Daring Vengeance: Part 2 of a Trilogy

Story by twisted_trisk on SoFurry

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#3 of Hetero Stories

Six years have passed since Caleb escaped the island with Anne, and he's all but given up the thought of ever seeing her again. His only hope is her promise to exact revenge upon Cajack, the wicked pirate who raped her, and that he will be a part of that vengeance. But how can two people manage to defeat an entire crew of pirates? Part 2 of 3.

Daring Vengeance

© 2010 - 2013 Twisked_Trisk, Benjamin J Johnson

Contents: Sex (m/f) human/furkind: Violence

Thunder rumbled in the heavens, wind rattled the windows and moaned through the trees. It had been storming all day and it looked like it would continue all night. I was sitting in my study, writing on a science paper, dully wishing I could be doing anything else tonight. I'd just had a spectacular fight with my wife Trixy over her treatment of one of my friends, and she was still occasionally yelling at me from the front room of our Victorian manor house.

"You're a friendless twit, Caleb!" I heard her scream. "I'm the only woman who'd ever get within ten feet of a simpering dog like you! How dare you call me fat! You'll never amount to anything!"

I tried to ignore her, but somehow I managed to write the completely wrong word, ruining the page I'd been carefully scribing. I crumpled it to a ball and hurled it angrily towards the trash can, before grabbing another sheet of paper and starting over. This was the third time, too.

"Are you even listening to me!?" She howled. She still wanted to fight, but I had never had much desire to join in and fight back, which seemed to make her even more furious. I'd made a passing reference to the fact that she couldn't fit into a carriage anymore after she'd ordered my friend out of the house, and that had been all it had taken to get her started screaming at me. When I tried to simply point out the fact that it was true, she'd screamed all the more. I'd simply walked out of the room on her, and she was far too fat to get up and follow me anymore, but was still shrieking every insult at me she could.

Life with her hadn't always been this miserable. It had all started when I'd returned from an eight month trip to map weather patterns in the Caribbean. I'd lived on a deserted island, roughing it and living off the land, and measuring the weather several times a day. What I hadn't realized was that the island was used by pirates to hide their ill-gotten gain. While there, I'd rescued a beautiful feline pirate girl named Anne from being killed by them.

The sexy female had desired to bed me, and my protestations of already being married didn't faze her in the slightest. She was so beautiful; a perfect seductress with fiery red hair and a temper to match. I'd at last given in and committed adultery with her, and had spent the most wonderful six months of my life with that girl, making love wildly with her and spending time as friends and mates together on the island. She'd taught me what sex and love truly were.

When my ship finally returned to pick me back up at the end of eight months, we rode back together. When we reached port though, she told me she would be staying on with the ship, crewing with them. I'd known deep down I wouldn't be able to keep the free-spirited lass no matter how much love and devotion I showed her, but I was still crushed and felt rejected.

So I'd watched Bonny Anne sail away and out of my life, possibly forever. The only hope I ever had of seeing her again was that we'd both made a solemn promise to kill the pirates who'd raped and tried to kill her should she ever come up with a plan to do it. Watching her leave me, sailing away and out of my life had been the hardest thing I'd ever lived through.

I had returned home, hoping to find some comfort in the arms of my portly but jolly blond wife, but was destined for disappointment yet again. In the eight months I'd been gone, she'd changed drastically. She'd gained two-hundred pounds and was a fat, waddling whale now, eating constantly. She'd shown intense distain for me the instant I walked in the door, for reasons I could never quite understand. She couldn't have known about my infidelity, that was impossible, so why did she suddenly hate me so? I had no idea, and she'd never clued me in.

For that matter, her family had no idea what was wrong with her, and they sided with me on the matter, feeling very sorry for me. Her family was fantastically wealthy, and while I repeatedly told myself I'd married her for love, not for her money, sometimes, like tonight, I felt that couldn't possibly be true. At any rate, she would have left me long ago and moved back home with her family, but they absolutely refused to let her leave me. I knew they were trying to help me, but at this point I'd have been just as glad to be rid of her; she made my life hell.

That had all happened six years ago. I hadn't had sex since the final night of love-making with Anne on the boat as we sailed home, and I was lonely and felt largely friendless these days. I'd once had friends, but my wife had driven them all away with unrelenting nastiness and tasteless insults. We slept on opposite sides of the house, and I did my best to avoid her most days, because if I ever ran into her she invariably picked a fight with me.

My eight month project of attempting to map Caribbean weather patterns had been a spectacular success, and all modern maps now carried with them my precise weather notations. I'd made a vast fortune with this in my own right, and it felt good to no longer be hanging on my wealthy wife's coat-tails for anything I needed. Since then, I'd been studying weather and trying to better understand what made it do the things it did, which no longer required much travel, but was also much less interesting.

I was trying to write, listening to the gloomy sound of the rain and wind whipping around the house, when there was a loud knock on our front door. Trixy immediately screamed for me. "There's someone at the door you lazy oaf! Send them away before that knocking gives me a headache! You and your stupid papers! All you do is write anymore!" She shouted.

I gritted my teeth and set down my pen. Why could she never say a single damn thing nice anymore? "Yes dearest, I shall get the door." I called back.

I made my way towards the front door, past where she was spread out all over the couch. She was eating a whole cake and looked like she'd spilled half of it down her front. So sexy... I couldn't imagine why I didn't desire to sleep with her anymore. As I passed, she snarled "Get me more cake, too! I can't stand the sight of you and it makes me sick!"

I glowered at her. "I can't make you all that sick if you want another cake, dear." I stalked past her to the front door, lit a lantern and threw the door open upon our visitor. He was standing at the edge of the porch, looking back down the road, where a horse and buggy were disappearing back towards the town. He was fairly short, perhaps five and a half feet tall, and wore a heavy riding cloak with the hood over his head, probably to protect him from the wind and rain.

"Oi!" I called to him. "You knocked?"

He turned around and stepped close. The hood obscured his face, but somehow that step looked familiar to me. Then he threw the hood back, and I found I was looking into the striking blue eyes of a lovely light brown feline female with long, flaming red hair. "Anne?" I cried. For a split second, I thought it was her, but as I drew a sharp breath to give a cry of delight, my hope died within me. Anne had only one eye, the other a blind, white orb behind an eye patch. This girl had two whole eyes.

I was crushed, but it wasn't her fault. "Forgive me, madam, I mistook you for someone else. May I help you?"

She stood directly before me now, and smirked at me. "A fine thing, eh Caleb? Ye don't e'en recognize me anymore? Ha'e it been that long, an' did I mean that little to ya?"

"Anne! It is you!" I shrieked in delight and grabbed her in fierce hug, picking her up, swirling her over my head before pulling her inside to get away from the rain and noise. "Anne! Anne! I just can't believe it! Oh my God, I've missed you so much! After all this time, I never thought I would see you again!"

She laughed in delight to be held by me and hugged me back with all her strength, nearly crushing my ribs. "I've missed you too, love! I meant ta visit ye long b'fore now, but many things conspired against me and kept me away."

I set her back down and looked into her stunningly beautiful face. It was safe to say she was the loveliest woman I'd ever met, of any species, and that had not diminished in six years. In fact... "Anne, when I said goodbye you only had one good eye, that's why I didn't recognize you. How is it... ?"

She laughed and reached up, popping her left eye out of its socket "Glass eye. Lost me own in a fight, an' I had enough money at the time to pay a craftsman to match me up a new one. Much better'n a patch, eh?" She popped it back in her socket. "'Sides, I look much better with the two than the one, yea?"

I stared at it, then laughed. "Oh Anne, I thought you were gorgeous regardless, but it is very nice. You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. I can't believe it's really you!"

She grinned up at me, then reached up and drew her warm paw gently through my hair in a way that she knew drove me wild for her. "Is that all the welcomin' I get from ya?" She murred softly.

I looked into her beautiful eyes with a thrill, the flood of love and emotions I felt for her suddenly back and in full force as if six years had never happened. I cupped her lovely face in my hands and drew her close, kissing her deeply on the muzzle with the confidence and familiarity of one who'd enjoyed countless inter-species kisses. Our tongues swirled together and I was lost in a sea of pleasure, hugging her slender, muscled body tightly to me.

I was drowning in her smell, in her taste, in her soft fur, and in the warmth and life of her beautiful, sexy body. She threw off her cloak so that we could passionately kiss, and so that I could feel her all the closer to me. She was a goddess of utmost purity. "I've thought about you from dawn 'till dusk every day for six years, Anne." I moaned between kisses.

She looked up at me with large eyes filled with tears. "Oh Caleb, it's been the same for me, I've missed you so much it's been physically painful. I love you."

Suddenly there was a shrill screech from around the corner in the front room of the house. "Caleb, what the hell is happening in there!? It sounds like you're kissing with some woman! How dare you! Get rid of her right this instant!!! Don't make me get up or I'll kill her!"

I grimaced and tensed up. Anne pulled back and looked at me in shock. "Yer lovin' wife I heard so much abou'?" She queried.

I nodded in utter humiliation. "Wife yes, loving no."

"Well, I got lot 'o things to talk wi' ye abou'. Shall I meet 'er an' then you an' I go someplace we can discuss some things, private like?"

I blinked. "We can talk in privacy upstairs, but why do you want to meet her?"

"Ta tell 'er yer mine." She smirked. Before I could understand what she meant, she marched past me and around the corner into the front room of the house. I hurried after her.

She froze as she beheld my mammoth sow of a wife. Politeness and tact had never particularly been hers. She stared with wide eyes, then spat on the floor in front of her. "Lord o' heaven! This be the woman ye spoke so highly of? Damn Caleb!"

Trixy was puffing and flailed her arms angrily. "Who the hell are you, bitch! Get away from my husband!" She spilled her cake and it splattered on the floor.

Coolly, as if talking about the weather, Anne replied "I'm yer 'usband's lover, an' yer better in ev'ry way, he told me so ev'ry time we made love fer six months, 'bout three times daily. Good God, I see that weren't sayin' much now, though."

Trixy's piggish eyes bulged out of her skull at that, and she struggled to pull herself to her feet. "How dare you humiliate me! I'll kill you both!" She shrieked, at last making it to her feet and grabbing a sharp kitchen knife she'd been using to cut cake.

"Anne, are you crazy?" I cried in horror.

She looked at me calmly. "Stay out o' this, Caleb. This is between two women who got a claim on ya, an' were gonna settle it right now. Only one o' us is keepin' ya, an' it ain't gonna be her."

Trixy shrieked and she waddled forward, brandishing the knife. Still calm as a midsummer's day, Anne reached down to her wide belt sash and produced a bizarre looking pistol from concealment there. "Sure you want to try that, deary?" She said calmly as she pointed it at Trixy's face. The other woman turned white as a sheet and dropped the knife.

"Good. Sit back down, and try not to break the couch." She eyed the sagging middle of the sofa, then added "Any more than you already have."

Trixy did as she was told, and Anne motioned for me to step forward to her side, still pointing the gun at the fat, sweating woman. "Now, Caleb, just so we can all be perfectly clear about this, let's fill your ex-wife in on a few things. First off, are you and I lovers?"

I could not believe Anne was doing this, but after years of hostility and scorn, seeing Trixy get put in her place was the most wonderful thing I could ever have wished for. "Yes." I said, putting my arm around her.

She grinned sweetly, and Trixy glowered at her. "And of the two of us, whom did you prefer?"

"You Anne."

"And who's body is sexier, who's better at giving you pleasure? Who's the better fuck?"

"You Anne. No contest." I mumbled, blushing at her bluntness.

"Who do you love more, Caleb?"

"I love you more than life itself Anne, and I would die for you."

That made her beam at me with affection. "Thank you sweetie, I love you too. Now finally, before we parted, you told me something, what was it?"

"I swore to you that if you asked, I would give up everything I have and run away with you."

Smirking triumphantly, Anne replaced the pistol into her sash, pulling it closed to hide that it was even there. "I think that about fills in the blanks for your wife. I'm here to cash in that promise, Caleb. Did you mean it?"

"I most certainly did. I haven't lived a single day since then that I haven't thought of you and missed you." I repeated softly, looking deep into her glistening eyes.

She looked a little sad. "Nor I you, love. I tried hard to come back years ago, but always I was unable. I'll fill you in on all that has happened to me, but in short, I am here now to take you away with me. Do you remember your other promise to me?"

"Absolutely. I promised to get rid of Cajack with you if you could ever devise a plan to do it. I meant that promise too, love." I said solemnly.

She nodded, looking relieved. "That's wonderful. I've come up with a plan, and it's time to put it into motion." She turned to my wife. "I'm takin' yer 'usband. Got any desire to try an' stop me?"

Trixy shook her head, still looking pale from staring at the bizarre gun. "Take him." She whimpered.

Anne smiled and turned to me. "There ya go. All free. Now, shall we go talk?"

I nodded. "Upstairs we'll be alone. Trixy can't fit up the stairs anymore."

She gracefully strode up the stairs, and I paused, taking a last look at my wife. "I'll get you for this, you monster. Somehow, somewhere, I'll get you." Trixy breathed.

I snorted. "I doubt that. More likely you'll just eat more food until you kill yourself." I walked upstairs, feeling grimly satisfied. For six years I'd been her proverbial punching bag, but I felt like I'd just gotten the last laugh.

