Dirty Little Secret Chapter 2

Story by Verisuth on SoFurry

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#2 of Dirty Little Secret

Alright! Fiiiiiinally, the second chapter is finished! It took me a lot longer than it should have, but... hey, can't rush creativity right? Anyway, I know a lot of you were looking forward to this one so I won't talk you to death or spoil anything. Just enjoy~

A few days passed after the Halloween party where I first met Janik. A part of me wanted to come clean and tell Mikey what had happened that night... but I convinced myself it wasn't worth mentioning. It was an isolated incident, and would never happen again. No sense hurting his feelings and risking destroying our relationship over something so trivial... right? Besides, Felicia and Ali covered for me when it came to what actually went down that night so it was as if nothing had happened.

At least, that's what I thought at first.

Four days after the party, I had invited Mikey over for movie night. We were snuggled on my couch, but it was still a bit chilly in my apartment so I got up to get a blanket from my hall closet. I opened the door and something fell out, so I knelt to pick it up. It was Janik's hoodie that I'd borrowed (and I use that term loosely) the morning after our wild and raucous romp. Memories I'd been trying to push away came rushing back, and I felt my heart begin to race. From that first kiss to the moment his knot was forced into me and my body was filled with his cum... I held the article of clothing with one hand, the other rubbing my abdomen as if I could still feel the warm, thick seed pooling in my womb. I closed my eyes and buried my nose in that garment of his, pleased to find it still smelled strongly of his juicy and rich predatory musk. That aroma alone was enough to send shivers down my spine... my whole body became hot. I needed some relief, and soon... so I went back to the couch and leaned over next to Mikey.

"Hun..." I whispered, pausing to kiss his neck, "I think I'm done with the movie. Wanna do something more... fun?" I began rubbing his chest, and instantly felt my desires began to die down a bit. He was soft and skinny; compared to Janik's toned and chiseled form it was highly disappointing.

"O-okay," he muttered nervously, reaching to lightly stroke my back. "Whatever you say, babe." Another disappointment; he was so nervous, shy, and submissive. I shook my head a bit, trying not to think about things that way. I had to stop comparing him to Janik! He was my boyfriend after all, and besides that I need to get off soon. So I moved forward with getting what I wanted.

I kissed lower on his neck, pulling his shirt off when it got in the way. He blushed in surprise under his chocolate-colored fur. "Here?" he asked timidly, starting to pull back a bit. "Why don't we go to the bed?"

Really? I thought, eyes closing as I tried not to give him an incredulous stare. Objecting to sex on the couch? What guy does that?!

"I can't wait that long," I said to cover it up as I panted needily, kissing my way down lower and lower before undoing his pants. Sure enough, his cock was already pointing up and begging for attention. It was nowhere near the size of that massive jackal prick that had defiled me previously, however-

Stop! I screamed at myself. Stop thinking about him! Focus on Mikey... he's what I need right now. He's my boyfriend, and I should take him as he is.

With that thought in mind, and no more hesitation, I frantically stripped out of my clothes and moved to get on top of him. I was already wet and aside from that, foreplay with my boy was never much of a mood enhancer. Sometimes it was just the opposite. I straddled his member immediately, pushing it inside of my hungry pussy... only to be once again disappointed.

Wait... I thought, looking down with slight shock and dismay. Is that it? It's already all the way inside me?! What the hell!?!?! Mikey was the biggest cock I had ever had before Jan (which isn't saying much; only person I had been with before Mikey was a gerbil), to the point it always felt really good and stretched me out just right. But now... I might as well have a wet noodle in me. I felt practically nothing. Was there something wrong with me?

"Oh god..." Mikey muttered, gripping my hips timidly. "Lucy, you feel so good. So nice and tight, nnngh... But we have to put a condom on."

"R-r-right..." I said softly, pulling off of him. "Go ahead and grab one. I'll wait in my room."

What followed moments later was the most unfulfilling sexual experience of my entire life. My poor, sweet boyfriend tried his hardest... but it wasn't anything pleasurable for me at all. I threw in moans and groans where appropriate, but I was only enduring this because I loved him. He went straight for the sex, boring ol' missionary style, and had no real rhythm or technique to his hip motions. It was just frenzied rabbit humps that ended rather quickly with a gasp and a whimper. By the time he rolled off me I was just thankful it was over. I didn't even wanna cuddle; just touching him bothered me at this point. I rolled away when he tried to put his arms around me, excusing it by saying I was just tired. I then waited until he drifted off to sleep, then slipped away to the hall closet again and picked up that jacket. Resuming things from there and holding it to my nose again, I took a good, long inhale.

"Nnngh... Ja... Janik..." I muttered softly, my little cotton tail twitching. I could practically taste him, looking back on it. It made me so horny... Before I knew it I was rubbing my slit right there in the hallway, whimpering and taunting my clit to awareness with one hand while the other rubbed that jacket over my breasts. "Oooh... Yes... Jan, touch me like that..."

I rubbed myself tauntingly, trying to imitate the mocking and teasing movements that canine had used on me. I pictured that glorious dick, onyx and hard and dripping with precum as it prepared to enter me. It made my mouth water at just the thought, and slowly I closed my eyes and continued stroking my slit with two fingers and purposely avoiding my clit. I'd never felt so aroused by just scent and memory before... it was a terrible sign and I knew it. But still, I kept imagining that toned chest and sweet, seductive onyx form combined with a predator's cocky smirk. I wanted him... I had to have him! Soon enough I couldn't take it anymore and began assaulting my g-spot with my fingers while my thumb rubbed my aching clit.

"Nnngh... fuck me Jan... Oooh, give me that... aaah... that big black doggy dick..." I groaned, slumping against the wall until I was sitting down with my legs spread. "F-f-fuck me... fuckin' plow me... Stuff me with that massive knot..."

