A Shadow among the Shattered Path (Episode One)

Story by Leone Wicasa on SoFurry

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#1 of A Shadow among the Shattered Path

There will be several episodes following this one. There will be some sexual scenes in later episodes so I am marking this series for adults. My first short story so I hope you guys like it!

Credit to my mate, Sinopa_Wicasa for editing <3

Also, the main character is my fursona! :)

Episode One: The Heist

The storm approached without warning, tossing the cargo ship like a ball on a playground. A twenty-six year old Leone Kyra struggled to keep his balance amongst the rolling crates. The fur was nothing more than a mutt, born of a collie mother and a wolf father he had never known. Life was tough as a child and forced him to live most of it on the street after his mother'sdisappearance. Despite having nobody to learn from he personally thought he had come out pretty well as a man. He took what he wanted and could slip past the most vigilant of security. Kyra was a master thief, assassin, and all around rogue. He had recently received a tip that a priceless artifact that was now exhibited in New York. What made this job moreinteresting are the numerous warrants he had in the states. Granted being the most wanted criminal in his country of birth had its downsides, but it also presented the challenges that he coveted so dearly. Too bad the easiest way back into the country from Iceland was the cargo ship he was on now.

So here he was; sickened by the constant rolling waves and nearing dehydration. "This information better be worth the bullshit." The mutt snarled softly to himself; showing a set of fangs that would make the largest furs back down from a fight. He didn't trust his new informant; from his experience raccoons were always looking to line their pockets.

The next morning was a warmer welcome as he reached Maine. The rogue was off the ship as soon as it hit port. It was as if he was never there. "Alright, I just gotta grab some supplies and food now, then tonight I party." He stated to himself. Kyra had a habit of talking to himself more often than to others. It was his way of staying sane within his solitude. He pulls his black book from his pocket and flips through the pages to his most recent notes. "Main street storage, unit 43C. Let's do this." As he made his way to his destination the sun had finally shone over the horizon to illuminate his platinum and onyx fur.

Everything was going smooth on his way to the storage facility until some common thugs decided to get cocky and harass the male in a back alley. A Doberman fur easily seven foot tall led the pack of thugs as they surrounded Leone. The wolf-collie was in no means a big guy, having mainly the slim figure and feminine features of his mother, he never had seemed all too intimidating. Thanks to his lupine father however, what he did have was pure muscle and he stood at an even six foot tall.

The Doberman was the first to speak. "Well well boys now what do we have here? Seems some little bitch thinks he can just stroll through our turf like he cool or somethin'." The rest of the fools in the bunch uttered their own insignificant piece in response to their leader. It was clear by the way the canine carried himself that he considered himself the biggest badass of all time. Leone sighed "I don't have time for this at the moment. So could you save me the few short moments it would take to put you in your place and just step aside?" The gang leader was reasonably displeased by the request and gave a rather quick comeback. "Or maybe you can drop your little tough guy act and just blow me." The others surrounding Leone erupted into laughter; quickly turning into a simple minded pack of hyenas at a bad joke. The real mistake was when the thug put his filthy paw on Leone's shoulder in an act to pull him close for the lustful deed to ensue. It took little to no effort for the mutt to shatter the Doberman's arm in one fluid motion, sending his foe to his knees with no window to react. "See, I asked you not to waste my time and this is what happens when you do. Now if you don't want me to snap your neck, I suggest you and your stooges go on your way." Leone could only chuckle as they left with their tails between their legs.

The wolf-collie pushes toward his destination again, now only a couple blocks away from his destination. What he didn't like was the ten or so squad cars that sat in the parking lot with the lights flashing. Upon closer inspection he saw the remains of a meth lab in one of the lockers. "Well this may complicate things." He said softly as he headed in the facility as casually as possible. Local authorities wouldn't be on the lookout for him, especially with the current issue they were dealing with. With near twenty officers patrolling the grounds in addition to the ones just past the main entrance, being discreet was out of the question. He manages to make it to the locker he was given with little trouble. As he opened the locker a smile drew itself across his maw. He was met by a fully customized dodge viper with a duffel bag in the passenger seat filled with everything from pistols to flash grenades. "I'm back in business." He laughed as he pulled out of the locker in his new ride. If there was one thing he adored it was when a plan was running smoothly.

