The Tale of a Life

Story by Alexos Drausus on SoFurry

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The tale of a life

Is a path never straight

Wandering branches

Always in the way

Congealed emotions

Are the colours portrayed

The trees grow ever higher

With the successes of life made

Tragic, it is

That the reward is so glum

To sleep forever onward

On a bed of cold mud

Though the hard work

Is not forgotten

The trees stand tall

Swaying in the breeze

Leaves telling all

That a man has worked hard

And never gave up

His memory lives forever

In the hearts

Of all he touched

Though others tales are touched

In a multitude of separate ways

Some will accept, while others will not

That a man has now passed

His fire is all done

Regrets are the weeds

That cluster in these tales

Unwanted but always clutching

To the life they suck away

Throw away these weeds

They are not beautiful flowers

They hold you back

And taint your pure heart

The tale of a life

Is one full of sorrow

Of hard work and sacrifice

But rewarding none the less

When the tale ends

Do not despair

The life is now at rest

Forever in the air

Rejoice that the journey

Is completed and done

Now a new one begins

I wonder what this one has to come?