The Secret - Part 15

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#19 of Jane Doe and The Secret

This story takes place in an alternate timeline to the one in my Swiss Mix stories. In this series, Hans and his father Karl are both Americans, and live in a suburban community. This is from the same series as my story "A Sleepover with Jane".

Ryan and Hans make a new friend at school. Ryan invites the kitty girl, Popi, to go trick or treating with them and spend the night. The girls share secrets, and get a lot closer than either of them expected to!

The Secret - part 15

By DoggyStyle57 - February 2013

10/29/2012 (Monday)

Hans and Ryan were rather tired on Monday, after staying up fairly late at the Samhain party the night before. So when recess time came, they both chose to sit in the shade on a bench, and watch the other kids play. As usual, Ryan was dressed like a boy, with her braids tucked under her hat. Someone who didn't know her might easily think it was two boys resting on that bench.

A short distance away from them a small crowd of kids, mostly boys, had gathered next to a grassy area.

"What are they watching?" Hans asked, leaning forward but unable to see past the kids.

"There's a kitty girl in some of my classes, named Popi. I don't know her very well, but she likes to do tumbling and gymnastics stuff. Those kids are watching her turn cartwheels," Ryan replied, snuggling against her boyfriend. "She does that most days, when the weather's nice enough."

"Oh! I see her now, yeah. Pretty short skirt she's wearing, for early November, isn't it?" Hans commented. "Hey! Did that cat boy just slip her some money?"

Ryan laughed and said, "That's Evan Grant, and yeah, he probably just paid her a buck to do some more cartwheels. He's such a nerd. That burly dog next to him, Tom Jacobs, has been slipping her money too. See how they've positioned themselves? They're doing it to get a look at her panties. Neither boy is popular enough with the girls to get to see a girl's panties without paying to see them. She frowned and added, "I don't like Tom. He's a troublemaker. He broke into the girls' locker room last week and stole a bunch of girls' panties and bras. Strung them together and hung them from the school flag pole."

"So that was how they got there! I saw the panties and bras, while the janitor was taking them back down, but didn't hear how they got there in the first place. Does she know that's why they want her to do cartwheels?" Hans asked, trying to see if he could get a glimpse of the girl's panties himself.

"She probably does, yeah. She likes the attention, that's for sure. Dunno if she cares if they see her panties or not," Ryan replied.

Just then, a tawny brown ferret about a year older than Ryan snuck up behind them, snatched Ryan's ball cap off her head, and ran off with it.

"HEY!" Ryan shouted, leaping to her feet as her braids fell down from where they had been hidden under her hat. "Marty, you skinny brat! You come back here with my hat!" She raced off after the ferret, with Hans close behind her.

"Come and get it, tomboy!" Marty said. As she closed on him, he threw the hat to Tom Jacobs, who threw it to another boy. Soon there were four or five boys playing 'keep away' with Ryan's hat, while taunting her for being a tomboy. Ryan and Hans were stuck in the middle, unable to grab the hat before it got thrown to someone else.

The kids watching Popi turned to watch the new entertainment, shouting encouragement to one group or the other, or just watching and laughing. Popi stopped doing cartwheels and watched as well, but she was frowning. She watched the hat flying from boy to boy for a few minutes. Then she nodded to herself, took a deep breath, and then she did a fast cartwheel right through the center of the melee. When she came out on the other side, she had Ryan's hat clutched in her hand, having intercepted a pass from Tom to Evan. "I got it, Ryan! Come on!" she shouted, running toward the school offices, with Ryan breaking out of the circle and following close behind her.

Marty regained his balance after Ryan pushed past him, and he tried to run after them. But Hans intercepted him, grabbed the ferret by the jacket, and rolled over backwards, throwing the taller but skinny boy right over Hans, propelled with a kick from both of Hans' feet.

"Anybody else wanna try and bug them?" Hans asked, getting rapidly to his feet and glaring at the other boys.

"Ahhh, ferget it!" Tom snorted. "They're halfway to the Principal's office already. You just watch your ass though, pretty boy. Next time, maybe we'll rough you up for spoiling our fun. Come on, guys." The Rottweiler /Bulldog crossbreed turned his back on Hans and stomped off, hesitantly followed by Evan. No one else followed them.

Marty looked quite embarrassed. "We were just havin' a little fun, Hans. Geeze, I never would guessed you could throw me around like that! You're stronger than you look," he said, as he dusted himself off and stood up. "Hey, no hard feelings, okay? Tom bet me five bucks I couldn't snatch Ryan's hat away from her and keep her from getting it back for more than three minutes. He gave me the money in advance, too. I won the bet, but you can give it to Ryan, okay? Tell her I'm sorry." He fished into his pocket and offered Hans the crumpled five dollar bill.