It occurred to me abruptly that his jacket wasn't the only piece of clothing I'd swiped from the canine when I was leaving his room. Panting nervously, I practically dove back into the hall closet and searched frantically. Within seconds I found them; his jeans that I'd thrown on as I was leaving. Smelling the rest of his body was one thing... but what would this do to me?

I pressed my nose into the denim, and was far from upset by what I found. It seemed Jan wasn't fond of wearing underwear... either that or he'd been working out while wearing these or something. Either way, the perfect, potent richness of his loins hit my nostrils at full strength, sending my head into a whirlpool of pleasure and lustful hunger. "Hmmmph, ooh yes..." I groaned out, sniffing frantically at the crotch of his pants while my hand's assault on my cunny reached a vigorous, feverish pitch. "Jackal cock... smells so good..." I bit my bottom lip to keep from squealing, hips bucking frantically with an increasing need. The playback in my head was a nice enough fantasy world, but... even that wasn't cutting it at this point. I needed the real thing, just one more time...

My fingers, of course, were my fingers, so they knew what to do to at least get me off. I banged my head against the wall a bit when I came, rubbing it and wincing softly as my little warm and fuzzy ball of lust-imagery was shattered by the light stinging pain. With reality returning to me again, though, what I had just done began to hit me in earnest. As the afterglow from my orgasm faded, a well of self-loathing began to bubble up in its wake, filling my mind and body with a queasy sensation. I looked down at the jeans in my hand, clutching them tight against me. This isn't right... I thought, picking myself up from the floor and walking over to the couch. This isn't like me. I'm not this type of girl... Even as I thought that, I knew my actions just moments prior said otherwise. I was a needy, greedy, cock-starved slut... and the cock I was starving for didn't belong to my boyfriend. I sighed at the thought of that, curling up into a ball on one end of the couch and clutching Janik's clothing close to me as if it was a security blanket. I felt horrible for what I'd done at that party, and what I'd just done in the hallway... and worse still, the guilt wasn't enough to keep me from wanting more. As I choked back tears, I realized I was slowly rubbing my breasts against the clothing I was holding.

The real thing... just one more time...

My mind could have all the catholic guilt it wanted to about my infidelity. My body had cravings for exactly what I wanted to avoid, and the way every inch of my skin and fur seemed to be on fire with need...

"I'm sorry, Mikey..." I whispered out, even as I pressed those jeans back to my nose and my other hand back to my slit. "I just can't help it..."

And with that, I simply turned up the volume on the TV so that in case my boyfriend woke up he wouldn't hear me groaning another man's name whilst fingering myself into a mental puddle.

I finally finished playing around, more frustrated after the solo session than I was before it. Even though I managed to cum 2 more times, each orgasm was only a reminder that my own probing and nimble digits weren't what I really wanted. Still fuming, I got up and cleaned the mess I'd made in the hall and on the couch, then went to take a cold shower in hopes of washing away not only any lingering sex smell but the flames of passion that burned in my heart. It worked, a bit, and I toweled off before hopping back into bed next to Mikey. Ah, my soft, sweet, innocent Mikey. I looked over at him and smiled a bit, noting how he looked when he was out cold. He was cute, to be sure. He was warm and loving, too. I was definitely better off with him.

But when I tried to snuggle him, being that close to his weaker, softer musk made me feel highly uncomfortable. I squirmed and twitched, trying to get over it... then finally gave up and rolled over, facing away from him. Was I... broken?

I decided to push it from my mind for the rest of the night. I had the day off from work and class; it could wait 'till then. But still, even as I drifted off to sleep, my dreams were invaded by visions of that toned, sexy onyx body using me as a fuck-toy. And although I hated to admit it... those dreams turned me on something fierce.

The next morning, as my beau was leaving, I told him I had a lot of studying to do that night and wouldn't have time to see him. He kissed my forehead and smiled, saying he understood. He always was like that; so understanding, so trusting, so caring.

It made me feel like scum.

I spent some of the day working on a paper, but I couldn't focus for long. Mikey and Jan kept running through my head in tandem, to the point it was giving me a migraine. After about 1 PM, I grabbed my phone off the charger and began typing up a text. That jackal was a major problem for me. Too much longer with him on my mind like this and it would ruin everything that was good about my relationship with my boyfriend. I had to put a stop to it while I still had time, and that started with getting his clothes out of my home before I played with myself so much I caused a flood and ruined the damn carpet. So I sent him a message saying I was ready to return his stuff, and he responded rather promptly with his address.

This is it, I told myself, getting dressed and gathering his things into an old duffle bag I'd had from back when I was on the track team in high school. Starting today, I put this whole mess back in order. I'm gonna fix this!

And with that resolve, I headed off towards Janik's place. He lived surprisingly close to me; within walking distance in fact. The fact scared me a little, to be honest; maybe putting an end to all this wouldn't be all that easy after all. But I shook that thought off, heading as proudly and as confidently as I could straight towards his apartment complex and his building. When I actually got to his door, I paused, panicking for a bit. Direct confrontation was not exactly my field of expertise, especially when dealing with big, strong, sexy, dominant males...

Relax, I thought, taking a deep breath. It's nothing big. You're just dropping off his clothes and telling him you can't see him anymore. No big deal!

I knocked on the door timidly and waited, hoping against hope that the attraction I'd felt the night of the party had just been the tequila talking. But there was no such luck; the canine who opened the door was still every bit as gorgeous as I remembered. If anything, he looked even sexier now that my vision was blurred by liquor and club lighting. To make matters worse, he was shirtless yet again. In fact, he was naked except for a towel! I'd apparently come just before he was going to hop into the shower. And there was no stopping my eyes as they drifted down to the noticeable outline of his junk...