* * *

We stepped into my library and she sat down. I set the lamp down on the table and closed the door, then beheld her in depth. Her long red hair was flowing freely, not held in a ponytail. She had gentle wavy hair that made her thick mane flow like liquid around her beautiful feline face. Her breasts were large and lovely, and her body was muscled yet slender. She wore a pair of black breeches and some black leather boots with some heel, and a white blouse that was dangerously low on the neckline, showing much of her beautiful cleavage. Of course, I'd seen much more of her than that during our wild affair. Hell, there'd been many days we'd worn no clothes at all.

She sat primly and stared at me as I drank her in. "Oh Anne, you're even more beautiful than I remembered, my love." I whispered.

She smiled. "Thank ye, darlin'. Ye look as sexy as I remember ye, an' I can hardly wait to love with ye again. Forgive me if this be rude but... what the hell? From how ya talked of her, I thought yer wife to be a winsome lass at the very least."

I sighed. "She was portly but kind, when I left her. When I came back from our adventure, this... blob is what greeted me. It's as if she knew I'd been cheating on her. She hated me fiercely, and from that day forward my life has been hell, honest to God hell. Having tasted true love and happiness, to then lose it all and be left with this? There were times I nearly gave up. The only reason I stayed here Anne, is because I hoped to see you again, and I knew if I left you were lost to me."

Her face fell and she looked ashen. "I tried Caleb. Oh, how I tried. But I'd vowed to meself that I'd not darken yer doorstep until the method of Cajack's undoing was known to me. Every time I thought I'd a lead, I fell farther behind the bastard, 'til I finally was ready ta give up an' admit defeat. Jus' as I did, the solution came to me, as it were providence. Aye, 'tis a happy day, love! The world will soon be rid o' that filth forever."

I moved over to the table and sat down, taking her soft, silky paws in my hands and squeezing them. She squeezed back affectionately. "OK, so what's the plan then, beautiful kitten?" I asked.

She nodded and said "Well, ya remember why we didnae kill Cajack for all the time we were on that island?"

"Well, there were only two of us and as many as twenty of him and his men on the beach, and more on the ship." I replied.

"True, but even more fundamentally than that. We had a gun, and we were both fair shots. Why did we not gun him down?"

I cocked my head to the side, unsure where she was going with this. "We only had one rifle, Anne. Perhaps we could have fired, reloaded once, then fired again before they'd have found our hiding place, but no more than that. We'd have been dead."

She grinned at me. "Aye, that was the rub, eh? One rifle, one shot, long reload time. That's the way it always is, right?"


"Wrong." She pulled the odd looking pistol from her belt and held it up. It had a stout wooden handle, but the rest was blued steel. The barrel looked standard enough, but on the center of the gun there was a fat cylinder. "This here's the newest and hottest weapon ever built. It's called a revolving pistol, or revolver. See this cylinder here? She holds not one, but six loads of ball and powder, and she can burn through them as quickly as you can cock her hammer back. All you do is pull the hammer and she automatically rotates her cylinder to the next ready chamber. Pull the trigger and she burns powder and throws the lead. These are brand-new, and they make 'em in rifles, as well as pistols."

She offered it to me and I gingerly took it in my hands, examining it. It was heavy, but felt remarkably comfortable to hold. "How does one load it?" I asked.

"If she had a downside, it's that. She has to be reloaded six times once you've emptied her. Ye rotate through each chamber, filling it with powder, then through again ramming a ball in. Finally, ya throw primer caps on her back and she's ready to go." I nodded, chewing my lip.

"With one o' these on our belts, and a few of the rifles, just the two of us'd be more than a match for Cajack an' all his landing party. We'd be an army of two!" She grinned proudly.

"OK, so how and where do we use them?" I said, sighting down the barrel of the odd weapon.

"The island. They still use it fer treasure. We hide up in them rocks an' blast away at 'em when they're farthest from their dinghies." She said, looking triumphant. "Perfect vengeance for the two o' us, ya think?"

I nodded, but there was another problem. "Alright, so we can kill the pirates on the beach, but what about the ship full of them in the bay? What's your plan for them?"

Her smile hardened into a small grimace. "I got the location o' their powder room. One o' us swims to the ship, tacks a keg to their hull in the perfect spot, lights a fuse and swims like hell back to shore, then runs for the rocks to join back up wi' the other of us. That ship'll blow sky-high in a spectac'lar display, which'll confuse the pirates on the beach e'en more while we proceed ta blast 'em down." She sat back, a haunted look in her eyes. "That information cost me dearly, Caleb."

I looked at her and knew she needed my reassurance. I got up and walked around the table, kneeling and embracing her tightly. "The location of their powder room? I have no doubt it was hard. You can share with me if you need to, or just try to forget it if you would rather forget, love."

She sighed happily and hugged me back. "We'll have time enough later to share stories wi' each other as we sail, doll. At any rate, Lars, me cap'm, has agreed to drop us off and pick us up again in a few weeks time, which should give us ample opportunity to make good on our revenge. Have ye reckoned on the final piece o' me plan yerself?"

I pulled back from our embrace and searched her face. Seeing I didn't follow her, she explained in a hushed tone. "We'll have all o' Cajack's ill-gotten swag all to ourselves, love. Enough wealth that we'll be able to retire and live like kings, anywhere in the world we want. I got th' deal worked wit' Lars already. He and his boys'll help us dig 'em all up, an' they get half an' we get half. He's a good man an' I know we can trust 'im."

I stared at her in disbelief. Slowly, a smile spread across my face. "My God. You are brilliant, Anne, you know that?"

She blushed and beamed. "It better be a good'n, Caleb; it took me six years to come up with 't." Nevertheless, I could tell she was very pleased I was impressed. She leaned forward and we kissed lingeringly. "I've missed you so much, love." She whispered.

I grinned, feeling better than I had in years. "So where do we start?"

She got a guilty look in her eyes at that. "We need more o' them revolvin' guns. I... ah... took th' liberty of orderin' a half dozen guns in yor name, and havin' 'em shipped here. We should be recievin' 'em in less than a week. Uh... they be terrific expensive. Now that we essentially got rid o' yer wife, are ye as broke as me?"

I shook my head. "Ever heard of the McGilliss weather mapping system?"

"Oh aye. All ships use those nowadays; saves many a cap'm from sailin' strait into a storm. Why ya ask?"

I blushed, feeling a swell of pride. "Remember I was taking weather measurements? That mapping system is the result. I've made a small fortune with it, too."

She stared at me in complete shock for a minute. "Caleb... I never asked ye yer las' name, did I?"

"Caleb McGilliss, at your beck and call, madam." I said, standing up and bowing to her with a dapper grin.

She gave a bubbling laugh and stood up, swooping me into a massive hug, picking me up and swirling me through the air as effortlessly as I had done to her a few moments ago. "Ah, me sweetie, yer name be famous amongst all those who sail! I cannae believe we never shared las' names, aft'r all we went through together."

I laughed and held her tight. "I don't know why Anne, it just never came up. What's your last name, then?"

She plopped me down and ran her soft fingers over my lips. My heart began to beat as I remembered how amazingly perfect a lover she was, and I was suddenly burning with desire to take her perfect body again. "You already know mine, at least in a way. I told you my name is Bonny Anne, and that's what sailors call me, but my real name is Anne Bonny."

I swallowed and kissed her fingers gently. "Miss Bonny... It's been so long, and I've missed you so much... Can we find each other again?"

Her chuckle was a soft whisper. "What a poetic way to ask. No, I didn't come back to be your lover anymore. I only want to work together with you in taking down Cajack."

My eyes widened in horror. "What?" I squeaked, feeling as if my head was being torn from my shoulders.

She nuzzled me. "I'm teasing you darling. Yes, I'm dying to make love to you again after six long years. You're the most important thing in the world to me, and if I had to choose between you or my revenge, I'd choose you." She hugged me tight.

"Don't be cruel Anne, not about that, please. I couldn't make it without you... tease me about whatever else you like, but not that, I beg you." I said softly, wiping away tears that had already welled up in my eyes.

She looked apologetic. "Sorry, love. I don't plan on leaving your side again. I'm done with life at sea, and I just want to settle down and have that family I used to speak of with such distain." I noticed her accent was gone again. It tended to fade away when she was very serious about something, and was always a way I could tell her mood.

"Thank you, Anne. I... I never want you to leave again. I died inside as I watched you sail away last time. Now let's have a happy reunion, what do you say?" I said, smiling.

She grinned and we walked from the room. "Sound good ta me. Where's yer weddin' bed so's we can defile it?"

I swallowed, my eyes wide. "Damn, Anne! Time certainly hasn't made you any less of a little devil, you know that?"

She laughed as I led her towards the master bedroom. "Nay, not when it comes ta you, I fear. You be mine now, an' I'm all for wipin' away all vestiges o' yer relationship wi' that fat sow. Yer done wi' her, Caleb, an' I aim to see that is so a thousand times o'er." We stepped into the room. It was on the second floor, so Trixy hadn't been up here in four years, since she'd become too fat to make it through the door leading to the stairs. As such, it was my room only, but it was comfortable enough to be our love nest.

"Get naked and lay down." She instructed. I complied, and she watched me lustily as I disrobed, finally climbing naked onto the bed and stretching out. It was a strange feeling. On the one hand, we'd been lovers for six months and had experienced each other a multitude of times and were about as intimate as a couple could be. On the other, it had been six years since then, and it had been surreal, as we'd been trapped on an island that whole time. Now here we were in my manor house, preparing to rekindle a relationship from long ago, a relationship that sometimes seemed more like a fantasy than a reality to me.

She smiled a strange, hungry smile at me. "I left my traveling case outside your front door. Stay right there and I shall be right back." She said, then left before I could inquire about it. I heard her steps retreat down the stairs, heard Trixy screaming something unintelligible at her as she passed the front room, then listened to silence. It was odd behavior, to say it mildly.

A minute later, I heard Trixy take up screaming again, and I heard her graceful step on the stair as she returned. She breezed back into the room with several traveling cases, tossed one down, then carried the other to the foot of the bed, plopping it down between my widespread legs and popping it open. She produced a set of irons connected with chains, and grinned at me. "We're going to play one of my favorite games; one we never got to play on that island."

I was shocked and frightened, sitting up and moving away from her as she climbed towards me on the bed. "Anne, what the hell are you doing? What does that have to do with making love?" I said, afraid.

"I'm making our first time back together special. Trust your Anne, love." She purred.

Slowly I laid back down. She clapped an iron on my left wrist, then threw the chain around the headboard trapping my other wrist in the other side. A moment later, she'd done the same to my ankles and had me lashed to the bed, arms and legs spread wide and held tightly, completely helpless. The seeds of doubt were in my mind over this, and I wasn't sure I entirely trusted her after six years apart.

She pulled her clothes off, except for her leather boots, then crawled up over me, naked and luscious. "I just love the look and feel of fucking a partner who is tied up and helpless. She began to stroke my naked flesh, and I was quickly getting hard looking at her sexy body.

She had large perky breasts and wonderfully soft fur. She was cream-colored on her chest and stomach, tapering down over her pussy and her inner thighs. The rest of her fur was a rich golden brown which glistened beautifully with a healthy luster. Her hips were wide and feminine, and her body was muscled, but very, very beautiful. Her long tail lashed around playfully as she drank me in. Her large blue eyes and cute feline muzzle were strikingly beautiful and elegant looking, and I knew though she acted tough, she was a sweetheart deep down inside.

She gently drew her body over mine, letting her fur tickle me and make me shiver. Her heavy breasts stroked along my flesh the most, and she stopped with them pressed into my face. "Lick me, my precious little toy." She ordered.

I lapped at her large pink areola and her generous and soft nipples excitedly. She laid her body out against me, gently grinding her soft, furry pussy against my throbbing cock, but making sure I couldn't sink into her. I groaned in ecstasy, tasting her wonderful body again, remembering how truly happy I'd been with her. She tossed her head back, then forward, throwing her long red hair all around our faces, hiding us in a tent of intimacy. Her blue eyes seemed to penetrate my mind, and I felt her paw begin to touch my cock.

I gasped at the glorious stimulation, loving the feeling of her velvety, warm pads caressing my sex. "Mmm. You missed me, I can tell." She chuckled, giving me a knowing look. "I'll bet you'd give your right arm to slide into my warm, wet body, wouldn't you?" God, her fingers felt so good.

"Yes, oh yes, My lovely sweet kitten, please let me have you! I'm dying to feel you again!" I cried in delight.

"Too bad!" She snarled. "You have to work for it!" She sat up, drawing her luscious body up and pressing her wet, fragrant pussy into my face. "Eat me out! Do a good job and you'll earn the right to fuck me." She grinned maliciously.

Chained to the bed, I couldn't do anything except what I was told. I slid my tongue along her lips, remembering the taste and feel as if it had been just yesterday. She was delicious, and I was eagerly lapping at her in no time. She ran her fingers through my hair and began to moan louder and louder as I worked frantically to give her pleasure. Soon she was fairly screaming in delight, and I realized she'd left the door wide open. She was making damn sure my wife knew we were up here fucking each other's brains out.

"God Caleb! I've missed you so much!" She squealed. "Your thick human tongue is so strong and yet so supple! Oh, you make my body sing! Lick me more! Deeper! Faster! Ugh!"

I flashed my tongue as rapidly over her as I could, plunging deep, going back and forth, feeling her juices drizzling down my face. It felt so good to eat her, I was losing my mind. God, she was sexy. I was out of practice, but some things are just like riding a bike. I knew every inch of her sopping wet pussy from countless hours spent with my face buried between her legs. It had been six years, but I remembered everything she loved as I drowned in her smell and warmth.

