Daemon Possessor

Story by Vien on SoFurry

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#1 of Daemon Possessor

This is a story about a demon that goes to a alternate universe of our own where almost everything is the same except for everyone being werewolves.

Just some information I would like to share with all of you for this story. Earth and Hells time are two very different things. 1 day on earth is 1 year in hell. So 1 year on earth is 365 years in hell. So hell takes eternity to a new level. The demon in question died as a human September 1st, 1632 during the 30 year war, which was the war between Protestants and the Catholics. He fought against the Catholics as General Gustavus Adolphus and died in battle. He told me that he wasn't sent to hell because of his newly found views on religion; rather it was because of his cold acts during the war. This demon will learn what it means to have a soul. This seemed to be something the demon doesn't want...at first.

On the streets of Chicago, everything was business as usual. Then, in the midst of rush hour, everything seemed to get staticy and soon sparks of electricity could be seen in the middle of the street. Then those sparks turned into bolts of lightning discharging at random towards the ground. This happen for a couple minutes as everything was put to a halt on the street and sidewalks. Everyone near the scene stood back and watched with frightening curiosity. These bolts of lightning slowing started arcing into a round circle and then with no warning, a large ball of energy appeared within the lightning just as suddenly as it appears, it disappears with a snap of the finger. When the ball of energy disappeared, it left behind a figure cloaked in black. This figure then removed his cloak and revealed to the populous his true form. The regular people on this alternate earth resembled werewolves, but this once cloaked figure resembled a human and he is completely naked. His body was sculpted to perfection and left no room for error. Everyone looked at him with fear and awe, from his finely sculpted abdomen to his interesting looking genitalia. Some ran, others drove off, but most of the werewolves watched with curiosity.

One of the werewolves drove his car up to the human looking figure and rolled down his window and said "Your beautiful! Are you an angel?"

The human looking figure smiled and his eyes turned red with the blink of an eye. To which the dark looking human figure responded with one word in a deeply unnatural voice, "NO."

The guy that approached him looked on with horror as the demon set the inside of his car on fire just by staring at it. This of course burned the poor wolf alive. Everyone else ran for their lives as he throws flaming cars and objects at anybody foolish enough to cross his path. This goes on for about 30 minutes then 3 swat teams and 50 police cars pull up to him.

The Demon stops and waits for them to get set up. They pull up so there about 50 feet in front of him and set up so there are about 70 men and women in front of him with firearms pointed right at him.

Then the police chief gets out of his squad car and walks to the front of his squad car with a megaphone and speaks into it. "This is the entire Chicago police department. Surrender or we will send you straight to hell?"

The demon laughs manically and somehow says back with enough clarity to everyone, "Been there, done that." Then the Demon makes it look like he is quickly reaching for a gun and the entire police force opens fire on the demon.

The demons body flinches and absorbs the bullets like anyone else would if they were shot, except he keeps himself balanced the whole time.

After about 15 seconds of constant fire. The police chief calls a seize fire so the smoke will clear. When the smoke clears, then demon has many new holes inside him, but he isn't bleeding, the cops look at him with terrifying dread.

The Demon stretches and flexes his body in every way he knows how to while screaming at the same time. His mouth stretches unnaturally in his attempt to rid himself of the bullets. This resulted in all the bullets that were shot into him flying out of his body and right at the cops at twice the speed they were originally fired. Out of the hundreds of bullets shot out of the demons body. They all hit every cop, and every cop is hit multiple times, killing all of them save for the police chief who is injured badly. The Demon walks over to the police chief who is losing a lot of blood and stares down at him and watches him die while grinning down at him. The Demon says to him, "I'll make sure to pay my respects to your wife and son."

The police chief starts crying, tears running down his face, "please...don't...touch them, I'll give...y...you anything if y...you don't hurt them o...or ki...kill them?"

The demon kneels down, widens his grin, and extends his hand out to him, "your soul."

The police chief looks away from demon, now more scared then ever in his entire life. The wolf thinks it over for half a minute and then slowly reaches out to the demons hand and when he is about half a foot from his hand. The demon goes the rest of the way to reach out and grabs his pawed hand. Then police chief screams as a bright white light flashes from his mouth and his eyes.

