Game Over Chapter 1

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Game Over!

Chapter 1

The Journey Begins

Warning! The following story contains Violence and strong language. There will also be strong sexual content in the later chapters, so do not read on if you are under eighteen or twenty one, depending on you location. All the characters, except Aviose, are mine do not steal any of the characters!

Where am I? This question now resided in Marcus's head as he gazed about. There was nothing around him just pure unrelenting blackness. He had a self of himself, but couldn't see any part of him; all he saw was even more darkness, more blackness. He couldn't tell if he couldn't see himself because of the blackness or if he was merely an apparition.

Okay Marcus, think! What's the last thing I remember?

* A week ago*

"A series of unique vanishing has been happening recently" A vixen with more boobs that brains were reporting this on Marcus's TV, as he ate cereal on the ground; still couldn't afford one of those folding eating tables.

"What makes these disappearing interesting is that there is always a calling card at the fur's alleged house" The reporter held up an old stat card from old RP board games in the past. "These old cards are always resting in the victim's home somewhere, never hidden" The reporter flipped the card over which had a message in plain text "A NEW WORLD IS COMING"

"Every vanishing fur is gamer who has bought the new underground, black marketed game: PATIREA. What the name means or how it continues to avoid authorities, is still in questioning"

Marcus turned off the TV. Will that happen to me? Marcus thought, he was to buy PATIREA today, in the "Hawk's Alley". "Hawk's Alley" was the place to go to get the things you couldn't get. Whether it was small things such as a used tissue by a celebrity, to the bigger things such as drugs and stolen cars, "Hawk's Alley" is where you went to get it.

Marcus was a big gamer, but this wasn't why he wanted to purchase PATIREA. "Hawk's Alley" had an increase in sales of this game. The rumor was that it freed you from this world. Marcus had wanted to free himself from this world, the five empty pill bottles on the table he brought two days ago was proof of that.

*Nine hours later*

Marcus grumbled as he left his job, it was a job for money nothing more. He was a supervising manager in a warehouse. He constantly had to deal with furs that had problems with authority. All these furs would go to his office and scream and yell about how the company was "riding them".

Marcus would then have to spend many minutes, convincing them that all changes and orders were for everyone's benefits. That the company's top concern was to make sure that the workers were comfortable. The furs would leave, calmed, but still irritated.

Marcus knew it was all bullshit. The company was "riding" the workers. They were "riding" everyone, Marcus included. But that was business that was a corporation; you take the job you are given, shut up, and work. If you ignored any of these "heart filled" values then your ass was on the street.

Marcus continued his grumbling as he left the warehouse. His next destination was "Hawk's Alley". Marcus knew nothing in his life was right. He had a job he hated, that paid just enough to keep the shack that he lived in. No mate or family. Everyday was becoming a routine, a boring, irritating routine. If this game could for a fact allow him to leave the world behind, then he was getting in line.

After a short walk of ten minutes, Marcus entered the alley where the darkest of deals happened. A sewer system blew steam into the alley adding to its ominous theme. The alley stunk, Marcus had now idea if it was the addicts, the sewer system, the dumpsters, or a monstrous combination of all of the above, he immediately wanted to leave as soon as possible as his nose cringed.

Marcus leaned against the graffiti of a topless vixen as instructed. He took out his red handkerchief and pretended to cough in it four times. Then he whistled "shave and a haircut".

A nervous pit-bull walked close to Marcus. He was a big muscled canine with and intimidating height that probably helped when people would miss payments. What had him so nervous?

"You asylum?" The pit-bull asked for Marcus's alter ID for the deal.

"You straight jacket?" Marcus asked in return. Whether it was an alter ID like his or street name, Marcus had no idea.

Straight Jacket nodded, "Sorry for all the precautions. God damn "bacon" have this place on damn lockdown" Straight jacket explained.

"Should I be taking my money somewhere else?" Marcus asked a little nervous.

"Nah. Let me see the money. We agreed on a hundred and ten?"

"We agreed on a hundred"

"Ten for the shipping fee" Straight Jacket growled.

Marcus nodded and fetched his money out of his wallet and showed it to the pit-bull.

"The game?" Marcus asked nervously.

