The Secret - Part 16

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#20 of Jane Doe and The Secret

Popi wakes up Hans, and demands to know if he had sex with her sister Nini. Hans confesses what happened at the sleepover, and Popi is determined to catch up with her sister. The three kids experiment with a variety of types of sex. The next day, Popi tells Nini what happened, and the kids have to face the consequences of their sexual activities.

The Secret - part 16

By DoggyStyle57 - March 2013

11/01/2012 (Thursday, extremely early in the morning)

After sharing their first girl on girl kiss, and Popi's first-ever romantic kiss, Ryan and Popi sat on the bed for a few minutes, the collie girl and kitty girl alternating between looking wordlessly at each other, and then giggling and trying another kiss. But after four more mutually-enjoyable kisses, Popi frowned and asked, "Ryan? This is fun, but there's something Hans said earlier that's really bugging me. What did he mean, when he said my sister Nini had something to do with why he likes to wear girl clothes?"

Ryan shook her head negatively and replied cautiously, "You'll have to ask Hans about that. All I know is that he started wearing girl's undies two months or so back - about a week or two before I met him, and that... it was also when he got his own first sexual experiences with girls. A whole lot of experiences, really. I shouldn't say any more than that, though. He never told me the names of the four girls that were involved. Said he promised not to tattle on them. Maybe Nini was one of them? You'll have to ask him."

Popi looked up at the loft, frowned again, and then scrambled up the ladder, without bothering to put her PJ's back on. She poked the Bernese Mountain Dog boy in the side kind of hard, and said, "Hans? Wake up! I gotta important question to ask you!"

Hans grunted, rolled over, and said, "All right, all right, I'm awake."

"Humph! You were already awake, weren't you?" Popi stated. "How much did you see and hear of what me an' Ryan were doing?"

"I promised not to peek, and I didn't. But yeah, I woke up a while ago, when Ryan howled, and I couldn't help but hear what you both were up to while I was trying to get back to sleep. So I know you two kissed, and from her howl you musta had some other fun. That's fine with me - I don't mind." Hans said. "As for the question you intended to wake me up for, can't it wait until morning? I really was trying to get back to sleep. What time is it, anyway?"

Popi looked at the clock, and said, "It's two AM, but I'd really like an answer now, please, or I won't be able to sleep well. You said my sister Nini had something to do with you dressing like a girl. Now, I know she was at a sleepover with three other girls, two months ago, and I know that a boy crashed the party, but she didn't say who the boy was. I guess that you, huh? Is that when you started wearing girl clothes? And... is it true that you had sex with those girls?"

He gave Popi a serious look, and said, "Not all of them, no, but most of them. Look, I promised not to tattle on the girls at that sleepover. I never even named the girls involved to Ryan, or to our parents. But you and your sister are pretty close? You share secrets with each other, and know what she did at that party, just not the names of who she did it with?"

"We're 'best friends forever' close, yeah," Popi replied confidently. But in her mind, she was worried, because Nini never mentioned any sex happening at that party. She had only said that a boy ended up being there for part of it, but that he didn't spend the night. But that was the only time Nini had been away from home that month! So the boy had to be Hans, and Ryan said that there was some sex that happened there, involving Hans. That was what made it so urgent for her, because as far as she knew, her sister was a virgin, like herself, and Nini had never done more than kiss her fiancé, Alex. She had to know if Nini had cheated on Alex and had some kind of sex with Hans!

"Can I come down there to tell you about it? It's a long story," Hans said.

"Yeah. Come on down," Popi said, trying to sound calm and in control of herself. She didn't care that he would see her naked. Heck, he had just said that he had heard her making out with his girlfriend! Seeing her naked couldn't be as embarrassing as that was. She just wanted to know for sure what he had done with Nini.

Hans followed her down the ladder. Then he sat with the girls on the lower bunk, and told them the whole story, admitting that Nini was one of the four girls, and what she did with Hans and with the other three girls, but still not naming or describing the other girls, except to say they were 'two other girls about Nini's age, and one older, more experienced girl'. He ended his story with, "So that's how the girls at that party got me to wear girl clothes. They wanted to punish me for peeping through the window at them, but... I liked it. Nini was the most reluctant about what they did to me, especially after it ended up with me getting kinda raped by three boys at the park. And she only sucked my cock, and all she did with the other girls was licking and kissing. She also told me later that she confessed to her boyfriend about what she did that night, and that he forgave Nini, and forgave me, too."

Popi sat very still. Then she started sniffling, crying angry tears as she whispered half to herself, "Why? Why didn't she tell me? I thought we really, really shared absolutely everything! God, I know exactly who all the other girls were, too, and she never admitted to doing any of that with them, either! She had oral sex with two girls, and with you, too? God, Hans, I knew that there was a boy that crashed the party, but... but she didn't say they had an orgy that night!"

"What? Oh crap, I thought you knew or had figured out most of it, and I was just admitting that the boy was me! Hey now! Don't get mad at Nini!" Hans said quickly. "We all promised not to tattle on anybody that was there, or to name any names. If Nini didn't tell you everything, she was just trying to protect me, and those other girls."

"She still coulda done what you did with Ryan, and told me what happened, but not who did what to who!" Popi cried.

"What good would that have done, if you already knew who all the girls at the party were?" Hans asked. "Except for keeping my name out of it, she still would have broken her promise to those other girls!"

"I... I guess you're right. But I feel like I got cheated again, you know? Nini got a boyfriend when she was just seven, and I'm ten and I still can't have one. And now she's had wild sex with two girls and a boy, and doesn't even tell me - her sister and best friend forever? Yet I'm not supposed to have a boyfriend? Hummmm. Wait... Mom says I can't have my own boyfriend, but she never said I couldn't borrow another girl's boyfriend! So... that would be okay, as long as I wasn't trying to steal the guy for myself, or leading him on and making him think it was okay to make babies with me, right?"

"I guess so," Ryan said. "Do you wanna 'borrow' Hans from me?"

