The Dovahkiin's Lair Aternative Version

Story by Lostsoul666 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Dovahkiin's Lair

This is the re-upload of the Alternative version as it should be after the the technical glitch messed up the original upload. Here's a little description: This is an alternate version to The Dovahkiin's Lair, the only difference in this story is that it is M/F. I don't normally write this sort of story but to make this work, I have rewritten entire paragraphs, but apart from that it still follows near enough to the original. Comments are welcome.

The Dovahkiin's Lair

By Lostsoul666

The Dragonborn slid off his horse Shadowmere, and readied himself for the task ahead. He was now standing just outside the entrance to a cave that he had been looking for, for some time now he had been planning this little outing. He had scouted the area beforehand, and now that he was prepared, he ventured forth into the darkness.

After a while of walking through the cave, taking care of a small den of Skeevers along the way he came to an opening that emanated a strange but almost inviting warmth, as an Argonian, his kind were naturally cold-blooded, being the reptilian race of Black Marsh, his kind needed warmth, especially in a place as cold and unforgiving as Skyrim.

As the Dragonborn approached the opening, he used the muffle spell so that his dragon-plate boots didn't make much sound he snuck forward until he saw what he was looking for. The Dragonborn came to a large cavern that was dimly lit by the light that came in from somewhere high up in the cavern, but what really caught his attention was the large dragon egg that was nestled in the middle.

The Dragonborn decided to make this quick as he stood and walked towards the egg, he took Volendrung from its holster on his back and he readied the mighty hammer, ready to smash the egg and no doubt, crush the hatchling in the process, the Dragonborn was within striking distance and raised the hammer above his head and was ready to kill the beast before it hatched.


A powerful voice almost thundered from above. The Dragonborn's alert greenie-yellow eyes snapped upwards towards the direction of the voice and jumped back with his tail twitching from side to side, never losing his grip on Volendrung. He looked up at the green coloured dragon that was now descending from the top of the large cavern; it was powerful and vicious, no different from the others that had fallen to him.

The dragon landed just behind the egg, "Dovahkiin," the dragon started, but there was an unexpected tone of pleading. The Dragonborn was slightly confused, but he kept his alert gaze on the dragon. He knew the dragons were smart, clever and this one could be trying trick him, so he kept his guard up.

"Dovahkiin, please, don't kill my hatchling." The dragon gently said with the same tone of pleading, giving the Dragonborn a look that seemed to be genuine.

The Dragonborn was now confused. Why in the name of the Great Hist wasn't this dragon trying to kill him?

"Why are you not coming over here to try and stop me?" The Dragonborn hissed coolly.

"I have heard of you, Dovahkiin," The dragon replied with the dragon equivalent of a frown, but surprisingly, it continued to speak with a twinge of fear in its voice, "I know better than to fight you."

The Dragonborn smirked briefly, but it quickly faded, the Dragonborn had taken up a more honourable job since he had first been tricked by the former Thieves Guild master, Mercer Frey, whose decapitated body still lies in Irkingthand. And then he was betrayed by the leader of the Dark Brotherhood, Astrid, just because the Night Mother spoke to him, and named him Listener, which ended up with him almost being killed by the Penitus Oculatus, and it also lead to the near elimination of the Dark Brotherhood altogether, just because Astrid wanted to keep her leadership of the 'family'. The Dragonborn growled momentarily under his breath at that memory, since then he had joined the Companions in Whiterun, and had taken up the way of the warrior, this seemed to suit him better. Besides that, hearing that the dragon was afraid to fight him was like music to him.

"Why then, dragon, do you want to protect this hatchling?" The Dragonborn questioned. The dragon was female, although, male and female dragons were very similar, he didn't think that dragons cared for their young.

"Dovahkiin, this is the only thing I have left," The dragon replied, her draconic voice was filled with emotion, "All of my friends, my family, they... they are... dead; slain by you."

The Dragonborn seemed a little shocked and a little remorseful. He searched for something to say to this dragon, "Uhhh, I... I'm sorry to hear that, dragon; but... I didn't hunt them, they attacked me; I was only defending myself." The Dragonborn stated, suddenly feeling unsure of his heroic deeds.

