The Gentle Juggernaut II: Of Fury, Shadows and Iron

Story by Rhazagal on SoFurry

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#2 of The Gentle Juggernaut

Tirnel gets more accustomed to his life among the Gnolls, even getting a chance to thank Dagnyr for his timely rescue from the clutches of the Huntmaster. The half-elf also gets to meet the third and final member in the little group of close friends -and lovers- formed by Rhaz and Dag.

With a grunt Tirnel dropped the armful of firewood he'd been carrying to Rhaz's hut all the way from the large storage hut near the edge of the Bloodaxe village. Following that he unloaded the two hefty waterskins he'd filled from the slowly flowing, shallow river that lay near the southern edge of the village. A portion of the river was included in the circle of stone totems that formed the borders of the Gnolls' village perimeter and acted as the invisible bars to the half-elf's prison.

Tirnel had made a test during his trip to the river. He had intentionally approached the stone markers and he had definitely felt his collar heating up and even seen the hellish red glow the normally invisible runes had started emitting. He had decided not to push his luck and went on about his task of filling the waterskins instead.

The most peculiar thing he had noticed during his test was how the Gnolls themselves had barely reacted to him approaching the markers. Some of them had turned to look at him, and informed some of their nearby comrades of the event, but not one had tried to approach him or try to stop him from closing in on the edge. Some had even looked kind of disappointed when he had turned back, having clearly expected a gory spectacle. Obviously the beasts knew of the power of the collars... And after his test Tirnel had to admit he was a believer as well.

The half-elf mage wiped sweat from his brow, swiping then the stray locks of his blonde hair behind his slightly pointed ears to keep them away from his face. By his count this was the fourth day of his captivity in the Gnolls' village, but this was the first time he'd dared to leave Rhaz's hut to do the tasks that were expected of him. The Gnoll himself was off on a hunting trip just like every other day. He left at the crack of dawn and returned an hour or two before dusk settled in. The Gnoll Brave always left Tirnel something to eat whilst he himself was gone, so he didn't have to go hungry.

Rhaz had been very particular when instructing Tirnel how he should behave whilst walking among the tribe. He wasn't supposed to make eye contact with anyone; neither Gnoll nor slave. If another Gnoll approached him he was supposed to lower his gaze even further and slump up a little more as a sign of submission. He was also supposed to look generally meek, timid and otherwise non-threatening; a simple task when surrounded by the snarling, bestial, towering, spotted brutes.

Every adult Gnoll Tirnel had seen thus far had been if not over then at least very, very close to seven feet tall, brutish and muscular; much in the way Rhaz was. Only Rhaz's friend -and sometimes lover, apparently- Dagnyr was an exception to this. Dagnyr was a full head shorter and far lankier -dare he even say scrawnier- than Rhaz, or the Huntmaster Gorra or any other Gnoll he'd seen.

Tirnel wondered idly if Dagnyr had had a tough time in the tribe because of his small stature... Even in the more civilized societies smaller kids were often picked on by the bigger kids. It had to be far worse among these savages who seemed to live by the rule of the strongest.

With his tasks done Tirnel shed the crude cloth vest he'd been given, keeping on just the loincloth, and sat down on the pile of furs topped by a massive, gray bear pelt that was Rhaz's -and now also his- bed. The interior of the hut was warm enough as it was, even if the air outside got a bit chilly during the nights, so he didn't need the vest.

Idly the half-elf ran his hand over the lush fur of the bear pelt, his gaze wandering onto one of the shelves lining the hut. More particularly he was looking at the smooth piece of white marble on the shelf. The piece was small enough to fit comfortably into his palm and it had a single rune -dwarven, Tirnel knew- carved onto it. The stone had magical powers, but an artefact of legends it certainly wasn't. The magic of the stone could be used to remove dirt and otherwise make things clean; a simple cantrip taught to every apprentice Wizard. It felt good to know, that even though the collar he wore was robbing him of his own magic, he was still able to use objects that were already magical; like the stone, for example.

He placed his palm on one particular spot on the pelt and smiled faintly. That spot, now clean thanks to the stone, was where his seed had spilled during his first night as the personal slave to Rhaz. By the All-Seeing Eye had his butt been sore the following morning... Yet he'd still felt so good waking in the arms of the titanic warrior.

Since their first night together Rhaz hadn't insisted on having sex again, they had merely just slept together with Tirnel's back pressed firmly against the broad, muscular chest of the large beast. Though from what Tirnel had learned of the Gnolls the Brave would've been well within his rights and more than able to take him again whether Tirnel wanted it or not. In a way Tirnel found the thought of the brute just ravishing him a little bit exciting... but no, he shouldn't think this way. Even if Rhaz was surprisingly gentlemanly for a savage Berzerker...

Still, one thing Tirnel had learned of Rhaz was that the Gnoll loved to watch him. That was the other reason he always took off his vest when he was in the hut. Seeing the desire on the large Gnoll's face and the way the monstrous savage seemed to want to absorb in every little detail of his body admittedly made Tirnel feel pretty good about himself. Perhaps all the attention appealed to the vanity in his elven ancestry? The idea amused Tirnel a little bit.

It was just last evening that Rhaz had looked quite adorable when he'd asked Tirnel to take off his loincloth and show himself to the Gnoll. In a typical fashion to Gnolls Rhaz's question had been more of an indirect order, but the intent behind it had been clear enough.