"Can I? Please?" Popi asked eagerly. "I wanna catch up with Nini! I want both of you to lick me, and... and I wanna lick you, Ryan, and I wanna suck your cock, Hans, just like Nini did! Can we do that, tonight?"

"Yeah, I guess that would be okay, as long as we don't tell your mom or our parents. I suppose it would be all right if you told Nini, though," Hans said. "And yeah, I can accept this is probably just a one-time thing, like it was with me and Nini at the sleepover. I doubt Nini or any of those other girls will ever want to have any sort of sex with me again, but we're all still good friends."

"Great!" Popi said. "Ryan, you an' me are already naked, so do you wanna do me first, and show me how to lick a girl?"

"Okay. Just don't make too much noise, all right? My parents' bedroom is just on the other side of that bathroom, you know," Ryan said, as she knelt beside the bed and between Popi's knees. "You know, it's kinda silly for me to 'teach' you. Hans is the one with experience doing the licking! I've never licked another girl either."

"Well, yeah, but I already kissed you, an' I haven't even hugged Hans yet, so please?" Popi pleaded, as she spread her legs wider and leaned back on her elbows.

"Ahhh, that older girl I mentioned, she told Nini and the other girls to just do what they knew would feel best for them," Hans said. "Lick the same places you'd Jill off, Ryan. And stick your tongue into her hole a little ways."

"Okay, but I'm gonna get a good look, first," Ryan said. "I've never had my nose this close to another girl's cunny before, and I wanna see what she looks like up close, okay?" She crawled closer, and gently parted Popi's slit with her thumbs, opening her friend up like a flower that was blooming. She sniffed the kitty for a moment, and then moved her thumbs a little further down, to spread the area right where Popi's vagina was.

"Like what you see?" Hans asked with a grin, as he gently rubbed the lump that was growing in his pants with one hand.

"Hush, you! This is kinda cool. I can see her hymen. Wanna look?" Ryan asked.

Hans knelt beside his girlfriend and peered inside. "Looks like you did, the first time I licked you. She just has a pink crescent around the top of the hole. You're lucky, Popi. When you finally are ready to have real sex, it probably won't hurt much. Not like some girls Miss Melanie told us about, who have cherries that almost cover the entire hole."

"Yeah, well, my doctor's put a metal thingie in there a few times to spread me wider so he could look inside. Not as far as my cherry, I guess, an' he was always real careful to stop cranking it open as soon as I said it hurt at all," Popi said. "But yeah, I know he could look inside and see what he needed to see. Can't remember what it's called, but that ring of muscles inside, between where the boy puts his thingie, and where the baby grows up insde a mommy's belly."

"That tool is called a speculum, and the ring of muscle is the cervix," Ryan said, "We learned about it in health class this year. The lips around the opening are the labia, an' then there's the vagina, and then the cervix, and beyond that, the womb."

"Yeah, that sounds right," Popi said. "My doctor said EEEP!" Her sentence was interrupted by her reaction as Ryan took a slow, tentative lick up the full length of her slit, ending with her tongue dragging across Popi's clitoris. "Oh! Do that again!"

Hans laughed and said, "Your doctor said 'Eeep!'? Really? How does she taste, Ryan?"

"Not sure what to compare her to, really. About like when I lick my fingers clean after Jilling off. Sorta savory. A little bitter, but not bad. She's pretty clean, and not nasty at all," Ryan said, before resuming licking in earnest.

"Oh wow... That's good... Yeah, momma says... we should always... stay clean... wipe good, and... and wash off if... if we get messy. Oh purrrrrrrrrr!" Popi said, panting hard and closing her eyes as Ryan pushed her to another orgasm. Soon she was purring happily, having given up all pretense of making sense with words.

"That was... interesting," Ryan said, as she stood up once Popi finished cumming. "I guess I'd do it again, if a girl I like asked me to. Not too sure that I'd want to have a 'girlfriend' in addition to you, Hans. You're more than enough to keep me happy."

Popi lay there for a moment, eyes closed and purring happily. Then she sighed and said, "Guess it's my turn now. I... think I have the idea. Trade places with me, Ryan."

Once Ryan was on the bed, Popi crawled between her friend's thighs and sniffed at her. "Yeah, same smell as earlier, an' you look really clean. Ummm, why do you smell like apricots though?"

Ryan giggled and said, "That would be the fur shampoo that I use. It has a light apricot scent."

"Oh? Okay. Well, here goes," Popi said. She parted Ryan's labia with her fingers, just as Ryan had done to her earlier, and licked the collie girl from just above her puckered tail hole to her clitty at the top of her slit. The she sat back, considered the taste, and said, "So that's what they mean by 'savory', huh? Yeah, kinda makes my mouth water, but the taste isn't sweet, sour or bitter. Not bad though."

"That was what I thought, too," Ryan said. "Do you want to continue? You don't have to."

Popi didn't even bother to answer. She just pushed her muzzle between Ryan's thighs and started eagerly licking her friend's sex.

"Mumm hummm. That's nice, Popi!" Ryan said, reaching down and scritching her friend behind the ears.

Popi was purring happily the whole time. Her head was almost reeling from the scent of her canine friend's aroused sex. And knowing that a boy was watching her do this naughty thing for Ryan was really exciting for the young kitty. She was almost sad when Ryan howled softly, finished cumming and patted her on the head to let her know she could stop.

"Ahhhwoooo! That's... enough... whew! Good job. Popi! Thank you," Ryan said.

"I like the way you taste, Ryan. That was fun," Popi said. Then she looked over at Hans, and saw that he had quite a tent in his pajama bottoms. "Oh wow! It got that big 'cause of me?" she said. "C-can I see it now, Hans? I've... never seen a boy with his pants an' underpants off, y'know?"

"Well, you two are putting on quite a hot show for me! I'll lie on the bed and take my PJ pants off, and you can look and touch as much as you want," Hans said. "Just be careful not to squeeze my balls very hard. That's the bag-like part below my sheath. It's easy to hurt a guy down there."

