Kaa on the Hunt Chapter 2

Story by bhall700 on SoFurry

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This story is written for entertainment purposes only. I am not making any money off of this. All characters are copyright their respective owners

Kaa on the hunt chapter 2

Kaa slithered through the underbrush, the bulge in his gut wriggling and moaning weakly. The man cub was a fighter the great serpent would give him that but in the end the mancub was no match for the great python's hypnotic eyes. Thunder echoed overhead as the great python made way to his hideout in the center of the jungle. Upon reaching a sizable tree Kaa slithered up it into the safety of the forest canopy. There the great python waited for the coming storm, a powerful gust of wind almost knocked Kaa off of his branch, in response the great python wrapped his great tail around the tree and prepared to ride out the storm. Through the howling wind and rain Kaa took a moment to realize that the mancub he had consumed earlier was no longer moving; a smile crossed his reptilian lips. Kaa had captured this foolish mancub as he was looking for food, there were others with him but this one in particular was foolish enough to leave the group only to walk right into Kaa's waiting coils.

One of the trees nearby toppled over and Kaa worried that his tree might be next. He lifted his head and squinting his eyes against the wind and rain looked around for a safer tree to take shelter in. No tree was any safer than the others, and Kaa could not risk moving for the time being. Kaa hunkered down once more and began to replay the events that transpired in his head. The mancub had fallen instantly under the spell of Kaa's eyes, his penis jumping to attention. Kaa had smiled at this and proceeded to wrap the boy up while at the same time positioning his cock to penetrate the rear of his hapless victim. Kaa knew that the mancub's friends were nearby so in order to remain undiscovered he telepathically instructed the mancub to remain completely silent. Kaa thrusted hard penetrating the mancub and began fucking him at top speed. The mancub opened up his mouth but no sound came out; just has Kaa had planned. Kaa allowed the mancub's penis to stick out from amongst the coils and then began to slowly constrict, the coils directly above and below the penis moving in opposite directions stimulating the man cock. A few seconds later and Kaa had finished in the mancub, Kaa yanked his penis out and positioned it in front of the mancub's face and ordered him to suck it clean. The mancub took Kaa's penis into his mouth and got to work. Soon the mancub creamed as well and Kaa removed his penis from his mouth and began to inspect his meal. The mancub was healthy, possessing a light tan and flowing brown hair. Strong powerful muscles rippled beneath his skin as he, much to Kaa's amusement, tried to get his rocks off again by thrusting between the coils. Kaa decided to help his meal out and by using the tip of his tail jacked the mancub off to seven breathtaking orgasms. Kaa was very impressed and would have continued playing with his meal but he heard the footsteps of the other mancubs coming their way. Quickly Kaa placed the mancub's head into his maw and began to gulp the succulent morsel down his gullet. Kaa then dived into the underbrush and watched the other mancubs from a distance. There were eight in all; two young mancubs and the rest being in their teenage years. They were out foraging for food, the mancubs carrying their bounty of fruits and nuts on large jungle leaves. They were talking amongst themselves, Kaa worried for a moment that they were talking about their lost compatriot and slowly edged closer to hear what they were saying. Kaa needn't have worried, they were talking about him but as it turned out this mancub acted as the scout for the group, scoping out food and potential dangers in the area, and would sometimes be gone for days. Kaa eyed each of them hungrily especially the chubby one and, eyes swirling, was about to move in on the unsuspecting group when suddenly thunder echoed across the sky alerting the denizens of the jungle to the coming storm. Kaa halted, knowing that while he could hypnotize and contain them all at once, it would take some time to swallow them all. Time that he may not have thanks to the fast approaching storm. Instead Kaa followed them to their home in a hollowed out tree. Kaa vowed to return for them later and disappeared back into the underbrush.

Rays of sunshine peeked through the clouds casting their warming glow upon the jungle below. Slowly Kaa opened his eyes and looked out over the jungle taking a moment to appreciate how the rays of light reflected off of the rain droplets that littered the foliage of the jungle plants. Kaa then began to quickly make his way through the jungle canopy to his lair as the distance echoes of the passing storm faded into the distance. After a few hours the forest canopy began to thicken and Kaa was forced to climb ever higher into the tree tops in order to keep from getting caught in the thick tangle of branches. Soon Kaa came to a break in the branches high above the jungle floor and without hesitation dived in. Kaa slithered through the dark wooden tunnel until he exited into a sunny hollow spot in the middle of the dense jungle thicket. Below the great python a hot spring lifted its steam to the break in the jungle canopy directly above it, sunlight shining down through the leaves casting a light green glow onto everything in the clearing while raindrops fell lazily down from the storm. To the side hundreds of branches had merged into one to form a near impenetrable wall, while near the top they had formed a small sheltered alcove that was big enough for the great snake with plenty of room to spare. Directly below the alcove on the jungle floor a small opening in the thicket would allow small animals and mancubs access to the clearing. One day the mancub known as Mowgli had gained access to the clearing through this opening and after the mancub had met his deserved fate and became part of the great snake Kaa had inspected this opening and found that many small paths existed in the thicket and that all of them led here. The paths would not allow anything bigger than a mancub access to none of the other jungle predators could get in. But since this discovery Kaa began to use this entrance to his advantage and lure in mancubs that wandered close by the thicket. Kaa made for the alcove and surveyed his prizes; five mancubs eyes swirling with colors, penises erect and dripping pre cum all bound tightly by vines. Kaa had discovered each of them wandering nearby the thicket and with his hypnotic stare had lured each of them one by one through the paths and into his lair. As they had entered he scooped them up in his coils and brought them into the alcove. Once there he had ordered one of the hypnotized mancubs to tie up his fellow and once the deed had been done ate him, now there were only five mancubs left but they would do for now as Kaa began making plans for how he would lure out those eight mancubs that he had spotted earlier. A growling sound made Kaa look at his stomach, the mancub he had eaten earlier was almost completely digested.

"Well, there iss alwaysss time for a pleasurable meal" the great python hissed, and began making his way over to his prey. Kaa smacked his lips has he looked over the mancubs, taking his sweet time in selecting which of the five would make a fine meal. The chubby blonde one was out of the question as Kaa had decided earlier that he wished to fatten that one up more so that he would make a memorable meal. The other three looked identical to each other, skinny but muscular with all three having short well kept red hair; Kaa also noted with some amusement that their pubic hair was red as well. Kaa knew that these three had to be triplets. He had found these three in a most amusing manner; Kaa had found these ones in the canopy near the thicket engaged in a three way sixty-nine session. The fifth mancub had messy brown hair and was obviously the youngest of the group and had just recently emerged from the birthing pond in fact, which was why Kaa had them all tied up. For while a older mancub would offer no resistance to the hypnotic powers of Kaa and would wait obediently to be consumed, younger mancubs had an annoying habit of breaking out of Kaa's spell. Kaa wasn't going to take any chances and so had had them tied up so even if the young mancub did somehow break free of the snake's spell he would not be able to escape. And besides even if he did break free of the spell and began to call for help his cries would not be able to get through the thicket, and even if they did no one but Kaa would be able to get into the clearing. Nor would his cries break the spells hold on the other mancubs, not even physical pain could do that. They would merely wait there for Kaa to come back and consume them all. Besides the chances of the young mancub even throwing off Kaa's spell were extremely remote, for that had only happened twice in the python's long life and both of those times had been with the consumed mancub Mowgli who had fallen prey to the great python's hypnotic eyes for the last time as a teenager. Kaa looked over his meals again; he longed to eat the fat one but also wanted to fatten him up and save him for later. But then he remembered the chubby mancub with the others out in the jungle. Kaa could eat this one now and fatten the other one up instead. His decision made Kaa moved in and began to slowly wrap up the fat one. Once that was done he slowly pushed his penis into the mancubs hungry anus and began to fuck him. The mancub moaned passionately as his sphincter was spread his cock began to leak pre in earnest with each thrust from Kaa. Kaa wrapped the tip of his tail around the mancubs phallus and very slowly began to stroke up and down its length eliciting pleasured moans from the doomed mancub. With one final thrust Kaa emptied his seed into his mancub, and with a sudden jerk of his tail caused the mancub to empty the contents of his balls for the last time. Sated sexually the great python placed the doomed boy's head into his mouth and began to swallow. As his head entered into the python's throat his chest soon followed into the mouth and was drenched by saliva which ran down his fat stomach and thick inner thighs, soon those too disappeared down into the python as Kaa tilted his head back and swallowed the rest of his meal. Kaa looked down and watched contentedly as the fat manbulge traveled down his long body and into his stomach. A smile crossed Kaa's reptilian features as he watched the bulge wiggle slowly and softly around in response to his stomach juices. Kaa played with the idea of breaking his spell on the mancub to get him really wiggling in response to the stomach acids working on his pudgy form but decided against it; for as fun as that was to watch and feel, it would give him some slight stomach irritation later on.

Sssshhs... Little mancub, lie sssstil, allow my body to do itsss work. Sssssleeep little mancub, sssslowly and ssssurely your sssssenses will ceasssse to.... Exsissssst. Kaa coed seductively.

Soon the mancub stopped moving and fell into eternal dreamless sleep.


Outside the tree the rain slowly died down to a soft drizzle and the sounds of birds could once again be heard. Eight mancubs sat around their bounty of fruits and nuts talking excitedly about the storm.

"Did you see that tree fall? I sure hope that Yuvian is allright.

"He'll be fine Jojo, Yuvian likes to scout around and besides he has been in weather much worse than this. He is probably someplace warm right now". Said another mancub as he placed his arm around Jojo's hip and drew him close and began to look him over. Jojo was a handsome mancub who was fast approaching his first year after leaving the birthing pools. He was tall and skinny with well kept red hair on his head and groin, his brown eyes echoed a mischievous yet caring personality. Jojo leaned against Bubolo and gazed into his blue eyes, reaching his hand up to ruffle Bubolo's short brown hair and then slowly bringing his hand down to his chest. Bubolo was tall, handsome and had just emerged from the birthing pools a week ago.

"That's right; he's probably all nice and toasty right now. In fact I would not be surprised if he has found something to eat" Said the chubby blonde mancub.

Jojo: "Regardless what he is up to I still hope he gets back soon. I don't want to start eating without him"

Jinglen: "If he's not back by the time Rypt gets back I'm going to start eating".

Bubolo: "You could probably stand to wait tubs, the food won't be going anywhere" said Bubolo as he gave Jinglen's belly a playful pat. "Say speaking of Rypt, do you guys know where Palk and Ranjan are?"

"I know were Palk is!" chimed in the young black haired mancub in the corner his blue eyes twinkling.

Jinglen: "Where is he Tabalin?"

Tabalin: "He's with Rypt" Tabalin said with a sly wink.

Everyone exchanged knowing looks and smirked.

Jojo: "Retil, do you know where Ranjan is?" Jojo asked the young red haired mancub sitting next to Tabalin.

Retil's brown eyes looked up at Jojo. "I believe he said something about collecting wood to make a fire".

Bubolo: "That Ranjan, if I've told him once I've told him a thousand times we do not play with that 'thing'. Fire causes nothing but destruction; I will have to talk to him again when he gets back."


Ranjan unlike most mancubs who were raised by one or more of the jungle's mancub tribes, had been raised partially by humans. When he was young he had met the mancub Mowgli and became inspired by him to one day live in the jungle just like his hero. However a few years ago Ranjan's family moved to another village while Mowgli stayed behind. It was only a few weeks later that word had reached him that Mowgli had disappeared. Ranjan knew that Mowgli had gone back to live in the jungle and so that very night Ranjan snuck out into the jungle. Ranjan lived in the jungle for a number of years and much to his surprise there were many mancubs living in the jungle. At first Ranjan had been confused for Mowgli had not mentioned ever seeing any other mancubs. This mystery was later solved when Ranjan had been captured by King Louie who explained to him that the mancub population in the vast jungle varied based upon the availability of food and the number of predators in the area. While Mowgli was growing up in the jungle the area he had been living in had few sources of food but many predators.

