The ones left alive: Part 1

Story by TF141john on SoFurry

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#1 of The ones left alive

My first upload! Hope you guys like this, took me awhile to get here from where I was a few months back writing very poorly.

This will be a multiple part story, fave and rate please!

Imagine a world where a terrorist attack destroys the entire west coast and in the following month, the whole world. Two former SWAT agents, Benjamin Stamm (a male fennec fox) and his partner Alexis Grant (A female wolf) must find their way out of this city and to those who can help stop the infection for good

these are their stories

I grabbed my video camera and put it on the tripod across from me. My tail swished in agitation as the thing took forever to load up and get ready. Finally, it sprung to life and I began my video message. "It's been over nine months since the west coast fell to the virus, and I think the world is still fighting it. This entire event started when the terrorist group vzpoura released a nerve gas into the air and everyone who was exposed to it became a flesh crazed maniac. I am Agent Benjamin Stamm of S.W.A.T and my partner, who is asleep, have been looking for a way to make contact with anyone out there. We need to know if anyone is still alive of the United States government, because we need to find a way to stop this infection before it's all over." The video camera gave me a low battery sign and I sighed to it. "To anyone out there who finds these tapes, please find us and tell us of what happened to the world." I closed the camera and took the D-volts out of them. I snuggled in the sleeping bag with my partner, Alexis Grant ( A rather pretty Wolfess, I really would love to get to know her better before we were throw into this mess.) Before I went to sleep, I grabbed my K-bar and closed my grip around it. As I adjusted myself into the bag, the moans of the undead were becoming more apparent as they crowded around the ground floor of the building. A few months ago I would have been fazed and sleep would be far from my reach but you get used to it after awhile, a month to be exact. I drifted off to a state of not true sleep but more like a nap, to keep myself on my toes in case something was to happen...

My partner was awake far before I was up and scouted areas where we needed to go, she always said how cute I looked while I slept but I never believed her. She sat next to me and tried to wake me up "Benny, wake up!" Alexis said almost directly into my ear. "What!" I shouted quietly back at her, Fennec foxes ears are frigging sensitive! "We need to move, there's a store nearby and it has a gun store inside it." I did need the ammo, so I got up and cleaned the supplies up. I picked my VP70 up and loaded my last mag into it, at least my last full one. Alexis got her P220 Sport out which had a lot more ammo then my gun since I've been killing most of the undead we've been forced to fight. "Ben, we need to move quickly to get the stuff without the whole city knowing we're in there. So I would like you to drop everything you don't need now." I agreed and began to take my survivor gear off ( consisting of mainly scraps of clothing that could be deemed useful, it could at least keep the cold out and my body heat from being seen by the walkers). I took it off until I just stood there in my jeans and t-shirt. "Good, keep a rush bag and your holster with you also." I picked up the bag and put the gun into my harness. I saw our rifle on the rack and grabbed it, I knew it would a use somehow and I doubt that Alexis would be opposed to another bit of protection. We lived about ten stories up from ground level and unsurprisingly that kind of drop hurts (killed the rooms first inhabitants when we got here) so we needed a large rope ladder that we made after the fire escape broke. By the time we got to ground level, the sun was just rising and we were off by the time the sun breached the horizon. We walked along the streets, the ground slightly covered in dust from the fires made during the first few months of the infection and a few dead corpses that were too decomposed to be reanimated. A tell tale groan made me leap into the nearest archway and Alexis under a car. A few walkers and a really fat survivor was screaming his head off, making the walkers bite him in the leg. I couldn't just leave this guy and knew at the same time he was a goner, Alexis knew the concept of mercy but we didn't need the attention it would bring. I raised the rifle and took aim; He was caught by a walker and laying on the ground so a head shot would not be an issue. I gave Alexis one last look before I took the shot, the bullet went off and slammed into the poor bastards head. He went silent but the undead didn't take too kind to their meal going silent and followed the shots direction, which is straight at me "Fuck, let's get out of here! Through the alleys!" Alexis yelled before getting her climbing axe out and jumping onto a fire escape over a scraped car and into the next alley. I tried to do the same but the fire escape ladder rung broke and I fell onto the car, making a lot of noise "Damn, Alexis you got that clock?" She nodded and pulled out a little alarm clock tied to a makeshift bomb I made out of some PVC pipe and some other bits of scrap I found. She tossed the bomb to me and I set the timer for thirty seconds until it went off and lit the fuse for the bomb before throwing it as far as I could, right into another car that made an even louder sound then I did falling on the car. Before I vaulted the car and reunited with Alexis, the alarm went off and all the undead crowded the small clock before a wall of plastic and metal hit them. I laughed as we ran into the park and through it on our way to the mall.

We finally made it to the store and perch on a large grassy hill "I count two of them armed with pistols and one with a club, standard raiders for that matter." Alexis said under her breath to keep quiet. I looked at her and saw she was looking through the scope of a rifle we found "Think we could take them out? If I could use that rifle-" She cut me off "But we don't have any more ammo, so we need to either sneak past them or negotiate with them, and I doubt they will be nice about their negotiations." I chuckled and noted to myself that despite her size she still could kick a grown man's ass in less time then it took to make that sentence. "We need to go in the sneaky route then, the roof tops have ports that we can access." I nodded and we snuck over to the ladder leading up to the roof.

The top of the roof was empty except for the crows that were always around in this city. There was a grate that led down to the store and it wasn't too far down "Perfect, grab the rope." I got the hook and rope from my bag and she tied it around her slender waist. "I'll go down, and tie this to something so you can slide down too." I nodded and lowered her slowly down to the floor, where she tied the hook around a stack of metal carts. I put on my gloves and slide down the rope, landing and pulling my flashlight out by instinct. "Move quick, grab some ammo and maybe some guns and get the hell out. I'm gonna find some food and batteries." I threw her one of the walkie talkies and with that we made our individual ways to move to the respective departments. It took me a bit but I made it into the sporting goods section, and to my disappointment there were very little guns and ammo. I managed to scavenge enough rounds to fill a couple of mags and took a spare rifle with ammo just in case. I nearly jumped out of my fur when something moved near me, so I drew my gun and approached the sounds origin. A trail of blood and bits of flesh led me to a gruesome sight, a small child feeding on a grown woman. She was eating large bits that made a sick sound every time she bit down, it made me want to vomit. I knew she was gone, so I pulled my knife and stabbed her in the spine to make sure it was never going to get up again. "These are the kind of decisions we make in these times brother." I spun around and was greeted by a man in light colored clothing and purple shades. "Who the hell are you?" He chuckled and threw me a cold beer. "Why don't you call me Shane, can't remember my name too much anymore." I set the can down and walked away after throwing me a set of keys to a car. "Look for my mini van, it's yours man!" And just like that he was gone. I stood there for a moment but quickly came to my senses when my walkie talkie clicked to life. "Ben! Come quick, I found something!" I ran out of the section, leaving a rose from a nearby vase on the body of the girl. When I stepped into the video section where she had motioned me from, I was stunned to find her with a small Kit. "She lost her family in here, so she hid over here. Her brothers out scavenging, so he'll be back soon. I felt so bad for her and I couldn't just leave her here! We need to help her or at least give her a better place to live." I could never say no to her but this time I knew the risk, so I could only sigh as we carried her to the back of the store where we roped in.