The half-elf had indeed given to the beast what he wanted, trying his best to imitate the dancers he'd seen in the drinking hole in Golemar where he'd signed up to escort that fateful caravan. Tirnel wasn't a professional dancer by any length of the imagination, but he'd tried his best to look as sensual as he could whilst taking off his loincloth and showing off his body -all of it- for the Gnoll to see and enjoy. By the end of the show, as Tirnel lay naked on his side illuminated by the firelight with a satisfied smile on his face, Rhaz had been pitching quite the tent in his loincloth. Tirnel felt almost disappointed nothing had transpired after that, though he had to admit he was still a little nervous about the idea of being mounted again by the considerably larger and heavier male.

Tirnel's eyes fell onto the fireplace. Tomorrow, perhaps, he'd clean out the ashes from it and haul them to the trash pit. He'd deliberately taken the long way around to pass by the dumping ground earlier that day whilst on his way to get the firewood just so he could learn where it was. Somehow it didn't surprise him that -by the looks of it- the pit seemed to contain very little in the way of leftover food or anything of the sort. The Gnolls seemed to eat even the bones from their meal.

"That's at least something the scholars have gotten right in their books." Tirnel thought quietly to himself as he put his hands behind his head and lay down on the bed, staring at the smoke hole in the ceiling and the clear blue sky beyond.

He'd have enough time for a little nap before Rhaz was back, by the looks of it, and somehow the physical activity of hauling firewood and water combined with the rather nerve-wracking first walk through the village had left him feeling tired.

Rustling from the doorway woke Tirnel up. Groggily he sat up and tried to rub the sleep from his eyes, feeling a little wary still even though Rhaz's hut was the one and only place in the village that in his books was "safe".

The half-elf relaxed considerably, even managing a little smile, as he saw the familiar leather-clad figure of Dagnyr slipping in. "Hi Dagnyr. What brings you here? Where's Rhaz?" Tirnel asked in the common language of the civilized races, trying his best to not sound sleepy.

He was silently glad Rhaz and Dagnyr spoke common so fluently, though they did have a rather amusing way of emphasizing and to an extent elongating the Rs when they spoke. Speaking the guttural, brutish language of the Gnolls for any extended period of time, however, just made Tirnel's throat ache.

Dag lowered his leather hood and even flashed Tirnel a toothy grin before squatting by the fireplace. "Rhaz'll be here in a moment, he just needs to take the haul to the storage hut and grab his share first. As for me... Rhaz told me to come here ahead of him, seeing how I'll be staying for dinner."

Whilst he talked, the sleek Gnoll went about the business of lighting a fire, gathering up kindling and small twigs into a neat pile before digging out one of his kukris as well as a short metal rod no thicker than Tirnel's pinky finger. Dag struck the metal rod with the back of his weapon's blade and, instead of the sparks Tirnel was expecting, a small jet of fire shot from the point of impact directly onto the kindling, setting it alight instantly.

The Gnoll grinned as he saw the dawning realization on the half-elf mage's face, confirming Tirnel's suspicion a second later "Yeah, a little curio I bought from some humans who didn't really care about the hairiness of the customer's skin, so much as the glimmer of their coins."

Tirnel could only nod at that. He wasn't at all surprised that there were people out there who were greedy enough, or crazy enough -or Hells, both- to trade with Gnolls. Idly he wondered if the Gnolls also sold some of their slaves to people like that in exchange for... Probably weapons and armor.

In no time at all Dagnyr had expertly coaxed the little fire into a proper, steady blaze, the Gnoll slipping out of his sleeveless leather chest armor to better bask in the heat. Now that his chest was bare, Tirnel could see that despite his small stature Dag was still quite fit even if he lacked the bulk of an ordinary Gnoll. He could also see several large scars that marred the hyenaman's chest, abdomen and -in all likelihood- his back as well.

The corner of Dagnyr's muzzle twisted into a little smile as he noticed the half-elf staring at his scars. "Had a rough time whilst I was a pup, in case you wonder where I got those from. That and the life of a part-time adventurer is fraught with peril as well."

"Was it... Because you are--" Tirnel had to swallow before finishing his sentence. He didn't want to offend Dag. The Gnoll had saved him from the Huntmaster Gorra after all. "Because you're not quite as massive as the other Gnolls? I... Don't mean any offense with that, of course."

Dag's smile turned into a painful half-grin, half-grimace "You're a sharp one, Tirnel... It's not easy to be a runt in the tribe, even more so if you're a 'no-mane' like me. Hells... I'm not even allowed to have a personal slave of my own unlike just about every other Brave in the tribe." Dag ran his paw through the fur on the top of his head and down his neck as emphasis. It was true Dagnyr had no mane to speak of, unlike literally every other Gnoll Tirnel had seen.

"It's... Much the same in more 'civilized' societies, you know." Tirnel replied, eliciting a giggling laugh from Dag.

"Not so different, then, Gnolls and the so-called civilized folk, eh?"

"Not really, I suppose..."

A deep silence, permeated only by the crackle of flames, fell into the hut. The mixblood and the Gnoll both just stared at the ever-changing dance of flames, both sunken into their own thoughts.

Finally -after a couple of minutes- it was Tirnel who broke the silence. "I never thanked you properly for saving my butt from the Huntmaster, Dag."

Dagnyr just flicked one clawed hand dismissively, the corner of his muzzle turning upwards into a little smile once more "Nah... I said it then and I'll say it once more: think nothing of it."

"Well... If there's anything I can do for you -which, considering the circumstances isn't much- just let me know."