Marcus knew he wasn't brave. He was a downright coward. When it came to fight or flight, he chose flight every time. He was able to be bad and strict at his job, because the safety of his job was there. If he was outside of his job, his employees could rip him in half.

Straight Jacket nodded and held up a box that was 12 x 8 x 4 inch. Across the front in golden letters read: PATIREA! ANew WorldFor All. The rest of the box was a dark cameo green.

Straight Jacket put the box in Marcus's paw as Marcus put the money in Straight Jacket's paw. Then in a flash they both let go of they're were holding and grabbing the other fur's item.

The box was a lot lighter than Marcus expected. Marcus turned the box over. They were no illustrations or instructions like most other games had. He couldn't find a symbol or name of whatever company made the game. It was simply the green, thin cardboard box and the title. Marcus didn't know why, but this made him a little angry.

"Now remember" Straight Jacket said suddenly, "You have to answer all the questions. All of them or you can't play the game"

"Questions?" Marcus asked as he turned the box over and examined the back again. "What do you mean questions?"

As Marcus looked up where he suspected Straight Jacket to be, to only find an empty space. Straight Jacket was walking away, probably to spend his new found money on a cheap hooker or a quick trip.

"What do you mean by questions?" Marcus shouted after Straight Jacket. Straight Jacket didn't flinch or even look back at Marcus. "Fuck" Marcus mumbled.

Marcus left the alley, enjoying the fresh clean air again. He looked to see no one had seen him leave the alley and begin to jog away. Marcus jogged for about ten minutes, before he came to a near deserted parking lot. They were only three cars there, including his own. Marcus parked his car here, away from his own job, in case he needed to get away from Hawk's Alley and quickly.

Much like his house, Marcus's car was average and empty. In the car was his permit to drive and a driver's license. He would sometimes bring sunglasses with him, when it was bright out. He had no CDs full of jams and he never turned on the radio, he drove in silence, as he preferred. The car was brick red and hadn't been washed in a bit as the dirt showed.

Marcus quickly got in his car. He put PATIREA in the passenger seat, buckled up and took off. Everything outside of Marcus's car became a blur as he focus kept going to back to the game no more than a foot away from him. He stared at the road, his gaze was on the road, but his mind was somewhere else. What mysteries and the possible disappearance raced through his mind like lightening.

Marcus suddenly realized he was twenty miles over the speed limit and slowed down to the required limit. He was grateful that were no cops were around.

* Twenty minutes later *

Marcus burst through his door and quietly closed it behind him. He looked at his bare living room to his left. It contained a couch that he never shared with anyone. A TV he only watched in the morning for the news. And a glass entertainment center under the TV that only held the cable box.

He looked to his right where the dining room. The tiled floor was only temporarily covered with a table and four chairs. Marcus had never shared the table and only had use for one of the seats.

Marcus went up the stairs that were directly in front of him and turned left and entered his room in one short breath.

Marcus's room was a bit fuller than the rest of his house. To the far right was his queen size bed. It was neatly made and directly underneath the only window. To the direct left of the bed was a computer on top of computer system. System was covered in papers. At the bottom of the bed was an entertainment center with a 56 inch flat HD TV on top. The entertainment center held all and every game console known to men. From humbled beginnings to the newest and latest technology. On the opposite side of the room were two book cases as tall as the room. The one to the right was nearly full of video games. Marcus had never gotten rid of any video games that he bough or had received. On the other book case was nothing but board games. He had board games that no one had heard of and were found in games stores that had probably gone under by now.

Marcus threw PATIREA onto his bed and sat down in his computer chair in front of the computer. Marcus had his computer for only three purposes. Work, email, and computer games. Marcus looked at his two profiles; one for business and the other for the games. Marcus clicked on his business profile.

No emails or messages awaited Marcus, on his computer. This was no shocker; he usually put business in front of his game time and was usually done with it. He usually only needed outside work when it came to a project.

As Marcus sighed, it echoed in the quiet room, it reminded him the other reason he wasn't on his cell phone constantly or have any to share himself with. He was alone. He left his parents years ago, they were rich and thought they owned the world, he was glad to be rid of them, but he was still alone. He never really left his house, he was scared of getting hurt or doing something reckless, so he wallowed in his own misery.

