Venom: Beautiful Killers. Part 31

Story by Homo Habilis on SoFurry

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#33 of Venom: Beautiful Killers

I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I'll be quick.

First of all, I'd like to acknowledge Hudson5188 for his take on my series. I've read the first three chapters. Really good stuff.

Secondly, I'm gonna be away from the site for a while, until maybe the middle of the month. Thanks for all your faves and comments in advance.

Here's Part 31, where all five ladies appear at once, but don't know it. We also get a visit from the dog in parts 16, 17, and 18. There is fighting here, but not enought I feel to put a violence tag in there. Enjoy.

Venom: Beautiful Killers. part 31

"If you say that nothing bad's going to happen...."

It is now half past noon. Tivoli parks her Jetta in a freshly made parking lot a few yards away from a business complex. Once she gets out of the car, she looks up at the building in front of her. It hampers her progress a bit; she staggers backwards as she tries to see the top. Then she fixes her eyes forward and clears her throat. "I've gotten myself this far," she says to herself. She takes a black purse from the front seat and fastens it across her left shoulder.

After a couple of minutes of acting like a tourist, the nervous ocelot walks through the sliding glass doors. The inside is full of people, both human and not, heading every which way. The lobby and the halls are loaded with life. Loud conversations drown out one another and people are cautiously moving out of each other's way. Tivoli covers her ears for a couple of seconds, then she finds what she is looking for. A few yards to her left is an information desk. The receptionist is busy leading a couple of people to their destinations. She has to speak loudly so she can be heard.

Tivoli braves the noise and steps up to the desk. Waiting patiently for the line in front of her to shrink, she shows no signs of the emotional strain that she had recently been under. There is no sign of crying and hardly any sign of the morning hangover. She looks at the receptionist with steady, determined eyes. When her turn eventually comes, she leans across the receptionist's desk and says, "Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to room 6261? I's obvious it's on the sixth floor, but I've never been here before."

The startled receptionist, a young feline herself, calmly exhales. "You don't have to stand so close. Go to the hall behind me, around the corner, and you'll find the elevators--the main elevators. If you see the south elevators, you've gone too far."

The ocelot nods and, without giving any thanks, quickly heads to where she has been told. The elevator is slow in coming and when she enters, it is slow in getting to the sixth floor. It does not help that there are more than fifteen people who follow her inside. She impatiently folds her arms and waits as the elevator makes its long trek. It stops three times before it gets to the sixth floor.

Tivoli runs out and finds herself surrounded by white. The all-white tile floor gleams with brilliance. The walls are covered with off-white wallpaper. Everything looks clean and pristine. She looks around to find her bearings, then sees the nurses' station hiding around a corner. Slowing her gait, she heads to the nearest nurse, another feline, pretty much the same color as Camille.

"Excuse me." The ocelot clears her throat as politely as she can. "Could you lead me to room 6261? I'm looking for Paraná's room. The jaguar's room."

The nurse and a colleague behind her look at each other and talk in hushed tones. Tivoli leans forward, trying to hear them. The cat types on her computer and whispers, "He hasn't even yet filled the police report."

Looking more desperate, Tivoli plants her palms on the desk. "Please don't say no."

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but he doesn't want visitors. He's refused everyone--"

"Those visitors were nobodies. I'm not a nobody. I'm his girlfriend." Her soft breaths turn into loud huffs as she becomes impatient.

"Are you...a family member?"

"I'm his girlfriend!"

"He told us he had no family members living in Los Angeles...or anywhere in the United States."

"Of course he's gonna say that. You wouldn't want your family to know you've almost been killed if it could spare them some pain."

"Lower your voice, please."

"Please...." She swallows and takes a deep breath. "Please let me see him."

Before either of the nurses can respond, a loud beeping sound radiates from the desk. A patient is trying to make contact with the nurses' station. The cat pushes a button and asks, "Can I help you?"

The voice on the other end is frail, but loud enough to hear. "Excuse me, but...I'm out of medicine."

As the nurse responds, Tivoli smiles at the sound. "That's him," she says. "That's Paraná. He sounds good."

The feline's partner says, "I'll go check on him."

"Let me follow you, please? He'll want to see me."

"He's already refused three other people."

"But I've already told you--"

"You're his girlfriend. I know. Come with me."

Tivoli obeys, running until she almost bumps into the human caregiver. Her whole body is tense with anticipation. She clasps her hands in front of her and presses her mouth closed. She really wants to run through the rooms in the ward and search each one until she finds him. If it were not for the restraints of the environment, she most likely would be.

A minute later, the women enter 6261. It is lit up only by the outside light and is cold enough to make Tivoli shiver. She slows down while the nurse responds to the problem. "Mr. Paraná," she says. "Good afternoon. Did you sleep well?"

"Just Paraná. Mr. Paraná is my father," the jaguar says weakly.

"Your saline has run out." She walks to the beeping machine that is hovering over the bed and silences the noise. There is an extra, full bag hanging on a hook above her. It takes her no time at all to replace bags.

Meanwhile, Tivoli stands at the doorway, only partially inside the room. She creeps forward and mumbles under her breath. The confidence she once had has all but disappeared. She looks around the room like she is lost, even though she is where she wants to be. After swallowing the lump in her throat, she carries on forward.

The nurse looks down at Tivoli's fallen hero. "How are you feeling?"

"I wish I could say 'better,' but I'll have to settle for 'just okay.'"

"You look like you're still in pain. Are you sure you don't want any meds? Any morphine?"

"I can take it."

"Sure you can. By the way, your girlfriend's here."

"My what?" Paraná tries to get off his back.

"Your girlfriend. She was rather insistent. Do you want to see her?"

"But I don't...." He stops himself to clear his throat, which he does with great difficulty. He reaches out to his left and picks up a cup of water from the table.

"What was that?"

At this time, Tivoli runs to Paraná's bedside before he can say he does not have a girlfriend. She surprises both the nurse and the jaguar. Paraná was in the middle of finishing the cup when he sees her. His eyes widen and the cup drops onto his lap. Suddenly, he coughs. He tries to clear his throat, but coughs again, more forcefully. He tightens his eyes closed and pats his chest. The water he was drinking has obviously gone down the wrong pipe.