Dagnyr chuckled, clearly a little uncomfortable, the Gnoll reaching one paw behind his head to rub at his neck whilst not looking directly at Tirnel "Well... There's one thing in the 'anything' category I might be interested in, though I'd have to ask Rhaz first if he's willing to share you. Knowing him, though, I've got a feeling I've been invited for dinner just for that reason..."

Tirnel was taken back by the Gnoll's words. In all honesty he hadn't considered laying with Dagnyr as a way of repaying his debt. Realistically thinking, however... What the Hells else would he be able to do whilst stripped both of his worldly possessions and his magic? And Tirnel had to admit that Dag also had a certain appealing charm about him. He seemed to be well-mannered and the soft tone of his voice was quite pleasant to listen to. Not to mention that grin of his was rather charming.

Dag's words did, however, raise a question in Tirnel's mind. "Dag... Out of curiosity. Do you know is it how common for you Braves to share your personal slaves?"

Dagnyr gave a little shrug "I've heard it happens. Especially between hunting buddies and occasionally siblings. Blood relation is one of the few things that instills any sort of sense of unity in most of my kind. Fear is another, obviously and respect... Well that too, but it's rare."

"Well you and Rhaz seem to have a lot of respect for each other."

"Heh... Well you know me and Rhaz aren't quite like most Gnolls. It's a sad truth that you've already met most of those in the tribe who aren't dumb as a bag full of hammers." Dagnyr tossed another piece of wood into the fire before continuing "It's a rare thing when a Gnoll is born with intellect matching that of an average human even if my kind tends to be somewhat cunning by nature. Needless to say it is even rarer for a Gnoll to be born with intellect surpassing that of a human or, even more so, that of an elf. I'm one such blessed individual, as are Rhaz and -though you haven't met him yet- Gashkarr. Gorra, too, is far smarter than an average Gnoll, even if it doesn't show at times. He didn't gain the position of a Huntmaster with sheer brawn alone. He's actually got a mind for planning and tactics, and the fact he can knock some heads together to make others follow his orders helps quite a bit."

Tirnel listened in silent fascination, his eyes slightly narrowed as he was often want to do whilst focusing intently. From what he had gathered on his walk earlier the other Gnolls had spoken in short sentences even though they were using their own language. He wondered how many of them even understood the common language, much less any other.

"It is actually thanks to Gorra that our tribe has been absolutely flourishing these past few years. Unfortunately the fame and adoration have gotten into that thick head of his." Dagnyr finished with a smile "I'm not boring you, am I?"

"Not at all. Not at all. It's all quite interesting, actually. I'm... an academic at heart, when it's all said and done, so information like this is... Awesome." Almost as an afterthought Tirnel added "I don't think many -if indeed any- scholars have gotten such a deep insight into the workings of a Gnoll tribe."

"The fact you are easy on the eyes -unlike most scholars I've seen- helps a good bit in gaining that insight... If he didn't find you attractive, he probably would've struck you dead rather than knocked you out; both still fates far more pleasant than ending up as a regular slave in the tribe, mind you." Dagnyr's compliment, and the accompanying smile, made the tips of Tirnel's ears feel hot.

The half-elf couldn't deny the fact that he far preferred being the personal slave of Rhaz rather than just a slave. He'd seen the filthy, miserable chain gang of vacant-eyed slaves laden with firewood returning from who knew how far away, the clinking of their chained, slouching feet accompanied by the snarling shouts of their drivers and the frequent crack of whips.

"I... Thank you, Dag." Tirnel finally managed to mumble in return. It was so strange... A week ago his mind was filled with almost nothing but the obsession for learning and improving his skills as a Mystic Theurge. Now he was discovering a whole new side of himself. A side which enjoyed the feeling of the large, warm body of another male pressed up tightly against his and the feeling of security provided by strong, furry arms embracing him... Such thoughts wouldn't have ever even crossed his mind had he not had that fateful encounter with the Gnolls.

Dagnyr just nodded politely at Tirnel, after which silence fell into the hut once more. Soon enough, however, Rhaz finally entered the hut, a burlap sack in paw which, Tirnel guessed, contained their dinner.

"Sorry I took so long." Rhaz said, giving both Tirnel and Dagnyr a little nod before dropping the bag onto the floor.

"Hello, 'master'." Tirnel replied with a soft smile, using the term he was supposed to use of Rhaz out in public. He'd just made a habit of saying it even whilst they were alone to get accustomed to it.

"Well it's about time... What the Hells took you so long, big guy?" Came Dag's reply right after Tirnel's, though he said it with a grin on his face, clearly harboring no ill will towards the larger Gnoll for his tardiness.

"Gash is back, so I figured I would talk with him for a while. Apparently the raid he led went well and they got a good haul out of it." As he spoke, Rhaz opened the burlap sack and pulled out their meal for that evening: dark bread, a full waterskin, smoked fish and... a small clay jar half-filled with butter. That had to be a real luxury around here...

Dagnyr's expression was one of amazement, the smaller Gnoll's jaw hanging slightly open for a while "He's back? Did y-"

Rhaz interrupted Dag before the other Gnoll could say any more, a smile on the brute's face as he turned to look at his companion "Yes, yes I did invite him as well. He said he'd come after paying the obligatory respects to the Matriarch and taking his share of the spoils. He said he wasn't hungry, though, so no point in waiting for him."

The other Gnoll nodded once, his tail giving a couple of excited swishes "And I take it that skin isn't filled with water?"

"Indeed. Snagged some wine from the pile of goods Gash's group brought in."

