Exacerbating Lilly

Story by upsetbunny on SoFurry

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Here you will find no pron! If pron is what you seek, pass here not!

Lilly the cow was not feeling amused today, Rex was teasing again. This happened almost every day, and Lilly felt enough was enough! Why did Rex always have to call her fat and spotty?

She turned to Rex and began tearing a strip. "Rex! Stop being so mean! Always calling me names. It's just nasty, and I hate you!"

Rex, looking genuinely shocked, seemed to shrink in on himself as he was berated.

When she was done, Rex turned to Lilly with a tear forming in one eye and replied. "I know you're not fat Lilly, It's just your species. And I call you spotty because it sounds funny with you having large black and brown markings. Not because I am disgusted by it! If anything, I have liked you for the longest time. I have never known what to do about it though, cos I'm a dog and you are a cow!"

Now it was Lilly's turn to look shocked. "All this time? Why did you never say anything?"

"Maybe because I was shy? I don't know. Besides, what would the other animals think?"

"Who cares!" said Lilly blushing. Leant over and gave the silly doggy a big spotty hug!

The end.