An Unknown Friend. Part 3

Story by Vebesmasher on SoFurry

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Part 3! Sorry for the wait, I had hardly any time to draw a cover, then I had scanner problems. But here it is, I hope you like it!

Victor belongs to htfcuddles

Jeff and the cublings belong to me

(Victor's point of view) I was just sitting around, listening to the radio, while I swallowed a mouse. Then my music stopped and changed to the news. I was about to change my radio to a different channel when I head the news lady say: [A house fire in Australia was assumed to have been put out, but burst into flames again a few hours later. The gas cylinders then ruptured and exploded, setting fire to the nearby trees. Firefighters were unsuccessful in extinguishing the blaze, and the fire spread until the whole Tuart Forest was ablaze. The fires still burn. However, before the house caught fire again, firefighters found the remnants of a wolf like fur apparently named Jeff. Surprisingly little was known about Jeff, but the locals referred to him as 'The Silent Shadow' as he never spoke and was only rarely seen. It is said that he traveled the globe seeking to rid the world of criminals. This is brushed off as an urban legend, but evidence found in multiple other countries suggests he has been there. Now, over to Sasha for the weather.] A whole forest was set on fire? That's hard to believe. But this Jeff guy sounded interesting. I switch on my computer and google 'Jeff Silent Shadow'. It comes up with some pretty interesting results. As I scroll through Wikipedia, I start to wonder what he tasted like.

(Jeff's point of view) Whew! Who knew it would be so hard to storm a cubling transportation port! There was thirteen guards, four were armed with batons, handguns and tasers, five had machine guns and four had rifles. I was fairly damaged, as I had multiple bullets graze along my arms and back, a couple of bullets had torn groves into my arms and legs, I had gotten a few whacks from batons and at the very end just as I threw my sword into the last cublings head I was tasered and was paralysed for a decent amount of time. I am quite annoyed as the new pair of jeans that I bought had been shot a couple of times. Even worse than that was the fact that my tail had turned into a very bloody, very painful mess of fur and flesh. But when I was able to move again I bandaged up my tail and hopped into a supersonic military class fighter jet. It was really uncomfortable sitting in the seat, but, I reminded myself, it's the fastest way to St Michael. I turn the engines on and put them on a low thrust. I roll out onto the runway, and turn up the engines. I start to gain speed, and lift off the runway. After I retract the landing gear, I max the engines and almost immediately hear an earth-shattering boom as I break the sound barrier. I discovered that a series of modifications had been made to plane allowing for, literally, 'wing-to-wing' combat. Heavily reinforced wings, rudders, engine mounts, everything had been modified to allow me to smash my plane, or just the wings, into another plane and inflict massive damage. And I saw a cubling straight ahead. He was in a simple Cessna sky plane, and I was in a heavily reinforced F-18 Hornet combat plane. So, all I had to do was swing the wing of my plane into the bottom of his, and it nearly tore the small plane apart. I adjusted my course again, and settled back. It was going to be a long flight.

(Victor's point of view) I start thinking of ways Jeff could of survived the fire. According to the legends, he couldn't of just died in a fire. He was too skilled for that. But even his katana was found with his body. So, maybe he was killed in a massive fight, and the attackers set his house on fire to make sure he was dead. The only way to know, is visit his house. So, I was going to head to Australia. The fire shouldn't be a problem, I had rudimentary fire powers. I turn and google Tuart forest on my computer. Whoa, that's a sizeable forest. How could a house set the whole thing on fire? Someone must be behind the fire. So maybe Jeff is still alive? Hmm, maybe I should look for him. So I was definitely heading to Australia to look for clues. Fine. I'll catch the next flight to Perth.

(Jeff's point of view) Ugh, I had stopped to refuel twice and am absolutely shattered from flying for so long. Oh shit! There's a plane there! I roll to the side and just avoid hitting the 747 but as I fly sideways just next to the jumbo, I see sitting inside, Victor. What? Where's he going? I fly past the end of the plane and turn around. I fly slightly above the jumbo and drop my speed to match theirs. So, now I need to follow the jumbo. I almost crap myself when my radio crackles at me and a voice says: [Unknown jet, what in the name of sanity are you doing!?! Just avoiding hitting us and then flying above us? Are you trying to follow us or something? Over.] I grab the transmitter and respond with: "My apologies, I lost my orientation and recognised your flight. Your destination is the same as mine so I am following you. Over." [You're idiotic, but it is a good idea to follow us. Just, fly further away from us. Over.] "Roger that. Over and out." But where would Victor be going? To look through the wreckage of my house? But how would the news of traveled to America? I pick up the transmitter and push in the button. "Lima zero bravo alpha bravo niner, to Zulu Romeo uniform fiver niner, do you copy? Over." [Lima zero bravo alpha bravo niner, this is Zulu Romeo uniform fiver niner. What do you need? Over.] "I've been out of the loop for a few days, has there been any major events that I should know about? Over." [Well, not much has happened recently, but a house fire in Australia burnt down a forest. That's been plastered over the news recently. The experts think someone might of killed a guy named Jeff and then set fire to his house. Over.] As he said this I instantly knew that the cublings had made fire bigger. Most likely to draw people there so they could try to find my friends and hurt me. Well, I think they've succeeded. I am definitely going to protect my friends though. Even if it means sacrificing myself.