Rhaz offered the wineskin to Dagnyr, who in turn pulled the cork off, took a careful sniff and then a little sip. A content sigh slipped from the smaller Gnoll's muzzle after swallowing. Clearly the wine was to his liking.

Dag passed the wineskin to Tirnel, who also went through the same motions as the Gnoll: first inhaling the rich, fruity, delightful scent of the wine before taking a sip. The half-elf savored the taste for a good while with his eyes closed, also sighing in enjoyment after swallowing. Whoever had made that wine clearly knew what they were doing. The taste was absolutely wonderful!

Following that the dinner itself passed in merry spirits with Rhaz and Dag mostly recounting the tales of their adventures together whilst Tirnel mostly listened, just about hanging onto every word, laughing at some of the antics the Gnolls had done both in their youth as well as later in life. The fish tasted surprisingly good even if it was a little dry, but the wine and good company were the things that definitely made the dinner.

Tirnel was seated next to Rhaz resting his head against the brute's chest whilst the Gnoll kept an arm gently around his shoulders. The wine had left him feeling a little tipsy, but that just made it all the better.

Dag sat not far away from them, letting his head roll back followed by a belch and a satisfied sigh "By the Gods... Few things are better than a filling dinner in good company with some alcohol."

"Yeah, I can agree with that..." Rhaz said in return, nudging his head towards an empty spot next to him on the bed before giving the other Gnoll a little grin "But don't just sit there all by your lonesome. Come join us here."

Dagnyr just nodded and stood up, taking the two steps that separated him from Rhaz before crouching down in front of the bigger Gnoll. For a moment the two hyenamen locked their eyes; or that's what Tirnel guessed at least. It was nigh-impossible to tell where a Gnoll was looking, exactly, seeing how their eyes were just solid-yellow with neither irises nor pupils.

A second later the two of them moved their heads forward, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss and Dag wrapping his arms around Rhaz, both of them slowly closing their eyes in enjoyment.

Slowly Rhaz's arm fell off Tirnel's shoulders, only to rise again a second later to embrace the other male whilst at the same time the bigger Gnoll lay down on his back on the bed and Dag lay down on top of him.

For a second Tirnel felt a little left out, but that feeling was soon enough wiped from his mind as his scholarly side took hold of him; he was a new addition to this whole thing, after all, whilst Dag and Rhaz had had feelings for each other for many years now. He shifted to the edge of the bed so as not to be in the way, watching in fascination at the passion between the two half-naked beasts.

Rhaz's large paws were trailing all over Dagnyr's body, feeling up the other male all the way from his shoulders to his rump, every kneading caress of his posterior causing Dag to growl lustily into the kiss. Dag, meanwhile, focused most of his attention on Rhaz's face, neck and shoulders, caressing those with passion matched only by that of their shared kiss.

Tirnel had to crouch low and cross his arms on his lap to hide the slowly rising tent in his own loincloth. There was just something so... Carnal about the way the two Gnolls' bodies were entwined.

A moment later the two of them broke their kiss, smiles on their faces as they gazed into each others' eyes, their noses just a breath away from touching. Rhaz's big, clawed hands were still slowly caressing over the curve of Dag's rump, the other Gnoll's tail swishing lazily in enjoyment in response to the attention.

"I guessed you wanted me here for this tonight..." Dag muttered so softly Tirnel had to strain his ears to pick it up, the Gnoll rubbing one of his lover's ears as he spoke.

Rhaz murred softly in response to having his ear rubbed, his eyes falling shut once more as he replied "I fully admit that is the truth. I've missed laying with you, Dag."

Dag giggled "Don't make it sound so dramatic, lover. It's only been a little over a week and besides, you've got your new friend to fill the empty spot on the bed whilst I'm not around. Speaking of..." Dagnyr turned to look at Tirnel with a smile "Will you share him with me, Rhaz; at least for one night?"

Rhaz lifted his head up from the bed to press a brief, soft lick onto Dag's cheek before turning to look at Tirnel as well "If he consents, I have no problem with it. Have at it whenever and as often as you feel like." Nodding to Tirnel he added with a smile "Don't feel pressured to agree though, Tir. It's quite alright to say no."

Tirnel blushed lightly, smiling nervously back at the two Gnolls "I... I think I would like that. He's... a very sweet guy."

"That he is..." Came Rhaz's quiet response, the brute giving Dagnyr a tender, loving look accompanied by a gentle caress of his practically non-existent mane.

The words and the gesture made Dag pin his ears flat and hang his head slightly in embarrassment whilst mumbling "You're both such flatterers."

"Indeed... Now go enjoy the little elf." Rhaz said whilst patting Dag lightly on the hip. The bigger Gnoll then rolled his friend off him and stood up, padding to where Dagnyr had originally been seated to observe what would happen next.

Both Dagnyr and Tirnel approached each other on their knees, meeting halfway with the half-elf putting his arms around the Gnoll's waist whilst Dag in turn gently wrapped his arms around Tirnel's shoulders.

Immediately Tirnel noticed, that despite the fact he wasn't anywhere near as bulky as Rhaz, Dag still had firm, taut musculature under that spotted fur of is. Dag also didn't seem quite as intimidating as the other Gnoll Brave.

Gently Dagnyr pressed his nose into Tirnel's hair, the Gnoll's eyes held shut as he inhaled the scent of the half-elf. All the while his clawed paws were working their way slowly over the back and shoulders of his soon-to-be lover, the feeling of smooth skin against his paws a delightful change from the fur of his Gnoll lovers.