"No Dovahkiin, I understand; I have nothing against you." The dragon replied with a sigh, its body seemed small and weak; the Dragonborn had never expected this, especially not from a dragon of all. Just then, the dragon perked up and looked towards the egg, it was starting to wiggle and make loud cracking noises, which got the attention of the Dragonborn.

The egg started to wiggle about a little more vigorously and was beginning to show large cracks that continued to grow. The egg was hatching!

"Dovahkiin... Please... I beg of you, let my hatchling live." The dragon begged, her voice pleading in its manner. The dragon sounded so pathetic to hear it speak in such a way, the Dragonborn was feeling conflicted and also felt bad about the situation he was in.

The egg eventually hatched, and amongst the fragments of eggshell and slime, was a newborn that was still covered in the slime from the egg. The newborn looked around blearily and it was flapping its wings weakly to shake the slime and remaining fragments of eggshell off. After a few minutes, the hatchling began to beat its wings strongly and began to clumsily to begin with, gain altitude. The Dragonborn put the Hammer of Might down and instinctively drew his bow and knocked an arrow. The dragon stared right at the Dragonborn, silently begging and pleading with him. There was no malice in the dragon' eyes, just a kind of absolute submission.

The Dragonborn couldn't do it, he was no child murderer. He sheathed his bow and picked up Volendrung.

The newborn eventually gained enough strength and it flew a little clumsily from the cave and out into the open world, the adult dragon breathed a sigh of relief. The dragon looked towards the Dragonborn and bowed its head. The Dragonborn was shocked; he hadn't expected this to happen.

"Dovahkiin, you have fulfilled my last request." The dragon stated, and began walking towards the Dragonborn.

The Dragonborn backed up instinctively, as he backed away from the dragon; he felt his back come into contact with the cave's wall. The dragon approached and again, bowed its massive head so that it was at the Dragonborn' armoured feet.

"Dovahkiin, if you wish to take my life, you may do so."

The Dragonborn was shocked by this, he was unsure of what to do for a little while, but he then felt his grip tighten on Volendrung and he raised the mighty hammer above his head ready to strike. He felt his arms become weak, he couldn't find the strength to end the dragon' life. He then lowered the Hammer of Might sighing and sheathed it upon his back.

"No... I will not strike a warrior whilst she is down; I will never kill in cold blood." The Argonian firmly stated. The dragon's eyes opened slowly, and looked up at the powerful warrior.

"Dovahkiin, you have spared the life of my dead mate's hatchling, and you have also spared mine. I can't ever repay your debt, therefore... I belong to you." The dragon stated and it was looking down at the Dragonborn obediently.

The Dragonborn was again, shocked. He looked guardedly up at the dragon, even though his weapon was sheathed, he was ready to rip the Hammer of Might from his back if even the slightest of provocation.

"What? I do not follow." The Argonian said guardedly.

The dragon looked down at him; her posture seemed to be submissive and compliant, "According to the tradition of the dov, any dovah that its life and any other that is very important to it, belongs to the being that saves or spares their life. I am yours now, you may tell me what to do or do as you wish with me."

The Dragonborn raised an eye-ridge and his tail twitched slightly, he didn't quite believe this, deep down he still felt that this was a trick.

"May I... Ride you?" the Argonian questioned, still being guarded about the whole situation.

"Yes master," The dragon replied. It then lowered its head and shoulders to give the Argonian an easy reach up. The Dragonborn was still very hesitant and guarded; the dragon could still be trying to trick him. If the dragon shook him off during the flight...

The Dragonborn shook his head and a little smirk played across his lips, he knew a shout that would protect him from the fall, he could use it if the dragon did decide to shake him off, besides, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The Dragonborn climbed up onto the dragon' back and settled himself into a comfortable position, hanging onto one of the dragon' large spines. The dragon stood to a much fuller height.

"Are you ready, master?"

"Yes, but please, call me Dovahkriid."

The Dragonborn felt the dragon slightly flinch at his name and the dragon looked back at him and replied, "Yes, Dovahkriid."

"Before we go," The Dragonborn asked, "Why did you flinch at my name? It was the name I was given when I hatched."

