Customer Service Chapter 1

Story by star dragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Customer Service

I realized recently that I haven't written anything in a long time, and since Endium gave me the go ahead to play in his sandbox I figured I'd forge ahead with this one that I had left on the shelf some time ago.

If you're at all familiar with his work, then you'll know exactly what a story based on it will entail. So here we have a job seeker... let's find out who's hiring, shall we?Enduring Technologies, its logo and all related concepts belong to Endium Vultan

Customer Service

I nervously looked through my resume on the datapad again. It was only the thousandth time, one more couldn't hurt. My mugshot flashed across the screen as I opened the file again. The screen actually rendered the russet shade of my long, stylishly curled fur quite nicely. It was typical of Irish Setters, but I still liked to think that mine was special. I tapped the screen and proofread my details one more time. Though my education and credentials were solid, my job history wasn't too impressive. A long string of "whatever I can get" and other desperate decisions, held together with a dose of unemployment benefits. The job market was tough these days...

That was why I was so excited when Enduring Technologies called me back. I'd heard that they were always hiring, but I never expected such a prompt response. They seemed very accommodating and quite interested in me right off the bat. It was odd, companies are never this up-front about their interest in you. It's just part of good negotiating; the 'we don't need you, you need us' angle. Their interest seemed genuine though. I can't imagine that they'd trust just anyone with a fancy piece of tech like this for a job interview.

I ran my hands down the edge of the device, such smooth, clean lines and solid construction. I mean, they were an advanced biotech firm. Of course they're going to have all the new, cutting edge gadgets, but this was still an impressive piece of work. The touchscreen interface was intuitive and there was a camera at the top for streaming video and teleconferences. They didn't give me a cord for it, but it never seemed to lose power. It didn't even have an indicator for battery life that I could find. If I got to play with all the nice toys like this one, I might really come to enjoy this job.

I looked around the little cafe again. It was an inviting place, despite the fact that its decor followed the austere, functional style that this company is so well known for. Having the job interview at the on-site employee cafe was an odd choice. The staff here were quite friendly though, quick to ask if I needed anything or to answer my questions. They all did their best to quell my fears about the interview. A number of them seemed quite resolutely convinced that they had a place for me here. My anxiety died down a bit, for a second to two anyway, and then I checked the time again.

"Quarter till..." I whispered to myself. "He's not late, no need to panic quite ye-"

"Miss Fowler?"


I jumped at the voice from behind me, almost completely out of my chair. I stood slowly, trying to make the movement seem natural. I turned to see a Dalmatian in a suit approaching with a concerned look on his face.

"Michael Sutton, Personnel Resources," he said, extending his hand.

"Oh. Um... hi." Smooth... I shook his hand. "I mean, yes! I'm Andrea Fowler. We spoke on the phone."

"Of course, it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Fowler," he said as he took a seat across from me. "Are you feeling well?"

"Oh, yes I'm doing quite well. You startled me is all..."

"Hmm, I'll keep in mind to approach from the front in the future." He looked up as a vulpine waitress approached to take our order. "Two Swedish Spiced Cardamom... one of them decaf."

He glanced at me as he added that, making my fur ruffle in a blush. I really needed to learn how to calm down.

"I'm sorry, I'm just-"

"First impressions are important, Miss Fowler. I understand, but you needn't concern yourself overmuch. One of the things that I've always really liked about Enduring Technologies is its relaxed atmosphere."

"With luck, it'll rub off on me."

"Certainly. I've seen a lot of employees here develop themselves in surprising ways in their time here. I'm sure that you could become one of them. Or at least I will be. You completed the questionnaire I trust?"

"Yes, I gave as much detail as I could," I said, handing him the datapad they had given me so that he could review it.

"Well let's see here then..." he said, plugging his access card into the device and tapping the screen a few times to peruse the results.

It was a few moments before I realized I had been holding my breath. I didn't even know how long it had been. Long enough to prepare our drinks, apparently. You'd think that putting together such a fancy beverage would take a little longer... I concentrated on getting my lungs back into a normal rhythm as I watched Mr. Sutton read, casually sipping from his mug as he did so. He spoke after a minute or two, without taking his eyes from the screen.