Tirnel let out a soft gasp as he felt Dag nuzzling him, the cold, wet nose of the other male tickling him as it trailed from his hair down his face and to his neck, making the half-elf tilt his head out of the way to give the Gnoll more room to work. He couldn't help but let his eyes fall shut in relaxed enjoyment. Dag was so warm and his fur so soft... Just like Rhaz's.

Another little gasp left Tirnel's lips as Dag slipped his paws all the way down to his firm ass and beyond, the Gnoll's thumbs hooking onto the waistband of Tirnel's loincloth and pulling it down to the half-elf's knees in one smooth motion. A second later those big, strong paws returned to Tirnel's rump, slowly caressing and kneading the twin mounds, the Gnoll murring contently as he did so.

Already Tirnel could feel his manhood hardening rapidly at the prospect of sex with this surprisingly tender and loving creature. He couldn't wait any longer. He just had to see what the Gnoll was packing under his loincloth which, he noted, seemed to be slightly tented already.

Not wasting another moment he undid the skimpy garment hiding Dag's manly parts, Dag moving about obligingly as needed to let Tirnel do this. The mixblood's efforts were rewarded with the sight of a full sheath and a set of nicely sized testes, a little bit of a pink glans already peeking out of the Gnoll's sheath.

"Lay down on your back." Dagnyr instructed and Tirnel had no reason not to oblige. He had already noticed the Gnolls having a rather peculiar way of not asking politely for anything, but rather commanding, demanding or -at the very least- firmly requesting what they wanted.

Tirnel's train of thought was interrupted as Dag turned around and got on all fours above Tirnel, the slowly hardening cock of the Gnoll dangling almost tantalizingly right above his face. A sudden shiver ran through the half-elf's body as he felt the cold, wet nose of Dagnyr poking against his manhood, eliciting a soft moan from him. The poke with the nose was followed almost immediately after by the feeling of a broad, warm, equally wet tongue of the Gnoll dragging with almost agonizing slowness from the base to the tip and back down again, making Tirnel moan louder.

It took Tirnel a moment to gather his wits enough to return the favor, the half-elf placing his hands firmly on the Gnoll's hips, even trailing them over the curve of Dag's rump, whilst at the same time opening his mouth and taking the almost fully hard Gnoll cock in.

Dag was definitely smaller than Rhaz, Tirnel noted, though not by much; just enough for it to be noticeable. At the very least it was easier to take him in and Tirnel was more than happy to slowly bob his head up and down, flicking his tongue repeatedly over the glans of Dag's cock as often and as much as he could whilst the Gnoll did the same to him, though Dagnyr's tongue was far more dextrous than his.

From the corner of his eye Tirnel saw Rhaz had also stripped off his loincloth and was slowly masturbating, his eyes firmly fixed on the sixty-nine action between Dag and him. Tirnel also spotted the rather familiar bottle of lubricant lying next to the big Gnoll. Tirnel couldn't help but smile a little as he focused his full attention back on sucking Dagnyr's cock. Somehow it felt so good knowing that just looking at him and Dag gave the brute such pleasure.

It didn't take long for Tirnel to get the first taste of Dag's precum, the half-elf gulping down every last delicious drop that the Gnoll on top of him produced. Similarly he could feel Dagnyr lapping up the precum he felt he himself was practically leaking into the spotted beast's muzzle.

Dag was also enjoying himself quite a bit. It had been such a long time since he'd been intimate with a non-Gnoll and he sure as Hells was going to enjoy every little moment of this! A shadow falling onto him made Dagnyr open his eyes, the sight of a rigid, slightly pulsing shaft of Gnoll meat greeting him. The smaller Gnoll turned his gaze upwards to see the smiling face of Rhaz, Dagnyr's face splitting into a similar smile as well.

"Couldn't hold back any more." Rhaz said matter-of-factly, his voice not much louder than a whisper.

Dagnyr merely nodded and closed his eyes, moving his muzzle forward to envelop the whole length of his longtime lover's cock. A barely noticeable shiver of delight ran down the smaller Gnoll's spine as he started to bob his head back and forth along Rhaz's maleness which in turn made the brute moan softly whilst his head rolled backwards in blissful enjoyment.

Tirnel opened his eyes and looked past Dagnyr's spotted form to see what was going on as soon as the Gnoll's warm muzzle retracted from his manhood and he heard Rhaz's muttered words. When he saw Dag was busy giving head to Rhaz the half-elf smiled once more, giving the underside of Dagnyr's cock a tender little lick before crawling his way out from underneath the Gnoll.

The commotion made Rhaz tilt his head down and, upon seeing Tirnel sitting beside Dagnyr, the Brave smiled at his slave, getting a soft, cute little smile in return. Rhaz put one of his big paws on top of Dagnyr's head and started to gently but firmly direct the speed at which the smaller Gnoll's head moved, making Dagnyr let out a muffled moan.

"Would you like to mount him, Tir?" Rhaz's sudden question caused a little bit of confusion in Tirnel.

"I... I guess? I mean... Would it be appropriate, master? I'm supposedly the slave here." Tirnel managed to stammer out. The idea, however, did appeal to him. He'd already gotten to experience what it felt like being taken and, admittedly, he was curious what it would feel like to take someone.

"Move behind him." Rhaz instructed and Tirnel, after shrugging, was quick to obey.

With Dagnyr still on all fours -and quite enthusiastically bobbing his head up and down- Tirnel got a rather good view of the Gnoll's rump, though his tail was hiding most of his naughty parts.