The nurse looks on with concern, but the situation quickly resolves itself. The jaguar clears the remaining water from his throat and immediately fixates on his guest. He pulls the covers off of himself and looks over the ocelot. His eyes give her what looks like a thorough inspection. She giggles and waves in response.

"Do you want to see her?" the nurse asks. "Maybe having some company would do you some good."

Paraná's mouth opens, but nothing comes out. He clears his throat again, causing Tivoli to laugh. He relaxes in the bed and looks at her. Then he looks at the nurse, not knowing what exactly to do.

"I came all this way," Tivoli says. "I hope you don't mind."

The nurse shrugs. "Do you want me to send her away? It looks like she's bothering you."

The ocelot protests. "Hey, I didn't make him cough!"

The jaguar nods. "She can stay. She's all right."

After the nurse leaves, Tivoli runs to where the nurse once stood. It is the closest she can get to him without actually getting in the bed. Her excitement is starting to come through. "Look at you." She covers her mouth to stop her giggling. "You look good."

Paraná closes his mouth and just looks at her. The initial shock of seeing her is wearing off. He reaches up above his head and turns on the fluorescent bulb on the ceiling. Now, there are no shadows on the ocelot. "Nice clothes."

She is still wearing the dress St. Croix bought for her. "Thanks."

"What are you doing here?"

She laughs the question off and leans closer to him. She is happy to see him, but is mostly relieved to be by his side. "I hope that's a trick question."

"How did you know where to find me?"

"I called Rory. It was tricky because I had to introduce myself to him; we hadn't formally met yet. I got his number from the interview tapes that Mrs. Cross gave me. It took me a while to convince him that I was your apprentice. Once he believed that, he told me where you were...and that you wouldn't let him see you when he tried to visit."

Paraná puts his head on the pillow. "I didn't feel like seeing anyone, and I still don't."

"Are you feeling that bad?"

"Do you know how many stitches I have? Do you know how many wounds I have?"

"I asked Rory how serious it was. He said that you were stabbed ten times."

"It would have been more if I wasn't defending myself."

"That's because you're strong...stronger than me and stronger than McDaniels. You survived. You should let people see that you've survived."

He closes his eyes. "I don't have a spleen."

Tivoli is taken aback slightly, but leans in closer. "I don't have tonsils," she chuckles, "but I'm still whole. So are you."


The sardonic tone backs her away and erases her smile. She shakes her head and looks around. "I need to sit down." She finds a small armchair standing in front of the window behind her.

"Girlfriend, huh?"

"It worked, didn't it?" She sits in front of him and takes in the unsettling image. The blanket covers half of him, but the part she can see makes her pensive. His gown hides his abdominal muscles, a feature that he likes to show off. She points at the wrapped dressing on his right wrist. "Defensive wounds."

"Yes. How did you know?"

"Trust me, I know. Listen, I understand how you're feeling, and if I could--"

"Were you stabbed ten times?"

"I killed McDaniels." She looks at him timidly. Her voice is low enough now that it piques the jaguar's interest. It is the quietest it has been all day. She reaches toward him and holds his right hand. "I mean, I started the process, but he is dead. The job is done."

"Job? What job?"

"Have you forgotten what it is we were supposed to do?"

Paraná scoffs. "The job was over when I got stabbed. You didn't kill anybody. You weren't ready; I hadn't taught you anything yet."

She tightens her grip on his hand. "McDaniels came back without you and tried to have sex with me. I played the part for as long as I could, but something had to be done."

"You killed McDaniels?" He looks on at her in disbelief while she nods happily. "You killed McDaniels?"

"Not so loud...and yes. I did. It was hard and it took forever. It's not something I want to relive any time soon. When I was finished, Crevecoeur came and took me away." She bows her head, looking very apologetic. "Don't worry. I remembered all the advice you gave me...and all your words of encouragement stayed with me the entire time. I waited for your arrival up until the time that killing him myself was inevitable. I came out just fine...and he came out dead." She laughs.

Paraná's eyes widen and his nostrils flare. "You killed McDaniels?!"

Tivoli watches as her friend suddenly changes. His breathing quickens, his heart beats faster, and his hands clutch the bedsheet. She watches the metamorphosis with concern and stutters to find the right words to say.

"You killed him? How could that happen? How did you kill McDaniels?!"

She looks at the open door, hoping nobody heard him, and gently tries to shush him. "I just stabbed him...again and again...over and over. It took all I had to bring him down. Call Crevecoeur if you don't believe me."

"But you didn't learn anything!"

"You don't need to learn how to use a knife."

"But I didn't teach you anything! I can believe you just...." He inhales deeply, turns his head, and coughs. He is taking everything he has just heard with great difficulty. After seeing him cough several times, Tivoli tries to reach to him. She puts a hand on his shoulder only to have it swatted away.

The ocelot jerks back in her chair, looking at him with calm surprise. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No!" He inhales loudly through his mouth, as if in pain, and shakes his head. "You did nothing wrong. I should have been there. I'm your handler; I should have been there."

"I couldn't wait any longer. It wasn't your fault. Everything worked out great in the end. The mark was caught and I got paid."

"You got...paid?"

"Crevecouer paid me thirty thousand dollars. Hoeness delivered it. Wait a second." She stands and fishes out some money from her purse. She places it on the jaguar's lap. "That's a thousand dollars. The rest is in my room, hidden from Karen. It just showed up at the doorstep."

"He...paid you?!" He looks at and holds the money in disbelief. It does not look like happy disbelief. Still breathing heavily, he counts the money. The anger he feels makes him sit up on the bed; his strength seems to return to his body.

Tivoli clears her throat and remains calm. "I mean us. He paid us. That's most of what I came to tell you. We're gonna be all right. I've got enough money to move out of Karen's house...and into yours. I'll be staying with someone who actually wants me around. I'll pay my own way and help around the house. It'll be great for both of us."

A low growl seeps from Paraná's throat. He still has the money in his hands, which are now balled up into his tight fists. He bows his head to muffle the growling. If Benjamin Franklin could talk, he would be begging for mercy.

"What's the matter? Don't you want me to live with you?"

He grits his teeth. "You were mine to teach. He took me away from you...and now he's paid you!"

"He paid us! It's as much yours as it is mine. And Crevecoeur didn't take you away. We can still work together."