"I'll be extra careful, Hans," Popi said. Her eyes got huge when Hans took off his pajama pants and for the first time she saw his red shaft sticking out of his white-furred sheath. Hans was fully erect, but not knotted yet. His shaft was a good two inches thick, and from the pointed tip to where it vanished into his sheath it was a good ten inches long. "Oh... my... God! It's almost as thick as my wrist! Ryan, I can't believe he sticks that thing inside you! It can't fit! No way!"

"It can, and it does," Ryan said with a happy grin. "Though the first time I was kinda sore from how much he stretched me, even without the pain from losing my cherry."

"W-where do you hide that thing?" Popi asked, still staring. "Your pants couldn't hide a lump that big!"

"It shrinks down and fits inside my sheath when I'm not arouused," Hans said. "Sorta swells up like a balloon when it comes out, but dad says it's actually blood that inflates it, instead of air. An' there's a stiff bone in the middle that moves with it. When it's out like that, it's as firm as your arm. Go ahead and touch it, but gently. The whole red part is as sensitive as your clitty is."

Popi crawled onto the bed beside Hans, and touched it. "Oohhh! It's warm. Almost hot," she said. "And my sister Nini really stuck this in her mouth?" she asked.

"Yeah," Hans said. "She was kinda afraid to at first, but the second time, she watched Jane do it and she did a great job. Kept it in her mouth and swallowed my stuff when I came."

"Your... stuff? You... you didn't pee in her mouth, did you? That's gross!" Popi said, letting go of his cock as if it had burned her hand.

"Of course not!" Hans said, feeling a little insulted that Popi could imagine him being so mean to Nini. "When it's stiff like that it's almost impossible for me to pee. The stuff that swells up to make it stiff also squishes the part that the pee comes from, inside, I think. I dunno. But if I'm hard and I also hafta pee, I hafta jack off and get soft first. Anyway, you know how you get wetter when you get licked to an orgasm? Well, when a boy has an orgasm, he squirts the creamy stuff called 'cum', that makes babies if it mixes with the right stuff from a girl that is fertile. It won't make a baby in a girl if she swallows it though. The stuff hasta get inside her vagina. That's why I always use a condom when I mate with Ryan - so she won't get pregnant."

"I see. Ryan? Ummm, what's it taste like?" Popi asked. She was looking at Hans cock now with some uncertanty, as if she wasn't sure she wanted to continue. "I guess you've tasted Hans' 'stuff' a lot, huh?"

"Hummm, it's a little bitter. Sorta like the tangy taste of sourdough bread?" Ryan replied. "If you swallow it fast, and if you keep his cock fairly deep in your mouth, you don't really taste it much. Most of it never even hits your tongue. It's not a bad taste, but I don't do it for him because I love how it tastes. I do it because I love how he reacts. You don't have to suck it at all, Popi, if you don't feel like it now. It's getting really late. If you don't want to do it, I'll take care of Hans, and then we can all just go to bed."

"N-no! I wanna do what Nini did!" Popi insisted. And before she could chicken out, she grabbed Hans cock again and stuffed it in her mouth, and started sucking like she was trying to suck soda pop through a straw.

"Oh geeze! Go easy on me, Popi! 'Suck it off' doesn't mean you do it literally! Just do a little sucking, and move your head up and down, so it slides along your tongue. There! That's better. Pretty good, in fact. Now go a little faster. That's it," Hans said encouragingly. "I'll start making precum first, but that isn't the main part for me. You'll know when I'm actually cumming because the base of my shaft, where you have your hand, will get thicker, and I'll start spurting a lot more, and a thicker fluid."

Popi eased off and followed Hans' suggestions. She could only get about half of his long, thick shaft into her muzzle, and she couldn't help but wonder if Nini had done any better. But if Popi tried to push it any deeper, she started choking and coughing. Pretty quickly she could taste a little bit of fluid coming from the tip of his shaft in little spurts. It felt almost like someone had a squirt gun pointed into her mouth, and was firing it in short bursts. She could see how that might have startled Nini, if her sister hadn't been expecting it. But Hans' shaft wasn't getting any thicker yet, so she kept going, determined to do at least as well as her sister had done for this boy.

Hans petted her hair and murmured encouraging words, as his breath became more ragged and his tail wagged steadily, thumping on the bed beside him. Then his knot started to swell, and he said, "Here it comes, Popi! Get ready to swallow fast!"

Popi was quite glad of the warning, because the knot swelling under her hand had almost completely distracted her. It felt so... alive... throbbing and getting warmer, almost as if it was a living creature of its own right, spurting its creamy, bitter fluid all over her tongue and deep down her throat. She got about four swallows of the stuff before it started leaking out of the sides of her mouth and onto her hand. Then she pulled it out and stared at it as the last spurts jetted into the air, one burst catching her in the face, and the rest arcing up to land on Hans' thigh.

"Wow, that was amazing! And the taste isn't that bad, really," she said. "So, is it gonna get small again now?"

"Well, if no one touches it now, yeah it will," Hans said. "But from the way Ryan's fidgeting, I think that now she wants me to mate with her before we sleep. We usually do mate each night, but we didn't want to do it in front of you, before you got intimate with us. Do you mind?"

"Heck no!" Popi said. "I still can't imagine how that thing could fit into Ryan. I'd love to see how you two do it."

Ryan started reaching into the side table drawer for a condom as soon as Hans offered to mate with her. She really was missing her evening mating session, and was excited at the idea of mating while her new friend watched them. Without a word she stuffed Hans' cock into her mouth and swallowed his last spurts, cleaning his shaft and keeping him just stimulated enough that he wouldn't lose his boner, but at the same time doing little enough so his knot could shrink back down. It was a fine balance, but one she had grown accustomed to doing, so they could mate more times and more ways in a single evening or morning session of lovemaking.

