Candy Mouse- Living with her dad

Story by Saffron Girl on SoFurry

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#2 of Stories

This is the second part about Candy's life. I hope you enjoy it and please don't forget to comment and vote!

Living with my dad was alright. Not terrible....but not brilliant either. We lived in a cupboard of and old warehouse. Although, it was deserted, running out to get food (which was my main job) was case another animal heard. Luxrays wondered around at night, and were prone to any noise - and food.

I had an encounter with one of those Luxrays once. One night, my dad was asleep on a box, with a scrap of paper as a blanket, which meant that he couldn't help me get food. I went off alone, as slowly as a mouse can manage, until the noise of a rustle of leaves seemed to be coming from outside. Minutes later, there was a crash and the quiet paws of a Luxray pading along the hard floor. I zoomed to another box which was in full view of the intruder. He pawed at it, the tipped it over. I gave a big squeal, so the Luxray knocked the box to reveal a small mouse crouching down.

"Please don't bite me.." I whimpered quietly.

"I'm friendly,"the Luxray reassured me,"and I don't bite."

So I got up and stared in wonder at this oddly coloured Luxray. He was blue and purple, instaed of black and blue. "Nice colours for a boy", I smiled.

"Boy? I'm a girl! Laura!" she laughed. She must have laughed pretty loudly though, because a pack of them started chasng me. One stepped on my tail, and another on my foot. Once they left, Laura took me back to the cupboard.

"Get well soon....what's your name?"

"Candy," I disliked my own name now, because it made me think of that. My mum called me it as that was her favourite food, and the colour of my tail was like toffee. Hmm. Toffee. How was he getting on?

"Well get well soon Candy," Laura grinned. Then as she was walking away, she turned back.

"Friends, right?" she asked.

"Best friends. See you soon!" As I said it, the was a twist of guilt in my stomach. What about Toffee? Wasn't he my best friend? I decided he was my boy-friend (as in a best friend who was a boy. Laura was my real best friend).

When I was home, my dad woke up, so I got a big telling off about how dangerous it is, going out without telling him, an that I could have been killed. While he was saying that I was thinking "I could get killed any night. He sends me off everyday!" Luckily I didn't say it aloud. If I did, I could get my ear tweaked off.

It carried on in this boring way - wake up at 9:00pm, I hunt for food, eat it, dad goes to sleep, he wakes up and hunts for food, eat it, then it's supper time and it's my turn to go off to search. Most of the time I meet Laura, and she helps me find the food. Once we have the food, we travel back to the cupboard which I call home now. After saying goodbye we (me and my dad) eat, then t's good-night and it starts all over again.

After a month of living like this, I felt all crazy and cooped up with this dull routine and this dull home, so the first day of spring, with weak sunshine coming through the windows in the warehouse, I took my leave. With boots which were seemingly stuck to my feet, a paintbrush tail (the brush and boots became permanent after the Luxray trample), a handful of paintings and a lot of imagination I set off into the big wide world. I didn't tell my dad though. If he found out, I would be forced back into the tire of the daily procedure again. My first stop was in the "Eternal Forest", which was one of the most spookiest, historical-est (if that's a word) mythic places on the world of animals, Pokemon and people.

I journeyed in, searching for the Luxray pack, hoping to find them so I could meet Laura. It was a scary voyage though. A thick fog was everywhere, which was, supposedly, the ghost and spirirts of knights, Pokemon and brave people. A glint was coming from all directions, and long shadows loomed over gatherings of leaves, stones and random forest objects. My mum had told me a story about this forest....

"Long ago, before we were alive, Eternal Forest wasn't a forest. It was more of a village packed with shops, people and Pokemon. However, the village leader, who was called Millis and a Hariyama as a partner, got into a fight with another village leader. Both the villages got into the fight, and it became a mini war. You couldn't trust anyone. At the height of the battle, a bright light shone in the sky, and a Pokemon came through. Although Pokemon are never too aggresive to humans, this time they were. It used an attack which no one knew, and within a few minutes, the two villages were silent. Everyone had died. Pokemon lay lifeless on the ground, humans, with confused looks on their faces and maybe some swords or remains of a Pokemon attack on their back, were slumping there. A couple survived but were from opposing villages. They had a fight, and they were killed too. Eventually wildlife grew over the bodies, rotting them away, and the battle was forgotten. But their lost souls still creep around the forest, so many that it seemed like there was dog everywhere, and they try to haunt any passer bys that come in their reach...."

That was what my mum said. I thought it was a story, but it didn't seem like it. I just hoped it wasn't true, otherwise I might have something coming.....