master enjoyed a meal. But the scene wouldn't have lasted more than five seconds - the bulge would already be past the point of being visible, though the cook would still be dribbling its fluids, with a happy tiger stroking the base of it.

Plopping his rump on the floor, Kindle rested his bulk against the back wall, smiling as he lazily played with himself. It had been a great day; he would have to go find that potion shop again and get a few more of those mixtures, especially if they all worked this wonderfully. The sensation of squirming in his stomach wouldn't relax, though, like something in his gut was trying to find its way to the outside again. The tiger just continued jerking himself, letting the pleasure wash away any sense of discomfort.

A knock at the door disturbed his stupor. Kindle blinked twice. His hand didn't stop stroking his meat as he called: "Who's there?" The deep resonance of his voice sounded strange to him. His stomach seemed to be settling too, the movement inside stopping.

"It's Tobias. You told me to drop on by for a movie!" came the faint reply through the wooden door.

Kindle grinned: "The door's open!"

Eric awoke to a haze. He knew he was lying on wood, but that was all his senses could tell him, until the sight of a muscular bare-chested lion filled his view. From the size of the creature, it either meant that the lion was massive, or.... Eric shut his eyes.

"Oh good, you made it here," Simeon said to the tune of glass clinking against glass and liquid flowing. "Now let's see if we can't get you back to size."