When Hans was clean and has stopped spurting, Ryan opened the condom packet and unrolled the red condom onto her lover's shaft. Then she squatted over him and said to Popi, "This is the position I used for giving him my virginity. I was already good and wet, and so I squatted over it like this, put the tip in, and just sat down fast, like this!"

Popi's mouth fell open as Hans' cock vanished into Ryan's cunny. "Oh God! That didn't hurt? Really? It looks like he shoulda split you in half or something!" she exclaimed.

Ryan rose up and started riding Hans' shaft, bouncing with her legs while Hans held her by the waist with both hands. "It's not that bad, really. Taking his knot was the hardest part. You saw how big that got! Fortunately it can grow bigger inside a girl than what you could force through the opening. So if the knot is in you when it swells up, you get stuck together until it shrinks again."

Popi watched in amazement. "That is so wild... Ummmmm, h-how many times can he do that in a row? Could... could he do it again, after he finishes with you?"

Ryan slowed her bouncing for a moment, and asked, "Why? Do you want to suck him off again, Popi?"

"Uhhh, no, I... Ohhh, I probably shouldn't even ask," Popi said, blushing so much that the inside of her ears turned bright pink, and her blush could even be seen through the thin fur on her muzzle. "Could I... could he do... that... with me?"

"What? You want Hans to mate with you?" Ryan asked, now not moving at all on Hans' shaft. "But you said you're a virgin, right? Do you really want to give your virginity to another girl's boyfriend, instead of waiting to do it with your own boyfriend, or with your husband some day?"

"Oh heck, the way my mom treats me, I'll be lucky if I even get a date before I go to college! I don't wanna be that old before I get to enjoy sex! An' the taste and smell of both of you is drivin' me crazy! I'm so wet between my legs that it feels like I peed on myself! Please? Hans, you can't get me pregnant, so you could even do it with me without a condom. Please?"

"You're serious? You really want me to take your virginity?" Hans asked.

"Yeah, I am serious. Please?" Popi asked, fingering herself as she pleaded with them. Her crotch felt like it was on fire, and some primal part of her knew exactly what she needed to soak it with to put out those flames. She needed a boy, and she needed him really bad. "Hans, I don't think anybody will ever be serious about marrying me. I mean, who wants a wife that can't have kids? So what does it matter, who I do it with?"

"Well, when you put it that way, I guess it will be okay," Hans said uncertainly.

Ryan got off of Hans' shaft and said, "Well, all right. Go ahead and take my place, if you're serious. I get to play with Hans every day. I can finish off with mom's vibrator, while I watch the two of you."

The girls traded places, and Popi positioned herself with the tip of Hans's thick cock nestled between her virginal petals. "God that thing is huge!" she said, "I'll... try just a bit of it first, to see if it fits." She lowered herself an inch or so, and moaned as Hans spread her inexperienced opening wider than even the doctor's speculum had stretched her before.

"It's going in," Ryan said, watching in fascination as she applied her mom's vibrator to her own clit.

"It's... not so bad, I guess," Popi said. "Still feels huge, but you were right - I'm stretching to fit him. A little lower, I guess," she said, as she eased further down onto the throbbing shaft.

"You feel really tight, Popi," Hans said. "Tighter that Ryan was. But she's a dog, like me, so she's probably made to fit a doggy cock more than you are. Are kitty cocks smaller? Be careful. You'll get to your hymen soon, and that will hurt." Hans's knot was already starting to swell. He was kind of glad that at this rate his knot would be full size before the kitty girl got up the courage to impale herself. This way, she wouldn't have to get the knot inside her, or all of his length, on her first try.

"How should I know?" Popi asked, "Your cock is the first one I've ever seen, remember?" Then she winced as she felt his tip touch her cherry. "Urf! Found my cherry, I guess. Well, here goes!" She rose up an inch, and then sat down hard, as Ryan had told her she had done it. There was a flash of pain, and then she slid all the way down to Hans' knot and stopped, panting hard and closing her eyes tight to fight back her tears. She whimpered quietly, but didn't cry out or scream or anything.

"Are you all right?" Ryan asked, peering at her friend's crotch up close. "You're right up to his knot, Popi, and I see a little blood. You've done it. You're not a virgin anymore."

"Just... let me... hold still. I'll... be all right," Popi said, with her eyes still tightly closed. "The pain's fading. Wow... I haven't hurt like that since I... did a cartwheel and crashed into the drinking fountain on the playground, last fall!"

"The cast iron one that has three fountains? Wow! That musta really hurt!" Ryan said.

"Yeah. Hit my shoulder. Almost dislocated it. This was... almost that bad," she said. Then she tentatively rose up a bit, and started moving up and down as Ryan had been doing. "This... yeah this feels good. I can do this..." she said.

"It only hurts like that the first time, and you'll be sore for a few days," Ryan said, as she set aside the vibrator, got on the bed beside them, and began to kiss and comfort Popi. "But in a couple of days, if you try it again, it won't hurt at all. You'll see."

Hans had been holding very still, afraid to hurt the kitty. "Can I move now?" he asked.

"Gently, but yeah," Popi said, picking up her own pace, and kissing Ryan between the times when she was talking. "So... this is real sex? I could get to liking this... Mummm, yeah, it's starting to feel pretty good, now."

"I'm getting close, Popi," Hans said. "I promise I'll make you cum. If you don't have an orgasm before I finish, I'll lick you until you do."

Soon Popi was riding Hans hard and fast, his thick knot pounding against her bloodstained vulva but not going in, until Hans groaned and flooded her with his seed. "Ohhhh, don't stop! I'm right on the edge! I... ohhhhh!" she threw her head back and gave a very satisfied purr, as she slowed to a stop.

"I'll still lick you," Hans said, rolling to one side and pulling out, and replacing his cock with his tongue. "It's not too much of a mess," he observed. "But when we're done, you should go into the bathroom and use some of the moist wipes in there to get the blood out of your pubic fur. You have red splotches in your fur now." Then he proceeded to lick her as clean as he could, lapping up his own seed and the traces of her virginal blood, until she gasped and started purring even louder with a second orgasm.