_Want. Want. Want. Want! _ my body screamed, and my subconscious mind was inclined to agree. It took everything I had to pull my eyes off his crotch and back away, biting my lip and closing my eyes to try and keep myself from just lunging into his home and begging him to stuff me.

"I can come back, I swear!" I squeaked out, hands flying in front of my face. "I didn't mean to- I mean that's to say- I-!!"

"Just get the fuck in here," the jackal said, sounding somewhere between amused and annoyed. "It's not like you haven't seen it before, Lucy." I dared to open one eye, and I could see he'd moved to the side enough for me to enter his home.

Bad idea... I thought to myself, biting hard on my bottom lip again. Being behind closed doors with him, alone... The temptation was there, palpable as my own heartbeat. But I needed to go ahead and talk to him about all of this anyway, and there was no sense in trying to turn around and come back. So, in a very quiet and demure manner, I stepped into Casa de Janik, hands crossed in front of my body to symbolically help me 'hold my shit together'.

"Thanks for bringin' my stuff by..." he muttered, closing the door behind me and walking past me towards his kitchen. I got treated to a view of the calm, confident, yet strangely graceful way he walked as he crossed the room in front of me, subtle nuances that had escaped me while I was drunk crystal clear now. There was a definitive alpha male quality in his posture and motions; he just carried himself in this manner that spoke of not only being in control but being able to effortlessly maintain such control. Then there was the way he was built... it was like something out of a textbook on the ancient gods. He wasn't body-builder huge, but he had this distinctive level of perfect, healthy tone to him that was downright delicious.

Knock it off!! I screamed at myself, forcing my eyes closed again. I came here to put a stop to this, for the love of god...

Janik politely offered me something to drink, which I instantly declined as nicely as possible. I had to keep reminding myself this wasn't a fun social visit; I was here to reclaim control of my life. So as he poured himself some apple cider I sat back in one of the chairs in his living room, meekly staring at the floor while I tried to muster enough courage to say just what was on my mind. Finally, he stood across from me and smiled, and I had the feeling he was waiting on me to speak. So, with a deep breath and a lot of forethought, I went ahead with making my case.

"Hey, um... J-j-Janik..." I stuttered out, hands clutched together in my lap nervously. "I think you and I should talk a-a- a little... about what happened at the party this past weekend."

"Yeah, we probably should," he replied, a bit of a chuckle in his voice. I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye; I was afraid it might kill my resolve. Plus he was standing and I wasn't, which would put me at eye level with his package. His glorious, marvelous, rich-smelling, pleasure-giving package...

Damn it, stop that!

"My question is, lil bunny..." he remarked, and I felt my heart begin to hammer as he walked closer and closer to me, "what is it you plan on talking to me about, per se? After all, you came over here dressed like this, which I'm guessing isn't your usual clothing protocol."

His comment shocked me, making me take a moment to reexamine what I was wearing. Sure enough, I was in my tightest, smallest skirt despite it being early November - the only thing keeping my legs from freezing was a pair of black-and-gold striped thigh-high socks I'd pulled on. And on top of that, I was sporting a tube-top, the only one I owned, under the jacket I had removed since coming into his home. It was the type of stuff that I owned only because Felicia and Ali had talked me into getting it for nights out on the town, and I was normally very reluctant to wear it... yet here I was, dressed like this without a second thought. What in the hell?!

"I'd advise you think very carefully about your next words," he continued, reaching one hand forward to cup and rub my cheek gently. "'Cause seems to me you're a bit divided in terms of what you desire out of this exchange. So ask yourself something;" he paused, angling my head up and forcing me to gaze first at his delectable loins and then deep into his piercing, mind-melting amber eyes. "What do you really want?"

My prior proud speeches and well-thought-out arguments all seemed to get jumbled up. I was now exposed to everything about him I had ached for before. Those radiant, predatory eyes coupled with his matching smirk to make me feel soft and unsure. Then there was the familiar warmth of his touch, combined with the robust aroma that had send me into a masturbatory marathon the previous night. Said scent was even stronger now; not only was it direct from the source, but it definitely smelled like he'd been working out or something right before I came by. And of course, there was his cock, inches away from my face. I broke eye-contact only to find myself staring at it with my mouth slightly open, panting a bit as I felt heat rising up through my creamy-furred form.

What I really want... my mind parroted his words as I reflected back on how less than 24 hours ago I had been frantically craving him. And now, here I was, subconsciously dressed with ease of access and sex appeal in mind. Had all my prior planning just been a weak excuse to come and see him again?

I stared at the cloth-covered outline of his massive organ, and my own thoughts popped back into my head as an answer to the burning question he'd asked me -

...the real thing... just one more time...

I reached forward without a thought or word, licking my lips as I undid his towel. His shaft was still mostly in its sheath, but I could see a bit of it starting to peek out now, the head of that glorious fuck-pole greeting me and glistening with his precious, strong-smelling precum.

I had already betrayed my darling Mikey once within this one week span; there seemed to be little-to-no point in trying to feign some sort of morality and righteousness. And besides, faced with something like this...

I leaned forward to lick tentatively at the jackal's prick, only to have him pull away before my lips could meet his member. "Ah, ah, aaaaah, buns..." he said mockingly, his hand even pulling away from my cheek. "I asked you a question, and I expect an answer. What do you really want?"