As Leone left the drive he was quick to take inventory after pulling off the main road. "Two MP5s, two Beretta 9mm, five flash and frag grenades, an earpiece, C4, ten grand in cash, several knives, a black box, my work uniform, suppressors, disposable cell phone, and a variety of ammunition for it all.Sounds about right." Satisfied he started driving again, setting out for New York City and stopped only once for food and gasoline.

The rogue arrived in the big city the next night, and just as he made it into the hotel room where he would get ready, he received a call from his supplier and primary informant.

"What's the word Sage?" Leone asked as he answered.

"The Coon was a rat. He tipped off the FBI to your plans." Sage explained. "The item has been moved to the Empire State Building under maximum security on the top floor. You get anywhere near there and they will spot you. I don't know how you are going to deal with this but watch your tail."

"How did I figure some shit was going to happen? And while we are talking let me ask you why the hell you changed my work outfit?" The mutt questioned as he held up the fur tight clothing, cut to show off his slim figure but mainly his stomach and waistline.

Sage gave a chuckle over the line. "You know you like my changes. Besides since I'm gonna talk you through this I may as well have something pretty to look at through the cameras."

"You're such a pervert man." Leone pointed out with a lazy laugh as he pulled his long silver hair into a braid. Never want that getting in the way of your iron sights. "See you on holiday after I pull this off." He hung up the phone and started his preparations.

2:16 a.m. Was the time Leone arrived in an alley nearby his target. "Sage do you read me?" The rogue turned off the ignition and awaited the response.

"Loud and clear. I've got satellite imaging up and there are no blind spots to sneak in from. The entire area is on lockdown. Looks like you are going to have to make a grand entrance. At this rate I'd say your best bet is to knock on the front door."

Leone noticed his tail wagging uncontrollably at the news. It had been some time since he had no choice but to put on a show. "Watch and learn Sage." Was his response as he kicked the viper into high gear and flew toward the target like a bat out of hell; kicking in the nitrous as he rammed through the wall of squad cars and into the lobby. "Knock knock where's the party fellas?" He laughed as he threw off his trench coat and pulled his MP5s loaded with explosive rounds from his waist. With only a couple bursts he obliterated the guards in his way and took off to the elevators. "As I expected the power is cut off." As if on cue Sage kicked on the power and into the elevator Leone went, only to pop the top and climb above. The elevator climbed all the way to the one hundredth floor, two from the highest. The fabled assassin tossed a flash bang inside, blinding the furs holding riot shields just inside. Follow that up with a frag, and you got yourself a cleared out room. As he padded inside there was just one thing on his mind: Way too easy. That is until the whirring of a helicopters propeller was heard, carrying two men with RPGs. "Well that doesn't seem fair." Kyra muttered in more sadness than shock.

What was next occurred in the blink of an eye. Shattering glass, explosions and gun fire. Thanks to sheer luck, one of his explosive rounds had hit the propeller on the tail of the helicopter. This was enough to throw off the aim of the rocketeers and give him the opportunity to duck into the stairwell. Nevertheless there was no way to come out unscathed. Kyra's fur was singed and a large shard of glass had embedded itself into his ribcage. "Kyra come in! Are you alright!?" Sage screamed over the comm. There would be no answer, as the mutt had lost the comm in the excitement. "This better be worth my trouble or I swear I'll tear this whole city down." He snarled in frustration with no choice but to push on.

He was breathing heavily as he got to the final floor, meeting nothing in terms of resistance on the 101st floor. It appeared that the second RPG had hit that floor. How convenient. All he had left now though was a block of C4, the charge for it, a knife and his 9mms with one clip each. All else was lost in the excitement and even his outfit was tattered and uncomfortably revealing. He plants the charge on the final door and sets the timer for one minute until breach. It seemed like the longest minute of his life. Kyra could hardly think straight from all the excitement but even still he refused to leave the job unfinished.

3... 2... 1... Boom.

Leone burst through the blown door, unleashing a fury he had not felt before. It was a pure lust for success. Quickly he marked each target, putting a bullet in the skull of each with sniper precision. One stood at the end of his ammo, only to receive a knife to the throat. Still the lone enemy stood, long enough to receive a straight kick to the chest and a first class trip out the window.

Finally his prize was in his grasp. A treasure coveted by the world. Now as Sage came to his "rescue" from the trashed landmark, he held a thief's greatest dream.... The Holy Grail.