Ryan had to help Popi to walk to the bathroom when they were done. The kitty's knees were weak, and she was walking a little bow-legged. After Ryan cleaned her with a couple of moist disposable wipes from a container on the bathroom counter, the collie girl carefully got rid of the used wipes in a gadget that looked like a narrow, sealed wastebasket with a flip top lid. And after closing the lid, Ryan gave the lid a full twist.

"What's that thing?" Popi whispered.

"Well, mama says it is designed as a diaper disposal. She used to use it to get rid of my stinky dirty diapers when I was a baby. Now we use it mostly to get rid of her used sanitary pads, when mom has her periods. That container has a long plastic trash liner in a dispenser at the top, and twisting seals it like a chain of sausage links. Keeps the smell from stinking up the bathroom. When the bin is full, there's a cutter that cuts the end off, and we tie the ends together and dump it in the trash. Mom's starting her period this week, so your mess will get thrown out with her garbage, and won't be noticed."

"Handy gadget!" Popi said, fighting back a yawn. She glanced at the bathroom clock and saw it was three thirty in the morning. "Ohhh. I think we better get back to bed. Your mom said she'll get us up at six thirty, right?"

"Yeah, but one more thing, first," Ryan said, as she guided Ryan back to the bed. Hans was already back in the top bunk. Ryan got out a pair of black cotton underpants from her dresser, and gave them to Popi. "Put these on, in case you leak anything. You can keep them and throw them out after you go home. That way your own panties won't be stained."

"Thanks Ryan," Popi said, giving her a hug, and then slipping on the panties and getting into her PJ's again before crawling back into bed. "You think of everything. G'night."


Thursday 11/1

In the morning, the girls shared a shower while Hans helped Miss Melanie prepare breakfast and pack lunches for all three kids. Karl grabbed coffee and a donut and went to work, because he had an early meeting with some clients. Then the girls came down, and Hans, Ryan, Popi and Melanie had breakfast.

"So, did you enjoy yourself, Popi?" Melanie asked.

"Oh yes, MS Kelley! I had a wonderful time!" Popi said enthusiastically. "I'd love to come back again someday!"

"I noticed Hans didn't sleep on the couch," Melanie said, "It didn't bother you to have him in the same room last night?"

"Oh! He offered to go sleep on the couch, ma'am, but I told him I was fine with him bein' in the top bunk!" Popi said quickly. "He was a perfect gentleman, ma'am. He didn't spy on us or try to watch us undressing, and he changed in the bathroom. He was no problem at all."

"All right. I just wanted to make sure," Melanie said. "Now eat fast. We have to leave soon to get you three to school on time!


At recess that day Popi found Nini, and asked her sister to come with her to their favorite private place, a little-used plastic playhouse that was mostly for the younger kids, who had their recess an hour earlier than the older kids.

As soon as they were alone together, Popi asked, "Why didn't you tell me you've had sex with Hans and with other girls at that sleepover two months ago? I thought we shared all our secrets!"

Nini looked shocked, and asked, "Oh God! Who told you that?" Nini blushed really hard. "Nobody was supposed to tell! Did... did Hans tell you that?"

Popi frowned and said, "Yeah, Hans made sure he told me that you only sucked his cock, and he wouldn't have even said anything about that night or what you did, except that he thought you had already told me about it."

Nini sighed and said, "I'm sorry, I was too embarrassed to tell you; especially since I hadn't even done any sort of sex yet with Alex! What if Alex heard about it before I could tell him, and reassure him that it didn't go very far? He might have broken off our engagement! But... why did I he tell you?"

"I was asking about why he wears girls' undies, and he said you had something to do with it," Popi replied. "And I told him that of course you always tell me all your secrets, so he thought it was okay to admit that he was the boy at the sleepover you were at, and to fill in the details. He swore though that the only people he has ever named any names for was me and Ryan, last night. He kept your secret, other than that, and he didn't name the other girls, though I do know who was there."

"So he told you everything then, except the other girls' names? Yeah, well... I felt sorry for him when the other girls dressed him in girl clothes. And I felt worse when those boys raped him in the park. All I did was I sucked him twice, and I kissed and licked a couple of the other girls. And they licked me, too. The oldest girl was the only one with any girl-girl experience, and we all were just... experimenting. You remember how Ross dropped me off at Alex's mansion the next day? She knew, because the older girl let it slip to her, and was worried about me. See, I was in heat that night - my first - and that older girl was worried that my heat was the only reason why I did what I did. She might have been right, but I guess I don't regret doing it. Anyway, I confessed to Alex then, and... Well, I let Alex use my butt. Alex also admitted to me that some of his friends had tricked him into getting his cock sucked by a girl that he didn't even know. So we're sorta even on that. You... don't think I'm a pervert because I licked some girls, do you?"

"No," Popi said, giving Nini a hug. "And if you are, then I am too. Ryan and I had some fun with each other last night. We kissed, and we licked each other. I... wanted to catch up with you, sis."

"You... and Ryan? Really? Well, I guess that's okay. I just didn't think she did that sort of stuff!" Nini said. "I mean, boys tease her all the time because she never wears dresses, but I thought she was in love with Hans? I've certainly never seen her showing any interest in girls."

"She is in love with Hans! And she hadn't ever done it with a girl either," Popi said. "But, ummm, after Ryan and I fooled around, that was when we got Hans outa bed, and he told us what you did with him, and... Sis, I sucked him off too! An' I swallowed his stuff!"

"You didn't! Oh God, mom would die if she heard you did that!" Nini said. "Well, I won't tell mom what you did if you don't tell her what I did, okay? 'Best friends forever', right? So, we're square now? No more secrets?"

Popi fidgeted a bit, and said, "Well, not quite. I... well, I also watched Hans mating with Ryan. It was just so amazing, the way his big cock managed to fit inside her. I just couldn't believe it was possible!"