She panted and howled in delight, describing what I was doing, probably for my wife's benefit. "Oh yeah! You like licking my clit don't you baby! Oh, you are so good at this! Mmm, plunge that tongue deep into my love tunnel, beautiful! That feels soooo good! Yes!" Her thigh muscles were tensing and relaxing, and I knew that meant she was getting close. I was not playing gentle and exploratory, I was dying to fuck her, so I was trying to get her off as quickly as I could.

"Ung! Oh yeah! Drink my juices when I cum, Caleb, just like old times!" She howled languidly, and I buzzed my tongue over her clit, knowing how she liked it best when she orgasmed.

Her body tensed and I felt the warm rush of her ejaculation flood my mouth. I gulped her squirts down eagerly, happy to feel the response of pleasure I was getting from her. "Oh God, I'm cumming! Yessss!!!" She shrieked in delight, crushing my face into her pelvis as she exploded.

I moaned in ecstasy as her sizzling hot feline cum filled my mouth, drowning my senses in the smell and taste of a luscious female furkind's sexuality. I drank every last drop she gave me, eager and willing to drown in her. She finished squirting and relaxed her muscles, panting. "I did my best, Anne, may I please have you now?" I cried loudly. She was getting me in the mood to give a loud blow by blow of our sex to the whole neighborhood.

She grinned contentedly. "Ahhh, that felt so good. Your ability to please me hasn't diminished with time, love. Oh, and look at your face and chest, all soaking wet as if you just swam in the ocean. The ocean of my sex! Did you ever do this with your wife?"

Shaking my head, I tremblingly admitted "No... we never did much more than missionary. I never got enough from her, not like you, who let me drink from you as often as I liked."

She laughed softly, hearing my wife swearing at our words. "Yes, I was always happy to give my darling Caleb everything his heart desired. It was my pleasure to do it, and you always worked hard to make sure it felt as good to me as it did to you, my sweet."

"Anne, please... " I choked, feeling her girl-juice dripping down my face. I wasn't interested in this conversation, only in coupling with her.

She gave me a look of mock-confusion. "Whatever do you want, dear?" She cooed in a sweet little voice. She crawled back down me and rested her ass along my dick, letting me try to grind it in-between her round perfect cheeks, but making sure I couldn't actually get anywhere.

She leaned her elbows on my chest and rested her chin in her paws, looking at me expectantly. "Please let me make love to you!" I whined, futilely thrusting with my hips, trying to move enough to penetrate her. She kept me effortlessly at bay.

"Louder, deary. Louder and much more vulgar." She growled at me. "Your wife is listening, after all..."

I was so desperate to have her, any inhibitions I had left were gone. "Please Anne! Let me fuck you, kitten! I need to feel your tight, warm body again! It's been so long and I've missed you so much!" I hollered loudly.

She sank backwards, lined her dripping pussy up with my shaft, then slowly sat down on me. I felt the slippery skin slowly slide over me, enveloping me in its tight, loving embrace. Then I was sliding deep into her warm body. I'd missed this so much! She arched her back and squealed, "Here it comes then, baby! You asked so nice! Ahhhh! Oh, your human cock fits me so well!"

She began to ride me with expert grace and speed, and I cried out in total delight. "Anne, my God! You feel so good, you look so good! I love you, kitten!" Her body looked spectacular. Her breasts bounced and jiggled in rhythm with her movements, and she was gritting her teeth and using her feline strength and speed to slam herself up and down on me with mind-blowing speed.

I was helplessly chained up, unable to take her in my arms, unable to touch her warm, sleek body. She lowered her head and, seeming to read my mind, began to kiss me, rubbing her body against my bare chest and stomach. She tasted wonderfully sweet to kiss, and as I re-familiarized myself with her furkind muzzle, I noticed she was missing several teeth she hadn't been missing before. For a wonderfully long time, we just humped against each other, letting our pleasure build.

She pulled back and growled, continuing to ride me with fast, short thrusts. "Tell me how much you've missed me. Right now." She growled and sank her teeth into my neck, hard enough to sting, but not enough to break my skin. She'd always loved to do that while we fucked.

"I've been miserable for six years, Anne. Never once did a single day pass that I didn't think of you and dream of you! I wish I'd begged you to let me come with you then; I was a fool to ever let you go, and I've had years to regret it. I've been so lonely and lost without you, my love. Trixy is so damn awful, she drove everyone I ever cared about away, and I've been utterly alone with the miserable cow for years. The only thing that kept me going was hope that I would see you again. I love you, Anne... I didn't tell you that nearly often enough." I cried loudly.

To my surprise, my heart-felt sentiments made her explode into a massive orgasm. She shrieked and sobbed in pleasure, squirting and pissing all over me, all over the bed. She looked so beautiful, sitting on me, skewered up her tight pussy with my erection, her back arched and her head thrown part-way back as pleasure waves crashed over her. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her teeth were bared as she hissed and shrieked and ejaculated all over me.

As she came down from the tidal-wave of pleasure, she stopped thrusting and placed her paws on my now sloppy-wet chest. She looked into my eyes with pure love and adoration. "Ooo, that's so romantic and sweet, my lovely human mate. Caleb, believe it or not I've felt lost without you. I was so afraid I would return and you would have moved on and not wanted me anymore." She cooed, her eyes glistening. She stared at me for a moment longer, then resumed fucking me.

She was rattling the bed with her big plunging strokes, and I imagined Trixy had to be hearing absolutely everything. Indeed, just then she screamed up the stairs at us. "I'll tell you why I hate you, Caleb! While you were gone I got to fuck everything that moved, and when you came back I had to stop! You stinking beast!"

"Shut up, smelly pig-beast! I'm trying to fuck your husband!" Anne shouted.

"This is my house and I'll be damned if I don't say what I want! I fucked feral goats that were better lovers than Caleb!" Came Trixy's voice from the front room.

"As fat as you are, goats are probably the only thing that would fuck you, you sweaty blob!" Anne screamed back, grinning maliciously and fucking me all the harder.

Somehow, having my wife and my lover screaming at each other over me while getting my adulterous brains fucked out was incredibly erotic, if a bit distracting. "How dare you!" My wife howled. "I'm more of a woman that you'll ever be!"

Anne laughed loud. "Thank God for that!" She grinned at me, speeding up her rhythm. I wasn't going to last much longer. After six years of no sex, this felt impossibly good; I moaned my delight as they continued to yell at each other. "Hey, your husband's cock feels incredibly good in my tight pussy, you know? Mmm, he tastes delicious, too! He loves me so much he does anything I ask him to, and I mean anything. Did he ever do that for you, fat ugly? Was he willing to eat your pussy, or drink your piss, or lick your feet when they were sore?"

"He'd have to eat your pussy, considering he's a limp noodle and can't even keep it up long enough to satisfy!" Trixy raved back.

I was embarrassed by that, but Anne laughed in delight. "Really now? I've fucked him countless hundreds of times and he's never had the least bit of trouble maintaining an amazing erection. In fact, he's the best performing lover I've ever been with! Must be something terribly wrong with you, deary!"

Trixy began to shriek unintelligibly at that, and Anne laughed at her. When she regained her breath, she grinned down at me and lowered her voice, addressing me. "It's absolutely wonderful fun to humiliate your blob of a wife, but it's a little distracting while we love, don't you think?"

I nodded. "Yeah, especially when she's insulting me."

Anne waved her lovely paw dismissively. "Nothing she's saying about you is the least bit true, baby, and I should know. I'm going to go shut her up. Wait here." She pulled off me with a 'sklooorcht,' then grabbed her revolver off my lamp stand. She headed for the door, naked and gorgeous, her pussy leaving a trail of droplets on the floor.

"What in hell's name? Anne, you can't kill her in cold blood! You aren't a murderer, lover, please!" I cried in distress.

She paused at the door and grinned at me, showing me her naked body. "Well, come and stop me then!" She giggled, then stepped around the corner and downstairs, ignoring my protests.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs and immerged into the front room, Trixy immediately stopped screaming and was stone silent, obviously afraid of the gun. "Don't shoot me, please!" I heard her whimper.

"As much fun as it is to fuck your husband while you rave on about it, it's getting distracting, so I'm going to have to shut you up." I heard Anne say in a falsely friendly voice.

"You can have him! I'll be quiet and let you fuck him, I promise! Don't kill me!"

"Wellll, I guess I can give you one last chance. Shut up and listen while we defile your wedding vows like a good little piggy. Understood?" Anne pleasantly chirped.

I heard her boots start walking towards the stairs again, then heard Trixy shriek "Take this you indecent, home-wrecker WHORE!!!" There was a loud crash and several metallic clanging sounds. My heart caught in my throat in fear for my Anne, and I began frantically trying to struggle loose from the shackles.

I heard Anne's vicious, angry roar, then to my even greater terror, I heard the deafening crack of a gunshot... Then another... Then another in such rapid succession I would not have believed it possible had she not explained the workings of the revolver to me.

"Anne! My God! Stop!" I screamed.

Downstairs, I heard her snarl. "Now let's see if that can shut you up!"

I heard Trixy sobbing, and the resolute boot-steps as Anne came back upstairs. She rounded the corner, and I cried "Are you mad? You shot her? This wasn't worth murdering over, now get me out of these shackles right now!"

She looked petulant and spun around. Her lovely back had frosting splattered all down it. "She threw a cake at me! And several knives and a fork! She could have hurt me!"

"But that doesn't justify murder! Anne, this is horrible! I don't want anything to do with someone who would kill in cold blood! Let me go Anne!" I cried, fearful.

She climbed up on the bed and looked down at me with a strange expression on her face. "I may have been a pirate, but that doesn't mean I would kill in cold blood, cake or no. I put a bullet in the couch on either side of her and one between her legs. She pissed herself in terror, and I think we should get peace and quiet now." She paused, studying me. "You must not think particularly highly of me if you think I would really kill someone like that."

I was immensely relieved, if a bit upset at her for scaring me. "Anne, what was I supposed to think? You marched down there with a gun! I think the world of you, but I know how hot blooded and fiery you are, I thought you might really do it!"

She shook her head. "I pride myself in being a woman of honor, Caleb. I wouldn't kill an unarmed woman who posed no threat to me, I promise you. Don't you know me better than that?"

I sighed. "I hoped I did. You frightened me Anne."

"I'm sorry, baby. Can I take you back inside me now?" She cooed softly.

I glanced down and saw that miraculously, I was still as hard as ever. I nodded, and she swept up over me, slowly lowering her wet pussy over my cock. I'd been getting cold in the air, and she now felt scrumptiously warm. She lay her whole body out against me and began to slide herself up and down me, letting me feel every inch of her lovely fur coat tickling me all over while her cunt slurped on my dick. She knew it was my favorite way to finish.

I panted in delight. This was so surreal, so kinky, and so unlike the Anne I'd known on the island. Part of me was frightened, but the adventurous part of me that she'd created those years ago loved every second of it. This was what life with her was like, never a dull moment.

We fucked wildly for a long time, crying out in delight. She faced her back to me and let me watch her lovely ass ripple and shake as she slapped it down on me, ordering me to clean up the mess of frosting with my tongue. She crouched over me and had me bang wildly up into her when she needed a break.

"Admit that human women can't satisfy you anymore after breeding with a feline! Admit that I'm worlds better!" She roared in triumph as I neared my orgasm.

"You are! You are so much better than Trixy, so much better than any human woman! Oh God, I can't hold back any longer Anne! I'm going to fill you with my cream!" I cried.

We orgasmed together, something we were quite good at. There was a chorus howls, delight and ecstasy spilling over audibly, rivers of cum spilling everywhere on the bed as well as soaking my stomach and legs. She sprayed me down, soaking me and at last coming to a rest, panting and smiling down at me.

"I've waited six years for that, Caleb." She purred.

"Welcome back Anne. I've been waiting for you, too." Lightning flashed overhead as we gazed at each other. Suddenly, I loved this storm.

* * *

The next morning, I awoke in her embrace and smiled. What a wonderful way to wake up, next to the girl of your dreams. She was snuggled close, her warm body entwined with mine, sleeping contentedly. The shackles still hung over the headboard, where she'd released me from after we'd finished. I looked at her and loved her with all my heart.

Suddenly the bedroom door crashed open and several members of the constabulary swarmed into the room holding rifles pointed at us. Anne jolted awake with her amazing feline speed and grabbed her revolver, pointing it at the intruders, sitting up naked in the bed. Upon seeing the rifles, she slowly dropped the revolver. "What in the hell?" She snarled, holding her hands up as I was doing in dumb shock.

"Clear!" One of the men called, and behind him, a bald, weather-beaten man stepped in from the hallway.

Looking supremely satisfied with himself, the man crowed "We have you dead to rights, pirate!" He suddenly did a double take as he saw Anne. They stared at each other for a second, him in shock and her with eyes flashing with electricity. Meakly, he finally managed "Captain Bonny? ...what... are you doing here?"

"Dockmaster O'Shaunesy. Do you mind telling me what in the hell you are doing crashing into my bedroom and pointing guns at me and my lover?" She snarled with quiet fury, pulling the blanket up to cover her large breasts, which the two policemen had been openly ogling.

The little man shivered and whimpered "I'm so sorry, captain! We had a report from the lady of the house that her husband was in bed with a known pirate and criminal up here!" He began to wring his hands. "I had no idea it was you! This is a horrible mistake!"

I was staring back and forth between them at this exchange, hardly able to believe what I was hearing. Anne relaxed from her tension and suddenly chuckled. She did, did she? Well, I shouldn't be surprised at that. She is rather upset that I am taking her husband away from her."