The demon has his eyes closed and drains the poor wolf soul completely in 1 minute. Once his soul is drained, the demon lets his pawed hand go and it falls lifelessly to the ground. The demon gets up, walks away, and with a snap of his fingers. He sets the body of the police chief on fire, soon the fire starts to spread with a mind of its own and starts engulfing the vehicles and bodies nearby. The demon walks with a grin on his face. With every soul, the demon gains more and more power, growing stronger and stronger and with every soul, he gets the memories of his victims. So the demon disappears and heads to the hospital where his victim's wife and son are right now. As the demon walks into the building, still completely naked, eventually he is noticed and everyone starts screaming as they realize he is the human figure they saw on TV. The screams irritate him and he snaps the necks of everyone that's screaming, "ah...better." The demon walks down the halls and sets people on fire at random, or gives them the last stages of certain types of cancers. He even gave one person leprosy. He would create poisonous gas cans out of thin air and throw them into rooms and lock the doors. He would rip people's limbs off with a snap of his fingers here and with the snap of his fingers there he would have medical cutting tools chase people down and cutting them to pieces. He rips people's eyes out and shoves them down their throat causing them to choke on their own eye balls. He forced others to kill their immediate family with an automatic saw usually used for cutting off casts. He throws people into the restraints used for securing patients so they don't hurt themselves or others and starts filling up needles and injecting them with many nasty chemicals. He makes some hallucinate that everyone around them is a demon and that person is given a knife, so that person starts chasing others around killing their co-workers because they think they are demons. Finally he reaches the hallway he needs to be in, there is a cleaning lady watching him with awe and a priest at the end of the hallway yelling for her to run, but the demon reaches her first before she can register that something is wrong and rips her head off slowly listening for her to scream and reveling in the power it gives him to know she is suffering. Then the demon sees the priest at the end of the hallway and makes his way over to him.

The priest gets his cross out with a shaky hand, points it at the demon, closes his eyes, and yells at the top of his lungs, "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursion infernalis adversarii, omnis legi..." (English translation: We exorcise you, every impure spirit every satanic power, every incursion of the infernal adversary, every legi...).

The demon appears behind him and says calmly, "that tingles."

The priest jumps and turns around to see the demon standing right behind him. The priest raises his cross again.

The demon rips it out of his hands and shows the priest as the cross heats up and burns the demons hand while melting it in the process. The demon doesn't even flinch when he does this. The priest holds the good book up to the demons face and attempts to start the exorcism up again and the book bursts into flames after the demon touches it. The Holy Bible falls to the ground and disintegrates into small ashes.

The son of the police chief screams, "STOP..."

The demon looks over and within that instant, everything changes for him. The demon does not simple see a soul to torture, no, he sees something he has never seen before and he can't put his finger on what it is. The demon walks over to the boy, he gets into his mind and finds out that his name is; Jayden, and that he is 21 years old, 5'11, and 160 pounds. The boy feels the demons advances into his mind and attempts to evade the demons push into his mind. The demon laughs at what he finds, but in a humorous way, not a maniacal way.

As the demon continues to explore the boys mind, the priest walks over to where the demon is and sees what he is doing and yells for the demon to stop this in the name of god.

As the priest was yelling at the demon, the demon didn't notice it at all as he was probing the boys mind. Finally the demon had pried his way through all that was Jayden. The demon then looked deep into the boy's eyes and the boy could see a tear of blood run down the demons cheek and fall to the ground. Well the demon thought, Jayden's father is right where he belongs. The demon speaks to the boy in a kind and gentle manner. "Jayden, I have seen all that is you, all that makes up your very soul. I killed your father today. I think you will agree that he deserved it."

The priest stops yelling, "you killed the police chief, that's why you're here, to kill the rest of his family?"

The demon looks over to the priest with an evil look of hatred, "no, the father sold his soul to me for a wish; his wish was that no harm or death would come to Jayden, his son or Stacy, his wife." The demon looks back to Jayden, "your father, he beat you? Tell me why?"

The priest interrupts, "don't talk to him, you will only encourage him."

The demon picks the priest off the ground with only the powers of his mind and slams him against the wall, then he looks over to the priest and says, "I don't care if you die, but Jayden wants you alive, so that is what keeps you alive. Don't test me, besides; I could kill all of you with barely a thought so encouragement isn't really going to do much to help my power grow." The demon turns his attention back to Jayden, "well..."

Jayden forces himself to relax and after sometime he answers the demons question. "yes, my father beat me, but don't you already know why?"

The demon nods, "yes, I do, but your mom who doesn't know and even this foolish priest needs to know why, but not from me."

