Am I In Love? 2

Story by Dusk Delano on SoFurry

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#2 of Love

Second story so far, not sure how many will be in it but I'm sure there will be more than two hehe

In the last chapter Foxy got to meet this new fur name Alpha who in study hall asked him if he wanted to come over his house, lets see what he says now.

"So you wanna come over my house?" Asked the large wolf, looking into Foxy's yellow eyes awaiting an answer. "Umm sure I'd love to." He answered hugging the wolf happily, with his tails wagging left to right overjoyed for after school. After period one was over they were off to period two, having english. Foxy never really payed attention in that class, all he listened to was sentence structure basic and intermediate skills, leaving it at that, luckily for him that his school only makes students come in for five periods so the day went by fast. After english was biology then history and finally math, strange thing is this is the period Destiny and the others have study hall while Foxy and Alpha have math.

Once the day was over everyone who could fly went to the top of the building to fly off, people who drive went to the parking lot, and those who walked just stayed on the side walk and just walked home, and that's what Alpha and Foxy was doing. While on their walk to Alpha's house, they talked about some of the teachers in the school and the students that go there, half way there before Foxy could cross the street he was tackled by an not so large but fairly built husky, he had piercing blue eyes, that made feel like he was looking right through you, he stood 5'11, strange light blue markings covered his body, he wore a black tee and cargo pants, the one thing that Foxy wondered about is where did he come from?

"Dante where did you come from?" The fox said laying under the husky. "I come from the shadows but for real, I came from school." As he said that he peered at the larger wolf next to the smaller fox, wondering if he was a cousin that he didn't know about or if that was his mate. "Hey Foxy who's the stud?" He asked. "This stud is Alpha he's a new student at Hades High, Alpha this is a friend of mine Dante." He explained pushing Dante closer to Alpha, he looked down on the husky he then extend his paw for a handshake, Dante happily accepted it and shook gently. "Nice to meet you Alpha." Likewise." Once the two got to meet, Dante asked where we were going, Foxy told him that he was going to Alpha's house, he asked if Dante wanted to come but he said he had a date soon so he couldn't come, so we continued to Alpha's house.

Ten minutes later we arrived at Alpha's and it was huge outside and inside, once we stepped inside it was even bigger than I thought, it was big enough to have a small party and that wa just the living room, he could only imagine what the rest of the house looked like but before he can wonder around, he was pulled by Alpha to his room. Once they got to his room, he was surprised by the large room, it was basically a smaller version of the living room. "My god from what I seen your house is huge, but where is your parents?" When I asked that question he smiled and explained how his parents let him live on his own and that his dad company give him money so he can do so but he own a fast food place and he tried to talk his out of helping him but his dad wouldn't listen so he just stopped trying and went with it. "So do your parents know where you are or do you have to call them?" "I told them during passing to history plus you forget it's spring vaca so I was wondering if I can." "Say no more of course you can stay for vaca." He answered before I can finish then he gave him a warm hug, the fox cream face blushed a deep red color, he hugged back smiling warmly. He let go and gave the fox a kiss on the forehead before laying on his bed and turning on the tv, he patted himself wanting the fox to lay on him, the fox blushed but walks over to the large wolf and lay on him, laying the aside of his face on the wolfs chest, looking at the tv trying to hide his blush from Alpha. "You know you're pretty cute, don't meet a lot of cuties like you." He said wrapping his arm around the fox's waist just above his tail, then placing his paw under his chin lifting his head up so his facing him. "Y-you think I'm cute?" He nodded with smile giving the fox a light kiss on the forehead. "A-alpha." "Say no more, just rest I've got something planned for you." The fox gave the wolf a light nod, dozing off to sleep.