Nini sighed "Ok... I've watched him do that too," Nini said. "I saw him screwing two of the girls up the butt, and the oldest girl let him actually screw her, without a condom! She wasn't a virgin, but that was still a crazy risk to take. Wow, I'm glad that you and I have more sense than that! Right?" When her sister didn't agree right away, Nini looked her sister in the eyes and asked hesitantly, "Right?"

Popi stopped looking at her sister and looked at the ground, scuffing a toe in the bark dust beside the play house. Then she said, "Well... actually..."

"OH NO!" Nini gasped, fear and anger growing rapidly within her. "H-he... he didn't! You two didn't... Popi? Did he force anything on you last night?"

"NO!" Popi insisted. "Well, we did mate! I begged him to do it."

"THAT LITTLE BASTARD! how could he...!?"Nini turned and ran for the main part of the playground, intent on finding Hans.

"WAIT! Don't hurt him Nini! Please!" Popi said, running after her sister. But Nini's angry reaction and running away had caught Popi completely by surprise, and Nini was halfway across the playground before Popi got to a full run herself.


"HANS!" Nini shouted, as she saw the boy and ran up to him.

Hans turned, smiling, and said "Oh! Hey Nini! How are you..."

As soon as she was in arm's reach, Nini slapped the Bernese boy across the face as hard as she could, and shouted, "YOU BASTARD! I trusted you!"

Hans reeled with the force of the blow, staggering back two steps before regaining his balance and looking back at his friend with a face that was filled with panic, anger, hurt and fear. "W-what? WHY? What did I do?" he stammered, holding the side of his face and looking completely clueless.

Nini suddenly realized Hans had no idea what she was talking about, and also that the middle of the playground was no place to discuss it. She silently grabbed Hans' wrist and dragged him back in the direction she came from, as Popi and Ryan caught up and followed close behind. She didn't stop until they got back to the plastic playhouse.

"Don't hurt him! Oh, please, don't hurt him Nini!" Popi pleaded, wedging herself between Hans and her sister, forcing Nini to release the boy, and holding her arms spread wide, to keep them apart.

"What on earth is going on?" Ryan demanded. "Why did you slap Hans, Nini? I thought you two were friends!"

"That's what I'd like to know!" Hans said, looking like he was on the verge of tears now. "Why are you so mad at me, Nini? What did I do?"

Nini gave an exasperated sigh and said, "You are either a clueless idiot or the world's best liar. How can you stand there and ask that, after taking my little sister's virginity last night? You really have no idea why I'm mad? And you, Ryan? You watched your boyfriend destroy Popi's cherry, and it didn't dawn on you at all that it just might be the reason I'm so pissed off at Hans?"

"You're mad because of that?" Hans asked, still looking confused. "Hey, look, all I did was what she asked me to do. I didn't hurt her, or force her to do anything, Nini. She said I couldn't get her pregnant, and I'm certainly not infected with anything nasty, so what's the big deal?"

Nini shook her head in amazement. "Didn't hurt her? Hasn't anyone ever told you that you're not supposed to take a girl's virginity until after you she's over 18? Didn't your mother teach you anything about how to treat a respectable girl?"

"Uhhh, no?" Hans said. "My dad divorced my mom for cheating on him when I was only one year old. I can't even remember my mom living with me and dad. The only thing Dad ever told me was not to get any girl pregnant, and he didn't say that until after he knew I was having sex with Ryan. And Ryan's mom actually encouraged me to pop her cherry! Well, Miss Melanie did say we had to get handfasted first - that I had to promise not to abandon Ryan for at least a year, and she said that I had to use a condom with Ryan so I wouldn't get her preggers. But her mom was just worried because Ryan's real father ran off after getting Miss Melanie preggers, and she didn't want that happening to Ryan. But that's all anyone told me."

"I can't believe this!" Nini exclaimed. "In most families, Hans, a girl is expected to remain a virgin until her wedding day, and to lose her virginity to her husband on her wedding night, or at least wait until they are both over 18. If my fiancée Alex's family believed I was having even just oral sex with anyone, even if I still had my virginity, they would call off our wedding, and forbid him from ever seeing me again! Our mom has me and my sisters visit a doctor four times a year, and he checks every time to make sure we still have intact hymens! If our mom finds out what you did to Popi, she can and would call the cops and charge you with statutory rape, and she would probably charge your parents with being negligent accomplices to her rape, for letting her sleep in the same room with you. The cops could take you and Ryan away from your parents, and send you both to live in separate foster homes. Even if there was no evidence, the scandal alone could cause your parents to lose their jobs! Hans, you've jumped in way over your head in shit, and you don't even realize you're in trouble?"

Popi put her face in her hands and cried, saying "Oh God! I never knew that was a part of our checkups! The doctor never mentioned that to me. I mean, I knew he looked inside me down there, and he said that I have something wrong inside me that makes me not able to have babies. But he never told me what else he was looking for! Ohhh, this is all my fault! Everyone's lives are gonna be ruined, just 'cause I couldn't wait to be married! It wasn't his idea at all, Nini! Hans was gonna sleep in another room, but I said I was okay with him being in the top bunk while Me an' Ryan shared the bottom bunk. He woulda stayed in his own bed all night, if I hadn't woke him up and then asked him to have sex with me! I had to beg him to do me! He an' Ryan both asked me several times if I was sure I wanted to do it! Ohhh, this is a nightmare! Somebody, please, wake me up!"

Hans looked absolutely terrified now. "This is awful! I had no idea! I just thought that you and Karen wanted to 'save it' for your boyfriends, so you could let them be first with you, because you already loved them. I had no idea that it would matter so much, if the girl didn't have a boyfriend! I am so sorry, Nini!"

Nini heard him out, then shook her head and said "You really let me down Hans. I really thought I could trust you."

"You could! I mean, you can!" Hans insisted. "What can we do to make it right?"

