Encyclopedia Furtanica : Event, The

Story by Fawx Brownfoot on SoFurry


(This is not actually a story, but an Entry for a special project I'm working on called Encyclopedia Furtanica, a little something to explain our little furry universe of ourse, or at least my take on it. Enjoy. )

Event, The : The moment in which furkind was created. Historians are still unsure how or why this occorance happened, as the details were lost to the mists of time, but experts say many generations ago 3/4 of the human population and 1/2 of each animal species on the planet evolved mysteriously into the fur and scale breeds we know today. At the same time supposedly ancient dragons were we awakened from myth and legend, their bodies also anthropomorphized.

(All I have so far. I will work on it, adding some of the top theories from experts of how and why it happened in order to stretch it out.)