"Yeah, no hard feelings I guess, Marty. But still, don't bug my girlfriend. Tom's just trouble. You shouldn't do what he says," Hans replied, taking the money.

"Oh, I only do what he says when the result might be funny," Marty insisted. "I don't much like Tom, but if he wants to pay me for pulling a funny prank, and no one gets hurt, I'll take his money. See ya!" And with that the boy ran off to find some new distraction.


Popi and Ryan sat down on a bench just outside the Principal's office, where if there was a commotion the Principal would be sure to hear it. Ryan stuffed her braids back under her hat and smiled at Popi. "Thanks. That was really nice of you to jump in like that and get my hat back."

"Awww, it wasn't right, the way they were teasing you. I had to do something," Popi insisted. "You know, for years I was sure you were a boy. I didn't realize you were a girl until we had a gym class together, and I saw you dressed in a girl's leotard like the rest of us. Ummm, why don't you ever dress like a girl?"

"Just feels wrong, to me," Ryan said with a shrug. "See, I never had a daddy. I grew up hearing about how my mom got knocked up by an adult guy when she was still a kid. So as soon as I could understand that, I said I didn't want to look cute and girly. Keeps me safer, if the pervy guys don't see me as a cute girl. And my boyfriend doesn't mind if I don't wear a dress. Here he comes now."

"Hi," Hans said. "Thanks for getting Ryan's had back. I'm Hans."

"Popi Goldmane," the kitty said with a grin. "I know who you are! Your friends with my sister Nini, right?"

"Yeah, I guess I am. We only met recently though," Hans replied. Then he handed the crumpled five dollar bill to Ryan, and said, "Marty apologized, and asked me to give you this. He said Tom paid him that five-spot to snatch your hat."

"Figures," Ryan said, pocketing the money. "Tom pays a lot of kids to do stuff for him. I've heard Evan does all Tom's homework. Tom got held back last year. He flunked 5th grade, can you believe that?"

"Considering how often he skips class, yeah, I can," Hans said. "I don't think I want to know where he gets his money. Probably something shady."

"Maybe," Ryan agreed. "I don't think he has a mom. Heard his dad is a bouncer at a stripper club. Seems every time I hear his name, he's in some sort of trouble."

Popi looked concerned. "Tom and Evan and some other boys pay me to do cartwheels. Gee, I hope he doesn't get that money from doing anything illegal."

After an uncomfortable silence, Popi asked Ryan, "So, Hans is your boyfriend? How did you two get together? My mom won't let me have a boyfriend yet. Says I'm too young. But my sister Nini got engaged to be married when she was only seven! It's just not fair!"

Ryan blushed, and said, "It's kinda a long story. My mom started dating his dad. About two months back, mom invited Hans and his dad over for dinner, and let them know about me. It was kinda scary, because mom's previous boyfriends all dumped her when she let them know she had a kid. Hans' dad didn't run off though, and Hans and I... well, we got friendly real fast, I guess."

"Wow. You didn't have a dad, and Hans didn't have a mom?" Popi asked. "I can kinda understand what that's like. My dad, well... he stays away from home a lot. I'm not sure why, an' mom won't say. He left when I was six, and hasn't been back since then. He writes to mom now and then, and Mom says she's still married, but she's been raising me and my two sisters on her own. How did you lose your mom, Hans?"

"My dad divorced my mom when I was a baby," Hans said. "Mom had an affair with the next door neighbor, while I was still in diapers. Got preggers, and tried to pass my sister off as dad's second kid. Kinda hard to believe, when my dad and mom are both purebred Bernese Mountain Dogs, and my half-sister looked like a Chow Chow Dog, just like the neighbor. Dad got a divorce as soon as he saw my sister, and got custody of me. Mom got custody of Marie, and married the guy next door."

"Ouch! That was really awful!" Popi said sympathetically.

"Yeah, I guess, but me an' dad do okay. And like Ryan said, my dad an' her mom really hit it off great. We, umm, moved in with them right after me and Ryan met."

"Hey! How would you like to go trick or treating with us, Popi? You could meet our parents, and spend the night, and my mom could take you to school the next morning with us!" Ryan suggested.

"Really? Hey, I'd like that!" Popi said. "But, umm, my mom would hafta meet your parents first. She's real strict about where she lets me an' my sisters go."

