a day at the hospital

Story by Mosesj on SoFurry

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#1 of Transformation: Gender shifting

Hello, this is the first story submitted to sofurry! The thumbnail was made by razicat over on fa http://www.furaffinity.net/user/razicat/

One trip to the doctor's room

Thomas nervously twiddled his furred thumbs together, the fox always hated going to see the doctor. It seemed that the hospital was even more crowded today than usual, full of patients coughing and hacking as they have come down with the recent sickness that swept across the city. His friend slapped his hands, knocking them away from each other

"Stop that, you're going to be just fine" His tiger friend rumbled.

"Sorry Micheal, it's just that these hospitals always get to me." He replied anxiously, looking down the line of people waiting for service. He pulled out a slip of paper from his breast pocket and looked at it; a number twenty nine was on it typed and formal. He looked up at the digital reader, which had just proclaimed that five was next. He looked up on to the ceiling, reflecting on the events of that morning.

He was having stomach aches as of late, steadily getting worse and worse until Michael insisted that he'd take him to the hospital. Thomas would have gone alone, but he had his license revoked was forced to let Micheal drive; a humiliating thing to him. His face turned red at the memory, and he chose to focus on something else.

Thomas eventually grew bored waiting, and gave Micheal the number, who took it without a word. He picked up a nearby magazine, and began to browse through it. This continued for an hour and five magazines, when the fox felt a nudge by the tiger and he looked up to see his number. "break a leg there, champ" Micheal teased, Thomas glaring at him in return. He walked up to the counter where a nurse greeted him with a warm smile. He raised his hand to show his number to her, to which she took and indicated for him to follow into an examination room, proceeding to tell him that the doctor will be in a second. Thomas, bored, looked around the sterile room, it reminded him of those probing stations in the alien movies. He sat down on one of the chairs in the corner of the room and shuddered, trying to get the thought of probes out of his mind and waited.

Several moments have passed, Thomas was stretched out, bored and counting the tiles on the ceiling when he heard a loud scream come from the other room. He rose to his paws, and cocked one ear, waiting to hear another to see if he imagined it when it came again. Curious to see what was going on, he rushed into the hallway just in time for a fox to crash into him, knocking both of them to the floor. Thomas groaned, dazed as he tried to regain his senses to see the fox flee into the hallway, the double doors swinging open and shutting. He groans and rises to his butt, to see a metal badge fall down, onto his lap. It was a patient tag with a code number on it

"There she is, come on Sasha, you'll feel better after the operation." He looks up in surprise to see a large bird doctor and two male gator nurses, even larger than the bird, one of whom quickly wrap his arms behind him.

"Hey! wait-mph" the doctor put his feathered hand on Thomas' mouth, closing it shut.

"Shh, you gave us permission to do this, and you did warn that you might panic, and that we were allowed to subdue you." Thomas squirmed as they lifted him off his paws, the doctor attaching a muzzle to his face. They carried him to one of the operation rooms, Thomas struggling at this turn of events, but the assistants held firm. "Don't worry miss, you're going to feel just fine after" Thomas was scared, what were they going to do to him? They put him on a operation table and he saw a tube attach to the end of his muzzle. They were putting him to sleep! He tried to fight the gas but soon it sank into his nostrils and began to take effect, slowing the fox down until he soon fell asleep.