Nini was still furious, but what was done was done, and it was time to go into damage control mode. She sighed and said, "Fortunately our last checkup was just three weeks ago, so we have more than two months to come up with an excuse for why Popi no longer has her hymen. I don't wanna break up your family, Hans. I believe you when you say you meant no harm. But we're gonna have to tell one more person, to make this believable for mom and come up with a really good story. I gotta call our big sister, Ross. She'll know what to do. She has to... Hans, can I borrow your cell phone?"

"Sure, here you go," Hans said, giving his phone to her.

Nini called her big sister at the high school, praying that Ross was still on her lunch break and able to answer her cell phone, and not in class with her phone turned off. It rang just twice, Ross answered, and Nini breathed a sigh of relief. "Ross? It's Nini. I need a huge favor, sis. When you come to get us tonight, instead of picking us up in front of the school, can you meet us by the on the south edge of the playground, by the pink and yellow plastic playhouse, where it's more private? We're in big trouble, and we need you to help get us out of a jam."

She listened for a minute, and then said, "No, I can't tell you why over the phone! I need to tell you here, where there's no chance of anyone near you seeing your reaction. ... Yeah, it's that bad. ... No, it isn't trouble with the school or the cops. ... No, nobody got beat up, either. Look, I'll explain it all when you get here, okay? We'll meet you as soon as school lets out. Thanks, sis! We owe you more than you can guess if you can get us out of this mess!"

"She'll do it?" Hans asked.

"Yeah. And now we hafta get Popi calmed down and act as normal as we can, until school lets out," Nini said, as she put away her phone. "And then all we have to worry about is that when we tell Ross, we gotta keep her from killing you, Hans!"


The afternoon passed at a crawl for all of them. Hans explained to anyone who asked that Nini had slapped him because she had heard a false rumor that he was bragging about having French kissed her, and he said that of course it was completely untrue. Most of the kids at school knew about Nini's fiancée, Alex, so they could see why she would be angry if any boy tried to besmirch her reputation with a claim that he had been making out with her.

When the last bell rang, Hans called his dad and said that a friend had been hurt at school, that he and Ryan were helping to get her home, and that the girl's sister would give them a ride home soon. Karl said he hoped the girl would be all right, thanked Hans for checking in, and said he would tell Melanie not to come get the kids herself. Then Hans found Ryan, Nini and Popi, and all four kids ran for the far corner of the playground.

Ross was already there, sitting on the end of the slide and checking her watch. The teen aged kitty looked them over and said, "Well, you both seem to have all your limbs intact, and no one shaved your heads or cut off your tails. So what happened to you that was so all-fired awful? Who got in trouble? Both of you? And who are these other two kids?"

"This is my friend Hans Bernerholdt, and his... fiancée, Ryan. Popi stayed at their place last night," Nini said.

"Oh! Right. The collie girl," Ross said. "Met her mom, but hadn't met her yet. And I should have guessed that was your friend Hans. Not that many Bernese boys around here. So, what happened?"

Popi stood between Ross and Hans, and said, "Now don't get mad, sis. It was all my fault. I... did something stupid last night, while I was at Hans' and Ryan's home."

Ross stood and looked down at the kids, "Just how stupid? You kids didn't get drunk, or do some drugs, did you?"

"Absolutely not!" Hans said quickly. "I wouldn't touch that kinda stuff, and neither would Ryan!"

"Ross, don't hurt them, okay?" Nini said, "Ummm, you remember what Miss Jane told you about that sleepover I was at two months ago?And, ummm, what I told you I did? Well... Ummm, Last night was sorta Popi's turn..."

"She made out with these two kids?" Ross asked. "Oh damn. How far did it go?"

"Too far to pretend it didn't happen, sis," Nini said. "Our little sister is the first of the three of us to lose her cherry."

"WHAT?" Ross shouted angrily, taking a step in Hans' direction.

Nini and Popi each grabbed one of their sister's arms, and Ryan positioned herself between Ross and Hans.

Popi pleaded, "Don't hurt him! Please, sis! He only did what I asked him to do, honest! He wasn't gonna touch me at all. It was all my fault. I didn't realize what sort of trouble we would be in if we did it!"

Nini said, "Beating him up will just make one more thing we can't explain without ruining Popi's reputation! Please, I called you because we need you to think of a way to get us outa this mess, so mom doesn't create a scandal and trash Hans and Ryan's whole family!"

Ross took a deep breath, counted to ten, and said, "All right. I won't hurt anyone. Okay... start from the top. Tell me exactly what happened, and don't leave anything out."

Popi told Ross the whole story, with Ryan and Hans confirming her statements as she went along. Nini chimed in when it got to her finding out at lunch recess, and she told Ross what she did then.

Ross sat on the end of the slide and closed her eyes, letting it all sink in. "Well, I think I know what to do, all right," she said. "We're gonna have to convince mom that Popi had an accident, and busted her cherry. I saw it happen once to a girl in gym class in 9th grade. Katrina Elliott was trying to leap the vaulting horse lengthwise, landed short, and caught her crotch on the end as she came down from her vault. We all knew what had happened when we saw the red stain forming on her gym shorts crotch as she stood up. I told mom all about that, so she knows that sort of thing can happen, and that I know exactly what it looks like when it does. So... we will tell mom that Popi had an accident while doing her cartwheels. She fell badly and somehow ruptured her hymen. Ryan, Hans, Nini, you all saw it happen, and you girls rushed her to the bathroom and cleaned her up, so she could finish classes without drawing attention to what had happened. You - Ryan. You're wearing pants, and you're about her size. You're going to give her your panties!"

"W-what?" Ryan asked. "Here? But why?"

"Not here, no. We're going back to the school bathrooms. Nini and Hans can stand guard. The three of us will go in, and I'll make sure she's clean, and then you can give her your panties and throw out hers. When you see my mom, you're going to say you and Nini threw out her blood stained panties at school when you helped her to clean up, and you gave her yours. Your school has both elementary and middle school kids, so we can stuff the panties she's wearing into the special waste bin that the girls bathrooms have for the older girls to get rid of their sanitary napkins. No one ever roots around in those smelly things, and they get dumped into a sealed bag when the janitor cleans them out. Now move!"