I pouted instinctively, feeling like a child who'd just been told she couldn't have dessert until she ate her broccoli. It wasn't fair-! I knew what he was doing, and he knew I hated it. But at the same time, that was why he made me go through it. It reinforced our roles, my station... and made me confirm every step down the line that I was willing, that I was giving in to his whims simply because I couldn't help myself when it came to him. A part of me wanted to protest on those grounds alone. The rest of me just wanted him, and was willing to do whatever it took to have him. And for a good amount of time, those two battled it out, until at last the victorious side of my mind won the rights to move my mouth.

"D... Dick..." I murmured softly, nimble fingers clutching at the hem of my skirt for dear life. I could hardly believe I was saying this, that I was on the verge of doing this again... But at the same time, I couldn't deny how I felt and how badly I needed what he had. "I want your dick, Jan. I want it badly... I... I need it. So please..."

"Heh, well isn't that interesting..." the canine replied, arms folded across his toned chest. "I thought you had a boyfriend. What, was he not good enough for you anymore?"

"N-no... Nowhere close..." I admitted with little pain in my voice. I wasn't sure what the source of said pain was, though; was it the fact he was forcing me to talk down about the bunny-boy I was (allegedly) in love with? Or did the fact that he was right generate a painful sting?

Maybe it was both. I couldn't be sure. Either way, the jackal's facial expression showed that he was pleased by my confession... and when he motioned for me to come over I slid from my seat and crawled to him on all fours with my poofy lapine tail twitching ecstatically. Once again my base needs outweighed my senses of decency, regret, and shame. Who cared why or how it happened, so long as I was rewarded by that massive pitch-black pole?

"Seems now you get the point..." Janik said to me, reaching down to pet my head as I looked up at him sheepishly. "As such, you get your reward. Go ahead and taste that cock you love so much. After all, it's the real reason you came to see me, right?"

"Y-y-... Yes..." I whimpered out shamefully, leaning up to nuzzle my face against his member. I buried my face in the spot between his balls and his shaft, letting out little girly groans of lust and joy as the heavy, claiming aroma of his genitals washed over my mind. "Th-th-t... thank... you..."

I was actually a bit nervous about this at first. I didn't really have much experience in the world of oral sex; it had always been something I viewed as "slutty", so I was hesitant to try it out even with Mikey. And even with the few times I had worked on my boyfriend's modest member, I hadn't received stellar reviews. If I couldn't manage with that tiny prick, how the hell was I gonna satisfy a massive, experienced, sexual conquistador like Jan?! But I had to try... I kissed the small portion of his throbbing maleness that was protruding from the sheath, giving it slow, gentle licks as I tried to build up some confidence. Once his flavors hit my tongue for the first time I felt strange. The taste was much like the scent, and so it was highly pleasant to the point of being amazing. One taste of it in my mouth, and just like when that massive meat-rod penetrated my pussy, I just had to have more. This effect that the jackal had on me... it was so irresistible and strong it terrified me.

But even as the fear joined my self-loathing, neither matched the need, the hunger pangs, the cravings. I was sloppy and overzealous when it came to him, the opposite of how I had been the first time I tried giving Mikey a tongue-polishing. I covered his shaft with licks and sweet kisses, taking in more and more of the natural juices that coated the canine member while it escaped from his sheath, even moving my attentions into the sheath itself to get more of that flavor.

"Mmph.... Nnnngh..." I groaned happily as my exploration was rewarded with an even stronger dose of his unique essence for my efforts there. "A... Aaaahh..." This was all making my head spin, to the point my negative feelings were all suffocating in his scent and drowning in his nectar. Everything in me screamed for more now, and I indulged myself without any further hesitance.

"Having fun?" he asked me, chuckling and patting my head as I took one of his heavy testes into my mouth and suckled it lovingly. I nodded and reluctantly pulled myself away to look directly up at him, the richness and warmth of his eyes pouring gasoline on my inner fire. "Such a naughty girl you are. I can't believe your lover doesn't work harder to please you and keep you with him, considering how kinky and sexy you are."

"Mmm... H-he doesn't know..." I replied, rubbing my face and mouth against his lengthy dick. "I'm never like this with him."

"You're not?" he asked, smacking me across the face with that vein-covered flesh I'd grown to ache for. "And why is that? What's so different about now, huh?"

"You." I whispered the word with all the emotion and sincerity of a child's prayer. "You're what's different. He's... nothing like you." I stopped to slip some of his pulsing meat into my mouth, bobbing up and down on it frantically as I relished another dose of him. I slurped and worked at him for a minute, fully aware of how soaked my panties were getting. I managed to gather up enough restraint to pause my ravenous suckling to verbally worship at the jackal's altar some more. "D... d-doing this to him disgusts me, and he knows it," I admitted brazenly, a soft smile crossing my face as I got the way I really felt about sex with Mikey off my chest. "With you, on the other hand... it gets me s-s-so turned on I can barely... aanngh..." I stopped there, rolling my tongue across the underside of his shaft. I made my point; my sweet bunny beau was no match for this glorious creature in front of me. I started working him in and out of my mouth again, trying my best to take him deeper down with each motion. It started hitting the back of my throat, triggering my desire to gag... but it was barely comparable to my desire to get more of him inside me. After a while Jan gave me a hand, gripping my long, sensitive ears and using them as handlebars while he relentlessly fucked my mouth. Even as I struggled for air, my body shook with pleasure; having one of my weakest spots fondled this way while being treated so roughly and forcefully... it was amazing.

I lost track of time. There was only the pleasure and pain of getting my throat used as a second pussy and the occasional pause when the canine felt merciful enough to let me gasp for breath before continuing his mission. Soon enough I felt his knot bumping against my lips.

Yes! I screamed inside my head, reaching up to massage his balls. I knew what was coming, and I wanted it all down to the very last drop. The hand that wasn't rubbing him began assaulting my own sex, lower lips aching from how maddeningly aroused I was. The anticipation was driving me up the wall, and all I could do was moan and whimper all the louder around his shaft. I stared up at him, my eyes begging him to grace me with his delicious release.