"I..." The dragon started, she then sighed, "I do not know how much you know of the dovah language, but your name means 'dragon slayer' in the tongue of the dov."

"I... Oh..." The Dragonborn started but shook his head. He changed the subject slightly and asked, "What is your name?"

The Dragonborn felt the dragon puff her chest out slightly, and with a little bit of pride, she replied, "My name is Graagmaarkest."

"Wow, that's... quite a mouthful."

The dragon just rumbled quietly to herself and then snorted and walked to the cave's entrance and took to the skies of Skyrim leaving the Dragonborn speechless as he clung to the dragon' spine, beating her wings powerfully as she climbed altitude.

The dragon was soon gliding through the skies, gently flapping her wings every now and then as she rode the thermals. The Argonian looked down in fear and awe at the unforgiving land that splayed out below him for as far the eye could see; even the mountains seemed like hills to the Argonian.

He couldn't help but give a laugh of joy at the amazing experience, and the dragon looked back at the Dragonborn and gave the most genuine smile the Dragonborn had the pleasure of witnessing.

* * *

In a secluded clearing, a very famous Argonian was chopping wood. His muscles hadn't lost any of their strength and he hadn't lost any of his physique either, since he had finished his adventure, saving the land of Skyrim in the process, and was a fine specimen to indeed behold. The Argonian bundled up some of the chopped wood and walked to his home, the Argonian had settled in the cold and unforgiving land of Skyrim. He had made his home in the side of mountain that he had carved out to build his home. He was very wealthy and had built this home. Within, it had a large raised fire pit in the centre that had been built into the large central pillar that rose up to hold the roof of his home up with great oaken beams that splayed out from the great pillar. The only thing that was separate from all of this was the Argonian' sleeping chambers, apart from that, everything was open plan. Above all this was a large chamber that was open to the air and was only accessible if someone was a master climber or for someone that had the ability of flight could enter this way.

He walked to the fire pit and dumped the logs inside; across from him was a dragon that was lying down, looking at the Dragonborn with a smile.

The Argonian gave a nod to the log pile and the dragon obliged him with a small burst of flame that quickly ignited the logs. The Argonian sat next to the fire and gently curled his tail around himself, across from the Argonian was the dragon.

The dragon couldn't stop grinning at the Argonian.

"What's so funny?" the Argonian asked.

"Nothing, Dovahkriid; it's just that I realized that today is the first anniversary since I became yours." The dragon replied with a smirk; eyeing the Argonian with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Then why are you smiling? Graagmaarkest, you didn't hide another dead deer under my bed again, did you?" The Argonian growled.

"No, no, Dovahkriid; it's just that I've been thinking back to our times together. Do you remember the time when you jumped off of my back, and onto that giant's head?"

"Oh yes, I remember that!" The Argonian shook his head laughing gently at the memory, leaning back smiling he said, "And do you remember the time when you got yourself tangled up in that giant spider' web?" With a large grin on his face, the experiences he has had, still fresh in his memory.

"Oh yes!" The dragon stated suddenly, after she remembered the little escapade, her eyes closed and her chest puffed up, and an audible purr filled the room. The Argonian couldn't help but smile, he loved it when his dragon laughed.

The dragon and Dragonborn looked at each other for a while, still reminiscing on their little adventures, and then their eyes met and were locked for a short while before the dragon broke the contact, looking away with the equivalent to a blush.

"Dovahkriid... I... I need to ask you something." The dragon asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Yes? What is it?"

"Well I... Uhh... Never mind, it's nothing; Krosis." The dragon stammered, looking away with an even brighter dragon-blush.

"Come now Graagmaarkest!" The Argonian said cheerily, standing up and walking over to the dragon. "You can ask me anything my friend."

The dragon looked at the Dragonborn with a very strange look, one the Dragonborn had only seen one other time, but it seemed to be a fearful look. The dragon then leaned its head forward and gently nuzzled against the Dragonborn's shoulder affectionately. The Argonian immediately froze up; this was the first time the dragon had done that.