Marcus looked at PARIREA and thought to himself. "Why not? Not much else to do"

He had nothing else to do, except play any of his old games. He just spent a ton on the mysterious box and he couldn't wait to leave this awful and lonely world behind. He debated it once more and sat on his bed, crossed legged and opened the game.

It was a lift off top for the box; it slid right off with a weird air releasing noise. What was in the box shocked Marcus. There was a piece of crisp paper, usually for printers, with a single sentence on it.

"Are you ready?" Marcus read the sentence out loud.

Underneath the paper seemed to be a slim electronic tablet. Marcus lift the smooth device out of the box. It was much lighter than it seemed. The tablet, like the box, had no symbol or name indicating who made it. Well it wasn't a mainstream tablet.

Marcus scanned the strange device for a power button; he didn't have to look long. His wrist brushed across the screen and the device came to life with a white screen, followed by the message: "Are you ready?"

"Must be touch screen" Marcus thought to himself.

Marcus tapped the screen again and the screen read: "Question 1". The text then shrunk and went to the top of the screen . The First question was a yes or no question. "Do you think the world could be a better place?"

"No, It's a fucking ball of sunshine! What kind of question is that?" Luke thought as he pressed the "Yes" on his new tablet.

"Question 2" The screen read, before the text shrunk and went to the top. "Are you happy with your life?"

"What is up these questions?" Marcus thought as he pressed the "no" option. Did it really needed to know that?

The questions continued; flashing on the screen, getting their answers, and then disappeared to be replaced by another.

Some were personal, like Marcus's sexual orientation, which he answered honestly with homosexual. Some were testing his knowledge, like what is (5 x 2) ^2 / 3, which Marcus answered with 33.33. And many were silly. How many cm was his left pinky toe? Did his country use the metric system? Could he read while standing on his head, who was the 22nd president?

"Argh!" Marcus yelled at as he answered question #432, "How long does this go on for?" Marcus wasn't an impatient fur. He could wait in the DMV with a smile on his muzzle; he never really ran or jogged to get to somewhere quicker. But he had been doing the damn questionnaire for two and a half hours! He would go insane at this rate!

The next question, question #433, seemed promising. It was another yes or no question that read "Are you ready for your new life?"

Marcus hesitantly, yet eagerly, pressed the "yes" button. The screen went black after that. Marcus was about to say something but a beam of white light came out. He went up his entire body; it looked like a graph on his body. Then it disappeared as it scanned the last of his head.

The device beeped with a red light at the top of a screen. Then a voice, which sounded like a phone sex operator, said "Upload finish". Then there was a blinding flash.


That was the last Marcus could remember as he now seemed to drift through this blackness. Did he die, was this the afterlife? Better than a lake of fire for the rest of eternity Marcus figured. But it sure was boring.

Then there was a slight light and... glitter?

"Hello!" a being said as it popped into Marcus's line of sight, startling him.

Marcus took a better look at the being. It looked like a white human fairy, a mythological creature. The fairy had brown hair and a stupid happy go lucky smile. His eyes were a freakishly huge and a dark blue. He had angel wings and wore a white robe. He had a basic wand with a star on top in his right hand. He was glowing a gold aura, with gold glitter twinkling below him.

"I'm going to be your guide into the new and amazing world of PANTIREA!" The fairy said shaking with excitement.

"This is my guide?" Marcus thought to himself with disbelief.

"But first things first!" The fairy declared. Then a screen pooped up next to him with a blank canine body next to him. "You need a body of course!"

Marcus saw the screen pop from nowhere in front of him and knew that he was no longer in the real world, that or he was having a hallucination.

Marcus felt himself get closer to the screen and somehow select the option "Male", a sheath popped onto the blank canine and the figure shifted into a male's. Marcus scrolled through the species until he found his, fox. There were literally thousands of options of species and even his choice had sub option of what sub species he wanted to be. Marcus chose the average red fox. He then adjusted the height to 5'7 like he was in real life.

Marcus thought that he should make an alter ego different than what he really was, why play his life. He kept the species and gender, but than made his height to 5'10. He made himself 210 pounds. He got options on how the weight should be distributed. Marcus made most of it body mass and the rest towards a lean figure. So he was strong, just not jock or bodybuilder looking strong.

