Aren Goldie's Back Story

Story by Aren19 on SoFurry

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#1 of My Characters

Well, here is Aren's back story. This is one part out of six/seven detailing all of my character's back stories. This is leading up to a series that will revolve around these characters.


There is vore in this story, but it will NOT be the focus of the story.

Characters © Me

Aren Goldie grew up as a yellow hedgehog. He had a father named Aaron and a mother named Alisa. His life was pretty much normal. On his fifth birthday, he received a pet feral wolf from his father. He named this wolf Wolfie. Aren only had one friend, a black and blue dragon named Wulf. After getting Wolfie, Wulf and Aren played with Aren's new chemistry set. After mixing some ingredients, both Aren and Wulf drank the contents. Wulf's belly started to growl and, without thinking, picked Aren up and swallowed him whole. Wulf was freaking out as his belly moved around, a combination of Aren squirming and Wulf's body digesting him. While Wulf was crying, Aren was reformed asleep and laying against a nearby tree. Wulf hugged his friend and was so glad he was alive. The strangest thing was that both Aren and Wulf wanted to eat each other again. Over time, they've grown to love eating each other and even found out later on that their penis's and tail holes could consume themselves as well. By the time Aren was 10, he was squirming playfully in Wulf's mouth, but Alisa walked in on Wulf with Aren half inside the dragon's mouth. Without wanting to hear an explanation, Alisa called the cops.

At a juvenile center, Wulf was about to be taken in until he was 18. With no parents to speak of, he was devastated that he wouldn't get to see Aren anymore. Wulf gave Aren a goodbye kiss and was taken inside. Aren walked back inside his parents car and didn't understand what was going on when he and his parents reached the entrance to their tiny village. Aaron dragged Aren out of the car and threw him outside the entrance. Aren tried to get back into the village, but his father yelled at him and it was known right then and there that neither one of his parents wanted to see him again. Aaron dragged Wolfie out of the car as well and gave him to Aren. As Aren was trying to run after his parents, they drove away, leaving a very confused and saddened Aren.

It was 7 years later that Aren and Wolfie found an abandoned house and decided to settle in. It was hidden deep in the forest on the outskirts of a little town. Aren, still loving to eat live things, got a letter from the VOCT. He had heard of others who could do what he could and was excited to meet more who were like him. He didn't survive long in the tournament and found out that the tournament's powers didn't allow him to reform! He was dead, or so he thought. When Sparky won the tournament and freed all of the other contestants, Aren was freed too, only he wasn't a hedgehog anymore; he was a golden retriever!

He examined his body all over and was dumb founded. Something happened to his soul that no one seems to be able to explain. He returned home, but not without trying to explain to his beloved Wolfie that it was him. It didn't take Wolfie long to realize it was Aren. Ever since the tournament, things seemed pretty normal for Aren. He was taking a walk when someone walked up behind him and drugged him. Aren passed out in the stranger's arms and was carried away from the peaceful town. When he next woke up, he was strapped down on a cold table. He tried to pull free, but to no avail. He asked what was going to happen and an unrecognizable voice answered him: he was being examined. After the tournament, a science facility named Noire Corp was watching Aren closely. They saw him change species when the tournament ended and were wondering if they could recreate it.

Aren wasn't getting any say in the matter. A scientist covered in a white hazmat suit injected Aren with a needle and Aren's body began to shake. Due to the shock of the injection, Aren passed out. The scientists watched in awe as Aren's canine body started to retract and turn more feline. Where his golden fur stoof soon became more brighter until his fur was completely white. Black stripes appeared all over his body. His eyes turned into a deep red. His tail and muzzle were the most effected. His muzzle shrunk and his tail became less fluffy and more flexible. After Aren's transformation, the CEO of Noire Corp called into the lab below and told them to begin the experiment.

The scientists were in shock. Everyone who had originally gone under that experiment died. The CEO told them to trust her; she believed that Aren was different. The scientists hesitantly lowered a giant, flat circle down, hovering over Aren. The scientists flipped the switch and electricity flowed between the circle and Aren. After about five minutes, the electricity stopped flowing and Aren had a pulse. The scientists observed the passed out tiger, but didn't notice a change. Soon, the colors on Aren's body started to reverse. Aren's stripes turned white and his body fur turned black. His hair turned from black to white and any clothes on Aren evaporated. All except his black crescent moon necklace. Aren's eyes shot open and he violently pulled the arm restraints off the table. He shot up and lifted his left hand, shooting a blue fireball across the room. A scientist came up from behind him and injected Aren with another needle, instantly knocking him out cold. The CEO announced the experiment was a success; they put a demon inside a host.

The scientists examined the naked tiger and was wondering why the necklace didn't evaporate like the clothes did. One of them took the necklace off and suggested to bring in some holy water simply on a hunch. When he got his requested holy water, he began to coat the entire necklace with it. He made it so the holy water would always remain present on the necklace. He put the necklace back on Aren and his body started to shake violently. Aren let out a tremendous roar as his fur coloring reverted back to normal. Once that was done, Aren's body stopped shaking and his clothes slowly came back on. The CEO ordered that they hold Aren in captivity to examine and ask the demon questions. The scientists pressed a button and converted the table into a see-through container. The necklace was taken off, but was hanging up in the box to keep the demon at bay.

Aren's colors reversed and the demon woke up, slightly less angry. With a clipboard, a female scientist asked the demon simple questions. What is your name? What kind of demon are you? and What abilities do you have? To all three questions, the demon didn't know the answer. It turns out that bringing the demon into their world caused him to lose all of his memories. For now, the scientists decided to call him Nera, a reverse of Aren's name. The scientists decided that this would be enough for today and put the necklace back on, turning Nera into Aren. As Aren woke up, he was confused as to what happened, but he did notice he was a white tiger. He heard a voice calling him. Aren looked over but couldn't see anyone talking to him. He then looked over at a nearby mirror and saw the demon Nera. Aren gasped, but realized that his reactions were copied in the mirror. Nera explained that the scientists put him inside Aren's body and they are sharing the same body.

Nera mentioned to Aren his necklace, saying that's the only thing keeping Nera from controlling Aren. Nera offered a deal: allow him to destroy the facility and Aren escapes. Aren asked if any people would get hurt and Nera laughed saying only if they don't dodge his fireballs. Aren, not seeing anyway else out, decided to take off the necklace, but kept a hold of it. Soon, Nera took over all of Aren's body except for his right hand, the hand that held the necklace. Nera punched the container and broke free. He slowly sneaked around the facility, hiding int he shadows of the darkened hallways. Whenever he was cornered, he would disappear into the darkened walls, not to be seen. Nera grabbed a self-dustruction button, made Aren carry it, and ran for it, not caring who saw him. He flew fireballs at all the hallways as he made his way for the exit. The facility was on fire as Nera jumped up onto a high hill. He looked down as he saw three figures, an umbreon, a naga, and an Alaskan husky, watch in horror as Nera pushed the button, blowing the facility up. Nera walked away from the explosion and put the necklace on, allowing Aren to take control again. After that event, Aren went back to his house. Aren and Nera's adventures are far from over though. What will happen? Will Aren ever run into those three scientists? Will Nera ever find out more about himself? All this and more will happen...when I right the actual story.