"No problem," Ryan said fishing a pen and some paper out of her jacket pocket. "Here's our address and phone number. Hans' dad is Karl Bernerholdt, and he works from home every afternoon. So your mom could come visit while we're all at school. My mom, Melanie Kelley, usually gets off work about the same time. Have your mom call my dad, and they can set it up!"

"I'll do that, thanks!" Popi said, as the bell rang for recess to end. "Well, time to get back to class!"


10/30/2012 (Tuesday)

At one thirty the next day, Karl Bernerholdt got a phone call. He was up in the bedroom, flat on his back, with the purple-furred Samoyed girl, Dianna, riding his cock for all she was worth. He picked up the cordless phone handset from the side table, and tried to sound normal. "Hello?"

"Would this be Karl Bernerholdt?" asked a feminine voice on the phone. "I am Dianna Goldmane, Popi's mother."

"Ah! Mrs. Goldmane!" Karl said, motioning silently to Dianna to cool it for a moment. "Yes, Ryan said you would call. What can I do for you?"

The purple Samoyed grinned and stopped bouncing so eagerly, but she slowly kept rotating her hips to keep them both stimulated.

"I'd like to see your home, and talk to you in person. Is your wife at home as well?" Dianna Goldmane asked.

"Ahhh, not right now, but Melanie will be home by two. Could you come by between two o-clock and three thirty? She goes to pick up our kids at three thirty, rain or shine," Karl said, avoiding for the moment the issue that he and Melanie were not yet married.

"Quite protective of her," Mrs. Goldmane observed with approval, "since I see by your address that you live within what most people would consider easy walking distance of the school. Two o'clock would suit me quite well. I will see you in half an hour, then. Good bye."

Karl hung up the phone and told his purple lady friend, "One of my daughter's school friends wants to come for a sleepover tomorrow. Her mom will be here in half an hour. I hate to rush you out, but can we hurry and finish for today?"

Dianna replied by energetically bouncing on Karl's shaft until they both climaxed. But she carefully avoided tying with him. As soon as they were done, she helped Karl to change and make the bed, sprayed some air freshener around the room to mask the scent of recent sexual activities, and then she threw on her coat and casually walked to the bus stop, completely naked under her coat and with Karl's seed still dribbling down the insides of her thighs.


By two o'clock, Melanie had returned home and been warned of the impending 'inspection visit'. By the time Dianna Goldmane arrived, they were both properly dressed, and Karl was seated at the dining room table, diligently working from home.

"You must be Popi's mother? Do come in. I'm Melanie, Ryan's mother," the Collie girl said, when she answered the feline lady's knock at the door."Karl is in the dining room, he works from home in the afternoons, you know."

"My daughter mentioned that, yes," Dianna said, pausing in the living room and looking at the neat and tidy duplex with approval. "You keep a very nice home, Mrs. Bernerholdt. Very nice. May I ask what sort of work your husband does, that he has the luxury of working from home?"

"Karl is an investment broker," Melanie replied. "I retained my old job as a waitress after we became a couple, though with his income I don't really need to work anymore. I switched to half days so I have more time for the kids, but can still contribute for a few extra luxuries. But, ummm, did Popi tell you that Karl and I were married? We're informally engaged, but Karl hasn't married me yet. Our formal engagement will start in December, if all continues to go well. Karl and his son moved in with my daughter and I, and we're pretty certain we'll marry, but, well, we've both been burned by bad relationships. Karl's wife cheated on him when his son was still an infant, and they divorced. My daughter's father ran off right after getting me pregnant, and it's been a challenge finding a boyfriend that doesn't run for the hills when they find out the young woman they are dating already has a daughter. So Karl and I are taking it slow."

"Ah, I made an assumption, and was wrong," Dianna said. "And while my Christian faith states that a couple should wait for marriage before moving in with each other, I do have sympathy for your situation. My own husband... wanders. Four years ago, he left me to raise our daughters on my own. And it wasn't the first time he set off on his travels without us. But we swore 'till death do us part' when we married, and despite his wanderlust we remain faithful to each other. Still... if I had been slower to marry and have children, perhaps I would have found a husband who remained always by my side. So I will cast no judgment on you for your caution, my dear. Shall we join Mister Bernerholdt then?"

Karl rose to meet them when they came into the dining room. "A pleasure to meet you, Ma'am, and welcome to our home. Now, you wished to speak to both of us?"