On the ride home, Ross told the kids, "Popi? When we go in, I want you to think about all the awful things that could happen if mom finds out the truth, then cry like you really mean it, and tell mom you hurt yourself doing cartwheels. The rest of you witnessed it, and helped her so she wouldn't be embarrassed. Okay, that's our house, with the green mailbox out front. Remember your stories, and pray this works!"


Dianna Goldmane was in the kitchen when the kids pulled into the driveway. She set aside her dish towel and went to the door to meet them, and was surprised to see Popi was crying and being supported between Nini and a collie girl that she assumed must be Popi's new friend Ryan, with a Bernese boy following close behind and looking very worried. Ross led the group into the house, saying, "Mom? Popi got hurt at recess. Her friends here saw it happen, and helped her make it through the afternoon."

"Hurt? Oh, my poor baby! What happened?" Dianna asked, going down on her knees and cuddling her youngest child. "There, there, baby. What happened to my darling girl?"

"Oh mommy, I'm so sorry! I... I was doin' cartwheels at recess, like I always do, an'... Oh mommy, I don't know how it happened! I musta done a hundred, hundred cartwheels an' never got hurt! But my wrist twisted funny and I fell in a bad way, and oh mommy, I broke it! I didn't mean to, but I broke it!"

"You broke your wrist? Oh God, how could you break your wrist and not have the school nurse call me?" Dianna asked, looking at her daughter for any sign of a cast or splint, and very confused that she saw neither.

"N-no momma! Not my wrist! I broke my... my hymen!" Popi wailed, shedding genuine tears as she feared her mother would at any instant go into a rage. "I sat hard on my heel when I fell, an' I started bleeding between my legs! Oh, momma, I'm so sorry!"

"Hans and I saw it happen, ma'am. So did Nini. We all helped get her to the bathroom to get cleaned up, before anybody else noticed. I... gave her my own panties, ma'am. Hers were ruined, so we threw 'em out."

"Oh my poor dear! It will be all right, baby!" Dianna said, holding Popi close to her and speaking in soft, comforting tones. "There there, it's not the end of the world. And that was so good of your friends to help you and protect your reputation!"

"Buh... but momma! I'm not a virgin anymore! I'm so ashamed!" Popi cried.

"Nonsense! That unfortunate accident doesn't mean you aren't a virgin!" Dianna stated firmly. "Having an intact hymen is a sure sign that a girl is chaste, yes, but it isn't the definition of a virgin, darling. A virgin is any girl that hasn't had sex yet! Falling on the playground isn't the same thing at all. Now dry your tears, dear. Mommy still loves you. And while it's true that this might make you unable to marry into some families, there are plenty of fine men who won't care that this happened to you. Why, your friend Hans' father doesn't mind that Ryan's mother is already a mom, does he? That isn't going to stop Mister Bernerholdt from marrying her. We'll have to tell your doctor, of course, and probably the school nurse. But other than that, we'll just keep this a secret among ourselves, okay? No one needs to know, and I'm sure that when you're older, and you find a man who really loves you, he will... understand what happened, and it won't matter for him. You'll see. Now you go get changed, and give this nice girl back her panties, and mommy will get you all some ice cream, all right?"

Popi sniffled and said, "A-all right, mommy. I love you!" Then she hugged her mom, and led Ryan to her bedroom.

Dianna watched them go, and sighed. "Oh well. Some things can't be helped, I guess. But if I know my little girl, a little ice cream and she will be all smiles again."


In her bedroom, Popi leaned against the door and heaved a huge sigh of relief. "Oh thank God! Thank God Mom believed us!"

Ryan hugged her friend, and said, "Well, you almost had me believing it too! I'm glad it worked out okay. And I still do want to be friends, too. Maybe next time, we can go to a movie together, or do something else that's 'safe' fun?"

"Oh, we're definitely still friends, Ryan. Hans too!" Popi said, as she slipped off Ran's silky red panties and put on a pair of her plain white cotton ones. "Those felt really nice. Momma never gets me any sexy panties like that. Just plain pink or white cotton ones. The most sexy ones I have are bikini style, with a little bow on the front."

"Yeah, well, better not ask for sexy stuff right away. We don't want your mom thinking you're trying to get people to look at your panties more now," Ryan said. "But if you come to our place for another sleepover, you can wear some of my sexy stuff, okay?"

"I'd like that, Ryan. And, ummm, maybe some times, I could borrow Hans again, or have some fun with you?" Popi asked.

Ryan hugged her friend and said, "I think that would be all right with me, and with Hans, too. But next time, he should use a condom with you, too, so he doesn't leave any of his stuff inside you, okay?"


Ryan and Hans stayed for a bowl of ice cream, and Dianna said, "I want you thank both of you again for being so protective of Popi's reputation. I'm glad she has friends that look out for her like you do."

"Oh, we didn't do that much," Hans said, rather embarrassed at being thanked by the mom of the girl he had almost gotten into serious trouble.

"Well, come on kids," Ross said. "Time to get you home."

Nini followed Hans, Ryan and Ross out to the car. When they were out of sight of her mom, she gave the boy a hug and said, "Hans, I know you were only acting honestly, and you really didn't deserve me hitting you. I forgive you, but I want him to remember that Popi is my little sister, and I'm very protective of her. Umm, I hope you still want to be friends with me, but... I'll understand if... if my actions make you not want to hang out with me anymore." She kept her gaze to the side, to hide her tears.

"Aww, that's all right, Nini!" Hans said, hugging her again. "I screwed up, and you were right to be mad. If I thought someone hurt Ryan, I'd be just as mad as you were! Probably worse! Of course I still wanna be your friend!"

Nini smiled shyly and said, "Thank you, Hans. I'm so glad we managed to get through this together, and remain friends!"