Marcus went into the "edit appearance option". The amount of options and sub options overwhelmed the fox. Cheeks, chin, nose, eyes, forehead, neck, chin bone, winkles and how they looked with his emotions, the options were endless and Marcus spent many hours on this, or what seemed like hours.

Finally a smiling face was looking at him. The eyes were very normal, but were a bright pink iris; he colored the fur above his eyes, to define his eyebrows more, they were a darker red, than the default red that the body came with. It was the same for his goatee beard he gave himself, no moustache. On top of the average head were rows of long spikes for his hair. They were long spikes placed along his head. They started a blood red in the front, but as it went down his hair line, it went through the colors of the rainbow, ending with a bright violet. It kept the rest of the head basic; his whiskers were a little longer than average.

He spent an hour or so, designing the rest of the body. He kept is simple, no tattoos or strange markings. No different color of fur to the default that was given. He made his sheath up to seven inches, like he was, but gave himself a hefty ball sack, like he always wanted.

"Are you sure you are happy with this body?" The angel asked in an up tune voice.

A menu popped up in front of Marcus after the voice had asked his question with a "Yes" or "No' option.

As Marcus some clicked the "Yes option, a paw appeared on the yes button and his body materialized right there on the spot, the same one he had created.

"That's better" Marcus said moving his wrist in a clockwise rotation. It felt reassuring for him. He didn't think he would miss his body that much!

"Now all that is left for you to choose your class!" The angel sang while bouncing in the air.

A menu popped up in Marcus's face again. "That's getting old really quick" Marcus mumbled.

On the menu were symbols with classes next to them. Marcus could tap on the classes. It would show what armor he could wear, what weapons were primary to the class, the beginning stats, and the special ability that came with the class.

Marcus usually played the mage, the white mage in particular. So Marcus figured he should try the black mage as he clicked it the class. As usual the armor sucked, and the physical strength was challenged by a child's. It came with a high knowledge and distance rating.

Before Marcus clicked the "Confirm button", another class caught Marcus's eye. The ranger class. Marcus had no idea why, but he clicked the class and confirmed it without looking at the stats.

"And another brave warrior is born!" The angel said excitedly.

"Wait, I didn't!" Marcus began.

"You will be given basic equipment and weapons" The angels began, with Marcus rolling his eyes, realizing it was a non-interactive NPC.

"No you will SHtaRT! In the the the the two two urial!" The angel's voice was getting low and high and his body was becoming static like. "lush!"

Then the angel disappeared like when a TV is turned off. Marcus was now back in the darkness, He could barely see his paw in front of him. "Hello!?" he called out.

Then Marcus could make out a figure walking towards him. A canine with black fur, maybe a wolf. The blackness didn't help with distinguishing.

The canine grabbed Marcus's wrist painfully and pulled him towards him.

"Fuck! That hurts jackass!" Marcus screamed.

"Sorry" The canine said quickly, "But there is no time" The wolf put a silver ring on Marcus. It was a bland silver band. "Whatever you do, do not take this off or give it to anybody. And it sells for nothing. I am sorry to put this burden on you"

"What do you mean?" Marcus asked. Then everything around Marcus changed.

Usually, from Marcus's experience, When you started an RPG the world is beautiful. Usually babbling brooks, lush green meadows, and the sun is shining with no clouds. Sometimes virgins would be singing in a choir. Where Marcus was standing was hell.

It was a dead land, no grass, just grey cracked ground as far as the eye could see. There were craters everywhere. There were anthills looking formations with smoke billowing out. He could hear lava flowing in the distance and it was insanely hot. The sky was red and filled with storming clouds.

"What the?" Marcus asked. He was now wearing some flimsy leather armor. Leather shirt, pants, boots, and gloves. He had a basic dagger in a holder on each of his sides. There was a bow and an empty quiver on his back.

A screech from behind Marcus was sounded out. Marcus cupped his eardrums in pain

Marcus took a look at the creature that had release the blood curling scream. It was at least fifteen feet high. It had a body of a millipede standing on twenty stick legs while to top half was twisted up with two giant claws that seemed to be made of rock for arms. The head looked much like a praying mantis with glowing red eyes. It was drooling a green slime that melted the ground like acid. Above the creature's head was grim reaper icon.

That cannot be good Marcus thought to himself.