Pour it in me! I pleaded mentally, staring up at him with adoration and need in my soft blue eyes. Give me all of it! Let me taste it, make me drink it... Oh god, yes...

With a loud snarl, my wish was granted, and I felt the monstrous meat-stick start to twitch and pulse in my throat seconds before a geyser of thick, creamy cum erupted and shot into my waiting stomach. I swallowed greedily, almost dismayed as he started to pull it out of me... only to find myself overjoyed as this allowed some of that spunk to splurt onto my tongue. The taste..! _Oh good fucking god, YES! _ It set me off like a chain reaction, and as I felt my own climax hit me I attacked his cock with gusto. I gripped his hip with one hand desperately, the other still madly working away at my snatch. I slammed myself back on his cock, bobbing up and down furiously as I tried to coat my mouth with it and swallow as much of his jizz as I possibly could. He let out a surprised, pleasured groan, which only made me double my efforts until at last he popped himself all the way out of my lips. What few jets of cum remained sprayed across my face and glasses, giving me the added bonus of being marked by the strong-smelling semen as well. I kept diddling myself with my eyes rolled back, shuddering and bucking helplessly as I just kept cumming. It was fantastic... mind-blowing even. But once again my pussy reminded me that fingers weren't what it had a taste for.

I ran my tongue across my lips, getting whatever semen splatter I could before taking a second to stare at that marvelous ebony member... Or rather, as much of it as I could see through the white stuff splashed on my lenses. I didn't need fully unobstructed vision to tell that it was still hard and throbbing... waiting for me. Still a little out of it from my recent orgasm, I managed to get to my feet and walk towards his kitchen, bending myself over the table with my legs spread shoulder-width apart. "Mmmph, it looks like you're not finished yet..." I whined out lustfully, looking back at Jan with my best "come hither" stare. "S-s-so... since I'm already here, and we've already... gone this far..."

"Cut the shit, buns," he growled out, slapping my ass hard as a punishment for my attempts to dance around the issue. "Don't try to dress it up like you're doing me a favor, or that you're doing this because it's convenient." he groped my rump roughly with that powerful band of his, that growl of his continuing to make its way into every sentence. "We both know the truth. Now, if you want something you best speak up. You know I have the patience to play this game all day."

"S-s-sorry..." I mumbled timidly, keeping my head down. I should have known it wasn't gonna be that easy; the jackal was gonna force honesty out of me every step of the way, so I might as well keep to a confessing mood. Still, I was a little hesitant. Didn't I come over here to put an end to all this? I thought somewhere in the back of my head. This is wrong! I'm still with Mikey... He's the one who's important, right?

My thoughts were disturbed by Jan rubbing his hands teasingly softly across my tender ears, claws extended. I shivered and whimpered a bit, squirming side to side. I had to muster up some strength, some resolve, some self-control from somewhere. But even as I thought that he slapped my ass and groped it, coupling that rough sensation with the haunting feel of his lethal nails tracing my tender ears. It was insane, the way he could treat me; coupling a fear of my delicate flesh being ripped with pleasurable rubbings. He knew how to play with me to bring out the prey instincts within me, making me feel so soft and weak and helpless... So feminine and delicate. It was horrifyingly wonderful... It was magnificently terrifying.

I loved it.

"J-j... Jan..." I managed, body beginning to grind back needily towards him. "Please... Don't be mean to me today." I looked back at him and pouted, trying to look as cute and, simultaneously, as submissive as possible. "I'm s... So-sorry I've been bad. Nnngh... If you can forgive me, then... Please. Please give me what I need." I lowered my head and closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. I knew that wasn't specific enough and I knew it... So I had to swallow my fears and pride. There was no sense in further hesitation or procrastination; my morals had already been fully compromised. So without even waiting for the order, I looked back at him and continued.

"A-a-and.... what I need is for you to fu... Fuck me. No, worse than that..." I rolled over onto my back, looking him directly in the eyes as I changed my statement. "I need you to use me. I need you..." I paused, pulling off my tanktop and my bra. "I need you to treat me like a living... breathing... fuck-toy, just like before."

"Before?" The canine chuckled a bit at my statement, and then the next thing I knew one of his large hands was around my neck with claws extended. I bucked a bit in surprise, but when he used his superior size and strength to pin me down I simply lay back and watched with fear and confusion in my eyes. "Before... was nothing," he continued with a smirk, squeezing a little tighter on my neck as he leaned in closer to me. "I was originally taking it easy on you. But now, if you're going to give in... Well, there's no reason for me to hold back." His face was inches from mine now, to the point I could feel the warmth of his breath on my lips as he spoke.

It was scary... It hurt... And I still wanted more.

"P-p-pro... Promise?" I whined up at him, squirming around in an attempt to breathe easier. "Promise you won't take it easy on me?" I was still pretty freaked by not being able to breathe, but... my legs wrapped around his hips all the same and I began pulling myself back against him. I got off, after all, on Jan doing whatever he wanted to me. If that included choking me... so be it. "C-c-c cause if that's the case... I can hardly wait."

"Hahaha, that's quite the change Lucy..." he remarked, squeezing my neck a little tighter from time to time. "Good to see you being so honest. As a reward... I think I'll give you everything you asked for." he paused and pressed his lips to mine, tongue invading my mouth in the same claiming fashion that matched every action he made. There was my first reward, the taste of him... The feel of his body, his chest, against mine... It was heaven and hell all at once. Heaven in that I was getting to feel him, but that was also what made it hell; I could feel his cock poking me between my thighs, stabbing at my pussy through my panties. It was so close I could practically taste it... And as that canid tip of his brushed over my clit I felt my body beginning to jerk and buck on its own, trying to get him into me.