"Oh don't mind me. I'm quite adept at multitasking, you know. Is there anything you'd like to ask about your prospective position?"

"Oh, well I..." I honestly couldn't think of anything to ask about the job. I had gotten so worked up about it I was losing little details like that. I blurted out the first question that popped into my head. "That survey certainly spent a lot of time assessing my personality..."

"Hm, yes," he replied, flipping through another readout, graphs and reports reflecting in his glasses; images that I never saw on there when I was using it. "You're screening for a position as a receptionist. You'll be the first person that a lot of potential customers and business partners will see when they come to do business here. We want to be sure that you can adequately represent us."

"You make being a secretary sound so important..."

"I assure you that if a position wasn't important, it would not exist."

I took a cautious sip from the steaming mug in front of me. It was a very dark roast, I was expecting something thick and bitter. It was actually quite smooth and aromatic. The spices reminded me ever so slightly of pumpkin pie, but much lighter. It had been a long time since I'd had a prepared cup of coffee I didn't need to add anything to, but this one seemed perfect as is.

"Wow, this is pretty good!"

"It ought to be for what we pay to import it," he said, sipping his own cup. "But, only the finest for our employees!"

"You certainly know how to roll out the red carpet. Do you really need people that badly?"

"I don't know as I'd say that, but we do need quite a significant boost in manning for the New Sensations project. Just because we're not desperate though, that's no reason not to make prospective recruits feel welcome."

"I guess so... What is it that you're reading so intently? My resume isn't too long, is it?"

"Oh, no it's perfectly in order, I'm sure you're quite qualified. I'm much more interested in the results of your personality assessment."

"I don't know how much that thing is going to tell you," I commented. "It seemed kind of superficial. Lots of questions about relationships and such, some of them very personal, but honestly it felt kind of like a quiz you'd find in Cosmo."

"Perhaps..." he said, cryptically. "Have you ever heard that the eyes are the window into the soul?"

"Yes, how does that relate exactly?"

"This camera," he said, pointing to the tiny lens at the top of the device "tracked your eye movements and other facial cues while you were answering the questionnaire, looking for 'tells' the same way a poker player would. Your reactions to the questions can be as telling as the answers themselves. More so in many cases. Watch this."

He turned the device towards me and I saw my face on the screen, colored markers tracking my eyes, ears and the corners of my mouth, among other facial features.

"Now, a question..." he said. "So, you are a top in bed, correct?"

"Excuse me? What does that-" I was interrupted by a beep from the machine and a window popping up on the screen.

"Hmm, bottom then. Interesting," he said as he looked the screen over.

"What? How... how would you know that?"

"Well, you just told me. You responded not just with surprise and offense at the question, but with the barest hint of indignation at what I implied by how I phrased it, meaning that you prefer to be between the bed and-"

"Mister Sutton!"

"Well, if you insist..." he intoned, raising an eyebrow.

He no longer needed an advanced program to read my current expression.

"I do apologize. The assessment works best if I choose a provocative topic, that way the program gets a readily apparent reaction to analyze."

"Hmph, well do try to be a bit more sensible with your demonstrations in the future."

"Of course. I meant no offense."

That was completely inappropriate, but I couldn't risk blowing up about it and ruining my chances here. I let it slide with slightly gritted teeth.

"Yes, well... It was a suitably... dramatic demonstration," I said, trying to be congenial. "So... what else does that little camera have to say about me?"

"Quite a few things, actually. I do quite like what I'm seeing here. Though it looks to me as if something having to do with your response to question five prompted you to lie about question seven."

"I... don't know what you mean."

I heard another beep. Damn that camera!

"Oh, I believe you do," he stated, tapping the screen to access the data he wanted. He turned the pad back towards me so that I could see the question. "Question five: 'Are you currently involved in a romantic relationship?' Your response was 'no' and that was accurate, but you reacted with some strong, rather aggressive emotions to the question. You were in a relationship up until recently I'm guessing?"

"I-I... yes." I had been exposed, may as well fess up now. "I broke up with my ex about a month ago. He was a nice guy. Emphasis on 'was'. It wasn't until we started dating that I realized what a creep he was."

"Hmm, quite. Just a few weeks and you're already calling him 'my ex'. Sounds like it's good news that that's over."

"Most certainly," I stated. "Over and done with."