"You said he paid you! If they go to where you live that means the money is yours, not mine!"

Before she can speak again, Tivoli instinctively ducks as Paraná throws the money at her. The bills fly over her head and hit the window behind her. A few of the bills flutter to the floor. She stands with fright and backs away. "What's the matter with you?" She runs to the window and starts to pick up the mess. It does not take long and is a relatively easy task. She stuffs the paper in her purse before returning the jaguar, whose hands are covering his face. "Are you all right?"

Paraná's breathing is deep and shaky. "Just go," he says through his hands.

"What's that?"

"Leave! Take your damn money and go back to Crevecoeur!"

Now it is the ocelot's voice that shakes. "Listen, I'll be angry at whoever you want me to be angry at. Just please don't be mad at me." She leans forward and places her left hand on his hands. Once he feels it, he pulls his hands away to reveal the angriest face she has ever seen on him. She also sees tears starting to form. "I did do something wrong, didn't I?"

"I'm sure he'll be better to you than I was."

"You're talking nonsense! Are you mad at Crevecoeur because he took charge? Are you mad at yourself for getting stabbed?" She watches as he returns his hands to his face. Her reaction softens and she reaches out to caress his hands. Seconds later, Paraná starts to cry. It is not too audible, but it is clear from the way his hands are pressing against his cheeks. She gasps and stands. "Or are you mad because I got the mark and you didn't?"

The jaguar quickly pulls the covers over his head and sniffs loudly. He moans softly as he cries and does not answer her question. In return, she closes her mouth and returns to her seat, looking uncomfortable and unsure. She tries to think of something to say and clears her throat politely. "I'm sorry," she whispers.

"Are you still here?!"

She closes her eyes. "Yes, I am, and...I'm not going anywhere. I came all this way to see you. I drove more than twenty miles and...." A tear falls from her right eye. It catches her by surprise and she quickly wipes it away. "Great." She decides to leave her chair and sit on the bed. Her tail drapes across his legs and she gently places a hand on his abdomen.

"You've got paid and now you've seen me. You got what you came for. Just go enjoy your money." His voice sounds light and frail.

"Please listen to me." She sniffs again and scoots herself closer to him, until she is almost sitting on his legs. "I know I have all this money now, and I know that I just got it from someone you hate, but...." Another tear falls; she wipes it off quickly. "I'm not gonna cry; I've been doing that all day."

"Don't you have a hunt to prepare for?"

"My final apprentice hunt, yes. Truth is...I haven't been to work since I killed McDaniels. That night was brutal, just terribly brutal. I've been trying to forget it ever happened. Since then, I've been staying at Karen's house, eating, watching TV, slacking off. In the evenings, I'd drink. I mean, I already do drink, but I've been stealing Karen's drinks and getting hammered off them. I've...tried to forget and I just can't. Then Hoeness came with the money and it opened my eyes. Whether I forget McDaniels or not, I chose this new life and I have a job to do. I've been crying all day just thinking about it. The weight is just so heavy." She reaches up and tries gently to pull the covers off his face. She pulls until she can see his eyes. "I need help. I need your help."

He angrily turns his head and tries to ignore her, even though she is practically on top of him. She is not deterred, even as he grits his teeth and continues growling.

"I'm scared to continue, but I have the money and I have you. The money gives me a reason to go on, and you give me support. I could use that right about now." She smiles once he starts to look at her. "Nothing's really changed. Even though you're no longer my handler, I still can't do this without you. I need you."

Paraná slowly raises himself out of his hiding place.

"You've told me over and over again that once my three hunts are finished and I'm officially accepted, I'd be on my own. But I don't believe that you'd leave me by myself, not after all we've been through together these past three weeks. You've given me more confidence than I've ever gotten from my own parents. Every time you were there, I always felt good, even when I was in harm's way."

"You clearly don't need me anymore."

"That's not true!" Her right hand grabs his left shoulder. Her left hand strokes his forehead. "Would I be this close to you if I still didn't need you?" She leans closer until their noses touch. "And I think you need me too. I don't know why you're angry, but it's over. McDaniels is gone and we're still alive. You and me." She kisses his nose, waits a couple of seconds, then really makes her move.

Paraná is startled and places his hands on her shoulders, maybe trying to push her away. She responds by planting both hands on his cheeks and kissing his mouth. He tries to speak, but can only mumble. She presses down, closes her eyes, and parts her lips. Despite his resistance, they are kissing each other. It lasts for more than half a minute; halfway through it, he stops fighting.

Tivoli moans softly as she lets go. She lifts her head and shows a broad smile. A tear falls down her left cheek, causing her to laugh. It is a sad but genuine laugh. She wipes it away and says, "I've been wanting to do that for so long."

"Are you all right?" he asks.

"I am, but you've got a bit of a fever."

"Exactly why do I need you when I have nurses and doctors helping me?"

"You live alone, silly. Someone's got to look after your house. Just give me your keys and I'll move in right away."

"You never miss an opportunity, do you?"

"This is the perfect time to say goodbye to my housemate, and hello to something...much better." She laughs again while observing his reaction. He still has a sour look on his face. "Come on, cheer up. You now have a live-in maid. And, when I get back to the office, I'll tell everyone how you're doing."

"I'm...not sure living with me will be such a good thing."

"We never know until we try." She sniffs and wipes her eyes. "I promise I'll share the money with you. Just please let me move in and you won't regret it."

Paraná sighs heavily and wipes his face. The defeatist look on his face is so unlike his usual demeanor. He seems to be giving up, little by little. "The keys are in the usual place, under the fake rock by the door."

She giggles and stands. "Thanks. Do you...want me to stay just a little longer? I'd hate to see you lonely. You must've been cooped up by yourself in here for a while."

"I'm never alone. In fact, I imagine that in just a couple of hours, the police will be here to take my statement." His eyes start to water again.


"I was stabbed, remember? Now I have to tell them how. I don't know what to say, but I have to tell them something."

"Oh, that's right." She returns to the bed and sits next to him. "All right. I'll help you think of something."

"No, please don't. I don't want you to get in trouble."