After he had escaped from the power mad primate he met up with a group of mancubs that offered him a place amongst themselves. While traveling with this group he learned many things about the jungle mancubs; wild mancubs went were food was most plentiful so as not to starve. Also, hordes of predators like snakes and carnivores slithering jungle plants followed the migrating mancubs. Because of this mancubs had to keep moving both to eat and to avoid predators. Life in the jungle could be harsh; for example the record lifespan of a mancub in the jungle was four while most got picked off when they were around two. Upon learning this Ranjan was confused; if these conditions were correct then why were there so many mancubs around if there were no females? The answer was at first shocking to Ranjan but he quickly learned to accept it. In the jungle there was a certain type of plant that lived in certain pools that possessed many writhing hollow vines. Once a year a mancub would stand waist deep in the water and wait for the plant's vines to find him and when they did they would coil around the mancub and drag him under the water. The searching vines would latch onto the mancubs malehood and suck out his sexual juices after which the mancub would be released. And from what Ranjan understood the plant would then mix the juices from different mancubs together and begin to create mancub youths. Once created the youths would spend two months in the plant where they would quickly grow into the equivalent size and build of human eighteen year olds, and when they reached the right age the plant would deposit those mancubs youths unto the pools banks. The mancubs referred to such sites as birthing pools.

The older mancubs that survived the year's migration would begin to make their way back to these birthing pools and adopt these mancubs in order to replenish numbers that were lost throughout the year. These mancub youths already possessed the ability to speak and walk. These mancub youths would learn quickly and adopt the mannerisms of their caretakers. However some mancub youths did not join a tribe and instead struck out on their own. Such mancubs rarely lasted long. Mowgli and Ranjan were rare exceptions to this rule as both actually were from a related species known as humans and thus were not true mancubs.

The wild mancubs like most of the jungles denizens were afraid of the man villages but lately those villages were being abandoned for unknown reasons. Still despite this the mancubs would give these ruins a wide birth; for fear that traps had been left behind or worse yet, fire. All of the jungles denizens feared fire for its destructive properties. And because of this Ranjan was discouraged from creating fire.


Palk laid against a tree eyes closed knees trembling as Rypt worked his magic with his tongue. Rypt sat on his knees before Palk; enjoying the soft moans and whimpers Palk made as he slowly pulled his mouth back to the tip of Palk's cock and then tilted his head and slowly moved back in.

"Yes, just like that." Palk whispered enjoying the tingling sensation in his loins and the velvet like interior of Rypt's mouth. Sunlight glinted off of Palk's red hair as he tilted his head back and moaned as he came into Rypts talented mouth. Rypt for his part quickly swallowed Palk's spunk and took his mouth off of his penis and looked up into Palk's brown eyes. The teen looked down at him and smiled and Rypt felt himself begin to blush. Palk helped Rypt up and they stood there for a moment admiring each other's bodies. Rypt possessed a thin slightly muscled body complimented by clean short brown hair and sparkling brown eyes, while Palk had a feminine figure complimented by stunningly beautiful red hair and fiery thick pubic hair which drew attention to his maleness. Both mancubs had been late emerging from the birthing pools and had been with the group for three years.

Palk: "That was great Rypt, thank you, I really needed that".

Rypt: "No problem, it looked to me like you needed a distraction"

Palk: "I did, those two newcomers that we took from the shore have been a real handful lately. They just won't listen to me or do any work."

Rypt: "They miss the plant, we did too once. We spent the first two months of our lives in it."

Palk: "We all did Rypt; it was safe there and the plant taught us so much. But on the plus side at least we no longer have to hear its whispering in our head".

Rypt: "I liked the whispering it taught us so much, but whatever, we need to get back home; the others are probably worried."

Up above Kaa watched hungrily as the two mancubs began to walk off; briefly the great snake considered rushing down there to ensnare them both but decided against it for he did not want to put the group on alert just yet. Besides the mancubs conversation interested Kaa. The Great Python had long known of these plants, in fact he knew much more about them then the mancubs did. These plants that the mancubs spoke of were their way of reproducing, once the mancubs had given the plant a template the plant took their sexual juices to be mixed together somewhere deep in its root system underground. The mancubs that were created from this process would spend the first two months of their lives down there before being released to the surface.

The Great Snake had always known how the plant did this, but the two things that puzzled him was why it did this, and what was this whispering that the mancubs spoke of? In the jungle everything preyed upon something else, and in some cases some forms of symbioses have formed from time to time; but as far as Kaa could tell the plant was getting nothing in return. Kaa laid there in the branches for a while deep in thought.

Kaa: "Thissss requiressss more invesssstigation, thissss plant issss getting sssssomething out of thisss and I am going to find out what it isssss and what thisss ssstrange whisssspering is." Kaa noticed something slithering quickly through the branches across from him. "And sssspeaking of plantssss." Kaa had spotted a Green Vine Cresh; a highly dangerous mobile carnivorous plant. It's many vines pulled its mancub size pod shaped body along while feeder vines snaked around trying to sense prey. Kaa considered leaving for a moment but then realized that the Vine Cresh was no threat to him as long as he left it alone. One of the feeder vines swiveled in the direction of a bush and the Vine Cresh stopped and draped its vines amongst the branches. A storage vine slowly came into view and this too was draped over a branch. Kaa inspected the storage vine and noted the bulges along its length. Each green bulge was a mancub of various shapes and sizes; the plants storage vine forming a tight vacuum around each mancubs form showing off every nook and cranny of their bodies; so tight was their confinement that Kaa could even make out the individual facial expressions that each mancub had worn at the moment of their death. Kaa noted with some amusement that some of them seem to really have enjoyed their final moments judging by the pleasured expressions on their faces and their still erect cocks. The mancubs were held perfectly vertical; their heads to the sky and their feet pointing towards the ground. Kaa wondered why the Vine Cresh had stopped where it did but did not have to wonder for long as a rustling sound came from the bushes and out came a mancub. Suddenly it all made sense; the Vine Cresh had sensed the mancubs presence and had decided to wait for the mancub to come towards it in order to make catching him all the easier. Kaa, knowing what would happen next silently slithered closer for a better view. The mancub looked like he had just gotten up from a nap and was groggily looking around checking to make sure that the coast was clear, but the foolish boy never bothered to look up, if he had he would have noticed one of the feeder vines moving into position directly above him. Kaa, upon looking at the mancubs genitals realized that the mancub must have just recently entered puberty; the pubic hair growing just underneath his skin gave it a slight gray color while on some places random strands of pubic hair had already popped out. This meant that the mancub had emerged from a birthing pool only a few scant minutes ago. The mancub let out a lazy yawn and stretched his arms above his head; suddenly the Vine Cresh dropped its feeder vine right on top of the mancub who slid easily into the moist vine, and when the vine reached the mancubs waist it yanked the helpless mancub up into the branches. Kaa laughed as he saw the mancubs legs kicking about frantically which caused his penis and testicles to swing this way and that. Smaller tentacles slid out of the interior of the feeder tentacle and began to wrap the mancubs legs up, while the muffled protest of the mancub could be heard coming from inside the feeding vine.

"Mmmphh MMMH GLMMph!"

The smaller vines quickly drew the mancub the rest of the way up into the feeding vine which quickly began to deflate as it sealed itself up and expelled the air. Kaa could make out the smaller tentacles inside the vine forcing the mancubs arms down to his sides. Once the mancubs arms were at his sides and all air had been expelled from the vine the mancub began to quickly slide down the vine towards the storage vine. Kaa, keeping his eyes on the struggling mancub, slithered over to another branch so as to continue watching the show. Without any air in the vine it clung to the mancub like a second skin showing off every nook and cranny of his succulent body; Kaa could even make out the changing facial expressions of the doomed mancub within from which muffled noises could still be heard. The mancub was pulled into the storage vine which stretched and morphed around him until he was hanging vertically like the others. Kaa moved his face closer to the mancubs and watched as every time the mancub tried to take a breath the part of the vine directly over his mouth would get pulled into it giving him no relief. In desperation the mancub tried to bite through the part of the vine that he kept sucking in only to discover that the attempt was futile, and with that the mancub began to thrash around in earnest.

"Grrummph mMmph mMmnnPH GMMMPH!!"

Kaa watched with satisfaction; the Green Vine Cresh used suffocation as the means for killing it's prey, it would then store its prey until it needed sustenance at which point it would move the bodies to the pod in the center of it's body which contained it stomach acids where the former mancubs would be quickly digested.

"Mmph gnnnf Nnnn NNnn!"

"You've losssst mancub, jusssst except your fate." Kaa coed

The mancub no longer had the strength to put up a decent struggle and could now only wiggle around a little as his body began to shut down. But while the rest of his body was shutting down something else of his had turned on. Kaa smirked at the mancubs raging hard on that was pressed between his stomach and the wall of the vine. The mancubs movements were beginning to become sluggish and confused, and his muffled protests had become softer with a faint hint of pleasure in them has the pleasure centers of the mancubs brain began to turn on. The mancubs cock twitched faintly through the vine; the only evidence that he had cum, and with that last little bit of pleasure the mancub appeared to give up.

"Glmnmmph nnnnnnn NNnnnn nnnn nnn nnn nnnnnnn" And with that the mancub gave one final twitch and his mind went silent and dark forever.

Satisfied with the ending of the show Kaa moved his head back just in time to watch the Vine Cresh begin to move the body of one of it earlier victims from the storage vine and into its stomach pod. Kaa looked over the man bulge as it passed by him taking note of its small skinny form, Kaa could make out an outline of the frozen face in the dark green vine; it was a mix of fear and pleasure. Kaa judged the mancub to have been around a few minutes old which would mean due to the time of year this mancub was probably a late comer from the plant and was most likely picked up by the Vine Cresh as he had exited the water. The little form entered into the stomach pod and was immediately followed by a soft hissing sound as the stomach acids went to work. Kaa smirked and then began to head in the direction of the hollowed out tree and its mancub occupants.


Ranjan walked calmly away from the hollowed out tree and into the bushes. Bubolo, the leader of the group had given him a stern scolding about his most recent attempt to create fire. It was the one vice that Ranjan had picked up from the humans in the man village and at times when rain cooled down the jungle air his mind would always think of the warmth that a campfire could bring. He couldn't help it, the urge was pretty much ingrained into his mind to build one when he was cold. Ranjan absent mindedly picked a banana from a tree and after slowly peeling it began to munch down.

Ranjan was tall and slightly chubby with short flowing black hair and shimmering dark brown eyes. As he walked his erect seven inch penis popped up and down as he headed for his planned meeting with Yuvian. Ranjan always loved these meet ups with Yuvian who would briefly sneak back for a brief time just to be with Ranjan before heading back out to scout again. Ranjan stopped as he reached the meeting place, sat down and began to wait. Ranjan couldn't wait for Yuvian to arrive thinking of the fun that they would have together made Ranjan's cock throb with anticipation. Ranjan thought back to the events that transpired at their last meeting; Yuvian had given Ranjan one of the best blow jobs of his life and then just before Ranjan had blown his load pulled off and told him to turn around. Ranjan had done what he was told and was rewarded with Yuvian's cock pushing gently into his ass. Yuvian had taken Ranjan's virginity that day and Ranjan had loved every second of it. Yuvian had promised that at their next meeting his ass would be Ranjan's plaything.

Hours passed, Ranjan's cock became flaccid yet Yuvian never showed up. His heart heavy with disappointment Ranjan began the slow walk back to the tree. Meanwhile up in the branches a hungry python watched the mancub walk slowly away. Kaa glared at him intently, he recognized this mancub; yes the mancub was older and looked very different but Kaa was sure of his identity. Kaa had managed to suppress the humiliating memory of being beaten with a stick by a pint sized mancub but there the mancub stood, right in front of the great snake. Kaa felt he should just slither down there right now and devour the boy, but that would be too simple wouldn't it. "No", the great snake decided that his plans for vengeance should be more drawn out. He wanted the mancub to feel fear and not merely be hypnotized and consumed. Besides the great snake needed to find out more about the plants in the lakes and what that strange whisperings that the mancubs had claimed to hear within them was all about. One way or another Kaa would turn the plants to his advantage. With that the serpent withdrew out of sight back into the shadows where only his eyes were visible for a moment before they too disappeared.


It was nearly dark by the time Ranjan reached the tree and upon stepping in he was greeted by the site of his fellows about to begin eating. Looking around the room Ranjan noticed that each of the mancubs faces showed excitement.

Ranjan: "What's going on?"

Tabalin: "A scout from one of the other groups came by and told us that more would be coming!"

Ranjan: "What? More of What?"

Jojo:" More mancubs silly, several other groups are heading towards us."

Ranjan: "Why would they head in our direction?"

Bubolo: "It would appear that; while food is not all that plentiful hear there will be enough to support several groups for a few days."

Ranjan: "But what about the predators? They're always following us; we can't afford to stay here for a few days!"