"And to meet you as well, Mister Bernerholdt," Dianna said cordially. "Yes, well, perhaps it is overprotective of me, but as I mentioned to your wife - er, your Partner, that is - I am a Christian and I have certain concerns about what my daughters do and who they associate with. Married or not, you seem to be a loving and protective pair of parents, so I hope you won't mind a little caution on my part, as I make sure my daughter will be safe and well-chaperoned in your home?"

"I understand your caution completely, and commend you for it," Karl said. "I was raised in a Christian home myself, and I certainly do understand your concerns. Melanie and I will be here all night, and one or both of us will be supervising the children while they are awake. Melanie will even escort them house to house while they go trick or treating. I can assure you that your daughter will be treated with the same care and respect that we have for our own children."

"And my own parents live in the other half of this duplex," Melanie said, remaining silent about the family's Wiccan beliefs. "If for some unforeseeable reason anything should happen to both Karl and I, the children can find safety and refuge next door, with Ryan's grandparents. And of course, in the morning I will take your daughter to school along with our children."

"Well then! That certainly puts my mind at ease!" Dianna replied. "Would you mind if Popi comes here after an early dinner? I cherish the time I can spend with my daughters."

"That would be fine," Melanie replied. "Should I come to your home to pick her up then?"

"No need. Her older sister Ross is still reveling in her new found freedom, now that she has her driver's license. She loves any excuse to take the car for a spin. Ross will drop her off here after dinner, at about sunset," Dianna replied. Then she made sure that they had her home phone number, her work number, and her cell phone number, as well as her home address, and Ross's cell phone number. "I think that does it. I'm glad my youngest girl is making some more friends. Take care, then."


10/31/2012 (Wednesday - Halloween)

As the sun began to set, Ross pulled into the driveway at Ryan's home, and went up to the front door with her little sister. Karl and Hans had decorated the porch area with fake iron fencing along the walkway, cobwebs around the roof edge and door frame, and a few Styrofoam gravestones in the flower beds.

Popi was already dressed in an adorable clown costume, half blue and half white, with the collar, cuffs and the left and right halves of the hat in opposite colors. Her hat had a long point off to each side, with a gold bell on each tip. She knocked firmly on the door, but didn't say 'Trick or Treat!'.

"Well, aren't you adorable!" Melanie said, as she answered the door, ready to give the child candy.

"Hi MS Kelley! I'm Popi!" the kitty girl said, "Where's Ryan?"

"Ah! Of course you are! Go on upstairs, dear. She's expecting you. The kids are in the first bedroom on the right, at the top of the stairs," Melanie said, pointing the way. Then she turned to the older girl, and said, "And you must be Ross? I'm Melanie Kelley - Ryan's mom. Those are Popi's things?"

Ross handed over a school backpack and a small duffel bag. "Yeah. The pack is her school books for tomorrow, the other bag is clean clothes to wear to school tomorrow, and PJ's for tonight, and her toothbrush and the like. She's been very excited about this since Ryan invited her. Mom doesn't let her out much on her own."

Melanie smiled and said, "Yes, I've seen firsthand how protective your mother can be. Anything special I need to know about Popi? Food allergies or stuff she doesn't like to eat?"

"Not really," Ross said with a shrug. "In most ways she's disgustingly healthy. Popi hardly ever gets sick, and she will eat almost anything you offer her. Mom doesn't abide by picky eaters."

"Neither do I, with our kids, though I certainly make allowances for a guest's dietary restrictions. Thank you for bringing her. I'm sure the kids will have a blast tonight."

"Kids? How many other kids are invited tonight?" Ross asked.

"Oh, Popi is the only guest. We have two kids of our own. The three of them will be going trick or treating tonight, and I'll escort them," Melanie replied.

"Okay, that's cool. I just was curious, is all. See you later, I guess. Popi will probably want to visit again soon, now that she has friends here." And with that, Ross turned and left, getting into her car with a wave to Popi, who was watching from an upstairs window, and then driving off.


When Popi got upstairs, she found Ryan tying red bows in the hair of a girl in a red princess dress. The girl was facing away from the door, and Popi didn't recognize her from that angle. Ryan's pirate costume lay on the bed. Popi went first to the window and waved goodbye to her big sister, and then looked around the room. "Hi Ryan! Is this Hans' room? She asked, seeing the collection of baseball caps and sports posters on the walls, and the blue bedspreads on the huge bunk bed. "Oh! Who is that girl? I thought it was just gonna be you, me and Hans tonight?"

"Hi Popi! No, this is my bedroom. I'm a tomboy, remember? And... this is Hannah," Ryan said with a grin. "Hannah, I'm done fixing your hair, and you can turn and say hello now."