The look on her face darkens. "Don't chase me away. I'm gonna help you think up a story." She licks her lips in anticipation. "We're in this together. We just leave McDaniels out of it and half the battle is won."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Wednesday, August 14, 2014. It's 5:05 p.m. Time for your local evening news. Later in the hour, the two owners of The Shark Pit will be in the studio telling us how life after the bar raids has been going for them. But first, there are signs of a breakthrough in the murder investigation of Pamela Daltrey and Simon Thompson. They were killed on Sunday, August 10th and up until now, there have been no leads. However, early this morning, police seem to have found a valuable clue. A single hair was found on the bedroom carpet next to the bed where the couple was found. All police can tell us so far is that it is straight and white...and belongs to neither of the victims. That piece of evidence has been taken to the crime lab for further analysis. The L.A. Department's best trackers have also been called to action. We are told that they will truly know where it came from in less than a day. In the meantime, funeral services for Mrs. Daltrey are now set...."

Tivoli parks the Jetta at the rear of the lending office building and stays in the car for a minute. The blinds to the cafeteria windows are up and she can see inside. Hoeness is standing against the farthest wall, counting the dollar bills in his hand. He does not look too happy. Inverness and Camille come into view. The two seem to be having a spirited conversation. The cat has an apple in one hand and small knife in the other. She peels it while listening to the Scottish terrier. It looks like they are all waiting for something because they are simply lounging around the cafeteria. Suddenly, Mieri appears through the door to Hoeness' right. To everyone's surprise, the red panda yells out something and goes back through the door. Everyone in the room follows her.

Tivoli takes this time to get out of the car. It looks like she has already been spending her pay. She is wearing a yellow shirt covered by what look like brand new denim overalls. There is a shiny, new, silver necklace with a blue pendant on her as well. She has just left the company of her former handler and feels a lot better as a result. She sports a cute grin as she enters the building through the back door.

The ocelot walks tall, as small as she is, and closes the door as if making an announcement. She looks around the now empty cafeteria and nods as familiarity starts to set in. Everything is exactly as she remembers it, but cleaner than before. She goes to the refrigerator and looks inside. There are about a dozen bottles of water and juice drinks inside, along with a couple of cans of soda. Most of them are labeled with the names of a few of the workers. She grabs an unlabeled bottle of water and laughs. "Finders keepers," she says.

The bottle now hers, Tivoli exits the cafeteria and enters the hallway. The mood inside the dark corridor still unnerves her a little, but she is not the only one there. There are loud voices emanating from the conference room and the locker room. On her left, she can see Mieri, sitting on the bench in front of the lockers, singing to herself as she cuts her toenails. On the right, she can hear Inverness' voice negotiating with Ted. She smiles at the sound of the executive.

A minute later, she is staring at the brightly-lit lobby, where a smattering of workers slowly takes off through the front door. Left in the room are Hoeness and Crevecoeur. As soon as Tivoli sees them, she stops smiling and folds her arms. The two are having a bit of an argument.

"It's not right," Hoeness says. "I've slaved for more than two weeks for this assignment. I made incessant phone calls, I spent money on jewelry and fancy food, and I even...." He shakes his head in disgust. "I even went in disguise as another dog, and was once in makeup for three straight days! And you're telling me that--"

"I understand and admire your sacrifices." Crevecoeur folds his arms almost the exact way the ocelot is folding hers. "But this problem is beyond me. I don't control the finances and I don't put money in the treasure chest. I'm sorry."

"These pay cuts are bullshit."

"You still have seventy five hundred. If you still feel you need to be reimbursed, then maybe I can give you something to make up for what you've lost."

Hoeness chuckles angrily and shakes his head. "No thanks. I'm pretty sure you don't have much left, not after you've given thirty grand to that--"

"Careful." The human points at the dog. "Tivoli earned every penny. Don't you badmouth her in front of me."

"I don't...." The German Shepherd stops and listens. Seconds later, he quickly pivots to his right and sees the ocelot staring innocently at them. He closes his eyes tightly and resists the urge to growl. A huge breath escapes him and he nods. "Not to worry. I've got nothing to say." He looks at the feline and waves.

She raises her right hand, not sure if she should wave back.

As Hoeness leaves, Crevecoeur now notices her. His mouth opens in surprise. "Hi there," he says quietly.

She puts her hand down and swallows. "Hi."

"Damn. That dog's ears are sharp. I didn't notice you at all. How've you been?" He walks closer, staring at her like she was a long, lost friend.

Tivoli is nervous and now looks much smaller. She acts that way too, putting her hands behind her back and slowly side-stepping the man. "Well, I'm, uh...I'm better now. I've just left Paraná a couple of hours ago and then I went--"

"You went shopping." He laughs softly and closes in. "You're spending it already?"

"Well, not a lot of it. I don't look too different, do I?"

"My daughters would kill for sneakers like those. What they set you back? Four hundred, five hundred dollars?"

Tivoli looks at her feet, surprised by what sounds like an allegation. "No...I didn't splurge. These shoes were only forty bucks."

"More like a hundred and forty. Do you really need new shoes?"

"I like to jog. I jog a lot."

"Nah, I was only kidding about the price." He boldly pats her left shoulder. "Don't worry about it. They're nice shoes."

The ocelot backs away, looking at her shoulder as if it had just been infected. Her breath shakes and her knees buckle.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm sorry. I'm still a bit...overwhelmed by you, by everything."

"How come? There's nothing about me that's different from the other people you'll work under, that is...." He puts his hands in his pockets and hangs his head in the bad-news sort of way. "That is if you're allowed to come back."

"What does that mean? If I'm allowed?"

"Well, I told Ted everything. I had to, but I tried to make him sympathetic to your plight. He feels for you and wants to give you all the time you need to recover. But on the day you decide you want to return to hunting, he wants to see you for a thorough evaluation. That's how he puts it anyway."

"How thorough?"

"Well, I guess it'll be like an interview, only a bit more intrusive. I guess he wants to ask how you're doing mentally, whether your brains are frazzled after taking such a task. It also...doesn't help that I mentioned that I was the one who ultimately killed the mark while you waited in the car."

"No, I guess not. I really want to explain my case. I know Ted's here; I heard him a few minutes ago. Could we do the evaluation now?"

"Now?!" Crevecoeur chuckles and shakes his head. "Now's not the time, I'm afraid. Some of the workers are having an emergency meeting with Ted in the conference room. Most of them just left, but Inverness, Winter and...a couple of others are still there. It's rather contentious."