Rypt: "Yes we can. That storm we had recently washed out many of the migration paths; the predators won't be able to follow us for a few days, we can afford to stay for a while longer."

Retil: "I can't wait to meet the other mancubs; this will be fun!"

Jojo: "Yes, yes it will be fun." Jojo said softly as his eyes glazed over and his penis started to become erect leaving no one in doubt to what Jojo intended to do.

Jinglen: "Sex can wait Jojo, let's eat!"

But as it turned out shortly into the meal that sex couldn't wait as Jojo began to turn on his charm by dancing around seductively causing everyone to become highly aroused; which promptly led to an orgy that lasted many hours. By the time it was over everyone was satisfied and they all curled up together for warmth unaware that in the trees Kaa was watching them.

This was interesting news to the python who quickly began to come up with a plan. If the mancubs joined up with these other groups but stayed in one location then Kaa could have a steady food supply that would last for months. But the floods down south would soon disappear and the mancubs would be forced to move again in order to avoid the throng of predators. Kaa worried that the mancubs might move earlier then that if they became aware of the predators that lived in the area around them right now. But then the python realized that no part of the jungle was truly safe and that the number of predators in the immediate area would only make the mancubs more cautious instead of outright leaving. But the mancubs were completely unaware of even those dangers and there were more mancubs on the way; Kaa had no idea how many more were coming but if he wanted them to stay long enough to have a steady supply of prey he would need to slow, if not completely halt the drying of the old migration paths; Kaa knew that this would only delay the predators by a month or so but by then he will have finished his business with the mancubs anyway. Kaa pondered how he would do such a monumental thing as halting the drying of the flood but the only thing that Kaa could come up was to alter the paths of the rivers but he had not the strength to do such a thing. But then it dawned on him that he needed not strength but number! It was then that Kaa decided to call out an old favor from the monkey ruler King Louie, but first he would need to eat. With that Kaa disappeared back into the jungle heading towards his lair to feast and then make the journey the King Louie's palace.


King Louie plowed into the mancub causing the golden chains and jewels that adorned his body to jingle in time with his thrusts. The mancub cried out his master Louie's name every time the orangutan pushed in. With a sudden hard thrust King Louie finished his business in the mancubs ass and pulled out. The mancub got on his hand and knees and took the primates softening penis into his mouth and began to suckle. All around the room mancubs dressed in thin gold chains and jewels lounged about waiting for King Louis command. King Louie inspected each and every member of his personal harem. All the mancubs were handsome and feminine, each having gold and silver rings that fit around their cock and balls causing them to slightly swell up and be constantly erect. But something was missing, something that made the great king of the primates furious and sad all at the same time. "Ranjan" the orangutan thought bitterly. The mancub had been so handsome, so perfect; he had made an excellent addition to the harem. King Louie had trusted the mancub and thought that he would never leave, but he did and he left behing his chains, jewelry and genital rings. That had hurt King Louie deeply within his soul, but no matter, the Primate King had bigger things to worry about; the giant white cobra that lived beneath the ruins had demanded a sacrifice and the King was obligated to give him one.

"You, come with me." He said to the mancub sucking his penis. "Everyone else stay put." He said to the rest of his harem. Louie pulled his penis out of the mancubs mouth and taking the end of the mancubs gold chain leash began to lead his chosen towards his private bed chamber. The mancub followed happily after his master; his erect penis bouncing up and down. In the last few years the Primate King had learned the secrets of how to make fire and thus torches hung from the walls of his palace lighting the way. The denizens of the jungle feared fire and would give the ruined palace a wide berth. This allowed King Louie to keep a small harem of mancubs inside and not have to worry about them getting picked off by predators. Unfortunately the knowledge of how to crate fire had driven King Louie power mad and paranoid but in his mind that was a small price to pay for his safety and comfort and that of those primates and mancubs he ruled. The discovery of fire had one downside however; the great white cobra that lived below the ruins took notice of the fire and the monkeys wielded it and had set himself up as a god. The monkeys had at first tried to resist the cobra but he was too large and fire could not harm him. So in the end the monkeys came to accept him as their god and made sacrifices to him. When they entered Louie's private chambers they were greeted by a group of monkeys who were in the process of heating up berry juices in clay pots over fires in preparation for the sacrifice. Upon seeing this, the mancub became excited and began fidgeting impatiently. Louie led the excited mancub over to his bed which was made up of animal hides and cloth scavenged from the abandoned man villages. Two monkeys approached and began to take the chains and jewelry off of the mancub; the monkeys had trouble getting the genitalia rings off of him so had to wait until he calmed down a little before they could removed them. Once this was done two other monkeys approached and began applying a green slime to the mancubs genitals then the other very carefully with a stone knife shaved off the mancubs pubic hair. King Louie admired the mancubs shaved genitalia and from the way that the mancub was becoming erect again he must have enjoyed the look of it as well. The mancub reached down with both hands and began to explore his hairless genitals, enjoying the soft feeling of the flesh without the coarse pubic hair. The monkeys then applied the slime to other parts of the mancubs body and continued to shave off all his hair until every nook and cranny of the mancub was completely free of hair. Then another monkey approached and with a wet animal hide scrubbed off the remaining bits of slime and cut hair. The mancub sat there on his knees; legs apart looking at King Louie, his master, seductively. The moisture left on his pale skin from the animal hide reflected the light from the torches making the orangutan silently gasp in awe. King Louie stepped forward and put his hands on the mancubs shoulders; guiding him down until the mancubs face was in front of his erect penis. The mancub knew what to do and opened his mouth and accepted the phallus. All the while the monkeys around them continued to mash and add fruit to the boiling pots. King Louie commanded the mancub to stop giving him head, an order which the mancub promptly obeyed and then looked up at his master waiting for more orders. Louie turned the mancub around until the boys hairless rear was in front of his penis and, showing some decency in the presence of his primate subjects draped a tiger hide blanket over himself and the mancub before pushing into the boy's rear. The surrounding monkeys having finished with the preparations, turned to watch as their King pleasured himself with the mancubs rear. The mancub cried out in ecstasy and began to thrust back against Louie's cock causing it to go deeper. Louie reached down and with both hands began to masturbate the mancub in time with his thrusts causing the mancub to whimper and shiver in pleasure. The monkeys were quite aroused but in respect of their King they did not tend to their own erections but merely watched as the only sounds in the stone chamber were the moans of the mancub, the Primate King's grunts and the slapping sound of the King's hips making contact with the mancubs ass with each thrust. Louie slid easily over the mancubs body, enjoying the feeling of the inside of the mancubs ass and the building pressure in his loins. The pressure soon became greater and with a few more thrusts Louie blew his load and in one swift movement pulled out of the mancubs ass, got off the mancubs back, threw off the blanket flipped the mancub unto his own back; whose penis bobbed straight up into the air, and with his right hand for all his subjects to see began to vigorously jack off the mancub. The mancub laid back, placed his arms over his head and began to cry out loudly in euphoria; Louie's hand was moving so fast over the mancubs penis that it was a blur. With a loud cry the mancub blew is load; the first waves of cum flying more than three feet in the air coming to land on the mancubs face, with the other waves flying only a few inches up before coming to a rest on his belly. The rest shot out of his penis, and flowed over King Louie's hand which was still grasping the penis; and pooled around the base of his cock and on his balls. King Louie stroked the mancub's shaft a few more times to draw out a few more spurts of cum and then let go; washing his hand in a clay bowl of water that one of the monkeys brought over. The mancub laid there, spent cock lying against his stomach; eyes closed, enjoying the afterglow.

King Louie: "Take him to the altar and prepare him". King Louie commanded. The monkeys scurried do to as commanded; some carried the boiling pots of liquefied fruit, others carried baskets of raw fruit while the rest rolled the exhausted mancub onto the tiger hide, grabbed the edges of the hide then carried the mancub into and adjacent room. King Louie followed quickly behind not wanting to miss anything. The group of primates entered into a spherical room with a large pit in the center whose bottom could not be seen. In front of the pit lied an alter and to the side of that an oven with a roaring fire that the monkeys had constructed out of mud and discarded temple plaster. The monkey set down the tiger hide and carefully lifted up the mancub and placed him upon the altar; the other monkeys began to set down the pots and baskets next to the altar. A small grey monkey carrying a small clay chalice of grey liquid approached the altar; upon reaching the altar the small simian poured the contents of the chalice into the mancubs mouth who gratefully drank it down. King Louie watched the events unfold and smiled; the contents of the chalice were a small amount of diluted poison; the poison in it purified form was not deadly to mancubs but it would knock them out for several days. However the goal was not to make the mancub unconscious but to merely numb the nerves in is body so that he would not feel any pain or discomfort. The potion worked fast and the monkeys started to move in; dipping their hands in the pots they then began to spread the fruit paste into every nook and cranny of the mancubs body. King Louie smiled as he noticed that the monkey responsible for spreading the fruit paste on the mancub were taking their sweet time applying it to his genitalia, all five of them having the time of their little lives as they fondled the mancub. The mancub, although completely numb, could somehow day that the monkeys were playing with his genitals and began to become hard again. The monkeys laughed at this and stepped back now that their job was done. Other monkeys moved in with the whole fruit; the biggest of the group turned the mancub unto his belly then lifted his ass into the air, then the monkeys began to slowly push fruit into the macubs inviting ass. Smaller varieties of fruit like grapes and berries were pushed in first, and then came bigger fruits like bananas and tangerines. At this point the mancubs ass was getting pretty full and some of the fruit tried escaping back out through the mancubs sphincter; but the monkeys solved this problem when they shoved a giant jungle onion into his ass to act like a cork. It worked, the jungle onion kept the fruit in while its leaves stuck out of the mancubs ass adding a nice touch. Next one of the monkeys gave the mancubs penis a shake to get it hard again and when this happened the monkey took a very thin green string that had been grafted from small jungle vines and wrapped it around his cock and balls in order to keep them erect. As a finishing touch a large red fruit was placed in the mancubs mouth before he was moved to a large stone tablet. In a display of the monkies ever increasing mastery of fire the primates manning the oven worked to cause the flames to die down to glowing embers before moving over to the mancub to place him in the oven. The goal was not to kill the mancub, but merely to heat him up just enough so that the fruit paste would partially add flavor to his skin. The mancub laid there on the stone tablet; a red fruit in his mouth, his ass in the air with the onion stalk sticking out of it, his feet tied together and his hands tied behind his back. The monkeys lifted the stone tablet and placed it within the oven amongst the glowing embers; the mancub merely moaned contentedly for thanks to the numbing potion the searing heat felt like a mere warm summer breeze. When the onion stalk began to turn brown they pulled the mancub out of the oven and placed the stone tablet back on the altar. They then repositioned the mancub until he was sitting on his knees; legs spread out and back straight. The mancub rolled his eyes and groaned around the fruit for he now felt a dull ache in his skin as the potion he had consumed earlier was beginning to wear off. King Louie approached the mancub and with his left hand grabbed unto the mancubs penis and began to jerk him off at full speed, his hand once more becoming a blur. The mancub moaned for while the potion may have dulled all outside stimuli the heat in the oven had caused the nerves that he could feel at the moment to become hypersensitive. After a short amount of time the mancub ejaculated forcefully onto the stone tablet and altar. King Louie let go and stepped back noticing how the cords tied on to the mancubs genitals kept his penis continuously erect.

King Louie: "Call the cobra, his sacrifice is ready." Louie said to a nearby monkey who nodded and began to beat a rock against an ancient golden shield. Soon movement could be heard coming from within the dark pit. Out of the darkness a giant white cobra raised its head.

"Who has summoned me? Speak up now or face my eternal wrath!"

King Louie: "It be I your O most gracious god of the monkeys. We have another offering for you."

The great cobra surveyed Louie for but a moment then turned his attention to the mancub on the altar. The cobra's eyes suddenly burst into flames which caused all of the other monkeys to scurry from the room leaving only Louie, the cobra and the mancub. The cobra levitated out of the pit and landed right in front of the altar. The mancub moaned in excitement as he looked up at the great snake that salivated and licked his chops at the sight of the mancub. King Louie inspected the great cobra; the cobra was the same size as Kaa whom Louie and seen occasionally when he and Kaa traded favors with each other but what was most interesting about the cobra was his fiery eyes. Louie knew that the cobra was no god and that the levitation and fiery eyes were just tricks, but exactly how the snake did it was beyond him although he had his suspicions. The great cobra quickly began to wrap the mancub up in his coils and then unhinged his jaw and raised the mancub up to it. The mancub looked into the maw of the great snake and smiled around the fruit as his head entered the maw. The snake wasted no time and downed the mancub in three gulps and then levitated back down into the pit the bulge in his gut wriggling frantically in response to the powerful stomach acids. "Hmm, and the mancub had seemed so excited about this earlier." Louie thought in amusement as he watched the bulge continue to struggle frantically about and could have sworn he heard a muffled scream of pain coming from it before the snake disappeared back into the darkness of the pit. "I guess the potion must have worn off. Oh well" Louie said as he laughed to himself as he made his way back to his harem. Once upon a time Louie had been reluctant to sacrifice mancubs to the cobra, but not anymore. Ranjan's sudden departure had made the Great King of the Primates very bitter.

