Rescued by an Angel.

Story by xxrawrtasticalxx on SoFurry

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#2 of Destiny

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Chapter 2

When I fianlly awoke.I was in pitch darkness.I could see nothing in front of me.Nothing behind me.Just empty nothingness. I stood up slowing, bumping my head on something hard and cold.I reached out to feel my surroundings,Only to be stopped my some force.Grasping around a bar thing.I shook it to see if it would budge.No use.I was scared.I started to whimper.Where is mama?Is she ok?what is going on? I was wishing that everything would be how it used to be. How I would fall asleep tucked under her tail with her head laying right next to mine.Hearing her syncapated breathing.Waking up to see she bright face smiling at me and a good morning lick on my cheek.Her rich milk that I craved right now.How she would tell me stories of wolves in the past.Some were scary and some were happy.She would always tell me that I take heed to her stories for I can learn from them and they will help me in the future.But I still don't understand the meaning behind them.I miss her a lot.Tears startedfalling down my face and I could hear them thud on the ground and echo in the empty silence.I started weeping ever so loudly, just thinking of when ever I was crying, mama was there to lick the tears away and sing me a song.But she now? Just that thought made me sob more and more.I sunk to the bottom of my confinement and held myself.

Aroused by laughter and loud noises.I looked around trying to pin point where it was coming from.About 15 feet away a door opened.Light shining in my eyes ,I had to squint til I slowly focused.I seen that I was surrounded by bars that had a roof over it.No way I couldv'e escaped even if I couldv'e seen. A Tall slender light oragne anamorphic stood there.He walked over to me.He too had a strange thing on his lower part of his body.I never seen guys before.So this was a new sight for me.It looked like the thing thoose males were using to hurt my mama!I backed away and shouted at him.

''Where is my mama?!''

''Calm down there little one.''

I atempted a growl, but my fear over won me and it could be heard through my ''growl''.

''Where is my mama?!''

He crouched down to eye level to stare right in my eyes.His Brown eyes staring right in my green eyes.

''You're mama....I'm sorry kid but....You're mom is dead.She's not going to be coming back.''

I brust out in tears.

''Please be silent.I must tell you something important,So hear me well.''He spoke in a hrried tone.

I shushed up and listened.

''Me and you're mom, we go way back to our kit days.We were close.But whenin her teen years some bad stuff happened.I was dragged in the middle...You're mom never knew but...''

He stopped looked around and looked right back at me continuing.

''Look kid I gotta sum this up, I knew you're mom was going to die , there was nothing I could do to stop it.Trust me I tried.'' A single tear ran down his face. ''I know you're brothers and sisters were murdered by someone I'm being controlled by.But I'm not going to let them get a hold of you.I was forced to bring you here and kill you.But I just can't.I'm going let you go.But you must not stop for anyone or anything.If you do, you're sure to be caught and be killed.''

He quickly unlocked the cage and grabbed me before I even had time to move.As he jolted to the door, I caught a glimpse of a kit my age.she was white like me.She was tied up with a rope.And her mouth was covered.She was squriming to get free.Before I could save her the anamorphic I was already at the outside front of his strange home.He set me down on the snow covered night.

''Now run little one.RUN.Keep running til you can't run anymore!''

I didn't budge at all, just stared at the dark tall woods that lay ahead of me.The tall anamorphic got on all fours and snarled a most terrifying snarl and baring his long sharpe fangs at me.This startled me and I bolted off into the woods.As I ran I heard him dash back in his home.Followed by a high pitched scream,but it appurttly stopped then silence was all I could hear apart from my padding footsteps on the crunchy snow.I was alone,hungry,confused,scared and lost.

I ran on and on, constantly rubbing against thron bushes and tripping on roots.But no matter what I ran and ran never looking back.Never slowing down.The only things I left behind were my never ending tears.After running nonstop I tripped and fell down a trench. Rolling down the hill cutting myself on sharpe twigs that stuck up in the Snow coveverd ground.I finally reached the bottom.I landed akwardly and heard a loud snap in my right arm followed by an excruciating pain.I whimpered out loud in pain.Squeling like death.I was numb from the cold and I just layed there cut up, bleeding in several places, hurt badly, and crying out for everything that happened on this dreaded night.I heard a soft angelic signing a sorrowful song in a lanage I couldn't understand Then the owner of the angelic voice appeared from the thickects in front of me.A beautiful longfured Fox appeared.Her coat was a pure white.Her eyes as blue as the sky.Long legs,Long Pure white hair that blew so beautifully in the gentle winter's breeze. She slowly walked up to me.

I tried to back away.Fearing she would kill me.But I was imoble and pain only shot through my hurt arm.I yelped in pain.She crouched down and gentely picked me up in her arms.She was warm and soft.She seemed so kind and gentle.Reminding me of mother.Although nothing could replace my mama.She spoke in her soft voice.

''I'm not going to hurt you little one.''

She held me close and started walking slowly with my wrapped in her soft warm arms with her tail on my as a blanket from the unwelcome cold.

''I'm going to take care of you.''

I wondered if I was in heaven.I know mama talked of it in her stories.It was one of my favorite stories she told me.Is mama here?.If this was heaven ,liked it so far.She started to hum me a song.Which strangely resembled mama's but with a brighter tune to it.I was exhausted and fell asleep in her arms.Knowing that I was safe with her.