"Yeah, Hoeness looked mad. His pay got lowered?"

"Everybody's did. It's a long story. I understand the chief's reasoning, but I'd hate to be her tomorrow morning. I'll tell you what. You come here first thing in the morning, before the meeting, and I'll meet you here and let you in. We'll wait for Ted together. Since I'm your handler now, I'll do everything in my power to defend you." He watches her agree with a nod. "Great. By the way, I'm sorry about Paraná. I know you care about him a lot and it looks like I give him grief, but I really am."

Tivoli grins with relief. "He's doing well. He'll be glad to know you're thinking of him."

"I highly doubt it." He passes the ocelot on his way to the hall.

"Listen, I'd like to apologize about that day. I thought I was looking out for Paraná, but I realize now I was being an ass to you. You were telling me how you taking over as my tutor was for the best for everybody, but I didn't want to listen. Now that Paraná's gone--"

"You want to get in my good graces, huh?"

"I've got one more hunt left before I'm official. I want to get rid of it as soon as possible. That's why I want to see Ted today. I want to tell him I'm all right. If I can't see him, I want to see Winter at least. I haven't seen her in days."

"Listen." Crevecoeur fishes in his pockets and pulls out a small photograph. He only shows Tivoli the back of it, leaving her curious. "I've got your next hunt right here. It's worth ten grand and I think it's one you can do. Question is, are you mentally fit enough to do it? I mean...Saturday night was a long night. After it was over, let's be honest, you looked like a rape victim. Are you all there?"

She sighs and clasps her hands behind her back, holding the base of her tail. "I'll be honest too. I can't get Mr. McDaniels out of my head. I've been seeing him in my sleep every night since it happened." A smile suddenly appears. "But after seeing that Paraná is okay, I think I'll be fine. McDaniels failed to kill him and he won't kill me too. As long as I remember all that, I'll be fine mentally. And I know that visiting hours are nearly over, but if I can get Paraná to agree to it, the nurses can let me stay with him overnight. I'll be better than okay then."

He puts the picture back in his pocket. "I'm glad. I don't think you can see Ted tonight, but Winter will be very glad to see you." He leads the way into the hall. They barely enter the darkness when they hear a noise coming towards them. Someone is humming a song. "Who's there?" Crevecoeur asks.

"Good evening again, sir," Mieri shouts. "Sorry I left the meeting early, but Ted makes me uncomfortable when he's mad."

"Yeah, that's his style. So, what do you think? Your next pay's gonna be reduced."

"Yeah. When I was told there was going to be a meeting this evening in the conference room, I knew it would be bad news. But to tell you the truth sir, I didn't care too much about it. I've chosen a mark, but I haven't gotten around to chasing him yet. I still need to work some stuff out."

"What stuff? Oh, by the way, this is Tivoli, our newest recruit. She 's about to become your workmate."

Though it is dark, Mieri can see her just fine. She gives her a jaded look. She waves but does not watch her wave back. "Hi there. Look sir, you don't need to worry about me. I've just got some personal issues that are bothering me. It shouldn't take me long to resolve them."

"Are they interfering with your work? Do you need to see Miranda?"

"Um...she makes me uncomfortable. I'd prefer to see my parents. I won't be away for long."

"And you're sure the mark's not gonna get away before you're actually ready to get him?"

"I'll be fine sir. Excuse me."

"By the way, Ted says that this is your first mark since the fourth of July. Where were you all that time?"

The red panda looks down and shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I'm not ready to say." Before Crevecoeur can respond, she runs by them, bumping the ocelot's right shoulder as she leaves. The two look back at her and watch her disappear.

Tivoli shakes her head in surprise. "She looks amazing. And I thought my tail was long. What's wrong with her?"

"Who knows? She's a very good worker, but she's also very distant. Let's continue, shall we?"

When the reach the conference room, they can hear Ted's voice. He is the only one that is speaking. He sounds angry and authoritative. When Crevecoeur opens the door, the voice rings in loud and clear. Before they can enter, Winter appears at the doorway. The wolf almost bumps into the human before stepping back.

"Hello," Crevecoeur says with a smile. "Going somewhere?"

"To the restroom...." The sight of Tivoli makes her beam. "Well there you are!"

Tivoli giggles. "Hi there. It's been a while."

"Yeah, it has. You have to tell me what you've been up to. So, are you in?"

"Not yet, but I think it's looking good."

As the three talk, the VIVIAN CROSS door opens, surprising Tivoli into stepping back. Tobias comes out, holding a piece of paper in one hand and dusting himself off with the other. He looks at the three and hesitates. "Good evening."

Winter smiles, Tivoli waves, and Crevecoeur folds his arms angrily. "You're early. Are you punching in?"

"Actually, this punch card is Pamila's. She wants me to punch her out. Actually, since you're here, could you do it?"

"Already? It's not even 5:30. What's she done?"

"She says he came in an hour earlier than usual and cleaned the cafeteria. She also says she wanted to clean the conference room, but Ted chased her out so he could meet with the others."

"Hmm. I'm glad you're handling this so responsibly. But never forget that keeping an eye on her is very important; if she's giving you any problems, you gotta let us know. Her future is in your hands. So tell me, how's she been doing? Has her work been satisfactory?"

"Well, she's a bit of a handful. She always wants to get things done right away before I tell her how Mrs. Cross actually wants them done. But when she does it, it's all right. She's actually quite capable."

Crevecoeur nods. "Well, as long as you're satisfied, I guess she's doing fine."

Winter scoffs. "I think she's an ass." She turns to Tobias. "Good thing you're keeping her occupied, huh boss?" She laughs and straightens her black, leather miniskirt. "You are keeping her in line, right?"

The boy shakes his head. "With her, there is no line."

"Just try your best. Keep that fox on a tight leash. Shiloh and I don't need any more problems." The wolf turns to Tivoli and pats her shoulder. "I'll see you later." She takes her leave, almost running to the restroom.

Crevecoeur looks at the punch card that the janitor is holding. "I don't yet trust Pamila. I'm not sure I should take that," he says angrily.

Tobias nods. "I'm pretty sure you should."