"Mmmhaaah! Please, don't!" I squealed as I broke the kiss. My hands went down between our bodies, one moving my panties out if the way and the other gripping his cock and trying to guide it into my body. "D-don't tease me anymore... I can't take it..."

"Tough shit," the canine growled, releasing my neck. "You just agreed to be my fuck-toy, meaning I use you however I want, whenever I want, wherever I want. Buuuuut, if you can't handle that, then I can just let you go back to your pathetic lil boyfriend-"

"No!" I shouted, hopping up from the table and falling to my knees in front of him. To be sent away now, when I was this close to what I so desperately needed... No way could I do that! And the thought of going back to Mikey, no less... After the previous night, the idea of dealing with his practically insignificant pinprick of a member was horrifying. I nuzzled at the big black-furred jackal's leg, whimpering softly. I was practically on the verge of tears as I looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Anything but that! I-I... I'm sorry, okay?! I won't do it again, I swear! You're in charge, Jan... Whatever you want. Just, please... please don't do that..."

It barely registered with me that what I had just objected to with abject terror and disgust was the thought of sleeping with someone I was supposedly in love with. The thought began to cross my mind, but Janik intervened in the nick of time, as if he knew. He began stroking my ears again and I rolled my head into his palm, happily distracted from my inner turmoil if only for the time being.

"Well, I suppose I can forgive you this time if you're this sincere with your apology..." he responded, petting me for a bit longer before walking off. I padded after him, instinctively staying on all fours like a feral puppy-bitch, but he snapped his fingers and pointed at the floor before growling out the word 'stay'. So stay put I did, waiting nervously to see what was happening. What had I agreed to? Why had I agreed to it? I already knew the jackal in question was a perverted, kinky, twisted son of a bitch (no pun intended) that was into stuff I had never dreamed of trying.

Then I started to think that was exactly why I had agreed to it. As much as it horrified me to be at the mercy of someone like him... the fear seemed to be just part of what turned me on about it all. Jan was everything I wanted because he was like nothing I'd ever experienced, everything I'd always thought of as dirty and wrong and out of my league. And as much as part of me was terrified to find out what he was plotting to do... I found I was also excited, eager even.

My mind was yanked away when I heard a familiar song coming from my purse over across the room. My cell was ringing... Mikey's custom ringtone, no less. I got up and scampered over, wanting to pick it up and hang it up before Jan came back... but as I stared at my phone and his sweet face stared back at me from his contact picture, reality began to weigh on my body something vicious. The lies I'd told, the things I'd said, the things I'd done... It was all so heavy. I felt so horrible, so wrong, so filthy... for god's sakes, I was trying to look at his name on my phone screen and had to move my glasses because another man's cum was all over them!

I can't talk to him... I thought, starting to hit ignore. Not like this...

"Answer it."

I paused, shocked. For a moment, I thought the voice giving me that order was in my own head. But as it turned out, Janik was there; he'd silently walked up behind me, and was looking over my shoulder at my phone. I wanted to respond, to pull away or complain or balk or say something against this bastard for once... but before I had the chance he gripped my hips and pulled me back against his sculpted, warm, nude form. It felt delectable... and as he began to nip at my neck and massage my breasts I followed his orders, sliding the touchscreen over and accepting the call.

"H... hello?" I muttered softly, trying hard to control my breathing even as Janik's big, powerful hands began massaging my breasts roughly.

"Hey, sweetheart!" came the reply, sounding as amazingly upbeat and chipper as usual. Mikey always had that quality to his voice where he seemed to be in a great mood at all times, especially when talking to me. "I just wanted to chat with you for a second. I know you said you'd be busy tonight, but you know me; I just had to hear your voice at least once today.

"That's so sweet..." I muttered out, leaning my head back as Jan kept nibbling my neck. It was taking everything out of me not to moan and give away what was really going on. "Shouldn't... nnngh... you be at work, though?"

"Actually, that's why I'm calling," he said. "There was a power outage today; some drunk driver crashed into one of the utility poles outside. Anyway, I've got the rest of the day off!"

"Th-that's... oooh... great, baby..." I muttered out, biting my bottom lip as one of the jackal's hands made its way between my legs and began taunting my already hyper-aroused sex. Did he really intend to keep messing me up the entire time I was on the phone with my boyfriend?! "G-guess that means you.... aaaaah... get to head home and get some sleep, hmm?"

"Actually, Lucy..." my long-eared lapine lover began on the phone, his voice getting a bit more timid and shy. I knew that tone, and what it meant, before the rest of the sentence even came out of his mouth. "I had, uhm... well, I wanted to see about stopping by your place for a little while. I mean, after last night... it seemed like you were in a different mood when it came to the whole s-e-x thing." I could hear him blushing over the phone just from mentioning anything sexual. It was a hilarious contrast to the large black beast behind me, fondling me roughly and just willing to take me whenever he wanted.

"Gee, honey... uhmm..." I trailed off, starting to instinctively grind back against the jackal behind me as he continued to toy with my body. "I don't think that's a good idea right now. I mean, I'm a bit busy..." I paused reaching back and cupping the full, heavy sac of the jackal behind me. "I've really got my hands full."

"Just tell him the truth," Janik growled teasingly in my ear, smirking broadly as he continued to fondle me. "Maybe he'll understand if you tell him how much better I am than him."


"What was that sweetheart?" Mikey asked, instantly sounding concerned. "Are you alright?"

"Oh, uhm... I-I'm fine!" I managed out, trying to push Janik away from me a bit. "I was just trying to make some soup and it started to boil over... heh, you know how it is when I try to cook and talk at the same time."