When he arrived King Louie was shocked to see that gold chains, jewels and genital rings littered the floor but his harem was not in the room; he was about to call the guards when a hissing noise behind him made him turn around. There before him sat a great python as big as the cobra with a content look on his face and eleven bulges in his gut; the one nearest his head was still wiggling.

Louie: "Well, that explains what happened to my harem. What are you doing here Kaa?"

Kaa: "I came here to pick up an old favor."

Louie: "I see, are you here to pick up those orders you placed or is this about something else?"

Kaa: "Ssssomething elssse, but receiving those orders would be nice. But I cannot stay long I sssstill have three more mancubssss to consssssume back at my lair."

_ _ Louie: "Three more?"

Kaa: "Yessss, there were four but I consssssumed the youth. Would you like to sssse the three that I have left?"

While Louie didn't particularly want to see these three mancubs Kaa was always especially proud of his catches. A telepathic image of three red headed mancubs flashed into Louie's mind.

Louie: "Ah, those three."

Kaa: "You know them?"

Louie: "Yes, they were raised by one of the monkeys here, but in the end they chose to leave. They're yours now Kaa; as the law of the jungle states 'finders keepers'."

Kaa: "They 'chosssse' to leave?"

Louie: "Yes, mancubs raised by us are given a choice after their first year with us; whether they wish to stay with us and be placed in my own or in one of my advisors harems. Or to leave and live in the jungle; these triplets were extremely skilled in bed, we were sad to see them go but at least with you they will provide a more, how should I say it, 'fuller' service." Louie winked and poked Kaa's gut. Kaa laughed; "Yesss, when I return to my lair I sssshall make ssssure that they are properly eaten; and it'sssss about time too, mancubsssss are hard to keep alive when one hassss no handsss to feed them with."

Louie: "Why bother keeping them alive? Why not just eat them all right away?"

Kaa: "Sssometimes out in the jungle I might go for monthsss without sssseeing a sssssingle mancub. I like to keep a ssssmall sssssupply of them ready in casssse thisss happensss. Ssssaving a few mancubssss for later may be difficult but it issss well worth it. Now before we take our businesssss any further I would like my orders pleassse."

Louie: "Sure thing, but first don't you think you should digest the others a little bit more first before you have two more?"

Kaa: "I sssuppossse your right. Bring the mancubs I ordered to me in five hoursss. Now leave me be for I mussst concentrate if I am to ssspeed up the digesssstion processss." And with that Kaa went into a trace in order to speed up his body's digestion process to prepare for yet another meal.

Five hours later Louie returned with two mancubs following close behind; both mancubs had been chosen and shaped exactly to Kaa's specifications. One mancub was relatively skinny but was also slightly chubby, his eyes sparkled a light green and his short hair was shockingly red, while the other possessed short brown hair with deep brown eyes and had been fattened up to two hundred and fifty six pounds exactly as Kaa had ordered. Both mancubs with the exception of the hair on their head had been completely shaved; also to the great pythons specifications. Both mancubs new what their fate was but were strangely calm about it. They had both been preparing and being prepared for this day and both wished to fulfill that purpose to the best of their abilities.

Louie: "Now remember mancubs; Kaa is a very important being and I want you both to please him in every way."

"Yes, master!" the mancubs responded as they all entered the room and were greeted by the hungry serpent.

Kaa: Good, you have brought them; and they are both exactly what I ordered. Now if you don't mind could you pleasssse leave ussss for the time being Louie? I have much to dissscussss with the mancubs." Kaa said as he smacked his reptilian chops.

Louie: "You all play nice now." Louie said as he shut the door behind him leaving the two mancubs and Kaa alone in the room.

Kaa: "Come to me and expossse yourselvesss." Kaa commanded

The mancubs approached Kaa, turned around and then got on their hands and knees with their asses in the air. Kaa slithered up behind the red headed mancub and slipped his phallus into his tight ass while at the same time Kaa began to use the tip of his tail to jack the fat mancub off. Both mancubs moaned Kaa's name and the serpent smiled at this and picked up the pace causing both mancubs to moan even louder. Kaa then slipped his penis out of the skinny mancub and placed it into the fat one then started to jack the skinny mancub off with his tail. This process continued until Kaa had creamed into both mancubs asses, then the great snake decided to have a little fun and ordered the two mancubs into different positions; one position had one mancub down on his knees sucking off the other who was standing, who in turn was sucking off the great python, while another position Kaa used on both mancubs had the mancub lie on his back while Kaa slid his midsection on top of them and fucked their ass. As the night wore on the positions that Kaa made the mancubs do continued to get more and more perverted until Kaa was out of ideas; so until day break Kaa had the mancubs have sex with each other for his amusement. The mancubs were engaged in a passionate sixty-nineing session when the great snake had decided that now was the time to consume them.

Kaa: "Itsss time." The great python said.

Both mancubs stopped what they were doing, took their penises out of each other's mouths and sat on their knees looking up at the great snake. "Which one of us do you want to eat first?" the fat mancub asked.

Kaa: "You." Hissed Kaa pointing to the fat one. "But firsssst I want the other one to ssssuck you off before I eat you." The fat mancub stood up while the skinny one took his dick into his mouth and began to slowly go back and forth. Soon the fat mancub came into the others mouth. "I love you Ooglan." He said. The skinny one swallowed his load and replied "I love you too Bastul." The tension of the moment was lost on Kaa who only cared about eating them; the fat mancub walked calmly up to Kaa who began to wrap him up in his coils; once the mancub was secure Kaa lifted him up, placed the mancubs head in his mouth and began to swallow. The mancub slid easily into Kaa gullet as soon his chest, stomach and thighs disappeared into the great snake; Kaa tilted his head back and finished swallowing the mancubs legs and feet. The wiggling bulge quickly traveled down Kaa's body until it entered the python's stomach where the bulge instantly began to thrash around in response to the burning stomach acid. The skinny mancub approached the thrashing bulge of his lover and swinging one of his legs over the giant coil sat down, pinning the bulge and impairing the movement of the mancub inside. Kaa watched as the skinny mancub began to masturbate while sitting on the bulge of his struggling lover. The bulge had almost stopped moving completely and was now only wiggling now and then. The skinny mancubs masturbation picked up speed and at the moment he blew his load he let go of his penis which sprayed his cum all over the bulge in Kaa's gut with a loud orgasmic cry. Kaa wrinkled his nose in distaste at the fact that the mancub just came all over him; now he would have to clean himself up before he left for his lair. The bulge in Kaa's gut had stopped moving altogether now; the skinny mancub bent over and kissed the part of Kaa's bulge where the fat mancubs head should be. Kaa began to move the tip of his tail around the hip of the red headed mancub and proceeded to coil him up. Once the skinny mancub was completely wrapped in Kaa's coils the serpent placed the mancubs head into his maw and proceeded to swallow him. Soon another bulge slid down Kaa's body and entered his stomach where it too began to thrash around before finally dying.

Three hours later King Louie entered the room, and upon spotting the two bulges in the python's gut asked him "So Kaa, did you enjoy yourself?"

To which the python replied "Yes, I enjoyed myself very much. Now onto business; I need you to move a few rivers for me."


Tabalin: "Here they come!" the mancub cried excitedly.

Ranjan: "Where do you see them?" he asked as he walked up beside Tabalin. No sooner had he asked this that his answer came to him from out of the underbrush in front of their camp. Sixteen mancubs of various ages and builds walked naked out of the jungle towards the group. Within moments the newcomers were upon them. One of the newcomers stepped forth; his short brown hair blowing softly in the breeze.

"My name is Cleefect" said the newcomer. "I am the leader of this band of mancubs, we have been traveling for many months now away from the predators. We would still be moving if one of your messengers had not notified us of the shift in the rivers blocking the predators path."

Bubolo: "Yes, when we learned of the change in the rivers we sent out messengers to notify every mancub band in the area. But we were unable to reach the groups that already passed through this area as they are by now well past the mountains of the apes.

Cleefect: "I am aware of that, what I want to know is why have you called us here, and why should we not just ignore your summons and continue on our way?"

Bubolo: "You saw the rivers for yourself; they have changed direction flooding the paths of the predators it will take them weeks if not months to find a new route to us. We are safe for the moment. Safe enough to spend this time gathering fruit for the trip ahead, there is also time to exchange members which is the main reason that I brought you here."

Cleefect looked Bubolo over before his face spread into a smile.

Cleefect: "Alright, we will stay for a while and share the bounty of this jungle for awhile, and when we have to depart we will exchange a few members of our tribes."

Bubolo: "Agreed, shall we retire to my abode to settle on the details of our partnership?" He asked as he began to grope Cleefect's genitals.

Cleefect: "Uhhh, yes, yes we'll do that." Both mancubs walked into the hollowed out tree where the slapping sound of flesh on flesh and grunting could be heard as the two mancubs "concluded" the deal.

Within hours more messengers were sent out into the jungle and more mancub tribes began to arrive until there were around fifty mancubs setting up camp around the tree. The last tribe to arrive had a most unusual leader. This mancub had wavy brown hair and grey eyes. His testicles were bloated and his penis was so large that the tip of it dragged lightly against the ground. With him came ten of the strongest mancubs that Ranjan had ever seen, their bodies bulging with muscles. The other mancubs watched in awed silence as this group approached. Their well endowed leader stepped forth and in a clear loud voice said; "My name is Broduct, and from now on you will all obey me." And with that the ten mancubs behind him cracked their knuckles and moved towards the group.

*** Kaa_: "Yesss, mancubssss. Look into my eyessss."_ the serpent hissed seductively. Kaa smiled as he watched the five mancubs cocks begin to grow erect due to his hypnotic eyes. The monkey's had done as the great python had ordered. King Louie had his follower's dam up several rivers causing them to flood the predators natural hunting paths. What happened next was exactly as Kaa had predicted, the mancubs realizing that the other predators of the jungle could not reach them at the present time had decided to stay in the area for the time being; leaving most of them for the great python to consume as there were few other predators in the area.

Kaa had left the monkey city and had begun to head back to his lair to consume the three mancubs that he had stored there. But on the way he had encountered five mancubs making their way towards the hollowed out tree. And now Kaa had five hypnotized, horny, delectable mancubs to sate his hunger. The python drooled as he moved in on the first mancub, his coils slowly winding around his prey pinning the hopeless mancubs arms to its sides. Kaa took a moment to admire his meal; the mancub eyes were a spiral of color, his face covered in a stupid grin, his short black hair fluttered slowly in the slight breeze and his erect penis stuck out from between Kaa's coils. Kaa telepathically gave a command to the other four mancubs as he unhinged his jaw and moved in. The mancubs head slid slowly into the serpents maw drenching his head in drool while his fellows followed Kaa's telepathic command and began to gather bits of vines together. When they had finished collecting the vines they laid down and went to sleep. By this time the mancub within Kaa's coils had been devoured up to his knees. Kaa quickly made a few more gulps and a bulge quickly slid down his body and into his stomach where it wiggled around slowly. Kaa then moved towards the other mancubs and wrapped another one in his coils. When Kaa slithered back into the canopy three bulges lined his stomach, and two mancubs laid tied up by vines on the ground as a gift to another hungry predator of the jungle.

Kaa: "Ahhh, itssss finally arrived." He hissed as he saw the Vine Cresh come into view. The Vine Cresh surveyed the hypnotized mancubs lying on the ground and then its tendrils swiveled to regard Kaa. A faint voice appeared in the Great Python's head, a voice that Kaa suddenly realized could only have come from the Vine Cresh.

Vine Cresh: "Why do you give these food things to me? Why not take them for yourself?

Kaa: "I need your assistance in a small manner, we could both benefit from it." Kaa responded back telepathically.

Vine Cresh: "What is this favor that you ask of me, and how could it possibly benefit me?"