"Dovahkriid... I..." The dragon whispered, gently nuzzling against her master again, making the Argonian incredibly nervous. The dragon then stooped, leaning her long neck back, she then placed her head at the Dragonborn's feet and was looking up at him. She was eyeing the Argonian in a very strange way, making the Dragonborn uncomfortable.

The Argonian recognized the look the dragon was giving him, but he had never in his life, seen a dragon do it. No, he had seen it from a fine Nord woman that was interested in him once before. He and this woman were in a room together, and alone, she had given him that look. They then got under the covers and...

The Dragonborn stammered, and backed up a few paces. There was no way that the dragon could want the same thing... it seemed totally ludicrous.

"What is it, that you want?!" The Argonian growled a little at the dragon.

"Oh... I think you know..." The dragon replied, continuing to give the Dragonborn the same lustful look and she gently nuzzled the Argonian's body with her head again.

"But! But I..." The Dragonborn replied nervously, his face scales felt hot and flushed with embarrassment. "You are no Argonian! Or any kin to my kind!" The Dragonborn stuttered. There was some sort of cruel irony to the situation, when a man that was powerful enough to slay dozens of dragons, even Alduin, was stuttering at this one.

"Just... think of me... like that one other Argonian." The dragon stated, still with the lustful look on her face, but with a smirk that started to play at her draconic lips.

The Argonian's mouth was wide open with surprise and shock, his blush deepened in colour.

"You-you know... about that?! Who told you?!" The Dragonborn questioned, swallowing nervously as the memory brought him great embarrassment.

"Nobody told me, Dovahkriid, I saw." The dragon replied as his smile grew.

"What! No! No, no! We weren't doing anything! All we were doing was sleeping in the same tent to conserve heat! That's all, nothing else happened!" The Argonian claimed, his blush spreading further over his face.

"Oh, really?" The dragon asked with a smirk, "Then what were those unexplained grunts and groans, and why was the other Argonian screaming 'Yes! Yes! Deeper! Oh yes, that's it! Harder!'?"

"That's not! I-I didn't!" The Argonian swallowed nervously, his eyes darted around, trying to avoid the dragon's gaze. He recognized the look; that was the look that the other Argonian had given him from before. The Dragonborn could not help but notice the way that the dragon's tail twitched from side to side, it was the same exact motion that the other Argonian's tail had done before they...

The Dragonborn swallowed hard, and he finally looked back at the dragon. His dragon's lustful look was needy, arousing, and submissive all at once. The Argonian felt his groin heat up and flush with arousal. He liked the shape of a good female, sure. But he had a thing for males as well, but not all males, he liked to be with the kin of his kind, but he also liked to be with the feline race of Elsweyr too. There was something that he liked about the Khajiit' fur and their warm bodies. But it wasn't just that, he liked to hear the purrs and growls that his kind and the Khajiit made, and all the other cute sounds they made as they held their tails high. He found great appeal in a male that would submit to him; give up their masculinity and to enjoy feeling his embrace, at least in his eyes; to accept to be dominated and controlled. He found it to be very arousing.

The Argonian swallowed and shifted nervously as the dragon's unblinking gaze brought him to become completely aroused, he felt his member slide out of his genital slit and strain against the fabric of his underwear, he gritted his teeth slightly as his member continued to strain against its cloth prison. There was an uncomfortable silence that was only occasionally interrupted by the popping and crackling fire.

The dragon noticed the large tent in her master's trousers as he shifted about uncomfortably, his tail had gently coiled around his body, trying to hide his arousal, the dragon then spoke in a gentle voice, "...Dovahkriid, I am sorry to have embarrassed you, it was not my place to say those things; what you did with that other Argonian is none of my business, krosis. Master, I am, and will forever be indebted to you. Please, Dovahkriid, will you oblige me? I will always be yours, Dovahkriid; you may do anything you want with me."

"Any... anything?" The Argonian nervously asked as his blush deepened even more than it had already.

"Anything," The dragon confirmed.

The Argonian nervously swallowed again. This was all just too much for him. Here was the strongest most powerful and most feared creature ever born, and it was submitting to him, so totally and fully. He was having a hard time coming to grips with it.