The girl in the Princes dress stood, turned, and smiled at Popi. "It's still just the three of us, Popi. Still don't recognize me?"

"HANS? Oh my God, you look so much like a girl! How did Ryan ever talk you into wearing a dress and makeup like that?" Popi asked, staring at the boy in disbelief. "If I wasn't expecting a Bernese boy here instead of a Bernese girl, I totally would have believed you were a girl! That's amazing!"

"Long story," Hans said. "I'll tell you all of it later, but your sister Nini had a hand in making me do it. Let's go downstairs and get ready. It doesn't take Ryan long to slip into her pirate costume."

"Nini did what?" she asked, but Hans was already halfway down the stairs, and didn't reply. She shrugged and followed him, as it dawned on her that Nini never had said how she met Hans. Just that she had a made a new friend recently, and he was an eight year old Bernese boy named Hans.

As soon as Ryan came down to join them, Melanie passed out orange glow sticks and plastic treat bags to each kid, and picked up a strong flashlight for herself. "Let's go, girls!" she said, winking at Hans.

Karl opened the door for them and sighed in resignation as he watched his son going out into the neighborhood dressed as a girl.


There were a lot of families with kids in the neighborhood, and the whole area seemed to be in the spirit of the holiday, with decorated houses, and parents answering the doors in costumes themselves. The kids worked their way around four full blocks, hitting every house, before coming home laden with goodies.

"Hans, you are way too good at walking in heels for someone who is doing this for the first time," Popi said, as they walked back into the house. "My feet would be killing me if I walked that far in high heels!"

"I practiced for several weeks to learn how to do it," Hans replied. "I wore the same costume to a party last weekend, too. But Ryan went as my 'Prince Charming' at that one. My dad bought that pirate costume she wore tonight, hoping I would wear it instead of the dress while trick or treating here in our own neighborhood. I'll admit I kinda like wearing girly stuff. I mean, I wouldn't wear a dress to school. I'd get teased too much by bullies like Tom if I did. But sometimes, yeah, I'll wear girl clothes just for fun."

"Really?" Popi asked, as she started looking through her candy. "Hummm. Anybody wanna trade me something for lemon drops?"

"How about chocolate bars? Ryan and I shouldn't eat chocolate. It's not good for dogs," Hans said.

"Oh? Hey, I love chocolate. Yeah, there's a bunch of stuff we could swap then..." Popi said, as they dumped their candy into large mixing bowls that Melanie brought from the kitchen.

"Ryan and I have an agreement with several non-canine families in the neighborhood," she told the kids. Any chocolates that we don't want, they will swap for other candies that we can eat, from their kid's stashes. We kinda hold a candy party the day after Halloween, to exchange stuff. And save any of the chips and non-sugar stuff. Andy at the end of the block is diabetic, and will swap all his sweet stuff for anything he can eat safely."

When they were done swapping goodies, the kids each picked a handful of their favorite candies, and Ryan led them to the living room, where they watched a monster movie on DVD with Melanie and Karl. By the time the candy was eaten and the movie was done, all the kids were yawning. Melanie started helping Karl to bring in the decorations from outside, and sent the kids upstairs to go to bed.


When they got upstairs again, Popi jokingly asked, "Hey Hans? If Ryan's room looks like a boy's room what does your bedroom look like? Pink with a lace bed throw and stuffed toys?"

Ryan and Hans looked at each other, and Hans said, "This is my bedroom too, Popi. I'll change into my pajamas in the bathroom, and I won't come out until you two are both decent and say it's okay. Then I'll sleep in the top bunk tonight. But normally, Ryan and I share the bottom bunk.

"Your mom and dad let you sleep together? Like, every night?" Popi asked.

"Yep," Ryan said with a grin. "I told you Hans is my boyfriend. We're lovers already, too, and my mom and his dad know it, and are okay with it."

"I promise I'll behave, and I won't peek at the two of you," Hans said. "Or if my sleeping in the same room bugs you, I'll get a sleeping bag from the garage and crash on the couch in the living room. I don't mind."

"Uhhh, no, you don't hafta do that, Hans. I don't wanna kick you outa your own bedroom!" Popi insisted. "Its... sorta like camping, right? Everybody in one big tent, but in their own sleeping bags? I'll be okay. In fact, I kinda don't mind if you look at us in our PJ's. I like having boys look at me."

"Okay then," Hans said, as he got a pair of blue silk PJ's from the bottom drawer of his dresser. It was a pair his grandparents had sent him, and he hadn't worn them once since he started mating with Ryan. He also got a couple of hangars out of the closet, so he could hang up his dress after he took it off. "Knock on the door when I can come back in. I'm gonna get a shower and wash off this makeup," he said, heading into the bathroom.