Kaa: "I pulled in a favor and changed the flow of the river, the other predators have been delayed in their coming here, many mancubs have begun to take up residence in a hollowed out tree west of here. You too can share in the feast if you help me.

Vine Cresh: "What would you have me do?"

Kaa: "Many mancub tribes have now taken up residence around the tree. The most recent group is one that I have encountered on many occasions." Hissed the serpent as he remembered all of the scrumptious mancubs that he had consumed from that particular tribe. "They are few in number now and because of that they have become very superstitious. No mancub has seen me and lived for long after.

Vine Cresh: "Except one" the Vine Cresh added smugly.

Kaa: "I consumed Mowgli a few years ago, he is no longer a concern. He found his rightful place in my stomach and with his death the natural order of the jungle has been restored." The Great Python hissed angrily.

Vine Cresh: "So have I heard, but how do I tie into this?"

Kaa: "The area of the jungle that this tribe was in while I was snacking upon their number had many fine Vine Cresh's like yourself and since none of them saw me they blamed the Vine Creshes for their loses. In order to stave off the predation they began to make sacrifices out of other mancubs."

Vine Cresh: "And how does this apply to me?"

Kaa: This tribe has recently dominated the other mancub groups in the area. If they see a Vine Cresh they will begin to sacrifice the mancubs of the other tribes. At which point all that we will have to do is accept those offerings.

Vine Cresh: "I see, so when shall we begin?"

Kaa: "Right after you finish eating my gift to you" And with that the Vine Cresh unfolded its tendrils and scooped the hypnotized mancubs up towards it's feeder vine where they were promptly swallowed. Kaa watched as the manbulges traveled into the storage vine where they hung alongside other previously eaten mancubs until they expired of suffocation. In hours the deceased former mancubs would be deposited into the Vine Creshe's stomach.

*** Things had changed around the camp. Broduct and his tribe had forced their way into dominance of all the other mancub tribes. Soon after defeating all of his rivals Broduct had his goons tie up the leaders of the other tribes including Bubolo and had turned a number from each tribe into his own personal harem. Ranjan was the last mancub to be selected for Broducts personal harem and had at first put up a fight but the threat of being tied to a tree and left for the predators out in the jungle had forced Ranjan to accept his fate.

Broduct sat in the middle of the hollowed out tree, his massive genitals draped over his crossed legs and in his hands he held the ends of leashes crafted out of vines the other ends of which were tied around the throats of the mancubs within his personal harem. Ranjan could not believe that he was within a harem again. He thought that he had escaped that spot in life when he had fled from King Louie. But to make matters worse a Vine Cresh had been spotted moving out in the jungle late last night and Broduct had ordered that a sacrifice be made to the Vine Cresh out of the former leaders of each tribe which included Bubolo and Cleefect. Ranjan had choked back tears as Bubolo and the others were led away into the jungle by Broduct's mancubs. Ranjan felt his leash suddenly grow taught as Broduct began to drag him towards himself.

Broduct: "Pleasure your master slave or I will see to it that you are the next sacrifice."

With no other choice Ranjan began to gently rub his master's massive throbbing erection.


Kaa watched from the bushes with anticipation as the seven succulent mancubs were tied to the gigantic tree with sturdy jungle vines by Broduct's mancubs. Their fearful protests doing nothing but drawing laughter from their executioner's who upon making sure that the vines would not break left them there as a sacrifice to the Vine Cresh. But what Broduct and his mancubs didn't know was that the Vine Cresh had been sent away by Kaa earlier that day in order to perform an errand which meant that these succulent morsels were for Kaa and Kaa alone. With that the Great Python slithered out of the brush and towards his meals.


Jojo crept slowly through the brush being careful not to make a lot of noise. His heart racing as he made his way to the sacrificial clearing. Things were getting bad back at the camp as Broduct was ruling like a tyrant, and with his Hench mancubs to back him up there was nothing that anyone could do. A few mancubs had spoken out against the new Chieftain and as punishment they had been selected to be next week's sacrifices, and to make matters worse Jojo had been selected as well; not because he had spoken out but because he had been Bubolo's personal lover. Jojo, upon learning of his fate had made a break for it and had actually managed to escape from Broduct's mancubs. When he had escaped he had a major decision to make; should he set out on his own and lead a solitary life? The thought had appealed to him as he would be free from all the responsibilities that living in a tribe required him to bear. In the Jungle there were many mancubs who chose to live completely on their own. Moving from place to place eating and sleeping when they wished and only meeting up with other mancubs when they wished to engage in sexual activities or going to the spawning rivers to deposit their seed in the plant in order to sire a whole new generation of mancubs to support the food chain of the jungle in the next cycle. On the other hand such a life while liberating was filled with danger as mancubs formed the bottom of the food chain in the jungle and as such had many predators. Because of this mancubs that chose that life rarely lived very long. The other option was to go out into the jungle and try to find another mancub tribe to join as there is safety in numbers. The third option was to journey to the sacrificial site and free the ex- chieftains and form a new tribe. After careful consideration Jojo had chosen the third option and made for the chieftains.


Miles away in a dark wet cavern deep beneath the ruins that housed King Louie's monkey kingdom The Great White Cobra curled alone in deep thought with seven mancub bulges lining his long stomach. The Great White snake stared at these bulges and marveled at the differences in physiology between Humans and Mancubs. The ancient snake stirred and slowly slithered to a section of the cavern where the night was visible through a hole in the cavern ceiling. The Great White Cobra looked up into the night sky at the Jungle Planets three moons, and beyond them the great ring that circled the planet and beyond that the gleaming gas of a gigantic nebula that was so thick that no stars could be seen through it.

The Cobra looked around the chamber at the ancient machines lining the wall. These ancient devices covered in the grime of ages past, constructed long ago by a race that long ago became extinct still worked after all this time. It was these devices that enabled the Cobra to trick the Monkey's into thinking that he was a deity their science being beyond the grasp of all on the planet even the Great Cobra who had been born in this very chamber.

Three million years ago an infant white cobra had emerged from a giant glass tube that had shattered when a part of the ceiling had collapsed creating the opening above. Back then the lab had looked new and specimens had floated in stasis in great big machines, and suspended in one of these machines was a small multi tentacle plant. The world was much different back then. The jungle did not exist instead only a planet wide desert populated by a small number of humans and other hardy wildlife. The young cobra so eager to explore his new world began to slither across the lab until in his exploration he accidently let loose the plant which promptly began to move about. The young snake was sure that the plant was going to kill him but instead it merely brushed him aside and followed what must have been its programming as it began to activate and work with the machines around the lab. The Great Cobra recalled how in those long lost days there stood in the corner a device that could teleport one to a mighty building that floated above the planet. The snake had taken shelter in that mighty structure many times in order to avoid the plant. From the observation platforms the snake watched the dry dusty world below quickly begin to change into a verdant planet wide jungle over the span of a few short years. The plant had used the lab to drastically alter the climate of the desert world into a wet world, and soon great lakes began to dot the surface. The plant had then created varieties of plants that grew to the size of trees and where as hardy as weeds. These new plants quickly grew out from around the great lakes in order to cover the entire planet. Soon after the plant began to create many different animal species which were promptly released into the new environment and then had begun to experiment on the local human population which resulted in the birth of the Mancubs which would serve as the food source that would support all life on the Jungle Planet. The plant had then made copies of itself with each given the ability to reproduce, each one of these plants would aid the environment by serving as the way that mancubs could reproduce so that the food chain would remain intact. The plants food source however was still a mystery to the great snake.

Mancubs looked like humans but had several differences that set them apart from their human cousins. Mancubs were an all male species that reproduced solely through the Plants that would take their sperm and by mixing it together would make more mancubs. Another difference was the fact that mancubs could not sire children with humans, so as to avoid creating hybrids that shared the same technological innovation as humans. The Plant had long ago altered the mancubs DNA so that they could not build anything except for the most basic of tools and even then only the most imaginative mancubs could accomplish that. But while their ability to comprehend and make tools had been permanently nipped in the bud their sentience, emotions, needs and understanding of the world had not been altered at all. Another difference was their growth cycle; after being first sired in the Plant the unborn mancub would grow to the size and physical build equivalent of a human eighteen years of age in only two months. Language, cognitive abilities, motor skills and other such traits were genetically programmed into the mancub so that they could fend for themselves as soon as they were born. Also during those two months the Plant that was growing them would speak to them a little about the world and their place in it before kicking them out. After being released into the world a mancub would age just like a human would except that they could not grow facial hair. And if a mancub somehow avoided being eaten then his genes would terminate his life the moment he reached his fourth year. This was to ensure that no mancub ever grew intelligent enough to teach other mancubs how to avoid being eaten by jungle predators. Mancubs also gave off a distinctive smell that separated them from their human cousins marking the mancubs out as prey.

Sometimes male human children would get lost in the Jungle and would sometimes be taken in by a mancub tribe. These human children would sometimes deposit sperm in the Plants and in order to avoid making hybrids the Plants would take apart the human DNA remove certain genes and replace them with mancub ones so that hybrids would not be created.

The cobra smiled as he recalled the story of one well known human who had lived as a mancub for many years. The one that had shamed not only the Great Python Kaa but also the Tiger Shere Kahn as well. As the story went the human had been found as an infant by a Panther. The fact that Mowgli had been an infant proved that he had been a human and not a mancub. As such many predators in the area had felt that it would not have been right to eat the child and so they instead opted to raise him until such a day as he could return to a man village. The Predators would have sent him to a man village earlier had one been in the area at the time. But as humans are a dying species finding a village let alone one that could have raised him was next to impossible. At the rate that the humans are dying out the Great Cobra believed that they would be extinct before this century was over. And when that happened the only thing that would be left of humanity would be their cousins the Mancubs who would endure as a food source for the sake of the planet for so long as the world lasted.

This system that the original Plant had engineered had endured unchanged for three million years. A perfect system that was completely self sustaining, however that system might soon be under threat for while the humans will never be able to upset the balance of the world the Monkey's and their recent discovery of fire and its many uses might prove a threat one day. But the Plant's descendants are prepared and they are still a long ways away from that day.

The snake looked around the ruins of the lab, illuminated by the light of the nebula, ring and moons. The machines were well built indeed to still be intact let alone the fact that a few of the devices still work after three million years. The snake looked over to a distant corner of the ruined lab were the Plant after having altered the world had destroyed the machines that enabled such change to come about so that nothing could upset the balance.


Baloo the bear had been traveling for days to reach the Monkey city, and naturally he was quite hungry. But that was why the bear had come to this city in the first place; to sate his hunger. In the jungle around him Baloo could sense the presence of other predators like himself and wondered dimly if Bagheera was also heading to the same place that he was.

Many years had passed since the day that Baloo had met Mowgli, in fact when Baloo had first laid eyes him he immediately mistook him for a mancub and had begun to move in for the kill. But Mowgli's scent had been all wrong as mancubs did not smell like that at all and the boy had been wearing a loin cloth something that no mancub would wear. It had dawned on the bear that this was no mancub but was instead a human. Baloo like many predators was uncomfortable with the idea of eating a human especially a young one as their species was now facing extinction. However this is not always the case as predators like Shere Kahn and Kaa would not hesitate to eat him treating him as if he were a regular mancub. It was because of what Mowgli was that Bagheera convinced Baloo to help get the boy to the man village. But that had been years ago; it had also been years ago when Baloo had learned of Mowgli's fate as a meal for the Great Python Kaa. Baloo had felt a little sad at the news but knew that it had to be for the best.

But that was the least of his concerns at the moment. The old hunting paths had been flooded out which meant that if the predators did not want to go hungry for a season then they would have to buy mancubs from the monkey's. The monkey's had plenty of mancubs to spare and rumor had it that deep under the city the monkeys kept one of those plant things to breed more mancubs so that they never run out. The mancubs that the monkeys sold were different from the ones roaming the jungle in the fact that these mancubs were trained in sexual arts and were completely willing to allow themselves to be eaten after a lovemaking session. In the city the monkeys kept a wide variety of mancubs of all ages, sizes, builds and even flavors which added more proof to the rumor of a breeding project. In the jungle things such as money had little meaning and favors where usually what one had to do in exchange for goods and services. But the monkeys were not typical for jungle dwellers in the fact that one had to actually pay them in gold nuggets. This was not a problem as gold is very common in the rivers of the jungle and one can easily gather a lot of the stuff if they wanted too. And given the circumstances many predators wanted as much of the stuff as they could get in order to purchase mancubs to eat.

