First Lessons

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#5 of Born Anew

Sorry for the long wait on updates. I've been having a lot of trouble with my last trucking company; and to that, had to change jobs. I wont go into details as to why I had to quit, but know that I'm getting back into the writing gig and will upload more and more often.



After the little one had finished off his meal of fish, she allowed Latias to come over and start making friends with her little one. It was absolutely comical to when Latias had first interacted with her little one as Latias just seemed to scrunch up her face and let out a squeal, "He's so cute!", then fly on over to him, scoop him up into a big hug, then began to nuzzle his cheek with coo's and giggles. The look on his face showed it all as his eyes bugged out and he let a frightened squeal of his own.

When I'd first seen this new...thing here, I was a little worried. This new thing was vastly different from what the big thing and me looked like and I was a slight bit intimidated by that. Who or what was this thing and what did this thing intend to do while it was here? Though all that had changed when the thing let out a squeal and scooped me up into it's arms and mash me to it's chest in a deep hug as it flew around squealing something I couldn't understand in my ear. I was so shocked by the suddenness of the things actions that I just remained stiff to it all and started to look around for the larger me for help.

I couldn't help but laugh as I worked on a new pool at the scene before me. Latias was spinning around and around while tightly hugging the frightened little one to her chest. The sheer shock that was in his eyes at the whole event was priceless. Though normally I would've interfered saying that she was frightening the little one, I couldn't stop smiling at the playfulness of it all. She didn't intend the little one harm after all and this was the first other Pokemon that he'd ever seen, so he'd have to get used to strangers one way or another, and this was probably not exactly the best way but still better than some other introductions that he'd get in the future. With that I turned back to the small depression that I'd made and used my psychic abilities a little more to finish the pool then carve out a channel from the entry pool to funnel some water into this one.

After spinning the little one around for a while longer in my little rant of how cute it was, I finally calmed myself down a little and held him out at arms length to get a good look at him. It was strange to think that this little Lugia was once a human and her trainer so long ago. Now he was a miniature version of Lorelei and a male of the Lugia species. His eyes were still bugging out from being so thoroughly surprised and they had a bit of a wild look to them as his eyes couldn't seem to stop to look at one thing. I barely had enough time to set him down before his senses came back and he nipped me on one of my claws as I pulled away from him. At first I didn't know what to do as he just used his sharp beak to bite down on my claw, but started to laugh at the sight as memories of fishermen who had a fish on their hooks looked so similar to what he was looking like right now. "Look at this Lorelei, I caught myself a baby Lugia." I said as I turned to Lorelei, lifted up my hand so that he was now totally off the ground, and showed her while he was wiggling like a fish on a hook.

I'd just finished the little pool when I heard Latias call out to me. So turning slowly to look at what she was so mirth about, I looked at what she had dangling at the end of her claw. Doing a double take between her and the little one dangling from her claw, I just stared in disbelief until I fell over laughing. It was all to much to take as the little one was also growling under his breath while wiggling his whole body from her claw tip. After a good laugh at this I slowly got back to my feet, wiped at the tears that had formed in my eyes, and let out a little giggle again as she shook her clawed hand a little and made him sway a bit in midair.

It was all so confusing to me as I continued to clamp down upon that claw with my mouth. My bite seemed to have the complete opposite effect that I'd intended so I just bit down a little harder. Maybe this will teach her to scare me like that, I thought but I only grew more angry as I could see the smile on this things face. Eventually this thing slowly lowered me to the ground, used it's other clawed hand to push at my head, and made me loose my bite and let the claw go. Once I knew that I couldn't bite down upon her again, I quickly scampered across the floor and hid behind the larger me and hissed at the other thing in a mocking intimidation kind of way.

"Now now little one. Our friend Latias is here to visit and there's no need to be nasty to her." Lorelei said as she snaked around her long head and looked down at the little one who was hiding behind her right leg. "Why don't you try out that new pool that I've made for you, Hmm? It should be filled by now and it's deep enough for you to splash around in." With that I reached down with my wing, scooped up the little one and was glad for this once that he didn't fight me when I picked him up, and deposited him at the edge of the new pool. Once I'd set him down at the fringe, he looked long and hard at the waters surface, then started to bat at the waters surface with his tail at first, then his wing with a glee filled chirp. He did this for a few times and then stop to await for the waters surface to settle, then go back to batting at the water. I really couldn't help but join in the fun of playing with the little one as I snuck a wingtip behind him and gave his rear a nice good flick which sent him end over end into the shallow pool.

