Learning to Live Again: Foreword

Story by Malichi Vestal on SoFurry

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I'm working on a book and want to write a foreword to describe it without giving away too much. Can anybody give me some ideas, please?

What does it mean to live? Is it when you sit and watch t.v? Play a video game? Drive to and from work or school? No. That's merely surviving day-to-day. To live means to hold the one you love, push your luck, make mistakes, have fun and just get some adrenaline pumping through your system. I've seen too many people just completely shut down and no longer live, only survive, me included. We get into this routine that is easy for us. When that happens, we forget how to live. We don't see the big picture. We only see it when we are pushed out of our comfort zone, into unfamiliar places. If you truly want to live, step outside that comfort zone. Do something out of the ordinary.