As Baloo entered the city he was bombarded with sound, everywhere the bear turned there were monkeys selling mancubs to the hungry predators while others advertised housing spaces within the ruined city. Baloo approached the stands that were selling the mancubs and looked over the wears. There were so many different varieties of mancubs for sale that Baloo couldn't count them all; however all of the mancubs looked as if they had been fattened up as hastily as possible. None of the mancubs showed any fear which proved without a doubt in Baloo's mind that these mancubs had to have been breed for this. Monkeys called out to the bear as he passed by advertising their wears; claiming that their particular wears either were more filling, good sexually, or had a variety of flavors like banana, mint, chocolate, beef, etc. Eventually Baloo came to a stand with wears that he thought looked absolutely delicious and the sign advertised that they came in an assortment of flavors and were also good in the sack. Baloo reached into his money bag which he had woven out of leaves and paid the monkey for three of his mancubs. Baloo then wandered through the city looking for a place to stay the night. In his right paw he held the vine fashioned leashes of his three future meals that walked obediently behind him without a fuss, their erections bobbing in the air in front of their groins.

After an hour of searching Baloo found a place to stay what wasn't too crowded and was in his price range. The only downside to it was that it was at the top of a tower and Baloo hated exercise. Upon reaching the room at the very top of the tower Baloo was greeted by the site of a large Green Anaconda who was being tended to sexually by a group of mancubs and a mancub bouncing up and down vigorously on a large panther dick.

Bagheera: "Baloo, is that you?"

Baloo: "Bagy! It's been far too long! How have you been buddy?"

Bagheera: "Fine, considering that the hunting paths have been flooded out this month. But at least the monkeys have a good stock this year though they are a little fatter then what I like they still smell delicious" the panther said as he drooled over the sight of the mancubs fat bouncing up and down as it rode his hung panther dick.

The Anaconda began to wrap his coils around one of his mancubs and began to squeeze. Baloo and Bagheera watched with interest as the mancub writhed in the snake's coils, his face turning blue. One of the Anaconda's other mancubs climbed over the coils and began to passionately make out with the dying mancub while he humped against the coils. Baloo whispered an order to his mancubs who immediately moved to obey. One of Baloo's mancubs began to suck Baloo off, the second began to insert his penis into the firsts anus while the third went downstairs to fetch one of the monkey attendants. The coiled mancub held on for three more minutes before finally falling unconscious. At which point the snake positioned the mancub in his coils and began to swallow him head first.

Baloo's mancub returned followed by a monkey who could only be the attendant carrying four vines which he quickly began to tie into nooses. The monkey turned to the Anaconda and asked if he would like to dispatch of his mancubs with the nooses to which the giant serpent declined saying that he would prefer to do it with his own coils. The monkey then turned too Bagheera and asked the same question. Bagheera responded that he wanted his mancub cooked and not raw; to which the monkey put away one of the nooses. The monkey then turned to Baloo who responded in the affirmative but had a few extra requests to which he paid the monkey five gold nuggets. With that the monkey left and returned a few minutes later with a few supplies and several other monkeys.

The monkeys set about to painting the mancubs skin to imitate the flesh of prey animals in the jungle. One mancub was painted to look like a zebra, the other like a boar and the third like a deer. After that the monkeys took two long branches tying one end to each of the mancubs legs forcing them to stand with their legs spread apart exposing their tail holes. Next they took more vines and tied the mancubs arms behind their backs. Then the monkeys threw the nooses over one of the stone support beams in the roof positioning them in front of each mancub. The nooses were then slipped over each mancubs head and tightened. The monkeys checked to make sure that each noose was secure and then stepped back and grabbed the other ends of the vines and then began to pull. The mancub painted like a boar was lifted one foot off the ground. His legs not bound to a spreader branch like the other two begins to kick frantically. His arms pulling frantically at the bonds on his arms while his tongue began to turn blue and swell, hung limply from his open mouth.

The mancub painted like a deer was much heavier than either of his fellows so was not strung quite as high. His feet cruelly dangled only half an inch from the ground. The spreader branch prevented the mancub from kicking, in desperation the mancub began to twist this way and that causing himself to spin around and around in the noose's loving embrace.

The mancub painted like a zebra was lifted high into the air and then slowly lowered unto Baloo's throbbing erection. The bear leaned back against a pillar and began to thrust in and out of the dying mancubs rear. The mancub was held upright by the noose around his neck while his legs made immobile by the spreader branch jutted forwards in such a fashion that for all the world it looked like he was sitting on Baloo's cock. The mancub was suddenly pulled one inch higher by the noose as the monkeys tied off the end of it to a wooden support beam built into the floor for just such an occasion. The ends of the other nooses were tied off as well and the monkey departed to leave the mancubs to swing for the amusement of the predators.

The mancubs gasped and gurgled in the embrace of the nooses; the mancub painted like a boar was now literally swinging back in forth due to his efforts to escape death's loving embrace. His cheeks turning blue, his purple tongue dangling out of his mouth, his eyes glazed over and beginning to roll back into his head. His legs kicking fitfully as he begins to lose consciousness. His cock jetting out, throbbing up and down, hard as a diamond jetting out pre like a fresh water spring. With a whimper the mancub forcefully ejaculates, goblets of sperm showering down onto the floor, and then cascading like a stream back down along his penis, balls, hips, thighs, legs, ankles, feet and then dripping fitfully upon the uncaring stone floor. A sudden snap disturbs this beautiful moment as the mancubs neck breaks, his feet jolt closer to the floor, and there he swings; still, silent, gone.

The mancub painted like a deer continued to spin around and around, his struggles only causing him to spin about faster and faster and causing his blubbery body to jiggle like a bag full of jelly. His penis barely visible from under his fat folds stands erect. With a final grunt the mancub thrusts his tremendous jiggling hips forward and lets loose one sub-par spurt before going into cardiac arrest and expiring on the noose. His body hanging limp and jiggling in the embrace of the noose. Nothing more than lard and gristle held within a fleshy sack, sweat falling like rain upon the floor from his morbidly obese corpse.

Baloo continued to thrust up into the gurgling body of the zebra painted mancub. The mancubs swollen tongue probing the air in front of his face. The mancub writhed and twitched, body jerking about in a futile effort to get free. The mancubs struggles causing his anus to clench around Baloo's intruding member eliciting pleasured moans from the bear. The mancubs eyes began to flutter as he finally relaxed in the nooses friendly hug and faded away without a final orgasim. With a grunt Baloo thrusted into the dead mancub and let loose his papa bear milk.

The monkeys returned with several branches and pieces of wood which they placed upon the floor in front of Bagheera, who eyed the monkeys with interest as they lit a fire and used the braches to form a construct that had the largest branch hanging over the small fire. Bagheera's mancub got up and obediently walked towards the monkeys who used thick vines to tie him to the branch hanging over the small fire; the mancubs chubby belly hanging down towards the fire and swinging slowly from side to side. The monkeys attached a wooden handle to one side of the branch and began to slowly rotate the mancub, they then began to add more wood to the fire increasing it size until it was of proper size to cook a mancub. As Bagheera took over for the Monkeys and began to rotate the mancub, the mancub began to moan and squirm in response to the heat of the fire. Soon the mancub began to become more frantic and began to cry out and thrash around in earnest.

The monkeys used stone knifes to cut Baloo's three mancubs down and then left. Baloo dragged the body of the mancub painted like a deer toward him and shoved his bear pecker into the former mancubs rectum and began to fuck him like there was no tomorrow; the mancubs fat folds jiggling and slapping against each other. Meanwhile the anaconda wrapped another mancub into his coils and began to squeeze.

Hours later all three of them were passed out; their bellies bulging with their meals. All of the mancubs were gone the only evidence of their existence was the bones and cum littering the floor. And the bulges in the predator's guts; one of which in the anaconda was still wiggling about and making muffled cries that fell on deaf ears as that mancub settled into the eternal sleep.

Devoured Mancub: "MMFFFf nnn NMFFNMMff NN! nnnMMF mfff! NNN! Mf! Fffmmm fmrrrfff rrfffmm! MMMMmmmm NNNffffffff mmff m mmm mm mnnf nnn nnnnnnn nnn............................


Jojo stood their stunned at what he was witnessing: A Great Python had slithered out of the brush and into the sacrificial clearing making a beeline right toward the sacrificial mancubs. The Great Snake stopped just a few feet away, hoisted itself up until its face was at the mancubses eye levels. A sinister smile crept slowly across it's reptilian features as it began to speak.

Kaa: "Ssssso nisssce of you to join me thissss evening mancubssss. I sssincerely hope that I haven't kept you waiting long. You mussssst be tired, oh ssssso very tired indeed. Do not worry for ssssoon it sssshall all be over and then nothing will matter ever again." The Python hissed as he drooled and licked his reptilian chops.

Jojo watched in horror as the Python took his time looking each of the seven mancubs over, pausing briefly to use the end of his tail to poke the chubby mancub Cleefect in the stomach and nodded with satisfaction at the jiggling effect that caused. The great serpent leaned back looking from one mancub to the other, taking his sweet time to decide which mancub that he would devour first; while the serpent did this he explained out loud in great detail with how he would eat each of them; enjoying the whining and whimpering that his words caused from the captive mancubs. When the serpent had made up his mind on who to consume first his eyes quickly began to spin with colors, and with that the mancubs instantly fell under the great serpents spell, their erections bobbing in the air.

Jojo watched with fascination as the python hypnotized his prey and utter bewilderment when the snake commanded the mancubs to break from their bonds. The mancubs who just moments ago could not break their bonds no matter how hard that they had tried, suddenly broke free the moment that the serpent had commanded it. Jojo was filled with confusion; how could the mancubs break through the vines when moments ago it was clear that they did not have the physical strength to do so, and now because their eyes reflected the colors of the Python's they were able to do this. Jojo watched in stunned awe as the python began to wrap his coils around the mancub named Cleefect who just stood there with his eyes spiraling with colors, a stupid grin plastered across his face and his penis erect and leaking pre.

Jojo pondered this mystery as Kaa began to swallow the chubby mancub Cleefect who's body jiggled about as he was devoured. Throughout his short life in the Jungle Jojo had seen many mancubs eaten by predators before; his own twin had even been devoured by a python but that python had not used powers like the one before him did now. There were few predators within the jungle that could control the minds of their prey like Kaa, and with such predators few mancubs would have escaped to tell the tale; so as far as the mancub Jojo would know was that the powers that Kaa was displaying were unique. Jojo could not know that such abilities were simply caused by highly evolved biology and not jungle magic. As the bulge that was once the mancub known as Cleefect slid down the serpent's body Kaa turned to the remaining mancubs that stood obediently in place, their erections jetting rigidly into the air, their hypnotized faces staring blankly ahead and plastered with goofy grins, waiting obediently to be devoured. Kaa made his next choice and quickly began to wrap a second mancub up in his coils.

Meanwhile in Jojo's mind an explanation for what he was seeing was quickly forming; no ordinary creature of the jungle could possibly have the power that the Python was right now wielding. In the jungle each species had a pantheon of deities that were worshiped; for the bears the weather was caused by their god Umren the Great Grey Bear while the four suns was their goddess Crelana the Yellow Bear who made sure that the plants would grow. While the Wolves possessed thousands of deities that they each worshipped in turn. The mancubs despite being at the bottom of the food chain also had their own pantheon of gods that they worshiped but were completely unaware that there were any snake gods. As Jojo watched the python devour the sixth mancub his brain finally came up with an explanation: the python wielded the power of a god because it was a god.

The serpent now quickly began to wrap its coils up around the final mancub; Jojo felt sadness rise in his heart as he watched Bubolo being raised to the serpent's open maw, but reasoned that since Bubolo had that goofy grin plastered to his face that his lover must be happy about being eaten by the snake god. After all what better honor could there be for a mancub then to be devoured by one of the many gods of the jungle. As the serpent began to swallow the mancub, Jojo left his hiding place and began to walk up to the snake.

Kaa finished swallowing his last meal and smacked his reptilian chops in delight. "Seven mancubs at once! This day can't get any better." The serpent thought happily to himself. Kaa began to turn around and almost flinched in surprise when he saw a red headed mancub standing unafraid right before him, looking directly into the Great Snakes eyes. Kaa was about to hypnotize the stupid mancub when suddenly the mancub fell and kneeled to the snake in submission.

Jojo: "I humbly bow before you oh Great and Powerful Snake God and hope that my body will please your stomach."