With a little nod, the dragon smiled at the Dragonborn, just like first time she had smiled and raised her head from the floor. The dragon then got up and walked over to a clear space in the Dragonborn's home, her head followed the Dragonborn as he uncurled his tail from his body and walked over to where the dragon had situated herself. Once the Dragonborn was standing several feet from the dragon's head, the dragon giggled.

"What's so funny?!" The Argonian asked, this time with a little resentment, and his blush was still very visible on his face.

"It's just funny, that the great Dovahkriid, saviour of Skyrim, slayer of countless dragons, and destroyer of The World Eater, is afraid of a little sodomy." The dragon replied without pause. The Argonian gasped and then growled whilst scowling at the dragon.

"I am not afraid! I am afraid of nothing!" The Argonian hissed.

"Prove it."

The Argonian glared at the dragon briefly and then he sighed, he was unsure as to how to proceed with his dragon.

Graagmaarkest sensed that her master was unsure as to how to proceed; she also felt a twinge of sorrow hit her for mocking her master; so she nuzzled her master affectionately, "Master..." she then gently pushed a little way away from herself and then she carefully rolled over onto her back and relaxed.

The Dragonborn was a little nervous when his dragon nuzzled him again but when his dragon rolled over onto her back he was a little confused, "What are you doing?"

"Mmm, Master, it will make mating easier like this, this is how the dovah mate." She replied looking at the Dragonborn upside-down with a hint of lust in her draconic voice.

The Dragonborn saw some sense in what his dragon was saying but it didn't make things any easier for him for the bluntness of the statement, but he didn't dwell on it long as dragon kind were like that with most things, instead he walked around the sprawled dragon towards her rear. When the Argonian reached his destination, he was drawn to what lay between his dragon's legs and he stared for a while, partially out of his desire, and partially with the knowledge, that the dragon was trying to trick him and that the dragon may succeed in her trickery.

The Argonian was brought out of his semi-trance state when his dragon spoke to him and he tore his eyes away to meet that of his dragon'.

"Master, do I dissatisfy you with what I have to offer?"

"I... What... I n-no..." the Argonian replied nervously, he then turned his head back to look at the large slit that was slightly aroused as he could see a little bit of his dragon' glistening flesh. He then swallowed nervously and then he shakily reached his hands forward, and ran one of his hands gently across the inside of the dragon's leg and carefully placed his other hand near the dragon's glistening slit, earning him a wonderful, lustful growl from the dragon. The Dragonborn looked up at the dragon's head, the dragon was looking back at the Dragonborn with half-lidded eyes and her wings were relaxed and lightly resting on the stone floor. He then looked at the rest of the dragon's body and saw every muscle in the entirety of the dragon that was laid out before him; the thought was driving him crazy.

He began to massage the inside of his dragon's leg some more, whilst he left his other hand where it was, which earned him more, hisses and growls as he continued to massage the dragon. He noticed a clear viscous like liquid start to leak out of his dragon' glistening slit and it began to gently run down towards his dragon's tail-base and he noticed that some of it had pooled slightly in a dip in the scales and he realised that it was his dragon's tail-hole and he blushed slightly knowing what he had just found but it also made the Argonian very aroused, he felt his own member throb uncomfortably within his undergarments, begging to be released.

The Argonian couldn't help but remember, back to his experience with the Nord woman. He remembered the time he had with her, and what he had done, he was going to do the same this time as well.

He then carefully began to massage the outside of his dragon's glistening wet slit so as to not startle his dragon whilst he massaged the inside of his dragon's leg and began to move his hand lower so that he wasn't stretching too much, and so that he could start to pay more attention to the dragon's oozing and needy slit, which earned him a breathy and lustful growl and hiss.

