Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#1 of WindSwept Adventure

This is my first-ever serious attempt outside of lame school assignments at first-person narration. This is the story that was going to be my from-scratch Spyro and Cynder fanstory that ended up failing.

If you're under 18 years of age, OUT!!! Point that little thing called the cursor at the big red "X" up there in the corner of the window, or go Google something.

PRELUDE this thing working? Oh there we go. Hi, I'm Gale...and this is...what is this thing? Guess I'll call it my QuantuJournal. I'm a whiz with computers but I've never understood this "quantum" crap...OH CRAP IT'S STILL RECORDING!!!

Ummm...nevermind all that. I'm Gale, Gale Mortsleam. Pronounced "mort-slam"..."Maelstrom" spelled backwards...yeah...lame joke real name is Froststar, but even when I was young my parents called me Gale and it kinda stuck. In case you're wondering, I'm recording this through telepathy using this newfangled "quantum autobiographical biological-imprint automating journal"...why they had to name it something so tongue-twisting I will never understand, probably to make themselves seem smart or something...

Anyway, I digress, I gotta stop doing that seeing how this is recording everything I think. A few quick notes on this journal:

1) As I get used to this machine, I may inadvertently switch between first-person and third-person view. Now let me say this; it's not always my fault! There's a known cross-referencing bug with this technology that will write events in third person by combining two journal entries from two different users who decide to coordinate events. It won't keep first-person, it's not sophisticated enough yet. Sometimes I will switch my thinking to third-person view and let it read my memory, but at some moments when I regain control of the storyline (or if I wake up) it'll automatically switch to first-person. Apologies in advance to anyone who accesses this data entry. Also, whenever you see italicized entries amid the text, that's my thoughts. I'll make a point to say "note:" if I'm adding a thought to the story flow, otherwise if it's not there assume that it's my thoughts at the time in the story.

2) A note on who you're reading about. You probably typed "dragon" into the keyword search and found this, or were redirected from someone who likes dragons. Yes, I and my associates are dragons. Quadruped dragons at that. I know there's a race out there termed "anthro" or whatever...creatures shaped like "humans"...what the hell a human is I have no clue...ANYway, we are quadrupeds. To get a better picture of us...oh damn, how do I explain this... well, you've no doubt got some idea of what a dragon looks like---frickin' big fire-breathing lizard with wings and horns. To an extent, that's us. We're pretty slim in physique, although older dragons have longer wings and heavier bodies. Unlike many quadrupedal dragons seen in stories, we have opposable thumbs on our forepaws, but walk on our fingers like most animals. For many, that should explain how we put on armor and such. We can't efficiently walk on our hind legs, but we can stand and take a few steps (comes in damn handy when fighting!) Oh, so that's how I do parentheticals on this...(cool!) oh crap I can't delete it...DAMMIT STOP RECORDING FOR A SECOND!!! Damn...oh well, now that I've screwed that up...further notes. A lot of us dragons have horns in the back of our skulls, either at the back of the head or extending up and back from the sides atop the cranium. A lot of us have "fin-scales", or just "fins", running along the neck and back---females, as a rule, have many, forming a "hair"-like appearance. Males have spiky fines that are often shaped or naturally decorated, unlike the plain fins of females which sweep back a hell of a lot farther than they do for us guys. Good thing, too...I'd rather not have all that in the way when throwing myself around in combat. Another thing: unlike reptiles, our eyes have whites when we look around. An important fact. Some who have read about us keep seeing us as big lizards that have to turn our heads in order to see through our large, unmovable mono-color eyes. Whoever thinks that...get outta here. We have eyes like yours.

3) I'm an ice dragon. Yes, I know, my name suggests wind... My parents knew I'd be an ice dragon, but when I was a baby my first breath attack was a sharp blast of air. Not very common but it's been known to happen with ice dragons, they get the energy behind the breath but the ice doesn't manifest. Don't ask me how dragon-breath works, it just does. No one's really been able to figure it out even the advanced research abilities of technology...

4) I'm not at the end of my adventure yet...I've had time to sit back and rest and thought I'd chronicle everything now in case something happens. I'll make a note of when I reach the present...entries after that are gonna be interesting to set up.

5) If you're not of appropriate age (I heard it's 18 in human years?) yay another parenthetical statement...If you're not old enough, you shouldn't be reading this. Part of my chronicle here involves...oh geez, I hate I frickin' blushing?! Holy crap...anyway, in this story you'll no doubt come across cross-referenced encounters of to say this...dammit...okay, I have sex with someone else! Holy crap, that looks even worse in text...Damn this automation! If it were recording my current body functions I'm pretty much a nervous wreck about revealing this...yes, I've mated with someone, I'm not a virgin....hell, why not say it now? I'm a sex-freak! And it's annoying at times! But everything worked out pretty damn happily so I guess it's all good. I hope my mate doesn't read this, let alone anyone related to me...oh shit, why am I getting horny over this? OH CRAP!!! How do I turn this thing off?! DAMMIT, I'm ruining this and I can't go back and edit it...

I'd better log off somehow and end this before I worsen it even further. Maybe I can re-record over it when I've had time to think about what to say...well, I'll leave you with this and progress to Part 1 after I go and get rid of this "personal issue"... there's another note, and I hate having to say this but there's no other way but to put it bluntly...when we dragons suspect another is masturbating we say they're having "personal issues". Great, now I've totally perverted this entry...


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