Once Hans was out of the room, Popi got her pajamas out of her bag, and stripped out of her clown costume to wear them, while Ryan undressed and got an oversized pink t-shirt and fresh panties from her dresser. Ryan didn't particularly like the pink sleep shirt, but it was what she usually wore if she went to a sleepover, or if she had a female friend over for the night. It raised fewer questions than her wearing a baseball t-shirt and her panties.

About the time the girls finished changing, they heard the shower start running in the bathroom. They put away their costumes and turned down the blankets on the lower bunk, and Ryan turned on a bedside lamp and turned off the ceiling light.

When they were ready for bed, Popi asked, "Can I brush out your hair, Ryan? I've never seen what your hair looks like when it isn't in braids. It's a lot longer than mine is. I bet it's really pretty when you have it loose."

"Yeah, I guess you can, though I usually leave it braided while I sleep," Ryan said, getting her hairbrush from the dresser, and moving a chair over by the foot of the bed. "Hans likes brushing my hair out too. He does that for me every morning before we share our shower, and then after our shower he helps me to braid it. I usually braid it while it's still kinda wet - my braids stay tighter that way. The only time I usually have it loose is when I'm going to be washing it."

"Sometimes Nini lets me brush her hair," Popi said, as she unfastened the black, cloth-covered elastic bands that held the ends of the braids, and started unraveling the twin braids with her hands. "Her hair is as long as yours, maybe longer. Sometimes I wish I had long, pretty hair. But I like tumbling and gymnastics too much, so I gotta keep mine short."

"That's one reason I keep mine braided and stuffed under my hat. So it doesn't get in my face when I'm playing baseball or football, to doing other active stuff," Ryan said.

Once Popi had the braids undone completely, she started brushing Ryan's hair. "Wow. Your hair has a lot of curl and wave in it from being kinked up in those braids all the time. Nini's hair just hangs down straight and limp. She's tried curling it, but her hair is so fine that the curls straighten out so fast it isn't worth it."

"Mine kinda does that," Ryan said. Give it half an hour or so loose, and it will just look lightly wavy. Mom tried making my hair really curly once, for a part in a school play where I had to dress like a girl from the civil war era. She had to use half a can of hair spray to make the curls last long enough!"

"Well, it's still really pretty," Popi insisted. "I bet if you did your hair up nice, and used a little makeup, you could be one of the prettiest girls in our school! Maybe a French Braid, or something?"

"I have more fun making Hans look feminine," Ryan said with a grin. "I just heard the shower stop in there. We should tell him it's safe to come outa the bathroom now."

"Oh! Of course!" Popi ran to the bathroom door, and knocked on it. "Hans? We're in our PJ's now. You can come back in," then she went back to brushing Ryan's hair.

Hans opened the door a minute later, wearing his blue pajamas, and proceeded to carefully put away his Princess dress, petticoats, high heeled shoes, and the feminine undergarments that went with it. "Thanks. I'll climb into the top bunk as soon as I get my dress put away."

Popi stared at the stockings, panties, bra and garter belt that Hans set on the foot of the bed while he hung his dress and petticoat in the closet, and set his high heels on the closet floor under the dress. "You wore all the girly underwear too, Hans? Even a bra?"

Hans grinned, and replied, "That's the best part! I'll let you in on a secret that only my family and three special friends at school know about. Except for the days when I have gym class, and I know I'll hafta get undressed and shower with the other boys, I wear girly panties and a bra under my school clothes all the time!"

"You do?" Popi asked. "B-but, I thought Ryan said you two were lovers? Isn't wearing girly stuff like that something gay boys do?"

"I'm bisexual," Hans said. "I love being Ryan's lover, but I like doing sexy things with boys, too, and I like wearing girls' clothes. A few months ago, some girls... sorta dared me to dress like a girl. I tried it, and I liked it. I even got one of them to buy me some bras and panties of my own, later. And a while after that I let mom and dad know, and now mom will buy me all the girl clothes I want. Dad still thinks it's weird, but he lets me do it." Hans yawned and stretched, and said, "Well, it's late, and we have school tomorrow. Good night!" Then he climbed the ladder into the loft bed, and curled up to sleep, ignoring the two girls and giving them their privacy.


An hour or so later, after everyone was in bed, and when Hans started snoring softly in the top bunk, Popi asked quietly, "Ryan? Are you still awake?"

