Of Hate and Attraction: Prologue

Story by Wolfyaoifanboy23 on SoFurry

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I hope you guys enjoy this... I redid my old story. Also do you guys have a tumblr. Inbox me urs!!


This is a story about me, a boy, and a bunch of stupid things. I'm 15, a fox, with bright electric blue fur instead of the normal bright orange. I'm 5, 8 and skinny, and I love the color blue. My name is Max and I'm in 8th grade. I wouldn't say that I have a lot of dirt on me, but I do. Kids can't help but spread lies and secrets and ruin each other. I have liked about four or five boys in our school and they all just blew me off like a paper bag in the wind. ANYWAY I've been here for 3 long years and it's been as boring as hell.

I'm pretty average in everything, writing, cooking, band, EVERYTHING!!! IT'S SOO BORING!! But at least I have some friends, Ivy, who is a Husky, Gabriella, who is a Lynx and really sadistic, and a arctic fox named Abby who is a total space case, and Ali who is a German Sheppard, Clarisse who is a wolf, and Scarlet, who is a fox with the normal, boring orange fur. Along with Scarlet, is her boyfriend Lex, who is a Lion and one creepy thing is, they know each other's schedules....CREEPY!! Anyway, we all sit at the same table together except for Clarisse, but we still have a good time. Overall, Life is pretty boring...Hows yours?? Is it Exciting, Magical, Stressful, Scary even?? I wish my "extravagant" life was filled with PAZZAZ!! (Did you catch the Sarcasm?)


Hi there, and welcome to my blog.

I'm Nate, your wonderful host. I'm a wolf, 15, 6,5. I have a muscular build and I love to run. Track is my life!! But enough with the introductions!! I am in 8th grade and I do well in science, P: E, and sleeping in Spanish!!

I have some friends, Derek, Mike, and a transfer student named Alex from Florida. I don't really talk to them much and they hang out with me just because I'm popular. I know i not at all, and I really don't care about that bull crap. They aren't good people at all.

I always try to have a smile on my face but sometime I get a little overcast. I'm also satisfied with life; it's not all bad, right?? If only someone would like me for who I am.... I have had too many guys and girls use me for money and so they can just be popular.

It gets really annoying...