It seemed to be my day for surprises as I moved head over tail and into the pool with a bit of a splash. Not being used to water yet, I started to flail around in there, sending water splashing about and all over the place. It was only for a little while until my brain finally realized that my feet were touching something and placed my feet down. Once my feet were touching the bottom of the pool did I realize that when I stood up in the pool the waters level only came up to just above my stomach. A blue like blush started to appear on my face at realizing my foolishness and was doubled when I heard both the larger things start to laugh as well.

"Isn't he just the cutest thing!" Latias said as she quickly headed over to scoop up the little one and give it another hug, but was stopped mid flight by one of Lorelei's wings/hands in her way.

"I think that he has had enough of your hugs for one day," She said as she giggled a little at the memory of the result of her last hug that she'd given him. "Next time he might actually nip you where you'll actually feel it." This got both of them to laugh quite pleasantly at the thought of the little one biting her on the wing or her tiny feet.

After all that, time seemed to skip forward a bit. Lorelei would increase the depth of the small pool as she saw the little one get more and more comfortable with the depth and allowed her little one to experience what it was like to swim, then onto how to hold your breath for extended periods of time outside of the pool which was later applied to doing that under the water of the small pool, and finally came the big plunge a few hours after all that had been applied and mastered.

"Today is a very special day for you, my son. Today is the day that you learn of the world outside of this cave." She looked down at her little one as he looked up at her with his tail swishing around the ground. "You must remain by my side the entire time and don't go swimming off. I will be very cross with you if you were to do such."

Looking up at the bigger me, I listened to everything it had to say. Though through it all I couldn't get the thought of, 'OUTSIDE' out of my mind. I thought that I was going to go for another swim in my much to small pool again, but was surprised when it moved to the larger pool and then turned to beckon me over. I slowly moved over to the pool and waited, nervously. I had gone over to this pool many times and each and every time that I did so the larger me would throw up a big fuss and scold me for what seemed like forever. Though this time was different, the bigger me was actually wanting me to go with it to the big pool. So taking another few steps towards the bigger me, I stopped at the edge and looked down at the water.

Every so often I'd come over here when the bigger me was out, and marvel at the clearness of this pool. Though what really caught my attention, was the way that at the bottom of the pool was what looked like an exit. Many times I puzzled at that thought and wondered what or where that tunnel at the bottom of the pool led. I didn't have long to ponder my thoughts as the bigger me surprised me yet again with a flick of it's wing that sent me crashing head first into the larger pool.

'I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of doing that to him.' Lorelei thought to herself with a bit of a chuckle in her mind as she watched her little one splash around the water for a little while, until she used her massive wing/hand as an underwater platform and lifted him up a little. He sputtered a little while and once he'd gotten all the water out of his lungs from his unexpected plunge, he looked up at her with a very unhappy/peeved look. "You should've been expecting that." She said with a bit of glee in her voice at the look that he gave her.

That had to be the one most irritating thing about the bigger me. It always loved to dump me into he water with little to no warning whatsoever and then watch me do an imitation of a Magicarp. I had to scold myself as well at the bigger me's comment though, I really needed to remember that the bigger me loved to do that and this time was no different. So when I left my strange feet touch something under the water I looked down and saw that I was standing on the bigger me's wing. Once I realized that I could stand I shot a irritated look at the bigger me, but saw that my look only made it smile a little more and a chuckle escape it's mouth. I'll show it. I thought as I saw the bigger me's eyes close to wipe away a tear, did I quickly dive into the larger pool and head for the tunnel under the water.

After wiping away a tear from laughing a bit at her little one's antics in the water, did she realize that her wing didn't feel as if their was anything on it any longer. Confused a bit at that, she opened her eyes again only to see that her son was no longer on her wing/hand and that the water around it looked slightly disturbed. 'He wouldn't.' Was her only thought as she did a quick scan around the room, thinking that he'd just go off and sulk somewhere as he would do some times when she did that to him.

He wasn't anywhere in his normal hiding spots, which left the...pool!

Quickly searching around herself to see if he was just kidding behind her, she began to become frantic in her search. Finally it dawned on her that he knew how to swim now, and she quickly sucked in a deep breath of air and dove under the water. 'He's going to get such a spanking for this.' She thought as she quickly headed for the underwater exit. Just as she turned the last bend in the tunnel did she catch just a glimpse of his tail as it pulled around just outside/water exit. With a quick pull of her wing/hands she pulled herself a little further along. 'I'm going to give him such a scare that he's never going to leave my sight again!' She thought in anger, but it was betrayed by a slight smirk at the corner of her mouth at the thought of how scared he was going to become when she pulled on his tail.