Jayden looks at his feet and takes some deep breaths, then looks back up at his mom, the priest and the demon, "mom, those bruises you saw on me almost every weekend, weren't from me bruising like a banana at work, they were from dad, he would always get drunk and beat me because I'm gay."

Jayden's mom put her hand over her open mouth as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Jayden try's to run over to his mom, but can't, some invisible force is preventing him from doing so, "That's not everything Jayden."

Jayden starts crying and cursing the demon, "NO...NO...NO...That never happened, no, you're lying, you put that in my head..."

The demon shouts back, "NO, I've done many evil things in my existence, but I have never done that to you. In fact, I own your fathers soul and can bring him back in a snap just like this." The demon snaps his fingers and the police chief appears into thin air. "So, how were those couple of weeks in hell?"

The police chief dropped to his knees and kissed the floor, "oh my god...oh my god...oh my god...thank you god for returning me, thank you your grace..."

The demon snickers, "you sold your soul to me and at any time I can snap you back here to earth as I please, so let's cut to the chase because you still an eternity to go down there."

The police chief groveled at the feet of the demon crying, "please...please don't send me back there, the pain...it was too much."

The demon chuckled and kneeled to the police chiefs level, "oh come on, you only get thrown into the pits of lava and fire for a couple thousand years, that pain is not for eternity, I assure you, but what awaits you is, you will be tortured to the point to where you would kill the people you sold your soul for in any way I wanted. I've been in hell for over 139,000 years. Trust me I know, and when you get to that point that you will kill them how ever I want without question. That is when you become a demon, it doesn't just happen once you enter hell, nor does it happen after a specific amount of time, it happens when hell itself breaks you. You will great those that come through its gates as they greeted you, with fire and a thirst that could never be quenched, not by a thousand gallons of water or all the oceans themselves." The demon stands up and raises the police chief with him. "Now tell them what you do sometimes after you get drunk on the weekend and after you beat your son?"

The police chief looks at his son and then looks at wife and shakes his head and cries, "I...I'm no good man, I would have gone to hell for what I did anyway." He looks over to Jayden, "I should have never beat you Jayden, but that's something you might have been able to forgive me for and I stress might. What you would never be able to forgive me for is that...I...I...sodomized you." He looks down with tears dropping to the floor."

Jayden's mother Stacy shakes her head in disbelief, "SO WHAT, HE'S GAY, WAS I SO REPULSING THAT YOU HAD TO FUCK OUR SON, no he's my son, not yours Hank, just go back to hell, I'm sure you'll fit in there with the others just fine."

Hank falls to his knees and bursts into tears from this, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I would sell my soul to take it back, I swear I would if I still had one. I just don't know what to do..."

The demon looks back to Hank casually, "you can go back to hell." With a snap of his fingers, Hank was gone. The demon releases his hold on the priest, "don't tempt me right now, because I will snap your neck if you try anything."

The priest nods, "I get it. That was highly disturbing, but why do you care about this family? Why not just dispose of them or harm them in other ways like the others?"

The demon looks over at Jayden, "it is a myth not talked about that much about demons, the myth states that for every demon there is a mortal that we will obsess over, however this mortal only exists in one out of every possible universe available and is unique to only a demon in one universe out of every possible universe available. So that is why it's regarded as a myth. Also, should any harm come to this person and the demon will sacrifice itself if necessary for the survival of the mortal. This is extremely rare and I've never met any demon that has had it happen to them. Although should this mortal not go to hell when they die, the demon will do whatever it has to do to get it back. These mortals are called daemon possessor..."

The priest interrupts, "demon possessor, so you're telling me that Jayden is a daemon possessor?"

The demon continues to star at Jayden, "yes...unfortunately, I can't leave him now, if I were informed of this, I would have fled this universe immediately, but it's too late now. This is the strongest addiction I know of, there is no cure, in fact, I think the reason I have never met a demon who was like this was because the demon will evade hell and his mission for the lifetime of the mortal and when the mortal dies, the demon takes the mortal to a place they will never be found. This addiction can be very dangerous and I'm sorry that this has to happen, because I wish I could leave, but that would put me in withdrawal, and I'll destroy this world and anyone who gets in my way to find you Jayden."

Jayden looks at the demon with great fear, "heal my mom. Take away her cancer."

The demon looks at Jayden casually, then he walks over to his mother and places a hand on her furry head. She resists at first but eventually lets the demon put his hand on her head of fur...

Well I leave you there, I know you probably are wanting more so badly but this was a good start and I've wanted to get back into this for awhile. So here I am.