This changed, however, when Rhaz leaned over the back of his lover and gave Dagnyr's tail a little swat with one big, clawed paw. Dag moved his tail to the side and Rhaz planted his paws quite firmly on the other Gnoll's rump, causing Dagnyr to let out another moan. The brute grabbed both paws full of Dagnyr's rump and spread the cheeks slightly apart to give Tirnel a better look at the tight, pink pucker of the smaller Gnoll. The sight made the half-elf's cock twitch a little and a small drop of precum pushed out, rolling languidly down the underside of his shaft.

"Surprising though it may be, Dagnyr quite enjoys being mounted." Rhaz said, the brutish Gnoll's face splitting into a little grin. Almost as if for emphasis Dagnyr let out another, louder moan.

All Tirnel could do was swallow hard, having to force himself to rip his eyes off the delicious sight of Dagnyr's exposed -and apparently quite eager and willing- posterior to look into the face of his "master".

When Tirnel couldn't seemingly get even a word out of his mouth, Rhaz continued, nodding with his head for emphasis "Get the lubricant, Tir. We don't want to keep him waiting, eh?"

Tirnel just nodded, licking his lips which suddenly felt rather dry, before clambering onto his feet and fetching what Rhaz had asked for. His heart was beating fast in his chest once more, blood rushing to his groin in anticipation. Somehow there was a certain appeal in getting to mount someone bigger and stronger than him; almost like taming a ferocious beast.

Rhaz nodded, letting out a mixture of a moan and a grunt as Dagnyr hit a particularly sensitive spot, the Berzerker screwing his eyes shut for a couple of heartbeats in sheer enjoyment before looking at Tirnel again. "Use it... Make sure you get yourself properly slick and then spread some on his pucker. Make sure you also smear it a little on the fur around his entrance."

As Tirnel threw a questioning glance at Rhaz the Gnoll continued with a smile "To make sure you don't accidentally snag some of the fur when making the penetration. I... speak with experience on this."

The half-elf nodded and replied "Understood... master." before getting to work with the lubricant. As instructed he lathered the slick substance carefully onto his erection first, masturbating a little in the process to ensure he was as hard as he could be. After that he poured some of the slick stuff onto two of his fingers and placed them gently onto the exposed tailhole of the smaller Gnoll, causing Dagnyr to moan again, a visible shiver running through his hindquarters.

With care Tirnel smeared the lubricant onto Dag's pucker, also making sure he followed Rhaz's instructions in slicking up the surrounding area as well.

When Tirnel was done Rhaz leaned over Dagnyr's back once more to take a cursory glance at the half-elf's handiwork. Satisfied with the results Rhaz gave another encouraging nod to Tirnel "Mount him."

Dagnyr slipped Rhaz's cock out of his muzzle, the Gnoll panting softly as he turned to look at Tirnel with need in his yellow eyes. He managed to only gasp and open his muzzle, clearly about to say something, before Rhaz took a hold of the lither Gnoll's head and slipped his cock back into Dag's muzzle, growling with playful dominance as he did so.

Tirnel trembled with anticipation as he shifted behind Dagnyr. Nervously the half-elf placed his hands onto the Gnoll's hips and lined the glans of his penis with the slick tailhole of the Gnoll, proceeding to slowly rub his tip against it to get a feel for it.

It felt quite enticing indeed... And the way Dagnyr moaned as Tirnel teased his entrance made another shiver run through the half-elf's spine. He didn't want to wait anymore. With a grunt Tirnel started to push his hips forward, getting quite the surprise as Dagnyr relaxed his entrance almost immediately, letting Tirnel slip in without much effort on his part. Clearly the Gnoll was used to being taken by someone bigger than Tirnel...

Dagnyr's passage was warm and tight around Tirnel's manhood and the half-elf let out an involuntary moan as more and more of his length sunk in to Dagnyr's rump, the lubricant making the penetration nice and smooth. When he felt his hips coming flush with Dagnyr's rump Tirnel paused for a moment, savoring the myriad feelings. The fact that someone so strong, so big and so savage was letting him mount them was... Quite the experience in and of itself to Tirnel. Not to mention Dagnyr was clenching quite hard around his shaft and that, too just felt so good...

Taking a deep breath and then slowly exhaling Tirnel prepared himself. He started to move his hips slowly backwards until only his tip was still inside the Gnoll's tailhole, before plunging firmly back in, his crotch slapping against Dag's rump firmly, making both of them moan. Tirnel repeated the motion again, and again, and again until he had built up a steady pace. The hut was soon filled with the sound of his hips slapping against the taut rump of Dagnyr's and the soft moaning of all three of them, though Dagnyr was without a doubt the loudest.

It didn't take long for Tirnel to notice Dag was actually pushing back against every thrust he made, whilst Rhaz was still keeping a firm paw on the smaller Gnoll's head, guiding the movements of Dagnyr's muzzle on his maleness. Tirnel could even see Rhaz bucking his hips lightly, making Dag moan all the louder.

The combination of alcohol, the exciting newness of the situation and the additional audio stimulation provided by Dagnyr -not to mention it had been a few days already since he'd last gotten off- all conspired to sap Tirnel's endurance considerably. It didn't take him long at all to feel a certain tightness in his scrotum accompanied by the slowly spreading tingling in the base of his manhood that he knew to be the heralds of an impending climax.