"I'm so sorry, captain! Men, get out of here right now and leave the lady alone, she's no pirate!" He turned back to her from the two constables as they bid a hasty retreat. "Captain, I beg your forgiveness." He whispered.

She smiled her beautiful smile at him. "I have no doubt you were indeed called by that cow and lied to. You are forgiven, Bairn. Please give us our privacy and see yourself out, now?"

He nodded. "Will... there be any... chance that... you could overlook this and... not mention it to Lars or the governor?" He squeaked, his voice full of pleading.

Her eyes twinkled. "Keep your men quiet and it will be our little secret." She said, holding a delicate finger to her glossy black lips.

Relief flooded his face and he bowed low. "You are as kind as you are beautiful, Captain Bonny. Thank you so much!" He hurried away, leaving us alone, sitting up in bed. I heard him hurry downstairs and collect his men.

As he passed Trixy, I heard her squawk "What are you doing? Where's the pirate? Why aren't you arresting her?"

"Madam, the only reason I am choosing to ignore your preposterous lies and not arrest you on a charge of willfully misguiding the police, is that Captain Anne Bonny was gracious enough to forgive it herself." I heard him snap at her. "If you ever report a falsehood to the dockmaster's office again, I shall see you in prison yourself! Good day!" The front door slammed shut and there was stony silence from below.

Anne sighed and plopped back down in bed, snuggling into the covers and closing her eyes. I sat there in shock for a moment, trying to absorb what had just happened. Trixy had tried to get her arrested on a charge of piracy, that much I could understand. What I didn't, was what had happened after that. "Anne? What in the world? How did he know you? Captain? Why didn't he arrest you? What just happened?"

She groaned. "Go 'way. Dint get 'ny sleep fer days knowin' I was comin' home to you at last."

"bu-but..." I whispered.

She smiled, but didn't open her eyes. "Aye, I be a cap'm now, Caleb. I work under Lars, who is now a commodore. Together, we have formed a very successful trade business."

"But he acted like he knew you... like you held sway over his very job!" I protested.

She gave a massive feline yawn. "Aye, yer Anne is a respectable woman now, I fear. Together with Lars, with my knowledge of pirate operatin' and his money, our company is the only one to sail the waters that has the knowledge and wherewithal to fight off any pirate attacks. Merchants flock to us because they know their goods will arrive at the destination unharmed. We've based off of this port, and have made the entire city wealthy as merchants flock here to do business. The governor goes out of his way to accommodate us, which is why Bairn was afraid. He knew angering me was more than his job's worth to the governor."

I had to think about that for several minutes, during which Anne seemed to fall back to sleep. "You mean... you've been at the docks that often... and never came to see me...?" I whispered, suddenly hurt.

That woke her up, and she immediately sat up and hugged me, pulling me down into the warm bed with her. "Caleb, I insisted on basing our work here because of you, so I could be close to you. I didn't ever come to you... because I'd promised myself that when I finally did, I would do it with a plan to kill Cajack already in place. I couldn't face you, my savior and love, and admit defeat, that I couldn't kill the rat bastard. It was something I simply had to do before I could begin our relationship again, for I knew that once rekindled, it would consume me and revenge would never be mine."

I lay there and absorbed that. Quietly, she whispered "I certainly didn't do any of it to hurt you, my darling." I forgave her then and hugged her tight, which made her begin to purr loudly. "Now dearest, I want to try and sleep some more. I've been so excited to come and see you, I literally haven't slept for a week."

"OK. I'll let you sleep some more. Find me downstairs when you awaken." I murmured, kissing her cheek. She smiled happily at my touch.

I put on a bathrobe and went downstairs for some breakfast. I glanced at Trixy and saw that indeed, Anne had shot her sofa all to hell, but she herself was unharmed. She stared dully at me. "You're leaving with her and never coming back, aren't you?" She grunted.

"Yep." I said cheerfully, passing her and going into the kitchen.

"I've been trying to drive you away for so long, and now that I've finally succeeded, I can't for the life of me even remember why." She softly intoned, looking down at her ruined body as if seeing it for the first time.

"Don't look at me. You never shared anything about it with me. I don't even remember if I loved you or not when I married you Trixy, and that's the truth." I cracked some eggs and started some bacon frying.

"You told me you did."

"Yeah, but you told me the same thing, and I know you didn't mean it. How long were you fucking around behind my back, anyway?" I asked calmly.

"Oh, don't paint yourself white in this! You went on that trip and were fornicating with that feline tart the whole time! You're no better than me in any of this!" She spat.

"I'm not trying to paint myself white. I just asked a question." There were several minutes of silence during which I wondered if she was going to give me the silent treatment here at the end of it all.

Suddenly she blurted "Since long before we were married. My parents helped me hide it all from you." She said, and I could hear a trace of vindictiveness that made me wonder if it was the truth or not.

I snorted. "That'll teach me to marry into wealth. All that stuff about the idle rich is true, eh?"

The bacon was sizzling away now, sending delicious smells through the house. "Well, Anne doesn't have a penny to her name, but I'll be happy with her. You can keep absolutely everything, I don't want any of it. All I'm taking are my clothes and the money we need for certain travel expenses. We're going on an adventure, and we'll either end up rich or dead by the end of it."

"Oh, I very much hope you do die." She said fervently.

"Thanks." I growled. "And part of me wishes she really had shot you last night."

"When are you leaving." She uttered in a monotone.

"Soon as we get a shipment. Sometime this week, hopefully sooner rather than later. I'm as eager to go as you are to be rid of me." I said, serving up the bacon and eggs.

Just then, Anne trotted down the stairs, floating in on the smell of frying bacon, her mouth obviously watering. She wore a pink silk bathrobe, which was startling to see her in. I'd never once seen her wear anything remotely feminine like this. She looked strikingly beautiful, the material shimmering and flowing around her shapely breasts and wide hips. She was barefoot and walked with absolutely flawless grace and regality in addition to feline silence. Her thick mane of red hair cascaded wildly around her face and neck, the unkempt look somehow making her all the more beautiful and sexy.

I whistled softly and grinned. "Wow, I had no idea how feminine and graceful and ladylike you could look, Anne! You're a princess!" Then I remembered getting my head bit off for calling her a lady once. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean ladylike."

She beamed happily at my compliment and self-consciously adjusted the front of the robe. "It's OK, Caleb. I'm looking forward to retiring from the sea and settling down to be your wife and a lady for the rest of my days." She said softly to me as she strode into the kitchen. I held my arms out and she happily embraced me. I hugged her close and breathed her comforting smell, remembering how good she smelled and realizing how much I'd missed her scent. Trixy watched us with deep longing.

After a moment, she pulled back from the hug. "Now, your wonderful-smelling breakfast got me up, so let's eat!" She chirped, licking her glossy black lips.

We sat down and began to dine. After a few bites, I ponderously murmured "What made you change your outlook on life so much?"

She paused with a fork-full of eggs halfway to her mouth. "I don't follow what you mean." She said, cocking her head to the side.

"Once upon a time, you were angry at me for calling you a lady, and now you say you want to be one. That's a pretty big change, isn't it?" I said, shrugging.

She gently smiled. "I suppose it is, isn't it? It's all your fault actually, but let me back up before that. Perhaps you wouldn't know it to look at me, but I was born into a wealthy family, much like your wife. I was spoiled by my daddy, but I was never appreciative and took him for granted. He was part owner of a shipping company, and would always talk of the calamity pirates caused for him, so naturally I wanted to be one. The more he tried to talk me out of it, the more I desired it. I started hanging around the wharf, a foolish thing for a beautiful young girl, but I had no sense."

She ate a bite of eggs before continuing, swirling her bacon on the plate as she spoke. "I met a captain there, and he was enamored with me. I joined his crew as his lover under the promise that he would teach me all there was to learn about the sea. I began to learn of the harsh realities of life then. The crew despised me because I was the captain's plaything and they had to tolerate my presence and even train me. They tried hard to make me give up and quit, but it only strengthened my resolve to become better than them at everything."

She looked up at me with grim satisfaction. "I did, too. Within a year I was as good a sailor as any of them, and was a better fighter, a better gunner, a better navigator... I did everything there was to do on that ship until I excelled. The crew at last accepted me, and life was grand... until we were captured by another band of pirates. They came on us one starless night after we'd been partying. The crew was too drunk to fight and hid in the hold, leaving me alone to try and defend the ship. I killed many of them, but they overran me. I was captured."

"I knew right away I was going to have to use my body to save my life. I tempted and seduced their captain, and after bedding him I proved my value to the whole crew." She sighed. "My life was like that for many years, bouncing from ship to ship with the changing of the tide, trying not to think of what I'd become. That is, it went on until I met you. You changed everything about me."

We ate in silence for a moment, both lost in thoughts and memories. I let her go at her own pace, content to wait for her to be ready to continue. Finishing her bacon and eggs, she grabbed a slice of bread and began to butter it, talking as she did so. "At first it was a lark, something to do with the man I was stranded with, but you were such a gentleman to me. You never yelled, never struck me, never did a contrary thing to me the whole of our time together. You respected me and treated me like your equal in all things. You were concerned that I feel pleasure as we made love, even! Deep down, I knew this was the life I'd never had because of my choices, and I yearned for it greatly. God, how I wanted it; wanted you."

"I should have given up my old life right then, but I ran from my feelings instead, immersing myself in the world I was comfortable with. I served with Lars for a time, then found berth on a pirate ship. All was well for a year and a half, though my heart often ached, and I knew deep down it was aching for you. Then we were captured making a spice and ammunition run for the Torray Shipping Company. I prepared to do what I'd always done to survive; seduce the captain and become his lover. There was a problem that time though; he preferred men and had no use for a female. The cabin boy slept with him, and there was no interest in me. In fact, he was a misogynist as well."

To my shock, Trixy spoke up. "What's a misogynist?"

Anne blinked and looked at me in surprise. I shrugged and she answered. "It means he hated women and relished subduing them and degrading them. I was to be made a special example of, and I was tortured for weeks. It was he who tore my blind eye out, letting it hang from my head for weeks before cutting it off. You noticed I was missing teeth, I felt you exploring them as we kissed. He'd either knock them out of my head as he beat me, or tear them loose. I was sure I was going to die. I wanted to die, actually. I wanted to give up and give in, the pain was so impossible to bear. But... but I couldn't get you out of my mind. I realized I didn't want to die as a pirate, as a slave, as a prisoner."

"I looked at my life and felt it had been useless and selfish, and I was ashamed. I realized that the happiest I'd ever been had been with you, and that I was going to die and lose the opportunity to even see you again. Oh, how I regretted ever leaving you then! But at least it made me determined to survive."

"I knew I had to become useful in some way or they would kill me, and so unbidden, I began doing the work of the cabin boy, scrubbing and cleaning the ship until it was spotless. It left him free to cling to his lover's arm, and simultaneously made the ship a splendid sight to behold. I threw all my knowledge of ship repair and maintenance and beautification into it, and sure enough, I was permitted to live. I was tortured, but never fatally, I was abused, but never killed."

"For a year I was there, at last escaping when we sailed into port for supplies. I blew their powder room, killing every last one of them before I left, too. From there, I hooked back up with the then-new shipping company started by Lars, a good and kind man, and began planning my revenge on Cajack, and our reunion, with all my strength."

She sat back and began to munch on the bread. I had stopped eating and was just listening to all this in wonder. She was so soft, so beautiful... and yet, I shivered at how spectacularly she'd suffered in her life. I pitied her, even if it had been her own choices that had brought about her fate. She didn't seem so tough right now, she seemed tender and wounded.

She spoke softly, with a heavy heart. "I also hope that... when all is said and done you'll take me back to see my father. I want to apologize to him, and let him know I'm still alive, for I'm sure he thinks me dead... I need to let him know he was right, even if he wants nothing to do with his wayward daughter ever again." She sighed shakily.

I leaned forward and took her paw. "We can go do that first if you want. We can go right now."

Anne shook her head emphatically. "No, I don't want to establish family ties again only to go off and fight more. If we survive our plan, if we kill them and make it back alive, then I can truly hang up my boots, put on a dress, become your mate, become a lady again, and at last see my father after fourteen years away from him."

I nodded. "I understand." I said simply, and we finished eating in silence, both feeling pensive. Failure would mean she'd never be able to make peace. No, we couldn't fail.

* * *

As I was getting up to clean the kitchen, there was a knock on the door. A crate was there, delivered by the factory itself. The total cost was a staggering ten thousand dollars, and I was glad I didn't have to beg Trixy for the amount, but I did have to go to the bank to pay the delivery men. Back home again, Anne lovingly unpacked four revolving rifles and two more pistols, cleaning and examining each carefully.

"Aye, wi' this we got th' bastard dead bang." She crowed happily. It was startling to hear her accent again, she'd dropped it almost completely since last night's intimacy.

I needed to pack, and Anne was eager to get back to the ship. "Lars be waitin' fer us, love, bu' I need ta go secure provisions and tell 'im I was a success findin' ya." I bid her goodbye, planning to meet back up at the ship this evening. I waved to her as the horse and buggy carried her and the weapons away.

As I walked back in the house, Trixy, who'd been remarkably subdued, spoke. "I never had a chance compared to her, did I? She's perfect; everything I'm not. She's so sweet and beautiful, poised, exciting, fearless; I'm jealous of her." I didn't answer her. What could I say?

I packed my few belongings into a trunk, combing through the house to find all my treasured possessions. I had meager few, I realized. A book from my father, the contract for my weather mapping system, a telescope, my notebooks... I threw it all in the trunk. As the afternoon grew old, I dragged the trunk through the house towards the front door.