(Victor's point of view) I can't believe that we were almost hit by that idiot jet pilot. And he followed us here. Ugh. What an idiot. I am just about to get on my final plane ride when I suddenly hear a far off boom that shakes the floor. Suddenly, the passageway to the plane is torn in half by part of a jet. I look out the quite big hole and see the jet that followed us here flying along, being pursued closely by another one firing at the first plane. The first plane rolls and flips until they are right underneath the second one. They then roll and smash their wing into the other plane. Unfortunately they hit one of the missiles on the underside of the attacking plane's wing. This blows the wings off both planes. The attacking one ejects the pilot and explodes against the ground. The other pilot smashes through the glass cockpit and lands on the wing of a 747. He stands upright and pulls a rifle off his back. His tail looked like it'd been put through a blender. The pilot that was ejected had by then grabbed his own rifle and was aiming at me. I think they were a raccoon. And I don't take kindly to people trying to shoot me, even if they are raccoons. I summon my fire powers and start hurling fireballs at him. He sprints back out of my range and starts extinguishing his fur. The tail damaged fox leaps off the wing of the 747 and lands on his side with a sickening thud. Somehow he just leaps up again and takes aim at me. He fires. But he didn't hit me. He shot the tunnel which collapsed, separating us and them. So, Someone was trying to stop me getting to Australia. That meant that there's probably something important there. So I needed to find and catch the next plane.

After a lot of waiting, driving and sleeping, I was finally back on my way to Australia. Unfortunately, this time round I got a weird silvery grey wolf/fox guy sitting next to me. He came and sat down next to me. I think he was one of those furs who really dislike sitting on their tails. He pulled out a magazine about guns and stuff. Maybe he was an ex-military fur, and couldn't sit on his tail because it was damaged. He wore a weird face mask thing, maybe his face was gruesomely damaged during a war or something. It made him look completely emotionless though. It was creepy. All through the flight though, he said nothing. And when we landed, he got up just as silently as he sat down, and left. Then I got up, grabbed my stuff, and left like a normal person. I was wheeling my bag out towards the taxi, when I realised something. There was blood on the seat where he sat. Where his tail would have pressed against the chair. But why was that important? I got into the taxi, not having a clue about the connection my brain was trying to make me draw. Something to do with guns. Of maybe that was just his magazine. Argh! I hate it when I can't remember these things. But I was heading to the Tuart forest. I will find out what happened to Jeff. After a few hours of driving I arrived at a wall of flame. But this wasn't where the Tuart forest was! So the fire is expanding but not extinguishing. So someone was controlling the fire. The taxi driver made a u turn and I said to him: "Drop me off at the nearest town!" And so he did. I look at the sign. Australind? I see. So I went to the nearest hotel I could find, rented a room, and dumped my stuff in there. I walked down the road, until I found a place that I hired a bike from. I knew where I was going. I just headed toward the massive cloud of smoke. A stranger suddenly leaped out and stopped me. "Where are you going in such a rush?" He asked. He had long shaggy fur which covered his face. He looked like one of those sheepdog things. I was surprised he could even see. "Well, I'm going to look at the fire." I said. "It would be a lot quicker in a car. You could hitch a ride with me." "Hmm... Fine. I'll go with you. But just to reach there quicker." He led me over to his car, which seemed big for him. He must of only been about, five foot two? But he drives like a maniac! Screeching around corners, driving through fences, I was wondering whether he could see at all. We finally skidded to a halt a reasonable distance from the inferno. I started to open the door, but the dog thing grabbed my arm, and shook his head. "If you're going out there, it means that you're most likely going to walk into the fire. And if you're going to walk into the fire, it means you either have fire powers, or you want to commit suicide. I can't let you commit suicide, and if you have fire powers, we would get further in my car." I stared at him. With his free arm, he brushed a bit of fur out his eyes. He had lovely warm brown eyes, so I decided I could trust him. I let go of the door handle, and start clearing a path through the flames. The sheepdog slowly took us in.