Before Marcus had a chance to even reach for one of his crappy daggers to defend himself, the creature swung a claw at him. For a retarded looking millipede it was surprisingly quick.

Before the claw could hit Marcus the ring he had been given glowed a bright purple. A digital pink shield made of completely made of hexagons popped in front of Marcus. The shield was crushed to dust as the claw ripped through it, but it cushioned the blow for Marcus as the claw slammed into his abdomen. Marcus was knocked off his feet and flung twenty feet away.

Marcus slammed on the ground and coughed; to his surprise he coughed up blood. A bar with a red gauge popped above his head. The red gauge lowered until it was barely seen. The rest of the bar that held the gauge was empty. The gauge beeped and released an alarming noise.

Well that won't get annoying Marcus thought to himself sarcastically

Marcus's attention was brought to the creature which now making a disgusting gurgling noise. The acid was bubbling in it mouth, Marcus could tell it was going to spit that on him. Marcus couldn't move his legs. He desperately used his arms to drag himself.

I'm going to die on the first level! This is the definition of noob! Marcus thought frantically.

As Marcus accepted his fate, he caught sight of what looked like a knight from heaven jump up from behind the creature. The armor that draped his armor was black with a gold trimming looking of ivy. The helmet and glove were both silver. The helmet had a sigma of an eagle on the tip of the helmet. His shoulder pads had dark purple gems, cut into a refined design, lodged into the armor. They glowed beautifully. He wielded a sword that was taller than Luke himself, probably seven feet, and as wide two and half feet. And he was wielding it with just one hand!

The warrior brought up two fingers from his free hand up to his head and his sword was engulfed in fire. He gripped his giant sword with both of his silver gauntlets as he fell toward the creature. The warrior let out a blood lust filled scream and his blade sliced through creature's neck as if it was made of jell-o.

The warrior landed in front of the creature and popped his neck. The creature's head landed next to him. The creature's head and body then dissolved into black specs and disappeared as the warrior put his blade behind him and seemed to levitate there.

"Damn Rausechs" the warrior cursed out, Marcus guessed a Rausech was whatever had attacked him. "Exp. 5071" Popped above the warrior's head.

The warrior walked over to Marcus and pulled out a glass flask filled with glowing blue liquid and crushed it into his hand, he sprinkled a glowing green dusk onto Marus's crippled form. Like magic all of Marcus's ribs healed, he didn't even know they were broken. The gauge above his head stopped beeping and making that god awful sound and filled back up.

Marcus could now move his legs and picked himself up. He shook his head to get the feeling of grogginess out of his head he dusted himself off and looked at his eight foot savior.

"Thank you" Marcus said politely to the stranger.

The warrior's armor glowed white as it turned into energy and was sucked into a ruby on one of the five rings on the fur's paw. Before Marcus now stood a tall muscular werewolf. His was plain grey werewolf, even his hair, which was spiked back, was just as grey as his fur.

The werewolf wore simple black martial arts pants with a muscle shirt. He wore a long black open coat over his body and black grey wristbands. He wore no shoes which showed his massive feet. What struck Marcus were the wolf's glowing blue eyes that seemed to pierce him. The werewolf's eyes had glowing marks next him.

"Were you mugged?" The werewolf asked Marcus.

"Huh?" Marcus asked.

"Who stole your equipment? Are they nearby?" The werewolf commanded as he scanned the area around him.

"I, I started with this" Marcus stumbled out, shouldn't he know that?

The werewolf gave Marcus one of the most confused faces he had ever seen. The werewolf waved a hand over Marcus and a clear star popped above Marcus's head.

"A starter?" The werewolf asked himself. "Impossible!" the wolf drew his massive sword and pointed it at Marcus's throat.

"What are doing in the dementia lands?! Are you moderator in disguise? And how come you have no username?!" The werewolf demanded.

"I have now idea what you are talking about!" Marcus shouted. "I was talking with the stupid angel or fairy and he disappeared. Then I was given this stupid ring!" Marcus showed the ring to the canine, "Then I was popped here and attacked by some mutated hybrid of a crab and a millipede!"

The wolf analyzed Marcus for a second with cold eyes. "Starters are not given accessories, not even basic ones" the canine said to himself. "There is no way he could have gotten here on his own, even with a guide; he would have a few stars at least. He must have been caught up in a massive glitch"

The werewolf was studying the fox with those eyes again, before he put his sword away and behind him. Marcus sighed to relief.