"I'm leaving now. Trixy, everything is yours; the money I made, the house... everything. You'll be comfortable even if your parents refuse to give you another dime. If you want my advice, you'd better get control of yourself and lose weight, or you'll not live five more years. Goodbye." I calmly said as I passed her.

She didn't respond to that, but as I walked through the front door, I heard her softly say "I'm sorry, Caleb. I'm sorry I was so horrible."

I sighed, closing my eyes. "And I'm sorry I cheated on you. I think I deserved everything you gave me Trixy. You're free to find yourself again, if you're strong enough. I wish you luck." I closed the door and headed for the livery.

* * *

It was a strange feeling, riding in this coach back towards the ocean, back towards Lars' ship, back to the island I'd spent eight months upon, hiding from Cajack. Somehow, it felt as if I'd never left, as if these six years had been a dream. We arrived at the docks, and I disembarked, looking about for Lars' graceful Caravel. I remembered clearly how it had looked, and I was shocked when I didn't see it. Surprise turned to worry, worry turned to crushing fear. No, she wouldn't have! She wouldn't have come back into my life simply to bilk me out of the money for those guns and run off again! Had it all been lies?

I stared around frantically, beginning to walk up and down the wharf. I knew precious little about her, and everything she'd told me could have easily been a lie, I realized. What would a wealthy part owner of a shipping company need help to buy a few guns for, anyway? It hadn't made sense, I now could see. With a bitter chill, I realized that she'd used my love for her as a tool to manipulate me and get money from me. She didn't love me, she never had, and she didn't even care that her plot would destroy my crumbled world even more than it already was. In fact, she'd made a point of doing it.

I looked at the trunk at my feet. I had less than ten dollars to my name. I had no home to go back to now, in fact I had absolutely nothing left. I could not go back to Trixy, not after what had happened. I sat down on the trunk and cried, my panic and horror growing into a raging beast inside of me. Death! Death was all that I could embrace now. I stood up and grabbed a loose length of rope on the dock and dragged my trunk out to the end of the pier. It would weigh enough to drag me to the bottom of the bay.

Suddenly, I heard a gruff voice behind me, panting as if the owner had been running. "Caleb McGilliss?"

I turned to see a grizzled old seadog with a thick beard walking towards me. I tensed a little and said, "Yes, who's asking?"

"Name's Merph, an' it'sa pleasure ta finally meet ya. Cap'm Anne asked me ta look out fer ya, son. She said she fergot ta tell ya Com'dore Lars got a new frigate an' din't want ta worry ya. Sure's shootin' though, when I lef' to take a piss, here you come." He looked me over, my tear stained face, the rope I'd begun to tie around my ankle, and the precariousness of my trunk on the edge of the dock. "Lad? What in the world are you doing?"

"I thought she'd lied. I thought she'd taken my money and run off. I have nothing left in the world but her, and without her..." I didn't finish the sentence, but his old eyes widened in comprehension.

"Master Caleb, don't be rash! Oh, but damn me old bones for haftin' to relieve meself right then! I didn't mean to scare you, son! Come with me and be reunited with your lover right away!" He said, hurriedly. "All is well, she'd ne'er leave you, she loves you ta death, an' you are all she talks about!"

I laughed weakly, untying the rope. "I feel a fool now, friend Merph. I'd burned my bridges with my family and left without a penny, I was so sure of Anne. I was out of my mind with terror just now, thinking her gone."

He helped me by grabbing my trunk and beginning to drag it. He was far stronger than he looked, because the luggage I'd been struggling with didn't even slow him down. "If you'll foller me, I'll take ya to our new ship. We're about ready to sail, an' Com'dore wants to be off before sundown." He said, giving me a toothless smile. I could tell he was still trying to cheer me up after my near fatal mistake.

I nodded, relieved. "Which ship is his, then?" I asked as we walked for the north dock.

"She's that dark beauty there on th' end. Her name's th' Ochre Crow, named by Cap'm Anne, an' her pride an' joy." He said, sounding proud of it himself.

"Captain? Anne really captains this fine vessel? Has she worked with Lars these last six years?" I asked. Though she'd told me differently, I now felt the need to test her word a bit, to confirm she'd been truthful to me.

"By 'm beard, no. She served fer six months, then joined a pirate crew, much ta Lars' disappointment. But he were glad when she showed up again 'bout three or maybe more years ago an' pretty much taken over Lars' bisness since then, in a good way. It's unner her watchful eye that we got so profitable we could afferd th' Crow. She's as sharp a girl as what's made, an' cap'ms the Crow now, While Lars' a com'dore o' a small fleet. Slick, eh?"

I nodded. "She's a beauty indeed." I said, admiring the sleek, dark ship. There was a young feline lad there at the docks, with a rowboat waiting for us, and Merph helped me get my trunk down into the boat. Once we were all in, the lad began rowing us out towards the ship.

"Cap'm Anne's got ever'thing loaded, so we're headin' out soon as we stow th' dingy." The young man said, panting from exertion. "Is it true yer her lover?"

I looked at him. He had the eager manner of a lad with a crush. "Who told you that?" I asked evasively.

"Cap'm Anne. She talks o' you often. She been workin' on her master plan fer years, dreamin' o' the time she'd reunite wi' you." He panted, drawing the oars through the water and looking dreamy. "I'd give both me leg's ta have her speak o' me the way she speaks o' you! What a lady!"

I blushed. "I... ah... suppose that's true, though I hadn't seen her for six years."

He paused his rowing and excitedly panted "So what's she like in..."

Merph interrupted him. "Leave the Cap'ms personal life 'lone boy." The youth scowled, but was silent.

As we neared the boat, a flash of brilliant red hair leaned over the side of the boat. "Hail!" Anne called down to us, beaming at me.

I grinned ear-to-ear and waved at her, while the other two snapped to attention. "Cap'm!" They chorused. Intense relief flooded me. She was here, she was telling the truth, and she really did love me. Tears began to flood from my eyes.

"You didn't tell me Lars had a new ship, my sweet! And you didn't tell me you were the captain of it! It's a beautiful ship!" I teased with a shaky voice, still smiling and giving her a salute.

Her ears flicked in pleased embarrassment. "I fergot all 'bout it, truthly. We had more important things ta discuss."

We pulled up alongside, and the crew lowered down the pulleys to bring the row boat up. In a few moments we were climbing aboard the ship. "Welcome to the Umber Crow!" Anne said, smiling. I staggered forward and embraced her with all my strength, unable to contain my emotions.

I squeezed her so tight she gave a little mew, embracing me back. "Oh Anne!" I whispered into her large feline ear, sobbing. "I'm so glad you are here! Oh by heaven, I'm glad!"

Her voice was filled with concern, and her accent disappeared. "Caleb, my darling sweet love, whatever is the matter? You're acting like it's been another six years since you saw me last, instead of only three hours! Of course I'm here, what did you think, precious? Oh baby, you are shaking like a leaf... I'm here, and I love you."

She held my face in her paws and stared into my teary eyes with concern lining her face. I swallowed and choked out "When I arrived, and I didn't see Lars' old ship, I thought you'd left me. I felt an eternity of terror, then. Please hold me..."

Again she hugged me, pressing her warm, sexy body to me. "Caleb, I'm so sorry I forgot to mention the change of ship to you! That's why I left Merph to collect you before you got scared. Did that old fool think it would be funny to play a prank?" Her voice became angry and began to rise in volume. "I'll keelhaul him for daring to do such a thing and frighten my one true love!" I could tell she was empathizing with my anguish to the point she was irrational. She looked capable of killing the man simply because he'd frightened me.

She started to turn and look for the poor sailor, but I quickly caught her lovely hips and prevented her. "No Anne, he didn't try and play a joke. He found me within a few seconds of my arrival, it's just I went foolish and mad from my fears in those seconds. He did nothing wrong."

She returned again to my arms and it was her turn to squeeze me so hard I whimpered. "Then I am very, very sorry I forgot to warn you of the different ship. I love you, Caleb. I would that not even a single hair on your head sees calamity, and I have frightened you like this! Please forgive me."

I was no longer shaking, and drew a deep breath, smiling. "My lovely little goddess, you are forgiven, as long as you can forgive me for ever doubting your feelings of me."

We melted then into a sweet kiss, and I relaxed and felt whole again. I sank into her, feeling and tasting every single inch of her succulent body as I drank her in with lips, tongue and fingers. As our kiss finished she pulled back and looked around, seeing the crew all staring at her and began to shout instructions. "What're ye all lookin' at? Tie off that dingy! Weigh anchor, and stow Caleb's trunk in me quarters! Double time! I want the shore a speck on th' horizon by th' time th' sun sets! Hop to!" The crew was suddenly scurrying in every direction at once.

She put her arm around mine, smiling. "Come. I'll give ya th' tour."

As we walked towards the bow of the ship, Lars strode up. "Caleb. Good to see you again." He said gravely.

I bowed low. "It is good to see you as well! At your service, Commodore."

He smiled at me, but continued to looked grave. "I worry about this plan of Anne's. For some reason she is determined that only the two of you go ashore and seek vengeance, even though I've offered her as many of my men as she needs."

Anne replied for me. "He didn't rape th' crew, he didn't make 'em live in constant fear. This is a mission o' revenge, an' it's me an' Caleb who wants revenge. This isn't th' crew's fight. I need to do it myself, or I'll feel I didn't totally succeed."

I shrugged and nodded. "I'm here to do what she tells me and help any way I can. It's her call how we go about it."

He sighed. "I know better'n trying to go against what Anne says. I'm still worried about all this, though. The two of you against an entire ship of the most feared pirates on the ocean."

"Noted, but ya just gotta trust me, sir." Anne grunted. "Wi' yer permission, I were gonna show Caleb around yer flagship."

"It's your ship as well, my dear. Go ahead." He sighed.

She took me through all the decks of the ship. It was a beautiful vessel with all the modern conveniences a crew could want. Its sides were bristling with cannons, and it had a vast hold that could store a king's ransom in commerce goods. "It's wonderful, Anne! You've got everything a captain could want in this ship." I said, admiring the carved artistry on the doors as she led me into her, or rather our, spacious quarters.

"She had all but th' one thing I needed most." The way she stared at me intently, I knew she was going to say that it lacked me. How could I have ever mistrusted her even for an instant? She was so sweet, and she truly did love me. I was the luckiest man alive.

I dove on her and hugged her fiercely, running my fingers over her curvy, feminine body. "Aww Anne." I moaned happily. She hugged me tightly back. After a moment I held her at arm's length. "Would you want to continue sailing if I would accompany you? You could teach me the ways of the sea, my love, and I would be with you from this day forth..."

Her eyes sparkled as she stared at me. "Oh sweetheart, you are so wonderful. No, I truly do want to retire, although I have dreams of us buying a little sailboat and sailing on short trips together, I've had my fill of this life."

I grinned. "I'd love that."

It was her turn to hug me until it hurt, and we kissed lingeringly. The sun had set, and activity on the ship was quieting down. She sighed contentedly. "I'd best look over things before we go eat. Feel free to accompany me, or stay here, or go wherever you'd like. My ship is your ship, love."

I wanted to tag along, so she gave me a pair of rope sandals, the common footwear of sailors, and took me to the steering wheel. Never having been close friends with a captain, I was interested in the opportunity to satisfy my curiosity about how navigation worked, how crew shifts functioned, and so forth. After she'd set us on course, we headed down to the galley for some food.

It turned out Merph was the cook, and he greeted me jovially. "Cap'm show ya 'round?" He bellowed good-naturedly.

I smiled. "Yes, she's an amazing ship, Merph. Never seen her equal, in fact... though I'm no sailor, I admit."

He grinned. "There be no ship like 'er, lad. Cap'm Anne designed much of it herself."

"Really?" I said, looking at my mate in admiration.

Her ears flicked in embarrassment again. "Merph, ya got a habit o' exageratin' too much."

He laughed as he served us our food, a tasty smelling stew and fresh oranges. "She's bein' modest. She ordered this vessel up herself, workin' wi' the dry-dock crew to build it just how she wanted. She's fast as the clouds and nigh-impregnable by any methods o' pirates."

"That's impressive." I said, grinning at her.

"Aww, ain't so much. Not like mappin' out weather patterns 'n saving countless lives an' ships." She started eating, but I could tell she was still very pleased with my admiration. In fact, I could tell that me admiring her had made her feel proud and elated, because she swelled up and hugged me, unafraid to let her crew see her weakness towards me.

We ate, and I kept meeting more and more of the crew, until Anne stood up and called for everyone's attention. "Most o' ya already prolly met 'im, but this here's Caleb, me lover an' mate. When this voyage be over, I'm retirin' from sea life an' settlin' down wi' 'im, as ye all know. I talked a lot on 'im fer years, so ya all know 'is name, I'm sure." They cheered and there were loud catcalls and whistles, then suddenly everyone looked at me expectantly.

I blushed and stood up. "Thank you all for the kind welcome, and thank you so much for aiding Anne and I on our quest. With any luck, we'll all be rich enough to do as we wish after this!" That brought on a standing ovation and rousing cheers, but I was glad to sit down. I was shy, and getting up in front of so many people had just about stopped my heart.

We chatted with various crew members for the rest of the meal, after which I followed Anne out to make another round of checks on the ship and crew. There was a comfortable wind this late at night, and we were making excellent time. Sure everything was in order, we retired to our cabin.