Mikey laughed, and so did the canine holding me. I felt wretched, but at the same time it was hard to get too down on myself with Jan's skilled teeth and hands touching every tender spot on my body. The way he taunted my body, played with me so expertly... it was hard to even imagine anything else existed.

"Hey, Lu? Lucy, you there?"

"Oh! Y-y-yeah, s-s-sorry about that..." I stammered out, snapping back to reality. I'd melted into the little world Janik had built for me and completely ignored Mikey yet again, this time while I was supposedly talking to him. It was another bad sign and I knew it... but even as I tried to pull together a bit of willpower, the big, assertive creature behind me bent me over to the point I was pressed chest-down against the table. "Uh, look babe, I've gotta go... I think things are gonna get hectic here in a second." I closed my eyes tightly, silently begging Jan to at least hold off until I could put my phone down.

"Haha, alright sweetheart," Mikey said. I could picture him now; so warm and sweet and friendly, believing he had a good, sweet, hardworking girl waiting for him on the other end of the phone. "If you get a chance, call me later. I really wanted to see you... and not just about the s-e-x thing. I... I love you, Lucy."

"I know," I said, smiling gently as I heard his words. "I... I love you t-!" The last part of the sentence hitched up unexpectedly, because just as I started to say it my waiting, dripping snatch was speared wide open by the massive, hot, veiny flesh I'd been craving this whole time. My mind went white, the image I had of my 'beloved' boyfriend pushed right out of my mind the instant I felt the distinctly-shaped canine cock's tip blessing the entrance to my womb with that special kiss I could never get from my beau. I hung up the phone then and there, letting it tumble out of my hand and back onto the table next to my purse. There was no way I could keep talking to Mikey like this... and besides, I didn't really want to at this point.

"Aw, you hung up on him!" Jan said, a slightly derisive laugh in his voice as he slapped my ass before beginning to pull out of me. "I'd really hoped you were gonna let him hear what a horny slut you sound like when you get a real dick in you."

"Nnngh... Noooo..." I whimpered, nails digging into the wood of the table as much as they possibly could. "I couldn't do that to him... that's so mean..." Even as I spoke about not being cruel to poor Mikey, I began to grind myself back against him, not letting that cock get too far out of me.

"Says the dirty cheating whore," Jan shot back, laughing a bit as he grabbed my ears and tugged them back. He began to build his hips to a slow rhythm, the hand not using my tender bunny ears as reins slapping my ass. "You think it's not mean to be grinding yourself back on someone else's cock? I'm betting he even asked to see you, didn't he?"

"Y-yes..." I admitted, whining softly as I felt myself starting to tear up a bit. I wasn't sure if it was the way my ears were being pulled, how hard the jackal was slapping my ass... or if it was the fact he was right about me being a cheater. "He said... he wanted, mmmnngh.... he wanted to see me..."

"And you turned him down?" he asked, slapping my ass again as his hips began to build up in speed. "Some girlfriend you are..." He leaned over me, and I felt his warm breath washing over my tender ears and the back of my neck. "You make a much better slut than a girlfriend."

"Nnngh..." I whined, mentally wanting to pull away from him as he talked down on me like this. But once again, my conscious objections were no match for my physiological addiction to him. It wasn't even just his body; it was his technique, too. His thrust, while powerful and deep, weren't random; he had some sort of way of moving his hips, a sort of angling in his motions that pressed him against me in just the right way at just the right angle.






"Oooh, shit, right there!"



I couldn't fight him in any meaningful way. My objections were all silent - deliberately so, because I was afraid if I dared speak up he would stop. He had me at his absolute mercy, even while I was sober. Even while I was regretting coming to his house to see him, I was happily at his beck and call.

Even as I wanted to run to Mikey and beg for his forgiveness... Janik was making me cum, to the point I couldn't hold myself still.

As I bucked and thrashed and groaned out gibberish like a lunatic, the jackal simply laughed a bit and slapped my ass yet again. "Didn't I tell you that you were a slut?" he asked, smirking broadly as he continued to thrust into my spasming, overly-sensitized pussy. "And look at you, proving me right. You came even while I was talking shit about you and your pathetic boyfriend. Hopeless." he buried himself to the hilt inside me and bit down on the nape of my neck, setting my body on fire with primal messages of loyalty and obedience and dominance that didn't even really belong to my specific species but nonetheless were crystal clear. I couldn't even begin to piece together what he was doing to me; I had no real desire to figure it out, either. It was like he was almost literally fucking my brains out, to the point all I could really think of was how wonderful this all felt.

How could it feel so perfect to be such a treacherous bitch?! It didn't make sense how he could make something so wrong feel so, soooo right. Unless that was why it felt so good... was the wrongness, the betrayal, the horrible whorishness of everything going on part of why I was loving it so much?

Who the fuck cares?! part of me screamed from somewhere inside, eagerly tossing such abstract thoughts aside. Stop distracting me! I'm trying to enjoy the fuck of the century, do not ruin this for me with your abstract thought bullshit!!

And just like that, I felt the cognitive part of my brain shut down completely. Nothing else mattered... just this rich, sweet feel of a proper pounding by a glorious canine cock.

The world began to swirl in my head as I rolled my eyes back in a blissed-out haze. There was fear, there was self-hatred, there was loathing, there was pain... and mixed in with it all, stronger than any of those emotions, was the pleasure. The more roughly he treated me, the meaner he spoke to me, the more he reminded me I was a no-good cheat... the more it turned me on. "Be rougher with me!" I screamed at one point, my brain barely able to catch up to my mouth and realize what I'd just said. "Please, fuck me like- AAAUGH! Like a cheap bitch Jan! Do whatever the fuck you want to me, just please keep... uuungh... fuck... I'm cumming, I'm cumming again..! Please don't stop, please let me cum..."

"Getting off from being smacked and yanked around while your little pussy is fucked?" he growled out in my ear, his tone derisive and heavy with lust. "I knew it; I could smell it on you, just what kind of bitch you were, the second I met you. You think it's a coincidence I picked you? I could tell what you were. I know your body and mind better than you do, Lucy."

What he was saying... it sounded crazy! It sounded like the kind of madness someone tried to pump into your head when they were trying to control you. But as my brain and body were wracked with pleasure each time he bit, scratched or slapped me... not to mention the way my second orgasm of the evening... it all made sense. He hadn't gone for Felicia or Ali, both of whom were, in their own unique ways, far sexier than me (at least in my opinion). He'd been too confident, too sure - he hadn't hesitated at all to treat me like this, even having just met me. And even I hadn't known how much it was going to turn me on, but... turn me on it did. How could he have known..? Was he really that good?

Every message my own body was sending me screamed 'yes!' over and over again, to the point it was coming out of my lips readily, repeatedly. This was like nothing I'd ever felt... and now that I'd felt him sober and it was still amazing... a part of me knew I'd never be the same again.

I was doomed, and I didn't care. On the contrary, I was overjoyed, ecstatic even... and how could I help feeling that way? I went from it being a miracle if I came at all to orgasm after orgasm with this magnificent onyx beast plowing me relentlessly and abusing me as much as he wanted. I didn't care that it meant I was a slut who got off with someone other than her boyfriend, I didn't care that it meant I was a masochistic whore. The pleasure was all-consuming, and the only thing that mattered was getting more.

I bucked back against the jackal frantically, tongue hanging out of my mouth and eyes rolling back as I squeaked and squealed my way into another orgasm. And as my needy snatch milked his sex-spear for all it was worth, moments later I was rewarded by the familiar yet still-strange feeling of an expansion at the base of it. His knot, his knot, his beautiful knot was forming, preparing to get to full size and tie him with me. And what came next was-

"Fffff... FUUUCK!" I screamed out, feeling like I was cumming again just from the anticipation. I threw my ass back at him as much as I could, grinding it around and making sure that big bouncy bunny booty of mine clapped and bounced appealingly on his shaft. I didn't know much, but I could tell he liked my ass so I was gonna use that to get the big beast's hot sticky white stuff. "Give it to me, Jan... oooh, pleaaaaaase..."

"Hahaha, I thought you said you didn't even let your boyfriend cum in you," the canine responded, groping my ass before slapping it again. "You that depraved, huh bitch? You that attached to my dick?"

"Yes, yes..! Ooooh, fuuuuuck, you know I am..." I groaned out, my weak bunny nails gouging into the table as I felt my sanity slipping away into a puddle of pleasure punctuated by pain. "I can't take it, I can't take it! Your cock's so much better than his I... OH SHIT!" My word-worshiping was cut short as the knot swelled up to full capacity, setting me off for time #3 the instant I felt that pleasure and pain of being stretched and locked into by him. And as I felt his hips frantically buck and heard him snarl, that trapped dick starting to pulse inside me... I leaned my head back and, giving a sexy, imploring look I'd only seen on TV and in pornos, I said 3 words I'd only said once before, and I'd sworn the next day I'd never say again;

"Cum inside me."

He threw his head back, howled, and gave me just what I'd wanted, and I screamed as I felt it happen. It was so hot... so thick... and there was so much of it... I slammed my hand against the table over and over again, too overwhelmed by the rush of it to form words. My legs gave out on me after a while and I collapsed against the table, too spent to hold myself up or do anything but let my eyes roll towards the back of my head and bask in the pleasure.

I must have passed out, because when I came to I wasn't on the table anymore, and Janik wasn't inside me. Instead I was tucked in under a blanket, still stripped down to nothing but my knee-highs, my skirt, and my soaked panties. I could feel my well-abused sex pulsing in the aftermath of that rough coupling that'd felt so amazing and glorious. Still, even as I felt warm and content physically, my head was spinning and wracked with more of that inescapable guilt. I'd done it again... despite coming over to put an end to it, I'd fallen into the jackal's clutches for a second time in less than a week! How could I have done this to Mikey, to myself? How could I be so weak-willed?!

And then Jan walked over to me, stark naked, and holding out a glass of water to me. That's how, I answered myself, finding it hard not to drool over the big guy in front of me yet again. I took the glass happily and took down some of the water, then sat up and looked over at him.

"Well, that was fun," he murred out, reaching under the blanket and placing a hand on my thigh as he smirked at me. "Glad you came over, buns." He kissed me before I could say anything, and despite myself I kissed him back, passionately and hungrily. I even whimpered when he broke the kiss. "But, it's getting a little late. I can understand if you need to get back before your boyfriend gets suspicious of us."

"I already told him we wouldn't be hanging out tonight," I said truthfully, leaning into the jackal's shoulder and rubbing my hand across his toned chest and abs. "And besides, after that pounding you gave me... I don't think I feel like walking home right now." In the back of my head, it occurred to me I'd told him that this morning before I even decided to come visit Janik. Maybe all of this was what I'd had planned all along.

"Well, you can chill over here a while longer if you want..." the canine began, placing one hand around my shoulder and rubbing it. "But I might get a craving and tear into your pretty creamy ass again."

I should have gotten up right then. I had gone far enough, too far, for one day. I should have ended it.

Instead, I nuzzled up against his neck, placing one of my hands right on his package.

"Promise?" I asked as sweetly as I could, beginning to massage at him and nibble at his neck.

"It's pretty much a guarantee."

"I can hardly wait."