"Kinda, yeah. What's up?" Ryan asked in a groggy voice.

"Ummm, what's it like, having a real boyfriend? I've never had one. Haven't even kissed a boy. I've watched Nini cuddling with her fiancée, Alex, but she's still a virgin, like me. You said you and Hans... have real sex? What's that like?"

"Ummm, it's really fun," Ryan said sleepily. "Hans tries really hard to make me feel good, and I like making him feel good too. It feels a lot better than when I Jill off."

"What's that mean? 'Jill off'? What is that?" Popi asked innocently.

"You know, touching yourself, down there, to make yourself feel good? You've never done that?" Ryan asked. She was pretty much wide awake now.

"Nope. I'm a total virgin," Popi said. "Wouldn't even know how to start. So what do you do? Rub your legs or something, like when you need to get rid of a cramp?"

"Ummm, no, it's nothing like that," Ryan said. "You rub about the same place where you pee from. Rub your finger tips up and down the slit, and tease that little nubbin at the top. It makes it feel sorta like you're having sex."

"R-really? Could... could you show me how?" Popi asked. "I'd be too embarrassed to ask Nini or Ross, and I'd die before I'd ask my mom about something like that!"

"I guess there's no harm in that," Ryan said. She slipped off her panties and pulled up her oversized pink sleep t-shirt, exposing her cunny. Then she got a flashlight from the low table beside the bed, and gave it to Popi. "Use that to light up the place where my legs come together," Ryan said, as she got comfortable and stuffed a folded pillow behind her head and shoulders.

Popi giggled as she used the flashlight to illuminate her new friend's naked crotch. "This seems so naughty! I've never stared at a girl down there before! What do you do now?"

"Well, you use your fingers to spread the puffy lips on either side of your slit, and then you sorta pet the smaller inner lips with your finger tips, like this. Just rub gently along the slit, between the folds of flesh. Then move up an' pull back that fleshy hood at the top, and there's a nipple-like bit there that's really sensitive. Rub that, too." Ryan demonstrated each action as she spoke, rubbing gently and not trying very hard to get off just yet.

Popi slipped her PJ bottoms off and looked at her own immature slit. She felt along the split in her mons, and located each of the parts that her friend told her about. She rubbed herself a bit down there, but frowned. "I don't think I'm doin' it right. It feels kinda good, but nothin' special."

Ryan stopped fingering herself and asked, "Well, you gotta do it kinda fast to get off quickly. Do you mind if I turn on the lamp? It shouldn't wake Hans up, but then we won't need the flashlight to see each other."

"Yeah, okay," Popi said, as she continued slowly rubbing herself.

"Maybe you just need a little more to get you going? Let me try something," Ryan said. She got out of bed and went into the bathroom. When she returned she had one of her mom's vibrators in her hand. It was the kind with a round ball on the end of a handle, and not the bullet-shaped ones meant for stuffing inside a girl. It looked sorta like a pink flashlight, but with a ball a little smaller than a tennis ball where the lens should be.

"What's that?" Popi asked.

"It's a vibrator," Ryan said. "This one's mostly for massaging sore muscles, but girls can use it to get off, too. Ummmm, I've never done this for another girl before. I kinda need to get my nose close to your crotch, so I can see if your scent changes and if you get wet when I use this on you. If it doesn't, then maybe you're still too young. Mom told me she matured kinda early, and so did I. You might not be ready yet. Have you had your first period? Had some bleeding between the legs, once a month or so?"

"No, and I'm not sure I ever will," Popi said. "My doctor says something is wrong inside me, an' I might never have babies. Havin' a period and bleeding means your body is able to make babies, right?"

"Yes. But maybe you can still enjoy sex. Making babies is only part of what sex is all about. It's also about giving and receiving pleasure. Hummm, now how can we do this?" Ryan said, looking for a good way to position Popi and herself.

"How about if I do this?" Popi asked. She stretched a bit, decided her pajama top was too restrictive, and took it off. Then the naked kitty put her forearms on the floor beside the bed and did a headstand, pointed her toes at the ceiling, and spread her legs, until her toes touched the floor on either side of her shoulders, and her crotch was pointed up at the ceiling.

"I don't think I could get in that position if you paid me to. I'm not that flexible or coordinated," Ryan said with a laugh, as she peeled her own sleep shirt off so she was naked too. She got on her knees behind Popi, and found that the girl's acrobatic pose put the kitty's crotch at about the level of Ryan's nipples. "That will do fine, if you can stay in that strange pose. Tell me if this feels good," she said. Ryan touched the ball on the vibrator to Popi's clitoris, and turned the vibrator on.