I hadn't really looked around before, and I did so now. She'd procured a large enough bed we'd be able to sleep together comfortably, which was a pleasant surprise. When I noted it, she giggled. "I been plannin' me last voyage as cap'm fer a long time now, dove." I hoped that was the case, and not that she'd had other lovers.

She also had a large writing desk, a shelf full of maps and charts, several guiding and navigation tools, and a wardrobe. Taking it all in, I looked back and saw she was already stripping down for bed, and other activities. "'urry up an' get naked." She purred. "Las' nigh' wasn't near enough fer me."

I grinned and began to disrobe. I was glad to get out of the rope sandals and told her so. My feet were already hurting. "They ain't fer comfort, they be fer practicality. Hang 'round a ship much an' you'll unnerstand why. Wear what ya like though." She said, shrugging.

Naked, we came together and embraced. I loved the feeling of her soft, silky fur tickling all over my body. She was gorgeous and sexy, and it felt good to touch her naked body. "Tell me what you'd like of your humble servant, cap'm." I said, grinning as we began to kiss.

"Ya let me enjoy one o' my fetishes last nigh', so we kin do what ya want tonigh'. What's yer pleasure, my sweet, sweet darling?"

I ran my fingers through her red hair. "Can we do it the traditional way?"

She giggled. "Traditional for who? Humans or felines? It's different, you know..."

I blushed. It had been too long since I'd been with her. "I was thinking on your back so that we could embrace fully as we make love, but if you'd rather be on all fours, I'd enjoy that very much too."

She strolled over to the bed and stretched luxuriously. "Aye. Sounds wonderful ta me." She sat down and primly slid to the middle of the bed, laying on her back and gazing at me lustily. I crawled over her and began to kiss her, getting quickly aroused as we petted each other.

"Anne, I love you so much." I whispered. "Permission to come aboard?"

She reached down and caught my cock and slid it sensuously inside her silky warm pussy. "Permission granted, sailor. Fuck your captain until she squirts." I let out a happy groan and began to suck on her nipples, using my hips to fuck her wet warmth. She was a goddess. I lay there, wrapped in a double embrace of her arms and legs as I thrust into her.

"Oh my beautiful kitten... you are so warm and tight and wonderful. No woman in the world is as luscious and sexy as you..." I gasped, hardly able to believe how wonderful she felt. How had I managed to survive years without her, without having sex with her?

After a while, I grabbed her legs and lifted them up into the air, resting them on my shoulders and grabbing her thighs so I could grip them and use my purchase to fuck her body harder.

The wonderful soft squishing noises her luscious vagina made as I fucked her were music to my ears. She groaned in delight and gripped her own breasts, lapping at them with her rough feline tongue. "How am I doing, cap'm?" I groaned, stroking her hips.

She laughed softly. "What do you think, pretty boy? You are so good to me, I don't deserve one as wonderful as you. Caleb, it feels so good when you fuck me! I'm dying to feel it! Give me more of your luscious penis!"

The incredible feeling of sliding in and out of her warm, tight body was sublime. She'd always been a marvelously tight fuck, which when I asked her she attributed to feline's sex being smaller than human's were. She clung to me, digging her claws in and yeowling beautifully as I began thrusting harder and faster. "Oh faster, harder! God, I missed your body almost as much as I missed you! Oohwaaaa!" She cried. Long luxurious minutes of ecstasy passed as we became drunk on each other's sex. Panting, sweating, and fornicating with all our strength.

I leaned over her, putting more pressure on her sensitive clit, making her cry in delight. "I love you too, pretty goddess! Your feline body is so sexy to me, and the feel of your soft fur and the difference between our bodies is the most erotic thing in the world!"

We'd been fucking like that for a while now, and I reached down and began to stroke her thighs as she spread her legs out wide. I decided as I did it I wanted to give her a turn on her species' favorite position, so I gently pulled out of her. She mewed and looked up at me in distress. "Why are you stopping!?" She cried.

"Turn round on all fours, lover." I panted to her.

She grinned and immediately complied. "You are such a sweetheart, Caleb. You always think of me and do things for me, not just in sex, but in everything. It's why I love you so damn much." She sighed as she rolled over onto all fours. She flicked her tail's tip into my nose, tickling me as she waited for her mate to take her again.

I crawled up behind her and thrust at her, gripping her wide hips and trying to find her like a feral by simply fucking in her pussy's general direction. She squealed and laughed in delight. "My wonderful lover! So sophisticated and refined!" She giggled.

I made perfect contact and slid back inside her right at that moment, and her laughter turned into a bellow of delight. "Gahg! Fine then, go ahead and fuck me, you animal!" She snarled, bearing her fangs at me in mock fury.

I felt her tail rest along my chest, curling over my shoulder and around my armpit as I began to pound it into her with all my strength. She gasped in shock at the rough treatment and tossed her thick red curls out of her face. "Oh yeah!" I grunted. Oh yeah, it was great to be the captain's pet, and we fucked madly for several minutes.

I was getting very close, and I sped up to my top speed, drilling into her with all my strength. She gave a stressed mewl and I felt her body erupt with a squirt of an ejaculation, spraying all over her bed. With a couple more mad jabs I was falling over the cliff, and I felt my cock swell and squirt a thick shot of semen deep into her womb. We chorused in delight as I filled her with spurt after spurt of my seed in a delightful interspecies orgasm.

It was so fulfilling to make love to a feline. She had everything I'd ever wanted and more, and the endlessly sexy kinkiness of fornicating with her never grew old. We relaxed, panting and hovering there while I finished up in her.

She opened her mouth and took a breath, glancing back at me about to say something, when there was a loud 'thwunk' at her cabin's closed port hole. She jumped in fright, her tail bushing out, and with catlike speed whirled to see what it was. I turned and looked too, but it was pitch black out and I saw nothing. With her feline night vision, she obviously did though, because she snarled "What the fucking hell?" and rolled off the bed, hurrying outside, buck-naked with her pussy still dripping.

"Anne! Clothes!" I cried, but she didn't even slow up, storming out onto the deck.

I heard her yell "I see y' down there, Mickey! Get yor peepin' tom ass up here right this instant or I'll cut this line and let you loose!"

I leapt up and threw on my pants, then frantically searched for her bathrobe, finding it a moment later in her wardrobe. I ran outside to find her with three sailors cornered, berating them at the top of her lungs. I threw the robe over her shoulders, and she shrugged into it without skipping a beat, leaving me to tie the sash closed.

"... ultimate disrespect to yer cap'm!" She was screaming. "Ya think 'cause I'm a female I'll go soft on ya? Ya think ya kin sneak around me ship spyin' on me 'n my lover? Ya filthy dogs!"

She'd woken up half the ship, and now the first mate had run up to aid her. "She glanced at him. Throw these three in th' brig right this instant! No food, no water for a day! An' if you three ever try sumthin' like that again, ye'll all be takin' yer final swim! The kind that ends by sinking to the damn bottom o' the ocean!

She spun on her heel and stalked off over their apologies, and not knowing what else to do, I trotted along behind her. She stormed into her cabin, and then slammed the door behind us before breaking out in laughter. I was thoroughly confused. "What's funny?"

"Them!" She guffawed. "Randy buggers! Crawlin' down a line ta get a peek at us makin' love. How long ya think they were there? We musta give 'em quite a show, especially when I squirted!"

I tried to absorb this. "Wait, you aren't angry at them?" I probed.

She shook her head. "Naw, it's flatterin' ta know they find me so sexy they'll go to them lengths ta catch a peep at me. Hope ye'r not embarrassed, though."

I blushed as I thought about it. "Well, I don't like the idea of someone watching me making love to my mate..."

Throwing off her robe, she pressed her naked body to me and hugged me. "Relax, doll. Ye got a sexy body an' a great cock. Ye got nuthin' ta be ashamed o' people seein'." She nuzzled my neck and purred.

"Why throw them in the brig if you aren't angry?" I said weakly.

She snorted. "Not bein' angry an' acceptin' insubordination like that are two very dif'rent things, Caleb. I can't stay a cap'm an' keep their respect 'n loyalty if'n I let 'em walk all over me tail, yah?"

"Oh. I understand." I said, and she smiled and patted me on the back. "Now, time's about we cover me windows, I think. They ain't gonna just give up a juicy plan li' that. A Couple ol' maps stuck in th' cracks aughtta do 'er."

She grabbed a couple thick and heavy maps and proceeded to open her windows a crack, stick the corners of the map through, then close the window on it, fashioning a make-shift curtain to block them all. "Looks good for a quick fix." I said, admiringly.

She snorted. "Wish I could say this were th' first time them horny dogs did this. I had ta learn a method 'o getting' privacy on other ships. Female crewers are rare's an honest politician, and the men get filled with lust after only a few days of sailing." She paused to yawn and plopped back in bed, patting beside her. "S'm sleep sounds good. Come cuddle me, love. I've missed sleepin' with ya somethin' fierce."

"I've missed it too." I whispered, throwing my pants off and climbing naked back in bed with her. I snuggled into her soft warm fur and floated away on a happy cloud of contentment into the best sleep I'd had in over six years.

* * *

The next day while she was busy talking with Lars about something, I wandered down to the brig, thinking I wanted to apologize to the men for my part in getting them locked up. As I stepped down the stairs, I could hear them talking and laughing together. When they saw me approaching, they quieted down. "Hello..."

"Master Caleb." The oldest one said, politely.

"Umm, I wanted to apologize about last night... " Suddenly, I felt monumentally stupid.

The three of them looked at each other, then broke out laughing. "Lad, you got nothin' ta apologize fer! We cooked our own goose, an' if Mosey 'ere had kept both hands on th' rope instead o' tryin' some... ah... creative self-refreshment, she'd o' never caught us." They all laughed again.

I blushed. "Well, I'm sorry you got into trouble with the captain, at any rate."

Again they looked at each other. The grizzled old seadog smiled. "Laddie, ya may be her lover, but ya got a lot ta learn 'bout Cap'm Anne. She weren't mad. Were she really mad, she'd o' lashed us to the mast and had us whipped, not tossed in 'th cell ta relax an' take it easy fer a day. 'Sides, ya think she'd o' come stormin' out naked as th' day she were born if she were really angry? She came out tha' way ta give us a treat."

The younger one, Mosey spoke up. "Yeah! An' you hadda spoil it by bringin' her clothes!"

They all laughed uproariously again at the joke, and I found myself chuckling a little in spite of myself. Mosey spoke again. "God, but she's soooo beautiful. I never seen a woman half that perfect! So slender, lithe and curvey, she be th' most beautiful goddess I ever seen."

The third seaman, Mickey, scoffed. "She's th' only woman ye ever seen, Mosey!"

Again they all laughed, but Mosey defended himself. "So yer tellin' me in all yer 'xperince, you seen a prettier girl?"

"Touché, lad. Nae yer right, there's women, an' then there's Cap'm Anne. Caleb, yer one lucky man ta have sich a beauty so devoted to ya. She got eyes fer none but you since the time I first met 'er. She talked o' ya constantly, too. Ya done sumpin' right ta gain 'er love an' respect li' that."

I was immensely pleased and flattered to hear that. All these years I'd imagined she was sleeping around all over as she used to do. "I wish I knew what I did to win her heart. I'm nobody special, and I sure don't feel like I deserve her, but I'll give her every ounce of love and devotion I have as long as she'll have me." I said, sighing happily.

The three of them looked very sober now. "Spoken li' a true gen'leman, an' a man deeply in love. I envy ya boy. Th' whole crew does. Not a man here 'at wouldn't give 'is righ' arm an' leg' an eye ta spend one night in yer shoes, I tell ya."

"Thanks Mr... "

"Alley, they calls me, on account o' none o' these fools can pronounce me real name." The old sailor chuckled.

Just then Anne gracefully stepped down the stairs. "There y' are, Caleb! Been lookin' all o'er for ya, an' I find ya 'ere talkin' to th' criminals."

Alley drew himself up. "Cap'm. Me 'n th' boys'd like ta 'pologize fer what we done. We be willin' ta give each other a good swift kick in the groin ta compensate ya, if it'll help ya forgive us."

She laughed her pretty laugh and smiled at them. "That won't be necessary, boys. A day in the cage should be punishment enough." She stepped forward and lowered her voice. "But don't let me catch any of you doing that again or I will have to punish you properly, and you won't be able to laugh and joke about it, alright? I can't have you disrespecting me like that, even if my time as your captain is almost over."

Alley nodded. "Aye. I really am sorry, Cap'm. We let our desires get hold o' our heads. We didn't mean it disrespec'ful."

She smiled and patted his hand where he gripped the bars. "I know you didn't boys, that's why you're here. Caleb, you expressed interest in seeing how we navigate using your charts, would you like to come watch? We're about to make another course correction."

I grinned. "I certainly would, Captain!"

She chuckled. "Then let's go and leave these three with their fantasies."

* * *

The rest of the trip was fairly uneventful. Anne was a captain, and not just any captain, but the best. Watching her, I could see her crew was very fond of her, and she of them. She had their respect as well, which I knew she'd earned through hard work and cunning wit. Her affection did not get in the way of discipline though, and if they crossed a line, she would not spare the rod for them. When a man was caught sleeping in the crow's nest, she had him lashed for the offense, berating him for putting the ship in danger of pirates and reefs.

But even then they all loved her, and I got the sense that every one of them had a boyish crush on their beautiful captain. Because I was her lover and mate, I was treated with awe and respect by about half the crew, and bitter jealousy by the rest.

