Kevin Foxboy 01

Story by KevinFoxboy on SoFurry

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#1 of KFB

Why chimera slaves?

Kevin Foxboy 1) Intro

R4G2 Fox-Human mix; male; russet hair and fur. BioSyn Montana facility, DNA line K, Variant N, trial 47.

Scientific breakthroughs tend to become trivial technology; witness last century's room-sized computers, invented by the USA for artillery and missile targeting, filling entire rooms, costing millions of dollars and needing a large staff just to keep them running --reduced to hand-held devices with more computing power and memory, treated as almost fashion accessories! Or the 1960's vision of personal phones, outlandish at the time -- flip-open phones have been common for years and people just assume everyone has a home phone, a cell phone, a

Such a transformation has now occurred with the very fabric of our selves -- the DNA that makes us what we are. Last century saw animal cloning, the sequencing of the human genome, and something supremely wonderful but supremely sinister -- recombinant DNA tech-niques that promised medical breakthroughs and led to corruption, debauchery, slavery ... "Absolute power ..."

It started innocently enough. Medical advances let people live longer, long enough for diseases taking ten years or more to rear their ugly heads. Emergency care needed blood and fluids to keep people alive long enough to get hospital care. So DNA recombination was used to make several generations of the four levels, popularly shorthanded as R1, R2, R3, and R4.

R1G1 produced body fluids -- blood plasma and insulin originally. Its artificial nature meant it had no antibodies or added proteins to filter out; better than 'universal donor' fluids, made cheaper by high-volume production to meet demand. It ended doctors' reliance on extraction from animals and made their lives better. R1G2 produced bone, blood platelets, red cells, and white cells -- pure, general use, mixed as needed. R1G2 white cells were 'tabula rasa', made to order. Perfect for gobbling up bacteria, viruses, even cholesterol from a live person's arteries, just like taking an aspirin tablet or cold capsule. People got healthier, food was fun again. But, the dark side showed up: blood was healthier, but organs were not.

Enter R2G1 entire organs. Replace a sick person's blood just like an automobile oil change. Now replace damaged lungs, stomachs, intestines, livers, kidneys. Out with the old, in with the new. Diabetes -- gone! Arthritis, cirrhosis, emphysema became unknown. Doctors used to spend time figuring out what went wrong -- who cares, just replace the failed part! New blood and organs without irritants eliminated rejection. Health insurers loved it -- replacements became cheaper than tests, exploratory surgery and follow-up care. R2G2 hearts took the strain from natural ones, machines, artificial hearts, pacemakers. Heart disease simply disappeared, as easy to cure as a broken fingernail. Damaged nerves could be replaced, and with skill, paralyzed people could be retaught to walk, run, and have a life again! Even brain damage was replaced, saving sight, hearing, and motor control. But memories and 'what makes us human' continued as mysteries beyond health care, the provinces of philosophy or religion.

R3G1 entire bodies blew the debate wide open. What the hell were the legal rights of artificial people? Not natural, not 'God-made' -- produced in factories! Media and clergy of all faiths had been uneasy but relatively quiet before. Now they exploded with 'Dr. Frankenstein's creatures!' fury, irrational since R3G1s weren't stitched-together corpses. The whole Recom program almost fell apart. Eventually medical needs resuscitated it with even more government interference 'for the good of the people'. R3G2 went ahead only because of the 'mix' requirement. R3G2s weren't people, they were chimerae --mixed human and animal DNA. At first, expensive custom work, quickly just generic 'off-the-shelf' products. Quicker reactions and better senses than k , but dumber than oxen. On purpose -- the business doesn't want its products getting ideas or injuring customers. R3 laborers never went on strike, never complained about conditions, just did what they were told. They were just self-mobile tools you could order around, not human so labor laws didn't apply.

R3 security guards did just that, guard; never bored, never asleep on the job, always obedient to their bosses but hell on intruders. Stronger and quicker than humans, they grabbed and ripped, breaking bones against walls, desks, whatever. You had to train them if you wanted anything left to interrogate. Their brains were grown in organic-soup tanks, just enough to run their bodies and do their jobs, no 'spare' neural connections. They didn't need to feel pain, they'd just tell their bosses if parts didn't work right. They had no emotions to appeal to or take advantage of; you couldn't reason with them, they were too dumb. 'No fear, no pity, no remorse ... they wouldn't stop until you were dead' ...

R4G1s came about because people wanted personal servants. At first just hospital orderlies, janitors, and the like; then patient assistants and clerical work, tracking patient care on computers. This required too much intelligence for an R3, but patients, nurses, and doctors had to get used to 'non-people' because the 'mix' requirement made creatures with fur that walked mostly upright but with heels off the floor and heads like cats, dogs, various other mammals, or even lizards. Now we have R4G2s that talk almost normally like people, wear clothes by choice, and have simplified brains in almost-human-sized heads. You could pass by one in the store, and if you didn't look at the head they look just like people. But they're not citizens, they're not people, they're slaves. Legal property of some human they have no civil rights, never will; it's not clear if they have animal-abuse protection. Kill one you own and just dispose of it as garbage; kill someone else's and it's just destruction of property.

My name is Alysa Benton of Butte, Montana, and I wanted a domestic servant and pleasure slave. Not because I need one but because I can, legally, morally and financially. I went to Biological Synthetics Incorporated in Montana and picked one out, a male fox-human mix; they called it Kevin. I saw it in the tank, its mind unfinished; and it saw me to imprint its mind, so it would know I was its Mistress, Lady Alysa. Then I left BioSyn so they could finish my property.