Gnoll chapter 7 kinda

Story by Strato Nimbus on SoFurry

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#2 of Gnoll

It's not much yet but I just wanted to show that we are still working on this story

Chapter 7 Decisions

You are the author of your own fate, so choose well for your decisions determine all.

Nothing, an entire city gone, turned to ash. So many dead all to light a beacon of warning that would never be seen. The sorrow was too much for him as he looked down on the ruined city from his vantage point in the tower. His vision blurred as tears can to his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. Myrana pressed into his side with her snout upturned and gently licked his cheek trying to comfort him.

"I know how you feel master but we really must go it is not safe here." Myrana whined.

Atin looked down and saw his mate's look of panic and knew she was right. There would be time to mourn later but he could not afford to tarry here. He must warn the king or his family had died for nothing and the only way to do that fast enough was to scale the mountain, however the quickest most definitely not the safest.

"Come on Myrana, let's gather our things and leave this place behind while I still have the will to." Atin whispered.

Myrana nodded silently her eyes fixed on his trying to gauge his emotions she could see true pain and misery within his eyes but also anger, a deep embedded hatred for the creature that had slaughtered his family. Not just for the creature itself but for all who would call this demon their ally. She knew it would be best not to bother him at this time but she needed to get him away from this horrid place, take him somewhere quiet to calm him some lest he do someting foolish in his rage.