"For some reason, you weren't started in the beginner land, in fact you are far from it" the tall werewolf explained. "Welcome to PATIREA, the game and the world" The wolf said with a half ass smile and voice as he stretched his arm in front of him.

"For some reason you have no username. What do you go by?" The werewolf asked.

"Uh Marcus" Marcus replied.

"I saw a "Marcus_351" two days ago; you might want to choose another name. My name is Bant" Bant proclaim. "I have that name, because I am one of the first players of this game"

"Oh" Marcus replied. Marcus stared at the empty star above his head, "What's up with that?" Marcus asked pointing to the star above his head.

"That's your level and how they are measured. Which is nothing in your case" Bant explained.

"Oh, I get it , I think" Marcus replied.

Bant chuckled, "No you don't" he stated, "Allow me to explain" Bant said as he waved his hands in arc in front of him. Six rows of stars popped above Bant's head. Each row was on top of the other. Each row had five stars; every row had various amounts of stars filled in.

Bant pointed to the first row which had two copper looking stars with three clear stars beside them. "This is the bronze row, the beginning stars. When you level up you earn a bronze a star. When you get five bronze stars you earn a silver star" Bant then pointed to the next row above the bronze row which had three silver stars, "Get five silver stars and you earn a gold star" Bant explained as he pointed to the row above the silver row, which had one gold star. "Earn five gold stars and you earn a platinum star" Bant could no longer point directly at the rows as he tried to point to the next row, which had four stars. "Get five platinum stars and you get a black star" Bant pointed to the next row which only had three stars, this row's stars were pointed out, as if it they were 3D.

Marcus could see how this was becoming tiring to Bant.

"Finally" Bant explained, "If you get five black stars, you earn the final star level, tritanium stars" Bant explained as he pointed to the top row which was filled with two stars. The star was pointed out and seems to be made of titanium, the previous five star designs revolved around this star.

Bant made the rows of stars disappear. "That is the leveling up system in this game" Bant declared, "and for example when you get five bronze stars you get a silver star and the bronze row becomes empty again and you have to fill it to get another silver star and the bronze row will clear itself and so on. So leveling up is easy at first, but it will get harder"

Marcus looked at his one clear star, it looked so pitiful now.

"This is the dementia land" Bant pointed out, explaining the shit hole that Marcus had started in, "This land is for meant to train three black star level and higher, which is why you need to get out of here and somewhere safer"

Before Marcus could even ask his next question a large shadow popped out beside Luke and Bant. The creature was literally a shadow with white circles for eyes and two shadowy arms with claws. The shadow was about fifteen feet tall with the grim reaper icon above his head for Marcus.

Marcus stood still in fear and Bant gave the creature an amused look. Before Marcus could even grab his sword to kill the creature a bolt of silver lightening fell from the sky and destroyed the creature.

Marcus stared in shock at where the creature was and Bant looked even more amused. Both turn there heads to the other side of them.

There was a feral jaguar cub with a full set of steel equipment and collar around his neck. He stood with beaming pride.

In front of that cub stood another one. The lion cub stood on all fours covered in a bright blue flames. The flames shaped themselves to look like armor, moving armor. The lion's paws, upper arms, upper back legs, short mane, and the length of his tail were not covered in flames, they were covered in blue glowing markings. Judging from the glow beneath him his belly and possibly his loins were not covered either. The flames made a helmet that covered the top of the head and with a dip that covered the bridge of his nose, the rest of his face also had the glowing marking.

The cub had obviously been the one to kill the shadow, due to his fierce expression. The cub's face calmed and then stared at Marcus and Bant. The flames and the markings disappeared, leaving the cub as naked as the day he had been born.

"Hello, my name is Aviose" the lion cub said with one of the cockiest grins Marcus had ever seen.

Author's comments!

I enjoyed writing this story immensely. It is the first of a grand journey, no yiff in this chapter, sorry, but just wait to see how horny the lion cub is! Aviose is a real fur, for those who haven't met him. I am still debating whether or not I will be adding more real furs, but comment or pm on the situation if you are interested. As usual comments and constructive criticism are appreciated.

Here is the link to Aviose's profile: