Arcane love (continued part 6)

Story by Uzukitty on SoFurry

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last couple parts have had a few steamy scenes so hopefully it'll amp up curiosity :3

Terra entered the town hall and quietly made her way to Dorian's side, after making sure Molly would remain quite. She could tell he was relieved to see her and instantly sat next to him. He put his arm around her and held her close as Jacob Richards read the demands and vows of the Tiger clan he represented.

" How are my men?" Dorian whispered as much as he could.

" They are fine. Jarrid said they would stay the night in the trees, and if all goes well, they will join us tomorrow." Terra explained as she nuzzled against him.

" That's fine. Jarrid makes good choices. I trust his judgment." Dorian nodded and finally Jacob looked up.

" Your demands are not unreasonable." He began. " However, my people will probably be reluctant to comply. Fear is a hard thing to overcome, even if it is misplaced. You must remember that you are bigger, faster, and stronger than most human. That is rather intimidating."

Dorian inclined his head. " I understand your concerns and every precaution will be taken to ensure a smooth integration of our people. In return we will help you complete your city, teach you the ways of the forest, and provide protection against any enemies."

" What enemies? If we are at peace, then we have nothing further to worry about right?" Jacob inquired.

Dorian shook his head. " There are other primal clans on this island other than the Tigers, and some of them may not agree with our decision for peace. Then there are the Arcane to think of. While they usually keep to themselves, it is best to be prepared for anything."

Jacob's eyes widened but he nodded in agreement. " Well, that is definitely a good idea. It's getting late. Perhaps we could continue this in the morning?"

" Yes, I am eager to spend time with my mate." Dorian gave Terra a little squeeze and stood up extending his hand.

" I guess of course. Well I'll write up our half of the agreement tonight and have it ready for your review in the more." They shook hands and parted ways for the night.

Terra guided Dorian to the small home she and her father shared. They had stopped at Molly's house first and convinced her that they could talk more in the morning, but Dorian and she needed to rest after their journey through the forest. The house had changed since Terra had last seen it. Instead of being on the forest floor, it had joined the community of houses in the trees. There was a quaint little walk way leading up to the front door and bridges connecting the surrounding houses. Terra was amazed to find everything else about the house the same as when she had left it on that fateful day.

" She thinks of herself as your cub." Dorian commented.

" No, she thinks of me as her sister." Terra explained. " She still remembers her mother."

They entered to find her father reading at the table. He saw them and immediately stood up. " Terra girl, Dorian, I thought you'd be out longer talking with Molly. I would have had dinner ready if I'd known otherwise."

" Don't worry father. I can make something right quick."She hugged her father and made both men sit down before going to work in the kitchen.

Dorian watched John Braxton as he read his book. " What are you reading?"

John looked up. " Oh, I'm reading a book my wife bought on weddings. She always used to dream about the day Terra would get married. She wanted it to be perfect." There was sadness in his voice as he spoke of his wife.

" I am sorry for your loss. But if there is anything I can do to help the wedding be to her expectations, I shall try." Dorian vowed to him.

John smiled and his eyes were moist, but he nodded. " I'll let you read it after I'm done then."

Terra had overheard the conversation and simply let the tears fall as she thought of her mother and how much she would have loved Dorian.

Finally, dinner was done. Carol set up ladder of fish cooked in a white wine and butter sauce with a side of vegetables that had been steamed. She also served a large tray of fruit and bread. " Here we are. I hope you like it."

Dorian's eyes grew wide as he stared at the delicious smelling food. " You can cook to my love? This Tiger truly is blessed to have you as his mate."

Terra giggled and sat down. " My mother taught me early and encouraged experiments. This was one of them that actually turned out well."

After eating, Terra cleared the dishes before excusing herself to take a shower. John handed Dorian the book about wedding smiled when the tiger immediately opened and started to read.

" What are these rings that you give each other?" Dorian asked curiously.

" well they're wedding bands. They represent to society that you belong to another." John explained.

Dorian snorted. " Tigers do not need such things. We smell the combined scent of a mate pair. No one dares to try to mess with another's mate."

"Ah, but humans can not smell so well. Tell me Dorian; will you hold that against the human men who will still flirt with Terra?" John explained patiently.

Dorian growled and his brows furrowed in frustration. "I hadn't thought of that. Perhaps I should look into these, rings."

John simply nodded, smiling to himself as Dorian continued reading.

"Would you help me find someone who could fashion a pair of rings for Terra and I?" Dorian asked without looking up from his reading.

"Of course. I know just the man to go to. If anyone can make a ring to fit you it would be him." John said a bit teasingly.

"Humph, thanks a lot." Dorian grumbled, wiggling his large fingers in front of his face, as Terra joined them once more, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling his face. She smelled of crisp mint and lemongrass tonight.

"Ready for bed Love?" she asked sweetly.

"Yes, I'm ready." Dorian rose to follow her and took the book with him.

"Goodnight father." Terra smiled and led her tiger to her room.

"Goodnight Terra girl." John called out before retiring to his own room.

As they lay together in bed, Terra told Dorian of the many powers she was beginning to discover. "Some of them are wonderful. They will be of so much help in so many ways Dorian. Then, there are some..." she paused as she gazed into his golden eyes. "Some of them make me afraid."

"Afraid of what Terra?" Dorian stroked her cheek with his thumb, wishing he could simply wipe the worry he saw plainly on her face away with his touches.

"Of myself." She stated simply as she nuzzled into the comfort of his touch.

"You shouldn't fear yourself Terra. You just have to accept what you're capable of and realize that you are too good a person to ever take advantage of that." He said it mater-of-factly as he held her close, contenting himself with the feel of her body pressing against his.

"I guess you're right." Terra yawned as she began to drift into sleep.

"Of course I am, now rest." Dorian began to chuff and make a rumbling purr sound deep in his throat to lull his tense little mate. Soon she was sound asleep in his arms and the world was so very right.

The next morning, Dorian woke alone, his heart pounding in his chest. Immediately, he shot out of bed, forsaking his armor and even his weapons. He burst from the room. "Terra! Where are you?" Someone had taken her! Someone had taken his mate, he knew it. His heart was about to burst from his chest as his mind played a thousand different situations that made him see red with fury and fear.

John came into the dining room with a concerned look on his face. "Dorian? What is it?"

"Where is she?! Where is my Terra?" Dorian growled with feral ferocity.

"Calm yourself. She's outside, below tending the garden with me."

Before John could say another word, Dorian pushed past him outside. There, below the connected community of houses in the tree line, she sat, dirt on her hands and a smudge on her face. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. She was looking at him with a shocked expression on her precious face. He had to have her, promise be damned. He'd thought she was gone. She hadn't told him where she was going and he'd nearly lost his mind with worry. In a heartbeat he had vaulted over the guardrail of their porch and landed effortlessly on the ground without a sound.

"Dorian, what..." Terra didn't even get to finish her sentence before Dorian hauled her to her feet and buried his tongue in her mouth. Every part of her came alive while, at the same time, melted in his embrace. Before she could protest, he picked her up and carried her into the crops of lower, tightly bunched trees next to her home. He was growling as he tore off her clothing. Terra could only watch, wide eyed as he dropped to his knees and began lapping at her. She gasped and leaned back against the closest tree, panting and clutching at his head. "Dorian!"

Dorian brought his woman to release before standing and lifting her into his arms. She immediately wrapped her legs around his hips as he plunged into her. It wasn't as gentle as he would have liked to give her, but damn it, he needed her. It didn't last long, a few pumps and his seed was spilling within her. As they panted together, trying to regain sanity, Dorian held Terra close, touching every inch of her skin.

"Dorian..." Terra whispered. "what was all that about?" When he looked up and met her gaze, his own filled with pain, she quickly added, "Not that it wasn't wonderful, it just seemed like you weren't yourself."

Dorian nuzzled her for a few moments trying to regain his voice. "When I woke up..." he shook his head. " you were gone. After losing you back in the village, watching the life leave your eyes, my mind played every horrible scenario it could conjure."

"Oh, Dorian, I'm so sorry. I didn't even think ... I promise, next time I'll tell you before I leave. I had just wanted to let you sleep." Terra stroked his face and kissed his muzzle tenderly. She hadn't thought what it had done to him to watch her die in his arms, or what it might do to his protective instincts. Now, she knew. It had amped them up almost 100 times what they already were.

Dorian shivered. "I just had to know you were really still alive, still mine."

Terra smiled lovingly into his eyes. "Always Dorian, always yours."

Dorian smiled back at her, the tension in his body seeping away as he audibly sighed in relief. "I love you Terra."

"I love you too, my warrior." Terra felt him easing from her body and knew she'd be sore later, but it was a good sore, and she didn't mind one bit.

Suddenly, the smell of human had them turning around, Dorian growling and putting Terra behind him. Jessica, Ashley, and Marie stood frozen as they rounded one of the trees. All three were in complete shock as they saw the pair in their disheveled state. Dorian, realizing they were no threat to his mate, quickly retrieved his loin cloth and fastened it. He turned to face Terra, who was blushing bright red and trying to cover herself.

"Terra, do not cover your beauty in shame. We are mates, there is nothing wrong with our union." Dorian stroked her raven silk hair from her face.

"I still don't want my friends to see me naked, and what if my father comes looking for us?" Terra's eyes widened in panic.

"I will retrieve you some clothes and I will deal with your father. You did nothing wrong." He kissed her head before moving off to get her some new clothes, leaving her with her bewildered friends.

They moved closer to her. "Terra, are you... okay?" Marie asked.

Still blushing, she nodded. "I'm fine."

"Your clothes... why did he do that?" Ashley asked.

Terra sighed, realizing that this was the second time Dorian had ruined her clothing in his passion. She was going to have to talk to him about that. "He thought I'd been taken or that something had happened to me. He had to reaffirm his claim on me." She tried to explain and defend her mate.

"Do they always act like this? The other tiger males I mean." Marie probed further.

"No, no. the males are protective and very territorial, but Dorian is more so because of what happened back in the village." Terra amended.

"What happened in the village?" Ashley continued her questioning as well.

Terra paused a moment then finally decided to be straight forward with her friends. She shrugged and as nonchalantly as possible replied. "I died."

"WHAT?!" All three women shouted out at once.

"I was shot in the heart and I died. I saw my mother, and she told me what I really was. She had saved some of her magic for me. Somehow, she knew that it was going to happen. When she pushed her magic into me, it awakened my own. It brought me back."

"Wow, that's amazing." Marie whispered. By now, the women had moved closer to hear Terra's tale.

Jessica, who had been relatively quiet bit her lip before finally asking. "What's it like?"

Terra tilted her head as she looked at her friend. "What's what like? Dying? It's not fun, I don't recommend it."

"No, not that." She paused. "Being with one of them, does it hurt?" Jessica forged on bravely even though her face was bright red by then.

"No, if it hurt, I wouldn't continue it. I mean it's possible for it to hurt, but Dorian is very careful with me. Even this time, he made sure my body was ready to accept him before he sought his own pleasure." Terra was blushing too, but she would not hide this from her friend, not after seeing the way Jarrid had looked at her. "The males cherish their females above all else, and take great care to be gentle."

"Oh, I see. Well, it's good he didn't hurt you." Jessica wouldn't meet anyone's gaze but she didn't cower from the subject either. "It's just that they're so big. You'd think they would hurt a woman, or at least a human woman."

Terra giggled. "Trust me, I didn't think it would work either, but when Dorian finally took me..." she paused and let her eyes flutter closed and a deep sigh escaped her. "Let's just say, it's the most amazing thing I've ever felt in my life. He makes me feel like I'm flying. It's pure magic."

"Is it now?" Dorian was grinning from ear to ear, which to the others probably looked like a snarl. All the women gasped as he stepped from behind the tree. "I'm glad I please you mate." He handed her some clothes and basked in the knowledge she had shared.

A deep blush crept back into Terra's cheeks as she smiled at him. "You knew very well my reaction to you, and your ministrations, Dorian. You shouldn't act surprised to hear such praises."

He shrugged. "Every male likes to know his mate is well pleased with his prowess." He looked to the other women now who were all bright red and nodded to them. "If you'll excuse us ladies, I need to speak to Terra alone for a moment.

They all nodded profusely and quickly wandered in the direction of the main town.

"What is it Dorian?" Terra asked as she finished putting on the fresh blue dress."

"I just wanted to tell you that I will be going back to the city hall, as you call it, to discuss the treaty further. I am also going to get Jarrid and Victor to help the other humans work on your tree city. It will show the benefits of having us around." He explained as he played with a strand of her hair.

"That sounds wonderful. Did you want me to come with you?"

"I would feel better with you there." He admitted, ducking his head slightly.

She laughed as she took his hand in hers. "Alright darling, I will go with you." She sobered then as a thought came back to her. "What did you tell father about what happened?"

He shrugged. "The truth. I told him that I needed to know you were still alive. He simply smiled and nodded and that was the end of it."

"Really?" she asked with wide, unbelieving eyes.

"He knows you are a woman Terra. Most of all, he knows you are My woman. He accepts that, even if it goes against his own beliefs. He's a very understanding man." He stroked her cheek, to reassure her, then led her back into the house.