"Why? Nobody asked her to come here early. Cleaning hours aren't until after work."

"Yeah, but she says she's cleaned already and is ready to go. She also says if I don't punch her out, she'll punch me out."

"Uh huh. That's her alright. Give it to me." He takes the time card and holds the door open for Tivoli. "After you."

Tobias watches the ocelot and his uncle enter the conference room. After the door is closed, he returns to the chief's office. He closes the door quietly and runs to the mahogany desk. He sits in front of it and presses a button on the open laptop. A picture comes into view and shines a bright light on his chest. He laughs and says, "Okay. I'm back."

The computer screen shows an enlarged picture of the living room of a house. It is digitally foggy, but the items in the room are still noticeable. There is a couch with a floral pattern standing next to a small rack of DVDs. Suddenly, a large, white, furry face pops in to view. The face's eyes are wide open and its mouth bares sharp, white teeth. A loud, strong laugh come out of it and causes Tobias to lower the volume.

"Sorry about that. I had some other business I had to attend to."

"No, that's all right." Mariana lowers her head. "Am I too close?"

"No, you're just fine."

"Sorry. I'm new at this stuff. Zesty's the tech savvy one. So where were we?"

"You were telling me about Fresno."

"Yeah, that's right. We were talking about housing prices, but you haven't told me why you're interested. You moving somewhere? You thinking of moving here?"

"Not really. I was just curious."

Mariana nods and sits on the couch. "You are moving here, aren't you? Congratulations."

"I wish I was, but that's not it. There's someone here looking for a house and thought I could help."

"Oh yeah? Who is it?"

"Nah, can't tell you. She'd kill me."

The Maltese laughs and puts a hand to her forehead. "Oh, my God, it's Pam!" She laughs even louder and accidentally knocks her computer down. Tobias sees the picture bounce a couple of times until it lands on the carpeted floor. A view of Mariana's left foot comes into view for a few seconds before she picks up her device and places it somewhere more stable. "Sorry about that. I'm right, aren't I? I mean, there's nobody else there who would flaunt their riches by saying they're buying a new house. So, am I right? "

"Please don't tell anyone."

"Who can I tell? I'm not there anymore. But I'm glad to know she's finally moving out of that dingy apartment. She's been in there for, like, three years. She's coming up in the world. Listen. There are plenty of foreclosed houses that can be had for cheap. They are just as good-looking as any at full price. That's true all over California these days. I know she likes to spend big, but tell Pam to lower her standards and start small. She'll save money that way. Anyway, that's enough about me and Fresno. Now tell me about you. What have you been up to since I was away? You know, besides you now being Pam's boss?"

"Ugh. I shouldn't have told you that. She'll kill me if she knows that you know."

"You couldn't help it. I wanted to know how the girls were doing, and you told me. Thanks. But back to you. How's my favorite human doing?"

"I'm your favorite?"

"Don't change the subject...and yes."

"Well, I'm doing well enough. I don't complain as often as I used to, but it's still kinda difficult."

"Are the guys still giving you a hard time? Or have they grown up a bit since I left?"

"Well some of them have, but it's only because they have work to do. The usual suspects still give me a hard time."

"How hard?"

"They don't flush."

"They don't...oh." Mariana covers her mouth to stifle a small laugh. "That's terrible. That's a new low."

"They're getting back at me for hitting Hoeness."

She gasps. "You hit Hoeness?"

Tobias stumbles for a defense. "Look, he was making fun of you. He started out complaining about the girls, then he saw me cleaning the coffeepot. That's when he remembered that we used to hang out a lot. He made fun of you; he made fun of our friendship. I got angry, so...." He clears his throat uncomfortably, watching as the Maltese looks back at him in anticipation. "I hit him. With the coffeepot."

Mariana laughs and applauds. It causes the boy to look around and make sure he is alone, but returns to smiling when he sees how happy his friend is. "Bravo," she says. "You didn't get in trouble, did you?"

"Well, none of the bosses know. Also, I've tried to avoid Hoeness as much as possible, and it's been working so far, but he clearly remembers because...the guys don't flush. I can't tell any of the superiors because I'll just get more of the same."

"Yeah, I know those guys. I understand completely. I'm real sorry about that. I wish I could do something."

"Me too."

The two trade sad glances. The office is strangely silent for about a minute. The young man brings his face closer to the computer screen and takes in Mariana's almost angelic features. She has not changed much since last they met. There is a small, blue bow on top of her head, but that is the only difference there is. She still has her well-groomed face and her pleasant smile.

"I wish I could put my hands on your shoulders," Tobias says.

There is not much visible below her face, but he can see her muscular, white shoulders, decorated by the straps of the dress she is wearing. She giggles in response. "Now you, I hope you're not using the chief's computer to seduce me. There's not much I can do from this far away."

"I miss you."

Mariana closes her eyes. "You know something? I regret our last day together. It was wrong the way we said goodbye. You deserved better. We both did. We didn't even kiss." She stops smiling and turns her eyes away from her webcam. Now Tobias can see her profile. "To tell you the truth," she says, "I wanted to jump your bones."

"You what?"

"I wanted it. I know you wanted it too. When we were watching the movie, we had our arms around each other. It was nice but in truth, I wanted more. I was lonely and I wanted to feel someone that night. I wanted to do more than just hold you. I wanted...everything." She turns to face Tobias once again. "I felt bad enough to do it."

"Well why didn't you?"

"Well, you are underage."

"Hey, I'll be eighteen in December."

"Yeah, but by that time, Zesty will be six months pregnant. She'll need my full attention. That has to come first. I have to help her find work, I have to help her find her next of kin, not to mention the child's bastard father, and I have to--"

"You still have a home here."

"Not for long. I'm selling the duplex. We could use the money. I haven't yet decided to permanently return to Fresno, but I don't see myself in LA's future. Not after all the hunts I've done."

"Someone here still loves you."

The Maltese blinks a few times and backs up from her computer, allowing the boy to see her top half. She puts her left hand to her chest and releases an unsteady breath. After taking a couple of deep ones, she moves closer until only her face is visible. "You know what? I love you too...and I can say that because I think about you when I'm not thinking of him." She looks depressed at first, but then she sees him smile. It causes her to snicker loudly. "Hey, would you think it would be too corny to, you know, give you a 'kiss?'"