The Argonian decided to start taking a more direct approach to his massaging, he then brought the hand that he had been using to gently massage the outside of his dragon's slit to the opening and he carefully and gently ran his fingers over the glistening flesh that was showing which made his dragon moan out loud. Taking it as a good sign, the Argonian felt more comfortable and boldly went ahead with what he had in mind, the Dragonborn then began to add a little more pressure to his massaging before he gently inserted his fingers a little deeper into his dragon's folds. He felt his dragon's wet folds clamp around his fingers and he felt the velvety ripples of his dragon's vent try to pull his hand in as his dragon moaned lustfully at the insertion of his fingers. The Dragonborn managed to gently extricate his fingers and hand from his dragon's rippling vent, and then he carefully braced himself as he leant over and gingerly swiped his tongue over his dragon' puffed up vent which made his dragon give a little roar of pleasure. The Argonian drew his tongue into his mouth and tasted some of the viscous, slimy fluid that had been gathering in and on his dragon' slit, the taste was sweet, but it was a little salty as well, it was quite palatable to his taste buds and he then began in earnest at trying to lick at where his tongue could reach and he began to gently rub the inside of his dragon' vent with his hand. The Argonian hadn't noticed it until now that there was scent that he had been breathing in and was now painfully aware of the erection in his underwear.

"Ohhh... Mmmmm... M-master..." The dragon breathily moaned with her muzzle pointing upwards at a slight angle with her eyes heavily lidded with the pleasure that she was receiving. The dragon gently flexed her now sopping wet vent at the nice feeling of having her master's fingers gently massaging inside of her, the Argonian felt the dragon's muscles clamp around his fingers that felt very arousing to him. He began to imagine what that might have felt like if it was his member.

"Mmmmm..." The dragon gently rumbled, and then moaned quietly. After few more minutes, the feeling of having her master's fingers inside of her wasn't enough for the dragon, she wanted more. The dragon looked down at the Dragonborn with half open eyes; the Argonian noticed his dragon was looking at him and paused for a second and waited.

"Mate me, master." The dragon hissed lustfully, her voice full of power, almost as if she had used a Shout. The Argonian was stunned, but at last, his lusts and desires came to the surface; he slowly slid his fingers out of his dragon's sopping vent in which the dragon gently hissed with pleasure. He found himself quite literally ripping his clothes off until his member was free from its clothed prison.

The dragon had been watching her master tear his clothes off until she got a look of her master's member and the dragon's eyes opened fully in mild surprise at the size of her master; her look of surprise quickly faded into one of pure lust and desire for her master to mount her and push his member into her waiting, glistening vent.

The Argonian saw his dragon looking at his crotch, more specifically, his fully erect member; the Argonian gently laughed to himself, and briefly remembered back to when he began to mature, that through self exploratory, he found that he was very well endowed even for his kind at the age he was then, and even now he was even more endowed than what he was then. He gave that Nord woman quite a surprise when she felt him, and then looked under the covers to see his fourteen-inch-long member throbbing with life, it made him blush at the time and feel a little shy about his size, but when the Nord woman spoke she only said two words, "By Talos!" and he nervously laughed, but the Nord woman silenced him by gently grasping his member and guided it to her moist opening...

The Argonian came back to the present and he looked the dragon in the eye, and saw the desire in her eyes. He decided to grant his dragon's desire and he carefully climbed over the dragon's tail-base; he then carefully climbed up onto his dragon and lined himself up with the dragon's glistening wet vent. He then carefully supported himself with his left arm and legs and held his member with his right hand and then pressed the head of his cock against the outside of his dragon's vent lips, which made the dragon rumble and made him hiss with pleasure; he then began to slowly push the flared head of his cock into the dragon's glistening vent, the silky wet flesh yielded to his slow push and the Dragonborn felt the flared head of his cock slowly slide in past the outer lips of his dragon' vent and he felt her gently massage his cock-head; he hissed with pleasure as the head of his member was now enveloped just inside of his dragon's silky smooth vent.

The dragon had gently jerked her head back slightly and gasped with her eyes slightly open, and then she curled her neck so that she could see her master's cock-head was now nestled inside of her folds and growled pleasurably when she felt the head of her master's member inside of her and she gently squeezed for a few seconds before relaxing again, she was enjoying the stretched feeling in her most private of places and she again growled with pleasure and gently rumbled afterwards.