Anne and I were nearly desperate to fuck, but her duties kept her busy all day. The only time we got to make love was at night before going to sleep, which neither of us felt was near enough to satiate our lust for each other. Still, even if we couldn't be intimate, being together was like a dream, and I kept feeling as if it was too good to be true after years of Trixy.

The rest of our journey to the island was filled with wonderful weather and crisp winds that propelled us in excellent time. Anne and I spent a large amount of time training with the new guns, both shooting them and reloading them. She was a crack shot, so I focused more on learning to quickly reload, only practicing shooting with the pistols for the most part. By the time we were closing on the island, I could reload the rifles' six chambers in less than two minutes.

We sailed up on the western side of the island, because six years ago the pirates had always used the east side, so we hoped it would be safer. The island was just as I remembered it. Unpleasantly warm, but otherwise a tropical paradise. It was large enough to support many animals, and had bananas and coconuts growing wild, as well as delicious berries and a few mangos. There was ample fresh water from a spring that Anne and I had loved to swim in, and fish and fowl were plentiful.

The crew helped us bring several loads of supplies ashore; food, ammunition, explosives, clothing and some tools. We planned to have them return in six weeks, ample time for us to enact our plan if Cajack was still operating as he had six years ago. "He will. He don't do nothin' new." Anne confidently told me.

So, with everything ashore, we bid Lars goodbye and watched as the Umber Crow sailed away. My old hut was still there for the most part, but it had been knocked over. The basic walls were still in one piece though, so it was a simple matter to erect it again. "Looks to me like the pirates found it and tore it up." I said as we worked on putting it together.

She nodded. "I think so too. I'm glad we were gone by the time they found it. This time, though; this time we're ready to kill every one of the animals." Looking at her, I realized by her haunted eyes she was having some flashbacks to the rape and abuse she'd faced from them. I hugged her, and she clung to me.

Our temporary home finished, we worked through our plan again, making sure we knew every part of it was going to work, and where to go and what to do. We rehearsed the whole thing, timing ourselves to see how long it would take to run from the first part to the second until we were satisfied we could do it without thinking. That done, it was time to sit back and wait.

I was nervous, and I could tell Anne was too. It was the two of us against an entire ship full of pirates, and we were trusting our plan to go off without a hitch to save our lives. One mistake and we would be terribly outnumbered, futuristic revolving rifles or not. I continued to practice loading, working to make it second nature. With her expert marksmanship, Anne was going to take all the rifles and one of the pistols, while I would keep the other two pistol revolvers.

Ready at last, we waited. We tried to make love, but it was only somewhat pleasurable under the unbearable tension we were feeling. The most relaxing thing was to swim in the cold freshwater spring behind the hut. It was a great way to get out of the heat, and afterwards, cool and comfortable, we would cuddle into the grass in the shade and fornicate to our heart's content.

We talked about what we'd do after we'd finished this job. Anne wanted a house in a port city, preferably one on or very near the ocean. She dreamed of a small sailboat that we could sail together, and she even wanted to plant a garden and learn to cook, which I promised her I would teach her.

"I suppose we can't have any little ones, can we?" She asked softly once, after we'd finished making love and were cuddling, dreaming about the future.

I shook my head sadly, holding her lovely head to my chest and stroked her hair. "No, we can't, but there are other ways. You would either have to have sex with a feline when you are in heat, or we would have to adopt."

She didn't say anything to that, and I thought it was a strange that wild-hearted Anne was talking about motherhood. I wondered if she would be any good at it, but then I thought how loyal her crew was and decided she actually probably would be excellent. It was still an odd thought.

Days passed. We both wanted it over with, and it seemed like Cajack was avoiding us on purpose. Our tempers were strained, though not towards each other, more towards the universe around us as it seemed to mock our endeavors with non-compliance. She summed it up best when she grunted "Hard to make love when your own potential death is staring you in the face, ready to strike at any moment."

Three weeks into our waiting, Anne's ears suddenly pricked forward as we fished one afternoon. Her sharp eye scanned the ocean, then she took my hand. "It's time." She said simply.

Hearts pounding, we stowed our fishing gear. I helped her carry all four rifles out to our hiding place in the rocks, then we went back and brought all the bullets, powder and primers there as well. From here, I could frantically reload while she laid down withering barrages of fire at the pirates. That setup completely done, it was time for me to go and get ready for my portion of the plan.

We hesitated before I left, and I took her soft paw in my hand. "Anne, no matter what happens, even if one or the other of us dies, I want you to know that I'm happy and content, having gotten to see you again. I feel I can face death because I got to see my love, my Bonny Anne once more. I love you Anne, no matter what, you're the lady of my dreams."

She squeezed my hand. "I feel the same way, love, but I will not live without you. If you are killed and I remain in this world, succeeding in our plan... I will join you in death, I promise it."

I nodded. "And I shall do the same should the opposite happen, I swear it." We both looked ready to cry, and I put on a brave face. "Let's just make sure we don't die! We've got everything ready; we stick to the plan, we'll make it out in one piece. Cajack doesn't stand a chance, Anne!"

She smiled sadly at me. "Aye. He doesnae stand o' chance. See ye when the lead starts flyin', me love."

I nodded and turned, heading out of the cleft in the rocks towards the opposite side of the beach. Looking out at the water, I could clearly see Cajack's Galleon, moving in swiftly on a stout wind. I skirted to the edge of the trees to hide myself as I hurried to my post, pausing at the hut to grab the large keg of explosives.

I went out to the sandbar and crouched down behind some large rocks and began to wait.

* * *

This was agony. In three weeks of waiting, I'd always had Anne to draw strength from, now I was on my own. My thoughts grew dark, and I became pessimistic about this whole plan. I was in the greatest danger by far. If I was spotted, there would be no protection, I would be killed and this plan would fail. Dammit, I didn't want to die! Not after finding Anne again! I carefully and slowly peaked out, seeing that the vessel was getting close.

Soon they would drop anchor, and if they did as they always used to, I would be no more than a hundred yards from them here on this sandbar. I looked at the keg of powder I was clutching. Anne had assured me it would be plenty to blow their ship, but I was worried looking at it. To my scientific mind, it looked barely sufficient. It had to penetrate the hull and an inner wall to ignite the ship's powder stocks. Anything less than that and the plan would fail.

I unbelted my pistols and stashed them behind the rocks lest I ruin them in the saltwater. I undid my shirt and threw it down in the sand. Boots... take them off. I looked up at the ship. She'd stopped. I could see they were lowering the rowboats already. Once they were ashore, it was time to move. I could hear them singing some drunken song, and I could see Cajack standing at the prow of the dingy. He was a big ugly mutt with a terrific scar on his face from when he'd raped Anne and she'd torn a massive chunk of his face off with her teeth.

I looked up at the rocks where I knew Anne was hiding. I knew she was watching this too, and would probably be watching for me to slip into the water and make for the boat. It gave me a little comfort to think of her there in this, for I was truly terrified now, trembling violently with fear. I was no swashbuckler, I wasn't brave, I wasn't a hero.

I saw the rowboats hit sand, and a pirate jumped out of each boat, dragging them ashore. That was the signal. Anne had assured me that they would be most distracted now. I gripped the keg and hoisted it to my shoulder and scuttled forward for the water, staying as low as I could go, praying to God that none of them would look my way.

I slid as quietly and quickly into the waves as I dared. The beach fell sharply away, and as soon as the water was knee deep I submerged. The barrel was water tight, of course, and it also floated just a bit, helping me focus on staying low instead of staying afloat. I swam as fast as I could, all the while expecting a sharp 'crack' that would signify I'd been spotted and was being shot at. It may have only been a hundred yards to the ship, but it seemed to take forever to get there in my half panicked state.

When we'd discussed this part of the plan, Anne had wanted to deliver the barrel, but I'd known it would be the most dangerous part and had insisted that it would be my job. The coward in me regretted that decision very much right now. I felt unbelievably exposed and at risk. "This is so stupid..." I whispered.

At long last I made it to the rear of the ship. Anne had described in great detail what I was looking for; a cross beam that would form a small shelf, about five feet to the left of the middle. There I was to set the barrel, prepare it and light it.

Yes, I could see the shelf as I swam around the vessel. It was about two feet up out of the water, and my first obstacle was hoisting a heavy keg of explosives and lead fragments that high out of the water with no way to brace myself. I at last succeeded in the task by crawling onto the barrel to force it into the water, then rolling off and using its own momentum to lift it. I nearly missed, and my heart lurched as it nearly tipped off back into the water. I knew the splash would bring pirates around to see what it was. I desperately pushed, and to my relief it slid back onto the beam.

As quietly as I could, I slid up out of the water to sit down next to the keg. It was crafted by a master craftsman and had a lid that could be removed with only a small knife for leverage. I pulled my knife from my belt and carefully wedged it open. There on top of the powder were the fuse and tinder box.

I rolled the fuse out all along the beam. Anne had promised me it would take five minutes to burn, and I hoped she was correct or I would be killed too. The fuse pulled out and placed, I grabbed the tinder and put the lid back on the barrel, wedging it down tightly. I took several deep breaths, readying myself for the most frantic swim of my life, then struck the tinder, praying it would not be heard.

Two strikes and it lit, and I held it up to the fuse. After a few seconds, it began to sizzle and spark. We were rolling. I stuffed the flint and tinder into my pocket and slipped back into the water, taking one last look at it all to make sure it was stable and ready. I then began to swim for all I was worth. I would take several massive gulps of air, then dive below the surface and thrash through the water with all my might, only coming up when I felt my lungs cry in agony.

I was in a full-on panic now. Behind me was a massive explosion ready to go off, and if I wasn't far enough away it was going to kill me. God, how I wished I was back in bed with my sweet lover... had I actually dreamed of having adventure? This was crazy!

I was hardly paying attention to the shore, so I was delighted when I hit sand and came up onto the beach. I ran low to the ground and dove behind the rocks. I threw on my shirt, not bothering to button it, then frantically buckled my gun belt back on. I had no idea how long I had left before the explosion, but it felt like it would go off at any second.

I jammed my wet feet into my boots and ran for the tree line.

* * *

While I was doing all this, Anne was waiting, hardly able to breath, sick with worry for her lover. She'd seen me slip into the water, and she'd groaned in fear at how exposed I was to anyone that should happen to glance over the side of the Galleon. "Please God, I know I'm no saint, and I know I don't deserve anything from you, but... but I think Caleb does. He's the most selfless, gentle and sweet man I've ever met, and I love him so much it hurts. If there's anything good in me, it's from him. Please keep him safe Lord God, and I swear I'll start reading my Bible every day."

Her sharp eye could catch glimpses of me bobbing through the waves now and again, and at any moment she was sure she'd hear a rifle fire as the crew saw me. There was nothing, and moment by moment I was closing on the ship. At long last I disappeared behind it as I arrived. Then there were endless minutes of tense waiting left to her, trying to guess out the time it would take to accomplish each task I had to do.

As intently as she was watching, I was much less visible on the return trip, keeping below the water as much as I could, she didn't even spot me until I was nearly to the shore. She gave a happy cry, stifling it as she remembered that beyond the rocks she was hiding behind were Cajack and twenty of his cutthroat pirates. Within seconds she saw me scamper onto the shore and make a dive for the rocks, disappearing from view for a moment. Then I was up again, running for the trees.

She tightened her grip on her first rifle and took a deep breath. It was almost time to go. She crawled up the side of the rock she was hiding behind and looked out over the pirates. They were quite a bit farther up the beach than they had been back when she and Caleb had watched them six years ago, and the shots were going to be much harder for her to make. She patted the pile of rifles to her left, taking comfort from their cold indifference to her terror. "Hurry Caleb. I need you here when it starts." She whispered.

* * *

I was gasping for air as I crashed through the forest. I'd not had half a second to catch my breath from my frantic underwater swim, and now I was running like the fires of hell were licking at my back. I was nearly to the rocks that Anne was hiding in. The plan was working!

The next I was aware, I was lying face down in the sand about five steps from the rocks where Anne was waiting. I didn't remember the explosion, but all I could hear was ringing, and as I looked over I could see what was left of Cajack's ship sinking away from view. It had been split in half down the middle and was burning furiously, smoke billowing thickly from the wreckage as it sunk and the water put the fire out.

I picked myself up and on rubbery legs started climbing the rocks. I could approach from the back and never expose myself to the pirates around the front, so I didn't bother being careful to stay hidden, I just climbed frantically. Through the ringing in my ears I became aware of the sharp cracking sound of rifle fire. It sounded like Anne was firing a withering barrage at them, and I spurred myself to go faster. She needed me to reload those rifles!

At long last I dove around the side of the final large boulder and into the cleft where she was hiding. She glanced up and looked relieved, but was too busy to even smile. I surveyed the carnage below, and could see that twelve of the pirates lay dead on the sand. If they'd been deafened as much as I had been, they'd probably not even been aware they were under fire as they watched their ship burn, until they noticed their fellows dropping around them.

The rest of them had apparently made it behind a small pile of rocks on the beach, half way from the shore to the tree line. "Caleb, thank God you made it." She said in between shots. "That explosion was far bigger than I'd thought it would be. Did you see their ship?"

I saw that the two rifles to her right were empty and dove on one of them, beginning to frantically reload. "I was knocked out by the blast, so I only saw it as the tail end sank below the water." I said, tipping the rifle up and beginning to measure out powder into each chamber.

She grinned even as she took another shot. "It was incredible to see! The ship split completely in half down the middle, and the two sides were thrown over thirty yards apart! He must have had an incredible amount of powder onboard to make an explosion that big."