Tirnel's thrusting became somewhat irregular as he almost desperately tried to reach the climax that seemed to loom so close yet so far away. Finally, a few heartbeats later, he felt himself reach and then crossing the line, slamming his hips firmly against Dagnyr's ass to bury himself as deep as he could into the Gnoll's passage. A second later Tirnel's mouth felt open and he moaned loud and deep, his seed spilling in several powerful gushes into the Gnoll's rump. Dagnyr, meanwhile, was holding his hindquarters perfectly still to accept the half-elf's seed, even going so far as to arch his back to better present himself to Tirnel.

Blood was rushing loudly in his ears as Tirnel rode through his orgasm, the half-elf falling onto his back once he was spent, extracting his softening manhood with a lewd noise from the messy hole of the Gnoll. Tirnel's head was spinning as he lay there on his back, gasping for breath. It had felt good, great even, to get to mount someone, but even so he still figured he liked being taken by someone more.

Wearily Tirnel raised his head from the bed, a soft smile spreading onto his face as he saw Dagnyr had lain down onto his back with Rhaz on top of him, the smaller Gnoll's legs wrapped around Rhaz's waist whilst the bigger of the two was bucking his hips rapidly. Apparently Rhaz didn't mind sloppy seconds one bit, Tirnel thought idly to himself before laying his head down once more.

The physical exertion combined with the alcohol and the powerful orgasm had left him feeling rather weary. Surely there'd be no harm in resting his eyes for a moment? With that thought Tirnel let his eyelids -which felt heavier than lead- fall shut, the sounds of the two rutting Gnolls accompanying him to the land of dreams...

The sound of quiet talking brought Tirnel slowly back into consciousness. He was laying curled up into a ball on the bed and someone had put a blanket on him. Slowly he opened his eyes and sat up, stretching and yawning as he did so.

"Ah, finally awake." Tirnel heard Dagnyr say. "About time too. It's finally time for you to meet the last member of our trio: Gashkarr."

Tirnel rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes, noticing now that there was indeed a third Gnoll in the hut, sitting next to Rhaz who was leaning his head onto the newcomer's shoulder whilst Dagnyr sat between Rhaz's legs. All three Gnolls were seated on the opposite side of the fire from him on the spot where Dagnyr had originally sat when he'd arrived. He also noted neither Rhaz nor Dagnyr were wearing a shred of clothing and Gashkarr only had an unadorned, simple loincloth to cover his private parts as well as a small amulet fashioned from iron in the shape of a sword around his neck.

The third Gnoll, Gashkarr, was built much in the same way as Rhaz: big, strong and somewhat bulky, but something about him looked... different; almost disturbingly so. Gashkarr's fur was paler than that of Dagnyr or Rhaz, his cheeks were visibly hollow and his eyes were sunk deep into his skull. If Tirnel would've had to describe Gashkarr in one word the word he would've chosen would be... Sickly. Yet still it was obvious Gashkarr was in peak physical condition.

"May Our Lord in Iron bless you, Tirnel Starsong. You are lucky indeed to be chosen by someone as kind and caring as Rhaz." Gashkarr said softly whilst giving Tirnel a little bow, his words followed by a couple of quiet coughs.

"So he's a follower of Gorum?" Tirnel thought idly to himself. Out loud he replied, with a bow of his own "Pleased to make your acquaintance as well, Gashkarr of the tribe Bloodaxe. May the All-Seeing Eye watch over you and lend you his wisdom. And yes... I do consider myself quite lucky."

Turning his gaze to Rhaz Tirnel asked "Master... How long was I asleep? I'm sorry I passed out so suddenly..."

Rhaz just smiled and waved a dismissive paw in Tirnel's direction "Don't worry about it, Tir. You were out for an hour, maybe two. Gash here arrived just maybe a half-hour ago. We tried to stay quiet so as to not wake you up."

Gash turned to look at Rhaz, speaking in the language of the Gnolls "He's very gorgeous, Rhaz. You have chosen well. It warms my heart to know you and Dag have both been keeping such a beauty away from the clutches of that swine Gorra."

Rhaz smiled, nudging the underside of Gash's chin with his nose before replying, in the common tongue "You might as well use the common tongue, Gash. He understands and even speaks our language quite fluently."

The compliment had made Tirnel blush slightly, but luckily it didn't show too well in the blaze of the fireplace.

Gashkarr nodded to Rhaz, giving the other Gnoll a little, affectionate lick on the cheek before turning his attention back to Tirnel "In that case... I truly do mean what I said. I'm also very, very glad you haven't been giving my two companions any trouble."

"Why would I? Master and Dagnyr are both absolute gentlemen. They treat me well, so it's only reasonable I show respect and good manners in return; slave or not." Tirnel replied, getting an approving nod from Gashkarr in return.

Gashkarr turned to look at Rhaz and Dagnyr once more "The hour is late. I should get going." He bowed his head politely at all three of them and stood up, but Rhaz grabbed him by the wrist, grinning at the pale Gnoll.

"Stay the night, Gash. It's been quite a while since the last time..."

Gashkarr was silent and unmoving for a few heartbeats before giving a nod and kneeling next to Rhaz "Very well, but I must insist on not having sex tonight. I'm... Far too weary from the day to think of much else than sleep."

Rhaz gave Gashkarr a playful punch on the shoulder, still grinning "I wasn't even implying that, you religious nut. All three of us already got our enjoyment for the night whilst we were waiting for your slow arse to show up."

Gash merely grunted and punched Rhaz in the shoulder in an equally playful manner, though the pale Gnoll wasn't grinning or even smiling for that matter.

