Am I In Love?

Story by Dusk Delano on SoFurry

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#1 of Love

First time writing ever since I joined.

If there is a problem with the story please be respectful about it and leave a comment.

Other than that enjoy :3

"Love is infinite it could happen anywhere and with anyone, just look love in the eye and say 'hi' and let it take it from there, cause one thing love isn't is unsure. So here's the question: are you in love?"

It was a Thursday morning and the alarm is going off meaning, it was time for school.

"Alright, alright I'm up." Said the groaning young cream fox getting up from bed, slamming his alarm clock off. As he got up, his three long, fluffy, wavy tails unwrapped from his slim vixen like body. He opened his golden yellow eyes to see his big twin brother, even though they don't look much alike. "Come Foxy, we need to get ready for school, you know mom will kill us if we are late." he explained walking off to his own room. "God I hate when he does that." He scuffed as he walked to the bathroom to take shower. When he turned on the hot water, he gained a tiny blush from the heat, water ran down from his long cream hair to his tails, 15 minutes later he came out dripping wet, having a towel around his waist, he looked through his closet looking for an pre-made outfit, he then found a blue and red shirt that had "Fawx Play" in bold white letters, along with the shirt was navy jeans that had a white dragon stretching from the waist to the knee. He dried himself off then put on his cloths, he brushed his hair then brushing his teeth, running downstairs to make a toasted.

A taller more ripped, muscle toned fox came down with short, spiky hair came down the stairs, staring at the younger fox with a bright smile, rubbing his eyes wiping away the night . "Good morning son." Said the father fox. Foxy then looked to his father smiling, he ran and hugged him happily. "Morning dad, had a good night sleep." He said to his dad eating his bagel. "Yeah I did, hehe don't you have to be to school soon?" Foxy's eyes went wide, then his brother Chaos came downstairs pulling his brother outside having his and Foxy's bag, all ready for school. While they were walking to school they began to talk about random things. "So Chaos how is you and Chilly?" He asked his brother with a small smirk. "We are fine, she's a clingy but it's cool, what about you, find anyone you like?" He asked nudging his little brother a little. "No cause the guys there are just....annoying." He said giving a disgusted look, cause some of the guys are either self centered jerk or loud obnoxious jocks, something that wasn't his type. "Well I know you'll find that special guy, he might appear today who knows, but you'll find him." He smiled and hugged Foxy pulling him to the side of him. After a while they arrived at Hades High School, they were furs everywhere from wolves to dragons to falcons, it was like being in a giant zoo, a real messed up giant zoo. Chaos left with his girlfriend Chilly and Foxy's with his friends Destiny, a teal and green peacock that had pink eyes, wore a black tee and a black skinny jeans me and her weren't very tall 5'8 actually so that made us the little girls of our group. Max, a grey and white folf who had black eyes and wore a leather jacket and black baggy jeans, he was three inches taller than us and was fairly built, he does do track he did try to get Destiny into it but she stuck with cheerleading. Justin, a red and white gryphon that stood 6" tall he's the captin of the football team but the only thing about him is that he doesnt act like an annoying jock, you can say he's one of those gentle giants. Lastly we have the new fur who looked awesome, he stood the same height as Justin, a large blue wolf, that had short spiky hair, large muscles. He had emerald green eyes that when the sun hit them they shine like gems. He wore a black tee and cargo pants, as we were walking to class, Destiny introduced new fur to him. "Foxy meet Alpha, Alpha meet Foxy." When he looked at Foxy he gave him a light smile. "Hey how's it going?" He looked back at the large wolf with shyish smile and a light smile. "M-me...I'm doing about you?" He asked the wolf. "Hmm can't complain, so what do you have first period?" He asked the fox. "Study hall."

"Really me too, wanna walk together?" He asked offering his large paw to Foxy, Foxy then grabbed it blushing even more. "S-sure I'd love to, I'll see you guys later." The two left the three behind, with them waving goodbye since they had math together. When the two arrived to class they sit next to each other, pulling out some notebooks. "So Foxy how come you have three tails?" He asked Foxy, he then blush when he heard that question. "I was just born with them I guess, they do help with multi tasking." Alpha then moved a little closer to Foxy, smiling warmly. When he felt Alpha moving closer he blushed a deep red, looking at him showing his blushing face and his glowing yellow eyes. "You know Foxy, your eyes are beautiful, like a sea of gold." He smiled at the blushing fox and moved his hands around the fox's waist bringing him closer to him. Foxy buried his face into the wolf's chest, very shy, the wolf picked up the fox's head smiling brightly. "Now why hide a pretty face like that?" He placed the fox on his lap, pulling his body closer to him to where there chest touch. When the fox's chest touched his, he felt that his heart beat matched his own, he looked into the wolf's eyes surprised by this. "Our hearts beats....they match."

"Yeah I guess they do, hey after school wanna come to my house?"