"A kiss?" Tobias straightens his shirt.

"Yeah. I'll 'kiss' you and you 'kiss' me...and then you wipe the computer because it's the chief's." She laughs and starts to pucker.

"Hold on a minute, I think someone's coming."

"Oh. Are you leaving? You want me to sign off?"

"No, stay on, please." He stands just in time to see the fox's angry face lead her into the office. He strokes the laptop gently, trying to remain calm.

"Well, the cafeteria is as clean as my house is." Pamila coughs a couple of times, then spits in the crumpled paper towel she is holding. "Those guys make the equipment foul; it doesn't come off even after I clean. But the chief doesn't go there, so she won't notice." She turns to the boy. "So, am I done? Have you punched the card?"

"I gave it to my uncle. He's in the conference room right now. He'll do it."

"My shoes, please."


"Remember you told me that the chief notices the sneaker marks on the floor when she gets here in the morning? And that I should take them off before we begin cleaning? I gave them to you for safekeeping, you little putz! Did you misplace them?!"

Tobias backs away from the laptop and runs around the desk. "I forgot they're in Miranda's office."

Seconds after the boy runs away, Pamila slams the office door and curses silently. Her bare toes claw at the carpet, holding on to it like fists. "Idiot." She looks around the room until she sees the liquor cabinet. Even if her face still has the stain of anger on it, the fox is drawn to the glass case and the goodies inside. She takes a seat at the chief's desk and turns to face it. Since it is already clean, she does nothing but look.

"Are you being mean to Tobias?"

A startled fox stands, knocking the swivel chair aside.

"Because if you are, I'll come down there and burn those shoes."

Pamila squats until she is at eye level with the laptop screen, until her eyes meet those of the Maltese. Mariana emits a quiet laugh and waves. The "Hi" that comes out of her mouth makes the fox stand and turn away. "I'm in hell," she says, angrier than ever.

"No you're not, though I get how you'd feel that way since I heard every word you said just now. Don't worry about it, though. Tobias has told me everything and you know what? I think it's unfair."

Pamila turns back to face the computer. "You do?"

"You tried your best and you got your man, but the bosses didn't pay you and that's wrong." She looks at her hands for a few seconds, then takes a nail file from her shirt pocket. "Of course, you did kill five people."

"Hey, moron, this is an unsecure communication. Don't say the K word. And anyway, thanks for your concern."

"Was that a real thank you? I'm sorry, but sarcasm doesn't translate well through the computer."

"What else was I supposed to do, huh?! Cam Morris lived in a gated community. He was a very important guy. He was surrounded by toadies and yes-men. He was the kind of mark that Shiloh gets, a guy with government connections. I chose his picture out of all the others because I knew I could do it, and I did! It may have looked sloppy to everyone else, but it got the job done! Don't go saying that Shiloh would have done it better!"

"I won't say that." The Maltese looks at the fox, showing actual concern. "Though, he does have more experience at that sort of thing, I won't say it. I believe you did your best and I want you to have this victory. Still, did you have to break poor Colin like that?"

"Piece of shit."

"He was only doing his job."

Pamila puts her right hand on the top of her head and tugs at her right ear. She is incensed. "What are you doing?! Why are you defending them?!"

Mariana shrugs in surprise. "I like Colin. I mean, Crevecoeur is nicer, but I like Colin."

"You're defending them! Why would you do that?! They're horrible people! They were assholes to both of us! You quit because of them! I'm cleaning their shit because of them! We have something in common! You should be on my side!"

Mariana remains surprisingly calm. Pamila has obviously yelled at her like that before. "Believe it or not, I am. I'm on your side, simply because I really care for the females who work there. But let's face it. You hate me and you've got nothing but contempt for Zesty. We've been at each other's throats for so long that it's pretty much too late to turn back. So any words or actions of support I have...well, they'd be wasted, wouldn't they?"

The fox gives up with a deep, drawn out sigh and sits back on the chair. She does not face her counterpart, but turns to look at the liquor cabinet. "Where's that stupid kid with my shoes?"

"So, listen. In an attempt to let bygones be bygones, I'm gonna try to help you. I'll help you look for a house. I know a lot of places that are in your price range, and it just so happens that--"

"Who told you that?!" The fox spins to face the dog. "How'd you know I'm house hunting?"

"It just so happens that I have a duplex and...oh shit. I wasn't supposed to say anything."

Pamila covers her face. "That damned blabbermouth!"

"Stop it. Tobias is trying to help you and you should be grateful."

"Isn't it bad enough that he's telling me what to do? Do I really have to take that twerp's advice?"

Mariana's eyes narrow as her smile turns upside down. "Get past it. You're taking orders from a seventeen year old. Good for him. Get past it."

The fox rolls her eyes. "I hate you so much right now."

"That may be, but the boy doesn't hate you. You know what else? From what he's told me, you're safe in there. Doing all that janitorial work keeps you indoors, and away from prying police eyes. He's doing you a big-ass favor. You may not want to acknowledge it, but aside from Camille, Tobias is the only friend you have in that building. Insulting him doesn't help you."

Pamila leans back in the chair and looks at the ceiling. "Yeah. Whatever, bitch."

"It that means I'm right, I'll take it." Mariana chuckles at the sight of the calm, but despondent fox. "Say, I'm curious. You didn't think too much of him when I was there, but now that you're working under him, how is he? Is he a good boss? Or is he a slave driver?"

The unstoppable chuckling is getting to the fox, but she calmly looks at the Maltese and nods. "Now let me ask you something. I'm not much good with new technology, so I gotta ask. How does one work this Skype thing? I mean, for example, how would you turn it off?"

"I don't really know. I'm a neophyte, just like you. There should be directions to follow. Of course, you could always close the laptop. That should work."

"Hmm. Good."

Mariana's eyes widen. "Wait a minute. Why'd you ask?"

"So long, dick."

"Wait...wait! Don't close it! I'm still talking to Tobias! Wait...."

Pamila slams the computer closed and leaves her seat. She gives a loving glance to the liquor cabinet before heading out the door. Once outside, he sees Tobias running towards her.

"Sorry," he says. "Miranda wanted to know how I was doing. Here's your shoes."