Dagnyr looked from Rhaz to Gashkarr before diving out of the way, making a perfect roll to land sitting next to Tirnel on the bed. Dag smiled at the half-elf whilst gesturing towards the other Gnolls who were still exchanging increasingly powerful punches and shoves. "Better get out of the way of those two hot-heads. You'll see soon enough, this'll end in sex..."

"T-They fight first and then have sex?" Tirnel asked in confusion, the half-elf's eyes darting from Dagnyr's face to the two larger Gnolls who were growling at each other with their fangs bared.

"It's a little game of theirs... In a way they try to establish which one gets to be on top. It's all in good humor though and they won't injure each other... seriously, at least." Dagnyr replied whilst pulling Tirnel to his lap. Tirnel saw no reason to resist, taking instead a comfortable position with his back resting snug against Dag's chest whilst the Gnoll put his arms gently around Tirnel's body.

"You were great, by the way. I'd love to be mounted by you again sometime in the future." Dagnyr added, letting then out a whooping giggle as Rhaz and Gashkarr lunged at each other and started quite an intense round of wrestling, the sounds of their growling and snarling soon filling the hut.

Tirnel blushed, a smile creeping onto his face "Thanks, Dag... And sure, maybe at some point we can do it again."

After a moment of silence, during which the two of them simply observed the contest of strength and skill between the two bruisers, Tirnel finally gathered enough courage to ask "Is something wrong with Gashkarr? He... Looks sickly. A-And how does he fit into the whole picture with you and Rhaz, if you don't mind me asking?"

"It's quite alright, I don't mind answering. Gash is... He's caught a bad case of the religion, as you may have noticed. He's been like that for almost as long as I can remember, though I think he started to really get into the worship of the Lord in Iron after the three of us ran into a group of questing knights who also happened to be devout Gorumites. Long story short, they thought we were monsters and would make for a nice scrap. Little did they know the three of us aren't exactly your run-of-the-mill Gnolls... Still, they put up one Hells-of-a-fight and I guess that really impressed Gash." Dagnyr replied whilst his gaze shifted slowly towards the ceiling, the Gnoll deep in the thrall of his memories with a little smile in one corner of his muzzle.

Letting out a little chuckle he went on "Anyway... He came into the picture about six months after Rhaz and I started to spend time together and forged a bond. We were all quite young still back then, but we really enjoyed each others' company. As for why he looks like that..."

Dagnyr held a small pause, the smile dying away, replaced by a mixture of seriousness and even a bit of sadness "Eventually Gash's devotion paid off... He's been touched by the Lord in Iron, granting him a connection to the Divine. Metal armor is like a second skin to him, not hindering him in the slightest no matter how heavy it might be and he can even use a limited amount of Divine magic. He's also quite resistant to diseases, even for a Gnoll, or so he claims, but all that power came with a heavy price... His body is ravaged, making him look and occasionally behave sickly, even though he's just as hale and hearty as Rhaz and me."

"Touched by the Divine... An oracle of Gorum?" Tirnel thought silently to himself whilst nodding his understanding to Dagnyr.

Meanwhile Gashkarr had managed to gain the upper hand in the wrestling competition, laying on top of Rhaz whilst pinning the other Gnoll's paws above his head by the wrists. Gash snarled loudly at the other male who, after a moment, let out a deep sigh, pinned his ears back and looked away to show his defeat.

With his victory secured Gashkarr released Rhaz's paws and sat up, both of them panting heavily with the physical exertion.

"Damn you, Rhaz... I told you I'm tired." Gash growled between gasps for breath, breaking down into a fit of coughing afterward, but he was quick to regain his composure.

"Well you could've always just given up if you're so tired." Rhaz shot back, a broad grin on his face as he hauled himself to a sitting position.

"And let you inflate your ego? Over my rotting corpse!" For the first time Tirnel saw a little hint of a smile touch the features of the pale Gnoll warrior.

For a few tense moments the two brutes just stared into each others' eyes without blinking, looking every bit like they'd start round two at any second. Tirnel actually caught himself holding his breath, a realization that made him immediately feel more than a little silly.

The tension in the hut was broken, however, when the two brutes embraced each other and shared a deep, passionate kiss that went on for a good while.

"Guess I was wrong... I suppose Gash really is feeling pretty worn out, huh?" Dagnyr muttered softly to Tirnel's ear, the hot breath of the Gnoll on his skin making the half-elf shiver a little.

When they eventually broke the kiss Gash delivered a sweet, tender and loving lick onto Rhaz's chin, saying "It feels good to be back, I admit. It's also nice to have the whole Pack together again. I... Truly missed the two of you whilst I was gone."

Rhaz just nodded softly whilst Dagnyr chimed in "The feeling's mutual, Gash. Good to have you back as well."

After that the four of them spent a while longer staying up despite the fact the moon was already high in the sky, draining the rest of the wine and generally making merry before finally giving in to their tiredness. Tirnel was the last one to fall asleep, comfortably spooning with Rhaz whilst right next to him Dagnyr was doing the same with Gashkarr, a little smile on the smaller Gnoll's muzzle as he snored quietly with his back firmly against the pale Gnoll's chest.

"So these are Rhaz's friends... Quite the motley group they make, but they all seem like decent people." The half-elf thought idly to himself, even though his eyelids felt like they were made of lead. Seeing no point in trying to resist any longer he closed his eyes and tried his best to relax; a task he found to be rather simple, given the feelings of warmth and security the trio of surprisingly kind-hearted "monsters" provided.