The fox stopped moving, his chest slowly rising and falling. Doctor Otto smiled with satisfaction "good, we'll head along with the new method" he nodded to his assistants, who wordlessly began to hand him the tools for the operation. He paused momentarily as if he wasn't sure about something, but shook his head. He bent down with his surgeon tools "remember boys" He said as he concentrated on the task in front of him "if this works, we're going to become famous men" The two gave large grins and proceeded to watch the operation. The doctor worked with amazing speed as he cut open the fox's chest but only into his breasts. "Syringe" the bird ordered, and one was placed in his outstretched hand. He raised it to his eye and looked at the white liquid swirling in it before dropping it down to the fox's exposed breast. He squeezed the liquid into it, where it swirled and shook for a moment before laying still. "Put the breast in" A gator produced what looked like a slimy mound of white goo in the shape of a breast, which the doctor quickly grabbed and carefully placed it facing upwards in the vulpine. "good, now hand me the next batch" repeating the process on the next one. With them in place, the doc closed the small buldges in his breasts. "Now with that in place, we just have to pop this pill into his mouth and the results should tell us if we made a breakthrough or not." The assistants looked at each other nervously before the larger of the two used a pair of pliers to pick up a large blue and pink pill, seeming to be very afraid of touching the medicine. The doctors had no such worries and picked up the pill from the pliers before bending down to his patient's mouth "open wide missy" he said before opening his mouth and throwing the pill in. He made the unconscious male swallow the pill and watched as his throat moved up and down. "Now... we wait" He stepped back and crossed his arms, and his two nurses stood there and waited for the effects to take place. Moments passed and there was no change in Thomas. Otto frowned and began to write this off as a failure when there was a sudden gurgling sound. The trio, surprised by this noise, leaned in closer to observe the changes taking place. Thomas' body began to shift, steadily taking the body of a curvy female. His waist shrunk and his hips grew wide. His thighs grew thicker and his body became more feminine until there was nothing masculine left. His hair grew longer and his features softer. Where there was a male fox now laid a vixen, asleep with no idea of what happened to her. The smaller gator was furiously writing notes down on a clipboard, and the doctor asked for a scalpel. IT was a success, with the last thing to do is to rearrange his crotch and within a few minutes, a rough vagina was formed. The pill's effects began to take shape on the new pussy, rearranging his previous male organs to create a fertile womb.

Soon, his breasts began to form. The serum he was injected with began to eat the goo and take its shape, growing more and more as it did so. Thomas' chest quickly began to resemble a large pair of breasts, the serum pushing out and the breasts looking like large inflatables; that is, until they stopped growing and fell down, acting like a normal pair of boobs now. The gator came and shook Otto's paw "congratulations sir, this is a major breakthrough you accomplished" The doc smiled and hugged him in a friendly way. Just then... there was a knock on the door, and with the operation complete, The doc felt fit to open the door. There was another assistant, this time a otter, with the patient in her grip. "Sir, we managed to find Sasha" The Doc froze in shock "but, we just finished... oh no" But it was too late, Thomas was now a biological female.

Thomas woke up, his eyes flashing open and was blinded by the operation light bearing down on his furred face. He groaned, his voice sounding strange to him, and began to rise. He felt a strange weight on his chest and looked down to see two large breasts. "wha... WHAT!!!!" he shrieked in a feminine voice and his paws rushed to dispel the illusion in front of him. But they were real and his hands sunk into their flesh. It was only then that he noticed the hair brushing against his left eye, how padded his ass felt on the table, that he saw that he turned into a full female. "What, what the fuck happened?!" She could only curse. The doc stood by, looking at her with a serious look. Micheal was next to him, with what looked like a cross between suppressed laugh and sympathy on his face.

Otto cleared his throat and began to speak, his head hung low "there... seemed to be a mix up. We were doing surgery for a one Miss Sasha, who's been known to have panic attacks while at the hospital. She suffered one such panic, ran out of the operation room, and well, you know the rest of the story. I am sorry" He seemed to be deeply regretful of his accident.

Thomas, now Tiffany, looked at him and felt a ping of sympathy. She had a feeling that she should be angry but she didn't feel that. She opened her arms and hugged him "There there, doc." She patted his back. Otto gasped and wrapped his arms around her as well, it seems she was rather accepting of what happened to her. Tiffany let go of him and smiled "does this mean I get a free checkup?" She asked.

"Hmm, yes. It's the very least I could do for you"

She giggled and looked at Micheal "Well, that was unexpected don't you think?" Micheal was surprised by Tiffany's acceptance of transgender, but he always thought there were a female inside him.

"Now then... about my clothing bill..."