I finished metering in the powder and began grabbing the lead balls, using the ramrod to force each one down into the cylinders. "How are things going up here?" I asked. She'd tossed the third rifle down empty and was now being very careful with her shots using the fourth and final rifle.

"Not as I'd hoped. They are farther away than we've ever seen them, which makes each shot much harder. I've killed ten of them, two are still down from the blast, and the rest are hiding behind those rocks, taking wild shots in our general direction. Hurry on the reloading, love." She fired and gave a happy snarl. "Got another one!"

I jammed the final lead ball into the throat of the chamber and flipped the rifle over, starting to stick primer caps into it as fast as my trembling hands could move. "Almost ready."

Two more primer caps and it was ready to fire. I tossed it to her left and grabbed another rifle. "Damn! They're making a break for the trees!" She cried and fired, tossing the empty rifle aside without even pausing. She grabbed the fresh one and opened fire, sending all six shots down the beach as fast as I could count. I looked, saw that six pirates had run for the forest, and also saw that Anne had dropped three of them. She tossed the empty rifle into the pile.

"One stayed behind to cover their retreat and keep us from goin' after them. Damn it! I need a rifle, love! Hurry!"

I yanked one of my revolver pistols out and handed it to her. "Use this. You can't hit him, but he won't know that and you can keep him pinned down with it."

"Good thought." She grunted. "And I can certainly try to hit him if he shows his damnable head."

I asked the question that was burning in me. "Did you get Cajack?"

"No. Coward ran at the first shot and dove behind the rocks. He's using his men as shields."

Powder was loaded. I grabbed bullets and started forcing them into the throats of the chambers again. Anne fired every time the pirate poked his nose out from behind the rocks, and I could tell he was doing it to distract us, giving his captain time to get deep into the jungle. I wondered if the fool even realized he had no hope of survival himself.

Ball now all loaded. I flipped the rifle over and began stuffing primer caps onto the head of each chamber. I was trembling somewhat less now, and reloading was going quite a bit faster. Anne fired the fifth shot from the revolver, then exclaimed "Damn! One that was down from the blast is getting up! We can't afford a fourth one making the trees, hurry, my love!" She fired the final shot and threw the empty gun into the pile.

"I am! I am!" I cried, stuffing the final primer cap into it and handing it into her waiting arms.

"Thank you, Caleb. You're fast as lightning." She cooed as she lined up her shot. She fired twice, then muttered "There. Now those two won't be getting up. Come on, you fool decoy, stick out your head again like you were and I'll make you a footnote."

I was already reloading again, and there was silence as Anne waited. I was stuffing in the last primer cap when she fired. "Got him." She grunted and sat up, grabbing a rifle and starting to reload along with me. "Let's get 'em all reloaded and get moving."

I swallowed as I grabbed the third rifle and began to reload it. "Anne, we won't have the element of surprise anymore, they'll have us cold if we go waltzing in there."

She shook her head. "We have one final ace up our sleeves, dear; We know the interior of the island and they don't. They went straight in, so they're going to run into that gully where we shot the decoy to put in my place. They'll be moving slow, and if we hurry we can make it to the top of that cliff and rain hell down on 'em as they're trapped."

I nodded. "OK. I'll follow your lead." We were silent as we frantically worked on reloading our guns. I'd been practicing for hours on the boat and was quite a lot faster than she was at it, so I had mine reloaded and grabbed her partially empty one to top off the three empty chambers. We finished at about the same time and she stood, slinging a rifle over each shoulder.

She started to leave, and I quickly asked "Wait, what about my empty revolver?"

"No time. Stow it empty, grab the reloading gear and let's get going. We already may be too late to get him from the cliff, and if he gets beyond that we'll have a time heading him off."

I nodded wordlessly, slung a rifle over each shoulder, stuffed the revolver into my belt and began running after her with the powder horn in my hand. We scrambled down off the rocks and dove into the thick forest.

* * *

It was tense, running through the dense foliage, never sure if a bullet may come at us. Anne was silent as a ghost; I would have expected no less from a feline, but I was struggling to keep silent and for the most part was crashing along behind her.

She waved for me to slow as we approached the cliff, so I reigned up. She darted forward, dropped to all fours and peeked over the edge. I crouched down and snuck in alongside her. "What do you see?" I breathed.

She was looking quickly up and down the canyon, then she pointed ahead of us. Sure enough, they were already passed us and coming out of the canyon. She muttered a curse and we took off after them. We kept catching glimpses of them as we ran, evidence that they were making no attempt to hide, probably thinking we'd be back still on the shore with their man, tied up from following. We closed rapidly in , but suddenly one looked back and gave a shout. They rounded a corner at some boulders, and Anne slowed, unslinging a rifle. I did the same and we crept forward.

We made it to the boulder and peeked carefully around it. One of the pirates, a young human male was kneeling there, his hands in the air! She pulled back and carefully scanned the forest before rounding the corner and pointing the rifle at him. "Don't shoot!" he yelped.

"An why'd I wanta not shoot, you miserable filthy pirate scourge?" She spat.

"Please! I didn't want to join Cajack's crew! They forced me to! It was either join them or death! Please believe me, ma'am!" He yelped in fear. "I saw you were closing in and figured this was my chance to be free! I'll help you catch him! I know what he's planning to do to trick you!"

Her rifle didn't waver. "Talk." She bluntly ordered.

He gulped. "Up ahead is a big pile o' rocks. He's going to hide there and wait for you two to come up on him and jump out and gun you both down. He's got a rifle an' two pistols on 'im." He gestured to the right. "There's a path that runs up around them rocks. We go up that way, we can skirt around 'im and drop him with one shot o' them magic rifles o' yours."

She stared at it ponderously. "There are several parts of that path that are very, very exposed to the side of those rocks. If he were hiding there, he'd be able to easily shoot us down, I should think." I was impressed that she remembered this island so clearly. We'd only trekked back in here a few times in the six months we'd lived here; it was full of feral predator felines and was dangerous to wander through.

She turned and pointed left. "That path will keep me much better protected and farther away from him."

"But missus," he protested, "That way is so much farther back, an' you won't get a clean shot no-ways!"

She nodded. "Aye, but he'll have no kind of shot at all, and I think I'll be able to bag him from there. Caleb, you two head along that right path until you hit that tall boulder, the one sticking up? Use it for cover and start shooting into those rocks, see if you can flush him out a bit. Got it? Don't be a hero, just flush him out, don't try for the kill shot. Give me the other two rifles, love."

I nodded and passed them off. "Shoot straight, shoot true." I whispered. She nodded and gave me a very pointed look. I understood what she meant and nodded, and she was gone.

I drew my revolver and looked at the young pirate. He was barely more than a boy, which was sad. I wondered what his story was that he'd wound up on a pirate ship. "I'm Caleb. What's your name, son?" I asked.

"Percy." He grunted as we moved up and began to wend our way through the rock towards where Anne had indicated. "Mister Caleb, ya gotta give me a gun, or I'm helpless!" He whined urgently.

I looked at him. "There's really no need, we're just the decoy, right?"

"B-but what if something goes wrong? What if they charge us or something? I'll be helpless! I don't wanna die!" He pleaded.

I sighed and paused, pulling my other revolver and offering it to him. "You ever fired one of these before?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No sir. How it work?"

"You just pull the hammer back like so, then aim down the barrel like any gun and squeeze the trigger. She's got six rounds in her, but then she needs to be reloaded, so make each bullet count." I handed him the revolver.

"Wowee, six shots!" He said with admiration, looking down at the gun in his hands.

I nodded and resumed picking my way towards the boulder. As I clambered up behind it, I heard a distinctive 'click' behind me. I turned and saw he had the revolver pointed straight at my back, and was looking confused as to why it hadn't gone off. I pointed my revolver at his heart.

I let him cock the hammer and pull the trigger several more times before I quietly said "That one's empty."

He threw it down in disgust. "Y' bastard." He snarled and charged me. I fired and blood blossomed out from his chest. He faltered and stumbled, and I cocked and fired again, dropping him to his knees. One more shot and he collapsed.

I looked at his body sadly. "I'm sorry kid. You should never have fallen in with Cajack. You were brave, but on the wrong side of justice."

From the rocks below I heard Cajack's gruff voice yell "Percy! Did ya get 'em lad?"

I tried to decide if I should respond or not, when there was a sharp crack and a muffled yell from the rocks below me. Peeking around them, I saw the burly figure of Cajack as he dove over the rocks to get cover from Anne's side of the cliffs. The remaining pirate was trying to crawl, blood pouring from his chest. "Cap'm! Help me!" He cried.

There was another gunshot and he fell dead.

Cajack swore loudly. "Damn it! I'm sure we can make a deal, whoever you are! I got more wealth'n you've ever seen in yer life! Let's talk!" I could see smoke rising up out of the trees, and knew that had to be the approximate position Anne was in. She was well concealed, and I smiled grimly. We had him.

Suddenly, I heard Anne's voice. "Cap'm Cajack, so it comes down to this. Just you 'n me. Yer bastard traitor boy and me lover must o' shot each other dead, I'm guessin'. Ya know who I am?"

Cajack sneered. "A woman? A filthy little whore killed all my men!? I don't know how, I don't know where, but I'll get my revenge for this."

Anne laughed. "There's only one o' us getting' revenge this day, and that's me. My names Anne Bonny, do ya remember that name?"

He paused. "You... you're that little fuck toy pirate wench who tore half me face off! But that can't be! I saw your rotted corpse, ye're dead!" He cried, getting louder and louder as he spoke. I eased around the rock and took careful aim at him.

"Aye, ya raped an' killed me, and now I'm a restless spirit come to get me revenge. Fear me, Cajack, for ya can't kill what ain't livin'! I aim to take ya with me, pull ya all the way down to the blackest hells!" She laughed maniacally, screeching and snarling at him.

I could see him shaking from where I was. "N-n-n-n-no! y' can't come back after yer dead, it don't work! Don't kill me! I's sorry fer what I done!"

She laughed again, and her voice echoed across the rocks, making it seem even more ethereal. "Sorry? You raped me and tore my sex to ribbons, then left me to die o' thirst chained to a tree, wi' a barrel o' water not five feet from me! That kind o' cruelty ain't something you can possibly be sorry for, you miserable, wicked monster! Yer going to die!"

Cajack started crawling around the rocks, either to try and get away or to try and flank her. He was still shaking and moaning, but he was moving into my full view. Somehow, deep down inside I knew that Anne wanted, no, needed to be the one to make this shot. I could have killed him, but instead I aimed for the ground about three feet ahead of him and fired.

In his terrified state, he reacted on instinct, jumping up and backwards from the shock of the unexpected shot. His head came up from behind cover, and that instant I heard a rifle fire again. Half his head exploded into blood and gore, and he fell, instantly dead.

The echo of the shot was still reverberating around the cliffs when Anne burst from her cover, running towards me while throwing the rifles from her shoulders to the ground. I jumped up and ran for her, and we met in the middle, atop the rocks Cajack had died behind. She was crying tears of joy and exuberantly squealed "We did it! We got them all and survived! We made it through together! Oh Caleb!" She broke off and just began to cry.

I hugged her fiercely, pressing her shaking body to me. "We got him, Anne. He'll never rape another girl, he'll never execute another innocent man to protect his treasure, he'll never sink another ship. We got him."

She pulled back to look up into my face, beaming happily. "What happened with that boy?"

I frowned. "You were right to warn me not to trust him. He begged for a gun, so I gave him my empty revolver. As soon as I turned my back on him, he tried to shoot me with it. You heard what Cajack said, he obviously was part of the plan. It's a damn good thing you didn't listen to his suggestion and come around the path this way. Look, from here you can see how exposed it is."

She nodded. "I figured he was dirty, but I wasn't sure how much. I'm glad you understood my message."

I smiled. "I feel like I know you so intimately I can hear your thoughts sometimes, my beautiful feline goddess."

She smiled, wiping happy tears from her eyes. "So then tell me what I am thinking right now."

I looked down at her stunningly beautiful face and felt a flood of desire and love. "You are thinking how much you could use to be kissed." I whispered.

She cooed softly. "Lucky guess?" We melted together, our tongues swirling around each other. It was over.

* * *

We walked hand-in-hand back to the beach, both feeling incredibly relieved. I was already very much looking forward to the wild celebratory sex I was certain would happen once we'd calmed down enough from our tension. Suddenly I had a thought. "Wait, did Cajack bring ashore a victim to kill over the chest? Were you able to save him?"

"He brought none that I could see. In lieu of an innocent, he probably kills one of his own men over the hole. Shall we pull that chest up while we're out here..." Suddenly she stopped and gasped.

I looked over at her. Her eyes were wide and her pretty mouth was hanging open with a look of shock and horror. "What..." I started to say.

Before I could finish, she pulled her hand from mine and ran forward to the chest resting in the hole they'd dug to hide it in. I ran after her, alarmed at her odd behavior. "What's wrong, Anne?"

She'd put both her paws over her muzzle and looked terrified. She dove down into the pit and grabbed the chest, hoisting it up and out of its shallow resting place with a burst of panicked strength. She was immediately up out of the hole after it, hurriedly unclasping it and opening the lid. She let out an anguished cry and fell to her rump right there in the sand.

"Caleb, I recognize this chest! It's Lars' chest! I see it every time I go into his quarters! And this treasure... I recognize most of it, it's from the Umber Crow! Cajack got them! The last ship he sunk... was all my friends and... and now there is nobody coming to rescue us; we are trapped here!"

To Be Concluded...