"Thanks." She takes the sneakers without snatching them or raising her voice. She also puts them on in front of him which surprises him. He chuckles softly, then tries to sneak past her and into Vivian's office. "When will you next need me, sire?"

"Tomorrow would be nice."

She puts her hands in her back pockets. "Mmm-hmm."

"Hey! You closed it!"

"Stop bitching. Your 'girlfriend' will call you back." Pamila turns to leave, but stops in her tracks. She has just heard something; her ears swivel to pick up the noise. Suddenly, the conference room door opens in front of her and the two voices can be picked up loud and clear.

"Bye, Tivoli. Good luck with your meeting." Winter exits, followed by Inverness and Crevecoeur. The Scottish Terrier heads for the lobby, but the wolf and the human are heading the opposite direction, right toward the fox.

Pamila quickly reenters the office and closes the door quietly. Seconds later, she pulls it open slightly to observe the two in safety.

Crevecoeur leads the wolf forward; it seems he is walking to the cafeteria. Before he can get far, Winter puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "So?" she asks. "Could it really be me?"

"Not again." The executive turns to her and puts his hands on her shoulders. "I already told you. You've got nothing to worry about. The hair they found--"

"Was from my tail! I just know it! Look!" She turns her back on him and raises her tail, the tip of which brushes against his face. "You see anything missing? Please tell me there's nothing missing!"

"Hey! Put that thing away!"

With their backs now turned to her, Pamila nods and flings the door open. She turns to Tobias, "See you later, shrimp," and sneaks herself from the chief's office and into the cafeteria, disappearing from the boy's sight.

Meanwhile, Crevecoeur playfully pushes Winter toward the cafeteria. "Just take your bike and go home. Everything will be fine tomorrow, just like it was before you heard that bit of news."

"They found a strand of my fur, it's in their labs right now, and I shouldn't be worried?"

"Sure, the cops are no slouches, but you and Shiloh did the job a couple of days ago. You've had plenty of time to hide your tracks. Unless Daltrey and her lover are speaking from their graves, you and your boyfriend will be untouched. You'll be free to live your lives for a long time to come."

"I'm putting my faith in you, detective." Winter grins. "If you say that nothing bad's going to happen...."

"It won't."

"Then I guess I'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow. I wanna pick up another mark."

"What about Mr. Ambrose?"

"Shiloh's on the hunt as we speak. I know I'm the one who's supposed to be looking, but Shiloh insists I don't do this alone."

"Be careful, you two." Crevecoeur turns and heads back to the conference room. "I'm cutting you both slack for working together, but don't do it too often."

After he disappears, Winter buzzes Vivian's office on her way to the cafeteria. She notices the open door. "Bye, Tobias. Does the chief know you're using her laptop?"

The boy looks up from the computer and chuckles nervously. "I'll be real careful."

"I thought I heard voices. Who are you talking to?"

"A real good friend. You wanna say hi?"

"Nah, I gotta go. Remember, keep control of that fox. Show her who's boss." She giggles and heads to the cafeteria. Stopping by the refrigerator to get a bottle of water, she looks around her. The room is respectably clean, from the microwave next to her, to the table farthest away. "Not a bad job." She finishes half the bottle and puts it back in the fridge.

On her way out the back door, she pulls her cell phone out from her shirt pocket and dials a number. She barely puts it to her ear when she hears the words coming from her mate. "Hi, honey. I'm done here. Coming home."

The motorcycle is standing under a tree in the rear lot. There is a red car next to the hog; otherwise, the lot is deserted. She walks quickly and chuckles, presumably and something her lover has just said. "I went to see if I could pick up a mark since I missed the meeting this morning. I ended up staying for a different meeting. We're getting pay cuts."

She reaches the motorcycle and pulls the keys out of her skirt pocket with her free hand. "Shiloh, I'm not worried. As long as we've got enough saved for emergencies, then I'm not worried. Listen, I'm on my way. I just wanna stop at The Shark Pit for a pick-me-up. I'll be home in an hour."

Winter stuffs the phone in her shirt pocket and puts the keys in the ignition. The red car next to her starts to pull away and head toward the street. She smiles and straddles the bike. "Right behind you." She starts the motorcycle and looks at the back seat for her helmet.

Suddenly, the red car backs up. Shielded by the motorcycle noise, its rear inches closer to the wolf. As Winter is about to back up herself, the car increases speed. Its screeching tires foreshadow a heavy impact. Seconds later, it rams into the oblivious wolf.

First, Winter is about to take off, then she flies off, landing on her back and rolling a couple of feet. The red car continues backing up and stops only once its rear wheels are over the bike. It stands on the black and silver machine just long enough for the wolf to see what tried to run her over. She gets on all fours and shakes her head vigorously, trying to regain her faculties.

The vehicle pulls forward, releasing the motorcycle from its grip. The formerly mint-condition machine now has a couple of pieces missing. The car's front door opens, revealing a very enthusiastic red fox. Pamila leaves it running as she gets out of the front seat and slowly walks forward. While inspecting the damage she has done, she notices the small, black Global Positioning System a couple of feet from where the bike lies. She picks it up, snickers, and plays catch with it, tossing it in the air and catching it, over and over.

Winter runs to the motorcycle and checks on it. It does not look like she shows any signs of harm. There is, however, considerable damage to her ride. She tries to stand it up, then her ears perk up. Quickly she turns around and sees her adversary.

Pamila immediately waves hello. "Nice weather we're having."

It takes the white wolf just a few seconds to put it all together--she has just been hit. She looks back at the motorcycle, then returns her now furious gaze to the fox. Her tail hangs between her legs. A low growl starts to form.

Pamila naively focuses her attention on the GPS. She tosses it up and down without a care in the world. When she hears the growling, she turns to Winter and says, "These things make you stupid. You know that, right?"

Winter balls her hands and lurches forward. Without backing away, Pamila throws the GPS right at the wolf's face. It hits her in the nose. The impact causes her to stagger backwards and she trips one of the Harley's mirrors. She falls backwards and lands on the back of her head.

"See what I mean?" The fox laughs and returns to her still-running car. Supremely satisfied, she adjusts the rear view mirror, steps on the gas, and turns to see the mess she is leaving behind. "By the way, not a big fan of those panties. Pink is not your color."