For the first time in three hundred and fifty years the Great Python was utterly shocked. But that quickly faded as the serpent's vast intellect began to run at top speed and Kaa figured out a way to turn this to his advantage. Kaa was quite full and while he could hypnotize the mancub and make it follow him back to his lair the snake was intrigued by the mancubs words and decided to try something else instead.

Kaa: "What do you want mancub?"

Jojo: "I wish only to serve you oh Mighty Snake God. I am yours to use however you wish."

Kaa quickly scanned the mancubs primitive mind with his telepathic abilities. What he found made him chuckle in amusement. "So this mancub thinkssssss that I am a god doesss he? Very well, I sssshall play along with thissss."

Kaa: "Very well mancub, if you truly wisssh to sssserve me then follow." The Great Python said as he began to slither towards his lair with the mancub following closely behind.

Kaa: "I guesssss I wassss wrong. Thissss day jusssst got better." The Python quietly laughed.


It was early morning by the time that the tiger named Shere Kahn reached the monkey city. Even though the first of the jungle planets four suns was just now creeping over the edge of the horizon the monkey city was still bustling with activity. Shere Kahn's tail twitched in barely suppressed anger; the hunting trails had been flooded out and because of that the tiger had been forced to weave a money bag out of leaves and go to the rivers to gather gold nuggets to pay the filthy monkeys for some of their mancub stock to eat. Shere Kahn did not like monkeys, but given the circumstances he would tolerate them in order to buy some mancubs to eat.

The Tiger went from one stand to the next looking at the mancubs for sale while all the while his money bag swung from around his neck. All of the mancubs had been fattened up by their monkey owners in order to be sold to the hordes of hungry predators that consumed them as the stable of their diets. While Shere Kahn did enjoy the taste of the mancubs sold by the monkeys the tiger still preferred to hunt for his own meals. Wild mancubs seemed to taste much sweeter then domesticated ones, perhaps because they would have been something that the tiger would have caught on his own instead of buying from dirty monkeys. Still it could not be helped the tiger thought grimily as he moved from stand to stand looking for mancubs that would suit his purposes. The tiger disliked how the mancub species bared a strong resemblance to their human cousins. The tiger was happy that the humans were finally going extinct, their destructive fires would not be missed. Thoughts of humans brought the image of the fake mancub mowgli into his mind. Mowgli had been a human and not a mancub despite the fact that many denizens of the jungle had called him as such. Mancubs and human males merely looked alike and nothing more, but their similar appearance still angered the tiger. So when this "mancub" called mowgli was living in the jungle the tiger had had a fit. Mancubs were incapable of building simple tools let alone fire, but a human living among them could, and if that human were to build these tools and give them to the mancubs they could use them. The tiger vowed to restore the natural order by killing the human and thus restore (and rid the world of one of the last humans) the world back to business as usual. Joining him in this endeavor had been the great python Kaa who in the end had captured and eaten the boy.

Shere Kahn stopped in front of a plain looking stall which sold very cheap mancubs that had only barely been fattened up. These mancubs were cheap because they had no sexual training and did not come in any flavors. All mancubs were in the end food, but many predators liked to play with and or savor their meals before they devoured them. But these mancubs being sold at this run down stall were meant to merely provide sustenance for hungry predators; they were perfect as Shere Kahn was a very practical predator who did not like to indulge himself in things that were other than absolutely necessary. Shere Kahn paid for two of the mancubs and upon finding a suitably quiet and deserted portion of the city turned upon his meals with glistening teeth, flashing claws and the spray of arterial blood.


Jojo watched in awe as Kaa sucked another mancub into his greedy gullet. The Great Python had brought the foolish mancub back to his lair, and upon lifting the mancub up into his private alcove in the canopy he had begun to finish off the three mancubs that he had stored there earlier. Jojo moaned in sexual arousal as he watched Kaa wrap up the second mancub in his coils and began to swallow it head first. Kaa smirked around his meal as he watched as Jojo began to masturbate himself to the sight of him eating. Soon Kaa moved on to the third mancub and then when his meal was finished he began to observe Jojo with interest.

Kaa: "Sssso thissss mancub truly believessss that I am a god eh? And he wisshesss to be my disssciple? Well, what better honor could there be then for a worssshiper to be devoured by hisss god?" The Python thought to himself.

With that Kaa began to lick his lips as his coils ran around Jojo's body. Jojo moaned in ecstasy and anticipation as he waited to be devoured by the Python.

Suddenly the coiling stopped and the Python began to slowly close his jaws. Jojo let out a disappointed groan which quickly turned into cries of ecstasy as Kaa inserted his penis into the mancubs rectum.

Jojo: "Why won't you devour me oh great snake god? Have I displeased you in some way?"

Kaa smirked and then replied: "Yesss mancub, ssssoon you sshall be nothing more than a bulge in my belly; but firssst you ssshall pleassse me in other waysss." The Python said with a laugh.

With that a smile spread over Jojo's face as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the attention of his god.

Kaa: "Yesss, mancub. Sssoon you sshall be nothing more than a bulge in my gut. But firssst you sshall bring me worssshipersss and then you ssshall receive the end that you ssso crave." The Great Python thought to himself slyly.


As the early morning sun rose over the jungle Bagheera strolled out of the monkey city with Baloo walking calmly by his side. Their time in the city had been an enjoyable if costly endeavor and the two of them were now heading back towards the river to gather more gold nuggets so as to extend their stay in the city. It had been years since Bagheera had seen Baloo and the Panther was anxious to catch up with him. But there was more to it than that; Bagheera had heard about how Kaa had eaten mowgli and as Baloo had known and cared for the human as well the panther thought that it would be for the best if the two of them talked about the boy so as to aid in the healing of the grief that the panther felt over his death.

They continued to walk in silence until Bagheera no longer able to stand it broke the silence.

Bagheera: "So, Baloo how have you been?"

Baloo: "Pretty good. Except for the fact that the hunting paths have been flooded out. They say that it could be weeks before the waters recede. So how have you been Bagy?"

Bagheera: "Pretty good, but I tell you what I can't wait to be able to start hunting again. The domesticated mancubs that the monkeys sell are pretty good, but there is nothing like the taste of a wild mancub that you caught yourself eh Baloo? And speaking of mancubs do you happen to remember-"

Baloo: "Yes I remember Mowgli, but he was a human and not a true mancub." Baloo stated as he stopped and looked at Bagheera."

Bagheera: "How did you know that is was going to ask about him?"

Baloo: "I can read you like a book Bagy, and I missed him too."

Bagheera: "Missed?"

Baloo: Yes, missed. You must remember Bagheera we took him to the manvillage and it was he, not us, who chose to return to the jungle. It was he, Mowgli who wanted to live as an ordinary mancub. He knew the dangers Bagy, he saw that mancubs got eaten and he still wanted that life. He just wanted to be free to live his life however he wanted no matter how short it would be."

Bagheera: "But surly Baloo we could have protected him."

Baloo: "You know as well as I by the Law of the Jungle we could not. The only reason Mowgli had not been eaten when he was young was because he was a human and not a mancub even though we referred to him as such. The humans are dying out and the Law of the Jungle states that we should not hunt them and let them die out in peace.

Bagheera: "But Kaa and Shere Kahn did not follow the Law. They tried to eat the boy; and in the end Kaa succeeded!"

Baloo: "They may not have followed the Law then but they were within their right when mowgli returned to the jungle."

Bagheera: "What are you saying Baloo?"

Baloo: "It states quite clearly in the Law that if one finds a humancub than one may raise him as his own. But that when he turns ten he must be given to a manvillage."

Bagheera: "But it also states that no one may eat him!"

Baloo: "That's true but only if he does not return! It also states that if the human returns of his own freewill to the jungle than that human should now be considered a mancub and thus can be eaten. Mowgli returned under his own freewill so that makes him a mancub. Which means Bagheera that Kaa had every right to eat mowgli the mancub." Baloo said adding particular emphasis to the last word."

Bagheera: "But don't you miss him Baloo? Couldn't we have protected him anyway?

Baloo: "Of course I do Bagheera. But we didn't know that he had returned to the jungle until after Kaa had eaten him. And besides even if we did know where he was we would be going against the food chain by helping a mancub. You know as well as I that the law would have required us to eat him had our paths crossed."

Bagheera: "Could you have done it Baloo? Could you really have eaten the boy that once saw as your own cub?"

Baloo stood there for a moment deep in thought before answering.

Baloo: "Yes Bagheera, I would have eaten him. But for the sake of what we once had I would have treated him with dignity rather than subject him to the sick games that Kaa used on him or the torture that Shere Kahn would have put him through. I would have given him a passionate kiss before breaking his neck in one swift motion. It would have been fast and there would not have been any pain. How about you Bagheera? Would you have eaten him?"

Bagheera rocked back at Baloo's response before he gave the question some thought.

Bagheera: "Yes Baloo, I would have done much the same thing." The Panther answered honestly.

Bagheera: "But Baloo. What does the law say about humans that voluntarily enter the jungle?"

Baloo: "If they were not raised in the jungle like mowgli was then they are still considered human and cannot be hunted."

Bagheera: "But what about a humancub who voluntarily left the manvillage, threw off all his clothing and joined a mancub tribe?"

Baloo: "Then they are to be considered a mancub and can be eaten just like the rest. Why Bagheera, do you know of a mancub like this?" Baloo asked his eyes narrowing.

Bagherra: "Yes Baloo, yes I do. It is a mancub by the name of Ranjan."


Ranjan crashed through the jungle underbrush, harsh yells and the snapping of small braches told him that Broduct's mancubs were right behind him. Lightning rolled across the skies in warning of the oncoming storm. The sound of pursuit stopped but Ranjan didn't notice. The terrified mancub kept running at full sprint through the rain until he collapsed from exhaustion. Ranjan expected hands to grab him and drag him back to the sacrificial clearing. But when that did not come to pass Ranjan got up he began to look around curiously. Panting his entire body caked in mud Ranjan got up and began to walk towards a small creek which he began to drink from. His thirst quenched Ranjan waded into the creek to wash off the mud and reflected upon the event that had transpired.

Broduct had ruled the multiple mancub tribes as a tyrant. Sacrificing any mancub that spoke out or acted against him to the Vine Cresh. Ranjan who had been a part of Broduct's personal harem had been relatively safe, that was until Broduct grew bored of him and ordered that he and seven other mancubs to be sacrificed. As Broduct's mancubs led them all into the clearing Ranjan saw an opportunity and escaped. Ranjan thoughts quickly turned to Jinglen the fat mancub who was a member of his tribe. Like Ranjan Jinglen had also been selected as a sacrifice, but unlike the other mancubs who had been part of the sacrifice Jinglen had stood less of a chance to escape. The other mancubs had been skinny and fit where as Jinglen's legs could barely hold his own weight. Behind him Ranjan heard the sound of several figures crashing through the underbrush, Ranjan got ready to run for his life until Jinglen ran into the clearing his fat body covered in sweat and jiggling hypnotically all over. Behind the obese mancub came six others whom Ranjan recognized immediately as being the other mancubs who had been selected as sacrifices. Ranjan could hardly suppress his utter joy at the realization that everyone had escaped becoming sacrifices. But there was no time for idle chatter, Broduct's mancubs would be hot on their trail, so the group quickly formed a plan. In a few minutes they had decided that they would form a new tribe with Ranjan has their chieftain as if had not been for his daring escape no one would have been able to make a break for it in the first place; besides being at the bottom of the food chain mancubs lasted longer in groups then if they went their own ways separately. Ranjan as the new chieftain decided that they would head north into the mountains where they could possibly hide out until the horde of migrating predators had passed them by. As his third act Ranjan as chieftain exercised his right to select his lover; and with that Ranjan his lover Jinglen at his side and the rest of the mancubs headed north towards the mountains blissfully unaware that a giant spider eyes them hungrily from one of its many webs in the jungle canopy above.


Kaa swayed seductively back and forth his eyes swirling with hypnotic colors as Broduct and his mancubs; their cocks all erect and dripping pre swayed to the rhythm of the hungry serpent.

Jojo: "Look at how the snake God has subdued our former oppressors! Is there any doubt amongst you now that he is anything but a god?" the red headed mancub shouted with fanaticism.