The Argonian noticed his dragon's reaction and he growled with pleasure as he stayed in that position for a little while; after a few minutes, he began to slowly slide his member deeper into his dragon's vent, eliciting a hiss from his dragon. He continued to slide his member deeper yet; a couple of times his dragon's silky rippling walls gently clenched his member which made him hiss and grunt with pleasure, until his crotch came into contact with the dragon's slit lips and he laid down on his dragon. He moaned deeply and began to gently pant a little, as his member was now hilted deep inside his dragon; the feeling was indescribable, it was snug and hot, and the dragon's rippling walls kept gently squeezing his member every several seconds.

The dragon felt her master hilt himself inside of her and she rumbled deeply at the feeling, she started to pant gently herself and she hissed again in pleasure. She concentrated on the feeling inside her vent; she was enjoying the feeling of her master's member that was deep inside of her, the full feeling, coupled with the stretched feeling in her vent, she couldn't help but moan and rumble deeply again at the feeling of being penetrated, it had been a while since she had felt the feeling of having a male mount her. The dragon felt a great warmth flush through her beating heart; the time that she had spent with her master, she had come to like him, and to a point she would be waiting to greet her master every morning, to just go on pleasure flights with him, and generally be ready for anything her master wanted. She liked to spend every waking minute with him; she felt that warmth in her heart flush again, and plus the feeling of having her master so close to her on a very intimate level; she knew what the feelings were and this time she let out a very long and deep moan that reverberated around the walls, she then relaxed herself, ready for her master to mate her. She was now very aroused, but not out of need, but out of the deep love and affection she felt for her master and her vent was producing a reasonable amount of her mating juices that was constant, she was ready, and she waited for her master to continue.

The Dragonborn had just been lying there with his member deep inside his dragon, enjoying the moment, he wasn't one to rush this sort of thing when he heard his dragon rumbling and moaning at the initial full penetration, but when he heard his dragon moan deeply and for a reasonable period of time, and he felt his dragon relax, he thought it was a little strange, but his head was full of the pleasure that his member was giving him. He decided it was time to start the act; he then started up a slow rhythm in his thrusting that made both of them moan, growl and hiss in pleasure.

The Argonian picked up the pace with his thrusting and started to really pound his dragon, he look up at his dragon's face and saw nothing but pleasure plastered across his dragon's draconic features, her eyes were half lidded with the pleasure that he was giving her and that really aroused the Argonian, and he then slowed down just a little to a good steady rhythm, but putting more power behind his thrusts. This made his dragon tense at the feeling, but the dragon was making such pleasurable sounds that the Argonian continued.

"Oh... M-master... mmmmm..." the dragon was enjoying each thrust her master gave and she couldn't help but moan, growl and hiss in pleasure; she surrendered herself, both soul and body to her master, no, mate; her pleasure seemed to just take over her body as the love she now truly felt for her master welled up like an overflowing fountain; she looked down upon her master with half lidded eyes and watched as he mated her.

As the Dragonborn sodomized his dragon with growls and hisses of pleasure, he was beginning to regret the whole year that he had spent with his dragon, but he didn't regret the time as to how it was spent. He regretted not breeding his dragon the day that she had given herself to him. Although the Argonian did not agree with slavery in the slightest, and found the Dunmer's practice of it despicable; the very thought of a being giving themselves to another in complete submission was unbearably arousing. The Dragonborn gave a very hard thrust that made his dragon give a little roar; the feeling, it seemed was a mutual one.

The Argonian remembered back to his little encounter with the Nord woman. He remembered a very vivid image of the night, when he had the Nord woman on all fours and taking his large member into her tight pussy, he remembered how he had bent over the Nord woman and held her close as he gently mated her, he wasn't one for being rough with his partners as they couldn't take him fully, but they still allowed him to dominate them. But he couldn't do that now; the dragon was much bigger than he was, but that didn't stop him from trying, he then hugged the dragon's belly as best he could as he continued to mate the dragon, and it felt good to do that, he at least was able to be a little bit more intimate with his dragon. His dragon seemed to enjoy his intimate touch and gave a much louder rumbling moan.

The Dragonborn then braced himself and started to thrust like he hadn't been able to before and he hissed with pleasure.