Another beep. I growled reflexively at the cheeky little device.

"Now, don't get upset. It's just doing its job, and helping me do mine. Lying on your application is a pretty big deal, you know. I've got to make sure you're not trying to conceal anything pertinent."

I reigned in my reactions. He had a point. I did lie, and being difficult about it now would only hurt my chances.

"So, question seven: 'Do you currently reside with anyone else at your home?' The truth is definitely not 'no', but what is it?"

"Why don't you tell me?" I scoffed.

"Hmm. It can read emotions and spot lies, but it can't read minds."


"We're working on that though," he added with a wink.

Seeing as I'd been backed into a corner, I may as well come clean.

"Alright. I still live with my ex. I want nothing more than to get away from him but I... can't afford to move out at the moment... He says he's just being nice, but I think he's only letting me stay because he thinks he still has a chance with me."

"Ah, a very tough spot to be in. You were worried this would make us see you as a liability."

"Yes. Please don't think less of me. I only-"

"Relax. That shouldn't be a problem much longer. I believe that your signing bonus will allow you to comfortably afford your own accommodations."

"Signing bonus? But there wasn't any... y-you mean I'm-?"

"I believe that you are exactly the kind of person that we're looking for, and I'm prepared to make an offer."

"I'll take it!" I nearly shouted.

"I like the enthusiasm, but there are formalities to be considered," he said, tapping a few things out on the pad. "I've drawn up a revised contract that includes a sizable signing bonus. If you'd approve it, you can start as soon as you're able."

"Of course!" I said, taking the pad and perusing the contract.

Not much had changed, though I'll admit to being a little distracted by the number next to 'signing bonus' and the description of my tenure. To hell with all the little details! I would have a steady, well-paying job for once in my life. Fantastic! I got to the end of the contract quite fast in my excitement, but I was still ready to agree to it.

"Where do I sign?"

"Place your palm on the screen," he instructed. "Look into the camera lens and read the statement across the top."

I did as he instructed, the pad registering my hand as it displayed the final agreement.

"I, Andrea Fowler, agree to abide by the terms set forth in this contract for as long as I am employed with Enduring Technologies." I said. The screen flashed a confirmation, and with a deep breath, I tapped 'agree'.

"Welcome aboard, Miss Fowler," he said, extending his mug in a toast.

"Oh, thank you so much!" I said as I enthusiastically brought my mug to his, nearly slopping hot coffee all over. "You don't know how much this opportunity means to me."

"Oh I believe that we both stand to benefit greatly from this," he said, draining the last of his coffee.

I took a sip from mine as well, tasting a strange bitter tang in it. I swirled the dark liquid around a bit to look for sediments. It looked like there was another layer beneath the surface, something even thicker and darker than the black coffee I was drinking.

"I think this coffee is- ACK!"

I tilted the mug towards me and saw the dark layer suddenly move. I dropped the mug in surprise and the stringy black mass splattered all over me. Only the top inch or so had been coffee. The rest was this weird black sludge. It felt so strange against my skin. My skin? How did it soak through my fur so quickly?

"Eew! What is this stuff?"

"One of our products," Mr. Sutton stated as he casually stood, putting the datapad under his arm. "Apparently it was activated when you pressed 'accept'. It was all very clearly spelled out in that contract you buzzed through in five seconds. You really should read such things more carefully."

"What? I agreed to-"

I looked down at my chest. The ooze shot out a tendril that re-liquefied against my mouth. I clenched my jaws instinctively, but it only had the effect of cementing my mouth shut. I clawed at the now writhing mass on my blouse, but it was quickly wrapping around me, eating through my clothes. My hands became coated in the stuff and were stuck fast in seconds. My struggles succeeded only in tipping me from my chair.

I felt a daze come over me, my head swimming for reasons that I didn't think were related to hitting the floor. My limbs became heavy, and soon even my strongest effort couldn't so much as knock the table over. My thoughts dragged as my body stilled. Really, really? That coffee wasn't just full of mutant sludge, it was drugged too? What did I get myself into? What... kind of... place... is this...

My head slumped against the floor as my mind began to fade. I saw Mr. Sutton's paws as he walked away with a spring in his step.

"Enjoy your new position, Miss Fowler."