His words were greeted with affirmative nods and murmurs from the assembled mancubs who continued to eye Kaa with apprehension. It had been an interesting turn of events; first Broduct's mancubs had returned to the camp to inform Broduct that all the sacrifices had escaped and before he could even discipline his mancubs and order them to round up more sacrifices Jojo returned followed by a Great Serpent who immediately hypnotized Broduct and his mancubs. Kaa scanned the minds of all the mancubs in the camp and with a smirk discovered that they were beginning to believe the words of the mancub called Jojo. After all they had never seen a predator like Kaa before who could hypnotize prey into an obedient state. In their minds how could the Great Python be anything other than one of the many deities of the jungle?

Jojo: "And what better fate could mancubs like ourselves ask for then to be devoured by the great snake god?"

Kaa was sure that they would all bolt at those words but amazingly they did not. Despite the obvious fear they had of the python they really did believe him to be a god, after all how could they as mere mancubs escape a god? With that in mind Kaa began to wrap his coils around the hypnotized Broduct while he began to unhinge his reptilian jaw in preparation for the meal to come. The python would spare the succulent mancub Jojo for now so as to keep the other mancubs around instead of risking them sneaking off back into the jungle. Besides the great snake had great plans for that red headed mancub, for who better then Jojo to start a religion centered on Kaa amongst the jungles mancubs then him? And when that red headed mancubs purpose was complete and the Cult of Kaa had been created then Kaa would grant Jojo his greatest desire: to be sent to the eternal sleep in the belly of the snake god Kaa. With that Kaa placed Broducts head into his mouth and began to swallow.


The mancub thrashed around fitfully in the embrace of the web all the while crying out for help from his comrades who were unable to hear him over the storm. Suddenly the mancub felt that he was no longer alone and in a second the swaying of the web confirmed his suspicions as a giant spider began to make its way lazily toward him.

Spider: "There is no more use in struggling little morsel. You are in my web now, lie still and I promise I will make your death as enjoyable as possible."

The spider was not surprised when the mancub began to struggle harder and waited patiently for the mancub to tire himself out. The mancub laid there panting in fear and exhaustion, and with that the spider moved in and quickly began to wrap the mancub up in webbing making sure to leave an air hole for the mancub and a second hole for his genitals to dangle out. Satisfied with his work the spider used his front two legs to stimulate the mancubs organ into erection. And when this was done began to slowly stroke the mancub off.

Spider: "You little morsels always struggle when logic says that your fate has already been sealed. Why is that I wonder? Ah well, I don't need an answer from you anyway as soon you won't even exist anymore. If you had stopped struggling when I told you to earlier I would have killed you ten minutes earlier and I would not have dragged out the process like I am doing now. Maybe your kin will listen to directions better then you did."

The mancubs penis ejaculated; sending streams of cum flying through the air. At that precise moment the Spider bit down into the mancub injecting him with venom that would eat away at him on the inside slowly turning him to liquid in a few minutes.

Spider: "Your punishment for not following my directions is to die in agony. If you had just laid still when I told you to then I would not have given you an air hole and I would have allowed you to suffocate in peace before I injected you with my venom, and I promise you no matter how much you beg for me to kill you now I won't for you see you did not follow my directions and now you must pay the consequences."

However the Spider found that he was unable to keep his promise as the mancubs anguished cries of pain and terror began to annoy him greatly and he was forced to cover the air hole with webbing thus smothering the mancub, the lack of air sending the mancub into blissful unconsciousness and in a few minutes, eternity.


Jinglen: "Help!" the fat mancub cried out before the Vine Cresh's tendril wrapped around his mouth.

It had been a disaster. Ranjan had led his tribe right into the middle of a grove of Vine Creshes. Only two of the tribe had managed to escape the grasping tendrils of the predators, the rest Ranjan included were being hoisted into the canopy to their doom. Ranjan looked desperately around hoping to see a means of escape but there was none. Storage vines moved into view their mancub cargo dangling vertically and swaying gently in the breeze.

Ranjan was no fool, he knew that those mancub bulges were dead. He also knew of how the Vine Cresh kills its prey. Soon he and all of his tribe would feel the burn of suffocation before the endless sleep claimed them all. A feeder vine opened and swallowed one of the mancubs. At this angle Ranjan had a perfect view as the mancub was quickly prepared and then deposited into one of the storage pods. The mancub hung perfectly vertical, legs together, arms at his side and with no air in the storage pod the pod stuck to the mancubs body like a green second skin. So tight was the mancubs airless prison that it showed off every single small detail of his body even the facial expressions of the doomed mancub. Ranjan watched as the combination of airlessness and stimulation from inside the pod brought the doomed mancub to an erection. The mancubs six inch malehood pressed against his thigh.

Doomed Mancub: "MMMMnnmph! NNn! GrrMMPHH! MNn!"

The mancub thrashed against his tight prison but with no air his struggles soon weakened. Soon all the mancub could do was softly wiggle and whimper.

Doomed mancub: "Mmmmph! NNNmph! NN! NN! N! NNmph! Nnnn. Mm. Nnnnnnn..."

Through the tight embrace of the vine Ranjan saw the mancubs penis twitch and with that the mancub quickly gave into death and went still. His body hung vertically, head to the sky and feet reaching for the ground that he would never touch again.

Sounds of dismay and suffocation surrounded Ranjan as each of the mancubs was devoured. Ranjan watched with horror as he watched Jinglen be swallowed by the Vine Cresh. So tight was his fleshy prison that for once his fat was actually unable to jiggle. But somehow despite his obesity Jinglen was able to put up a valiant struggle. But soon he grew tired and waited pathetically for death.

Jinglen: "MMmmph! Nrajanmph! Mii Nlove yoummph! Mmph! MMnn! Nnn! Nnmmph! Mm. mmmnph. Nnnnnn. NN. Nn. n....."

With that Jinglen fell still and just hung there. Though Ranjan could not see it under Jinglen's fat folds he knew that his fat lover had ejaculated one last time before he died.

Ranjan struggled against the tendrils as the Vine Cresh Swallowed him. Inside the feeder vine tiny tendrils forced Ranjan's arms against his side and his legs together and when that was done Ranjan heard a whooshing sound as all the air was expelled leaving him in a vacuum and the walls of the feeder vine tightened all around him forcing him to remain perfectly straight. Suddenly Ranjan felt a sudden feeling of motion sickness as the Vine Cresh began to move him to the storage vine. There was absolutely no air inside, none at all. The inside of the vine was moist and massaged Ranjan as he moved along. From somewhere Ranjan could here movement as one of the other mancubs still struggled within the storage vine even though it was useless. Ranjan felt himself deposited into a storage pod which quickly tightened around his body forcing him to be as straight as a nail. Ranjan hung there for a moment, his feet hanging towards the ground, his legs together, his arms held perfectly at his sides, his face looking straight ahead although there was nothing to see as no light penetrated his tight airless prison. He could see himself in his mind's eye; held perfectly vertical, arms at his side, legs together, feet pointing towards the ground, head towards the sky looking straight ahead into the branches of the canopy, every nook and cranny of his body on display for the jungle to see, and his penis slowly rising to attention thanks to the airlessness and stimulation from inside his moist prison.

Dimly Ranjan realized that the struggling he had heard earlier had stopped. All the other mancubs were dead. Now it was just him. And with that Ranjan began to thrash around within his prison, each thrash caused his body to rub against the walls of the storage vine which stimulated his skin and acted like an aphrodisiac. His lungs burned for the need of air but no matter how hard he tried no air reached him.

Ranjan: "Grrmmph! Mmmph! MMM! MMMM!"

Ranjan's head swam and his penis throbbed.

Ranjan: "MMMph! NNmph! NNNNN! NNNNNNNN! Mph!"

Stars swam across Ranjan's vision as he lost the strength to struggle, and began the process of waiting for death. The pod continued its stimulation of his entire body bringing him closer to his final ejaculation. Ranjan though dimly about what death could be like as he gave an involuntary twitch and ejaculated. His lungs burned but they did not hurt anymore, he felt like he was floating. Though no light of any kind penetrated Ranjan's prison Ranjan felt as if it had grown darker. His conciseness was quickly fading and it was becoming more difficult to think. He felt like he was sinking into darkness, an empty meaningless void that promised eternal nothingness with no pain or worries. A void that promised true eternal tranquility. With what little self awareness that Ranjan had left he thought back on his life and despite the mistakes that he had made found no regrets. He was content, but he would not just allow himself to be consumed by eternity meekly and although he no longer had the strength to move he would protest in the only way that he could. Ranjan the Mancub used the very last of the wasted air in his lungs to cry out one last time against the world hoping to leave some lasting impression upon the world that had spawned him.

Ranjan: "MMph! Mmmm. Nnn. NnnnNnnnn. Nnnnn. N........"

Ranjan felt his mind sink into the void and with that he knew no more. Ranjan the former mancub hung vertically in the pod, head to the sky, legs together, feet toward the ground, arms at his side and penis erect even in death.


Jojo lay upon the wooden alter in the middle of the mancub village, a smile plastered across his face as he gazed up into the eyes of his god Kaa. Jojo trembled in excitement for soon he would be honored by his god by serving as its meal. He would be swallowed whole and alive by the great snake god and sent to the eternal void in the stomach of the giant python. The other mancubs in the village had assembled around the alter; each held a small crudely carved idol of a snake with a mancub bulge in its gut. The mancubs began to chant as Kaa began to wrap Jojo up in his coils.

Mancubs: "Feed the snake, feed the snake, feed the snake and join the sleep of death."

Jojo: "My brethren head my last command! We are mancubs, the mains source of food in this world. It is our lot in life to support the food chain! It is our fate to be eaten by the Vine Cresh, Jungle Shark, Bear, Wolf, Spider and all things that dwell in the jungle. But there is no greater honor then to be devoured by the snakes."

The coils had finished wrapping around Jojo's waist but allowed the mancubs stiffening malehood to jut proudly out from amid the shifting coils. Kaa smirked at this and began to wrap up the stupid mancubs stomach making sure to pin his arms to his side.

Jojo: "It was the snakes that made this world, and all things have their place in it. We are food and will always be food. But what better fate could there be for food then to be devoured by the ones that created it?" Jojo stated as the coils wrapping up his chest and began to move up around his neck.

Kaa chuckled silently to himself at that statement. It had been he who fed Jojo that lie about the snakes being creator gods, one of the thousands of lies that he had fed the stupid mancub who in turn passed it along to the other mancubs. Kaa telepathically scanned all of the assembled mancubs brains and with joy found that they had bought all of the lies that he had told. His plans to create a religion centered on himself and to a lesser extent his species was a complete success. Jojo's purpose was almost over, but the python could not eat him yet. He still had one more use.

Jojo: "Here is my last command to you my brethren! Go forth into the world and spread these truths. Go forth and spread the Word of Kaa!" *Gluck!* and with those final words Jojo's purpose was complete and Kaa tightened his coils around Jojo's neck like a vice sealing off his words and his air.

Kaa unhinged his jaw and raised the red headed mancub up towards his end. The assembled mancubs watched in lust as Kaa began his meal by swallowing Jojo head first, the red headed mancub never lost his erection during the entire process. Soon a wiggling bulge traveled down toward the python's stomach where it continued to move for a few minutes before finally falling still. The spectacle over most of the mancubs began to break off and head into the jungle in different direction intent to spread this new religion to all the mancubs of the world. A few mancubs remained behind assembling themselves into a line in front of Kaa waiting for their turns to be devoured. Kaa smiled as he looked over the remaining mancubs before he began to wrap his coils around the first one in line.

Kaa: "What is your name mancub?"

The mancub looked up into the eyes of his god and responded "Rypt my lord, my name is Rypt and I hope that my body pleases thee of Great and Powerful Creator."

With that Kaa smacked his chops and began the first of many meals.


Baloo and Bagheera never found the mancub Ranjan but their search set them upon many adventures that eventually led to love between the two but that is a story for another time.

Jojo's mancubs spread throughout the jungle world spreading their new religion amongst the other mancub tribes. Every year each tribe sends one of their number to Kaa's dwelling place as a sacrifice to please their new god.

Kaa eventually discovered the fate of Ranjan and though he had wanted to eat the former mancub himself he decided that in the end it didn't matter as thanks to the new religion he now never needed to hunt for mancubs again. Kaa would live five million years and sire many offspring all of whom benefited from the mancubs new snake worshipping religion.

King Louie would found a mighty empire for the monkeys that would come to dominate the trade of domesticated mancubs.

Shere Kahn would attempt to copy Kaa and create a religion centered around himself but before he could set that plan in action he was run over by a heard of water buffalo.

Three hundred years later the last of the humans went extinct except for their cousins the Mancubs who would endure as a food source for all the animals of the jungle planet for as long as the world lasted.