"Oh... M-master... *Groan* Oh yes... Master... *Moan* Oh father Akatosh... Yes!" the dragon hissed pleasurably, she was almost sent over the edge when her master really started to thrust into her, but she was enjoying every thrust her master was giving her.

The Argonian continued his thrusting for a few minutes, he was lost in the pleasure and the silken folds that kept squeezing and rippling around his slick member, that he hadn't even heard his dragon cry out in pleasure; he then looked up his dragon's body to her head, and he saw that his dragon was completely lost in the pleasure as her eyes were half lidded and she was panting out of her relaxed mouth with her tongue partially hanging out of the side of her mouth.

The Argonian began to feel the familiar feeling of his climax; he then gripped his dragon and gritted his teeth as he began to speed up with his thrusts, so that his groin was slapping against his dragon's sopping wet vent. His dragon was in absolute bliss, and was loving every thrust her master gave her, as her own mating juices were rising out of her vent and spilling out over the sides and was adding to the already large puddle of her fluids.

The Argonian was now reaching his climax, but he wanted to leave his dragon satisfied as well, so he then changed his angle slightly and he started to thrust his member into his dragon whilst the top of is member was rubbing up against the dragon's clit, adding more pleasure. The dragon made no growls or hisses; she just gently rumbled and began to pant heavily as the feelings that her master were giving her were overwhelming her. The Argonian continued to thrust into his dragon whilst he was thrusting against his dragon's clit for a few more minutes before the Argonian felt his orgasm creep up on him; after a few more thrusts, the Argonian hissed loudly as his orgasm hit him with incredible force, he thrust into his dragon for the last time and he came hard deep within his dragon's sopping vent. The dragon felt her master's cock throbbing hard as he began cumming, this in turn made the dragon cum, she roared loudly, giving voice to her powerful orgasm, and a well of juices came flowing out, covering her master's already slick crotch and it flowed out and down onto the floor to mingle with the rest of her juices. When the dragon began cumming, her vent began to rhythmically clench around the Argonian's own throbbing member making the Argonian's orgasm much more pleasurable and drawn out. The Argonian felt his member spray a good fifteen spurts of his sticky white seed into his dragon's vent to mix with her juices.

Both of them were panting heavily, trying to regain their breaths, the Argonian rested on his dragon's belly with his arms gently cuddling her, he was still deep inside of his dragon, but he was tired and his whole body felt weak. Eventually, he saw his dragon slowly open her now tired eyes after regaining her breath, and she bent her neck and brought her head towards him. He was a little frightened by the dragon bringing her huge head in his direction, but he was in no fit state to get away from it, or fight it for that matter. For a split second, he thought death was coming for him, and that the dragon's master plan had unfolded. The Dragonborn was ready to meet his ancestors within the misty grove under the Great Hist Tree. The dragon's mouth came to the Argonian's... and the dragon kissed him.

The dragon then brought her neck and head back and the dragon then gently said, "I love you, Dovahkriid." The Argonian looked into his dragon's eyes, and he saw the most genuine look of love and satisfaction he had ever seen, "I love you too." The Argonian replied with the same genuine look. The dragon then gently kissed him again and pulled her head completely away.

The Argonian briefly thought back to the time when he had bed the Nord woman; she had given him a look similar to what the dragon had given him; but without the same amount of love, but that was then, this is now, and he wasn't going to look back, only forward with his new mate.

The Dragonborn eventually regained some of his strength and he then slid out of his mate's sopping, and still oozing vent and he tiredly moved to her tail-base and stood up, and then carefully stepped over her tail-base, being careful to not slip on his mate's emissions. He tiredly walked to where his mate's head had rested when they first started their little mating adventure, and his mate had watched him, and then she rolled over with a tired and satisfied groan. His mate looked at him and then gently motioned with her massive head for the Argonian to come and rest with her. He slowly walked over to his mate, who had shifted one of her wings slightly for him to sleep under, he tiredly crawled under the massive wing and was immediately wrapped up in a warm leathery, scaly hug as his mate had laid her head down and tucked it in under her wing, nuzzling up next to him and whispering, "Sleep well my mate." and they both happily fell asleep.

Never again would there be a tale of love so warm and so perfect in the cold and unforgiving land of Skyrim.