"Yeep!" Popi almost fell over as the ball started vibrating. "Oh purrr! Heck yes! Keep doin' that!" she murred, eyes wide as new and pleasurable sensations flooded her.

Ryan snuggled up against Popi, so the kitty's butt was resting against Ryan's chest, and she steadied her friend by placing her left hand on Popi's butt cheek. "Well, I'd say this works for you all right. Now, if I keep this up, you should have an orgasm pretty soon!"

"Oh God, don't stop!" Popi pleaded. "Ohhhh, I've never.... n-never... Nunghhh! Purrrrrrrr! Oh yeah! Fantastic!" She giggled and collapsed into a heap in front of Ryan, and then gasped as the little collie followed her down and kept pressing the ball against her clitty."

"And that, my friend, is an orgasm! My turn, now," Ryan said. She sat back on her rump on the floor, legs spread wide, and moved the buzzing ball to her own mound, sighing as the vibrations brought her closer and closer to her crest.

Popi panted until she caught her breath again, and then she rolled over on her tummy and crawled closer, until her nose was just a foot from Ryan's crotch. She sniffed, and asked, "What's that smell?"

"That's what an aroused girl smells like," Ryan said, as she began to pant. "Rub your crotch now, and then sniff your hand."

Popi rolled onto her side and did so, and after sniffing her hand she gave her wet fingers a tentative lick, too. "Yeah, I guess I smell pretty much the same, don't I? Kinda nice."

"Boys think that smell is more than just 'nice'. If a boy gets a nose full of you smelling like that, he'll get really turned on, and wanna have sex with you," Ryan said. Her tail was thumping against the floor as it wagged while she was sitting down, and her breathing was getting fast and shallow. "Mom says girls make a smell that attracts guys, an' makes them wanna mate an' make babies. That smell gets even stronger when a girl is in heat, at the most fertile part of her cycle. Some girls hafta wear perfume to mask their scent when they are in heat, or their scent distracts the boys around them too much. Some boys can't think about anything but sex if they get a girl's scent in their noses."

"Really? Wow..." Popi said, glancing up to where Hans was in the top bunk. The puppy boy was still snoring lightly. After what Ryan said, Popi was kind of afraid that Hans might rape her, if he could smell her now. But in a way, the idea of the pretty Bernese boy making love to her was also a real turn on. She decided to change the subject. "Umm, what about kissing? The way lovers kiss? What's that like?"

"It's... Oh wow... Ahhhwoooo!" Ryan flopped over backwards as her orgasm hit, and giggled a little. "That was a good one... It's nice to kiss. When lovers kiss, they open their mouths and touch their tongues together, or sorta suck on each other's tongues. Sounds kinda weird, I know, but it feels nice."

"Ryan? Would you... would you think it was weird or sick if... if I wanted to... to practice kissing... with you?" Popi asked hesitantly. "You know so much about this stuff, and I don't know anything."

"Well, I've never kissed another girl myself - not like lovers kiss - but I'd be willing to try," Ryan said, as she sat up again and turned off the vibrator. "My mom is bisexual, and used to have a female lover instead of a boyfriend. So no, I wouldn't think you're weird if you wanna kiss me. No more than I think my mom is weird, or that Hans is weird because I've seen him kiss another boy like a lover would. Heck, if I'm like my mom, I'll probably enjoy it as much as when I kiss Hans. But are you sure you wanna have your first 'real kiss' be with me, and not with a boy? We could wake Hans up. I'm sure he'd be happy to kiss you, if you asked him."

"Mummmm, maybe we could ask Hans later? My mom says I'm not supposed to date boys or flirt with them. But she never said I couldn't have fun with girls. You're safer," Popi said. "Yeah... Would you kiss me? The way you kiss Hans?"

Ryan sat on the edge of the bed and patted the place beside her. "Sit beside me, and just do what I do. When you feel my tongue, let your mouth open a little, and just do what I do."

"Okay," Popi said. She sat beside Ryan, turned her head to face the other girl, and closed her eyes.

Ryan took a deep breath, the kissed Popi on the mouth, just like she would do with Hans. Their tongues met, and Popi pushed her own raspy feline tongue into Ryan's mouth in return. Ryan sucked on the girl's tongue a little, and then pushed the kitty tongue back with her own until Popi could suck on Ryan's tongue.

Popi sighed when the kiss ended. "That was... wow, that was nice. Did I do okay?"

Ryan grinned, and said, "Yep. And I was right. I really enjoyed that. Thank you."