Wreck It Ralph: Bad Ending 1

Story by VoraciousMischief on SoFurry

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Contains: Vore and Wreck It Ralph spoilers

In this bad ending King Cybug eats Vanellope and Wreck It Ralph and wins.

The now Cybug King held onto Ralph tightly. "Let's watch her die together shall we?" He said, grinning. "It's game over for both of you." The king.. Turbo had won. He was the most powerful virus in the arcade and can take over any game he wanted. The arcade was at his mercy.

Ralph struggled, shaking in the claws of the cybrid. He couldn't get free. The cybugs closed in and Felix and Calhoun could only flee. Vanellope shook and tried to glitch. She managed to dodge the cybugs but was finally grabbed. "Wait!" Called Turbo's voice that glitched. The cybug that was about to eat her stopped. They all turned to look up at the king. They obeyed him? Ralph knew now this was not good. But was he going to help. "I don't want this little glitch to become as powerful as me.."

He flew down and Vanellope, still holding on to Ralph who struggled futily in his claws. He landed on the rainbow airhead xtremes bridge. He glares down at Felix and Calhoun that tried to get Vanellope. But the cybug king grabs the glitch and the cybugs go past him, threatening to attack the two. The king flew off to the castle. Everyone was gone so no one could help them.

He puts Ralph down on the ground only to pin him with his strong and sharp claws that easily kept him in place. Vanellope cries as she struggles and glitches but the claws kept holding her. He smirks at her and wondered how he should kill her. He was sure she would just come back... perhaps. But he would enjoy killing her again and again. He was sure he could always threaten Sour Bill to destroying her code

His stomach growled and the cybug coding was telling him to eat and kill. Eat? He looks at Vanellope then Ralph and got a dark idea. She was tiny next to Ralph but she had been a thorn in his side from the start so she was going to die. "Hmm I wonder if you taste like hard candy..." The look on her face was priceless. She knew what he was intending.

"No no please!" She begged but he just tossed her into his mouth, her body barely missing the sharpened teeth he now had. He closed his jaws and his tongue rolled around, tasting over her small body. Her screams became muffled. "Vanellope!" Ralph called out, forced to watch her die just like the king had said. He struggled to get out of his claws. But the king kept him pinned, adding weight onto him, making Ralph cough.

He savored her cries and begging that was muffled. Her taste was a mix of sweets but he could only enjoy her flavor for so long. He forced her to the back of his mouth and with a single gulp she was sent down his throat that seemed to still be able to swallow normal. He grins, feeling her glitching down to his stomach. "Mmmm tasty" He looks down at Ralph who was crying, seeing his little sister being devoured and swallowed by the cybug Turbo. "Oh hoo hoo. You will join her in a second.. You are the main course, she was the dessert." He picks Ralph up.

"Seems the cybug coding is a good thing for me. Eat, kill.. multiply. I may not have the third one but oh well." He opens his mouth wider then before and pulled his head into his mouth. For someone that lived in the garbage he still had a good taste. His circi tails stick up as he pulled his body into his mouth. He forces his head to the back of his throat and swallows. Ralph yelled in the cybrid's throat. The king pins the large arms to his sides and swallows again. His throat taking him down easily.

He swallows until all that was left was his feet that kick before being pulled in with the help of his tongue. He swallows the last of Ralph and felt him slide down his throat, wiggling and it felt so good to Turbo. His stomach was filled with Ralph and Vanellope squirming. "At least you two can die together in the rightful king's belly" He laughs insanely.

He breaks through the doors of the castle and goes in. He lays down on the throne, letting out a soft burp. His stomach already filling with acid to break them down into nutrients and code that would feed the king's hungry new body.

"Game over."